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MARCH 2025

Taliban Captures Several Positions And Besieges Key District In Southeastern Afghanistan

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Taliban Captures Several Positions And Besieges Key District In Southeastern Afghanistan

Taliban Special Forces. Illustrative image

On May 19, Taliban fighters launched a large scale attack at the border between the provinces of Daykundi and Ghazni in southeastern Afghanistan and captured ten positions of the Afghan Army and Police around center of the Ajristan district of Ghazni, according to the Taliban news agency Voice of Jihad.

The Taliban said that its fighters had imposed a strict siege on the Ajristan district center and the headquarter of the Afghan Police there after the successful attack.

According to the Voice of Jihad, the attack on Ajristan district is a part of the Taliban spring offensive, codenamed “Operation al-Khandagh”, which was launched on April 25 in response to Washington’s decision to increase the US military presence in Afghanistan.

Hamdullah, the governor of Ajristan district, confirmed in a phone call with the Afghan TOLO TV that the district center is currently besieged by the Taliban and warned of a tragedy if the district collapses. The governor also revealed that fourteen personals of the Afghan Army and Police were killed and ten others were injured during the clashes with Taliban fighters around the district center.

Meanwhile, Mohammad Aman Hamim, the governor of Ghazni province, said that preparations had been taken to deploy Afghan commando forces to Ajristan district, in what appears to be an attempt to break the Taliban siege.

Observer believe that only direct support from the NATO could repel the ongoing attack of the Taliban on Ajristan district center. Earlier this week, NATO warplanes played a key role in repelling a similar attack of the Taliban on Farah city in western Afghanistan.

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Must be that time of the year the cockroaches come out of the caves. A few A10 runs and we’ll send them packing! LOL!

Valerianus Maximus

Yep, that’s the ticket! It’s been so effective over the past 17 years that it’s a wonder that the Taliban still exists.


They will always be there. the trick is to get as efficient as possible in killing them when they come out to play ;D


Thats a Yankee wetdream – and you are having one right now. If warthogs SO effective, WHY is Taliban BACK and STRONGER after 17 years of warthog bombardment – because US soldiers are Pu$$ies and can’t fight the Taliban, so when air supremacy ends, the REAL men must do the fighting, then y’all just like your Israeli masters – Bitches How many of your bases in Afghanistan did you leave and run? How many bases do you guys NEVER leave – only get air supplies. You ONLY control 2 streets in Kabul – stupid Yankee dipshits. If the vietnamese could send you and the french packing, then why not Taliban. Y’all just a bunch of bitches with aeroplanes – Even Afghans who fought the Russians and later joined Taliban thought the Russians were tougher, better soldiers.



Dr. Pro Liv

GO Taliban kill all NATO rats ! Freedom to Afghanistan !


Also Taliban kills civs like ISIS. Are they your hero opium producers ?

Dr. Pro Liv

You are wrong man about “hero opium producers”. Taliban were always against opium When Taliban got total control over the Afghanistan they have exterminated production of opium totaly!

US have restarted production of opium when they invaded Afghanistan ! And production that almost didn’t exist have risen 10 times immediately! CIA is smuggling heroin to Bond-steel base on Kosovo and use Albanian mafia to sell it in EU They have used to send lot in Russia also.

ISIS is CIA creation just like Al Qaeda and they are Jihad for U.S. !

Hayʼat Taḥrīr al-Shām

These people are delusional russo propaganda eaters. They dont even find it contradicting because they dont think at all.

Dr. Pro Liv

Why you call them “russo propaganda eater” when they are often either Americans or from one of the NATO countries supporting US-NATO invasion of Afghanistan? Why would Russians use propaganda to support US and NATO?!?

You people are so short sited and ill informed. You will be only instruments of the West for very long time manipulated for their objectives… If you do not start to use your head, they will manipulate you forever.

You can call me Al

“sighted” but yes. Have you not understood his avatar yet ?, he and a few others are not worth trying to discuss with.

Hayʼat Taḥrīr al-Shām

Im talking about the comment section (people brainwashed by Russian Shiite propaganda) not them. And don’t forget to backup the comments they deleted many good people so only the brainwashed one can comment while others get banned. https://i.imgur.com/a2XVEkZ.png

Dr. Pro Liv

I think he is CIA , MI6 agent or similar doing his every day work…

You can call me Al

mm I would concur, or just another dumb kid.

You can call me Al

Are there any of your numptie vermin left in Syria ?. Go away little boy, you are both extremely uneducated, stupid and nauseating.

Samuel Boas

The Taliban at first were anti opium but as soon as they saw how much money it was worth they had the production of it go skyrocket.

Dr. Pro Liv

Nice try Samule. Did you learn that in NATO “madrasa” ? It is against their religious convictions to grow and produce opium They didn’t forbid it because they were ignorant but because it was against their Islamic believes ! So you try to slender them litlle bit huh? Lucky we have your NATO friends there huh?


FACT: CIA is world’s largest drug smuggling organisation.


“Freedom to Afghanistan” from the Taliban?

You’re fucking stupid. So blinded are you by your hatred of the US (perhaps for good reason) that you’re willing to back any side that opposes it, even if they are medieval Deobandi/Salafi savages who massacre Afghan schoolchildren and don’t even allow girls to get educated or participate in public life.

Nice “freedom” for Afghanistan.

You can constructively criticize US foreign policy, but to cheer on a backwards group like the Taliban in the process shows that you’re nothing more than a primitive bloodthirsty degenerate.

Dr. Pro Liv

This was half joke to upset veloCraptor Now serious. US-NATO are occupying force – invaders who have NO rights to be there. Your country is killing Afghans for DECADES ! Taliban are the same kind of people like Mujaheddin who were patriotic and religious and were directly supported by US against USSR (who didn’t have right to be there) Now when they fight US (under new name) theyare presented to be pure evil. Yet pure evil was only US by killing huge number of civilians and those Taliban whose major sin is defending their own country!

