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Syrian War Report – January 18-21, 2020: Dozens Army Troops Killed, Injured In Idlib Clashes

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Syrian War Report – January 18-21, 2020: Dozens Army Troops Killed, Injured In Idlib Clashes

46 Syrian service members have been killed and 77 were wounded in recent clashes with radical militants in Greater Idlib in the period from January 16 to January 19, the Russian Reconciliation Center reported. According to the report, 57 civilians were killed and 116 others were injured as a result of attacks and shelling by militants.

On January 19, the Syrian Army repelled a large attack by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and its allies on the town of Abu Dafn. According to pro-government sources, the army lost several armoured vehicles. The Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL), a key ally of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, militants damaged a battle tank and an infantry fighting vehicle, and destroyed an artillery piece belonging to the army. The NFL also claimed that dozens army troops were killed and injured. Earlier, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham recaptured the areas of Tell Khatrah, Mustayf Hill and Abu Jurayf from government forces and foiled army attempts to take them back.

Aleppo city came under a series of artillery and rocket strikes by militant groups operating in its southwestern countryside. Russia’s Hmeimim airbase also came under an attack by militants’ armed drones. All drones were intervened. The behavior of Idlib militants is a visual confirmation of forecasts saying that a new round of military escalation in the so-called de-escalation zone is almost inevitable.

On January 18, a car bomb exploded near a convoy of U.S. forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on the road heading to the Conoco gas facility, according to the North Press Agency. The incident happened in the village of Jadid Akkidat. No casualties were reported.

On January 13, 15, 17 and 18, the so-called Afrin Liberation Forces (ALF) conducted a series of attacks on positions of the Turkish Army and Turkish-backed militant groups in northern Aleppo. According to the ALF, 9 militants were killed and 2 Turkish soldiers were injured in these attacks. The inability of Turkish-led forces to secure their positions in northern Syria from attacks by Kurdish rebels demonstrates that the support of local population to the Turkish intervention is a bit lower than Ankara claims.

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Karen Bartlett

God be with the SAA and allies! And I know we’re all broke, but we need to support South Front, guys!

Rodney Loder

I’ll donate my usual 15 USD but I can’t help feeling 3$ is going to the Kurds so they have the oil and Trump so why do they still need my 3$.

Jackson Brown

What about terrorists? How many of them have been killed in Idlib? Does anyone know?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Not enough.


This is one sided report obviously, no need to panic. In wars there are dead on both sides always!


Nothing to surprise about. This was expected once the cease fire was declared. Let us wait that Putin allows SAA-Russia-Iran-Hezbolah continue with the offensive and stop pleasing Turkey (NATO member).

Free man

“Let’s wait that Putin allows …” – It’s much more appropriate to write: Let’s thank Putin for rescuing Syria. And only SAA and Russia are fighting in Idlib.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Free man’s right, Hezbollah and all the other Iranian backed militias haven’t been fighting the Turkish backed rebels since June last year, so I’m assuming Turkey and Iran must have a good arrangement between them which doesn’t allow for any fighting between the 2 proxy groups. And which is also probably the reason why the Russians have been so carefully reorganizing the Syrian military and establishing their own loyal militias for the last 12 months or more. Have you heard of even one rebel attack against an Iranian backed militia during the last 18 months, or an attack when any of the Iranian backed militias like Hezbollah were involved in helping the SAA, no you won’t have, it’s only rebel attacks against Russia and the SAA now, the Iranian backed militias are no longer rebel targets. Don’t count on Iran or it’s proxies for support anymore, they have their heads too far up Erdogan’s proverbial to be of any real help anymore, now they’re fast becoming more of a burden, and they already seem to have a ceasefire arrangement in place with Erdogan that they didn’t bother to tell any of the rest of us about.


You don’t know what the Iranian militias are or aren’t doing. It’s obviously classified and withheld from open source reporting for security reasons because of the Jew world order campaign against Iran.

Judging from the a– kicking Iran just gave the US in Iraq. I’m sure that Iran is making a positive and appreciated contribution in Syria as well.

Maybe you should back off on the dope before you embarrass yourself with the nonsense that you waste thread space here with.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, are you kidding me. I know exactly what the Iranian backed militias aren’t doing and so should you, and I also have a fair idea about what they are doing too. For a start they aren’t fighting any of the Turkish backed militias and they haven’t been since june last year, 1 or 2 small skirmishes at most in sw Aleppo THAT’S ALL. They’re nearly taking control of all of Deir ez Zor below the Euphrates [which the Russians are completely opposed to], and the Turks as Erdogan’s previously stated, want to take over all of Deir ez Zor above the Euphrates [which the Russians are also completely opposed to], and coincidentally the Turks are positioned in Al Hasakah only 20 km away from the north of Deir ez Zor, and also coincidentally the Iranians and Turks have become best buddies lately, mmmm, very suspicious. The militias loyal to Russia have been fighting against the Iranian backed militias in Aleppo and Deir ez Zor for control of territory and power, there’s been widespread killing on both sides with several Russians and Iranians also killed in the fighting. And look at what’s been happening to the Syrian military for the last 12 months Richard, all the Commanders with pro Iranian affiliations are being sacked/replaced by commanders loyal only to Syria and Russia, and then they get all the best equipment/training/funding/aerial support. The 25th division is the best example but there are many others now also receiving special Russian treatment, and mostly all from the Sunni ethnicity. I used to wonder why the Russians seemed to turn a blind eye to Israeli aggression against Iranian assets in Syria, I don’t anymore.

So in fact it’s just you who doesn’t seem to know “what the Iranian militias are or aren’t doing”, I have some idea at least, which is a hell of a lot more than you seem to know.


