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Tahrir al-Sham, Zionism, Türkiye and Iran. The situation is rapidly becoming more complicated

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Tahrir al-Sham, Zionism, Türkiye and Iran. The situation is rapidly becoming more complicated

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Written by Damir Nazarov

Probably only the lazy have not asked themselves the question: why is the new head of Syria, Mohammed al-Julani, and his team ignoring the Zionist aggression? The leader of Tahrir al-Sham says anything, from threats to bring former Baath regime workers to trial, to searching for the remains of chemical weapons, from amnesty for elements of the Assad government, to “building a Syria for all Syrians”, but there is not a word about the Zionist occupation. Things got to the point that, against the backdrop of al-Julani’s call for Syrians to “take to the streets and celebrate the revolution,” elders of the Druze community in the village of Hader (Quneitra province) issued a statement that they preferred to live under Zionist occupation rather than exist under the rule of Tahrir al-Sham.

Someone can justify al-Julani’s conformism, saying that Syria has many internal problems. But in that case, we shouldn’t call ourselves revolutionaries, because from the history of two grand revolutions of the past (the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the October Revolution), we remember that the presence of several enemies at once, including occupation, helped the new revolutionary society to consolidate and, despite all the problems, drive the occupiers out of their land (for example, the Iranians fought off Saddam’s intervention).

Today, the Syrians do not have the same problems as the then young Iranian Islamic Republic of 1979, which was immediately driven under sanctions, plus the Syrian revolutionaries have plenty of friends from among the regional and world elites, but there is no talk of any holy war against the occupiers. Nothing has prevented and does not prevent Mohammad al-Julani from declaring jihad on the Zionists, at least at the level of rhetoric and diplomacy, but he does not do this. It is precisely the presence of a common enemy of the majority of the population that ideally consolidates society after decades of civil war and against the backdrop of the euphoria of the victory of the revolution. But the leader of Tahrir al-Sham apparently has his own view of history or has good reasons to continue to throw dust in the eyes of Syrians against the backdrop of the unfolding tragedy in the south of the country.

It is possible to assume what is the reason for the total passivity of Ahmed al-Sharaa (new name of the head of Tahrir al-Sham) in relation to Zionism. What if some agreement was previously concluded between yesterday’s Jabhat Nusra and the US Republicans, according to which Tahrir al-Sham, being a “strategic asset” of the Americans, refuses to fight the Zionists in exchange for recognition of legitimacy in the eyes of the international community? We will soon find out what lies behind al-Julani’s silence regarding the Zionist intervention. But for now, for comparison, we can look at the statements of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, who at least condemned the Zionists, and at the beginning of this year, the Ikhwans of Syria openly supported Hamas’s operation – the “al-Aqsa flood”.

But if Muhammad al-Julani does not yet feel competition with the Brotherhood, the leader of the “new Syria” is clearly concerned about Turkish criticism. Otherwise, the former leader of Syrian Al-Qaeda would not have become Ibrahim Kalin’s personal driver. And this very criticism is precisely connected with Zionist interference. Ibrahim Kalin’s visit to Damascus leaves a number of questions, the main one being “does al-Julani know who the current head of Turkish intelligence is?” Why is this question important? Because in the context of Tahrir al-Sham and its allies’ hatred of Iran and Hezbollah, the appearance of the real head of Syria in the capital sheds light on both the behind-the-scenes games and the real priorities in the foreign policy of the Turkish Republic, where the jihadists have a small share.

Let me start with the fact that Ibrahim Kalin is closely connected to the IRGC and was once an active supporter of the legendary Imam Khomeini. Thus, we saw how a famous jihadist and former leader of the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, which is famous for its anti-Iranian policy, just became the personal driver of one of the most pro-Iranian figures in Turkey.

Are we really witnessing humorous political irony from the Islamic Republic???

Here I recall the words and quotes of the Ayatollahs of Qom and Tehran – “they wanted to remove Iranian influence from the region, but soon the Islamic Resistance will become wider and stronger!” Something tells me that these words are not just slogans or emotions.

P.S. The Lebanese newspaper al-Akhbar reported that “The new leadership of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in Syria informed representatives of the Palestinian factions in the country that these factions will no longer have weapons, training camps or military headquarters. The factions are required to immediately disband their military units so that they can focus on political and charitable activities within the framework of the new Syrian state.”

It seems that the “Strategic Asset” of the Zionist neocons has begun to act.

