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Syrian War Report – September 26, 2018: Russia Boosts Its EW Capabilities In Syria

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The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) will continue striking targets in Syria as previously despite the IL-20 incident and a Russian decision to supply S-300 systems to the Syrian military, the Israeli top leadership declared on September 26 following a special security cabinet meeting.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that the IDF is successfully working to prevent “Iran’s military buildup in Syria as well as its attempts to deliver lethal weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon”. Additionally, the prime minister once again blamed Syria for the IL-20 shootdown ignoring the Russian statements that it was a result of Israel’s “hostile actions”.

According to the Russian media, the Russian Armed Forces have started strengthening EW capabilities of its military group in Syria deploying additional EW systems. There are no details on type and number of the deployed systems. However, sources speculate that these are Krasukha-4 multifunctional jamming stations and R-330ZH Zhitel jamming cellular satellite communication stations.

Kommersant newspaper also reported that the Syrian Air Defense Forces will receive at least two regimental sets of the S-300 air defense system. The newspaper’s source speculated that this is only a first phase of the supplies and the number may grow to 4 or even 6-8 S-300 regimental sets.

According to the report, supplied systems will protect the Syrian coastal area as well as the country’s borders with Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.

The situation in the province of Idlib has remained relatively calm since the announcement of the demilitarization zone agreement. The main developments will likely take place closer to October 15, when the zone is set to be established de-facto.

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continued their advance on ISIS near Hajin in the Euphrates Valley. The SDF reportedly captured Shajlah and advanced on ISIS positions in Safafinah.

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Promitheas Apollonious

I wish russia not again back down on her promises to the syrian people. If they do this time too then they are the classical boy who been screaming wolf… wolf and when the wolf actually come none believed him.


They are not going to back down, MOD and other politicians have stated that it is more important to protect Russian lives then having better relations with Israel. Israel has proven it is not agreement capable, their constant provocations and meddling in Syria has to be stopped, also the introduction of the S300 will stop the idiots in Washington clamoring for more attacks or imposition of a no fly zone. Russia plays chess to win, Israel has made its move, and Russia countered the move, Russians are logical and analytical people, Jews are liars and manipulators unable to think a couple of moves ahead, while Russia has figured it’s position six to seven moves ahead.

Promitheas Apollonious

All this are known and have been repeated a million times. When I see them doing what they say then I believe it in the mean time call me Thomas.


Thomas, I BELIEVE if you were in Syria you would be singing another song.

Promitheas Apollonious

I been to 8 `wars` kid and I sing after each fight, as well I shower and shave before one. How many wars you been into?


I am happy you survived! I have been to none, THANKS GOD! Never held a gun in my hands. Yet, don’t you think that if Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, SAA have not retaliated properly it is for a reason. It’s so easy to blame Russia, to doubt Russia, to critisise Russia, yet, only Russia has been openly confronting and fighting isis. You must have noticed the difference. I will remind you about boxing. You have a number of rounds before the final “knock-down”. Russia has been on thin ice, very thin ice in Syria. They succeeded so far. This is not the culmination yet.

Promitheas Apollonious

K where I criticize russia is the fact that they allowed with the delays to supply syrians with what needed to keep the country intact. Their policy has effectively divided the country in 3 pieces. I am pro russian, meaning in case of war, I already chose side and so have my people. We are dead against western globalization and unlike many of you we know our true enemies.

That dont mean been pro someone, because is the only one who oppose NWO, must be a blind follower and excuse every `mistake` they make or policy and refuse to see reality. I never been a follower to any one especially politicians and Putin is one.

Turkey has a piece of syria and also has an army of more than 70.000 of the terrorist they created and supported safely behind the demilitarized zone russians created why is that? Where you think this isis will be used? Already thousands of them via turkey have been send via greece all over europe. Learn when you judge a situation and analyze it to be emotionless and not excuse what can never be excused because does not effect you and over look it.

What russia does effect us as well europe in a very negative way and you understand this when the shit hit the fan. They also did not help Assad to keep his country resources and the amerikans using the kurds have all the oil of syria under their control with syria holding the short stick against the invaders who destroy their country. To me half done jobs and the way it happen…………. Learn always to see the bigger picture and that is what follows this policy. You may understand what OI am saying when the war in the Balkans begin which is not very far now and you understand very well what I am saying. Also keep an eye in the Scandinavian countries bordering with russia and you understand even better, why I criticize this strategy of all is our partners.


I see what you see and agree with you. I am aware of the threat to the region and Europe. My husband has the same view and attitude as yours. I understand. We are using an open platform to express our opinion and the trolls just wait for something negative to build their case up. I do not want to give them a chance. Putin and team plus allies have assessed the situation perfctly and performed to their best. Some pieces in the bigger picture are not presented to us. They sure know what they are doing. We can only support them especially at hard times.


Who repeated a million times that the S300 defenses will augment Syrian and Russian position in the ME? Can you direct me to at least 50 posts on the subject?


HOLD ON !!! You should call him Judas !!! Thomas was the positive one, Judas is (still) the negative one , …

Promitheas Apollonious

call who judas kid? You have not understand what I wrote so read it again thomas was the one who needed to see to believe it.


Oh poor boy, … it is said that people without humour, also show a lack of intelligence. Somebody must have hurt you very badly, right? Nevertheless, I understand you … Now you yourself yet!

Promitheas Apollonious

fuck off you idiot.


