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Syrian War Report – September 3, 2019: Russia Accuses U.S. Of Sabotaging Idlib Ceasefire

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Syrian War Report – September 3, 2019: Russia Accuses U.S. Of Sabotaging Idlib Ceasefire

On September 1, the Russian Defense Ministry said that the recent US strike on Idlib province had “endangered the truce” in the area and “violated all previous arrangements.” The defense ministry noted that the air raid led to “multiple casualties and destruction”.

On August 31, CENTCOM announced that the US military “conducted a strike against al-Qaida in Syria leadership at a facility north of Idlib”. It claimed that the strike “will further degrade their ability to conduct future attacks and destabilize the region.”

The strike took place shortly after the start of a unilateral truce announced by the Syrian Armed Forces in the Idlib zone. Local sources say that the strike targeted a camp of the al-Qaeda-affilated militant group Ansar al-Tawhid. However, no casualties among the group’s top leadership or other prominent terrorist commanders operating in the area were reported.

Despite this, the situation in the Idlib zone remains relatively calm after the start of the ceasefire on August 31. Both pro-government forces and militants accuse each other of sporadic artillery strikes. Nonetheless, no notable clashes were reported.

Meanwhile, the US and Turkey already faced some difficulties in the implementation of the northeastern Syria ‘safe zone’ agreement. On August 31, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened that Turkey will apply its own plan of action, if Turkish soldiers are not allowed to control the safe-zone area. He said that Turkey has “no time and patience” and that it wants to actually create a safe-zone with own soldiers guarding it.

These remarks demonstrate a rift between the Turkish and US stance on the question. In northeastern Syria, Washington mostly relies on Kurdish separatist armed groups that Turkey sees as terrorist organizations. So, the sides have a quite different vision of how this safe zone should look.

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Pave Way IV

“…Local sources say that the strike targeted a camp of the al-Qaeda-affilated militant group Ansar al-Tawhid. However, no casualties among the group’s top leadership or other prominent terrorist commanders operating in the area were reported…”

Mossad didn’t want anyone to find the Sarin cylinders it gave to al Qaeda for false flags last fall. Bibi looked down and ordered CENTCOM to go in and destroy the storage location at any cost. CENTCOM commander’s reply: “Mmnfff mnh.. fnf u fmmnf” [his mouth was full at the moment]


For the past 6 years, Watch Closelly how Russia Places its S-300 and S-400s.

Crimea Turkey Syria. Now Draw a line starting with Syria through Turkey through Crimea. Those 67 Nukes that America Hosts in Israel.. CHECKMATE. See What I see?


Bibi sent his US house cleaners in it seems.

Xoli Xoli

Very Right more then 40 classified documents,Amunition,medication,chemical equipment destroyed.Russian critic to USA NATO during temporary ceasefire bombing is correct.Turkey intelligence pass on exact coordinates to USA to safe erd6ogan Putin friendship and embarrassment.

SAA tigers and Russian special forces wanted to take over this terrorists bases if ceasefire failed.


Yes, this attack looks very very strange. Better to wait to have more information about it.


There is no truce only a politic agrement between Russia and Turkey to cheat Syria and the rest of the world that they help each other hiding the jihadists: Islamic State, brotherhood of islam, Nusra, al Qaida, al Sham, Taliban etc…. A good thing the US continiues to bomb them. They have to be killed all of them to free the world of their bestialities.



Willing Conscience (The Truths

You hate the truth don’t you.


Go see if outside is raining.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Unlike you I don’t have to, I can hear it on my roof right now, so I don’t need to go outside to see if it’s raining, how about, can you go outside please and see if it’s raining in cuckoo land, and then let me know too. :]


Vai dar uma volta ao bilhar grande.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Portugees is such a colorful and expressive language but it sadly loses a lot of meaning during translation, just like most of your comments seem to as well. I’m very offended, I can handle people not agreeing with my comments no problems, but when they actually just find them boring I’m mortally wounded.


Don’t be, because I still read what you write.


Russia, after bombing rebels for months, incl during cease fires, now object to US bombing jihadis because the US bombed those same rebels in an effective way?

Terry Ross

Effective? “However, no casualties among the group’s (Ansar al-Tawhid) top leadership or other prominent terrorist commanders operating in the area were reported.”


