© AFP 2017 / Javed Tanveer
Taliban movement attacked a NATO military convoy in Afganistan’s Kandahar province on Tuesday. The NATO’s mission in the country “Resolute Support” released a statement confirming the time of the attack attack and the casualties among NATO military servicemen.
Resolute Support can confirm that a NATO
convoy was attacked this afternoon in #Kandahar . pic.twitter.com/gwRfMGBjLq— Resolute Support (@ResoluteSupport) 2 August 2017
A suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device attacked the NATO convoy in Daman area of Kandahar.
According to Taliban, the attack took place near an Afghan intelligence quick reaction force base in the Shor Andam area of Daman district. The movement also claimed that 16 NATO troops were killed as a result of the attack.
NATO troops have achieved nothing in 16 years except furthering the destruction of Afghanistan and increased opium production. It is time for NATO and the US to leave, in coffins if necessary.
Sixteen years of failure is too long.
Why do you support the Taliban ?
Its either the Taliban or the US/NATO with their new ISIS proxies there. The Afghans are historically very tough and independent . Only Afghans can sort out the mess the West has created. Its not perfect but to continue as the West is doing is madness surely?
The best help the West can give would be to engage in HONEST trade with Afghanistan. So the US should have NOTHING to do with the country in any way, shape or form.
You must be an idiot to think Afghan = Taliban. The Taliban have oppressed the afghan people more than any NATO force. It was such a great thing that the US bomb the crap out of them and beat them out.
The Taliban are STILL there. They have not been beaten . A US general even said that the US was losing after 16 years fighting. It is the US forces who are idiots. Riding round in armoured vehicles, bombing from the skies, using drones that are operated from thousands of miles away, funding ( bribing ) a corrupt Afghan government etc and are not effective. The proof of that are in the many hundreds of billions of dollars destroyed in a war that is unwinnable UNLESS they murder EVERY Afghan who opposes them in perpetuity. Man woman and child.
What does support of the Taliban have to do with America’s conduct of their Afghan war?
The USA claims to be the Gods of war on this planet yet after 16 years of war using the most sophisticated and expensive weaponry on Earth these tribesmen, armed with small arms and explosives, still dominate most of the country and can attack Americans at will.
America’s war against the Taliban is either a monumental embarrassing failure or the war against the Taliban was a ruse to fool American taxpayers into supporting an American invasion of some very strategically important real estate.
This is an invasion to secure some valuable resources in Afghanistan in a 1968 US geological survey estimated their resources at 7.3 trillion US dollars, think of the inflation now. The position of Afghanistan has always been strategic going back to Alexander the Great, who seen it as a way to control Asia and the Middle East Trade.
Makes for a very nice air base too conveniently located between Iran, China, Pakistan and the Central Asian allies of Russia.
Some say Afghanistan is the strategic key to world dominance however my experience playing Risk says Australia is.
Australia controls no trade routes which is why it is not of any concern.
So you support the Taliban ? Hate to break it to you but we kicked these cockroaches out and pounded them good, but like cockroaches you have to make sure to kill each and everyone otherwise they just come crawling back. We can do it again if we wanted to.
This is Afghanistan were talking about….graveyard of empires… you can bet the taliban are sitting around the campfire saying the exact same thing about you.
No the Taliban are busy shooting up afghan police officers and throwing acid at school girls
Yet they still have time to school Americans in warfare. Firepower and technology doesn’t equal political control and if you don’t have political control you haven’t won the war.
They didn’t school us in anything.
Then how come they’re still there 15 years after you invaded? You invaded Europe in 1943 and were done by 45. The Nazi’s would have still been in power in 1960 if you produced at this rate in WW2. Pretty obvious who really defeated the nazis huh
Because the Nazis were a conventional military that fought across a defined frontline. The Taliban hide in caves make no distinction between civilian and military. Once the Afghan military can get on its feet no amount of guerrila warfare can save them.
So when you invaded Afghanistan in 2002 you were expecting a conventional military fighting along a defined frontline?
At what point did you figure out you were fighting an insurgency and didn’t you have the same experience in Vietnam?
“Once the Afghan military can get on its feet no amount of guerrila warfare can save them.”
