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Syrian War Report – February 28, 2018: US Reportedly Strikes Govt Forces, Syrian Army Responds

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Early on February 27, reports appeared that aircraft of the US-led coalition had carried out strikes on government forces at the village of Salhiya in the province of Deir Ezzor. According to pro-government sources, the SAA responded by launching anti-aircraft missiles at the aircraft attacking their positions.

Later on the same day, reports appeared about sporadic clashes near the CONOCO gas plant between troops of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and US-backed forces.

On February 28, the situation in the area remained unclear, with neither side providing an official statement commenting on the reports. However, it clearly showed a high level of tensions in the area.

Also on February 27, the SAA and the Republican Guard advanced on positions of Ahrar al-Sham and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) in the Ajami district of Eastern Ghouta. According to pro-government sources, government troops captured a major part of it. On February 28, clashes continued there.

Separately, fighting was also reported in Nashabiyah which remained contested despite previous reports that it had been liberated by the Tiger Forces.

In the province of Idlib, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is still involved in fierce fighting with the so-called Syrian Liberation Front (SLF), a coalition of Ahrar al-Sham and Nour al-Din al-Zenki. Recently, the SLF has captured over 20 localities from HTS. Both sides use various types of military equipment and artillery pieces.

Some local sources speculate that Turkey is using the SLF to establish full control over HTS and to re-brand it once again, absorbing the terrorist group into the newly created coalition.

In the Afrin area, clashes continued but the Turkish Armed Forces and the Free Syrian Army achieved no notable progress against the Kurdish YPG.

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Zainab Ali

all illegal occupiers should be eliminated by the syrian coalition asap


Would be nice BUT not going to happen, as long as that FAKE entity called Israel exists


What the flippen hell has Israel to do with Syrian domestic war!? Israel only defend themselves against unprovoked attacks from terrorist groups. Its any countries right to defend themselves.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Israel, as well as the Saudis, supply their weapons and funding.


The Syrians keep capturing Israeli arms and it is no secret Israel flies aircover for these terrorists and treats their wounds in their military hospitals.


There are so many things wrong with your argument, I cannot waste my time with you but keep reading my comments, if you are not an ASHKENAZI scum you’ll learn something from me. I do notice you have only 27 comments to your account meaning you are VERY NEW here on Disqus, at least, under the handle “JCS”, and more than likely a Zionist TROLL

Zionists don’t learn well, but keep trying

Be good now


Israel wants to steal a big chunk of Syria, and Lebanon. Israelis were commanding ISIS from day one.


It is no coincidence that all this warring in the “MIddle East” started immediately after 1947

Gosh, Golly Gee, what happened in 1947

One thing I can say, 2 years later, in 1949, my Irish Brothers beat the hell out of those Zionist British forces, in spite of outnumbering us, 100 to 1.

We used Guerrilla WAR FARE tactics and almost got thir Queeny, in her bed and that did it ( which the Palestinians should be using) and we created our own REPUBLIC




Are you for real? Israel is a tiny little country that has been given lots of toys to kill people same as US now in Syria What is more important is can Israel even dare to fight in Syria door to door?

I doubt so and neither are you dare to enter syria


Sorry about your English COMPREHENSION problem but You’re welcome and return again AFTER your REMEDIAL course


If you can’t respond, don’t use this flimsy excuse . LMAO loser


Do you have a Martyr complex?

You are proving what I just said about you !

Tom Tom

I dare you to enter Compton neighborhood, white manski.

Tom Tom

we’re already in Syria, Joe, so there. marching to Pretoria. Oops, wrong turn.


Very well done SAA. Just show to the US their dirty job won’t be so easy in Syria. Just humiliate them as you have already humiliated the former “Almighty” Israël. Pull them down their pinnacle.

You can call me Al

You need to watch BBC World – the Yanks know they are losing and now trying the propaganda stunt ……effing hilarious.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

You know, if it wasn’t so deadly and evil, I’d laugh, too. I just can’t laugh, any more.

You can call me Al

You either laugh or cry, your choice. They are insane.


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Never read BbC news. They are among the first group of fake news with Guardian, CNN etc acting in concert

Just why these morons help terrorists

j. jaxson

you are so correct. all it takes is a fake video these days and you have a bunch of believers. f’n nuts.


i went to BBC, clicked on middle-east and it’s fake news diarrhoea party indeed… LOL who the hell runs this show? some f*ck dotards with 3+ heart transplants, i presume

You can call me Al

I totally agree.

John Veitch

Perhaps a kiddy or two in their laps. Regards.


and effing sickening.

John Veitch

Can you please send some links.Regards

You can call me Al

????…its the BBC, you can search it.


John Veitch

Never watch tv.

You can call me Al

Good for you John.

Samantha Green



It cannot be a RIGHT to Murder.

