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Syrian War Report – June 12, 2018: Army Repels Militants’ Attack Coming From US-held Area On Palmyra

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Early on June 11, pro-government forces, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, repelled a militant attack coming from the US-held area of Al-Tanf in eastern Syria on the ancient city of Palmyra, according to the Russian military.

Syrian troops reportedly detected a group of militants with motorcycles and vehicles equipped with machine guns near Tall Ghurab. Five militants were killed and a vehicle and a motorcycle were destroyed in the clashes which erupted.

The Russian military added that attempts by militants to carry out operations from the Al-Tanf area appear on a regular basis.

On the same day, Major General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the defense ministry, said that The US-backed Free Syrian Army and the US Special Operations Forces are “preparing a serious provocation involving chemical warfare agents” in the province of Deir Ezzor. The goal of the provocation is to create a pretext for a new missile strike on Syria’s state facilities by the US-led coalition and to justify an attack by US-backed forces on Syrian Army positions in the Euphrates Valley.

Recently, the US has supplied the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) with 250 trucks including Hummer armored vehicles, heavy weapons and pick-ups, the Russian state media says citing a SDF source.

According to the source, the ammunition and armored vehicles are delivered overland from northern Iraq through the Semelka border control post and from there to the east of Deir Ezzor.

At the same time, ISIS has continued its fierce attacks on government forces in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert advancing in the Humaymah-T2-Muazilah triangle. The advance was repelled by the SAA but the situation in the area remains tense.

The increased ISIS activity poses a security threat to the SAA-held area, especially if the US-led coalition finds the needed pretext to carry out strikes on government forces.

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Nothing new here . Such has been reported numerous times and as usual US does not care .

Expo Marker

Trump has to appease the blood thirsty neo-cons with the blood of Syrians in place of North Korean blood.

Hide Behind

And so the Kurds who are making an agreement with Damascus to exchange crude oil for refined fuels will have the necessary fuels for their seperate from Damascus military forces. And US/ NATO/Israel get to treat Iraq as a supply route to Kurdistan Syria, as Iraq proper and it’s own Kurdish controlled oil fields sell oil to both Iraq and Syria’s enemies, their masters, US/NATO/Israel. Anyone getting dizzy from this merry-go-round ride. The pseudo bad guys are given bus rides back behind US controlled and patrolled areas, to be feted, fed and reared and trained for duty in Afghanistan, Phillipines, parts of Africa and of course of those who either join Kurdish military or new AL’Q or ISIL get new unregistered Toyota, UAE BUILT MRAPS and Armored cars, New Toyota trucks and Asian built motorcycles with accessories such as machine guns to attack Syrians. M. E., a F’n Disneyland for psycopaths.

S Melanson

I have been fighting dizzy spells for a while watching this land of drama queens. And now the pills don’t even work anymore…


Isis in the pocket grows stronger every week. The us is pumping up their strength to figure out the minimum Isis forces needs to defeat local SAA forces.

They don’t want to make Isis more powerful than necessary. After Isis takes abu kamal , the us will take it . Abu kamal is the key to cut Syria off from Iraq.

Wise Gandalf

Abu kamal is the key to cut Syria off from Iraq.

you understood. and many people not.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The 6 super duper French artillery guns are within range of Abu Kamal, about 20 km north of it and 15km from the Iraqi border, some people have told me that’s incorrect but they’re wrong, this is exactly where they are. We also have US special forces positioned near Abu Kamal on the northern side of the Euphrates, supposedly keeping an eye on any changing developments between Isis and the SAA. And now the Italians have turned up too, it seems they might need a consensus of wills to do something very important soon.


Perhaps Russia should publicly call the USa out. Something like, if you guys don’t shut down ISIS, we will do it for you, so you should get your advisors to ISIS out, while you can.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They did last year and blockaded the base as well. FSA and Isis were given the boot but have snuck back in since and are again using the 55km exclusion zone around the base to hide in. This is the second time they’ve called out the US.


The terrorists in the desert pocket west of Dier Ezzor are extremely vulnerable to heavy weapons and airstrikes. They can be supported with supplies and reinforcements to a limited extent because of the vast desert expanse that they currently exist in. But not without significant detection by the Syrian government coalition. If they become to much of a problem. The human and equipment cost that they suffer in mitigating their threat would be high.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

All the Isis fighters that’ve been on holiday in Al Hasakah are now returning to duty in Dier ez-Zor and Homs. Party’s over boys, it’s time to start working for your US paychecks.

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