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Syrian War Report – June 11, 2018: Syrian Army Repels Series Of ISIS Attacks On Al-Bukamal

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Last weekend, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies repelled another series of ISIS attacks on the town of al-Bukamal at the Syrian-Iraqi border. ISIS used several suicide bombers and car bombs to break the SAA defense but failed to capture any key positions.

In clashes that took place from June 8 to and June 10, about 35 pro-government fighters were killed, according to pro-opposition sources. In turn, the SAA reportedly killed up to 20 ISIS members and destroyed at least two car bombs.

The SAA also deployed reinforcements, a few fresh units, to stabilize the situation in the area.

According to local sources, all the recent ISIS attempts to capture al-Bukamal involved attacks from the eastern bank of the Euphrates, where the US-led coalition and its proxies from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) should combat the terrorist group.

On June 9, Russian military spokesman Maj. Gen. Konashenkov stated that all the remaining ISIS strongholds in Syria remain in areas controlled by the US-led coalition. Konashenkov’s statement were likely referring to the area of At Tanf and the eastern bank of the Euphrates, where ISIS cells are still pretty active.

Meanwhile, the SDF continued its advance on the town of Dashisha capturing the villages of Abu Hamdah, Shamas and Al-Hulwa. The advance was backed not only by the US-led coalition but also by limited strikes by Iraqi warplanes and artillery, which hit some key ISIS facilities in the border area and the Euphrates Valley.

It is unclear why the SDF and the coalition continue ignoring a group of ISIS-held villages in their area of responsibility of the Euphrates Valley. This ignorance allows some pro-Damascus and pro-Russian sources to speculate that the US-led forces are indirectly encouraging ISIS attacks on government forces.

The SAA also developed its operation against ISIS cells in eastern al-Suwayda liberating the valley of Ar’ar and the village of Rasm Hatite. The ISIS-linked news agency Amaq claimed that 12 SAA soldiers had been killed in the clashes. However, ISIS cells in the area have little chances to resist to government forces for a long time.

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So the fukus is sending their minions, to test the SAA.

Bill Wilson

So far the SAA is scoring a D since ISIS has managed to hold positions in the western edge of the city.


What you really mean is that the SAA is combating US Coalition supported deranged ISIS zealots who the US hopes will close the land route to Iran that will then be occupied with US troops with the excuse they are fighting terror.

Daniel Miller

Why are arabs so shit at war……i am not even trolling anymore i am asking a legit question…this is not even funny anymore…


are they……. How you figure this out?

Daniel Miller

in all of the wars they have fought vs the IDF US and echother also the SAA is so shit it can even fight its own wars…..also the Saudis in Yemen.


IDF never fought is own wars. The only war they fight alone it was in 2006 when they had their asses kicked. The rest of the wars if you knew what you are talking about then you know that always the americans was there saving their asses.

In the old days was some fighters among the jews now days all they have is rainbow warriors same as US, with an expertise on civilian unarmed people.

Daniel Miller

and Egyipt did not? The IDF kicked the shit out of the SAA EAF and Jordanian forces at the same time also its worth noteing the US did not support the IDF during the 6 day war and to add insult to ingury the arabs had the technological edge in the 6 day war and still lost…..


Lol 6 day war. Did IDF ever faced enemy that eventually broken such initial advantages ? Apparently they did and they had to conceded that Lebanon is for Lebanese.

Daniel Miller

ummmm you do realise that the 6day war the arabs had a technological advantage…not the IDF.


Nonsense. IDF have the full advantages of everything related to war from advisory, technology, to their supplies. Coupled with USA as world’s leader that will intervene if it’s get bad to Israel.