Update. The so-called “Syrian Salvation Government” has responded to the Zionist intervention by filing a complaint with the UN. The main enemies of the Baath regime themselves are acting similarly to the previous Syrian leadership in relation to Zionism. It seems that even this complaint was written by Jabhat Nusra under Turkish pressure. But in any case, this is not even funny or sad, it is disgusting and we still have many facts of Tahrir al-Sham’s weakness in the fight against the occupiers.


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complicated when they try to change my diapers in amerikan nursing home


i am never lazy in amerikan gay bar


bashar lost ali al majoosi lost putin (shalomova) lost

the axis of cope will never recover


iran is over 3000 years old. israel is 76 years. who’s coping?


well you need to count in the two branches that constitute todays irael. the israelites and the khazars. you may still not get to 3000 years but much more then 76.


go and look at the calendar. what year is it?


shabbat, december 14, 2024 is really 13 kislev, 5785 ok grow up you ignorant half witted dipsticks. it’s primary school kn.owledge


what happened 5785 years ago? did a jew find a penny in the desert or something

Shlomo's little weenie

look, you’re losing it little hookie. 👃humanity doesn’t give a rat’s backside over some dark ages babylonian voodoo based garbage numbers cult with some astrological jiggery pokery thrown in. you lot are not just the pits of humanity anymore, you’re out of it. “kislev 5785” 😄😄😄💩

Al Bosni

it is more like 5000 years old.

Martillo the ORIGINAL™

israel is as old as time. iranian ayatollah assahola is less than half a century


as the guy above said, syria is a gay bar whose diapers are being changed, israel is the janitor, now hear the commode 🚽 cry ⬇️ :

Last edited 3 months ago by Phariah

israel is the janitor. that’s a great analogy for the whole country. the janitor cleaning the american toilet.

fudge cracker

more like israel is the pedophile.


you and your fake names. just tedious tiresome anti christ beastly propagandas.


majoosi cope is really dope


tldr: bashar lost, ali al majoosi lost, putin (shalomova) lost

the axis of cope will never recover


never say never. history is a long time, especially after you are dead


time is eternal

Martillo the ORIGINAL™

also, iran terror shitfucks are getting banged here there and everywhere in lebanon, syria and gaza. ayatollah assahola is in shambles


take a look in the mirror. the terror is you


the real terror is the troll in this thread named hasbarats

Shlomo's little weenie

the anal fixation is strong in you. may the force push harder and harder ’til you squeal like miss piggy 😄😄😜


first thing the day after the coup, the hook nosed weasels stole more land. are we surprised? the jews are land thieves

Edgar Zetar

they are expanding their land, the hook nosed will do whatever they wanted not only in palestine but in syria too and noone could do anything. russia would loss their military bases now, must retreat to the black sea where nato controls the southern part. it doesn’t look good to me if you asked me for.

Last edited 3 months ago by Edgar Zetar

listen chum i’ve pointed out clearly daily that charles is the king of israel for several months yet you continue to tell your stories based on misleading disinformation as if you don’t know. that’s you all over.

Martillo the ORIGINAL™

iranian assahola still cannot accept the reality that he has no more tentacles connecting iran to lebanon and gaza.


if iran is no longer in syria then why the need to steal land?


why ayatolla funds terrorism? because islam

NDR 7652

arabs and muslims just love to collaborate with crusaders and zionists


the crusaders were catholics all of them. they playwar games. the nazis were all catholics. the fascists were catholics too both franco and bennito. now they want to use syria to get allies with the vatican against the israel government again and they will all pretend to not know that charles is king of israel and the pope is king of kings. all of them.

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

the palestinians were evicted for being hitlers crusading companions. because the crusaders use the moslems into being their allies against the jews always have.

Edgar Zetar

it’s very complicated the outcome, but syria is gone by now, it’s going to a demilitarized zone between powers, or land of international community with a head of snake goverment aligned to usa, israel, turkey to project westerners influences to the east against arabs. so, israel 1 usa 1 turkey 1 and russia null. the exceptionals are getting the outcomes they desired.

Edgar Zetar

the first dbz of the xxii century born in front our eyes in syria, you should study how they are going to make it work things out in the new government because they would do this to others regions of the world.


the wesf is always the western roman empire. the pope is its head.


poorly written. trying to say:”hts should criticize zionist invasion”.. thats ok although not the crux.. the real issue is why emptying prisons and calling for eu syrian refugee to go to syria? while news emerge that isis (aka uk proxy) is reemerging in syria. who is their next target?


“isis” is a scam. it is the gift that keeps on giving….the americans a reason to stay illegally in syria. that is all you need to know about “isis”


🫵🤡 😆😆😆


as usual typical nazi stylised anti american propagandas.

