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Taliban-Affiliated Militants Shell Syrian Army Positions In Southern Idlib (Photos)

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Imam Bukhari Jamaat, a Taliban-affiliated militant group, shelled on November 27 Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions around the Greater Idlib region.

The group’s militants launched several 107 mm rockets at SAA positions in the village of Sham al-Hawa in the southern Idlib countryside.

Taliban-Affiliated Militants Shell Syrian Army Positions In Southern Idlib (Photos)

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Taliban-Affiliated Militants Shell Syrian Army Positions In Southern Idlib (Photos)

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Taliban-Affiliated Militants Shell Syrian Army Positions In Southern Idlib (Photos)

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Taliban-Affiliated Militants Shell Syrian Army Positions In Southern Idlib (Photos)

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Imam Bukhari Jamaat is led by Uzbek Jihadists loyal to the Afghan Taliban Movement. In Syria, the group is allied to al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Ahrar al-Sham Movement.

In 2015, the group joined the al-Qaeda-led Army of Conquest coalition, which captured much of Idlib from government forces in the same year.

The group’s leader in Syria Salahadin al-Uzbeki was assassinated by a fellow Uzbek Jihadist in Idlib in 2017. Back then, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

The presence of Imam Bukhari Jamaat in Idlib demonstrates how the governorate has become a safe-haven for foreign militants under the eyes of Turkey, whose army maintains 12 observation position there.

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Thomas Osa Jeng

Please just take Idlib already

klove and light

as Long as treacherous Zionist pig PUTIN is siding with moslembrotherhood bastard ERDOGAN…IDLIB will stay occupied.period. and as far as afrin is concearned…….Forget About it.The DEMOGRAPHICS have been changed for good.They did the same as their masters, satanic Zionist jew pricks, in Palestine.CHANGING the demographics.Just like in west bank or Jerusalem or occupied Golan.

klove and light

great article and spot on….

the imporatant and CORRECT info.

“and the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Ahrar al-Sham Movement.”

“The presence of Imam Bukhari Jamaat in Idlib demonstrates how the governorate has become a safe-haven for foreign terrorists under the eyes of Turkey, whose army maintain 12 observation position there.”

and WHO is the “MAKER” of this safe-haven for Idlib……,….treacherous Zionist pig Putin………it was Putin who gave the green light to Moslem brotherhood bastard ERDOGAN to invade and occupy AFRIN and it was teracherous Zionist pig PUTIN who gave the green light to moslembrotherhood bastard ERDOGAN to invade and occupy IDLIB.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

smash these idiots out SAA!!!!

Icarus Tanović

Good to know this. All Afgan and afilated Pakistani Talibani shit rats can die there. So America indeed did dirty job in Uzbekistan.

Hasbara Hunter

Kill every Headchopper in Syria..eradicate the AngloZioNazi-Parasites…turn’m into dog-chow

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The terrorists loved every one of the 13 Astana agreements Turkey and Russia made, and they also loved that old Turkish/Russian/Iranian sponsored UN resolution 2254, and now they also love the new Russian/Turkish MOU as well, so I just have to wonder, why it is that the terrorists seem to love all the deals their master Erdogan makes with Putin, but Assad on the other hand seems to mostly hate them, it should be the other way around I would’ve thought. Things are changing though, the Russian Turkish relationship is hitting a few hurdles lately and I think Assad may be benefitting from the change in circumstance. :]

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