You’ve disproven nothing that I’ve written and provided no proof to support your obviously false lies that you know what Iran’s classified operations consist of.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I never said I knew what Iran’s classified operations are planning or consist of [wtf meds are you on], but it’s becoming obvious to anyone with half a brain what they are and aren’t actually doing, we don’t need access to classified info to know that, you ignorant unintelligent moron, it’s there right in front of your face if you bother to look, that’s if you can find the time to pull yourself away from those LGBTQI magazines you’re always looking at.


The CIA, MI6 and Mossad don’t release public notifications of their dead and injured operatives, contractors and proxies. If you think that Iran is in Syria to waste money and lose people without taking care of business. Then you’re an ignorant fool.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The CIA, MI6 and Mossad don’t release public notifications of their dead and injured operatives, contractors and proxies.”

Get off the meds, wtf are you talking about?

“If you think that Iran is in Syria to waste money and lose people without taking care of business. Then you’re an ignorant fool.”

Tell me this Richard, why are the Russians replacing all the pro Iranian commanders in the SAA with people more loyal to the Syrians and Russians, do you know why they’re doing that Richard, I do. You have no idea at all about what’s really going on do you, no wonder they have that old saying “ignorance is bliss”, it applies to people like you.


You’ve provided zero proof to support your claims.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You sound like a broken down record player Richard.


It’s called truth, something that you obviously hate.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And if it’s not on SF it isn’t news is it Richard, just BS hey. You don’t recognise the truth, you’re too stupid too.


Doubling down on the obvious lies and false accusations just makes you look like a bigger fool and moron. If you want to compete with Jens Holms in the idiot race. Keep typing.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

But I think he’s a lot smarter than you are, and a hell of a lot more knowledgeable, I actually prefer conversing with him. :]


I agree that you’re both idiots.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

An ignorant idiot calling another 2 idiots, idiots, lol.


I prove my points with credible evidence. You lie, make false accusations and spam these threads with Zionist propaganda.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

version 2, I’ve provided a link to the Russian International Affairs Council article and it corroborates and confirms what I say and you ignore it. You’re spamming the threads in a desperate attempt to hide your stupidity and ignorance, but people will see the truth despite your speedy 1000 nonsensical replies and miserable attempt to confuse anyone else following the current comment threads. So I’ve exposed your lies and stupidity by linking official Russian government info, and disproven everything you said by also using the same info, LOL, you’re truly psychotic.


The Russian article is a dodge. It proves none of your lies.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It confirmed every single thing I said, EVERY SINGLE THING.

Jens Holm

You deny almost anything apart from Your own strange versions. I am a western and a quire sober trying to describe what I see from that perspective. Here I see its a big problem, that so man here are not able to be sober at all.

When the ballstic missiles fell clothe to the Danish teachers and radar operators ina dispute between USA and Iran Your kind fell over them as flies over dirt.

1) But the article by a danish journalist astually was the firt telling, what those missiles hit – It got no plus for that. 2) We are asked in by the Bagdad Goverment and even add 50 million dolar to help those public elected ones. “How can we be eneies and “Natos”” Thats the knowledgelevel of Yours.

How can You expect we shouldunderstand Yours, when You not even know we are called back, because ISIS almost took over most of Iraq and there hardly was any Iwaians military force back incl wepons used as gift to the Bagdad. 3) Danes was laughed at too, because we try to avoid traumas for our soldiers by sending in psycogists. And why should danes stay and be brave remaining in a ballistic knock down area made by Trump and the mad ones in Iran. We are not in war for or against any of them.

We are asked in by the Iraqian Goverment learning soldiers to shoot better using less butllets and learning low ranked officers to be much more independent. We also has renewed the lofgistics, which has been very needed because Iraq is a big place. So apart from some high caliber troops fx helping taking Al Qaim close to Aby Kamal our trops are not even figthing troops and certainly not against Bagdads as well as in wat with Iran.

Iraqians do their part giving those people perimter security and doing well.

Jens Holm

I agree. We get a lot of very biased unformation and a lot of lies as well. Looking carefully, we can do as You and find whats going on for real.

Of course there is a big picture and changes in that. We do see more and more troops are so tired and even traumatized fighting each other as superveterans. But we also see something is terrible wrong in the Assad and Russian control for any kind of bad futuree(I dont like Russians as well as Assads).

So they try to upgrade thier own militias last chance as replacement for Iranians and Hesbollah.

Jens Holm

Thats no lies. If You follow details well most of his makes a lot of sense. I name most things as “most likely true”. It fit into my knowledge level having good indications.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’ve provided a link to the Russian International Affairs Council article and it corroborates and confirms what I say and you ignore it. You’re spamming the threads in a desperate attempt to hide your stupidity and ignorance, but people will see the truth despite your speedy 1000 nonsensical replies and miserable attempt to confuse anyone else following the current comment threads. So I’ve exposed your lies and stupidity by linking official Russian government info, and disproven everything you said by also using the same info, LOL, you’re truly psychotic.


The Russian article proves none of your Jew lies. Which is why you can’t provide a quote from it that does.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They say you have to be cruel to be kind, so I’m going to be especially kind and tell you the terrible truth Richard, sit down because you’re in for a shock. I agree with the Russians when they say Iran has to leave Syria for peace to really begin, but I don’t agree with them when they also say this, after the Iranians leave the Israelis should be invited in to help rebuild the country. Are you choking on that Richard, Assad did, and so did I, LOL, and you dare call me a Zionist, you know in fact you’re the pro Zionist, you wholeheartedly endorse every single thing the Russians do, and you also condemn me for criticising certain actions they take or fail to take, so are you going to troll me when I start criticising the Russians for wanting to invite the Israel’s into Syria? Remember Putin’s joke about Assad inviting Trump to Damascus, I kept posting that it wasn’t a joke at all, I kept asserting it could only be interpreted as a warning to Iran, because there wasn’t an ounce of humour in that comment, just a veiled threat.