Daniel Miller

m8 in the 6 day war the IDF used M4 shermans retrofitted with french 90mm gun…the best tanks they had had been the Centurion and the M48 but they had been rear and most of the tanks the IDF used are M51 shermans (upgraded M4A2E8 shermans) the bulk of the arab armise was the T54 and T55…far superior too the M51 and better then the M48A3’s and equel to the Centurion. the IAF’s best aircraft was the Mirage 3 while the bes aircraft egyipt had was the MiG21 but the arabs and the IAF had very few MiG21’s and Mirage-3’s while the MiG19 and 17 had been better then anything the IAF had at the time. Face the facts the arabs got wooped good in the 6 Day war by a enemy with mostly inferior equipment……also the IDF had worce supply lines since they needed to bring them in by air and sea…


Lol. So the attack first in 6 day war and decimated the Egyptian air forces in the first day (all those migs yeah ?). It’s all preemptive advantages which the the other party have yet to responds and dealt with. Take it to a months or year if the IDF resilience to be seen. They tried the same with Hezbollah and what a surprise it doesn’t work ! They had to resort into street to street door to door fighting in horrible results.

Only Israel can get away with such aggression. You’re arguing that they the Israel enemy in 6 day war should instead attacks them preemptively because they had a technological advantages ? No it don’t work that way unless you’re Israel with big brother sold out USA. Israel wouldn’t be able to handle defense or infantry street to street battle. Which is why they’ve been very scared by Syrian, Iranian, and Hezbollah next door.

Daniel Miller

m8 that is called tactis…the moment you play fair in war is the moment you lose also that still dosent exucse the arabs since they had S-75 SAM’s on stand by but did nothing.


No that’s called aggression the highest degree of international violation. Israel is war criminal in the form of small country.

Daniel Miller

…er not its no m8 its not called aggression its called tactics if you got your asses kicked you can say its aggression all you want but in the end you still got beat dident you?


Yes international law violation of thr highest degree were all tactics to your small sized brain perception.

Daniel Miller

” international law ” dosent mean jack shit in war.


You’re not very bright. Case closed.

Daniel Miller

uuu butthurt :D


according to you and what you assume you know. Both Uk/US have supported israel in all the wars, both logistically and other wise. Now if you want to believe what you believe that is your own limitations and is ok.

Wise Gandalf

In the 6 days war not.


not what I know as well any military american serving at the time in Mediterranean, or the british bases in Cyprus. So spare me what you think you know and speak of things only you know. And you dont base on what you just said.

Wise Gandalf

You are more hysteric than an old squaw. You know wrong. In that time IL bought weapons from west, mainly from france. Jordan from UK. But IL had not significant support. While arabs had massive soviet support. finally, they lied to arabs and want destroy IL because of a-bombs. IL won due to extremly stupid arab commanders. and AFTER this war began usa with massive support of IL.

until today IDF is the strongest army in the ME.


arabs had everythign old USSR had to get rid off from ww2. And you sound like a real moron. So dont bother me again with your jerking off.

Wise Gandalf

you are woeful.


I am? Been a retard is your first name or the family name?

Daniel Miller

ummm no in the 6 day war France was the main supporter of the IDF…not the US or the UK actually France was the contry witch made their nuclear program. Also again you fail to mention that Egypt and Syria had the Soviets support and yet still lost. You need to get the fact that arabs are horse shit at war thro your head. Years of inbreeding have left their IQ to be as low as africa’s ( the UK has the same problem).


The absence of industrial capability of the Arabic nation. If you’re talking about how good of a fighters they are they are some of the most resilient people on earth.

Daniel Miller

hell no they are pussys whom runaway at the first sight of the enemy most of the time ask Iraq in 2003 and the SAA during most of the war.


Well go ahead contest with them in urban warfare personally. They inhabited deserts long before the fake semite invaded so by default they’re tougher than most. You can take one or two of regular experienced soldiers of these country over to country like Bulgaria, Belgium, etc and they can taught their army a thing or two how urban warfare are fought and what particular trick that their opponents can conjure up. They are resilient. You can’t change that fact.


The long and brutal siege of Deir Ezzor is testament to the Arab fighting ability when led by charismatic officers.