When you can prove that a FETUS is NOT a Human being I will agree with you BUT if you are a Zionist Jew, of course you believe only those of your faith are Humans and the rest of humanity are :”GOY” (Cattle) and can be killed anytime and anywhere, YOU please, including in the womb

Yes I am VERY familiar with the TALMUD and I notice you left out ISRAEL in your assertion.

Samantha Green

I believe Israel has ABORTION RIGHTS already and even defends them in Golan and parts of the West Bank, but I would love more information on the state of Israeli abortion rights since Likud has not been advancing them recently and may have hindered them, as has Trump (hence my naming Guantanamo, a us military base without abortion rights on territory contested by a nation, Cuba, which defends ABORTION RIGHTS!


You must take the time to learn the DIFFERENCE between LAWFUL and LEGAL; RIGHTS and PRIVILEGES

Now with GOOGLE censoring everything by different tactics it will be a difficult research

ALL Governments deceive the people by using those words INTERCHANGEABLY, when, in fact, they are NOT interchangeable

Samantha Green



Nice way of avoiding the word “MURDER”

Tom Tom

Sorry, Sam, but nope. Murdering your baby is not a right. Only mind-controlled freaks think like that.


Your sentiments are correct BUT Israel will, UNFORTUNATELY keep winning ,inch by inch because Rothschild , the Zionist creator of Israel,has the money to last virtually forever

It will get worse until WE finally lose and then the second Bolshevik WAR will start ,this time not against just Christians, whom Jews hate the most, but ALL of mankind

Get prepared :

HELLSTORM- The Fire-Bombing of German cities, including and especially Dresden. Please note that there is much INTERFERENCE Censoring with those parts of the video Narrative and Video that the Zionist Jews don’t wan’t you to hear or view.You’ll notice that Germans were literally CRUCIFIED. When you know who Crucified Christ, using Roman proxies, you will know who crucified those Germans. If you know the TALMUD, you will also know the HATRED Jews have for Christianity : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck-TEamhLBk&bpctr=1519857431

Not one Western media reported ANY of that, nor did school history teachers ever talk about it. I am Atheist by the way and have no “dog in the race”…only TRUTH. Be prepared because this SAME Real Holocaust , by JEWS once again, is coming. Only this time to ALL of HUMANITY’S non Jews

Those who do NOT know History are DOOMED to REPEAT it and it has started already and very few even notice, as I witness from the comments here.

John Veitch

Hullo freespirit. I am afraid that I couldn`t take it all at one go. Churchillites are going bonkers about some film award or other. I will have try and watch the last half. Sometimes there are no words. Pip Pip.


Yes it is difficult to watch but happy to see you are trying whereas no one else in this thread is.

They will pay a terrible price for their ignorance

How can I tell- no upvotes.


As I have stated several times the actual WAR started in 1947 and this is just a continuation of “War by DECEPTION”

Israeli ROTHSCHILD is playing the game of ATTRITION. Therein lies the SOLUTION, but everyone is ignoring it so they will “Reap what they sow”

How long can Syria,. Iraq, Iran etc hold out against the Rothschild TRILLIONS of dollars, which can buy that family ANYTHING including virtually UNLIMITED Mercenaries and time !

Can Syria?

You can call me Al

Who does not have a Rothschild’s central bank ? – 3 left without them, have a guess without looking it up and then it will all fall in place.


I already know that but thanks for the “reminder” :-)

Christian Gains

Frankly, this is one American that WISHES that our TROOPS were pulled out of there and we just let the Syrians fight their own battles! It’s a damned shame the devastation that that war has wreaked upon a once BEAUTIFUL Nation! I don’t necessarily agree with Asad, BUT! It’s THEIR NATION…We shouldn’t be there!!!


There should be more people like you.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

The military and their fat a$$ contractors desperately need a reason to justify the obscene budgets that have made them all extremely rich. The multi-national corporate owned press – 6 corporations own about 90 percent of all US news media – parrot their lies and filth to create enemies where there are none. EU politicians are bribed or coerced. It is that simple and it is that evil.


It is a warcrime for US troops to be there supporting ISIS and AlQaeda. No declaration of war,no un resolution and no invite from Syria. ALL the terrorist forces in Syria are US proxies. It is the US governments war not Syria’s war. You need to better inform yourself as to what is going on. Over 600,000 dead at the hands of the US Military and it’s terrorist proxies.


The rebranding of Al Qaeda and inserting “Democratic” in their new name does not obscure the fact that the terrorist are ours and our allies (Saudi Arabia and Israel) creation made in our own image. As time passes, the 911 event becomes more apparent that it was a false-flag attack.

Oscar Silva Martinez

The problem with Syria is that the U.S. doesn’t want Syria to fight at all, they want the Syrian government and army completely dissolved and if possible destroyed just like it happened with Iraq.


and let the hundreds of jihadists groups each ruling their areas like warlords where Christians will be executed. All overseen by Israel and US from behind.

Oscar Silva Martinez

That’s correct!


America destroys countries for money, America only helps itself.


