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Syrian War Report – Jan. 15, 2019: Turkey, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Work To Defend ‘Syrian Revolution’

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Leader of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham Abu Mohammad Al-Joulani declared his support to an expected Turkish military operation against Kurdish armed groups in northeastern Syria during an interview with Amjad Media on January 14.

He stressed that his group supports “the operation to liberate the eastern Euphrates”. He also rejected criticism from his militant counterparts that the recent Hayat Tahrir al-Sham expansion within the Idlib de-escalation zone opens a route for a Russian-backed military operation in the area. He recalled that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which just recently was the official branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, is an important part of the so-called “Syrian revolution” thus justifying its further actions.

Recently, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham de-facto established a full control of the most of the Idlib de-escalation zone by defeating the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation and forcing it to accept own rule across the area.

Now, the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leadership is working to consolidate its gains in security and media spheres. Experts say that the main idea of Al-Joulani and his inner circle is to become an irreplaceable partner of the Turkish government in Idlib-related issues and this approach has worked so far.

On January 14, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlet Cavusoglu stressed that Turkey is doing what is required to maintain peace and prevent violations in the Idlib de-escalation zone. He even claimed that the Idlib de-escalation deal has been “successfully” implemented despite difficult conditions and that the Syrian government and the countries that support it are to blame if Idlib becomes “terrorist nest”.

Cavusoglu somehow forgot to mention that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which is the internationally designated terrorist group, was excluded from the ceasefire regime established in the Idlib zone and is a legal target of military actions, which were expected to be undertaken in the framework of the deal. However, now it became clear that Turkey’s attempts to prevent the further military successes of the Damascus government in northwestern Syria openly contributed to the expansion of al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda-like entities there.

Meanwhile, the political leadership of the Syrian Kurds was once again encouraged by harsh statements of US President Donald Trump towards Turkey and announced that it had paused talks with the Damascus government.

An official representative of the Syrian Kurds in Moscow, Rshad Bienaf, told the Russian media that there was a “dialogue”, but no results were achieved because the Damascus government is not ready to change the constitution in the favor to the so-called “democratic system” established in the US-occupied area of northeastern Syria.

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Tommy Jensen

Turkey painting itself up in a corner again.


Turkey Defending Revolution Against Assad Syrian Government


What the hell Russia is waiting to give Syria green light to make the offensive on Idlib ? Turkey approval ? The Putin-Erdogan agreement about Idlib only has brought benefits for terrorists and Turkey, and has stopped the impulse Syria-Iran-Hezbolah-Russia grounf troops had to destroy terrorists in Syria.


It is Russia-Iran-Turkey agreement you asshole!! Syria belong to Syrians and Assad does NOT need to ask any body for permission in Syria! I am sure that Iran & Russia have informed him on everything and had his acceptance of tactics at the time.. Iran was also in Astana agreement how come you never badmouth them but always Russia? So kindly FUCK OFF gustavo stronzzo!


Wait first for the HTS to take on the Kurds and Americans. Wait … time is not ripe.

Take a holiday …

Ray Douglas

It gives Syrian agents in Idlib time to find the stockpile of chemical weapons and destroy the guardians and remove the chemicals to other areas then bomb the shit out of them.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Turkey wants an Idlib province under HTS ( the new ISIS) rule!..and Kurdish areas under FSA !..nothing new!…the problem is that if you want to defeat HTS in Idlib…you dont have other options but to partially invade that province in order to weak HTS and gain ground!

You can call me Al

You do not and cannot partially invade, Syria need to go in until they reach the Turkish border.