Them to “massacre Afghan schoolchildren” must be only propaganda. Them to not “allow girls to get educated” is integral part of their religion and tradition and it is NOT US BUSINESS to interfere in that at all ! You did it already once when Afghans were with communist regime and “allowed girls to get educated” yet you have gave Mujaheddin huge amount of weapons to remove those people. So stop your feminist crap you HYPOCRITE!

NATO MUST go HOME and leave those people alone to decide their own destiny! And if they embrace traditional Islam so be it ! U.S. – NATO are invaders and true terrorists ! There is NOTHING “constructive” about “US foreign policy” !

“primitive bloodthirsty degenerate” I am surprised that you didn’t accuse me to be for Jihad just like I was accused to be JEW ! You support policy of your EVIL EMPIRE so accept conseqence and stop labeling others! U.S. – NATO are invaders and true terrorists thy MUST GO HOME!


There’s no “hypocrisy” in anything I said. The Taliban and their mujahideen predecessors (funded and armed by USA and Saudi Arabia) were and still are pure evil, both in the 1980s and today. The United States should have never funded them nor set up thousands of madrassas to brainwash the “mujahideen”. That still doesn’t change the fact that these people are PURE evil, regardless of whether many of them are ethnic afghans or not. You have NO right to be depriving people of some basic rights simply because you were born in a certain geographical location.

Pure evil was committed by the Taliban and the Taliban on a consistent basis kill huge numbers of civilians, both after the 2001 invasion, and throughout the 1990s they were committing horrific massacres and cultural genocides against other Afghans and Shia minorities. Go read about Afghanistan in the 1990s, it wasn’t in any way any more pleasant than it is today. It was a completely totalitarian state not very different from ISIL.

What the fuck does it matter if something is an “integral part of their culture and religion” (which by the way it isn’t. Women had far more freedoms for decades prior to the Saur Revolution and the following invasion by the Soviets. But you’re completely ignorant of history, so I wouldn’t expect oyu to know that). What if someone were to say imperialism is an “integral part of US culture and history”? That doesn’t fucking mean anything.

Whether something is integral or not, whether something is a deeply held belief or not is OF NO CONSEQUENCE AS TO WHETHER OR NOT IT IS MORALLY JUSTIFIED OR WHETHER OR NOT THE PERPETRATOR HAS THE MORAL HIGH GROUND. Slaughtering and oppressing innocent people based upon sectarian differences or oppressive tendencies or based upon outdated medieval cultural practices is WRONG, PERIOD. It doesn’t fucking matter if it is done within geographical area that one was born in, or done abroad. The Taliban absolutely do not have any moral high ground to stand upon. It’s not “their” fucking country. They were a small portion of the country, and they later conquered most of the country in a brutal civil war in which they engaged in sectarian ethnic cleansing due to the weaponry and funding they acquired prior to that from America, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

You clearly know absolutely nothing about “traditional Islam”. No part of “traditional Islam” teaches the kind of blatant misogyny and sectarianism that has become an integral part of Taliban ideology.

And when I say you are a primitive bloodthirsty degenerate, that is an apt description, it is not merely some empty insult. You’re defending a degenerate medieval organization that has engaged in horrific oppression of a wide diaspora of Afghan and Pakistani populations and basing that solely off the fact that they are not “invaders”. Why would anyone in their right mind support the Taliban?

Ok, so the US is an invading force. Ok, portions of the Taliban are “native” to Afghanistan (although again, not remotely representative of it). How does that alone give them the moral high ground? Oh right, it doesn’t. They are medieval bloodthirsty savages and misogynists who have absolutely no place in the modern the world or in modern Islam, regardless of what the US has or hasn’t done elsewhere. They and people like you MUST be kept out of power and shot like fucking dogs instead of infecting humanity with your BLOODTHIRSTY BARBARISM!


You just hate anything remotely Islamic. When you get yourself a real education, then post here, otherwise shut the fck up moron. Taliban may be strict but why should a nation whose history is Islam sell it for a Western Culture? – are you upset you cant drink your Vodka and screw little boys anymore?


Wrong, now you’re just posting bullshit.

Hardly anyone in Afghanistan wants “western culture”. Most people want Islam to play a major role in public life. However, there are vastly different versions and conceptions of what the “Islamic character” of society should look like, and the Taliban represent a completely backward hybrid of DEobandi/Salafi influenced Islamism and sectarianism that is completely anathema to the cultural and religious traditions that most Afghans have grew up with for centuries. There is a wide diaspora of different tribes, traditions and religious minorities in Aghanistan who do not want to live under the most brutal version of theocratic rule and sectarian cleansing that the Taliban espouses. They are no different from savage groups like Ahrar al-Sham or Jaish al-Islam in Syria, who for instance view Shia as heretics deserving of completely extermination.

The Pashtuns only represent 42% of the Afghan population, and only a fraction of Pashtuns are are staunch supporters of the TAliban. Numerous other groups like the Tajiks, the Hazaras, the Uzbeks, etc see the Taliban as nothing more than invaders who stepped outside of their ancestral homelands in Helmand and Kandahar and went on a rampage across the rest of the country, trying to extinguish, either through slaughtering or repression virtually every other cultural group in the 1990s. Furthermore, roughly 15% of the Afghan population is Shia Muslims, who are largely tolerated by other groups, but have essentially been given a death sentence by the TAliban who vow to eradicate them.

Opinion polls consistently show that the vast majority of Afghans despise and fear the Taliban more than any other group.


Afghanistan has received a reputation as the graveyard of empires precisely because during the British and Soviet invasion, they depended upon the broad national support, pride, resilience and popular support for the cause of resistance. The Taliban does not have this same base of broad national support amongst Afghans. They are certainly a formiddable fore, and they are certainly causing a lot of trouble and setbacks for other Afghans in the country, but they are not in a position to be presenting themselves as “liberators” from anything. They are not just “strict”. That is a huge understatement. They conquerors and medieval fanatics who use a completely fictitious and butchered version of Islam that most Muslim people across the world have moved far beyond at this point.