“In 2012, Damascus began organizing numerous irregular units (over 100,000 men) into a unified structure — National Defense Forces (NDF) — which meant to be placed under central state command and control. The NDF was formed using the model of Iran’s paramilitary “Basij” militia and those in charge of creating NDF were trained in Iran. However, Damascus did not succeed in putting NDF under its full control. In many cases NDF commanders evolved into local warlords who did not want to lose their military-economic power and influence, and share it with the central authorities. In many cases SAA and NDF competed for zones of influence inside the country. As a result, it contributed to further erosion of the Syrian Army authority and command structure. … During almost eight years of the civil war, non-state armed groups fighting on the side of the Syrian government have grown in size, numbers and influence which naturally poses a threat to the state sovereignty and integrity. This is why, in the long run, Damascus will be forced to come up with a formula which will incorporate militia commanders and their interests into the new military system. In this context, Iran’s heavy involvement in creation and sponsoring pro-government militia in Syria exacerbates the complexity of the issue even further. Excessive Iranian presence. In addition, some of the most efficient pro-government militia groups enjoy sponsorship from abroad, particularly from Iran. !!!It creates quite big risk of becoming over-reliant on the foreign patron that pursues its own interests which might not always coincide with those of the client!!! At the same time, it creates a number of quite big obstacles for moving forward with the political process and reforms in Syria. Excessive Iranian presence in Syria irritates Israel, the US, Turkey, Russia, and even Damascus itself. Being weak and with no foreign alternative to rely on regarding the funds for reconstruction, Syrian government is pushed closer to Iran. As a result, progress in political process, reconstruction, and return of the refugees seems highly impossible, as all of it requires broad international involvement. Who will sponsor restoration of the Syrian military? The situation creates additional risks for the Syrian state. Excessive Iranian presence in Syria will be the major irritant for Israel and the US that almost certainly excludes any lift of Syria sanctions which are necessary for the successful reconstruction and economic restoration of the country. Second, Iran’s presence irritates Moscow which has its own military infrastructure in Syria. !!!Excessive Iranian presence in the country is counter-productive for Russia’s long-term Syria policy!!! which eventually envisages political transition, reforms and reconciliation with the regional powers and the West. From the very beginning, deployment of the Russian military was a double-edge sword. Since 2015 Moscow has been trying to minimize the influence of various non-state armed groups and militias fighting for the government, as quite often their own interests did dominate over that of the country. In 2015, Moscow initiated formation of the 4 th corps which consisted of different militia and armed groups operating in Latakia and was under direct command of the SAA. Later in 2016, Russia created and trained 5th Corps which unites different NDF groups and former Syrian army defectors who decided to realign. In 2015, Russian military helped to restructure Tiger Forces and since then has been providing weapons, advisors and air support. This was an important step to break the trend promoted by Iran — creating and developing parallel non-state military structures which have no direct subordination to the Syrian state (e.g. Iran took part in formation and training of NDF) and more loyal to Tehran than to Damascus. One of Moscow’s main tasks in Syria is to rebuild country’s armed forces almost from scratch, which is going to be extremely difficult. First, the army must have control over entire country’s territory and to have monopoly on using force which is not the case now and is highly unlikely in the near future. Second, during the last seven years Iran has been creating extensive network of military structures in Syria, which are loyal to Tehran and are unlikely to either disband themselves and leave, or to become part of the state armed forces. This problem might become a major stumbling rock between Russia and Iran in the coming months and years. And third, Russia lacks sufficient resources to accomplish this task alone. In such context, there is an opportunity to attract foreign sources to restore Syrian army and to reconstruct the country. The GCC and Israel should be very much interested in rebuilding Syria with lesser Iranian presence. By helping out Russia to accomplish this task regional players impose indirect limits on Iran’s presence in Syria. With no foreign assistance Tehran receives more room to grow its influence in the country further. This might well help Moscow to make sure the new Syrian army is free from Iranian influence or is at least not dominated. The stronger the army and the central government — the lesser it needs foreign partner to rely on. Moreover, in the MENA region armies also play a role of state-building element — which makes successful military reform crucial for a country’s restoration. Otherwise, Iran has quite good prospects of increasing its influence in Syria and stimulating further rise of sectarianism in the country.

Thus, Russia should exploit this opportunity to counter balance Iranian influence in Syria’s military with the help of the foreign donors whose funds will assist in restoring and reforming country’s military and central command system. Although this task sounds very ambitious it remains achievable: Russia has already proved its ability to strike deals with regional actors, including cash-rich GCC states, despite many differences and disagreements. Such approach will help not only to find a compromise on Syria but also to restore cross-regional economic ties ruined during the war.

LOLOLOLOL. The Russians want the Iranians out of Syria and want the Jews in, or at least their money, so who’s side are you going to be on when the Russians finally get their way, are you going to scream ‘the Russians are always right, let the Israelis in’, or will you join my team, the team saying NO, Don’t let them in, I wonder, mmm what will you do, mmm, I’m not sure to be honest. And before you even say it, don’t think for one second Iran will be able to remain in Syria after Israel is invited in, even if they’re not physically booted out their presence will become totally unsustainable very quickly, they’ll be gone before you can even say where are they. So when I told you that Putin’s probably happy the Israelis are bombing the hell out of the Iranians in Syria, you called me a Jewish troll, but the truth is Richard, articles like this from official Russian government run sources, are the real reason I say it.


