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Syrians Were Allowed To Leave Al-Hol Camp

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Syrians Were Allowed To Leave Al-Hol Camp

The al-Hol camp. Source: Anadolu Agency

Kurdish local authorities announced that thousands of Syrians, including families of ISIS jihadists group, would be freed from the Al Hol refugee camp in northeastern Syria.

According to Ilham Ahmed, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Council, the political arm of the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the Arab-Kurdish forces decided to release Syrian citizens detained in the al-Hol camp. This decision was taken on September 5 at a meeting of the Council in the city of Raqqa.

“Syrians will leave the Al Hawl camp and only foreigners will stay there,” Riyad Derar, co-chairman of the Syrian Democratic Council, the political assembly of the Kurdish-dominated military coalition that controls northeastern Syria, told AFP.

“The Syrian families of ISIS fighters will also be released,” he added.

No details on the mechanism or timing of the initiative were provided.

The Iraqis were also allowed to leave the camp but many of them prefer to stay, fearing jail in Iraq for their alleged links to ISIS.

The Al Hol camp, which is located in eastern al-Hasakah, is hosting 67,000 people, including 40,000 family members of ISIS fighters. 24,300 are from Syria while about 30,000 are believed to be from Iraq. Another 10,000 camp residents from other countries, almost all of them connected to ISIS foreign fighters, will remain at al-Hol.  Some of them are internally displaced persons who have fled the fighting of Kurdish forces against ISIS and had nowhere to go, others are relatives of jihadists.

The SDF is running the camp with support from the U.S.-led coalition.

In recent months, Kurdish authorities have released Syrian families following mediation with tribal leaders. Since the summer of 2019, some 4,345 Syrians have left Al Hol, according to the UN.

The Al Hol camp has witnessed several security incidents in recent months involving ISIS supporters, including escape attempts and attacks on guards or NGO employees.

Despite the lack of security, the al-Howl camp is overpopulated and there are poor life conditions as well as the lack of medical care. On August 6, the first cases of SARS-COV-2 were also reported in the camp.

One of the reasons for such a large-scale amnesty was the high cost of prisoners maintaining. The purchase, delivery of water and food is the responsibility of the administration of the SDF. The camp is planned to be completely re-equipped for the detention of foreign relatives of ISIS militants.


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They can be resetlet to armenian karabah by turkey ,a new future terrorist shi…..


True that, from there they can infiltrate both in Russia and Iran.

Jens Holm

To me its much more if they would do such things. I am sure many ISIS supporters has learned a lesson…many …

So thats why its up to 30.000 and mainly women and children.

Jens Holm

The relased are locals and expelling should be very visble ín Caucasus. Syria do have expelled from Caucasus fx the cherkese in Caucasus, some Kurds from Turkey, some fe armenians and many 100.000 of Shammars along Eufrat and Khabour.

I dont think Caucasus need more contrasts.

So those realsed opnes should be resettled and by education try to be back as they were in the new context. I am for that. But You can make people resettle by making areas more attractive fx by creating jobs or fx regaining abandinned ares.

I do know the SDF already has released some few before that. Some now live in samller farm vilages, where people left because there was not enough water for primitive farmere. Other places in Syria is areas, where SDF has expelled most of the locals because it was too difficukt to control them because too many were either unsafe from ISIS or even ISIS friendly.

Assads and Iraq has many of those ISIS ones too. Andf as for the SDF ones there are some which most likely can be repatriated. I do expect some will come back to those camps.

But just moving the problems to somewhere else often seemes tomake more problems then it solves

Pave Way IV

It’s cruel to keep these people isolated from their Wahhabi Caliphate in Saudi Arabia. Put these people on green busses and drop them off in downtown Riyadh. It’s time the Saudi chimps clean up after themselves after spreading their engineered religious virus across half the globe. Crimes against humanity have consequences – get these subhumans out of Syria, Saudi Arabia. Wahhabis are YOUR fucking problem now.


PKK should be re-allocated to Turkey then the Turks won’t have to occupy foreign territory.

Jens Holm

Turks after 100 years still deny Kurds to be themselves even they are 20% of the population. If someone paint You You probatly wont be a zulu or a bantu as well even You might look nicer too. .


I don’t think Moma Merkel can live without them for too long.

Great Khan

Use Asshol camp for fat American.


hahahahahahah they have no money to run the camp since the US dont give them any money and oil is almost free..


How do you know US don’t give them any money?

Jens Holm

I see none of that. Some link seemes to be nice. SDFs themselves by good reasons say they hardly can effort to keep the guarding well. Its very much abiout those SDFs are needed very much anywhere else.

It makes sense the foreigners should be paid more from abroad even many by strnage reaons was among westerns and we never asked that kind of muslims to vome here. We will never take more then very small quantaties back.

I can only ESTIMATE the danish version. I think we have taken up to 25 of 200. Many of the rest was criminals in Denmakr making money for ISIS in legal and unlegal ways.

Maybee a Danish Archithect company named Bjarke Inghels can help. They are constructing real houses for the moon. ISIS by that can see the earth from another perspective.

Jens Holm

Assads and Turks should open the borders so the SDFs could resettle those 2 milion refugees from their turf by the SDF programs for it.

Im sure many goverments and NGOs would contribute some for it. Its not about being more nice to those but for all in the area. SDFs also has many as relocated and some should be able to go home but need some help for infratructure and fx growing fields again.

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