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Syrian War Report – May 4, 2018: ISIS Defense Collapses In Southern Damascus

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Syrian government forces have achieved an important breakthrough in their battle against ISIS in southern Damascus.

On May 3, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Palestinian Liberation Army, Liwa al-Quds and other pro-government factions split the ISIS-held pocket into two separate parts by capturing several positions between the district of al-Hajar al-Aswad and the Yarmouk refugee camp. Government forces developed their advance and captured the Waseem housing project in Yarmouk and the al-A’lam roundabout in al-Hajar al-Aswad.

During the clashes the SAA captured a heavy VBIED and killed a few ISIS members, according to pro-government sources. The ISIS-linked news agency Amaq claimed that 39 government fighters had been killed by ISIS units. However, this number is a clear exaggeration.

The SAA’s recent gains came amid the developing evacuation agreement in the eastern part of the pocket. On May 3, a first batch of militants and their families were taken from the districts of Aqraba, Beit Sahm, Yalda and Babbila by 31 buses. A second batch is set to leave on May 4.

Once the evacuation is finished, the SAA will get more resources to increase pressure on the remaining ISIS members in southern Damascus and to secure the entire countryside of the Syrian capital.

The Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance is also working to re-establish control over the Rastan pocket in northern Homs.

On May 3, Russian Military Police removed the barriers from the Hama-Aleppo highway in the pocket and deployed several units near the towns of al-Rastan and Talbiseh, according to Syrian opposition sources. At the same time, militants in al-Rastan and Talbiseh started handing over their weapons to the SAA. The developments came as a part of the reconciliation agreement reached on May 2.

According to reports, members of militant groups that do not want to settle their legal status will start withdrawing from the Rastan pocket on May 5. However, the internal tensions among Rastan militants may lead to the delay of the evacuation and a new round of escalation in the area. A part of the local militant groups opposes the reconciliation agreement.

On May 3, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) launched an attack to capture the town of Hajin in the province of Deir Ezzor from ISIS. According to the SDF media center, dozens of local ISIS members already surrendered to the SDF near the town. The real clashes for Hajin are yet to start.

Previously, ISIS has repelled a few attempts by the SDF to capture Hajin. This time the situation may be a quite different as it seems that the SDF and the US-led coalition really want to achieve some fresh progress against the terrorist group.

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MD Ranix

God is the best of all planners – kudos to the superheros of the syrian coalition

Cedric Hunter

Splendid. Great. Keep closing in on the pockets SAA. Keep up the pressure, you are winning. But you must hurry, your time for winning in the West is affecting the fight in the Euphrates river valley. Yarmouk and Rastan operations must be completed within the next two weeks, period, before the SDF forms a defense barrier all around the oil fields they have taken. Start the Daraa push as the very next action in the Western half of syria. Surround the city and take it block by block . From two different directions, north and from the east. GO and achieve this SAA.

Icarus Tanović

How comes that now of the sudden SDF is taking without any problems and casualties big chunks of Zio-Isis held parts? But when SAA steps in to the fight, there’s some fiercely defense? Anyone find that situation any suspicious?


Please, everybody knows at this time that SDF and ISIS have a common master USA_Israel, and they are coordinated by USA-israel to appear whatever they want. In fact, ISIS is incorporating to SDF line. NOT FIGHT AT ALL, FROM THE BEGINNING. Do you remember when kurds ladies was saying that ISIS did not fight to them because ISIS terrorists believed that the go to hell if they were killed by a women ? Well, that was not exactly true, ISIS and SDF have the same boss (USA-Israel).

Icarus Tanović

Yes, you have right. That’s such typical preposterous Takfiri Wahhabi indoctrination. Let’s take the fuckerss down!!!

Kanth Mcloud

Its comforting to hear that IS are being defeared in many areas. However its worth noting that this war isnt about personnels but ideologies which are embedded in the fighters and sympathisers hearts And so, these enemies will withdraw and surely regroup and train somewhere n being supplied with weapons and men from other countries, they will again come back to terrrorise places they can conquer Whats to be done is to actually, block those countries and people for supporting these groups. Impose sanctions on them and other measures just to contain the situation Roads, seas and air had to be block and inspected thoroughly How nice if such procedures can be implemented. But it cant. Bcos peoples hearts are corrupt and money can work wonders So these fighting will go on and soon will even spread to europe, america and you know the rest

Richard M

Blockading NATO (Nazi Alliance of Terrorist Organizations) FUKUS (France UK US) and SHIT (Saudis Hashemites Israel Turks) would be a huge task. Who do you see as being able to do it?


Tammam Akram Zehreddine R.I.P. (cousin of our great general Issam) …bad news…..

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