“You’re a habitual liar. There’s nothing in the Russian article about Russian forces fighting Iranian forces.” 2

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re only quoting the very first part of the article, the summary of past events, why did you do that, you left out all the rest, here it is now so you can read it again, for the second time, LOL. … During almost eight years of the civil war, non-state armed groups fighting on the side of the Syrian government have grown in size, numbers and influence which naturally poses a threat to the state sovereignty and integrity. This is why, in the long run, Damascus will be forced to come up with a formula which will incorporate militia commanders and their interests into the new military system. In this context, Iran’s heavy involvement in creation and sponsoring pro-government militia in Syria exacerbates the complexity of the issue even further. Excessive Iranian presence. In addition, some of the most efficient pro-government militia groups enjoy sponsorship from abroad, particularly from Iran. !!!It creates quite big risk of becoming over-reliant on the foreign patron that pursues its own interests which might not always coincide with those of the client!!! At the same time, it creates a number of quite big obstacles for moving forward with the political process and reforms in Syria. Excessive Iranian presence in Syria irritates Israel, the US, Turkey, Russia, and even Damascus itself. Being weak and with no foreign alternative to rely on regarding the funds for reconstruction, Syrian government is pushed closer to Iran. As a result, progress in political process, reconstruction, and return of the refugees seems highly impossible, as all of it requires broad international involvement. Who will sponsor restoration of the Syrian military? The situation creates additional risks for the Syrian state. Excessive Iranian presence in Syria will be the major irritant for Israel and the US that almost certainly excludes any lift of Syria sanctions which are necessary for the successful reconstruction and economic restoration of the country. Second, Iran’s presence irritates Moscow which has its own military infrastructure in Syria. !!!Excessive Iranian presence in the country is counter-productive for Russia’s long-term Syria policy!!! which eventually envisages political transition, reforms and reconciliation with the regional powers and the West. From the very beginning, deployment of the Russian military was a double-edge sword. Since 2015 Moscow has been trying to minimize the influence of various non-state armed groups and militias fighting for the government, as quite often their own interests did dominate over that of the country. In 2015, Moscow initiated formation of the 4 th corps which consisted of different militia and armed groups operating in Latakia and was under direct command of the SAA. Later in 2016, Russia created and trained 5th Corps which unites different NDF groups and former Syrian army defectors who decided to realign. In 2015, Russian military helped to restructure Tiger Forces and since then has been providing weapons, advisors and air support. This was an important step to break the trend promoted by Iran — creating and developing parallel non-state military structures which have no direct subordination to the Syrian state (e.g. Iran took part in formation and training of NDF) and more loyal to Tehran than to Damascus. One of Moscow’s main tasks in Syria is to rebuild country’s armed forces almost from scratch, which is going to be extremely difficult. First, the army must have control over entire country’s territory and to have monopoly on using force which is not the case now and is highly unlikely in the near future. Second, during the last seven years Iran has been creating extensive network of military structures in Syria, which are loyal to Tehran and are unlikely to either disband themselves and leave, or to become part of the state armed forces. This problem might become a major stumbling rock between Russia and Iran in the coming months and years. And third, Russia lacks sufficient resources to accomplish this task alone. In such context, there is an opportunity to attract foreign sources to restore Syrian army and to reconstruct the country. The GCC and Israel should be very much interested in rebuilding Syria with lesser Iranian presence. By helping out Russia to accomplish this task regional players impose indirect limits on Iran’s presence in Syria. With no foreign assistance Tehran receives more room to grow its influence in the country further. This might well help Moscow to make sure the new Syrian army is free from Iranian influence or is at least not dominated. The stronger the army and the central government — the lesser it needs foreign partner to rely on. Moreover, in the MENA region armies also play a role of state-building element — which makes successful military reform crucial for a country’s restoration. Otherwise, Iran has quite good prospects of increasing its influence in Syria and stimulating further rise of sectarianism in the country. Thus, Russia should exploit this opportunity to counter balance Iranian influence in Syria’s military with the help of the foreign donors whose funds will assist in restoring and reforming country’s military and central command system. Although this task sounds very ambitious it remains achievable: Russia has already proved its ability to strike deals with regional actors, including cash-rich GCC states, despite many differences and disagreements. Such approach will help not only to find a compromise on Syria but also to restore cross-regional economic ties ruined during the war. … LOL, you miserable retard, you still haven’t realized which comment of mine we were talking about, the link I provided is for this comment ONLY,

“Free man’s right, Hezbollah and all the other Iranian backed militias haven’t been fighting the Turkish backed rebels since June last year, so I’m assuming Turkey and Iran must have a good arrangement between them which doesn’t allow for any fighting between the 2 proxy groups. And which is also probably the reason why the Russians have been so carefully reorganizing the Syrian military and establishing their own loyal militias for the last 12 months or more. Have you heard of even one rebel attack against an Iranian backed militia during the last 18 months, or an attack when any of the Iranian backed militias like Hezbollah were involved in helping the SAA, no you won’t have, it’s only rebel attacks against Russia and the SAA now, the Iranian backed militias are no longer rebel targets. Don’t count on Iran or it’s proxies for support anymore, they have their heads too far up Erdogan’s proverbial to be of any real help anymore, now they’re fast becoming more of a burden, and they already seem to have a ceasefire arrangement in place with Erdogan that they didn’t bother to tell any of the rest of us about.”

The link was provided to the official Russian government website was to substantiate that particular comment, and I wrote this as an explanation,

“I could link you a hundred articles that cover the subject in much more detail, they don’t pull any punches and will tell you exactly what’s going on and why, I suggest you do some research and find out the truth for yourself, but be warned, they will mostly all be from opposition sites. This Russian article I’ve linked is about the closest you’ll get to the truth if you only read pro Russian media, it’s a very sanitized version of the truth and the real truth is much more alarming. You have to read the article in full to comprehend what they’re really saying, which is exactly what I was trying to tell Richard but in much more detail, SO DON’T JUST READ WHAT I PASTED, READ IT ALL.”