Got a chickenhawk awhile back that confident in his scores in target range spouting some nonsense of going over to Syria Iraq under ISIL to kill off arabs and moslem. I showed him how snipers snipe their targets in the middle east. Through a palm sized hole in the wall they aimed and shot their targets with amazing accuracy from inside the building. Unlike the Hollywood movies where sniper leaning over the handrails. That got him shut up.


Yes, ‘hanging out of windows with a rifle’ is never a good concealment for any soldier.

Many decades of Hollywood History and combat tactics have greatly helped to cause the ‘ fantasy malaise’ that afflicts many Americans to their great detriment as rational human beings.

Concrete Mike

You can proclaim what yoy want doesnt make it true.

Matter of fact becore every big saa win theres always a bunch of yahoos like you that say they cant do this or cant do that, apply some racial slur of whatever, slander complete.

So I say, shut the fuck up coward, we crushed everyone in front of us, and we aint stopping until were done.

Daniel Miller

well then go attack the golan :D

Concrete Mike

Why attack it when you can get it without firing a shot?


The SAA is defeating the Israeli backed, Al Qaeda, head choppers. The Syrian Arab Army, Hezbollah, IRGC, and Tiger Forces can invade the illegally occupied by Israel, the Syrian Golan Heights, and Israel will have the fight of it life to keep stolen land. What Israeli soldier wants to die a thief?

Daniel Miller

ummm no the SAA can bearly defeate some rag tag militants let alone a nother army.

Daniel Miller

i told you they are pussys but even if they are not pussys they wold get slaughtered the IDF is far better equiped and trained then the SAA


What you say is ‘why are children with rock so bad in defeating highly trained snipers of the IDF.’ “Good” question. Israel exells in killing unarmed women and children.

Daniel Miller

oh no the IDF kicked the shit out of evry arab nation surrounding them Syria Egypt Jordan and Lebenon in 1982 the only time the lost was when they faced the Iranian (Persian not arab) backed hezbolla witch knew what they had been doing persians are far smarter and more combat aware then arabs are that is why the IDF shits themselvs when they see Iran has troops in syria they are not scared of the SAA since they are unproffesional undiseplin and incompetant they are scared of Hezbolla and the IRGC.


Hezbollah destroyed Israeli aggressors. They even killed an aggressor general of the IDF.

Daniel Miller

yea Hezbolla is not really a arab faction tho they are lead by the IRGC and the Iranian military,why do you think Israel is so scared of Iran? Cuz they unlike their inbreed arab cousins actually know how to fight.


Wrong. Hezbollah are Lebanese who fight to defend Lebanon from Zionist aggression. Nice Jewish boys do not want to die in foreign aggression or defend stolen land, Syrian Golan Heights.

Daniel Miller

Ummm yea but they are lead and supplyed by the IRGC.


So? The Al Qaeda head choppers get medical attention from Israel.

Richard M

Why are Russia and USA bogged down fighting Arabs? The Arabs are not unified. They are fragmented. So why haven’t the “Superpowers” rolled them up like yesterday’s newspaper?

Daniel Miller

they have xD Russia with a detachment smaller then 1 air base worth of aircraft has managed to wipe out 10.000+ terrorists…The US moped the floor with Iraq…and both of them might have pulled out of Afganistan but not before exterminating almost a 1/3 of the population…so tell me again why are arabs so shit at war?


The Arabs have one major problem and that is because they are naturally tribal and competing against each other. It is partly due to their old nomadic ways I think.

It is rather like rival schools being asked to join together .

It is possible to do so though with the correct leadership and arguably the British Regimental System is a good example of this. It all comes down to discipline and a sense of belonging to a larger group. The various religions are an example of this .

Daniel Miller


Richard M

Tell me how the Arabs defeated the Ottoman Empire in WW1 with logistical support from the Brits?

