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Syrian War Report – October 2, 2017: Syrian Army Repels Major ISIS Advance, Launches Counter-Attack

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Syrian government forces, led by the 800th Commandos Battalion of the Republican Guard, repelled ISIS attempts to capture al-Sukhnah town and re-taken Al-Taybah village and Qasr al-Hayr al-Sharqi Castle near it.

The ISIS advance on the pumping station also resulted in a failure. With this al-Shula and Bir Ghabaghib remained they key areas where ISIS achieved some success. Clashes are ongoing there.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies are working to restore security in al-Qaryatayn town that has been at least partly captured by ISIS sleeper cells. Government forces have encircled the town and all sort of communications inside it are jammed. This explains a lack of photos and videos from the area. ISIS supporters inside al-Qarytayn have almost no heavy weapons and equipment. So, the key SAA problem is to conduct an operation avoiding major civilian casualties.

Inside the ISIS-held pocket east of Salamiyah, government forces captured Rasm Abaykah, Rasm Abd and Soha and continued advancing on Akash. The army is seeking to establish control over the road separating the northern and southern parts of the pocket.

Separately, the SAA pushed towards the ISIS-held town of Mayadin in the Euphrates Valley. Government forces advanced about 10km and outflanked Muhassan where clashes erupted. The goal of the  advance is put additional pressure on ISIS and to force it to redeploy forces from the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor highway area to the Euphrates Valley. If ISIS avoids dong this, government troops would threaten to capture this key ISIS-held stronghold.

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) used the fierce fighting between the SAA and ISIS to develop momentum on the eastern bank of the Euphrates and seized the Jafra oil field and nearby processing facilities.

SDF units also engaged ISIS units south of the recently captured al-Suwar village northeast of Deir Ezzor as well as captured Kubar village and advanced on Harmushiyah village northwest of Deir Ezzor.

In Raqqah city, the SDF further advanced against ISIS but no major breakthrough in the military situation in the area was reported.

On October 1, Omid Kabar a SDF commander said at a funeral for SDF fighters killed in Raqqa city that the SDF will not handover al-Tabqah town or any other area to the Syrian government. He also claimed that over 300 SAA soldiers defected to the SDF during the “last period”. However, Kabar did reveal no details or proofs.

Kabar’s statement reflects the SDF public policy aimed to show the difference between US-backed forces and the so-called Assad regime. However, behind the scene the SDF is pushed to cooperate with the government closely to manage the economy of the SDF-held area.

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This report strikes me as inconsistent, likely uncorrect on positions of SAA.

Qaryatayn partly under IS, surrounded, IS almost without weapons.

In fact yesterday it was also reported as under counterattack.

So the counterattack against an almost unarmed foe, done by SAA with tanks (pics yesterday) failed.

Other reports state IS to hills in the area.

Surrounded, maybe. But from how far? Encirclement 10kms away?

I rather suspect the same goes for other reports.

This sounds like Russian MOD reporting they had build a bridge at DeZ three days before it was build.


You’re again jumping to conclusion without having any information, it seems to me that the offensive by Saa in Qaryatayan is still ongoing why should it have failed while it is still ongoing, the hills could have been taken previously and later retaken by Saa later, it’s not always clear during fighting, they tend to go back and forth, also Russian MOD was talking about pontoon bridges and later they have build a landbridge, don’t mix them up.



Still does not explain why armoured military cannot defeat an almost unarmed rabble in one, maybe even two days.

It just is not very believable.


Nor is anything you say Dutch .


They could be pretty well dug in, mixed with the civilians.


Maybe ask those fellows in raqqa. Tough fight when there is multiple fronts active. Idlib and Jobar front have been active while constant isis counter attacks in remote areas.

Manuel Flores Escobar

SAA are advancing along Eufrates river towards Al Mayadin with the purpose to cross the river and take oil fields as ISIS are fighting along Palmira-DZ highway!..

Zainab Ali

zio satanic arrogance by u.s.led coalition will always be brought down to its knees inevitably…. their defeat is looming – quote ‘behind the scene the SDF is pushed to cooperate with the government closely to manage the economy of the SDF-held area.’

Jc Plancarte

ISIS keeps putting a stiff resistance to, and launching counter-attacks against, SAA while the pro-zio and pro-yank Kurds seem to just march in and take territory from ISIS very easily!!!!


Exactly, that is the USA-Israel idea.

Jonathan Cohen

If that were true, SDF would have all the oil fields by now, and more. SDF defends abortion rights while ISIS banns abortion, so of course they are going to fight viciously. If ISIS has allies, it would be the fellow abortion banning SAA, not the abortion rights defending SDF!

Astar Roth

Is it Palmyra-Deir Ezzor highway under government control? This is what makes me upset. But days, or say severla weeks are from SAA to retake El-Mayadin. That fact makes kinda relief.


are u a terrorist lover?

Astar Roth

Are you crazy? How that crosses your min? I loath wahabies and Isis, all American supported groups.


Good, sorry, i was cobfused by your comment a bit

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