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Syrian War Report – September 12, 2017: Battle For Eastern Syria

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Voiceover by Harold Hoover

Pro-government forces have liberated the al-Hadalat refugee camp from US-backed militant groups near the Syrian-Jordanian border.  The Hadalat refugee camp had been an important facility controlled by US-backed forces.  Its population is about 5,000 people.

According to pro-government sources, government troops are going to continue their efforts in order to take control of the Rukbah refugee camp and to isolate the US-held garrison in the village of At Tanf located at the strategic Damascus-Baghdad highway.

The government advance is ongoing amid constant speculations that the US-led coalition is going to force Usoud al-Sharqiya, Martyr Ahmad Abdo Forces, and other militant groups to withdraw from the border area under some deal with the Syrian-Russian-Iranian alliance.  However, no real actions have been made by the US-led block so far.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces and the Syrian Republican Guard (SRG) continued operations against ISIS in the vicinity of Deir Ezzor Airport securing this strategic facility.  If the SAA and the SRG don’t launch an operation against ISIS inside the city soon, this could indicate that they are preparing for a push to the another bank of the Euphrates River.

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have developed their advance against ISIS in Deir Ezzor province and captured the Deir Ezzor industrial zone, the 113th Air Defense Base, Bi’r Hisyan, and some nearby points, according to pro-Kurdish sources.  With these advances the SDF deployed to within about 5km from Deir Ezzor city.

Earlier this week, US-backed forces announced plans for “liberating Deir Ezzor city” and forming a “civil council” to rule the city after its expected liberation.

On Monday, “a group of tribal sheiks” linked to the SDF-controlled Deir Ezzor Military Council (DMC) released a statement claiming that the DMC and the SDF are going to liberate Deir Ezzor city “from the clutches of IS mercenaries”.  The statement also announced a formation of committees that will supervise the formation of the Deir Ezzor Civil Council to rule Deir Ezzor city and its countryside after its liberation.

The statement did not reveal how US-backed forces are going to liberate Deir Ezzor from ISIS when a major part of the city is already liberated by government forces.  If US-backed forces really attempt to seize a part of Deir Ezzor city under a pretext of combating ISIS, this may lead to fighting between the SAA and the SDF on the ground.  However, the SDF actions will likely depend on the SAA progress in the city.  If it is not able to capture a part of the city, the SDF will likely try to seize the Omar oil fields east of it.

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Who is the leader of ISIS? WHAT does he really wants, if it’s all about power can’t we borrow the idea of democracy? People need freedom why dehumanized? Yet we came to this universe with nothing and we shall take nothing. Let the stomach not be in front but LOVE for one another.

Samuel Boas

Love? Are you for real? The world is not a paradise so don’t act like it is one. That will never happen.


Livingstone lives in ‘California’ Samuel, need we say more :)

Jens Holm

They have worked hard for it.


They stole it and very soon the Khazar settlers will say they own it as God gave it to then a few thousand years ago. :)


Bro, I gree with you but there is need for negotiation and probably mediation for resolving the stragedy of war against Syria.


Israel has no desire for peace in the Middle East, its survival depends on divide and conquer of its neighbors and constant war and violence, it is the prime instigator of all this and has no interest in peace, it never has – if you want peace in the Middle East all you have to do is remove Israel, the Elites have already rolled their dice and decided the jews are more trouble than they are worth and that they will done away with, taking the fall for the NWO https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7dd2ed4e1504ac7edfaf5a2f3abb1439d86faa18c200080f1d39637eb78eed3d.jpg

Tudor Miron

Here I can’t agree Samuel. It’s a question of self awarness and how many people are aware. So this may happen or may not. There’s good theoretic work here that strings it all (all those chaotic pieces of history) together and draws some valueble principles and rules/tools of global governing and governing in general. Knowing those person is able to choose between right and wrong. That’s needed because every global crime on the Earth happened under masquerad of beautiful intentions i.e. freedom, democracy etc. Heck! they have the nerve to say that using nuclear bombs against Hirosima and Nagasaki was a humanitarian act! This is beyond cinical.

Jens Holm

Just because the world is no paradise, You dont have to work hard for,it shoudl be a hell in stead.


I think you have arrive too late to this war game. First, the real leaders of ISIS-Daesh-Nustra are USA_NATO_israel. They are their creation in order to destroy Syria ¿ Why ? because Israel wanted to. ¿ why ? because Israel must want to be the superpower of the area where everybody else must obey what she want (I put she because Israel act as a caprichus women). Who else are helping ? Qatar, Saudis, Jordan and Turkey. What are the flags they are using to convince fool people and mercenaries, of course, money, Assad is a barbarian criminal, democracy, freedom, Islam needs a State (IS), so on..


