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MARCH 2025

Syria’s President Visits Russia, Holds Talks With Putin

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Syria’s President Visits Russia, Holds Talks With Putin

By the Russian Presidency, Click to see the full-size image

On May 17, Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad traveled to the Russian city of Sochi where he held a meeting with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, in which the two leaders discussed the political process in Syria and the recent achievements of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), according to the Russian news agency TASS.

“President [Putin] pointed out the Syrian Armed Forces’ considerable achievements in struggle with terrorist units and congratulated Assad on this occasion … The two presidents pointed out the importance of setting up more conditions that would facilitate the resumption of a full-fledged political process and they also noted success of the Astana process, as well as of the Congress of the Syrian People, which had been held in Sochi,” Kremlin’s Acting Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters after the meeting, according to TASS.

The Russian RT TV reported that the Syrian president agreed to send a delegation to a committee tasked to rewrite Syria’s constitution during the meeting. The establishment of this committee was one of the main results of the Syrian National Dialogue Conference held in January.

“I have always said, and I want to reiterate that we have always enthusiastically supported a political process that should proceed hand-in-hand with fight against terrorism,” Assad told Putin during the meeting, according to TASS.

During the meeting with Assad, the Russian president stressed that “foreign forces” should withdraw from Syria after the recent achievements of the SAA, according to the Israeli Haaretz newspaper. The Kremlin didn’t clarify if Putin was talking in general or about a specific side like Turkey, the US or Iran.

“Given the victories and successes of the Syrian army in the war on terror, in light of the onset of a more active period, and in light of the fact that a more active political process has begun, foreign armed forces will start leaving Syrian territory,” Putin told Assad during the meeting, according to Haaretz.

The results of  Putin-Assad meeting will push the political process in Syria forward, according to local observers, who also believe that this meeting is clearly linked to the results of latest round of Astana talks held on May 14 and 15.

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Army of conquest

The Russian Assad fangirls Will be here for sure and will call a terrorist. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/110b6a37ec804c2c998d7a829d0fa923efdcb32026f0d213df58742a6e21a68c.png

Michał Hunicz

S-300 to Syria. Withdrawal of Turkish troops from the country. Open markets to Chinese investments. Prepare a list of solutions for Kurds and At-Tanf. Make a joint strategy aiming to restore control over Golan Heights.


You kidding me the deal between Russia and Turkey was awesome, Turkey is the only one who keeps those thousands of Jihadists in Idlib on one place, only Turkey and Russian observation posts make possible those jihadists not to burst out of that place. I mean Turkey is giving them shelters and all that, if you ask me personally I prefer when they got on those busses 30 km away just bomb them all out. But someone wants to keep them as insurance policy.


Do not make deals with or trust Turkey. FSA terrorists are supported by Turkey, and they bought the stolen oil from ISIS and supported terrrorists in General. The observation posts are anchors for further Turkish troop movement and occupation that they wont give back. Russians set up their own post right next to Turkey’s near Aleppo so that they can keep an eye on the Turks who would love their FSA to retake Aleppo. THings are not as they appear on the surface


Exactly. Erdogan is setting up all those “observation posts” as survey markers for the new border of Turkey when the dust settles.

Feudalism Victory

Turkey = israel

Dr. Pro Liv

Not true! That is over-simplified…Israel supports independent Kurdistan as US-NATO protectorate like Kosovo and Turks KNOW THAT ! Israel supports anything that will destroy Syria. Turkey does not support that any longer!! Because IDIOTS Turks understood that they are OUTSMARTED by US and Israel through creation of independent Kurdistan that is DIRECT THREAT to Turkey as country!

Feudalism Victory

Well yea it is simplified. They obviously differ over kurdistan(but why is that a threat to Turkey? Are the kurds threatening to attack istanbul?)

But in another way gradually seizing neighbouring territory for their “security” they act the same.do you honestly think Turkey will withdraw from Afrin after making a big deal about the sacrafices to take it? Those observation posts dont mark a new border?


At the right time I am sure that Turkey will join with the Syrian Government to eradicate with extreme violence all the US Coalition of Terror gangs in Afrin , Northern Aleppo and Idlib.

There is NO way that Turkey wants US/ Israeli, Gulf State and Saudi mercenaries on her borders in perpetuity.

Michał Hunicz

Does anyone know which aircraft Assad uses?


Why do you want to know?

Dr. Pro Liv

so that his NATO “friends” can shoot it down?

Đuro Palikuća

Mig 35


A Polikarpov Po-2? It outclasses F35 at night.

Jason H. Smith

Certainly isn’t El Al!