They are absolutely not practicing any version of Islam that is remotely representative of the mainstream nor native to the cultural traditions of Afghanistan and PAkistan. Their deobandi/salafi Pashtun supremacism is a relatively recent phenomenon in the region, and was a fringe/isolated train of thought just like Wahabbism was basically a fringe sect in remote sections of the ARabian peninsula prior to the fall of the Ottoman empire and the subsequent alliances that were forged with western powers after the discovery of petroleum.


Taliban are NOT mujahedin under a different name. Most of their ranks come from Religious seminaries. All their commanders are from the same religious seminaries.ex-Mujahedin were from various groups. Some of the worse were criminals – who are still active politically like Rashid Dostum. another ex-Mujahedin leader still active politically is Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. – these same idiots were responsible for the civil war.

Dr. Pro Liv

I didn’t say that Taliban were the “same”as Mujahedin I know that their name comes from their religious activity… But that’s about it… Some of those “Idiots” were US darlings…. “General” Rashid Dostum. was US “allay” if I remember right…”Northern Alliance”… Was that the name of that US “alliance” of crooks ? Isn’t he ethnic Uzbek or something…?

You can call me Al


Dr. Pro Liv

Taliban are AFGHANS and they are at HOME in Afghanistan DEFENDING THEIR COUNTRY from US-NATO that are INVADERS who KILL Afghans for decades now!


They are Afghans who kills other Afghans. The Taliban are not the only Afghans, and the vast majority of Afghans and Pakistanis despise them.

Dr. Pro Liv

All I’m saying that Afghans should decide abbout Afghanistan NOT US and NOT NATO also NOT any other nation but Afghans ! US must stop invading and bombing and killing people of other countries with stupid excuses of “democracy” and other bullshit they use for an excuse ! US-NATO are OCCUPATION force = INVADERS ! They are LIARS and neocolonialist scourge

Whoever dominates Afghanistan should be only Afghan decision !


But that’s the whole fucking point, AFGHANS should decide about Afghanistan, not the Taliban on the behalf of other afghans. The Taliban are entirely welcome by other Afghans to participate in the democratic process and have a part in deciding the future of Afghanistan. They have absolutely ZERO moral high ground in using force and genocide massacres and oppression to force OTHER AFGHANS to live their life a specific way.

Dr. Pro Liv

As far as I know we are both NOT Afghans and Taliban’s are Afghans. If you don’t like them that is only your problem that doesn’t consider Afghans at all.

That ” democratic process” bullshit guaranteed by US-NATO is just another name for NEO-COLONIALISM so do not waste my time with that propaganda bullshit. You way of thinking is IDENTICAL to US-NEOCOLONIALIST approach. With full spectrum of those double-talk words like ” moral high ground ” “humanitarian war, intervention” false flag ” genocide” and false flag ” massacres ” that they use to be “humanitarian” aggressor on the the countries, and bomb them!

US is KILLER OF TENS OF MILLIONS OF CIVILIANS since WW2 starting with Hiroshima and Nagasaki And all in all your country is the WORST WAR CRIMINAL that has EVER EXISTED on this planet together with UK. So much about your ” moral high ground”


AGAIN. IT DOESNT MATTER IF THE TALIBAN ARE OR NOT AFGHANS. That is COMPLETELY irrelevant on whether or not they have the moral high ground in relation to the majority of other Afghans. The vast majority of Afghans DO NOT want the TAliban to return to power and despite corruption within parts of the AFghan government, they support and appreciate the NATO effort in helping to defend their country from the savages that came orginally from Helmand province in the 1990s by force.

That “democratic process” is not bullshit. Any Afghan who wishes to take part in elections can do so by their own volition, and the Afghan Taliban have been offered on numerous occasions to lay down arms and become integrated into society instead of slaughtering their countrymen (which by the way is the MAJORITY of casualties. They are not ONLY targeting NATO, they are targeting school girls, Shias, religious minorities, and anyone who doesn’t submit to their thuggery, theft, and confiscation of property. It’s not “propaganda bullshit” nor is it double talk. Words have meanings, and each of the atrocities that I described being done by the Taliban has been thoroughly documented throughout the civil war in the 1990s that they have used to literally rip the country apart. Most AFghans in the country today, regardless of whatever criticisms they may have of NATO, live in far greater fear of the TAliban returning to power than actions the US is taking inside the country at the moment.

The only “propaganda” is your “TENS OF MILLIONS” exaggerations. There has certainly been numerous unjustified military interventions since WW2, but the civilian casualty rates certainly do not reach anywhere near those numbers.

But we are not talking about historical record for the world, we are talking about afghanistan, and in AFghanistan the TAliban are by far the most savage, primitive, violent terrorist group that was responsible for the most amount of casualties since the Soviet withdrawal. There is simply no comparison. Furthermore, the vision that the Taliban thugs have for afghanistan’s future is completely different from the vision the Taliban have. Considering their historical savagery and medieval barbarism, which is completely at odds with how Afghanistan has been for at least 2 centuries, the Taliban have absolutely NO moral standing, especially since most of their attacks have NOT been against NATO troops but instead against virtually every other Afghan citizen, and they have been at it since the early 90s.

In the specific case of AFghanistan, NATO absolutely does have the moral high ground, and the backing of most of the population, which fears a return of Taliban rule.


USA massacred more than 20 million people since WW2 – google THAT. Iraq alone is 7-8 million massacred by USA. Afghanistan is more than 2 million. Taliban will win Taliban will rule Yankee go home or they will send you home in a body bag.

ps – wanna see some videos of how Taliban massacred US troops?


Again, all of those numbers are made up. I did go ahead and google it and found no credible sources for those kinds of numbers. Not even remotely close.

The most credible numbers for Iraq are around 500,000, the vast majority of which were caused by sectarian violence. Of course, the US is still partially responsible for unlocking the lid that had kept simmering tensions under control, but nevertheless for the sake of accuracy none of those numbers are correct. Iraq only had a population of around 23 million in 2003 and a population of slightly over 37 million today. If those numbers would’ve been anywhere close to reality that would’ve meant that over a third of the population of Iraq would’ve disappeared.