Either the Afghans are taking an awfully long time to ‘get on their feet’ or they are playing soldier to get a paycheque but have no intention of really fighting and dying for the USA.
Which do you believe is most likely?
The Taliban got their butts kicked in the initial invasion, they were beaten back into the the mountains and more but we pulled out way too soon the afghans need more time to take over security.
Afghans will never ‘take over security’. Think about what you are asking them to do and how you’re motivating them. Do you think the care whether the Taliban or the USA tells them what to do in their own country. They will accept you weapons, your training and your money but they won’t fight and die for the USA ….. they aren’t stupid.
Yeah they won’t die for the USA but they will die for the security and stability of their own country and people.
I think you might be making assigning US values onto Afghans. They go along with whatever the USA says as long as the USA is paying and it means the US vacate Afghanistan.
You can dress them and drill them all you like …… they are going to be all USA, USA #1 Taliban kaput until you leave then it’s Taliban, Taliban #1 USA kaput when the Taliban return.
Same thing happened in Iraq, you armed the Iraqis with shiny new US equipment and they were happy to collect a paycheque until ISIS started shooting at them then they abandoned their weapons and went home rather than fight and die against people they aren’t enemies with.
That’s because Obama pulled out the troops based on campaign promises and not battlefield assessments. The afghans don’t like the Taliban especially the women.
It was just to protect the poppy fields there nothing else really
I agree, I hope soon the US has absolutely no presence in the region
RIP, you have fulfilled your oath and served to protect the CIA heroin transports and plantations well.
what are you talking about ? CIA ? Heroin ? These were NATO troops there to ensure the country doesn’t fall back into the hands of those oppressive Taliban.
Um No, their there to facilitate ISIS onto central Asia linger for attack on Iran and deal drugs and
you got to be wearing one big tin foil hat to think the CIA wants to help ISIS.
CIA finances operations with money from heroin produced in Afghanistan, just like it did in the past in South-American countries such as Nicaragua. During the secular, moderate , pro-Russian pre-Taliban state, as well as with Taliban , there was hardly any heroin produced in Afghanistan, but the CIA changed this , although the US officially fight heroin production, even really against those competing farmers not linked to the CIA business .
they finance operation by tax payer money not some drug trade, they can’t make a dent in their budget through it. You’d think they wouldn’t try again after everyone knew what they were doing in Nicaragua.
2 more things:
– the massive illegal cocaine business of the CIA with cocaine they produced in Nicaragua is well known, e.g. see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_involvement_in_Contra_cocaine_trafficking
– the CIA has always been doing such lucrative illegal business, this allows them to earn huge amounts of money and use it to finance dark operations such as creating and supporting terrorist groups (e.g. Syria, from lsis to FSA , which the media will all “moderate” “opposition” until they get out of control or get the job done, then they will be officially fought) , because no official government funds are used, the CIA is not held accountable and most of this Satanic works remain hidden.
Maybe this is why they prohibit drugs, to make sure the, keep the monopoly on it and jail their competitors. .
DIA state dept
I did not say this, I was referring to how the CIA armed ISIS, the Taliban and co when they need them. Anyway FSA terrorists in Ghouta were provided by the CIA with US tows after the official ban.
If it’s well known you’d think they won’t try it again ?
The CIA is a government organisation funded by the us tax payer they can’t make a dent in their “budget” through some drug trade you can’t be this simple can you ?
Of course they will use drug money! Do you think they used tax-payer money to create and arm Isis and the Taliban? Always the same story happening again…
Iran contra isn’t just about the circumvention of USA law, its about the acquisition of financial means that were no longer available To an agency for launching their project on Nicaragua. It’s about the flooding of the USA cocaine market and the opening of other avenues of sale for the marketing of this product in the United States. What was called the Rich Man’s drug prior to this was now readily available and making it’s way with drastic impact upon the so-called ‘Ghetto areas’ of America. It was the birth of Rock Cocaine, the Age of Crack, the spread of violence, the spread of gangs throughout America in order to profit from this new means of making money. So fu*k you when you say heroine has nothing to do with nothing. It’s been 15 years and we seen the surge of heroine in say Russia at the beginning, but if there was any controls then trying to target market, those controls are gone now. The United States is claiming heroine from Afghanistan directly only amounts to single-figured digits while indicating a higher percentage comes from Canada. And this is according to RT. What the US government doesn’t want you to know is that the heroine from Canada is also from Afghanistan, data deliberately omitted. So fu*k you and your naivety.