He flies Russian Air ( Force ) :


Tudor Miron

Nice to see it. I have strong respect to president of Syria Bashar Al Assad. He’s not a loud mouth but he’s solid. Where’s all those “Assad must go” leaders of free world? Bashar is still here.


The war is not over yet.


skirmishes with terror group may continue for a while but this war is pretty much done and dusted…

Joe Dirt

What plans for east of the Euphrates? Another 10 years….?

Hisham Saber

Your much vaunted Kurdish-Jewish project won’t last 10 months. The SDF / Kurds are effectively surrounded, west of the Euphrates, and all the way to the Iraqi-Syrian border, where the IPMU are waiting orders. The IPMU answer directly to Khamenei..

Miserable Zionist blowjob.


The IPMU answer directly to Khamenei

then the iraqi government should destroy those jihadists.

Joe Dirt

SAA still fighting ISIS and Syrians…SDF/Kurds are 100,000+ strong, with the support of NATO and Russia…SAA will have another 20 years left if they last that long….

Nigel Maund

Not if Israel and the KSA have anything to do with it!!


He and his wife both speak excellent English. His wife grew up in England, parents Syrian and is really amazing. She is Sunni, he is Shia, I can not see such a woman having anything to do with an “animal”. If he was truly an enemy to his people he would be long gone.

Tudor Miron

He is Alavite. I agree that he has real and tangible people’s support in Syria.


Alawites consider themselves part of the Shiite branch. A remarkable thing to me is the way they have let terrorists and their families take busses to other areas. If Assad was a butcher and enjoyed randomly killing Syrian people why go to the trouble?

Simply level the areas with explosives. Or just shoot and burn like they did in My Lai. According to Gordon Duff at VT that was the rule not the exception in Viet Nam. Difference that day they got caught by some moral soldiers who said no way.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

He didn’t let them go, he sent them there. The rebels are allowed to stay but the murderous terrorist aren’t, which means anybody that doesn’t like that, goes with them to jihadist heaven on a bus ride, friends family and all. As to Assad being a good man, yes he is no doubt about it, but that won’t stop him bombing the hell out of the vermin he’s packing off to Idlib and Aleppo when he’s done. This is just postponing the inevitable.


He has them surrounded but offers them and their families mercy. A chance to redeem themselves. Are there many examples of this in the history of warfare? I think the MSM condemn themselves with the lies they tell but also with the things they don’t explain. How do they explain this mercy from Assad, when their most recent success is a pile of rubble in Raqqa with the smell of unburied dead civilians filling the air.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There’s been many examples throughout history, it’s been happening since pre Roman times and not always for the reason of moral conscience, sometimes and probably even more so, it’s often done for expediency. Assad’s only offered amnesty to the rebel fighters that haven’t committed war crimes, murder, rape, torture, all the rest he ships off to Idlib and Aleppo, but they aren’t part of any amnesty. You may have missed a few of Assad’s statements, I suggest a quick review of his stated intentions if you falsely believe there’s going to be any mercy for the terrorists. Assad’s stated on many occasions he won’t leave even one terrorist alive in Syria when he’s done, and I for one hopes he keeps his promise. Assad’s always avoided civilian casualties in this war and the SAA casualty rates and slow progress attest to this fact, though as you rightly point out we’d never know it from watching western media sources, who constantly refer to barrel bombs and chemical weapons instead of amnesties and humanitarian corridors. If I only watched my own country’s media I’d never know that all the head chopping, liver eating, body mutilating rebels, were funded by the US the Saudis, Turkey and Britain in the first place. The father that kills the man who murdered his daughter, is never a murderer himself, just the server of justice and a protector of his remaining children. That will be Assad’s role if Syria prevails. No mercy. Sorry if I seem way too cruel, this atrocious war has sucked all the mercy out of me, and left only revenge in it’s place. I wonder how many Syrians that have had to live with this nightmare would feel the same as me or possibly harsher.