Sorry, but you dont get to just make up numbers simply because you don’t agree with US foreign policy. I don’t agree with US foreign policy either, but that doesn’t mean I will lie about it. 7-8 million LOL. Get the fuck out of here.

Afghanistan is also nowhere near the 2 million mark. The best estimates are between 110,000 and an absolutely inflated number of 360,000, which is based on an estimate of those who have died from indirect causes of the war.

The Taliban have absolutely zero moral legitimacy to be running Afghanistan, as virtually all other groups in aFghanistan are opposed to them returning to power.


The US or NATO or any White fuck nations have NO business in Afghanistan. The ONLY reason the Yanks invaded was because the taliban refused them a oil pipeline – so go fuck your self-righteous self with a bazooka.



Wrong, they were harboring and training mujahideen fighters from across the Muslim world in Afghanistan who were then being sent off to other countries to fight insurgencies and commit terrorist acts.

The “pipeline” theory is just a rehashed grasping of straws that has been repeated by many outlets without evidence being provided.

As this article points out, it is too reductionist.


Plus, a trillion dollar price tag of a war over a so called “pipeline” doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. But then again, conspiracy theorists do not typically think rationally or critically about facts that are inconvenient to them. They instead build a narrative and then try to find “evidence” to support that narrative, as you have in all of your responses. It’s blatantly obvious and pathetic.


Democracy? WHAT Hand over the country to some puppets AFTER you have given your blood? are you fkin stupid?


No, its called holding elections, which outside of the Soviet era and the Taliban are, Afghanistan has some history of doing.


You’re the only fucking retard here who thinks that the Taliban has any sort of legitimacy amongst the Afghan population who have been savagely brutalized by their “emirate” regime throughout the 1990s, and have largely done so with outside support and funding from radical Salafists in Saudi Arabia and as PAkistans proxy force (and of course as a relic of the US stupidly supporting the “mujahideen” in the 1980s).


No I’m NOT the only Retard that believes in te Taliban leitimacy – The US has NO business in Asia, Africa, the ME NK or anywhere the fuc. But thanks to and endless supply of inbred hicks like yourself whom they can send to genocide other nations (and usually lose), it will continue to happen. Get some REAL education from REAL research: US murdered 20 million: https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-has-killed-more-than-20-million-people-in-37-victim-nations-since-world-war-ii/5492051

The US is a prolific killer of Human beings in the 3rd world. It is the first nation that has ever used Nuclear WMD on a civilian population – DELIBERATELY – Hiroshima and Nagasaki – and it wants to limit the use of Nukes by other nations so it can keep that distinction forever. Iraq had several massacres including Fallujah and Mosul. The US and Israel have used several tactical Nukes killing scores of civilians in their respective genocidal wars, It will continue killing through massive cancer rates that will kill Iraqi and Afghan kids before they reach the age of 15, for generations because of the use of DU munitions. 750 000 Iraqi kids were massacred through DU caused cancers and US imposed starvation because Saddam wouldnt trade oil in USD’s anymore and Madeline Albright thinks it was worth it – Fuck you and your bitch inbred Momma humping kind.

I understand that you hick inbreds have little time for facts and education, but, between fucking your momma, sister and cousins, try and make some intellectual effort to understand what bunch of genocidal racist bitches you yankees are.


The US does have a legitimate interest in Afghanistan as Afghanistan is a hotbed of Islamist jihadists who migrate there from other parts of the world for training. If the Taliban had simply handed over Bin Laden, no invasion. Instead, they refused, so they got what they deserved, and have been out of power for 17 years, regardless of what inroads they may occasionally make with further tyranny and violence against their own countrymen.

As for your link, it is bunch of bullshit and doesn’t support the claim. There is a difference between saying the US holds some responsibility in a sequence or series of events that ultimately lead to death, or that US policy decisions were one of a number of interrelated complex factors that indirectly influenced a deathtoll of some given country or geographical location versus saying that the US “murdered” 20 million. Let’s take a look at some of the ludicrous examples from that so called “research” article:

“Iran lost about 262,000 people in the war against Iraq from 1980 to 1988.”

Yeah, sorry this doesn’t mean the US “murdered 262,000”. The US was certainly complicit in helping prop up the Iraqis as well as turning a blind eye on their chemical weapons usage, but the US did not actually murder 262,000 Iranians.

Here’s an even better example of how ridiculous this claim is:

“Over the years we have repeatedly heard about the Khmer Rouge’s role in the deaths of millions in Cambodia without any acknowledgement being made this mass killing was made possible by the the U.S. bombing of that nation which destabilized it by death , injuries, hunger and dislocation of its people.”

Really now? The US “murdered” 2.5 million people because Pol Pot came to power (never mind the fact that Pol Pot managed to get into power for a wide variety of factors). You cannot simply reduce it to prior US bombings “destabilizing” the country. What an immensely dishonest rewriting of history. The Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot murdered 2.5 million people in Cambodia, not the US. The US should not have been involved at all with the Vietnam conflict, but it wasn’t the one doing the “murdering”.

Here’s another really rich one… you can’t even make this shit up rofl.

“The U.S. is responsible for between 1 and 1.8 million deaths during the war between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan, by luring the Soviet Unioninto invading that nation.”

Apparently the US “murdered” 1.8 million in Afghanistan even though it was the Soviets and the mujahideen doing the actual murdering? Again, no question that the US should not have been armind funding or training the mujahideen against the secular government, but it is a gross overstatement to go from stating that the US is “responsible” for provoking the Soviets into invading to saying that the US “murdered” 1.8 million Afghans.

Of course limiting the use of nukes by other nations is a good idea. Taht is an existential threat to humanity’s existence. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t “fair” that some countries have nuclear weapons and others don’t. “Fairness” is an illegitimate concern when considering the potential consequences that may ensue if these weapons proliferate to numerous other countries.