If all Americans think like you , peace will prevail in not only in Syria but entire World


Is it an attack on the east or west side of Euphrates?


The US needs to leave Syria. The aggressive US is still in Syria because Russia does nothing.


All wars are about money, the US invades countries to steal. By Russia stopping the US from building its pipeline, it has prevented an American victory. The oil wells the US has stolen in Syria, is just a booby prize.


I’m still curious on how will Assad/Putin/whatever get the US out of Syria. If that will ever happen, of course.


Actually in the end it will be China that puts the sword through the American heart. Americans worship money, it is their God, and China will destroy America, by destroying their money. It’s happening right now, but the media hides the story.


Confrontations between SAA and US/SDF east of the river are both stupid and unnecessary.

SAA / NDF and other Iranian proxies and wagner forces provoking and testing the resolve of SDF and US will only lead to hardening confrontational positions. Assad and SDF should, imo, seek an agreement and not confrontation but it is for them to decide what they want.


sdf and usa should be kicked out of there.


you can go fight


i will, in due time, big war is coming, will get plenty of action in europe :)


dream waiter


preparing waiter


US airstrikes on the village salhiya, which is on the western side of the Euphrates. More military expansion?

Hide Behind

There are no war crimes; to whom and where are the welfare offices that those whom the system harm, appeal to. They must appeal for justice from those who launched injustice upon them. There is only the force of law, whomever controls the most force is the law giver. All most people can do is complain and pray And pontificate with high flown ideals, , but the court’s of their so called Judges determine not upon lrighteousness of the pleas aws but upon political conciderations. And in reality of world those high court judges at least know they hold positions for pay and play, and have no allusions of their place in scheme of world events. They at least are worth something , unlike most Brown and Black skinned people, who are cheaper than cost of a bullet.

Mustaffa Ashaa

To USAAF pilots of F16: Make sure to have a Body Bag attached to your parachute. Remember, there will be a lot of people waiting to “greet” you properly when you land. Spare your family the sights which was seen by the Israeli F16 pilot’s family. What is waiting for you in Syria will makes what has happened to you in Vietnam looks like a holiday snaps. Enjoy your coming humiliation. I know I will


You mean like what happened to the Russian pilot? He didn’t even wait for proper hospitality by his new found hosts on the ground.

Mustaffa Ashaa

Not really for two reasons: The man was fighting terrorists and brave enough to end his own life refusing to be captured by bunch of savage killers and mercenaries recruited by petro-dollars of the Gulf Bedouins While the reception party for your pilot are those who fighting imperialist Zionist aggressors ….. I am thinking of what has happened to the USAAF pilot in Maqadisho in the 1990s…. I am also thinking of Trump-Tellerson plans for US troops to remain in Syria

Icarus Tanović

It can’t be worst than Vietnam, Viet Cong fighters are fierce ones, and they couldn’t use theirs wahhabi terminators monstrosities to do dirty job for them. And one more thing. Russia and China are already in Syria, so there’s no go stuff for open aggresion on Syria. Savage Saudi Bedouins getting proper mouth busted in Yemen, and that is gonna be Vietnam for them. Already theirs tanks are stuck in mud in Yemen. Go bless brave Yemeni.


I’m an American. I wish we would just leave Syria alone. Many Americans feel this way. We do not want to fight wars in the middle east. We don’t want bases there. To be honest, most Americans don’t care about the middle east at all. The whole thing is just sad. I hope that the war ends soon for all parties involved, especially for the children of Syria.


If enough Americans felt like you, the slaughter could be stopped at any election. However most Americans vote to try and enslave the whole world. I feel sorry for people like you, because the innocent such as yourself will be punished along with the guilty.

Tom Tom

Most Americans only vote to give themselves money and free shi’ite. If you ask most people about Syria, they won’t even know about it. The globalists the U.S., many of whom are American, who only use their country to pursue a global gov’t. without the knowledge of the majority of Americans.

But you’re right about one thing, all Americans will be punished, but they will be punished BY the guilty.

northerntruthseeker .

Very few Americans are coming forward with your belief or observations.. Most are stuck with the “America #1 syndrome” or “America can do no wrong” foolish behaviour….

If more spoke out and told the truth about Syria, there would be a movement within the states to stop the madness of the criminal US government which is doing the psycho state of Israel’s bidding only.

Tom Tom

Its too late, now. As Killary stated awhile back, they will give the Chinese a red state. Although it will likely end up being California. The “elites” have sold out the U.S. and use it only to further their globalist ends to help their messiah Obomber.

jim crowland

Any effort by the democracies to contain mass murderer Assad is worth the effort and save some lives from being gassed, hanged or just shot.

Tom Tom

“In the Afrin area, clashes continued but the Turkish Armed Forces and the Free Syrian Army achieved no notable progress against the Kurdish YPG.”

Turks will never defeat the Kurds. Oh wll, on to Greece, Erdogan. Much easier pickings in the Aegean. The jihadi fifth column in Europe is waiting.

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