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Can’t see that I disagree with any of your observations. A lot of your comments presume a knowledge of any particular individual’s deeds that seems a bit unlikely in a war zone, although the social media posts would be damning for some. Justin Trudeau made some comments about reintegrating ISIS members back into society, the whole concept seems impossibly laughable to me. Once a person has committed the unthinkable it’s hard to guarantee they won’t again. However in the case of child soldiers and those conscripted, hmm. War presents so many truly awful messes to clean up. You are correct that I do not go to Assad’s website and study every one of his statements. Those I have watched or read appeal to me in many ways, he does not seem like a butcher or even a thoughtless individual. To me forestalling the inevitable does not seem merciful at all. If I knew I was to die I would just as soon go, then and there. To sit on death row for 20 years seems cruel and unusual punishment. For psychopaths the challenge of living with a guilt for evil does not exist, these individuals should be given no mercy as they are incapable of showing it to others. The other aspect where it seems like mercy to be sent to Idlib is it’s proximity to Turkey. Which, as you pointed out, is where a lot of these psychopaths entered Syria. So where is the hard nosed hand of justice in allowing these individuals access to the very same organizations that trained and shipped them to Syria in the first place?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re welcome. Of course not every single terrorist will be made accountable, some will get away with their crimes due to lack of evidence or witnesses. But as you pointed out, a lot of them documented their crimes for us all to see. It’s practically impossible to change some ones religious ideologies after they’ve had them for years, and totally impossible to change a fanatics mind, don’t bother trying. Child soldiers that were conscripted against their will are a good example of your concept of mercy. Yes it’s right to offer them a better life and a new start in society, what happened to them was out of their control and terrible, but would you let your own 11 year old befriend a returned child soldier with no reservations or concerns, mmm. The amnesty for rebel fighters is a separate operation to the green buses setup. The rebels that give up fighting and adhere to the amnesty stipulations, [no major crimes] are allowed to remain in their homelands to help rebuild Syria, the rebels that don’t want to stop fighting, or those that have committed major crimes take the buses. The offer they take is the offer to live and fight another day, nothing else. Assad’s using this tactic to help quickly take back territory, and rounding up the terrorists and corralling them in just a few locations, very smart. The terrorist of course know this but really have no choice, they were fighting a losing battle where they were, and with this offer, Assad gives them an opportunity to regroup and fight again, which some might think is counter productive but is in fact a brilliant strategy, at least I hope it proves to be. It’s going to be a lot easier to use air power more effectively when the rebels and innocent civilians aren’t intermingled the way they have been. Of course there’ll still be innocent civilians in Idlib and Aleppo, but the vast majority of civilians left there have a fanatical ideology that is no different to the terrorists that are arriving there, and they’ll all be bombed along with the terrorists and any unlucky innocents that are left there. There’s always leaflet drops warning civilians to move away before operations commence, which helps to minimizes innocent deaths, unless the rebels keep them as human shields as they’ve been known to do. “To me forestalling the inevitable does not seem merciful at all”, it is if it gives them a chance to sit down and re evaluate their own moral conscience’s. Perhaps a lull in the fighting and a chance to spend some time with their families will allow them to do just that. There may have been some fighters that were willing to take up the offer of amnesty even before the bus ride, but they were afraid to do it due to a fear of possible bad consequences [traitors] from their own people, it’ll be a lot easier for them to pack up their families and leave now, I’m sure some of them have already. Russia’s sending both HTS {Saudi proxy] and the FSA groups [was US backed but now backed by Turkey] to Idlib and Aleppo. Erdogan brokered a truce between the 2 groups, but his SLF [also Turkish backed] fighters ruined it by killing HTS fighters, now they’re at war with each other as well as the SAA. Both the SLF and the FSA [Turkish proxies] are slowing down hostilities against the SAA now, [Iran Turkey Russia Syria cooperating together in Idlib and Aleppo], which is allowing the SAA to concentrate on HTS. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. The buses to Idlib and Aleppo are just sending in more terrorists to kill each other, in the end there’ll hopefully be only one group left standing, but standing on only one leg if all goes to plan. Before this war began the fanatical Islamists in Aleppo were rallying on the streets in huge numbers and chanting ‘burn Assad and his whole family alive”, this either scared or upset the local governor who ordered a crackdown which resulted in a huge number of deaths and casualties. Assad immediately halted the crackdown and punished the governor for overreacting but it was too late, this incident became the catalyst for everything that’s happened since. Assad has never been a butcher or even an oppressor, pre war Syria is testament to this, equal rights for women, religious freedom, stable economy and just laws, they’re all good marks for a moderate and tolerant government, not an oppressive one. I’d be very happy to have a leader like Assad run my home country of Australia, he has far less innocent blood on his hands than most of the politicians I vote into power. Iraq, Libya, and now Syria. We also have one of our ex generals running the logistical operations for the Saudi campaign in Yemen, which purposefully bombs more innocent civilians than it does fighters. Also my government won’t allow Australian citizens to travel to Syria and fight on Assad’s behalf, but they do allow duel Israeli Aussie citizens go to Israel and complete their compulsory military service. I get to see citizens of my country go to Israel and legally kill unarmed civilians [children included], that are just protesting for a just cause, they want their stolen land back. I’d vote for Assad before I’d vote for most Aussie politicians any day, like I said, he has far less innocent blood on his hands. But don’t think I don’t appreciate you’re pre disposition to offer mercy before retribution, the alternative is to act like the head choppers themselves. Comments like yours help to remind me to be careful not to allow my justifiable anger to overwhelm my reasoning and conscience, thanks. Sorry for writing another bible, I’m a bit of a chatterbox.

