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Syrian War Report – September 1, 2017: Army Advances Deep Inside Deir Ezzor Province

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Pro-government forces, led by the Syrian Republican Guard, have liberated the strategic al-Bishri Mountain as well as the al-Birshri triangle from ISIS and deployed in only about 37 km from the city of Deir Ezzor besieged by ISIS terrorists. Some sources even speculate that government troops advanced 5-10 km further, but this still has to be confirmed.

The Al-Bishri Mountain is one of the highest points in the desert area between Palmyra and Deir Ezzor. With liberation of this strategic location as well as the progress along the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor highway government forces are now able to develop momentum in order to take control over Kobaje and Ash Sholah located en route to Deir Ezzor. The goal of the effort will be to take control over the key roads west and southwest of Deir Ezzor prior launching a direct advance to lift the siege from the strategic city.

At the same time, the ISIS activity in southern Raqqah poses a key threat to the advancing government forces where ISIS terrorists have seized the villages of Ghanim al-Ali, Shuraydah, Jabali and Zawr Shammar after almost a week of heavy fighting.

If ISIS successfully develops momentum along the road to the al-Birshri triangle, the terrorist group will threat the southern flank of government troops in the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor highway area.

In the eastern Hama countryside, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have liberated Mukaymen, Maksar Janubi, Qastal Shamali, Qastal Wastani and Qastal Janubi. Multiple airstrikes are reported in the ISIS-held area of Uqayribat.

Jaysh Ahrar al-Ashayer and Jaysh Usud al-Sharqiya released a Syrian pilot Lieutenant Colonel Ali al-Helw and 30 Syrian soldiers.

Al-Helw was captured after his MiG-23BN was downed southeastern Syria on August 15. The 30 soldiers were captured by militants during their successful attack on SAA positions in the Suweida countryside on August 19.

No confirmed reports about the details of the deal between the government and US-backed militants are available now.

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Bernd Herzog Römhild

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Jens Holm

Very good tempo at the video.

Jens Holm

Kein problem in Dänemark. Ich brauche “Driver booster 4” und manchmal “Secunia PSI” für neugebaute drivers und so. Beide sind frei.


This seems likely although the little bit on the northern section of DeZ region contains Syria’s major oilfield, Omar complex.

As far as Iraq is concerned, I can understand Abadi not being very enthousiastic when Assad dumps hundreds of militant IS fighters near his border.


I’m sure Syria was equally unimpressed when Iraq allowed thousands of IS militants in Mosul to escape to Syria – they had to retake Palmyra again thanks to that cookie. So perhaps Iraq shouldn’t be too vocal about dumping militants on other people’s borders.


Syrians were not enthused when ISIS spread like a plague from Iraq to begin with. This is Iraqs (USA and allies) problem child that got out of hand. ISIS is absolutely the fault of the perpetrators of the Iraq invasion in 2003.

Jens Holm

Well, the supporters in the areas was local sunni arabs. US hardly made them. Very naive thinking dicatators should retreat the normal way added som extra pressure.

Red Tick Alert

The US created and then opened Pandora’s box.

Red Tick Alert

Iraq didn’t, the US did.


Please feel free to split the hair – but does Syria appreciate the distinction to the point they will slow or halt their attacks on ISIS and the compete recovery of their own country?

Jens Holm

Some Iraqian seemes not to care about the tribe parts with many Sunnis. Its about the rest and the oil.

But as I have recalled it, they should have done some advances after Mosul was taken and their troops was recovered handling the City and its many inhabitants in the best way possible.

SAA can only do, whats possible in military as well as political ways. Many are splitting hairs for the time being. I cant. My barber made it too short.

Red Tick Alert

It is quite important and I am certainly not splitting hairs. The US gave the orders and that is why you now have the Iraqis going alone on many occasions. I am sorry, but you are wrong in this instance.


Oh I’m as sure as tails on squirrels that the US “gave the order.” But Iraq COULD HAVE refused and they COULD HAVE gone to the UN to make that objection. But they didn’t.

Because they didn’t. Palmyra was retaken, Deir Ezzor and Raqqa were reinforced and hundreds if not thousands of Syrians died. So let’s not pretend Iraq was absolutely and entirely innocent here.

Red Tick Alert

Iraq has been to the UN so many times now, they have given up.

Palmyra – I agree with, but I was more frustrated that the Russian / Syrian air force didn’t wipe them out before they got there, than anything else …. we were all talking about it days before.

I am not pretending Iraq is innocent, but similar to Syria where military command has been given to Russia, until recently, the military command in Iraq was given to the US – FACT.