Neither the US nor Israel have ever used tactical nukes. Learn what a tactical nuke is, before spouting off nonsense. Depleted Uranium munitions are not tactical nukes. Of course, not defending the use of depleted uranium, but this argument does not in any way “legitimize” the Taliban’s claims to Afghanistan. If anything, if it is true that the US supported the TAliban in the 90s against other tribes and ethnic groups, the Taliban’s legitimacy is further diminished. It does not magically retain legitimacy simply because it began to fight against Americans. Not after they destroyed and subjugated everyone else amongst their countrymen.


ALL Pakis know that the Taliban are the only source of stability in Afghanista. Only bitch Afghans like you will disagree with that.


Wrong, Taliban are the main source of INSTABILITY in both AFghanistan and in PAkistan (if you exclude Kashmir in the case of Pakistan). And the only stability that comes from Taliban rule is if they slaughter and massacre everyone who remotely disagrees with their style of rule and ethnically cleanses large sections of the population and commits cultural genocide against their fellow Afghans.

The Taliban as a movement only have roots that have only been around for 4-5 decades. Prior to that for many decades there was no equivalent medieval barbarism remotely comparable to the kind of totalitarian rule they have imposed by force. Again, there is absolutely ZERO reason to be supporting the TAliban. Along with groups like ISIL, they represent the epitome of civilization regression and are despised throughout the Muslim world. They have absolutely no place to exist in the modern world.

Hayʼat Taḥrīr al-Shām

You should support the islamic law which is fair and clear. It is the best thing a man can have in his country, noone can be misguided when following a divine law from the Allah (swt).

You can call me Al

The only people that support sharia law are dumb fook, inbred, low IQ retards.

Hayʼat Taḥrīr al-Shām

Hope you are just trolling you cant be serious.. it is the opposite the intelligent and proud people support the law as ordered by Allah. They are the pious and the people worth something not low scum not respecting anything only their enjoyiment of this short life on this world.


Anyone who fights the US is a hero in my books,

You can call me Al

The majority of the Taliban are locals, defending their Country. strangely enough, hey were organised and funded by the Yanks in the beginning.

Dr. Pro Liv

You are mixing “Taliban” with “Mujaheddin” Al. Those were “Mujaheddin” that were were organised and funded by the CIA. They have fought USSR with US Stinger missiles and weapons from US… In the same time was created Al Qaeda with Bin Laden also by CIA.

You can call me Al


I am not mixing them up – how do you think they have maintained a war for 17 years with some serious armaments.


They are not “defending” anything, and its not solely “their” country. It only became “theirs” after they engaged in over a decade of brutal civil war and ethnic cleansing. After the kind of brutality and medieval savagery that they imposed upon their own countrymen, they have long lost any moral legitimacy to being “defenders” of any country. The whole country largely hates them to the core.


CIVIL War? With EVERY post of yours, you show just how fkin stupid you are.Civil war was already taking place amongst the ex-Mujahedin leaders fighting for a slice of the the Afghan pie. The Taliban brought stability UNTIL the US invaded.Only anus’s like you hate them.


They only brought so called “stability” to areas of their control after slaughtering and brutalizing and subjugating local populations. They did not bring about “Stability” through any sort of broad popular support. Furthermore, the civil war continuous throughout the central and northern region of AFghanistan for the entire duration after the 1996 capture of Kabul by the Taliban, which was a bloodbath. They have absolutely no business in afghanistan outside of their ancestral homelands in portions of KAndahar and Helmand. They are perceived and invader and savage warlords by the population and have almost no degree of popular support.

They also subjugate the female half of the population to a degree that no other Muslim country in the world has and were widely condemned throughout the Muslim world throughout their savage medieval reign. They have absolutely no place for existing in the modern world as overlords over anyone. Every reasonable, remotely civilized person with any sense of decency absolutely despises them. Much of the Muslim world despises them,regardless of what they think of US foriegn policy on the whole. The Taliban have absolutely no moral ground to stand upon, period.


That is not true – thats the propaganda – they were funded by the Pakis as a better hope of stability because the ex-Mujahedin had plunged the country into chaos.The US invaded 2 years after inviting them to Washington to propose a pipeline (18 months BEFORE 911). They told Rumsfeld to get Fckd.Rumsfeld replied – “either roll out the red carpet or you will be carpet bombed”

You can call me Al

Who funded the pakis ?


What the fuck is the use of being “honest” if you are a blood thirsty savage that kills everyone and anyone who disagrees with you, including your own countrymen?

Think about what you are saying. You’re saying that it is reasonable to live under medieval theocracy “because the USA does ____”. There are numerous other Afghan groups who can build a modern country. The Taliban have absolutely no place to be dictating to the vast majority of Afghans how they should structure society simply because they are more brutal and intolerant.

Dr. Pro Liv

US have brought 17 YEARS of WAR AND DESTRUCTION ! And US have KILLED far MORE Afghan CIVILIANS than Taliban ever will in 1000 years!. If it is “medieval theocracy” what Afghans choose it is NOT your FUCKING BUSINESS to stop them! And it doesn’t concern you or your COUNTRY OF KILLERS !!!

You US scum were FINANCING those “medieval” “Mujaheddin” against USSR! And in those days it didn’t bother you that they are backward ?!? Now you want to destroy them and put other PUPPETS you FILTHY HYPOCRITES and MURDERERS !!!



WRONG. Afghanistan has been in a fucking CONSTANT state of war since the Saur revolution. There was no “peace” between the Soviet withdrawal and the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan.

The aFghans did not CHOOSE a “medieval theocracy”? The Taliban walked in with guns blazing and massacred most of the opposition and oppressed everyone who stood in their way. Nobody held ‘elections’ in the 1990s to “CHOOSE” the direction of the country. Learn some fucking history. The Taliban are NOT representative of the Afghans. They are a savage cult of killers and they should be kept out of power. IF they want to be a part of the democratic process and join other Afghans, they can go ahead and let their voices be heard. However, if they only know violence as a means of imposing their theocratic shithole ideas on a population that resents them, then there’s absolutely NO reason whatsoever to be sympathetic towards them.