Well well, your name is very well chosen. Of too much ego, you usually have no problems yourself. Remember, however, that pride comes before the fall … Heracles will this time not come to your rescue! :'(

Tommy Jensen

Maybe. But they obviously have a problem in Kremlin. There is no logic in Kremlin always arriving to late with S-300 for Iran and Syria, and red lines for Israel. Did it make any difference to Russia´s advantage that Israel were allowed to protect ISIS and kill Iranian officers, Syrian scientists and professors, Hezbollah fighers against ISIS and a lot of Russian officers and servicemen the last 18 mth? Did Putin get something? I think not. Seems the Russian military have set the red line for fluffy influence games in Kremlin.


There is logic in Kremlin, the Russian strategic flow in ME caused Israel to eventually hang itself, subsequently Russia responded accordingly. Russia keeps its good will agreements with everyone in the area until they are broken willfully.


It is said that a joo will sell you the rope to hang him with, but it will be defective so it will fail.


You have made some good points. While I agree with most of what you have said, one must be careful not to group an entire race as being ” liars and manipulators unable to think…” as you stated in your post. There are good, bad, and evil in all races not just the Jews. That being said however; many of the leaders of the Israeli Regime do fall into that category.


Yes I agree, not all Jews share the character of their Zionist leaders.


I would think that President Putin is playing several chess games at a time with differing scenario’s. :)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Correct hondred procentage :)))


According to some reports, they are already flying equipment in to Syria.

Promitheas Apollonious

too little too late. Syria is already divided in 3 pieces check the map see the reality on the ground and take into account already most of the leaders of this terrorist are transferred to europe and the balkan area, via turkey, to take control of what already send to europe.

So is not that simple. Most here see what happens in syria but have no idea of the bigger picture. Here we live it. If your country was on the receiving end as ours is, you have a better understanding than now and I wish you never to expiriense what we are experiencing.


The eastern US half of Syria could be a trap, look at how much it costs the US to occupy Afghanistan, Syria will be the same, and the way to destroy America, without blowing up the world, is to bankrupt them. Russia isn’t playing the white knight rescuing the Syrian damsel in distress, it’s fighting the USA, without actually fighting the USA.


dream on .


What promises to the Syrian people?

Promitheas Apollonious

you been here long enough to know. Why you ask questions that common sense can and will give you the answer?


Let’s hope that this time Russia follows through. Not just with a few S-300s, but also Pantsir S-1 systems in large numbers. Enough to ensure that the Syrians and their allies have total control of the airspace.


There is a need though to retain sufficient air defences in Russia to deter any NATO adventurism in Ukraine. The S300’s will I would think be upgraded systems no longer required in Russia in great numbers. The Pantsirs however are Front Line equipment and not that plentiful as yet.


The Russians have the S-500s placed around Moscow now for the past year in anticipation of an attack from NATO.


S500’s are to shoot down ICBM’s and low orbit satellites, they are not a replacement for a Pantsir, anymore than a 5 inch gun is a replacement for an assault rifle. Horses for courses.

Aen RaBeon

Even the s300 have different types of missiles relative to distance and coverage . S500 should be better in versatility .


The S-500s can shoot down multiple ICBMS at once and cruise missiles and stealth objects !

Nasser Khan

Whats this red line rubbish anyway……………..Why do so many of the people parrot what the MSM tell them to…………RED LINES…………..SHOCK AND AWE………………..EVERYTHING IS ON THE TABLE…………………..ROAD MAP TO PEACE…………………..RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF…………..Etc Etc pp…………………Stop spouting garbage that others said before, and THINK up your own way of talking…………..Or better still say nothing.


“Or better still say nothing.”

Please follow your own advice if you have nothing interesting to say Nasser Khan.

Thank you.

Promitheas Apollonious

And then you still talking……………………..


The S-300s which one set of batteries will be set up at a mountain ridge in the Golan Heights will over look the State of Israel and will have the capabilities to destroy Israeli bombers before they take off from Israeli bases.

These S-300s can take out stealth aircraft and cruise missiles !

These S-300s have all been delivered and are now functional even before Russia announced the S-300 deliveries.

There have been no new attacks by Israel since the downing of the Russian Spy Plane….And it is because the S-300s are already active in Syria.

Hassadnah Abraham

15 Russian plus 800,000 Syrian have been killed in Syria due to Israel/ USA /Saudi Arabia/ NATO regime change scheme. It is time even though overdue for Russia and the world to stop this senseless killing once and for ever. History of millions of death due to Israel urge to control the world in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Lebanon, Afghanistan and many other countries must END AND STOP HERE. UN must stand up against Israel/USA dominance and threat. UN must STAND UP for all nation.


The world, the UN is scared of America. America destroys countries on a regular basis in part to keep every other country scared. Yes if the whole world stood together against the US they could be defeated, but so far the US has managed to stop that from happening, by various means. Expecting Russia to do it all, whilst other countries cower in fear is asking too much.


my feelings are mixed have the isrealis baited Russia into a trap I don’t see the usual posturing from the isrealis I mean lets face it why has putin being so patient with the isrealis so far there has to be a good reason


S400 *overrated. Here’s one way the USA would beat down that russian tech. – send in some french hookers , occupy them , the hookers steal the launch keys , then come’s the daisy anti Pantsir missiles to finish the job. Should be done within 20 minutes no less.

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