What the fu*k you on about ? The CIA isn’t going to profit from drug trade. They are funded by tax payer money you idiot!
Why can’t they be funded by both u idiot??
This is the official, polished version, not reality. You seem to think they have nothing to hide and are not liars. when I look at their history, at all the terrorist groups they created, trained and armed, at all the coups and wars they arranged , not to speak about how they got caught with the cocaine business, etc: they are inherently evil crooks , the scum of the planet; that they use secrecy does not make them better than Isis which acts openly with all they have been doing, how can you believe they are honest?
Im now thinking the kurdish area has something to do with this trade based on the Brits long support mercenaries and historical considerations of east India company
Casualties ? I sincerely hope it was European or American scum and not just those useless monkey local Afghanis whom NATO recruit.
I hope they killed many of those Taliban scum.
NATO fight Zionist Taliban ? I don’t think so.
??? Zioban comedy.
Another failed sunni state exploited by USA.
What is doing USA in Afghanistan ? Searching for Ben Ladin ? Oh yes, 9/11 was an inside to invade Afghanistan. After, Americans say “What muslims don’t like us ?”. XD. Guess why. XD.
What suprised me the most is muslims that like and support America and muslims that go to live to USA.
There are no third world countries, there are only third world people.
I’ve never understood sunnis.
USA kill them every day but they like USA and UK and France. But, they hate Russia, China Iran, …. that don’t kill them every day.
Who is the only people on Earth that like his ennemies and hate his friends ? Sunnis.
That’s why I suggest to never take sunnis in your country and never help them. You can’t help those that don’t want to help themselfs. It’s just impossible. I think that dumb people will die. That’s the nature.
Genraliation…not true
No generalisation. Just look in Syria. Sunnis are working with USA, GK and France. France and GK have colonized Syria but now they work with them. Sunnis have no memory and no knowledge. They are traitors and the most dangerous threat to their country.
Sunnis will loose. When you spend your time killing your friends and helping your ennemies, 100% you will loose.
This is correct. France and the UK are the former colonial powers when it comes to Syria. What surprises me more is that the Vietnamese and now not overtly hostile to the americans despite the terrible suffering that they inflicted on that country and people.
Even Iraqis work with USA. XD.
That’s just unbelievable. That’s why I say that this people are their main problem. If you look at Iranians, they kicked out the US puppet. It’s the will of the people. Nobody can be against the will of the people. But, when your people is brainless, very bad things hapen.
But, these people always complain about their “leaders”. “Oh it’s my president fault, it’s the alien fault, ….”. But, in reality you fiond that’s it’s the people fault.
If you go to Syria, it’s very easy to find 1000 traitors ready to burn Syria for nothing.
There is no such thing as sunnis.. These people fighting the US and the other groups fighting in Syria are just small band of Mujahideen..
It’s not really Sunnis, more like Wahhabis, which is an extreme sect of Sunni Islam created by the British Empire as an asset in the Islamic world. No doubt the CIA has done its best to spread Wahhabism all over the Islamic world but that still doesn’t mean every Sunni or even most Sunnis are Wahhabis. The reason Wahhabis hate those countries you mentioned is because they have a low IQ and believe CIA propaganda.
The more Americans and NATO go to Afghanistan, the more there will be Taliban. But, USA is playing this card to increase the number of taliban and then to justify the presence in Afghanistan officially to “protect Afghans and USA” an not officially to steal Afghan ressources and build military bases for further operations in the region.
nice, that already also about afghanistan come articles. people, please, support SF!
The US harvest what they sowed when they created trained and armed ( including countless ground → air Sting missiles) in the 80ies to overthrow the secular and moderate Afghan state which was allied to Russia. And they did it before in Egypt with Moslem brotherhood and recently again in Lybia and Syria… . Not to blame the American population but the Satanic deep elite running this country.
Wow what a surprise…