What more do you want me to do, I can’t have been any fairer than that, I linked an official Russian government sponsored site to confirm my assertions, not an opposition site, and the Russian site confirmed every single one of my allegations, and they did it because I used the Russian info to make them. If you’ve read that article in full and still don’t have any reservations about Iran’s motives there’s something wrong with you Richard, LOL, the Jews will be invited in to help pay for the reconstruction phase, LOL, I can hear you choking on that Richard so I’ll say it again, the Jews will be invited in to help reconstruct Syria, and the Russians are hoping that will be enough to slowly force the Iranians out, LOL you’re safe little word is crashing down on you Richard, and it’s only going to get worse day after day. If you want to know the whole truth you have to go to opposition sites Richard, the Russians and Iranians don’t want us to know the truth, WHY WOULD THEY?, so if you want to know the real truth use search terms like this,

Russian backed militias fighting against Iranian backed militias in Syria, Iran antagonizing the Sunni population of Deir ez Zor, Iran taking control of Deir ez Zor, Pro Iranian military commanders in the SyrIan Arab Army being replaced by pro Russian/pro Sunni commanders, Russia forming it’s own militias in Syria to counter Iranian influence, Fighting between the 4th division and 25th division, Tensions between Russia and Iran in Syria.

That’s what you should be searching for if you wanted to know the real truth. And to make you feel a bit better I’ll also add this so you can have another hissyfit, the most accurate information you’ll find concerning Russian/Iranian tensions are the Jewish sites, and that’s despite the fact they’re all really one eyed bigots, because in this particular matter, they’re all totally pro Russian one eyed bigots. Go get a life Richard.


You lied about Russia killing most of the civilians in Idlib, you lied about Russian and Iranian forces fighting and killing each other, and you lied about not lying. You’ve provided zero credible proof to support your lies. You’re a habitual liar. 2

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Aleppo you dickhead, NOT IDLIB, are you always so confused, the air assault was over Aleppo, FMD you’re a dumb c-nt.


You dodged the question again lying Jew troll. Because you’re shilling for the evil Jew pedophile rape cultists, and are trying very unsuccessfully not to be exposed as the lying two faced Zionist shill talking out of both sides of your mouth that you are. You’re wasting my time and the site’s thread space with your lies and stupidity.

Not only are you a liar, you’re an ignorant idiot, moron and fool who in addition to lying constantly doesn’t know what you’re talking about. Read up on the Idlib Demilitarization Zone:

“The Idlib demilitarization is an ongoing agreement between Turkey and Russia to create a demilitarized zone (DMZ) …

Location Northwestern Syria Northeastern Latakia Governorate Northwestern Hama Governorate Southern Idlib Governorate Western Aleppo Governorate”

– Idlib demilitarization (2018–present) –

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idlib_demilitarization_(2018%E2%80%93present) 2

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re a raving lunatic. I don’t even know what you’re talking about now, and I don’t care either. :]


You’re a truth hater.


This is news to me, care to share sources to back this up?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I could link you a hundred articles that cover the subject in much more detail, they don’t pull any punches and will tell you exactly what’s going on and why, I suggest you do some research and find out the truth for yourself, but be warned, they will mostly all be from opposition sites. This Russian article I’ve linked is about the closest you’ll get to the truth if you only read pro Russian media, it’s a very sanitized version of the truth and the real truth is much more alarming. You have to read the article in full to comprehend what they’re really saying, which is exactly what I was trying to tell Richard but in much more detail, SO DON’T JUST READ WHAT I PASTED, READ IT ALL.

“In addition, some of the most efficient pro-government militia groups enjoy sponsorship from abroad, particularly from Iran. It creates quite big risk of becoming over-reliant on the foreign patron that pursues its own interests which might not always coincide with those of the client. Since the first days of the Syrian civil war, Iran has been the major backer of the Syrian government. Tehran’s economic, humanitarian and military assistance hugely contributed to the survival of the Syrian state. According to different estimates, Iran has spent on Syria between $5 and $20 billion annually since the civil war broke out in 2011. That includes payments made to Hezbollah and other Shiite pro-Iranian militia (together over 40,000) acting in Syria including foreign fighters from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, deliveries of military equipment and materiel, shipments of oil and petroleum products, funds for paying civil servants and the military/security personnel and maintaining its own troops (up to 20,000) in Syria. On August 26, 2018 Damascus and Tehran signed a military cooperation agreement which envisages Iran’s help to rebuild Syrian military industry and infrastructure. In fact, such deal potentially cements Iran’s presence in Syria and makes Damascus even more dependent on Tehran. If the Syrian army and military industry are rebuilt by Iran, further Iranian influence over Damascus is to be expected. At the same time, it creates a number of quite big obstacles for moving forward with the political process and reforms in Syria. Excessive Iranian presence in Syria irritates Israel, the US, Turkey, Russia, and even Damascus itself. Being weak and with no foreign alternative to rely on regarding the funds for reconstruction, Syrian government is pushed closer to Iran.”


But if you really want to know the whole terrible truth just use search terms like,

Russian backed militias fighting against Iranian backed militias in Syria, Iran antagonizing the Sunni population of Deir ez Zor, Iran taking control of Deir ez Zor, Pro Iranian military commanders in the SyrIan Arab Army being replaced by pro Russian/pro Sunni commanders, Russia forming it’s own militias in Syria to counter Iranian influence, Tensions between Russia and Iran in Syria.

People like Richard call people like me liars, I call people like him totally ignorant one eyed bigots who can’t recognize the truth no matter how hard they try.


Much appreciated for the sources, I will read through them thoroughly and draw my own conclusion on the matter respectively.

Also lol, I wouldn’t get too caught up in arguing with people online, it’s obvious you can carry yourself in a dignified manner given your strong grasp on the English language lending credence to your overall stance on the matter. It doesn’t seem like your objective here is misinformation or anything malign, just looking for cordial conversation and intellectual discourse which is rare online anyways.