Nigel Maund

Well said!


+frankly. You not only “get it” you get it “on steroids” .. I do like the “Syriana Analysis” guy ,, there’s a post of Assad’s wife doing a very civilized forum on the cultural, dimensions of peace. This has a dimension of empathy long into the future that could not exist in the home of an “animal”. I look for the cluster-B. Psychopathy is rampant in those who call “foul” first (Gaza massacre). That is our challenge. How to address the psychopath without becoming one? To do that, one has to first admit the value of the psychopath .. it’s not a lot .. seemingly? .. but must have some contribution to survival. All I have is Sapolsky’s observation of the social modal switch which happens in baboons when all the “alpha males” get suddenly removed. To extrapolate that to humanity is an exercise in correlation – humanity might have more stable social modes than baboons do .. but the driver might be common. Either way, we face the global saturation of our species. The borders of our world are now finite. This has never happened in the path of our race. I do not think thta any species is equipped to deal with total dominance. The last time that happened, cyanobacteria brought oxygen to the Earth. Perhaps humanity should observe what it brings? No matter what – Assad is the best national leader on this planet today .. by intention or accident of geography – he puts even Putin to shame. Thoughts?


Wow Mitch you dig deep. We might have have more stable social norms, but the things the Psychopaths do in their secret chambers would make Baboons look positively angelic.

Getting it on steroids sounds like the abuse I get from my wealthy relatives, for bringing doubt into their all so comfy, compliant lives, sheep. I do appreciate the compliment though.

Assad is an anomaly in our world. The fact that such a sweet, well spoken, intelligent, composed guy can be so demonized by the same people who at one time liked him, terrifies me.

Typical psychopathic behavior. Good question about their evolutionary role. What would God have us do with them. They see love as a kind of stupid weakness. Interesting topic that is on my mind a lot.

It sort of defines the relationships, they kill us without a thought, we mull over their role in the universe. To quote Hook, Kill em, kill em all!

You can call me Al

Have a little glance through his wiki page; much more to him that is mentioned -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bashar_al-Assad

You must remember that he was best buddies with all the leaders in US and Europe until he wanted to sell oil in Euros + the pipeline was secondary + water issues and of course the finding of a huge O&G field under the Golan heights.


Sorry only go to Wiki for soft prop, my guess is they trash him, right? He is human, but if Assad was evil, what are the Bushes?

You can call me Al

OK, my point was, he is a Doctor in the Syrian army + he gained another award / degree + did a postgrad in the UK in Ophthalmology (eye stuff) …. he only became President in 2000 or so and then of course the sh1t hit the fan.

PS I am with you with Wiki, but just sometimes, or the basic details, it is ideal.

Cheers and have a good weekend.


His brother was supposed to fill dad’s role. It kinda reminds me of the Kennedy’s. The father wanted the oldest brother to run for president. He got killed in Europe. The father had a reputation as a mobster.

I kind of like it when politicians have served in the military.Reminds me of Dubya’s record as a reservist. If not for his dad he would have been listed as a deserter.

Back to Assad. I think he was an unintended President and those are the best kind, Putin? Not Johnson! Agreed on Wiki All the best to you and yours!

You can call me Al

Cheers. Ditto.



The original article had a video that has been thoroughly scrubbed from the Internet. Why would they do that?

title of this link is A Rose in the Desert Asma Al Assad Lady Diana of the Middle East

Nigel Maund

The leaders of the so called “Free World” should be the one’s going!! Besides, the Free World is getitng increasingly like a Dictatorship with every passing day.

Naija Lolade

Do you mean leaders of the ‘terrorist world’ ?

Tudor Miron

“Free world” was used with sarcasm.