And again, I already said, the US was WRONG to finance the mujahedeen in the 1980s. It still doesn’t change the fact that they are in fact MEDIEVAL SAVAGES. and of course it “bothered” me, just like a lot of unnecessary US intervention bothers me. It “bothers” me that the US funded Syrian rebels beginning in 1980s, with much of the weaponry being transferred to Al Nusra and various jihadist groups as well as falling into the hands of ISIL.

If ISIL were to take over Syria, it would not make ISIL automatically hold the moral high ground when the US starts eliminating them.

Dr. Pro Liv

“There was no “peace” between the Soviet withdrawal and the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan.”

Yes there was peace period. Only US didn’t like those in charge there for not being their puppets, stooges. So they have used false flag 9/11 to attack Afghanistan pretending that they look for their own puppet Bin Laden….

Let me sum up the answer on crap you were writing there You country US are neocolonialist TERRORISTS criminals who kill civilians and finance terrorism all over the Muslim world. The have created so many “humanitarian” wars lately (color revolutions and taking down democratically elected government not even counting ) and EVERY RECENT WAR is started by US and NATO stooges directly or indirectly ! You are scourge and cholera of this planet together with Israel you are the greatest evil.


NO THERE WAS NOT PEACE YOU FUCKING IDIOT. THE ENTIRE TIME IN THE 1990s there was a RAGING CIVIL WAR in AFGHANISTAN amongst multiple factions, and the Taliban had the upper hand in most of the heavily populated areas of the country after it engaged in MASSIVE ethnic cleansing and BARBARIC subjugation of civil society.

Let me again sum up my answer to your fucking dribble. The United STates has certainly been engaged in a destabilizing foreign policy on numerous occasions in different parts of the world. Many of these interventions I do not support, and have resulted in blowback and the creation + empowerment of many Islamist groups, amongst them, the Taliban. However, that does not mean the taliban are legitimate representatives of AFghanistan nor are they freedom fighters “Defending” “their” country. It isn’t THEIR country. They are a splinter faction of those who were trained and armed and brainwashed decades earlier by the US/Saudi Arabia/PAkistan. The legitimate government that actually had any amount of popular support int he 1990s was the one under RAbbani. NOT the TAliban, who only took power by brute force and the subjugation and ethnic cleansing of anyone they didn’t like, and were not recognized by anyone in the international community outside of Saudi ARabia and Pakistan.

They have absolutely ZERO legitimacy to be claiming they are “defending” anyone. Hardly anyone in Afghanistan is looking forward to being “defended” by the Taliban they were brutalized for over a decade. Most Afghans today greatly fear a return of the TAliban rule, where they will further be subjugated and slowly slaughtered under their brutal primitive regime. There is absolutely zero reason to support the Taliban. Unless you’re a fucking retard who believes that moral high ground is based purely on who has greater brute force.

If that’s the case, then why the fuck shouldn’t NATO stay?The Taliban are nothing but murderers, medieval misogynist savages, and pederasts who fuck little boys. Their society is some of the greatest evil in this world and their regime should never be allowed to return, unless they are willing to integrate into a pluralistic Afghan society, rather than creating a shithole theocratic state run by the Pashtun mafia.


Taliban was NEVER part of the Civil war IDIOT! They only came into existence in 1996.


Of course they were part of the civil war. The Civil war continued well after 1996, during which time they used nothing but brute force to take over and impose strict control on most tribal groups in the country, with a lot of ongoing bloodshed. The Taliban were precisely the kind of group that should not have been “aided” by Pakistan. They practice the most fundamentalist, radical version of Deobandi Islam which is completely foreign and alien to most of AFghanistan outside of Helmand province. Most Afghans view them as invaders in most parts of the country. They do not belong nor do they have any legitimacy in the country. They are really not much different from ISIL.


HOW can Taliban who are composed of a;most every ethnic group in Afghanistan be called invaders – and the US are liberators LoL! is THAT what the civilians told you when you had guns pointed at them? and you believe it – geez, what a redneck retard


Well first of all I’m not a redneck. I am not even caucasian. My family is actually originally from Pakistan.

And again, you just show your complete ignorance of the internal workings of Afghanistan. The Taliban are not composed of almost every ethnic group in Afganistan. They are by and large Pashtuns, and even most PAshtuns are not Taliban. The vast majority of Aghans as survey after survey shows, view the Taliban as the biggest threat to the stability and security of the country, and fear the Taliban more than any other tribal group or the assisting international force.

The only people who have guns “pointed at them” are the Taliban, who again, are largely perceived as invaders supported by PAkistan by most Afghans inside the country. The Taliban have expanded their brutal conquests from what was just a localized geographical area in Helmand and Kandahar to going on massacring rampages across much of the country against rival groups throughout the 1990s. This is well documented, and bleating about it like a little bitch isn’t going to change the facts.


100% there was peace, but not during the time of the Mujahedin leadership. They could not agree on power sharing. They were not a cohesive group. Taliban is.The only non-Taliban force affiliated to the Taliban (and probably the most effective fighting force in the Taliban’s history) was and is the Haqqani network – The US spent millions $$$ trying to kill their leader Jalaluddin haqqani – But like the Taliban, they own religious seminaries and have pledged allegiance to the Taliban.

Dr. Pro Liv

I see you know a lot on the subject…. and period…like you were there at the time.


yeah, I was there… me and your girlfriend.

Dr. Pro Liv

well I wasn’t ironic….


ISIL is not the Syrian people – they are USA’s foreign legion. They can NEVER have the High ground.ASSAD was never an angel, but Assad was the legitimate government of Syria.There is a saying in Afghanistan – “All Taliban are not Pushtun, but all Pushtun are Taliban” – so you are welcome to join, or fight them – but it seems not even the combined might of NATO + USA can defeat them – I’ll take my hat off to THAT ANY day. The world’s ONLY superpower fighting medievil ragheads – and after almost 20 years, cannot beat them – Assad needs THEM – just for 1 month, then we will rid the world of the Israeli problem the next month.


