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Syrian War Report – June 3, 2019: Israeli Military Intensifies Attacks On Syria

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Syrian War Report – June 3, 2019: Israeli Military Intensifies Attacks On Syria

Overnight on June 2, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) carried out a missile strike on Syrian Arab Army (SAA) targets in the  southern part of the country. According to the IDF, the missiles hit 2 artillery batteries, observation and intelligence posts and an SA-2 (S-75 Dvina) aerial defense battery.

The IDF says that the strike was conducted in response to the launch of 2 rockets at Mount Hermon from the area controlled by the Syrian government. Pro-Israeli media outlets immediately speculated that the rockets were Iranian-made Fadjr-5.

The Syrian state media confirmed the Israeli strike saying that air defense forces had intercepted several Israeli missiles coming from the Golan Heights. 3 Syrian soldiers were killed and 7 others were injured.

This was the second Israeli strike on Syria during the week. On May 27, Israeli jets destroyed a Shilka self-propelled anti-aircraft gun killing one service member and injuring another one at Tal Sha’ar.

Israel seems to be increasing its military against Syria once again after the decision of the Trump administration to recognize the occupied Golan Heights as a part of Israel. At the same time, the Syrian military is avoiding to employ a S-300 air defense system received from Russia, most likely to avoid a further military escalation in the region.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and Turkish-backed militant groups carried out a failed attack on al-Hwaiz in northwestern Hama. At least one vehicle and 19 militants were eliminated in clashes with the SAA.

ISIS fighters have destroyed two SAA vehicles east of the town of al-Sukhnah with an anti-tank mine and an improvised-explosive device (IED), the terrorist groups’ news agency, Amaq, reported on June 1. According to Amaq, several Syrian service members were killed and injured in the attacks.

The terrorist group went on to claim that its fighters captured a third vehicle in an ambush west of al-Sukhnah. Four SAA soldiers were reportedly killed there.

Earlier, ISIS cells in the Homs desert launched a large attack on the area of al-Faydah in southwestern Deir Ezzor. The army repelled the attack after more than six hours of heavy clashes. Several soldiers were killed.

Amaq said that these attacks were a part of a new military campaign called Ghazwat Al-Aistinzaf [the Battle of Attrition], which began on May 31. The campaign appears to be aimed against both the SAA and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

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Daniel Miller

again the SAA show how unproffesional they are.



Vince Dhimos

Maybe the Israeli fighters are shielded by mountains. I don’t think the S-300s would be able to hit them if that is the case.

Rhodium 10

Because SAA dont have skill and Ability to use even Pantsir system…imagine using S-300 PMU…. 2 Pantsir were destroyed while both were parked in the middle of an airfield runway turned off and in one of them the crew were away while Israel was attacking….


oh baloney.

Rhodium 10

How many Grad rockets have launched terrorist to Russian base of latakia?…more than 50!..and all of them have been intercepted by Pantsir system and Russian crew operators!

Tommy Jensen

Its all SAAs fault. If SAA had the necessary skills and abilities, what they absolutely NOT have, everything would have been different. Palestine have got their land back, there would be peace in Syria and Iraq, America would finally have come to their senses. Assads wife would have 4 breasts instead of one. Only because of SAA.


Its not just SAA, now can you enlighten us how you can do better than them protecting and manage to push back after surviving invasion that almost destroy their country?

alvin fanechigiy

They are already destroyed by idf air force.cool


Your monkey brain is already destroyed… another pathetic fake account with 2 comments.

Jens Holm

You have to start with something. So far I welcome Alvin.

I still work hard to get my first million.

Jens Holm

No, they are plastic :)


Israel planes !!

Quenten Bruce

Becuase against small stand off bombs or missiles using the S300 is like using a nuclear bomb to kill a cockroach. I would have thought the S300 would be reserved for killing planes. Anyways, one day soon, when the SAA has secured it’s political and military space, perhaps we will see and aggressive posture against Israel.

Jens Holm

I think its meant as Israelian airplanes and missiles.

Astrid Watanabe

Good question. I read elsewhere [also on SF] “the Russians are not giving authorization to Syria to use S-300 against Israel due to de-conflicting agreement between Russia and Israel.”


Every day that passes without WW III being declared is another day where the Empire grows weaker and the dissension grows.

Send in the ground troops and you might get our attention. Maiming Palestinian children is not good training for going up against actual soldiers.

One must ask is defending your homeland righteous or are imperial missions of conquest backed by psychopathic mafias more likely to inspire loyalty and bravery.