The Leaders of the Great Western Empire are in hiding…and Denial… I bet they have Many Sleepless Nights & Will Suffer some Heartproblems (at least I hope they do). They are Defeated in the Most Embarassing Way… You could already see it in their Ugly Faces a couple of moons Ago… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ac1c0f9582ef86e7efa47b983af177576027cfd0913f5eff2170962613fdd7bf.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3fdc3913bd6c1a8dadd85e81f94708d94272dd01ecfdc65a5e2debd62f88616a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a62593a8382b273f9e2caa8222ae91d89028e0af12b00e10f9330f62c3a5b756.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5cdd8f7db07974f430ad24976b3a8339d2bef47607b88fae3026bc6d1c942939.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/91c78020da35775a5c6b847c7f23ee3675e4c7affab4d11324b291ba456b10d9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4be8a76f55d0edcc47034613de83b7c046aade97df17588760b203f679016240.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d042e4d8369ddd8f82f18a0662c9fce7348df52f2ccdca349c2a8ec56c7e2287.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4d542e5b1afaf9e6947db8d849ead5c53c734248cf6f70f8dce054f1e520e5e1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/651d494b8f648d0bfe4ed719dec5dfd518a14f9752448f278cac1d3d59854932.jpg


last pic.. I tot it was a chimp.. hehehe.. reminds me of the old planet of the apes.. lol..


You can see that she Shaves her Moustache…..it’s shaving time again Mr. Nick Haley… you don’t Fool me…you little Drag-Queen…


Man your stuff is the best, it is so great to be contemplating the demise of the world and here you come with a great laugh, thanks!


My pleasure my Friend…

Tudor Miron

I like this collection of images. Snakeheads.


I think Putin deliberately hinted that he’s thinking about reducing Russian presence in Syria. He’s in the middle of a sort of ‘Russia first’ campaign that involves reducing military spending. And since Russia set out to end the war and not expand it I guarentee that Moscow will oppose any action that might start a war with an outside power. … It is possible that the war will end soon with many of the awkward and complicated borders lasting for years.


Hmmm is it possible that Putin and Netanyahu became best buddies. I don’t know, but maybe.


thief to thief …


Russia wants to end the war, the SAA wants to restore Syria’s borders. If there is any sort of split between Putin and Assad all the Arab rhetoric will shift from Russia being the fighter of terrorists and imperialist to Russia being a swarm of mobsters. I wonder what people around here will say…

Dr. Pro Liv

I do not know Astana agreement and how much of Idlib is agreed to be under Turkey control(Iran was there remember?) If “the SAA wants to restore Syria’s borders” Russia will not stop them in doing that. Why would ever Russia do such thing???!! But Russian soldiers and aircraft will not be servicing Assad and Iran in attacks on US or Turks that would only trigger war with NATO and immediately after that WW3 ! These problems of ILLEGAL occupation can ONLY be resolved by UN resolution pushing the occupying countries (US and Turkey and Israel) out of Syria.

——— “I wonder what people around here will say..” Well I know that this place is full of smart ass Westerners like yourself and that you all are full of it ….Just hidden Russia haters… I’m sure that many “people” from West will come up with similar anti-Russian runt like yours.


We will say that you are a Zionist Scumbag Smaug as you always have been. :)

Dr. Pro Liv

is it possible that you eat shit and became best buddies with shit. I don’t know, but maybe.


The area east of the river and the Golan are the two big remaining issues. I’m sure that they talked about recovering Dier Ezzor province. The Syrians have suffered so much for so long, that I hate to see them get in a conflict with Israel. But unfortunately they already are and have been off and on for Israel’s entire existence. And Israel and Jews, primarily Israeli and US Jews, are the primary cause of the war. Leaving the Israel and Jew issue unresolved is just going to lead to ongoing problems for Syria, the region and humanity. Moving ahead with addressing this issue while the capabilities to do so would be a good idea.

Clearing the IDF out of the Golan, West Bank and East Jerusalem, and securing the Israel Gaza border and Gaza coast and putting a no fly zone in place over Gaza. Would go a long way to bringing Israel into compliance with UN resolutions that it’s in chronic violation of. This is best done using a multi lateral approach involving the neighboring nations of Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon. Supported by the existing Syrian government coalition. It would be helpful if plans and preparations could be put in place for implementing this.


“…compliance with UN resolutions ”

A phrase with no meaning to Israel and the US.


Yes and no. Once they start getting implemented, then they’l have a lot of meaning to everyone.


” Congress to Consider Recognition of Israeli Sovereignty Over Golan Heights – New measure recognizes Israel’s control of Syrian territory ”


What a surprise , huh ? The only surprise is that it has taken this long. The U.S. isn’t going to let the elites’ investments in Genie Energy fall into Assad’s hands. International law ? Pffft , that’s for the little people.

The formal partitioning of Syria is beginning , and my guess is that Putin will stand aside and allow it to proceed. He’ll help Syria against AQ and ISIS , but not against Israel , the US , and Turkey , who will all end up with some Syrian goodies.