Assad is the legitimte government of Syria and under Assad people were not haphazardly massacred based upon sectarian tensions. It is only the so called “rebels” overthrowing him (the so called mujahideen/”moderate opposition”) who have called for the slaughtering of all Shia, Kurds, Christians, Alawites, non-Salafist Muslims. You know who else calls for that? The Taliban. Ideologically the Taliban is very similar to the jihadist groups trying to overthrow Assad, and they themselves are the unintended consequence of the US meddling in Afghanistan in the 1980s and funding some of the groups and educational institutions that formed the basis of the Taliban.

The Taliban would NEVER ally with Assad. IF anything, the Taliban are precisely the type of group that would train a nonstop stream of foreign fighters that would then go off to fight against the SAA, similar to how they did so with Chechnya.

As for that “saying” in aFghanistan, you completely butchered it ROFL. The ACTUAL Afghan saying is “all Taliban are Pashtun, but not all Pashtun are Taliban”. Wow you’re a fucking retard, not to mention a prolific liar. Get your fucking facts straight.


Their own countrymen whom they kill conspired with USA-NATO – they should be killed. If there are NUMEROUS other Afghan groups who can take the lead – WHY did they not do so when Mujahedin groups were killing civilians and each other? It was the religious seminaries who filled the vacuum and took the lead – READ and you will see that Taliban brought stability.


They only brought “stability” with extreme brutality and the invasion of other non-Pashtun tribes. Virtually every Afghan tribe they conquered completely resented them, but were often powerless to do anything about them precisely because Pakistan and Saudi Arabia continued to provide funding and support to them. Almost any kind of batshit crazy totalitarian state can bring stability if it uses brute force to eliminate or completely subjugate all it’s opponents.

Every ideology that proposes some version of its own “utopia”, if given the resources to completely crush all opposition can bring about “stability”. But at what cost? At the cost of virtually enslaving half the population and keeping everyone else subjugated under the sword or at the barrel of a gun? The vast majority of Afghan non-Pashtuns (who form the majority of Afghanistan outside of its southern provinces were relieved to see the Taliban deposed. Their medieval rule was unbearable, and it is completely understandable why neither most Afghans nor the international force want them to return.

The Taliban have absolutely no place in running the entirety of Afghanistan. Maybe some internal autonomy and a participation in Afghan civil life and politics, but they have no legitimacy. Period.


And the US is never “brutal” – it delivers “surgical” strikes. Its missiles only kill Taliban. – You’re as inbred as they come. A typical, naive hick, When you get your face outta your sister’s pussy, get yourself a real education


I never said the US is never brutal, and there’s no question that unacceptable levels of collateral damage have occurred during the war. However, there is a difference in intent. The US does not subjugate half the population of Afghanistan treating them like cattle, nor does it intentionally eliminate entire groups of people based on religious bigotry, sectarianism or cultural views. It supports a pluralistic Afghanistan where all groups can have a voice in determining their country’s future, something the Taliban does not. The Taliban only seeks to destroy anyone and anything that remotely deviates from their medieval theocratic worldview.

you’re frankly the last person who should be telling anyone to get an “education”, considering you’ve demonstrated yourself woefully ignorant of the history and politics of Afghanistan. The irony of advocating someone to get an “education” while voicing support for a savage medieval group that wants to destroy any semblance of an education outside of reciting an ancient book all day is really something. Virtually any average Afghan would be utterly repulsed at the kind of mindless ignorant vitriol little inbred fucks like you spout off about their country.


Yeah, except the US is not “dictating” how Afghan society should be structured, it’s giving all Afghans a voice in determining that and preventing one savage group of thugs from imposing their medieval theocracy on everyone else (one that also happens to be base upon Pashtun supremacy).

American soldiers do not just “shoot reporters” as a matter of policy. Isolated incidents, sure. But for the most part, it is the Taliban that intentionally targets civilian populations who do not subscribe to their strict medieval lifestyle. The US does not plant IEDs into busy marketplaces to slaughter Afghan families or shoot up buses or shrines of Shia worshippers. That is something the Taliban has largely been responsible for, and they’ve been doing it for nearly 30 years, well before the 2001 invasion.


Yeah, it just DICATATES that they should have a government of the USA’s making – fuck you bitch – no patriot will accept a US or any externally imposed government – The Vietnamese didnt accept it, neither did the Taliban.


The US does not “dictate”, it just allows the entire diaspora of Afghan nationals to determine their own political future, rather than allowing some small minority of medieval savages brutalize vulnerable populations while training, harboring and exporting mujahideen fighters (their so called “guests”)to other areas of the world.

The difference between the Vietnamese and the Taliban is that the Vietnamese had popular support and unity. The Taliban are a largely marginal, highly despised, albeit brutally repressive and uncompromising group of thugs and proxy groups funded and armed by elements of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, who don’t bother to mind their own fucking business.

And don’t other telling me “fuck you bitch”. Fuck YOU bitch, you aren’t going to do anything to me son, and i’ll keep humilitating the shit out of you all day long, and the more it pisses you off, the more I’m gonna do it. Go take a fucking hike, angry bitch. You’re a little weak pussy ass cunt. Why don’t you go to Afghanistan yourself if you really think the modern world is so “Awful” with some so called “banksters” running everything. Enjoy living in a fucking cave with a bunch of half literate pederasts and wife beaters.


There are no perfect weapons that are capable of killing only militants and completely avoiding civilian losses, particularly when the Taliban use civilians as human shields and disperse themselves among the population. Any side that considers all civilians losses unacceptable and therefore doesn’t act is at an automatic strategic disadvantage against a side that may accept reasonable levels of civilian losses that do not ultimately reach a point where popular support of the population goes to the opposing side. Popular support amongst Afghans is not in the Taliban’s camp, and while many of them highly resent certain war excesses that have been documented to have occurred at the hands of Americans over the past 17 years, and right so, they still by and large do not wish for the Taliban savages to return to power and need foreign support for the time being to help prop up the government and basic civil society while keeping the Taliban at bay.