I would choose death for a righteous cause, rather than being cannon fodder for an evil empire, even when they win.


Who should declare war to NATO?


Seems US has a history of being forced into these things by false flags they sponsor, seems the world is fed up with this scenario of crying wolf. The dissenters are content to watch Empire destroy themselves this time round.


Do you mean that USA will declare WW3?


Even Korea was actually a police action, no? I don’t know that they will declare war perhaps there is some technicality that serves to tie the military’s hand so they avoid that.

In future if anyone is around to notice, it will be the US that gets blamed for starting the war, by everyone but the MSM. In fact it may already be going!

Of course this is just my limited take on things. Seems if the US keeps insisting on it’s own agenda, NATO will be even weaker.


Do you use any statistics like GDP or just inspired from Russian sites comments?


Draw from many different sources. I like whistle blowers like William Binney who is part of VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity). Mostly it cheers me up when logic seems to rule a particular chain of thought.

I find stuff like Ukraine and it’s all Zionist oligarchs, running a shit show with Neo Nazis, absolutely fascinating. It makes the slobbering enthusiasm for war in the Ukraine by the MSM both utterly logical and disgusting.

I like the book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, that explains who and how the Petro Dollar came about and exactly where that is leading. 1984 is also good for showing the roadmap they follow. What inspires you?


Learning new things. And the individual freedom, dignity and responsibility. And by defending that I don’t understand people that are in love with any dictatorship. How about the Zionist oligarchs in Moscow? I know many Jewish-Russian billionaires moved in Israel, but still they make the largest ethnic group in Russia’s oligarchs.


Ah, they call them the 5th column. I do admire the unity that seems to prevail among the Zionists, even if it is like a heard of pigs suckling their mum. But rather than leading us to rally around a mafia, we do need to find the common ground to pull together to defend morality and a common good.

Which brings me to another favorite source. Jews who have the absolute chutzpah to attack the behaviors of their fellow “believers”. Steven F. Cohen comes to mind. I find it easiest to believe those who have everything to lose and nothing to gain by their testimony, but the betterment of humanity.


The point here is again Russia. Russia intelligent saw when these planes took off from its basis in Israel, saw the direction they were taken, and saw from where the fired their missile, and do……nothing to stop them. I wonder, whether or not, at least, Russia notified Syria that an attack was coming. On the other hand, it looks like Russia has not allowed Syria to use S-300 system to shut down Israel planes because the system is fulll capable to do this, I do not believe it is due to lack of Syria soldiers training, although thye have shown a lot of unprofessional behavior.

Jens Holm

Third time within 24 hours, You are not even familiar to, to many years old Russians having their own agenda.

Thats how how censurship works.

You are learned Russia is Your best friend, but its much more true, they are the best friend, You can get. You also are tol Assads is commander of the Russian army.

Even that has not been seen the last many years, You are not able to see that being permanet blindfolded.

Hard to understand, You can ignore writings as well as videos about it. I even see people here telling Russian are controlled by jews. What a skizzofrenia.

Russia is friends to Assad-Syria with limitations.


Protip, bro: Google Translate is not a good service, alright? Also, it’s “schizophrenia”.

Jens Holm

The point is, You understand it.



I know what your are talking about, and nobody here can put in doubt that without Russia simply Syria had already disappeared. However, after IL-20, and the reaction had Putin and Russia about this, it is hard to me to see Russia as I saw it before. I do not think jews (or Israel) control Russia, but I am sure they have some influence on Russia decision making. Just take the evidences, without any propaganda anti-jews or pro-jews.


The blood sucking Jew baby rapers are heavily out gunned by the Syrian government coalition. In any toe to toe Israel would suffer massive damage without NATO intervention. Which outside of possibly the US, which has never directly intervened for Israel before in wars with it’s neighbors and has no treaty obligation to do so, the Jews are unlikely to get.

Israel has no defense against Syrian missile strikes destroying the IAF before they even get off of the ground. They can’t even stop Palestinian rockets. The Syrians just don’t want to divert resources to fight Israel while they’re busy clearing out the Yinon plan terrorists domestically. Once that’s done. Hopefully Palestine, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon will work together on Palestinian refugee repatriation and voting Israel out of existence.


The end of Israel. https://melaniekillingervowell.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/iraq-vote-purple-finger.png

William Barlow

Can you please explain. I do not no what this means. Thankyou.


6 million Palestinian refugees return to Israel and hold a referendum to dissolve Israel, outlaw Judaism, and dejudify and unify Palestine. Just like Hamas has done with Gaza. No more Jews, no more problem.

