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Syrian War Report – May 2, 2019: Militants Claim 4 Russians Killed In Hama, Attack Hmeimim Air Base

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Syrian War Report – May 2, 2019: Militants Claim 4 Russians Killed In Hama, Attack Hmeimim Air Base

On May 1, the Turkish-backed coalition of militant groups, the National Front for Liberation, claimed that its members had killed 4 Russian servicemembers with mortar shelling in the village of Braidij in northern Hama.

The reports came amid a new round of escalation in the area caused by the constant militant attacks on positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). According to pro-militant sources, Syrian and Russian aircraft carried out at least 50 strikes on militant targets in northern Hama and southern Idlib.

On the same day, government reinforcements reportedly arrived in the area in order to strengthen SAA positions near the so-called demilitarized zone. Pro-government sources immediately started a new round of speculation that this is a sign of an upcoming military operation near Idlib.

On May 2, the Russian Defense Ministry rejected claims about casualties among its servicemembers in northern Hama. Separately, the Russian military revealed that militants from the Idlib de-escalation zone had attempted to attack its Hmeymim airbase with multiple-launch rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) 12 times over the past month. 8 of the 12 attacks were carried out with UAVs. Russian forces shot down 12 UAVs. No material damage or casualties were caused.

9 Turkish soldiers were killed and fourteen others injured in a series of attacks in the southern part of Afrin on April 30, the Afrin Liberation Forces (ALF) claimed in a new statement. The Turkish soldiers were supposedly killed when Kurdish fighters destroyed with ATGMs two BMC Kirpi Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles and a 4×4 Turkish military truck in the vicinity of the town of Qatamah. On the same day Kurdish fighters also ambushed a Turkish military unit near the same village. As a result of the ambush, six Turkish soldiers were injured, according to the ALF’s claims.

The Kurdish group’s claims are yet to be confirmed. The Turkish military, which usually announces his losses without any delay, has not commented on these claims so far.

ISIS units killed and captured a number of Syrian service members in two hit and run attacks in the eastern Homs countryside over the last few days. The attacks took place in the areas of Aatchane and Sukhna.

According to pro-government sources, the SAA’s Tiger Forces were recently sent to the Homs countryside in order to deal with the growing ISIS threat. The expected anti-ISIS operation in the desert however makes the possibility of an advance near Idlib questionable.

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Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s believable, the Russian’s went absolutely ballistic with airstrikes straight after the unconfirmed killings, another coincidence perhaps, or a revenge strike.


Of course Russians go ballistic when their airbase is attacked. Airstrikes do not prove that 4 Russians have been killed.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The article just said the Russians claimed the rebels attacked their the airbase 12 times in the last month, but there’s only been one massive Russian retaliatory strike over the last month, not 12. The Russians have been bombing the rebels quite a lot all month, but the strikes the other day far outnumbered all previous strikes by a factor of 5 to 10, and you’re sure it’s just a coincidence, even though the retaliatory strike was launched the day after the rebels claim they killed the 4 Russians. As I said, very believable.


Honey, you must have missed the train. Do your research and you’ll find out that the airstrikes began immediately after the first attack on their airbase. MSM did not report it but it was reported in AMN, RT, SANA, and even on SF. I don’t believe in coincidences, there is no such thing but if you fallow the “cause&effect” you’d find out that the desperate party is trying to be relevant and demonstrate to the fools that they are still living and kicking. We have seen it before, haven’t we? And yes, you are free to celebrate any false news. It doesn’t matter, you know.The rats and their masters have lost it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’ve done plenty of research, perhaps you’re the one who needs to do more. In the last month we’ve been lucky to have seen a Russian airstrike every second or third day, and on the odd days they have occurred, there have been only 3 or 4 separate sorties, half a dozen at most and only on just a few occasions. And that’s despite the fact the Russians have just told us their base has been attacked 12 times in that same period. On about the 22nd the Russians ramped up their sortie rate a fair bit, and then again on the 26th, but on the 1st of this month they went SUPER BALLISTIC. They themselves say 100 sorties in one day, and it’s supposedly just a coincidence the rebels claimed to have killed Russian soldiers the day before. Yeah no worries buddy, or should I say honey. I don’t believe any news, it’s all fake, I only believe the news that’s hidden between the lines, not what you actually read in the article itself.


Well, we can all see that ( re: I only believe the news that’s hidden between the lines, not what you actually read in the article itself.) Keep on searching for hidden news but refrain from sharing your delusions. After all, SF is not a social club for retired, lonely and confused (by excessive brainwashing) key-board warriors .