I am not arguing with you, we are conversing, remember that.


Yes, we are. I do not recall Iraq going to the UN to complain about their US occupation since 2011 – or ever complaining that the US was requiring they allow ISIS forces to escape.

Perhaps you’d provide me with the source of your information? Because if they did – I’d like to know.

Red Tick Alert

Would you mind following the link as I started copying links, found more and so on and so on:- https://www.google.nl/search?dcr=0&source=hp&q=Iraq+complains+to+the+UN+about+the+US&oq=Iraq+complains+to+the+UN+about+the+US&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i160k1.1395.22343.0.22922.….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..0.28.2840.6..0j35i39k1j0i131k1j0i10k1j0i22i30k1j0i19k1j0i22i30i19k1j33i22i29i30k1j33i21k1.C6OzrPMtGt0

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The plan being used is all Syrian and not Russian as they have left it to Syria to plan they only offer technical advice and do not come up with the plan. They are training the army that is accepted but they only offer technical advice in air support capabilities. The Russians are developing themselves also here in this is since it is newer warfare being fought and developed recently.

Red Tick Alert

Yes and No, but I must disagree with some of your comment. Russia is in charge of the military aspects of the Russians. Syrians, Lebanese and Iranians.

Red Tick Alert

PS We are on the same side here.

Red Tick Alert

I think you are mixing up the Countries and I leave it at that.


Which countries am I mixing up?

Red Tick Alert

Iraq and Syria. The troops / a-holes that went to Palmyra were not from Iraq.


The US-led coalition and Iraq allowed thousands of ISILs to escape from Mosul not longer after they began theat offensive. Those ISILs reinforced Raqqa and Deir Ezzor and helped ISIL in Syria retake Palmyra.

Red Tick Alert

They let a few hundred go, but the real numbers joined them and they were from Jordon.

They go battered anyway.

Red Tick Alert

and where are they now ?…. yep, they are off to meet their 1 x 72 year old virgin.


You mean those the US hasn’t managed to airlift to northern Afghanistan.

Red Tick Alert


Jens Holm

No, all did, but US by Hillary were sooon stopped and in Iraq old Saddams joined because of Bagdads pressure steeling all oil to the rest.

anders hansen

Stadig køre du showet omkring olie som forlængst er bevist ikke var en del af planen, hvis du er dansker, er du en fuldblods kommunist fjols

Red Tick Alert

Speak English or fuck off.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What do you expect from Euro-Danish trash like anders hansen he is not very clever in being amerikansk fjols !

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Amerikansk fjols , Tal venglist pa englesk eller piss off!

anders hansen

i always talk english and i am danish not a Jew ;)

Red Tick Alert

anders hansen Jens Holm • a day ago Du svarede aldrig på om du er dansker jens, for dit engelsk er satme dårligt

Next time type English – or as I stated …. Fuck off.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Iraqi government was complicit in the whole affair something many don’t pick up on. This current govt is too much a bunch of US bootlickers and blame the Kurds for being the biggest of them all.

Jens Holm

It wasnt “thousends” but hundreds and most were according to my information vomen andd children. Thats why US has delayed one of the groups reaching Deir El Zor by destroying the road for busses.

By that they are blamed by Assad fanatics for delaying the SAA slow advance by political and military reasons. Hard to understand that need for covering incompetence as well.

Retaking Palmyra was the fault of SAA & airfoce themselves 200%. Im not even give You´any explanation about it, because You totally has ignores well descriebed facts by many sources many times. Its far out.

Irocnicly those troops in Palmyra was helped by US and FSA in the Al Tanf and the deserts there by delaying ISIS transportations there a little. After that SAA think they can gurad a long borderline there with som few ants.

anders hansen

Du svarede aldrig på om du er dansker jens, for dit engelsk er satme dårligt


Han ar Turkish Kurd

Red Tick Alert

No a wanker turd !!!


Apply vigorously


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Watch the video they looked like children and women coming from Mosul , the US provided escort to ISIS controlled areas and communications jamming.The US had done the same thing with ISIS by sending them to Aleppo, and then again later by sending the Taqbah ISIS to Palmyra to slow down the advance on DE.

The US covering the border with a few gnats and fleas is totally ludicrous as has been evidenced since they provide no aid to any of the refugees in the area. That has become a joke and embarrassment to the US now as many are asking what are they actually doing there since the few ISIS gnats and fleas joined them and had no ability to hold the region in the first place.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The problem is nothing is going to be settled about the SDF even the US is on slippery footing and many are slowly withdrawing their support for any further action in Syria.