Edgar Zetar

to you didn’t had sense? calling to repopulate syria again from the western mainstream media. they need human cattle to protect the land, the demilitarized border zone will be a shield to israel and iran, but now it’s pointing towards iran, before syrian collapse was the opossite. they would need to secure the border zones to israel, military objectives and then israel will need at least some years of peace, so it’s easy to understand the big picture here.

Niccolo Machiavelli

“israel” doesn’t “need peace”. little benjamin needs continuous war so that he doesn’t go to jail. that is the one and only reason for everything that is going on at the moment. the fact that other players have axes to grind just works to his advantage. 10-7 happened right after his legal problems blew up.

Mr. Nobody

yeah, kind of fishy how that happened. “the great wall of israel” just happened to be turned off. i remember how the usa media was calling it a “technological marvel” ; it could hear even a cockroach fart at 1/4 mile away; then 10/7/23 occurred. shades of 9/11/01.


you know perfectly well charles is the king of israel and that the israeli government doesn’t even have a constitution its not constituted do you understand???


the original plan which was denied the last time. al quida to fight all governments in iraq, iran, russia, the muslim former sowjet countries and china.


but they here only consider nazi sympathies as correct.

Malcolm Z

neither aq nor isis have fought againts israel…why? because they are just nato tools like nazi maidan gangs of ukraine. for other side syria is a tribal state like all arabs countries which means that another forces can fund other armed groups againts hts/fsa in the same scenario we have seen in libya.


syria is no worse of a debacle then anything else post soviet russia has done.

literally nothing post soviet russia has attempted has turned out well.


cause their elites are not ready to tell the people that every law and their constitution was created by enemys to weaken russia and has to be abandoned and build anew after every one paid by the west has been forced into retirement or to leave the country. you cant fight the west with foundations in place the west created to make it impossible to win.

Last edited 3 months ago by kotromanic

what is the west? you repeat what your hero poutine says! the bolsheviks are jews! turkey, saudi arabia, the emirates etc are all serving the jews, and putin is no exception, just look at his bosses: berel lazare, abramovic, griffith etc!!


wrong the stage is set to create impressions. nothing is what it seems

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

yes the west is the western roman empire today.


stupid nazarov! but why are you so stupid nazarov? you are only making propaganda, no article has been close to reality since you wrote! you know well that hts is a tool of the usa, israel and türkiye! since the start of the unrest in syria,! why does terrorist al joulani drive kalin’s car? because kalin is his boss


its funny you compare the bolshevic revolution with the hts one cause thats right. they are both created by forerigners against the domestic people in order to ruin and exploit the country. if they are similar we will see milions of dead arabs on behalf of hts. which would mean bolshevics, hts and zelinskys allience of oligarchs and galician nationalists are all tools of the bankers to destroy countrys and ruin peoples lives while extracting wealth.


no the bankers are the tools who are created to seem to be the rulers they aren’t. real wealth is only in real estate only earth grows food. the landowners rule the planet.


what ever happen in syria is big shoes double tongue erdogan problem.forsure syria will be unstable just like iraq.libye. and afghanistan.even if bricks take over world economy trump twist putin and will bring in cooperation meganism to implement one world currency.then 666 will officially start one world order.


it started in the rebirth of rome in the 1500 s when the love of money was resurrected and the vows of poverty chastity and obedience became obedience.


people are born stupid.

Zionist evil must be destroyed

zionist cancer in palestine will not last, it is still on borrowed time and on stolen land. imposing alciada puppets always backfires, look at afghanistan today.


what a tangled web charlotte weaves .her magnus opus look you can have republics and democratic parties that are real or infiltrated frauds or you can have anarchy monarchy fascism socialism communism that’s the choices


anarchy leads to chaos that needs totalitarian dictatorship to restore law and order. monarchy is absolute totalitarianism and the ultimate communism whereby the monarch owns everything anx everyone and “winning “the autocrats favourite essential for advancement total sycophantic nepotism lifestyle and the monarch pharoah emperor caesar knows their greatest enemy are their closest family anx intimate circle it’s a environment of paranoid distrust suspicion and intrigues .


et tu brutus. etc . it’s communism totally forget that .it’s never lasted .envy destroys it’s good intentions.


fascism.socialism communism are different masks of the same attempt to create absolute control by elite minority without the peoples will ,basically . so use your brain .


khamenei is a jewish spy, and all the muslims in the middle east (shia, suni or whatever) are being brainfucked by jews for decades. even this smart guy who wrote this article can’t figure that out, and is still waiting for irgc to react. lol! when (or rather if) they wake up, it will already be too late for them to do anything. druzi are just first of many who will willingly go under occupation.

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