There are reports claiming over 40 islamists killed. That is a success in itself. Also reports leaders, incl Jolani, are killed and or wounded.


Zionational, Bill Wilson is your cousin?


Weak if you have no arguments but slurring and namecalling. A frequent position for assadophyles.

Spoken like a true fascist.


Oh yeah zionazi.


Which reports ? tell us your source.

Jim Martin

American precision bombing which is more careful than most with the use of PGM (precision guided munitions- good ones) make the Russian effort in its homicidal uncaring and clumsiness look ham fisted and thuggish

Some of the Russian bargain ordnance I saw was no better than a thinner 55 gal oil drum with fins and a pointy nose

cechas vodobenikov

drivel—if this is true then u intentionally kill huge numbers of civilians, bombing hospitals and wedding parties in the ME, Afghanistan etc…the excalibur is far more precise than anything the US possesses…your barbaric nonsense is despicable—0nly 15% of u people believe torture is never justified (fully 2/3 support the use of torture in the USA (Reuters/IPSOS 2016)

Jim Martin

So therefore it is OK for the Kremlin to drop 2nd or 3rd rate bombs indiscriminately- never progressing much past the days of Stalin in mindset ; when they are not targeting hospitals or helping Assad target hospitals? Typical knuckle dragging thug reasoning and excuse making in supporting another dictator, when you are not beating up opposition protesters in Moscow

cechas vodobenikov

your stupidity is undeniable–u will believe any fake news from the NYT—u target hospitals, not Syria, Russia or Iran

Brother Ma

I think we can judge for ourselves how effective those US precision missiles are from past wars! Pretty shit if you ask me and equiv or worse than Russian non-precision ordnance. I like facts not wishful thinking.

Jim Martin

Past wars are just that in the past. Its called progress, at least in some countries

better trade in your horse and get a model T or a Lada?

Brother Ma

Well what you say is true of course as are all Motherhood statements. It also happens to be a convenient company line by arms merchants and gungho American-types.

Well we both said what we needed to so let us allow other readers to make their own minds up.

Speak next time.


They bombed the regular fighters , never the leaders so they pleased Turkey. The Us bombed the headquaters and that is against the Turkish-Russian intrest.


russia is invited by the syrian gov to help in the liberation of the country, to end the civil war that the unhinged states of A started some 8 years ago and which has totally laid waste to the country – yippiekae as they would say. the dunces should stay east of the euphrates and have little to do west of same.

Brother Ma

Laughable ! What a load of rubbish you spout!

Icarus Tanović

You put that well, but don’t ever forget that thise, no matter what name US and CIA gave to them are still Zionistic and American brainless army of monsters.




Kurdish forces are not separatists. An both empty and knowingly incorrect statement from SF, making this report plain BS.

Xoli Xoli

Their are not but have made them self separatists by requesting Federal state of Raqqa and Rojava state of Manbij.This alone is in conflict with Erdogan Idlibstan.


Which is not the point. Calling for internal autonomy for a multi ethnic region, resulting from distrust of internal dictatorship, is a political demand, not separatism.

Brother Ma

Why don’t the Friesians have “internal autonomy for a multiethic region” from the Netherlands! Yep. I like that idea. That is not separatism.

You are either a ziotroll or an idiotic /Soros Liberal . I say that as I do know that not all Liberals think like you. I happen to be one. Idiot!

Xoli Xoli

If it’s not a point why dont we support for multi ethnic separatist region.Rather then choosing only Kurdish ethnic group and armed it.

Dont you think it is unfair to arm one ethnic group and give it autonomy above other multi ethnic group in one ground.


Being in Syria land with the help of a foreign powers (USA-Israel) is not separatism, it is stealing land of other owner. Syria government and people has the right to recover this land by any means.

Brother Ma

Wanting to make a Kurdistan in Syria is being a Separatist. Maybe I could go to Holland and carve a Brothermaistan. That would be fine with you ,right? Thanks.

Xoli Xoli

Base on secret intelligence report same terrorist didn’t want to evacuate and relocate NATO secrets within the base after NATO special forces and France,Turkey,Israel and British advisers leave.