The US is the main culprit in the birth of ISIS and who is the US and Iraq to stop ISIS from coming back home, admittedly they took a long route to get back.


Go right ahead – more info is good. Tx

anders hansen

Go subscribe yourself to a mental hospital


Go buy yourself a brain….. perhaps there’s a Walmart’s near you?

anders hansen

wall mart is in USA dumbfuck


“Russia can’t win a war against the empire and she can dismantle it by help small powers gain political independence,” ————— Which is what they (and China) are doing with their “new financial paradigm” and their new deals/loans etc in own currencies etc. 60% of “America’s income” in danger of disappearing now.

Europe tried it and their partners got destroyed (Afghanistan Iraq Libya), China and Russia are too big …. and they have the advantage of not being occupied by the US military machine.


Hansen is just a gnat. Get used them because they buzz around whenever anyone has anything intelligent to say.

Rodney Loder

Point 5 is a bit dodgy Hadi Gov is still recognised by the UN, Russia won’t go against that but Houthi and Ali Saleh would wish that they would, Japan didn’t fire at DPRK’s missiles flying over or maybe they did, probably kinetic intercept is not possible at near hypersonic speed outside of a test flight to close in just right, Russia doesn’t use kinetic intercept they use a nuclear warhead that explodes near enough to the target missile.


Thanks Captain! Point 1: The US couldn’t take Afghanistan with 140,000 troops – it would take a lot more than that to take Syria from Russia if it’s even at all possible. (US military is big with a lot of bang but it’s also unbelievably inefficient – only ever won 2 wars – their civil war and their war against Grenada.)

Point 3: It is rather horrifying that the US and Europe especially do not appear to be making such arrangements themselves. The US is trying to provoke a war with Russia/China that they hope will not be fought on US ground: a vain hope for them – and none for Europe.

Point 4: Russia presumes the buildup is the prep for an invasion – it (probably) is.

Point 5: Best news I’ve heard for a long time – I hope they do. At the same time I’d like to invite them to set up a naval base in Table Bay.

Russia could not outright win a war against the US Empire but neither could the US win outright against Russia no matter how many allies she has – Perimeter assures that. Also, certain American allies appear to be becoming less enthusiastic about American wars ever since the US introduced American laws to force them to put US economic interests above European.

….A “bad move” on America’s part but it does suggest the Empire’s implosion is not far off. .. I just wish it would hurry up!


I’m sure that the Syrian government coalition has a prioritized air strike and heavy ground weapons target hit list that they’re working on around the clock. And that the ground forces are advancing as the area ahead of them are cleared of enemy weapons and personnel. With the exception of built up areas that require more infantry work.

Red Tick Alert

Yes please, more info at your earliest convenience.

Jens Holm

Strange comment as people dont read news at all.

US and SDF has no intentions of thaking more/much more of the northerns bank. Some tribers have or might have. But the problem is that SAA are that unorganized making bad plans and are very slow. How long time should it be possible to ISIS to attack jup north by Shadadi up to Hasaka.

The Iraqi army itself has asked to be the one liberating Mosul and the rest. Therefore US dont help that intensive more. Their army should be ful of troops takling the rest of it. Rubbush blaming US for those obvios strange delays. Where are those many troops, a well going airforce a.s.o.

Im sure US hasnt mentioned US ISIS should be helped holding ground at all. The last bunch of shit around Tal Afar is made th other parts in it incl. Turks, PKK & Iran. Blame US for its own mistakes.

Jens Holm

I want to take Your shitty propaganda about kurds back made by Syrians and Turks.

There are no facts in it at all. You are right. Yours comming from both ends shouldnt go as any truths because its not based on any sources by kurds.

The only change seemes to be more and more local arabs are joining SDF & associates. Those are arabs, which are more like taking their own homes back and keep it – Even from Assads.

Those are kind of many, but they are not strong in well organized skills. Im sure SDF wont make trouble by trying to take Deir el Zor Town/City and the many small oilfields just north of it.

But I also see SAA are very slow advancing and some taking north and west of in in the perimeter could be some help – keeping it or not.


The Kurd line has been static in E Syria for quite some time. And the US coalition moves in some FSA to Al Shaddadi to do what? I would love to see the FSA and ISIS trash go toe to toe and the front lines don’t move an inch (just to eat up the ISIS reserves). :)


Yes. Blame the US for it’s own mistakes! It is the US that drops the bombs, depleted uranium and white phosphorous on people’s houses. It is the US that buries thousands of people under rubble that stink up the city.