Genie Oil – the company set up to steal yria’s oil in Golan. Take a look https://genieoilgas.com/about-us/strategic-advisory-board/


This OAN report also talks about Genie :



Thank you.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Pearson Sharp has done some reporting in Syria for OANN good one to follow on twitter at least he sees the truth. There is also Carla Ortiz on Facebook as she does her podcasts, she is a member of the Geneva Human Rights group and a director other than an actress.


Thanks for that too.


everyone. always be mindful of the current hasbara narrative , so anyone who posted about these are hasbara trolls , or at best a fool..

current hasbara narrative on the net : – always pretend to be anti zionist or anti israel but constantly post pro israel propaganda – always accuse putin of colluding with israel and will abandon syria – always accuse putin of cowardice as if russia scared of the west / israel – always potray Israel military as a capable and fearsome force , which it is not as proven in lebanon 2006 war where 1000 hezbollah defeated 30.000 IDF troops – always blame iran , assad , russia , saudi , turkey or even america but never once post about israel obvious warcrimes and involvement in syria – always post strawman argument and led the discussion to off topic thus distracting the comment sections for everyome.

by their disqus ID name you will see the resident hasbara on southfront , and i suggest you do not reply to their post as they are not seeking truth and fact but their aim is to distract everyone by their asinine posts

Joe Dirt

everyone. always be mindful of the current Iranian narrative , so anyone who posted about these are carpet kisser trolls , or at best a fool.

Joe Dirt

everyone. always be mindful of the current russki narrative , so anyone who posted about these are Ivan’s trolls drunk on vodka, or at best a fool.

Dr. Pro Liv

You US bitch are one of those anti-Russian trolls as well ! You and your “current russki narrative”, “Ivan’s trolls drunk ” you NATO-BITCH-TROLL-FAG !!!

Joe Dirt

I don’t hate the people.

I hate the authoritarian Russian government.

Dr. Pro Liv

You are hypocrite as hell. There is no more “authoritarian” and rotten government than US government. They start wars when they want remove your basic citizen rights, walk all over your constitution, rip you off to bail Wall Street, steal tens of TRILLIONS of cash through Pentagon, destroy very fiber of the nation through 9/11 and betray everything US stand for……. Should I continue?! I don’t think so….already plenty there….. So why the hell would you waist your time on Russian government when yours can’t be much worse than it is already!

Joe Dirt

the Russia govt have a history of murdering millions of it’s own people….enough said…

Dr. Pro Liv

typical US retard

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well I hate the Authoritarian USeless Bully Government. The US govt does reckless and spiteful shit that should get it sanctioned and expelled from the World bodies. Well never were able to get the real Russian AK 47 or ammo just Chinese version and Ammo , Norinco firearms even makes M14 using old dies to make it bought as scrap metal.

Joe Dirt

You make no sense…what part of USA are you from?

Dr. Pro Liv

Oxymoron?!?! Can you articulate that totally illogical nonsense into ONE example so that anyone can see how does it look like? How can one be be “anti Zionist” and “anti Israel” by pushing “pro Israel propaganda” ?!?! JUST ONE EXAMPLE PLEASE so that you can make me laugh ! You are giving marching orders to the people who doesn’t know how to think to follow you maybe?!

—— By always accusing “Putin of colluding with Israel” and by desire that he “will abandon Syria” one work for JIHAD, NATO, Terrorist Arabs who finance Jihad and ISRAEL ! Nobody normal is for that yet there are so many people from US and West who do exactly THAT! ————— That is exactly what MANY of those who present themselves “pro-Assad” are DOING ALL THE TIME SPITING ON PUTIN and RUSSIA by accusing them all the time! Now if you say that is not true or it is “propaganda” than either you are paid NATO bot or you are JEW yourself! It is with Russian weapons that was shot down F-16 and that 71% of NATO missiles and many other things are done ! ONLY with RUSSIAN HELP is SYRIA LIBERATED to today’s level! Yet many of the Western trolls here who accuse Putin of being “traitor” ALL the TIME are let to spit out their venom and nobody is saying word against that!!! Anybody who opposes those people for attacking Russia and Putin is LABELED to be JEW by them!!! You did that also ! Now why am I labeled to be JEW if I support Russia and Putin?!? Should I as Orthodox Christian support Iran?!? I only support Iran as much as Russia support them !

“- always accuse putin of colluding with israel and will abandon syria” That man in the skirt ‘”Promitheas” something…. who up-voted you is doing EXACTLY those things that you have mentioned!

This place has PLENTY of people SPITTING on PUTIN and RUSSIA ALL THE TIME !


Well said. I and others who have experience of hasbara trolls also recognise your list of obfuscation techniques.


