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MARCH 2025

Taiwan’s Election On Saturday Will Decide War Or No-War In China

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Taiwan’s Election On Saturday Will Decide War Or No-War In China

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Written by Eric Zuesse 

The election on January 13th, of Taiwan’s next leader, will choose between Lai Chin-le (Taiwan’s current ‘Vice-President’) who favors war against the mainland, versus Hou Yu-ih, who favors continuation of the ambiguous status-quo that has maintained China’s peace for decades. A less likely third option in this contest is Ko Wen-je, who could draw off enough votes away from Hou Yu-ih so as to throw the ‘election’ to Lai Chin-le, much like Ralph Nader in the 2000 U.S. Presidential ‘election’ drew off enough votes away from Al Gore so as to throw the U.S. Presidential ‘election’ to George W. Bush (which caused the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq and might even have caused the successful Saud-Bush 11 September 2001 attacks that Bush blamed on Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden and used as the ‘justification’ for invading Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003).

Lai Chin-le’s chosen running-mate, for ‘Vice President’, is Hsiao Bi-khim, Taiwan’s ‘Representative to the United States’ (serving as-if Taiwan were already an independent country instead of a Province of China — which it actually is — Taiwan’s virtual ‘Ambassador to the United States’), as his running mate; and, so, if Lai Chin-le, Taiwan’s current ‘Vice President’, wins, then Taiwan will be essentially owned by the U.S. Government, which requires war against China, and Taiwan will then declare itself to be an independent country, which China would then invade, and then WW III would almost certainly result if the U.S. then invades China.

The current situation, which has been the status-quo ever since 27 February 1972, is that the U.S. Government has had (and has) an agreement with China in which the U.S. says that the U.S. and China are in agreement that “there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China.” However, increasingly under both Trump and Biden, the U.S. Government has been encouraging Taiwan to break away from China; and the U.S. media’s publicized ‘experts’ on foreign affairs have been supporting and endorsing Biden’s extremely provocative actions to bring this break-away about, and to fool the U.S. public into believing that Taiwan actually is an independent country — so that Taiwan will become a colony of the U.S. empire.

So: if Lai Chin-le wins the ‘election’ on Saturday, then the danger of a war by the U.S. and its AUKUS ‘allies’ against China will skyrocket and will be higher than it has ever been. Furthermore, such a result on Saturday would immediately transform U.S.-China relations, because virtually the only danger that exists to China’s national security is the threat of an invasion by the U.S., and that threat would then skyrocket on Saturday, and China would immediately know this. Indeed: if Lai Chin-le wins, then  a war between China and the U.S. — a war which has always been widely viewed to be unlikely — would suddenly appear to be likely if not inevitable. So: such an ‘electoral’ win would be a transformative event.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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now is the time for china, the us can’t fight on one more front. they already are struggling and depleted between ukraine, gaza, yemen and iraq


global elites are seeking starting ww3 which is not something that china wants. china can be patient, no hurry with taiwan, sooner or later they will unite with china on their own because “friendship” with the u.s. has it’s own problems.

Last edited 1 year ago by lul

ah this is not the case, all taiwan candidates are more or less antichina, the only thing that differs is how much they are antichina in their rhetoric. but if taiwan wants an economy war or total blockade, it is not a problem for china to block them on the sea and in the air. they will be forced to buy a lot of u.s. military junk and enjoy “freedom of navigation” under u.s. command which would ruin their economy in no time.


suggesting anybody would consider invading china indicate a demented mind.. or a very bad liar..

Gneaus stapo

it is a jud zuerst articel, so as dumb as always.


apparently 98% of the taiwanese population are ethnic han chinese. foreign interference has run it’s course.

if one were to simply research the political class of taiwan, you would find most are western “educated” tools in servitude to the usual suspects.

Gneaus stapo

there is just one china and taipeh is its capital, the current mass murder gang will be replaced in the future.


unless bejing gives the us a favourable deal then they will throw them under a bus like they did when they gave the un seat to communist china so the sowjets could not claim to speak on bahalf of all communist nations.

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