The UN then gives Israel’s seat to Palestine, former Jews find something more productive to do with their lives, and everyone lives happily ever after. .

Astrid Watanabe

He got secret info from Bigfoot and the Abominable Snowman.


Are you senile?


This is an ahistorical perspective ignoring the crushing defeats Syria suffered in 4 different wars to Israel


In 73 the baby rapers had a brown shorts moment and had to get the nukes out and use nuclear black mail against the US as they were getting overrun in the Golan by Syrian armor. That won’t happen this time around.

El Mashi

“evil Jew” imbecilic slur.


You’re a Zionist truth hater.

Kell McBanned

The apartheid states end is nigh https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4c9d769443ac5f177f50d909116baf4dbcb1e16296ca3b2ffd9e7bfa5ac65aaa.jpg


It is an attempted distraction, trying to help their friends, Nusra and the rest of the headbchoppers up north. it isn’t going to work. My take folks.


The end of bashar is near

Tommy Jensen

The end of you is rear………………LOL. That was fokking funny man.


This is serious but true because israel now doesn’t need anymore bachar day after day

Quenten Bruce

Nope, that would be the beginning of end of the US dollar is near.

Jens Holm

It seemes as Assads are using Russians as human shields.

Tommy Jensen

When Assad was in controle, SAA succeeded to shoot a couple of F16 down with Bukh 100 missiles from1969. After Russia equipped Syria with anti-missile systems, Assad only has received reports about dead young Syrians in SAA from Israeli attacks. Not blaming anybody as we cannot see behind the curtains, but……………just wondering.


Only one old F16 which was built in the 70’s was shot down in over 1000 strikes

Very humiliating to Russian S400’s

Quenten Bruce

Perhaps you cant see past the point that Israel is using stand off munitions, not exposing their planes to threats. I would have thought, that the US going to Afghanistan , fighting a war against innocent families and goat herders with nothing to do with your country, and then protecting and buying (for covert global distribution) the 20x increase in opium production might be thought of as wrong, but obviously your country and most of your people, have no humility at all. Just a rape and pillage attitude and intelligence, more akin to the dark ages. Your nation has reached the limit of it’s empire. We are know in rollback time. When your dollar crashes. The US will find it has no friends and enemies everywhere. Then you will know what humiliation is.


Meaning that the S400 range is so shit that it can be defeated by a simple concept such as stand off strikes


Quenten Bruce

Meaning you don’t understand the concept of powerful interceptor missiles being wasted on small stand off munitions or chasing the already long gone planes. You should get a job working for the US strategic military doctrine. You would fit right in.


It can’t even intercept cruise missiles

Quenten Bruce

Has it been used against cruise missiles or is that just your opinion?


Pull your head out of your ass

Israel’s been slapping syria for the past 5 years


Quenten Bruce

Thats because they are too smart to fight a war on two fronts. You have the same problem as your political and military leaders. Cant see past the end of your nose, or political and strategic cycle.


You guys seriously blind and can not use your head. In 1969 syrian enemy was only israel. Now they fighting all over the place from israel, isis that freely coming from US protected area, rebel, and they are focusing fight to free idlib from combined group of rebel and terrorist. And they still just recovered from US and Isis invasion.


IDF, Idlibstan Defense Forces–’nuff said.


Have anyone doubts that Russian army is informed about the Israeli strikes?

Carlos Correia

israel air show above Syria means nothings… dropping some bombs here and there in a country that faces full war for years, is not effective since there is no ground support, this air strikes are for political reasons and Iran knows this and SAA must hold some ammo for the full out war. I understand people that get the sensation that the SAA is losing, but is a strategy. israhell is feeling they can do anything in the region. but is short lived, every day countless numbers of people know the truth about israel nazism aka zionism. time is a double edge sword.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Sometimes the Israelis hit Iranian targets in Syria, and sometimes the Israelis hit Syrian targets in Syria, this time it’s Syrian targets. I wonder how the Israelis know it’s the SAA launching the rockets, it could also have been Hezbollah or even Iranian forces, or it could have been as I believe it was, launched by the rebels to create a FF attack to involve Israel, I think that’s way more likely in the present situation than either Iran/Hezbollah or Syria being responsible for it.


These are the sites that need to be hit to destroy the IAF and stop their war crimes and UN resolution violations against Syria. http://www.iaf.org.il/Sip_Storage/FILES/7/45227.jpg

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