I copied your List…Spread the Word Bro…:)




The World state leaders must stop promoting terrorismophobia, Islamophobia, Iranophobia ,Xenophobia ,Palestiniophobia, Hamashophobia, Jerusalemitism, Semitism, NeoThatcherism, NeoBushism and work for peace as the two men, mr.Putin and mr. Assad.

Promitheas Apollonious

somewhere in what you writing, you lost it. Maybe is also time people should stop using labels, the world leaders imprinted in your vocabulary, and they calling having an opinion of what is happening around the world and destroys it as phobias.

Seen what is happening is not phobia, it is an educated opinion. If you have one, learn to think what you write before you post it.


Winnie Eldrup


Dr. Pro Liv

Whoever support Putin has my support. Whoever spits on Putin and Russia can FUCK OFF !


I’m still wary about the Intentions of the Russian-or for that matter any Other Government because most of the Time Gaining more Power is their main Target… But 110% with the Russian People… they done a Bloody Good Job in Syria…

Dr. Pro Liv

“the Intentions of the Russian-or for that matter any Other Government” Listen those ” intentions” they were NEVER hidden and they still are not hidden ! For some reason people imagine things about Russia fighting for some higher cause of Universal “Justice”….Russia fight for MULTI-polar world and her place in that world by RESPECTING international laws and sovereignty of EVERY country! There is no such thing in this world as Universal “Justice” and it should not be Russian objective also ! Russia has arrived in Syria on call of Syrian government to help in war against Jihad and nothing else! They came to kill Jihad terrorists for the rest Syria must go through UN to ask that occupying forces (US, Turkey, Israel) abandon Syria. Russia will not start WW3 against NATO to advance Syrian or Iranian interests. by attacking directly NATO countries! Putin does NOT have right to ask his army to do that!

“.next Kick them ZIONAZIS OUT OF UKRAINE” Common man Russia can’t attack Ukraine! That is what NATO is expecting that Russia will do ! They would turn that war in Russian Vietnam by sending endless NATO support to Ukraine so that war lasts forever! But Russia will support Donbass forever the way they could without starting war on Ukraine…

Hisham Saber

If you are in a military alliance with another country, you don’t let that country be attacked. If the U.S. has military bases in a country, they would fully protect that country, see Israel.

Instead, Putin is allowing Israel to attack Syria, her allie for decades, with ‘conditional’ strikes. This is the very meaning of Duplicity. It will get Russia nowhere. Putin has lost so much admiration by hosting Netanyahu. If Putin thinks he can dance with the devil and win, he will be disappointed. Haven’t Russians learned anything from their blood-soaked history?

The Chinese are more wiser, more clever and they don’t play games, or do drama. Putin and Russia have lost the plot. Perhaps we will have to wait for the Chinese, to help Syria and Iran. They are a no nonsense people.

Dr. Pro Liv

You Arabs are all the same. Russia does not enter in war against Ukraine to liberate their own Russian people there that are terrorized by Ukrainians. Why would they do that for Syria if they don’t do it for Russians in Ukraine?! You expect even demand that they do that not only for Syrian but also for Assad and Iran’s special interests. Russia has “protected” Syria to the certain extent to get victory against Jihad not victory against NATO !! Do not make me repeate the same all the time, read my previous post. I had nothing to ad to that!

Nobody is stopping Assad to switch the sides. If Syria wants to be destroyed like Libya you go to Americans! They would kill Assad first.

“This is the very meaning of Duplicity”

The ” very meaning of Duplicity” is being ARAB !!! Arabs make Jihad against other Arab’s for money and Arabs still want Russia to fight YOUR wars to liberate YOUR country?!???!

WHERE ARE YOUNG SYRIANS and WHY DO NOT THEY FIGHT FOR SYRIA ?!? MILLION MEN has escaped the war and they do NOT want to fight for Syria!!!

When you answer that question, where are the Syrians to defend the Syria…. we can continue to talk…


I think Putin hasn’t done that Bad at all…. the Syrians & Their Allies can be proud of what they achieved themselves. China & Russia were always on the background…this must have been the Plan… to show Israhell that the “New Middle Eastern Leaders” are Capable of delivering heavy blows if necessary… none of the Parties was prepared to go Nuclear… which would have been the case if the whole thing escalated…


Thanks for your reply… good one..forget the Higher Cause… this is something for Humanity as a Whole… not for Specific Countries…. we Just Got Rid of Captain America…our Wannabe-Saviour-&-Policeman-Bankster of the Entire World…WWIII is a Joke… Because the U.S. Is just a Loudmouthed Chickenshit Bully… that only picks fights with the little kids to steal their lunchmoney….Ukraine…we’ll see.. but them AngloZioNazi-European-Soros Supported Nazi-Fascist-Pig-Regime will not Last… perhaps Putin can discretely do some little tricks up there…