You’re very true bro, thanks

Jens Holm

If its about money make some inflation in stead of all that lying.


I guess that at the moment there is no leader of ISIS. Just individual US backed commanders control them. They are part of US backed terror group.




This is why – jewish aggression/greed, responsible for every war for the last 400 years. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4e3fe6248be777479f0f789bb46215d7fcb45e0d7cb52ee724c12471b4139369.jpg


I believe that Russia-Syria are wrong if they think that kurds (new USA-puppets) will behave friendly in this war. Iraq rejected the formation of Kurdistan, and Syria government will do the same for sure. SDF is moving to Omar oil field to take control of it, rather that take Deir Ezzor, which is just a distracted movement for SAA do no cross Euphrates river and protect its oil field in Omar. SAA must cross Euphrates river and take control of Omar oil field as soon as possible today, there is not time to wait for something. I hope Russia gives a strong air protection and support.

Richard Noel Hedditch


Manuel Flores Escobar

Kurdish want all east Eufrates to turn into Kurdish state and to link with Irak Kurdistan with the appoitment of USA/Israel.. and the rejects of Syria, Irak,Iran and Turkey!..time to launch an air transport operation of Tiger forces to Omar oilfields like TG did weeks ago!


IF that is a plan there must be massive air defence for the operation as even the Americans will have have considered that.

Wahid Algiers

But some russians have to be embedded too that the USAF won’ t attack them.

Jens Holm

It doesnt matter in a videogame. If You dont like it, Your soldiers get alive by control alt delete.

Jens Holm

No they wont. Not even Barzani types want it.

Kurds in Syria are dominated by PYD and they want a federasy incl arabs and others. The kurds from there has never askied for oil there as well as Deir El Zor.

You are uninformed about facts or brainwashed. Some arabs in SDF and some affiliated non SDF want that corner,because many of them come from there.

Stephen Lambert

It doesn’t matter what they want, the uS is only after the oil. If they get control of the oil the US will dictate what haens next. US occupation of “Kurdistan” for Israeli benefit.


Before SAA can cross the river, they must first reach the banks of the river. As of now there are IS held quarters between SAA and the river banks. Then IS must be cleared far enough away that they cannot shell the construction arean for the bridges. Once all that is done, they need fresh forces, and enough of them, to cross and hold a bridgehead. While all this is happening, they have to hope that SDF has no fore control on both the construction area and on the other bank.

Oops, this will not work. SDF has already fire control on both banks of the river. Maybe they even camped last night on the banks and if they did not, they will this night.




Yep the iraqis and iranians are already preparing for war with the Judeo/Barzanites, Syria, Hez and Turkey could easily deal with the judeo/Asayash idiots in Hassakah, the Afrin mob I feel should be left alone as they have not been expansionist and largely content to be left alone to go about their lives however any israel aligned expansionist land stealing parasite force should be dealt with once and for all.

Wahid Algiers

You cannot convince dutchy. He loves kurds.

Igor Dano

You, jews, know everything.


Lol dont count your chickens before the hatch jew/kurd, your fantasies are rarely reality, entertaining to the rest of us certainly however delusion in the end is a sad thing. A lot of the SAA gear can swim, special forces can be air deployed, if they havent got bridges up already for the rest of the gear they soon will. The Kurds would be wise to remember this famous statement from thousands of years ago “Hubris preceeds a fall”.


So u are rooting for the SDF over the SAA! Im guessing u are against an Islamic State (even though u war game for them) but u are for a Kurdish State!

Has it occurred to u that the USA and Israel achieves the same goal as when they were backing ISIS by their backing of the SDF!

SDF are fucked! FUCKED!!!!! Iran, Turkey, Syria, Iraq and S-400’s are waiting to take it all back! Just wait and see!

Ishyrion Av

Let’s not forget Russia is a much better chess player than USA. Remember Al-Tanaf. I’m sure they realize the importance of blocking the kurds and they already have a plan.


You are right. U$ pro-terrorist, subversive plans will indeed fail sooner or later.

Jens Holm

You are and Imam .

Jens Holm

Hahahaha. Im sure USA and some semi FSA`s has delayed a lot of free ISIS transportation there and helped SAA a lot at Palmyra.

Your writing about it makes me laugh and cry.You must be very hard censured to write that kind of garbage.


The best option is to airlift some Spetsnaz to take the Omar oilfield. After the oilfield is secure, the Russian should wait for the SAA there.

Rabih Saad

That would be a Sight to see..Wish that would happen..and i dont see wy not..I mean already there is lots of Russian special forces already fighting with the FAA on the front lines..


