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Syrian Warplanes Pound Militant Positions In Southern Idlib

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Syrian Warplanes Pound Militant Positions In Southern Idlib

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Warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) conducted on September 13 several airstrikes on positions of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies in southern Idlib.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that the Syrian airstrikes targeted the towns of Hass, Sarjah, Benin, Shnan, Mareian as well as the vicinity of the city of Ma`arat al-Nu`man.

In the early hours of the morning, Russian warplanes carried out two airstrikes on the towns of Deir Sunbul and Shnan in southern Idlib.

Several sources claimed that these repeated airstrikes are a sign of a near military operation in Greater Idlib. However, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is yet to move on the ground.

The ceasefire in Greater Idlib will likely hold up until the upcoming the Russian, Turkish Iranian summit, which is set to be held in Ankara soon.

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No more summits, just launch a huge-scale operation with your full manpower. No more stupid “ceasefires”. Without Turkey, Idlib might have been fully liberated now and the SAA could already have focused on At-Tanf, the ISIS cells in desert and the few cells in the south.

Tiresia Branding

remember, about 3 millions people live in the Idlib governorate. And greatest parts of them are not jihadist sympathizer. Last week some people organized manifestations against the terrorists and the shitty wahabists shot at them. Not a so simple situation unless you do carnage like the Americans did in Raqqa


But the SAA could have liberated a bigger territory without the ceasefires. Every time when the SAA built momentum like in the NW Hama offensive in May or the S Idlib/N Hama operation, Russia agreed to a ceasefire. If this continues, the battle for Idlib will last for 1 year.

Tiresia Branding

agree with you about the time, but there are many reasons to go so slow: above all, limit at minimum the SAA lossess. Half of Syria needed to be freed after Idlib, with a very high probability of a direct contact with US and with their heavy armed SDF minions


I think the reason for this mess we have now with Idlib was the transportation of the orks from Rastan, Daraa, Eastern Ghouta, Beit Jinn, East Qalamoun towards Idlib. The SAA should have dealt with them there. The Idlib orks were already massively weakend after the Abu al-Duhur operation.

Tiresia Branding

In my opinion at the time was a good deal: many towns liberated without fight and many of the terrorists surrender or passed to SAA. There’s a price in every choice

Icarus Tanović

That was a mistake. They should have trial them and put them to prisons. Many people opted to stay, those that have been oppressed by Wahhabis terror, all of them Muslims. Now, you see, Wahhabis forcefully remove those peoples.

Tiresia Branding

oh yes, here we are! We, the keyboard warriors. So, if you had been in Syria, when the terrorists were winning everywhere, and they had told you “Or you fight with us or we kill you and your family” obviously you would have answered heroically “Yes, kill us all, I don’t want to be a bad guy!”… Or if you were a civilian in Raqqa, and after US bombing now you have just one leg and no more sons, parents, house you would be happy because even the bad guys are dead… oh my god of the comfortable screens shields x_x

Icarus Tanović

Yes, I know all of that, and I been through the War it self. And I know what you are talking about, because, unfortunately I know Wahhabis all too good… Peace.?

Icarus Tanović

There are clear military targets, Americans usually doesn’t care about that.

Icarus Tanović

Agreed. Just launch military operation and that is it. But we got to distract them at Khabani first.


When Kabani is liberated, this could be a turning point in the Battle for Idlib, because the rest of the Jihadi positions in NE Latakia will be useless and the SAA could reach the gates of Jisr al-Shughur without much fight.

Xoli Xoli

Why dont their call it traitors, backstabbers meeting driven by Erdogan insanity.Becareful Russian Ambassador died in Turkey this time Erdogan will stab one of Russian or Iranian leaders with jihadi wakbar knife.

Icarus Tanović

Oh, don’t you worry about Iranians.

Xoli Xoli

Iranians are in good position.

