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The Syrian Army, backed up by the Russian Aerospace Forces, liberated the city of Aleppo from terrorists on December 22, 2016. On December 22, 2017 locals marked the liberation of their city with a large rally. People were carrying Syrian flags, posters with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and many photographs of Russians and Syrians that had died during the fight against the terrorism in the country.

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What will not kill you will make you stronger. Syrians must never forget what USA did to them.
Bachar Al Assad must retake all Syria. After that, it will be very difficult for USA to try to reinvade Syria.
I hope you appreciate your freedom this time and not f*ck it up again. The lesson you should be learning now is that unless you stand up and fight back none other will come to make your war for you. Is one thing friends to help you on your need and another to do it for you while you are on vacation of senses. i.e. Greece who wait others to do what they as a nation only can do together. I mention Greece because is my believe they are next on line.
Soon we see if any Ellines (greeks), still are in Greece.
I do hope so.
Kudos to what you say, compatriot. Freedom can only be earned through sacrifice in the world we live on today, since the shackles all of us are wearing were forged centuries ago. It takes a lot to open your eyes and see things for what they really are. People are starting to realize that the system we are living in is causing more troubles than those it is solving. Especially in Greece, we have lived that for 8 years now. I am a bit more pessimist than you though, I don’t really feel like something dramatic will happen in our country soon. EU is hard to balance right now, its even too late to pretend to recover from the ongoing internal crisis/drama. Anyway, what do you refer to when you say “they are next on line”?
base on the information we get and also the reality on the ground in Greece in combination with the MKO and illegals in the hot spots and how they organize them, to us at least we watch what is happening it is kind of obvious where the next theater of war is and it is in europe i.e. Greece.
Make jewSA pay heavily for their terrorist crimes.Don’t give them an inch of your land to infest with their satanic,Zionist agenda.Victory to Syria and its fantastic ALLIES.
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Merry christmas and happy new year SYRIA !! Throw to out of Syria whu hasnt what do there !! Especialy wanker Trumps killers ! Syria please you will mercy to Kurds,They havent their land.They have some part of winn about ISIS.
Mashala Aleppo looks very good in some parts, although was heavily demolished and it is the largest city in Syria. With time everything will rebuild and people will settle, but human lives are not replaceable RIP to all that lost their lives protecting and fighting for the city and Syria. Syria will be free of terror soon or later. And this war that happen to Syria will make Syria better and strong in the future.
It is very nice that Syrians remember those who gave their life to free Syria. Gratitude is met with gratitude.
Every one of those bloody journalists and politicians and celebrities, who cried tears for the jihadis in east Aleppo, should be forced to look at these photos. In a just Universe, they would all have to live under the rule of their beloved rebels. We’d see then just how long their enthusiasm for the jihadis would last.
This is worse than the Holocoaster where 6 trillion of God’s personal favorites were roasted alive…
Between 1949-1996; Israhell ripped U$A OF $6803.9 billion! See Spytrade; How Israhell undermines america’s economy = the political system as well, Grant E Smith 2008.