Gregory Casey

Agreed!! There are no other options. Turkey & Erdogan have proven themselves as no more than apologists for and protectors of HTS and all the other Jihadi filth.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Leader of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham Abu Mohammad Al-Joulani declared his support to an expected Turkish military operation against Kurdish armed groups in northeastern Syria during an interview with Amjad Media on January 14”. But he failed to mention he’s about to switch sides to Erdogan when the poo hits the fan, hopefully tomorrow, and then begin leading some of the forces he used to control while they were in HTS but have recently defected to Erdogan’s side the NFL. I’m only joking when I say that, I haven’t read or heard anything concerning the matter, but I just wonder if this could be what happens with a lot of the high ranking HTS commanders when the poo does hit the fan, it won’t surprise me if it does. Come on Russia, tomorrow should be the start of a new dawn in Idlib, please don’t keep me waiting, I’ve been predicting this date for a while now, don’t let me down and make me look silly, please. My fingers are crossed, my arms legs and eyes too, I tried crossing my balls as well but it hurt too much, there’s nothing left to cross so all I can do now is go to bed and hope nothing uncrosses while I’m asleep. Hopefully it’ll be Russian fireworks waking me up tomorrow morning.


No this is foolish for Russia or SAA to do anything now as they should let Turkey proxies and Kurds battle for Idlib themselves.

Then and only then Assad should with Iran , Hez , and Russia just finish off the victors too tired to resist.

Wait it out … let them fight as Turkey surely want to get rid of the Kurds .


But . . . the Kurds aren’t going to be doing any fighting for Idlib. They don’t want Idlib, and they surely don’t want to take on any more fights right now.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Erdogan’s not really fighting HTS, it’s all just smoke and mirrors.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Assad has 150,00 SAA soldiers and HTS has a max 20,000, Assad has Russian airpower and cruise missile, why wait? After both Idlib and the US occupied area is sorted out, Assad can start to reduce that 150,000 SAA back to a more affordable 50,000, send his ex soldiers back to work in the industries they came from, and then spend some of that saved money rebuilding his country. But most importantly, he has to end the suffering of those poor souls that are still trapped in areas the rebels, Turks and the US still occupy [ethnic cleansing, forced conscription, forced removal].


” I’ve been predicting this date for a while now,”

The end is nigh :)


Willing Conscience (The Truths

I may look like the fool tomorrow, today obviously wasn’t the day so now I’m hoping to God I don’t look like a total fool tomorrow, you may have to draw a little picture of me and add it to your cartoon, put me right behind the last in line and give me a sign that says, ‘but they only really needed a weeks break for Christmas, didn’t they?.


That’s what the Turkeys said :)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m feeling a bit like one today, but I’m thinking both Assad and Putin are even bigger ones for not going for the HTS throat while it’s so exposed, there’s still time though and I’m not giving up hope just yet. Tonight I’m going to bed with my fingers, arms, legs and eyes crossed, and I’m going to take a painkiller too, just so I can cross my balls as well, maybe everything crossed that I can possibly cross will help make my wish come true, if not, I’ll be both sore and sorry as well as sad and disappointed, I may need more painkillers tomorrow.


The liberation of Idlib from the US Coalition of Terror will happen I am sure. The web of Zionist intrigue must though, be weakened first.

The FUKUS 3 +1 ( israel) all have tremendous problems in their own countries and history shows us that at such times, beleaguered nations such as these resort to foreign military adventures in attempts to unite their fractured nations.

Have patience my friend :)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I ran out of patience about 4 weeks ago, I’m only living on hope now.


Willing, to cool a bit, try the chess.


Good let the HTS fight the Kurds…


Its Turkey that needs a revolution…

Rodney Loder

I don’t think Brother Erdogan is about to burn bridges to gain the support of HTS, the idea seems fantastic but now the US has officially taken al-Joulani under its wing maybe it’s not so far fetched, after all that was the reason for the name change from al-Nusra Front, this could materialise but first we’d want to see some actions being taken against the Kurds by al-Joulani and the Yanks would have to keep quiet about it too.

Rodney Loder

I don’t think Brother Erdogan is about to burn bridges to gain the support of HTS, the idea seems fantastic but now the US has officially taken al-Joulani under its wing maybe it’s not so far fetched, after all that was the reason for the name change from al-Nusra Front, this could materialise but first we’d want to see some actions being taken against the Kurds by al-Joulani and the Yanks would have to keep quiet about it too, as well as other stuff.

Gregory Casey

Your headline should be reworded to read : “Turkey and al-Qaeda continue their work together to tear down the Secular Syrian State”

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