Icarus Tanović

No more talks! Let’s get them. Lets Napalm them.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I can see from the numerous posts today that everyone’s upset by this ceasefire, but strangely no one’s game to point the finger of blame where it should be rightly be pointed. Man up you bunch of pussies, can’t any of you speak the truth, I think most of you are just too afraid to say what you think, but I’m not, Putin’s the piece of crap responsible for the ceasefire, only Putin, Putin’s to blame, how many times can I say it, a million times. Some one say it with me too, please don’t make me give up hope for humanity, be brave enough to stand up to your hero/leader and say what I say, and don’t be scared that your fellow SF readers will ostracize you, speaking the truth is far better for your health than a few likes on your comments, so tell the truth next time you comment, it’s not as if no one really knows who’s actually responsible for the unwanted ceasefire, we all know the truth, but sadly some of us just can’t say it. The war was at best only 2 or 3 weeks away from a nearly complete victory for the SAA, that’s also the truth, and for once in his life Erdogan’s also been telling the truth, he’s been saying this for over a month now, “if someone doesn’t help me soon I’m going to lose control of Idlib, and then I’ll lose control of the refugees, and then I’ll lose control of the borders and all the refugees will flood in, and then politically I’ll be toast — and then I’m going to happily let them all flow straight through to your borders”, that’s what he’s been saying [don’t disagree, just read dome Turkish news, and I was ad libbing but in essence that’s EXACTLY what he’s been saying], and Putin and the Iranians are the only ones helping him stop the refugees, no one else is, not the US, not NATO, and not the EU. So no one else but Iran and Russia is helping Erdogan now, which in essence means, the US, the EU and NATO are all actually helping Assad now by not helping Erdogan, LOL, choke on that. I love telling the truth it makes me feel good, some of you should also try it, even if it means you’re guaranteed to get some vicious responses from moronic trolls accusing you of being a pro US or anti Russian troll. But the most important thing about telling the truth is this, Putin’s media advisors or perhaps Putin himself, may read our negative but honest appraisals, and begin to change his mind about the ceasefire, and it’s not as if he’d be going against the EU, US or NATO if he did, they don’t give a f–k about Erdogan, they want him gone anyway, if they wanted to save him they would have done something already, and it’s not as if he hasn’t been trying to get their help, he’s been pleading, begging, blackmailing and threatening, and they still haven’t helped despite knowing there’ll be another flood of refugees. I suspect the EU has a big surprise for Erdogan when he tries to send the first wave of refugees to Europe, no more open door policy and no more free boat rides, just turnbacks and refugee camps, LOL, poor stupid Erdogan thought he could outsmart them all. Come on Putin, you used to be my hero once, sadly you never can be again but you could at least regain some of my respect I once had for you, end this damned ceasefire and dump Erdogan in the crap, he’s already GLEEFULLY killed a Russian pilot and also put countless other Russian servicemens lives at risk, do the right thing and end the ceasefire for God’s sake.


Wth I don’t post the comments for likes, I just posted what I was thinking.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I wasn’t specifically pointing the finger at anybody, though you would impress me considerably if you called a spade a spade, your comment was exactly spot on and truthful and there was nothing in it at all that I disagreed with. Your comment was totally accurate but it also had one glaringly humungus omission, naming the guilty culprit, and I wonder why you and so many others don’t do that one important thing, especially when you’re obviously intelligent enough to understand the situation, not that it very complicated mind you, but only a very few commenters actually name the person actually responsible for the ceasefire, and I keep wondering why. I’ll ask you this though, if somehow either the US or Israel had somehow managed to enforce this ceasefire on the SAA instead of the Russians, wouldn’t you be naming Trump and Netanyahu as the guilty parties and actually naming and blaming them for the ceasefire [and it’s negative consequences for the SAA and Syrian sovereignty], I blame Putin for it xTheWarrior22, who do you blame for the ceasefire, care to put a name to the guilty party like I do, or do you in fact think someone other than Putin is responsible for the totally unwanted and possibly war ending ceasefire. Be brave and tell the truth if you also do think it’s Putin, and if you think it’s someone else say so to. So sorry if I intentionally offended you and a few others, but saying what you did so accurately without naming the person responsible leaves you open for justifiable criticism, I liked what you said and want to hear you say more of the same, but there’s just one extra bit of info you should include in your comments to make it 100% accurate, and that’s include Putin as the one responsible, and if you don’t think it’s actually Putin, then I’ll rightfully criticize you for getting at least that part of your comment wrong, but I suspect you already know who’s really responsible for the ceasefire, but just like nearly everyone else you didn’t say it. Cheers xTheWarrior22, I usually like what you say and feel bad about you being upset about my comment, but I’m afraid it’s one I just had to make even knowing it would offend the people like you that I usually agree with, so sorry I just farted at the dinner table, it just had to come out or I’d exploded, maybe a few of you other commentators should also let off a few too, and blow it Putin’s way, give him a whiff of what his usually admiring followers really think about this latest ceasefire.


I think you misunderstood me. I wasn’t upset or something like that. I know Putin is not guiltless in this point, but when Turkey wouldn’t be begging every time when the SAA advances, these ceasefires would have never been established. In my opinion, Russia should pressure Turkey way more, it’s not a superpower like the US, otherwise Erdogan will never understand.

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