Dr. Pro Liv

You welcome. — “Is just a Loudmouthed Chickenshit Bully..” Listen even if I agree with you “Loudmouthed Chickenshit Bully” has still 1680 nuke warheads and huge army. Even if they do not have resolve to face Russia or China they still might decide to start war against Iran or Korea and even to nuke them and start WW3 indirectly! So do not get happy to early…that’s all I’m saying my friend…

Ukraine might VERY PROBABLY fall apart because a collapse of the dollar that is very NEAR. In that case Russo-phone part will go back to Mother Russia just like Crimea did…

Hisham Saber

Putin needs to stop patronizing the Jews. If Putin thinks he can dance with the Devil and win, he is in for a tragic shock. Haven’t Putin and Russians learned anything from their blood-soaked history’s?

Dr. Pro Liv

Don’t you worry about the Putin ! You Arabs better get your act together a handful of Jews has make public RIDICULE out of you by making you fight each other!!! This JIHAD for JEWS is the BIGGEST HUMILIATION for 1.5 BILLION MUSLIMS ever! It just shows how weak and disunited you are (in front of whole planet )against handful of JEWS !!!

Lena Jones

The “jews” need to stop their anti-gentilism first.

They started it. Read the talmud and its genocidal anti-gentilism instructions to its followers.


Can be a part of: By way of deception, thou shalt do War.. keep the Enemy Close…in these days you shouldn’t take anything for granted I think

Cyric London

Apparently not. Maybe it will take the Russian people being gulaged once again before they finally come to their senses. I am not hopeful though.

In Russia being a nationalist is a crime. It comes with an automatic label of “Fascist and Nazi.”

I find the whole concept of the May day to be misguided. It was Germany that was defeated not Fascism. By saying it was a political ideology that was defeated can one then construe that it was Bolshevism that triumphed over national socialism? What nonsense.


the last one.. I tot it was a chimp.. hehehe.. reminds me of the old planet of the apes.. lol..


The problem in Syria. The problem for the planet. And both Putin and Assad know it full well. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-17/world-will-not-mourn-decline-us-hegemony


Unfortunately, the war against terrorism in Syria is far from over. South Damascus is proving difficult. Deir Ezzor Desert pocket is also infested with ISIS rats. Daraa & Golan with HTS and FaR, there has been enough provocation from FSA, HTS, Faylaq al Rahman and other headchoppers in Idlib for the SAA to clean the place-out. Only at this point could the Syrian Government enter into talks with other “legitimate parties”, regarding the future political course of Syria. Topics at this stage would have to have the return of Golan, and the re-integration of Kurdish forces into SAA. Otherwise, the war against terrorists will not be complete. Then there is the Big problem of Zionist occupied Palestine and the repatriation of those people to their countries of origin… Then there shall be peace.


The puppy returns to master

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Assad looks happy in the photo, hopefully that means Putin hasn’t swindled him into any more compromises to Syria’s sovereign rights or territory. The recent discussions between Israel and Putin went well too, coincidence maybe.


Look at this photo. Assad has only a galvanic smile. And putin keeps distance. Assad was not invited in sochi. he went there to beg.

SF put the only one relatively good picture. On other everywhere dpminats the angry putin and assad looks like puddle.


Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m no expert but in both photos Assad nearly looks jubilant, Putin on the other hand in that first photo looks to have a forced grimace, more reminiscent of a subservient weaker partner looking for a hand out, not the other way around. In the second photo Putin seems to have a stern but resolute expression, the sort of look people give you just before they stab you in the back. As I said I’m no expert so maybe I’m just seeing what I want to see. If you’re right about Assad’s only reason for the meeting being about “begging for something”, it sure seems like Assad’s gotten everything he came for, but Putin’s not real thrilled at whatever he’s had to do to make Assad this happy. The Turks and the Iranians are supposedly cooperating now, maybe that’s why Assad’s so happy.


Be not expert in photos, but in so called metacommunication. The body talk. Women are good in this. If you show them this photo, they will tell the same as me. Assad keeps with both hands the limb of putin. This is sooo wrong signal. And in diplomacy …. Just what you wrote, the junilant looking is the mask of problems. According to body talking assad is very anxious. My photo is from the first meeting, so in that time assad got nothing. :)


Great Teamwork! Good that Honesty & some Dignity Prevailed over a Bunch of Psychopathic Thugs….

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