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You willingly and blindly accepting the Russian’s version of events without question, and totally dismiss the rebels claims altogether without any doubt, even though there’s abundant reason to at least question the Russians statement. And when someone like me does point out the glaring differences between this and all other previous strikes, and then offers another possible explanation to the narrative the Russians have told us, you try to shut me up by saying I’m wrong to even question their credibility, and also try telling me I’m just a confused brainwashed lonely social hound because I do. Yet I think it’s you that uses this forum as a social network not me, because I’m pro Assad, anti Putin, anti US deep state, pro Trump on domestic policy and Syrian policy as well as his anti LGBTQI policy, but anti Trump in nearly everything else, anti left wing and anti right wing. I’m the last person to think this is a good place to make new friends, it’s the last place I could make friends with the sort of comments I post, LOL. But since you have blind faith in all things Putin and anti west, this is the perfect forum for you to make friends. You do know a lot of people like me make fun of people like you, some of us think it’s a sign of insanity to always accept the narrative, your government [or group] gives you without question, and also to always discount what the enemy has to say too, you might make fun of my comment about reading between the lines, but I think that means you get less than half the real story sometimes. Do you have Putin pinups on your wall too, “honey”.

John Whitehot

“there’s abundant reason”

only if you are an illwishing ziojihadist licker.

As for objectivity – even western MsM did not pick the story, which is overwhelming proof that the jihadists are saying bullshittery as usual.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I don’t let the Zionists bomb my loyal friend and ally to smithereens whenever they want to do I, and you’re calling me a Zionist, F–ck off you retard. If the mainstream MSM didn’t pick it up it must be BS, that’s sound logic if ever I heard it, if the MSM don’t run a story it can’t be true, God help us all, you’re as dumb as a pig in shit. Overwhelming proof if the MSM didn’t also run with the story, I’d be laughing now at your stupidity but instead I’m crying, I can see it’s too late for Putin or Xi to save you from the LGBTQI brainwashing process, you’re already brain dead.

John Whitehot


1 – Load up shotgun 2 – Sit on the floor, back against the wall. 3- Put shotgun muzzle under chin, buttstock firmly on ground 4 – pull shottie trigger with right thunb finger 5 – the world thanks you for having made it a better place.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re nothing but a troll, and a sick perverted one at that, with all the bullying and bad behaviour on the internet that is supposedly partly responsible for the high suicide rate, you post something like this. I could get you banned for this one comment, and anyone else reading it and taking offense could also get you banned. You are one of those people who shouldn’t be allowed to use these forums, you don’t use it for free speech, you use it for something different. Do you know what the difference is between you and me, you just think you’re on Putin’s side because he does a few things you like, but really you’re on the opposite side from Putin, but me on the other hand, I’m wholeheartedly on Putin’s side, I just disagree with a lot of things he does. Hand me the shotgun and see what I’d do with it, one less perverted little weirdo in the world, no suicide though, just a murder cloaked by self defence.

John Whitehot

“I could get you banned for this one comment”

Ban my m***f****ing d**k.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Why do you back Putin? you do know he’s completely and utterly anti LGBTQI don’t you, that’s the main reason I like him. And I would’ve thought that’d you’d hate him for it, but you don’t, which means, ‘aren’t you a mixed little f-k-r then’. Putin banned LGBTQI promoting material back in 2005, no more little Russian children being brainwashed, if only you were born in Russia things may have been different, it’s so sad you weren’t. I don’t want to get you banned, just expose you for the perverted troll you are.

John Whitehot

i back whoever the f**k i want and no f*****g Shlomo or loony Hank are gonna make me change opinion – and i suggest all the real people here to send every single social media gtfo and base their opinions on something else.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The forums purpose is to voice peoples opinions, right or wrong, but you use them to put people down if you don’t like what they have to say, and I say a lot of things you don’t like, that’s just too bad, because I’m going to say a hell of a lot more. “And I suggest all the real people”, don’t cry little girl, you’re starting to sound like need someone to hold your hand, “And I suggest all the real people”, LOL.

John Whitehot

“”And I suggest all the real people”, don’t cry little girl, you’re starting to sound like need someone to hold your hand, “And I suggest all the real people”, LOL.”

pathetic. How can one take a suggestion to send trolls to fuck off for the need to have hands hold is a mistery going even further than the intellectual prostitution you display every time you open your mouth.

the histeria deriving from being unable to convince people to follow your clownish attempts at creating discontent among those that support freedom and justice is advancing rapidly. When you go boom is gonna be one hell of a spectacle.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Are you speaking a different language, I could barely understand you, what did you say again, and are you actually frothing at the mouth while you type, because I have a mental image of you doing exactly that, LOL. John Whitehot with a cartoon picture, I told you once I think that’s a bit scary, I wouldn’t let any children talk to you with that name and it’s enticing to children cartoon avatar, you are a worry. The name John Whitehot associated with 2 cute ducky’s hugging each other, mmmmm.

