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MARCH 2025

Tahrir Al-Sham Will Be In Big Geopolitics For Four Years. Part One

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Tahrir Al-Sham Will Be In Big Geopolitics For Four Years. Part One

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Written by Damir Nazarov

Recently, the new dictator of Syria hinted in an interview with the Saudi channel Al-Arabiya that it was he who “stopped the big regional war.” According to al-Sharaa, “Israel was preparing to enter Syria, in response Iran would have launched a comprehensive confrontation with Israel, in which Iraq would have been Tehran’s partner. Turkey* would have sided with Iran.” This is already the second shocking interview in which Tahrir al-Sham admitted its pro-Zionist orientation. First, the self-proclaimed governor of Damascus shared revelations with the Americans, where he assured several times that his group does not consider the Zionists enemies, and now the emir of the “new Syria” himself has presented himself as a defender of the Zionist colony.

Tahrir Al-Sham Will Be In Big Geopolitics For Four Years. Part One

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It is disgusting to see how the former leader of Syrian Al-Qaeda sincerely considers himself a “peacemaker”, especially against the backdrop of the genocide in the Gaza Strip, because Mohammed al-Julani probably does not understand that a “comprehensive war” in the region is inevitable in any case. On October 7, 2023, Hamas confirmed the words of Shahid Hassan Nasrallah that “Israel is just a web”. Moreover, if we take into account the opinion of Western magazines such as The Economist, they believe that the goal of Shahid Yahya Sinwar was precisely to lead the Zionists into a trap of a major regional conflict. It is difficult to agree with this, because Shahid Sinwar himself indicated that he was not the main planner of the military operation on October 7, but in terms of military tactics, there is logic in the words of the British publication. If we assume that Mohammad Deif or someone close to him, or it was the general opinion inside the joint operations room of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Iranians, where they believed that Zionism would capitulate in a few rounds (Gaza, South Lebanon, and then Syria), then why not? After all, on the first two fronts, the “Israelis” achieved nothing and it is obvious that in Syria everything would have ended in complete failure for them. In this case, the actions of “Tahrir al-Sham” fully justify their name as an important “asset” of the Americans in Syria. Al-Sharaa thinks that he is a “hero”, but in fact he dealt a strong blow to the Palestinian cause in the back. He did not allow the Zionists to fall into the Syrian trap, which would have brought their end closer. Moreover, the Syrian leader of al-Qaeda, having seized power in Syria and created a situation of uncertainty, has overshadowed the Palestinian tragedy, because now all the Western media talk about Syria, ignoring the Gaza Strip.

Later in the same interview, al-Julani claims that a direct war between Iran and the Zionists in Syria will affect the Gulf regimes, since the Americans will allegedly strike Tehran, after which the Iranians will strike back at American bases in the Arabian Peninsula. A fantastic scenario that is hard to believe, but even if it is true, the blood of the children of occupied Palestine is worth it.

When analyzing this conversation of the head of Tahrir al-Sham, it is important to understand that when the new dictator of Syria justifies his anti-Iranian position, he directly states that the “export” of Iran’s Islamic Revolution to the region is a “negative moment.” These words of an ignorant jihadist are the fruit of Saudi propaganda. The illiterate Takfirists of Syria and other countries still do not understand that absolutely all efforts of the Palestinian, Lebanese, Iraqi and Yemeni resistance to Zionism are the merit of Tehran. In the ideology of organizations such as Tahrir al-Sham, Palestine does not appear at all; they have one goal – to build a puritanical emirate based on a literal perception of religion. Note that during his entire time in power, Ahmed al-Sharaa did not say a word about the genocide in the Gaza Strip.

During the short period of his personal dictatorship, the former head of the local Al-Qaeda called all the obvious things by their proper names. The Syrian jihadists admit that they defended Zionism from the third round of the war against the “Axis of Resistance” and see themselves as the main barrier to the export of the Islamic Revolution from Tehran to the countries of the region. Thus, the former Jabhat Nusra faithfully follows the instructions of the American administration.

Tahrir Al-Sham Will Be In Big Geopolitics For Four Years. Part One

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The Americans were right to praise and collaborate with the jihadists, the bet on sabotage within the Axis of Resistance worked to some extent, but globally, it will not change anything. The respite given to Zionism with the help of Tahrir al-Sham will not be able to prevent a series of future wars, which Zionism will approach bloodless, with a stagnating economy and sanctions from a number of European countries due to their pro-Palestinian activity.

* – Here it is worth recalling Erdogan’s words that the terrorist Netanyahu is preparing a nuclear holocaust for the entire Middle East. Apparently the Zionists were preparing this plan immediately after their ground operation in Syria would have failed against the combined efforts of Iran, Iraq and Turkey.


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🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆

Martillo the ORIGINAL™

no more iranian and russian clows running the syrian colony in which they formerly exploted heheh

dead mercs

bunkerass pedo shlomo is back ranting

dead mercs

martillo knows how to spell, you shlomo clown.

Malcolm Z

hts and isis are the same dog with different collar..both never have attacked israel and both are just a geopolitical tools of the cia and mossad.


you seem to have some fixation that israel should be attacked by everyone .not very realistic but them your name changes aren’t either .