Personally I made that mistake one too many times in the past and realized it doesn’t really get you anywhere since very rarely are people willing to give up ground due to personal pride and arrogance yada, yada..Best to just ignore it and move on.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

thanks for that comment, I appreciate it.


He’s probably a Zionist shill talking out of both sides of his mouth like you.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

People like you are the real reason the Zionist have become so powerful, propaganda, spin and lies are the only things people like you can understand, your ignorance makes you pick a side and follow it blindly because you can’t do anything else, you’re inability to think for yourself causes you to do that. If you call me a zionist one more time Richard I’m going to jump through the computer screen and slap you stupid, would you like being called a child killer you piece of shit, maybe you’re a child molestor are you?


You’re the one parroting the Zionist lies, not me. Are you hallucinating on dope as you go off the deep end in your display of insanity?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re not arguing with me you know, you’re arguing against some of the smartest people the Russian government picked to do an important job, but you think you know more than they do, and you also think you could also do a better job than they do, but I don’t think you could though, I’m reasonably smart and I think the Russian International Affairs Council is dong and excellent job, and I agree with them 100%, but as to you, I think you should be institutionalized, but that’s only if your not already.


The Russian article proves none of your lies. Nor does it disprove anything that I’ve written.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It proved every single thing I said and disproves every single thing you said.

I’ve provided a link to the Russian International Affairs Council article and it corroborates and confirms what I say and you ignore it. You’re spamming the threads in a desperate attempt to hide your stupidity and ignorance, but people will see the truth despite your speedy 1000 nonsensical replies and miserable attempt to confuse anyone else following the current comment threads. So I’ve exposed your lies and stupidity by linking official Russian government info, and disproven everything you said by also using the same info, LOL, you’re truly psychotic.


You’re a habitual liar. There’s nothing in the Russian article about Russian forces fighting Iranian forces.


He quotes Jew lies to you. He won’t quote them to me because he knows that they’re not credible and he doesn’t want to be exposed as the Zionist shill that he is.


Irregardless of what his true intentions are which is anybodies guess. I wanted to see why he is saying what he is saying and where he got his information from for myself in order draw my own conclusions on the matter.

It’s smart to be open to all perspectives and sources in order to formulate one’s own thoughts on any given subject, even if some of the sources run counter to your own sentiments. Usually being able to keep emotion out of intellectual discourse leads to greater understanding, at least this is what I’ve learned over the years.


He evades providing quotes and sources. What he did provide from Russia doesn’t prove his points. He’s peddling Jew lies for Israel and he knows it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

version 2, You’re not arguing with me you know, you’re arguing against some of the smartest people the Russian government picked to do an important job, but you think you know more than they do, and you also think you could also do a better job than they do, but I don’t think you could though, I’m reasonably smart and I think the Russian International Affairs Council is dong and excellent job, and I agree with them 100%, but as to you, I think you should be institutionalized, but that’s only if your not already.


Tha article or the quote from it prove none of your Zionist lies and hasbara propaganda.

There’s nothing in there about Russia killing most of the civilians, Russian forces fighting Iranian forces, or any other of your Jew lies.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Because that’s a separate conversation you dickhead, “Russia killing most of the civilians”, is a separate comment thread, this thread is for the “Russian forces fighting Iranian forces, that’s the relevant link I gave you, for “Russian forces fighting Iranian forces”. I copied and pasted this to remind you,

You’re talking about a totally different comment and confusing two different conversations you simpleton, can’t you stick to the one comment, are the meds making you get the two separate conversations confused, LOL. This is comment thread is concerning Russia’s reformation of the Syrian military to counter the growing Iranian influence on the SAA and government institutions, the one you’ve switched back to is the one concerning civilian casualties inflicted during both the aerial bombardment of western Aleppo, and the casualties inflicted by terrorist attacks against government controlled areas. You’re a dribbling idiot Richard, even Jens makes more sense than you do.


You’re a habitual liar. There’s nothing in the Russian article about Russian forces fighting Iranian forces. 3

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, you miserable retard, you still haven’t realized which comment of mine we were talking about, the link I provided is for this comment ONLY,

“Free man’s right, Hezbollah and all the other Iranian backed militias haven’t been fighting the Turkish backed rebels since June last year, so I’m assuming Turkey and Iran must have a good arrangement between them which doesn’t allow for any fighting between the 2 proxy groups. And which is also probably the reason why the Russians have been so carefully reorganizing the Syrian military and establishing their own loyal militias for the last 12 months or more. Have you heard of even one rebel attack against an Iranian backed militia during the last 18 months, or an attack when any of the Iranian backed militias like Hezbollah were involved in helping the SAA, no you won’t have, it’s only rebel attacks against Russia and the SAA now, the Iranian backed militias are no longer rebel targets. Don’t count on Iran or it’s proxies for support anymore, they have their heads too far up Erdogan’s proverbial to be of any real help anymore, now they’re fast becoming more of a burden, and they already seem to have a ceasefire arrangement in place with Erdogan that they didn’t bother to tell any of the rest of us about.”

The link was provided to the official Russian government website was to substantiate that particular comment, and I wrote this as an explanation,

“I could link you a hundred articles that cover the subject in much more detail, they don’t pull any punches and will tell you exactly what’s going on and why, I suggest you do some research and find out the truth for yourself, but be warned, they will mostly all be from opposition sites. This Russian article I’ve linked is about the closest you’ll get to the truth if you only read pro Russian media, it’s a very sanitized version of the truth and the real truth is much more alarming. You have to read the article in full to comprehend what they’re really saying, which is exactly what I was trying to tell Richard but in much more detail, SO DON’T JUST READ WHAT I PASTED, READ IT ALL.”