So Erdogan was leave with no option but to call on USA to destroy the evidence.Those who obeyed were Ordered to put servere pressure immediately on Russian base.This tactic served as deterrent to avoid Russian and Syrian special forces take over of Terrorists base.

Putin honesty with Erdogan tap off Erdogan about the danger.


You got bright on this one.

Xoli Xoli

Thanks for criticizing. Your input is more needed then critic.

Xoli Xoli

I am not bright I am trying to stick to reality and expose hidden agendas by world powers.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So the US is endangering the ceasefire agreement, mmmm, but no one in the Syrian government wants the ceasefire to work anyway, and neither do the SAA, it’s only Erdogan and Putin worried about the ceasefire collapsing, SO GOOD ON THE US, BOMB THEM AGAIN PLEASE. Assad’s only about a week or two away from winning the war for Idlib, and I say that in all seriousness, a few short week’s are all it’d take for most of Idlib to collapse now, the rebels/terrorists are finally on the run and the SAA should be taking advantage of it now, not giving them time to regroup. Over the last few days Erdogan’s been threatening to implement that proposed safe zone he wants despite US objections [desperately needs for refugees], he’s vowed to put a plan into action to create the safe zone despite the fact his US allies keep saying no you can’t. And then just a day or two later the US do the very worst thing they could possibly do to harm Erdogan’s interests, actually exacerbate the very problem he’s been complaining about, they just bombed the very terrorists Erdogan’s been protecting, which isn’t going to alleviate any of their fears, it’s going to heighten them. A lot of those terrorists firmly believed that the US would come in and help them against the SAA, but now they know they won’t, now they’ll be thinking when and where the next new US airstrike will be. So as much as I don’t like the US just flying willy nilly over Syrian sovereign airspace and bombing Syrian territory without Syrian government permission or approval, I’ll make an exception in this particular case. The US actually did Assad a big favour and helped his cause no end with that bombing, did the US do it to punish Erdogan for his problematic behaviour over the last few days, or was there a different reason, I DON’T REALLY CARE, I JUST WANT THEM TO DO IT AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN. If Putin won’t help Assad push the refugees north then I don’t mind if the US do it instead, and I wonder if Assad really minded the extra help he got from the US [while the Russians are abiding by the ceasefire]. And since Putin’s not allowed to attack the terrorists due to Erdogan’s ceasefire and Putin’s political obligation to Erdogan, who’s to say Putin didn’t actually give Trump a quick phone call just before the US made that bombing run, maybe he was calling in a favour and asked Trump to do something he couldn’t do himself, and now all Putin’s indignation at the US action is just for Erdogan’s benefit, perhaps Putin, Trump, and Assad all have big smirks on their faces right now, who knows, at least I hope that’s the case, if it isn’t I’m bitterly disappointed with Putin and this victory stalling ceasefire.

Brother Ma

I hope your prophecy of Assad exploiting the issue for Syria’s sake comes true. I have had a gutful of Putin’s excuses and agreements with jihadi Turcos.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes stopping the SAA right when they had the Turks exactly where they wanted them is totally unforgivable, there’s nearly half a million refugees heading to Turkey right now as it is, and if the ceasefire hadn’t of stopped the SAA when it did, there’d be one million refugees heading to Turkey by now instead of just half a million.

John Smith

If Russia pulls out all stops and establish a No Fly Zone over all of Syria, the US and Israel will be finished. As Hezbollah already pointed out, the only way to stop a bully is to fight back.


Iraq and Turkey need to close their airspace to the US for Syria partition ops. And the US needs to be removed from Iraq completely. And yes, a no fly zone over all of Syria for Zionist, NATO and GCC axis of terror flights is needed.


and no zionist=evil as far as the eye can seeeeeeee


He’s been talking out of both sides of his mouth for as long as he’s been here. He clearly has issues.

Brother Ma

Can’t wait. Come on!

cechas vodobenikov

as the amerikan created/funded al sham takfiri barbarians r eliminated, the US empire disintegrates

Brother Ma

This article is too neutral and bland. SF should be more forthright and ” call a spade a spade” here. I can remember wen SF wouldn’t always walk on eggshells .

This safezone is nothing but an invasino strip and SF knows it and should say it. No amount of Russian -Turco “alliances”and “friendships” will change that.

All TurcoZioNatoists out of Syria now AND pay for the siht you broke!

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