Edgar Zetar

mr. malcom z. why you cannot differentiate the shin bet from the mossad? or other institutions inside israel intelligence apparatus. but i do agree what will happen in syria would benefit israel first and then turkey, and syria is a colony and they will put a “head of the snake goverment”, so, nothing syria ceased to exist as an independent country.

willy Van Damme

indeed none of these jihadists has ever attacked zionism ever since they were created now more than 40 years ago. .


what the author seems to misunderstand that for the sunnies isreal is not the main enemy but the shias just like for the catholics the orthodox are the main enemy. the sectarian differences are seen as more important by both allies of the unholy alliance of vaticans and mekka or the ottoman/ arabs and modern western rome usa/eu.


actually no the entite sharia law is the vatican’s problem even though they have virtually the entire world inder their gregorian calendar ,a sun calendar, and under their banking from switzerland ,thanks to charlemagne overturning the forbidding of charging usury , and under their langauge since really it was the roman catholics who made england great

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

then why are the western christians aligned with the sunite muslims in every conflict? there was only one exception in bosnia where shia islam, sunite islam and catholics were united against orthodox christianity in every other conflict its catholics/ evangelicans/ jews/ sunites vs orthodox christians and or shia islam oh and of course ukraine the orthosox judas was on the “western” side back then as well just like in kosovo and iraq.

Last edited 2 months ago by kotromanic
Yuri Mulatov

and you are,little lying servian shit.


the iranian revolutionary guard core was there to protect the muslim president as well as al quaida, the turks and arabs supported the sunit muslims in bosnia as well as the western coutnrys who aditionaly supported catholic croatia and western nationalists as well as westukrainian nationalists were in croatia and crossed over into bosnia after defeating the croatian serbs and their supporters. a wave of refuges fled from them within bosnia.


you should read stuff up about 2014 croatian nationalits went to ukraine to repay the debt just like some serb nationalists went to eastern ukraine to repay the debt towards east ukrainians and russians who supported them in that war. fighters in girkins and givis troup were allready in the balcan wars as well as in the asov and aidar on the other side.

Yuri Mulatov

again little lying servian shit. ukros fought for servians. also croats are artificial nation created by vatican to destroy islam and orthodoxy.


how stupid is this nazarov, let’s not do it again, al joulzni is sponsored by the usa, israel and of course erdoğan the turk, erdoğan only barks like a poodle, all trade comes from turkey to israel, so his words are worth the same as nazaov’s articles, a zero point for nazarov and his master erdogan


much ado about nothing.


in a way yes . it’s theatre of play .they set the middle east up to justify falsely inflating oil prices they could blame ” relations ” between factions .it’s all a huge fraud .google venezuela’s oil deposits .


google the world’s oil deposits .there’s simply so much that they know of ,let alone what they haven’t found ,so they say ,an unlikely story imo , that it should be about 10 cents a litre .imo .the sudden discovery ,hahaha as if, of new massive oil deposits in africa is amusing .


grow up the moslems and jews have cohabitated for 1500 years. longer before the appearance of mohammed. the original crusade to take jerusalem was from the romans, then the roman catholic knights templars and roman catholic teutonics. and that maybe was about the “rumours ” that cleo 7 had escaped with tonnes of gold and caesar and her son there .a treasure hunt quite likely.

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

nazarov is saying what’s right and that’s the kind of writers who make the people understand important things. things said in the past that were wrong and sought to be right should not be a pretext to go against people like that. dynamic analysis based on reality is constructive for everyone there


ali g is in da house! as grotesque as it sounds, it is true. there is no god to save the syrians, only evel men

Yuri Mulatov

wahhabi will always be with his zionist master.


and israel(the antichrist) wins again.

shlomo's missing ballsack

counting chickens before they hatch. these gutless animal inbreds haven’t won anything as yet.

Slobodan Praljak

the second part will be written by trump, when he orders the military to attack the usa and says that al qaeda is to blame. like bush

Yuri Mulatov

illiterate shit fuck. shut the fuck up.


julani is a jew and an agent. just like the jews zelensky is. he dous the dirty work for them sends bands of armed muslim terrorists against the christian alawite druze sunni and kurd populations of syria in order to bully them into sectarion division submission. under assad syria was a wealthy and progressive country sith a 60+ billion gdp until in 2011 the international jews attacked his country and send foreign islamist terrorists to destroy syria


it is in israels interest to destroy syria and drive away its people to flee to europe they want to destroy syria clean it from its population and annex the land upto the euphrates the jew julani is making this possible for them hes destroying syria and giving the land to israel.


the jews attacked syria in 2011 because its economy was doing well the country had grown fron 20billion dollar gdp to 60 billion it was growing in a rapid phase it would have been a wealthy cultural rich and tourist destination if assads liberal reforms for the economy could have go on for a few years. the country could easly have had a gdp above 120 billion in a few years being on high living standards right now

Last edited 2 months ago by Jewsrunbothsides

the jews didnt want this they wanted to see syria destroyed they are the destroyers and syria was destroyed by jews and muslims who do the dirtyvwork for these jews

al ramedanuz saxon

i send my nephew blowup new orleans–zelensky sends happy wishes las vegas

dead mercs

al ciaduh’s hairy-goat, head-chopping filth making the anglozionazi empire of shit and izrahell grate agin! onward to free palestine liberated of colonial freeloader vermin from every ghetto a joo ever shat.


usa/france,britain and turkey lies re spreading like wildfire.hts who used to reap out hearts of civilians and soldiers are the once who dump bodies in mass graves.how do their know the torture and grave sides.


investigation in any torture or mass graves take years to locate or obtain information from once wining trust and build transparency.not in this case of syria were everything take hours.plan accusation.

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