What more do you want me to do, I can’t have been any fairer than that, I linked an official Russian government sponsored site to confirm my assertions, not an opposition site, and the Russian site confirmed every single one of my allegations, and they did it because I used the Russian info to make them. If you’ve read that article in full and still don’t have any reservations about Iran’s motives there’s something wrong with you Richard, LOL, the Jews will be invited in to help pay for the reconstruction phase, LOL, I can hear you choking on that Richard so I’ll say it again, the Jews will be invited in to help reconstruct Syria, and the Russians are hoping that will be enough to slowly force the Iranians out, LOL you’re safe little word is crashing down on you Richard, and it’s only going to get worse day after day. If you want to know the whole truth you have to go to opposition sites Richard, the Russians and Iranians don’t want us to know the truth, WHY WOULD THEY?, so if you want to know the real truth, use search terms like this,

Russian backed militias fighting against Iranian backed militias in Syria, Iran antagonizing the Sunni population of Deir ez Zor, Iran taking control of Deir ez Zor, Pro Iranian military commanders in the SyrIan Arab Army being replaced by pro Russian/pro Sunni commanders, Russia forming it’s own militias in Syria to counter Iranian influence, Fighting between the 4th division and 25th division, Tensions between Russia and Iran in Syria.

That’s what you should be searching for if you wanted to know the real truth. And to make you feel a bit better I’ll also add this so you can have another hissyfit, the most accurate information you’ll find concerning Russian/Iranian tensions are the Jewish sites, and that’s despite the fact they’re all really one eyed bigots, because in this particular matter, they’re all totally pro Russian one eyed bigots. Go get a life Richard.


You lied about Russia killing most of the civilians in Idlib, you lied about Russian and Iranian forces fighting and killing each other, and you lied about not lying. You’ve provided zero credible proof to support your lies. You’re a habitual liar.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Aleppo not Idlib, are the meds getting you confused again.


You dodged the question again lying Jew troll. Because you’re shilling for the evil Jew pedophile rape cultists, and are trying very unsuccessfully not to be exposed as a lying two faced Zionist shill talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Not only are you a liar, you’re an ignorant idiot, moron and fool who in addition to lying constantly doesn’t know what you’re talking about. Read up on the Idlib Demilitarization Zone:

“The Idlib demilitarization is an ongoing agreement between Turkey and Russia to create a demilitarized zone (DMZ) …

Location Northwestern Syria Northeastern Latakia Governorate Northwestern Hama Governorate Southern Idlib Governorate Western Aleppo Governorate”

– Idlib demilitarization (2018–present) –


Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re a raving lunatic. I don’t even know what you’re talking about now, and I don’t care either. :]


You’re lying.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re a raving lunatic. I don’t even know what you’re talking about now, and I don’t care either. :] :].


You lost the debate and are throughly exposed for the Jew lie peddling Zionist shill and habitual liar that you are.

Jens Holm

Good article. I allow me to add the Iranian retreat from Maydeen just east of DEZ at the Khabour entrence. Now people will dare to return home.

This is not only about bombardments by Israel and probatly USA as well.


You’re a lying Zionist shill. You get your information from Jew world order propaganda outlets. You might as well quote Debka report for your lies. The Russian article says nothing about Russia killing large numbers of civilians.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You don’t even repeat what I say properly, you always use a bit of spin and a few lies to try and prove your point, I didn’t say the article said this, “Russia killing large numbers of civilians.” What meds are you on?, I said this you halfwit, “This Russian article I’ve linked is about the closest you’ll get to the truth if you only read pro Russian media, it’s a very sanitized version of the truth and the real truth is much more alarming.” You’re psychotic Richard. https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Frussiancouncil.ru%2Fen%2Fanalytics-and-comments%2Fanalytics%2Fevolution-of-the-syrian-military-main-trends-and-challenges%2F%3ASKNY96Hhi95W5a_jYcVK3ermyzg&cuid=3606370 Read it again and again and again, and eventually you’ll understand it, then go out and find out even more of the truth, so you can choke on it.


You’ve posted nothing credible to support your Zionist lies about Russia killing civilians or any of the rest of your hasbara propaganda. You’ve quoted nothing from the article to support the Jew bulls— that you’re spamming these threads with.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re talking about a totally different comment and confusing two different conversations you simpleton, can’t you stick to the one comment, are the meds making you get the two separate conversations confused, LOL. This is comment thread is concerning Russia’s reformation of the Syrian military to counter the growing Iranian influence on the SAA and government institutions, the one you’ve switched back to is the one concerning civilian casualties inflicted during both the aerial bombardment of western Aleppo, and the casualties inflicted by terrorist attacks against government controlled areas, you’re a dribbling idiot Richard, even Jens makes more sense than you do.


There’s nothing in that quote about all of hasbara propaganda that you’re trolling these threads with about Russian Iranian conflict. You’ve provided zero credible evidence to support any of your lies. All that you’ve done is out yourself as a shill for the Jew pedophile mass rape cultists.

You make false accusations to try divert attention from your narcotics use, lies and insanity just like a Jew.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

All I did was copy and paste certain relevant lines and then linked the official Russian info site they came from, AND ALSO STIPULATED THAT THEY SHOULD READ THE ARTICLE IN FULL TO COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND IT, NOT JUST READ WHAT I COPIED AND PASTED TO MAKE WHAT I THOUGHT WERE THE MOST RELEVANT POINTS, how much fairer and honest do you want me to be Richard, and you do realize the site I linked is an official Russian government administered website don’t you, it’s not a Jewish site, LOL, you halfwit.

The Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) – is a non-profit academic and diplomatic think tank established by the presidential decree dated 2 February 2010.[1][2] The founders of the RIAC are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Academy of Science, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and Russian news agency Interfax. The Russian International Affairs Council was founded on orders of then-President Dmitry Medvedev to contribute to Russia’s soft power efforts.