John Whitehot

it’s been years you ‘ve been trying to hustle me and i always sent you and your retarded babies crying back to mom, or to headbang that wall. so it’s not surprising you are developing an obsession with me.

You shoulda had listened when i told you i’m outside your reach.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“it’s been years you ‘ve been trying to hustle me” No it’s been about 6 months since you sent me your first obnoxious comment, and I responded to you dickhead, not the other way around. I didn’t like your filthy remarks and let you know it, and you’re saying I’m obsessed, how the hell do you come to that conclusion. You’re just an LGBTQI weirdo that lives in a fantasyland that’s all you are, and you’re not very intelligent either, but the thing I can’t handle about you is this, you’re thoroughly obnoxious, so I’d prefer to never hear from you never again, but because you pick on too many people and are so obnoxious to them as well, and I don’t like that, you’ll be hearing a lot more from me you stupid LGBTQI troll.


You should not have bothered with this confession.

Yes, I trust the Russians for reasons beyond your comprehension abilities.

Me and my friends have already decided that your twisted minds prevent you from seeing objectively and we feel so sorry for you. I don’t have a Putin pinup but you should be grateful to him and thank him daily for being still around.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Oh I comprehend why you trust the Russians fully, you got sick of all the lies the other side told you, but you still haven’t realized that they all tell you lies when it suits them. Even if they don’t want to sometimes they have to tell you lies, national security always takes precedence over the truth. Gee you say believe everything the Russians tell me and discount everything the other side says, is that being objective is it, I think you should look up the word, the one you need to describe yourself and your friends is ‘Biased’ or ‘one eyed’ or non objective that’s if I can use 2 words. And I do thank Putin and Xi every day, but not for the continuing war in Syria, I thank them for creating a new oil and gas trading block that is helping to diminish US world dominance, and most importantly the thing they do behind the scenes to stop the LGBTQI movement brainwashing the little kids in their countries, they’re both my heroes for that, even if I don’t like some of the other things they do.

Concrete Mike

Your allowed to think how you want, my position is that the rebels are evil snakes, and they have shown us over and over that the truth is 95% or more the opposite of what the “rebels” say.

They have never not once acted in good faith as the SAA and allies have done.

Why would I trust or believe the rebels now?

What I see between the lines is that the rebels are pieces of shit that should never be believed, they are dead men walking . I also think that before reading between the lines look at where these lines are coming from.

All the rebels have left is propaganda…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I agree the rebels are pieces of crap, but that doesn’t mean we have to discount everything they say, or believe everything the Russians tell us either, that’s not logical at all. I’ll make up my own mind as to what I think the truth is. And it’s not Putin or the rebels I believe, it’s the facts on the ground, and the facts say something big happened to illicit the massive response we saw from the Russians the other day. Nearly as much ordinance or more than they’ve dropped in the previous month dropped in just one day, the month they say the rebels attacked their airbase 12 times. So over the first 29 days of this month, during the previous 11 rebel attacks, the Russians launched less than 100 retaliatory airstrikes, at a rough count 70 to 80 maybe even less, but in just one day after the last rebel attack, they launched 120 sorties. I give the rebels 99% credibility and the Russians 1% credibility over that story, but it’s just my opinion, you’re entitled to yours too. I said previously in my comment that this latest Russian retaliatory strike was about 5 to 10 times what they’ve previously done to respond to rebel attacks, but it’s more like 20 or 30 times, yes I did say 20 or 30 times the amount of ordnance dropped in just one day, or I should say sorties launched in one day to be more accurate.

John Whitehot

“, claimed that its members had killed 4 Russian servicemembers with mortar shelling in the village of Braidij in northern Hama”

“On May 2, the Russian Defense Ministry rejected claims about casualties among its servicemembers in northern Hama”

Next time you could try writing these two in two different articles, instead of putting some kilometers between them. Perhaps some cavemen will believe it.

Jens Holm

I have another problem too. Its very difficult to me things are just named as Aleppo Province as well as Homs desert and DEZ.

Things might help You too by telling the incident were west of Aleppo city, South of Idlib Town. North of Palmyra and like that.

Hasbara Hunter

I have a problem too…it’s named Jens

Jens Holm

I am not Your problem. You are.

Luke Hemmming

Just face it Jens nobody here likes you Ok?

Jens Holm

I dont write here to be liked at all.

John Whitehot

you have lots of problems, anyway do yourself a favor and study text comprehension. the “kilometers” relates to the distance between two phrases in the above text – because normally if there’s a claim and a refute, they go in the same paragraph – unless you’re a propagandist trying to overrate the claim and underrate the refute.

Jens Holm

Thats a relative too. Kilometers also are a distance between people.

Concrete Mike

Of course it’s relative he is using a metaphor !!


You have too many problems moron. And not a single brain cell.

cechas vodobenikov

idiots rely on wishful thinking; those that can think demand evidence




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