Daniel Miller

Ottomans<Russia and the US

Richard M

Amazing mathematical hypothesis. :-/ … I think SAA has shown great resilience and tenacity. You have to remember who it is that they are actually fighting. Not the mythical “Civil War” where some protesters spontaneously revolted, but against the combined alliance of US, NATO, Israel, Saudis, Turks, GCC. ….75%, or more of the World’s military and economic power arrayed against one small Middle East nation, along with the top propaganda operations of CIA, Mossad, MI6. Along with the vilest Orcs on planet Earth, Daesh, Qaida and their ilk serving as puppets of the above. This is really an epic success on the order of Russia reversing Adolf’s Operation Barbarossa or of Frodo successfully destroying Sauron’s Ring of Power.

You, Daniel choose to criticize and find fault at every opportunity instead of enjoying the spectacle of David smiting Goliath. You have been swayed to the Darkside by Emperor Palpatine. Come back, David. Come back to the light!

Daniel Miller

really? full might? If the US attacke the SAA the war will be over in 5h.

Richard M

Like in Vietnam?

Daniel Miller

yea 3 million Vietkong died in that war :D the main Reason why we pooled out was of presshure at home not military reason.

Richard M

That’s like saying your team had more rushing yards in an American football game. That isn’t how the Win or Loss is decided. Got a source for the 3M figure?

Concrete Mike

Yeah killing civillians is a great way to win hearts and minds…

You stupid fuck, get a real job in the real world instead of flapping your gums for shekels

Daniel Miller

Civilians (particularly arab civs) are idiots whom think you can proof a point by staying home in the middle of a battle instead of escapeing i mean if some one is that dumb they deserve to get blown apart.

Concrete Mike

No one deserves to get blown apart, especially not for zionist shennanigans. No one made you a judge. Dont you understand why ppl did not want to fight? What do you do walk through no man land?? No you hunker down and wait it out.

Listen to this jackass, hey women children elderly, walk through al nusra lines its ok….

Manuel Flores Escobar

There have never been ISIS cells in Al Suwayda…they are terrorist from US base of Al Tanf with the ISIS suit in order to build a pocket…then US forces would move from Al Tanf along Jordan border to eastern Suwayda towards Dara to avoid the SAA take control of Jordan-Syria border with the excuse to protect it from ISIS attacks!

Manuel Flores Escobar

of course the same map route we can see in Al Bukamal where USA wants that ISIS take control, of Al Bukamal to Iraqi border..then US and SDF could take parts of west Eufrates with the excuse to fight ISIS…but the goal would be to cut the road between Deir Ezzor to Irak along west Eufrates near Irak border!


Exactly Manuel.

Richard M

Obviously, these Daesh Orcs are the remnants of the Orcs that occupied DeZ City and other Euphrates Valley cities. As we recall the Orcs fled in general disorder and haste under the combined onslaught of SAA and SDF. The holdout in Raqqa City being an exception. Since the escape routes were under the eyes of RuAF and SyAF the ability of the Orcs to take tanks, trucks, excavators, missiles, etc was extremely limited. Basically they did well to escape with an intact ah noose and maybe an AK-47.

So the question is, who is supplying these Orcs with heavy weapons, and light weapons and ammunition? The answer, of course is NATO, FUKUS and SHIT.

Wise Gandalf

And how transports NATO in isis islet surrounded by syrian government territory? You believe, that russians see each mice and flies, so perfect recon technique have in Sy. Then your theory is false. ;)

Richard M

Who knows what wizardry the AmeriDevils have? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3w6c7RUbUs

Wise Gandalf

Answer the question.

Concrete Mike

From at tanf, weve been talking about this for days where the fuck were you?

Wise Gandalf

I asked HOW? How is possible, when everything is so controlled by SAA and russians??

This little group could be also local cell.

Richard M

I put my OP in the form of a question. You answered with a question of your own. So how do YOU think Daesh is getting the weapons? Are the Go’auld delivering them via the Stargate?


looks like ISIS units in the desert is more stronger than previously thought.

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