So for a one eyed pro Russian bigot you sure are a wonder to behold, not only do you ignore me and call me a liar, you’re also disputing what the very people you claim to back wholeheartedly and agree with, are ACTUALLY telling us. These are the cleverest and most loyal people the Russian government chose to be a think tank, the Russian government pays them to come up with ideas, present facts, discover problems and highlight them, and then also offer solutions, and that’s exactly what that official Russian government article did, so are you calling us both liars are you, are we both wrong about the Iranians, maybe the Russian government should just sack them all and employ you instead, since you seem to know all the facts and know the truth about everything. So you and all the dickheads like you who think you’re pro Russian and call me a Jewish troll or anti Russian aren’t really pro Russian at all, you’re all really just mindless morons who have no real idea about anything at all, you just follow a few headlines and ignore all the other important information, even what the Russians themselves are telling you, God almighty, God help Russia when it’s got mindless morons like you supporting them, no wonder the western media is always portraying us pro Russian forum users as mindless morons, they use the crap that people like you post to make their point. SF should just ban all of you altogether, I’m sick of being called names in the western media I don’t deserve, I’m not a mindless moron like you, I at least try to know a little bit more than the headline story tells us, I listen to what the Russian government and it’s approved institutions tell me, you should too Richard, and all your dickhead mates that give us a bad name should too. YOU’RE THE LIAR RICHARD, YOU IGNORE THE TRUTH EVEN WHEN IT COMES FROM THE PEOPLE YOU LIKE, YOU CAN’T UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH AT ALL, IT’S TOTALLY BEYOND YOU.

Jens Holm

Accoprding to, what I read, his words partly are true but also biased.

Hasaka is not Hasaka Town but only the northern part of it, so 20 km to DEZ is very incorrect.

Hesbollah of the Lebanese has retreated. According to themselves maybee a yar ago, they couild not effort so many of them had died. They are not that many.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Look at the map Jens, Turkey is in Al Hasakah and the OB post they occupy is just 20 km north of the top of Deir ez Zor. Turkish occupied territory is grey and their ob post a yellow dot. You need to learn how to read a map buddy, as well as speak English. https://syria.liveuamap.com/

Xoli Xoli

Ceasefire syndrome.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“According to the report, 57 civilians were killed and 116 others were injured as a result of attacks and shelling by militants.”

Are people reading this line properly, it’s not actually saying that the rebels killed and injured all these civilians, it’s just implying it, the truth is most of the civilian deaths and injuries were carried out by our side, not the terrorists, and sadly most by the Russian air force. And this part of the line I quoted is the spin part of the story that tries to hides the real truth,

“as a result of attacks and shelling by militants.”

But they should’ve said this to be more accurate,

“as a result of attacks, and shelling by militants.”

and to be totally honest they should’ve said this,

“as a result of aerial attacks, and shelling by militants.” … The truth may be obscure but never hard to find if you bother to look.

Attacking Aleppo with a massive aerial bombardment achieved nothing positive, it just meant the rebel were able to mobilize in the south and recapture territory, and it also killed way too many civilians making the rest of world more inclined to intervene, and it hasn’t stopped the rebels shelling the SAA held civilian areas at all, so a total failure in my books with nothing positive at all achieved.


You’re a fool and a liar spamming the thread with stupidity. The Russians don’t bomb civilians and leave the terrorists unharmed. The targets are the terrorists. And I’m sure that most of the dead and injured are terrorists, not civilians. And that the air support saved SAA lives and orevented terrorist advances.

What kind of idiot writes this nonsense:

“Attacking Aleppo with a massive aerial bombardment achieved nothing positive, it just meant the rebel were able to mobilize in the south and recapture territory”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re right when you say the Russians don’t bomb civilians and leave the terrorists unharmed, and you would’ve even been right if you’d said the Russians try very hard to avoid bombing civilians during their attacks against the terrorists, but sadly your stupid ignorant one eyed bias doesn’t allow chimps like you to view the truth impartially, so instead of checking to see the validity of my remarks for yourself, you just call me a liar instead, AGAIN for the one hundredth time. How many of those 57 dead and 116 injured civilians were due to terrorist activity Richard, and how many were due to accidental artillery/airstrikes, I’m not going to bother checking what the exact numbers are, I don’t have to, I’ve been following the news, and I can tell you more than two thirds of them are due to our side. You know Richard it’s actually people like you who continually call me a liar that are the ones who have a real problem with the truth, you have trouble even recognising the truth full stop, and sadly you can’t see when it’s being hidden from you or why it’s being hidden, but worst of all and the thing I hate the most is, you call people liars when they do tell the truth, why do you do that Richard, is it because it doesn’t fit the rosy narrative you want to believe in, BAD LUCK Richard, the truth is the truth.


You’ve provided zero proof that Russia is killing most of the civilians. Given your credibility deficit. Anything coming from a self admitted liar and dope fiend like without credible proof is meaningless.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The collective news is providing the proof Richard, read that instead of watching those LGBTQI pornos you always do.


That’s a dodge. You can’t prove your points with credible evidence. You’re spamming these threads with lies and stupidity that I’ve outed many times.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I can prove my point if you’d just watched some news you dickhead, it’s not like it’s classified info that’s not available. The only thing you’d accept as credible evidence is a link to a SF article, LOL. In all the time you’ve trolled me you’ve only ever outed yourself for your ignorance and one eyed bias.


You’ve provided zero proof to support your claims. 2

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You sound like a broken down record player Richard, 2

Jens Holm

You should have some of them and glue in Your bed, so they dont rest in pieces.

cechas vodobenikov

the ISIS/amerikan fascists, while losing, sadistically target civilians—US imperialism is required in order to delay the collapse of their fake culture less empire—the Mongols were more civilized during Khan than r amerikans

Jens Holm

. Hindus like You will be worms used for catching fish in Your next lives.

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