And the Russian defense minister have just met with Assad in Damascuss today.


yep my thoughts exactly, airlift is the way to go for omar oil fields right now :))

Jens Holm

Hahahaha. By red ballons or what.


Yes, 99 of them :))

Jens Holm

Yerrh, like in the next videogame.


If they get these oil fields all they are worth to the Kurds is as a bargaining chip. The Omar oilfields are already connected to Syrian cities in the west via pipeline so the Kurds can’t get the oil to market and Kurdistan is landlocked with no friendly neighbours to ship their oil through. Unless they want to be the first nation to sell oil via aircraft the oil fields do them no good.

Jens Holm

None Assadist or erdoganist can see that. Even if You present them for SDF has to take oil out by ballon or internet, they are in some lack of oxygen fighting territorial wars by tribes and emirs from ancient times.


they need to be airlifting units right to the oil fields

Jens Holm

You seemes to forget the conditions in the Mosul area according to all and not only kurds. Here Bagdads also has blocked any improbements in practical matter.

Peshmergas there has their corner of it and still want more then should be fair.

Same blappping about oil again and again. Its not about oil. Do SDF fly out oil by ballon or do they improve internet and send it as zip-files…

Taking Deir El Zor by SAA has been some of the slowest an most wasting ineffectibe, I have seen for years. Why go by Tabqa and Eufrat at all. Palmyra Sukna was 400 meters a day.


Now that the Syrians are on the Euphrates at Deir Ezzor, the city shouldn’t distract them from the need to cross somewhere to contest US control of the east bank. Economic targets like oilfields should take precedence and the salient to the city needs widening. Still, mustn’t grumble, these are much better choices for the Syrians than a few years ago.

MD Ranix

it seems syria and her true allies should be wary/careful that they are working around the clock tirelessly while the unwelcomed illegitimate entities are waiting in line to grab the final glory

Jens Holm

Its no about glory and some shitty small oilwells as well. If anything from that backyard its abourt Assads loosing face for being so slow, ineffective hinding Deir El Zor having so low priority as well.

Samuel Boas

Gas those kurds right away. Worked before so it should work again.

Volker Burkert



Read some History… It was Winston Churchill that gassed the Kurds….


Don’t get me started on fascists and gassing. Read Paul Eisen!


Oyyy Veyy (((Paul Eiiiiisen))), let me guess fountains of blood coming out of the ground?


No, the opposite! You should try it. He’s a Jewish Holocaust denier.



Wahid Algiers

The fat boy Winston was a war criminal and zionist arse licker – as the US today.


Oh the kids love Facism, just wait for Generation Z, they think Gassing Kikes and throwing Communists out of helicopters is hillarious. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7d16951cf710f61b0d98e37db72577d12fbe3a5d59eb4e9b94a8efcabbecde46.png

Jens Holm

All get helped even turks and assads. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9503f42d1ffd2b8756266533321fa675d061efb654cb2191fbe7e938c0684cfa.jpg


Mmm interesting, Taylor Swift seems to be moving towards the Alt-Right lol


Jens Holm

The people of Deir El Zor has eaten the rest of her.

Jens Holm

Damaskus should be a lake.


SAA does not need to liberate every corner of Deir Ezzor city from ISIS. SAA just need to cross Euphrates river and surround them for buffer zone around city and then liberate desert area. You cannot win if you are not smart.


EXACTLY, In addition to this. SAA will be able to stop SDF (kurds, USA-puppets) and will be able to protect its oil fields in OMAR. Hope they do this as soon as possible, the is no time to wast. I am sure they can make it with a very strong protection and support of aerospace Russia force. Just DO IT SAA !

Jens Holm



Yeah just pocket up the dickheads left in the city and go for the oilfields/border, deal with the pocket later when time is on your side.

Jens Holm

You are not smart. SDF already are less then 3 km from Eufrat.


USA are idiots


it all looks like we are walking around the fukin problem, the problem is Saudies and dropping some neutrons onto Mecca


SAA needs to continue advancing east of DeZ to cut it off from advancing SDF scum, and should also airlift a good amount of units to the omar oil fields to prevent them from falling to SDF, Russia should also airlift some of its units there as well

Jens Holm

Kurds are not even close to be there for oil. If so, do they send it out pr ballon or email???


Yes they are, to think otherwise is foolish


Damn yanks are looking for huge trouble.

Solomon Krupacek

trump got from your words diarrhoe

Jens Holm

They are not the only ones.

Stephen Lambert

Just proves the US involvement is only concerned with stealing oil resources using SDF as a front, formally they were happy to use ISIS to do the same job. SDF are their new puppets.

Keith Smith

nobody has asked the kurds what they want….. Assad hinted at 3 semi-autonomous regions for their help earlier in the war

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