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Syrian War Report – November 3, 2016: Egyptian Officers Arrive in Syria

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Over 2,500 militants have been killed and wounded in western Aleppo since the start of Al-Nusra-led attempt to break the government forces’ defenses in the area on October 28, according to sources in the Syrian military. Considering that the total striking force deployed by Jaish al-Fatah coalition for the operation was about 5,000 fighters, it’s clear why the militant coalition failed to achieve its military goals.

An infighting allegedly started between Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki  and Fastaqim Kama Umirt militant groupsin Salaheddine and Al-Ansari Mashhad areas in Aleppo city on November 2.  Nour al-Din al-Zenki   stormed Fastaqim Kama Umirt checkpoints and arrested dozens of Fastaqim Kama fighters including their commander ‘Istakem kma Oumrt’. At least 1 militant was reported dead and 25 injured as result of the clashes. The conflict among ‘moderate rebels’ reportedly appeared because Fastaqim Kama Umirt was considering a possibility to leave Aleppo through corridors set up by the Syrian and Russian military.

The Russian general staff has announced that President Vladimir Putin had ordered a humanitarian pause in Aleppo from 9am to 7pm on November 4.

“Considering that our American colleagues were unable to separate the opposition from terrorists, we are addressing all militant leaders directly, urging them to cease hostilities and leave Aleppo with their arms,” General Valery Gerasimov, the chief of the Russian General Staff said, adding that “Two corridors will be opened, from which Syrian troops and weapons would be pulled back.” Six additional corridors will be opened for civilians.

A group of Egyptian officers allegedly arrived in Syria on November 1 in order to learn from Russian military advisers that are embedded with government troops at the battle against terrorists across the country. The development took place amid the ongoing expansion of military cooperation between Russia and Egypt. In October 2016, Russian airborne troops arrived Egypt to participate in a joint military drill with the host country. The drill was codenamed “Defenders of Friendship 2016”.

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Michael Drysdale

unsure on this friendship, egyptians are not to be trusted just like the turks,

Tom Tom

the difference is Turks know how to fight.


Egypt was a Soviet ally for decades before Putin came to government.

Michael Drysdale

america has to bank roll its military


Nobody in the USA cares who governs Syria. There is no overwhelming flood of letters to Congress demanding Assad’s removal. There are no protests and riots in the streets in US cities demanding his removal. No universities have had to shut down and suspend classes because of wide-scale student protest over the evils of Assad. Why can’t Obama figure this out? Somebody send Hillary the memo. The whole Syrian war is about getting rid of Assad and the Russians so the Arabs can have a clear pipeline easement from Qatar and the oil fields of eastern Arabia all the way to Berlin and the industries in northern Europe. They can’t build the pipeline until Assad and the Russians are out of the way. The Bilderbergers and super-rich ordered this pipeline to be built. Why doesn’t anybody ever post an article exposing this? WikiLeaks, where are you when we need you the most? The Dems, Obama, and Hillary are risking thermonuclear war just so the Germans can get their natural gas at cheaper prices than the Russians charge. They justify their manipulations of another sovereign state because they don’t like Assad. They say he is too immoral to govern a civilized people. What staggering liberal humanistic hypocrisy! The Democrats, Obama, and Hillary are not moral enough to be trusted to govern a civilized people. I personally do not want to be incinerated by an 80-megaton Satan Russian missile just so the Germans can have cheap gas prices for their industries.


So true. But I don’t trust Wikileaks any longer. Did they ever say anything controversial or revelatory about Israel? The answer is no. How is this even remotely possible if they are non-partisan? That is why they are missing in action and doing bogus stuff about US elections.


They don’t do bogus stuff. Wikileaks depends on whistle blowers who hack/steal information. Israel may be more difficult for anyone to get at the data and leak it. The person who leaked the Israeli nuclear program and how many nuclear bombs they have spent decades in jail.

Assange isn’t partial to any country. He will go against injustice. And yes, there should be leaks from Israel as to what they do to the Palestinians. But most is really known. Unlike the US who says one thing but acts another, Netanyahu says pretty truthfully that they want to eradicate the Palestinians. It is enough to look at the actions to know. Just don’t believe in any peace negotiations. These are only a smoke screen to extend the time for settlements and to fight more wars to kill as many Palestinians as the Israeli can in hope that the others will flee to Jordan or Egypt.


Leaks from Israel about the Palestinians would be worth zero exactly. How about leaks about their battlefield commanders in Idlib, their advisors among ISIS, their active role in Libya, and Yemen. The hidden nature of their relations with Saudi Arabia. Their plans to destabilise Pakistan etc. That would be much juicier. But Assange will never be allowed to reveal such salient “leaks” by his israeli controllers. Their leaks are not bogus (although some of them will be doctored) but they are always targeted. The target has never been, and will never be, Israel. How could it? They are the ones doing it!


It would be interesting to get some more info via leaks on Israel – but Assange by necessity depends on whistleblowers and hackers and that may be difficult in Israel. If caught it is a death sentence.


It is a death sentence in USA too. And that is how we know these leaks are done deliberately by factions inside the intelligence agencies. (Nobody is hunted for these “leaks”) They are given to Israel who remove any information implicating Israel or israelis, and then sent to Assange. There are a million leakable stories in Israel, but we will never hear about them through Wikileaks. Because they run it!

Tom Tom

its true the dems are great hypocrites. Their voters are the worst.

Re the Satan nukes, it wont’ be so bad. Over in a jiffy!


That the war was started among other motives for the purpose of a Qatari gas pipeline across Syria to Turkey and the EU was known from the start: the US started to destabilize Syria when Assad didn’t want the Qatari pipeline because Syria and Iran had already signed a contract to build the Islamic pipeline from Iran via Iraq to Syria for export of oil and gas from the port of Tartus to the EU. Turkey wants to be the east west hub for energy and therefore ganged up with the US, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Israel to oust Assad. A second goal was to fragment Syria for the benefit of Israel, to keep Syria destabilized like Libya, where Qaddafi was ousted because he wanted to introduce a gold based florin for all of Africa. That would have competed with the Petrodollar – anathema for the US. Keeping Libya poor and destabilized serves Israel who wants Libya’s groundwater. UK wants the oil. The US wanted to oust China who has large investments in Libyan oil. In Syria, the US wants access to the ports as geostrategic entrance to the Middle East. The Qatari pipeline is desired by the US to compete against and oust Gazprom to destabilize Russia.

All wars by the US are wars for hegemony, which means subduing Russia and China and Iran and North Korea. The US ousted Rousseff in Brazil and replaced the Argentinian president with a US stooge when Kirchner couldn’t run any longer. Same in Venezuela: the US stirs the trouble to oust Maduro as they ousted a democratic left of center government in Honduras to replace it with a US stooge for the benefit of US corporations exploiting the country’s resources.

Tom Tom

Egypt now. Great.

Thanks, Obomber/Killary!

Michael Drysdale

maybe, only time will tell Tom


There is no other way for any small nation than to walk a two-sided sword: they have to have relations with the US so the US don’t destabilize them again and they have to have relations with Russia to defend them if the US does destabilize Egypt again.

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