It is the US that started this whole fandango with their ILLEGAL war of aggression begun in 2003.

So blame the US for what they do.

Jan Tjarks

Interesting developments, it means the pocket at Ma’adan might be smaller due to both roads being used leading to Ash Sholah. With Al-Bishri mountain and triangle taken the key positions are held by SAA, that is what counts.

Regarding the attacks in the norths, at the moment Ash Sholah has been reached and both roads leadin to it are being secured, some more forces can be split off if necessary. SAA’s goal won’t be to retake all settlements leading to Ma’adan on the current front line, but keeping Daesh (IS) busy in the north. While it lengthens the flank for the moment, with Ash Sholah taken the resulting small pocket between both roads will free up units again, as it shouldn’t be to much of a hazzle to clean that one out. This will shorten it then again.

Even if SAA will have to split off some forces, it still should be enough to finally reach Deir Ezzor in force.

Hopefully they will advance from Deir Ezzor via the Euphrates river to completely seal off the new pocket in the north, trapping Daesh again.

Timoteo Tufuga

Whilst the final surge by the Syrian Arab Army (Syrian Republican Army) to clean up the last remaining Islamic State units, they will eventually disband or scatter but some will commit to their eschatological prophetic zeal and will fight to their deaths. Which will mean that the last remaining weeks of this Syrian Civil war will end with an intense finale. Most notably south of Raqqah and the main arterial road east towards Deir Ez-Zor. A scorch earth policy by the retreating IS units will leave many of their calling cards with IEDs to delay the advance of the SAA and from the north the even more menacing southward advance of the Turkish forces in Operation Euphrates Sword. And from the North East, the Syrian Democratic Front of the Kurds and US military assets will make for a pincer encirclement of Deir Ez-zor perhaps more in line with the eschatological prophesy for the Fatalist Sunni Fedayeen Jihadists within the Islamic State expecting a miracle liberation or annhilation in their final Armageddon battle. In truth, it will merely end in a house to house Military Operation in Urban Terrain capitulation and defeat which will continue to its grinding bitter end.

The end game from the IS extermination, it seems, will be the Syrian Civil war morphing into something even more significant, the emboldened Kurdish separatist movement throughout Greater Kurdistan. The Referenda in Iraqi Kurdistan, set for 25th September, 2017, will be the crucial nexus in a salient Kurdish Nationalism that will spread to Iran, Turkey and within the Rojava region within Syria.

Raqqah, and north of the Euphrates river, it seems, will more likely, territorially and strategically, be consolidated by the SDF (YPG), with the material and logistical support, by the Americans. This will then cause a stir by both the SAA, and the Turkish forces, whose primary objective is to destroy IS, but, its secondary objective is to engage and destroy the YPG which will mean a direct firefight with the SDF, which will also mean, an indirect and unofficial firefight with a NATO Ally, the US military. The political ramification of this contact will be immense, with the NATO membership being questioned directly by the US and the present Erdogan government of Turkey.

Op, Euphrates Sword will eventually morph the present war against IS to another even more virulent war between the Kurds (YPG, PKK and the Peshmerga) and Turkey, (and maybe Iran?).


Sorry, but htere is non “civil war” in Syria. This war was designed by USA-NATO-Israel creating ISIS-Daesh-Nustra et all (moderated terrorists) with the help of Qartar, Saudis, Jordan and Turkey (NATO member) to DESTROY SYRIA, non civil war at all !!


End of the war ? ISIS’s name may change, but fighting will continue on a lesser scale, with cells of the New ISIS, creating terror for the creation of the Caliphate.


There isn’t enough of the cool, heroic sounding music in this video. The South Front music is the main reason I watch these!


SAA is already in Deis Ezzor city, the siege will be lifted by soon, and as soon it is lifted go to Danna along the Eufrathes river to form a ISiS pocket that will be very esay destroyed by aeroespace russia force. At the same time, cross Euphrates river in Deir Ezzor and stop kurds (USA) possible avances to east or nort. This is possible to do it with (again) strong support from aerospace russian forces. Just do it. Do not celebrate much right now, the war is over until it is totally over, an d it will not be over until a single terrorists is in Syria land. More complicated situations are ahead…getting rid of USA puppets (kurds) and Turkey.


Tried many times before a new False Flag or Hoax will not do, no matter how “awful”. There is no slowing down unless the US and others recommit to helping the terrorists out.

They tried with all of their might for years and… it was efforts in futility.

Also the SDF does not have the Kurdish agenda in Syria. Syria will remain intact even if Kurds are the next ISIL

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