It is a gross oversimplification to state that if one is not in the “green zone” that they are automatically deemed a suspected Taliban. There is absolutely zero truth to that whatsoever. It is just something you pulled out of your ass with zero evidence, but as a general simplified rebuke to the US. It does not at all reflect the complexities of an unstable country on the ground. Furthermore, for much of the last 3 years, most operations against the Taliban have been conducted by Afghan forces. The small contingent of American forces that is still present has been pursuing largely a support and training role for the most part. Noone is intentionally going outside a so called “green zone” and bombing wedding parties randomly by simple virtue of their location.

As for being “local”. The Taliban are only “local” to small slivers of territory in Helmand and KAndahar provinces, and small slivers of historically Pashtun areas in Pakistan. In most other parts of Afghanistan, they are considered invading forces and they have absolutely zero claim to what you describe as “their” land. The land was never “theirs”. They just acquired it after marauding the country and slaughtering and subjugating all their ideological opponents over the course of a decade, while simultaneously serving as a nefarious proxy group for Pakistan. If the Taliban had genuine popular support, and were not medieval savages (no, I am not suggesting they have to be “westernized”), I would completely agree with a withdrawal. 2ndly, while the Taliban has largely been a nationally inclined movement, they have also helped harbor and provided sanctuary to transnational Islamist and insurgent groups from around the world. For instance, many Salafist/Wahabbi brands of Islamist rebels and so called mujahideen in Chechnya were not originally part of the Chechen’s bids for independence, but they have since infiltrated much of the Chechen separatist movement, even though Salafism is a completely alien ideology in the Caucasus. And you know where they went for their training, supplying and operational preparations. Oh right, to Taliban controlled areas in the 1990s.

The Taliban have absolutely no legitimacy, either from the Afghan population or from the international community. They are a source of great instability in Adghanistan as well as abroad. their radical Deobandi/Salafist influenced ideology is completely alien to most the Afghanistan/Pakistan region, with the exception of some originally tiny slivers of territory. If the Taliban was anything like the PLO, Ghaddafi, Assad, or Iran, I would completely support them. But they are distinctly medieval Islamist thugs who provide support to other transnational medieval Islamist thugs that destabilize countries around the world.

They themselves are not an expansionist “caliphate” with global ambitions, but they certainly provide generous support to other Islamist national groups that seek to establish the same sort of theocratic shithole in their respective countries, from Morocco to Malaysia, that the Taliban nearly succeeded in doing in Afghanistan. Moreover, even countries like Iran and Russia, the supposed “arch enemies” of America are fiercely opposed to the Taliban and even offered support to the US after 9/11 when it came to AFghanistan, but the US arrogantly and unfortunately rebuked them.


taliban is shit, not honest. you should be sentenced for life for your words.


Zionist filth is shit, not honest.they steal a whole country and tell the world they are real jews when they are only ghetto trash from Europe.


you are zionist filth.


Deobandi/Salafi are bad? – Do you even know wtf you are talking about?What do you propose? SUFI with their heads up their backsides that are pro- US , pro-british as always? Taliban is a NATIONAL resistance movement. And you understand US foreign policy? – The US has NO foreign policy – only invasion plans for the entire world – the latest iteration was PNAC – that has failed. Now they don’t know WTF they are doing.They don’t have diplomacy – only threats. Nations like NK and Iran have outclassed them in Diplomacy and strategy. US= a greedy corporate Military Industrial driven hegemon that has seen its primacy tumble before its very eyes in less than 1 decade.Overtaken by classy, brilliant poltics of Russia, Iran, NK and other non-aligned countries. Go get yourself an education.


Of course deobandi and Salafis are bad. The only reason they have any sort of major political power today is because of US petro dollar and because they receieved support from Western powers to fight against secular Arab nationalists, communists, and 3rd world socialists, as well as numerous other sects. The Taliban are NOT a national resistance movement and they do not have popular support.

I am absolutely well versed in foreign policy of the US and I have stated on numerous occasions that I do not support it. However, in the case of Afghanistan, the Taliban are not a legitimate “Resistance” and they have zero credibility or moral high ground. It does not mean that everyone who opposes the US is suddenly a “good guy” who deserves praise or support. The enemy of an enemy is not necessarily your friend.

Militant verisons of Salafism and Deobandism have absolutely no place in the modern world. Noone is suggesting that Islamic countries need to “westernize” or allow themselves to be exploted by aggressive imperalist foreign policies, but that does not mean that radical Salafi Islamists are an appropriate or desirable antidote, particularly since these radical movements are largely propped up and funded indirectly through US petrodollars.

It is you who needs to go get a fucking education, not to mention a proper moral compass. That you’re willing to throw over 90% of all Afghans under the boot of some theocratic medieval scumbags simply because you oppose the US just shows that you are someone with absolutely zero moral character and has an appallingly retrograde and backwards mindset.


Modern word? WHAT is the modern world? – MORE Human beings live in more horror than in the pre-modern world – all thanks to the incessant Bankster wars that bitches like you support (for “freedom” – LoL- you’ll buy any shit won’t you)

The Taliban have a right to impose Shariah law and if the US wants to impose a greek religion called democracy on themselves, let them do it – to me, its just the tyranny of the masses – It brought Hitler to power and idiots like George Bush


Actually on a per capita basis, there is far less suffering and far greater prosperity in modern times than at any other point in history. We just have greater world population now and greater media exposure to violence. Medieval times and ancient religious wars were by far the bloodiest times in history, and virtually everyone except religious scholars, kings and aristocrats was basically a peasant who worked form dusk to dawn in the fields.

I don’t know where you get this idea that the Taliban have a “right” to impose anything on anyone without their consent in the matter. It is completely incoherent and inconsistent worldview. Why does the Taliban have a “right” to oppress people, but the US does not have a “right” to intervene? This is not to say that US foreign policy interventions are always morally justified, but I just dont see how you can simultaneously claim that the Taliban has a “right” to slaughter and oppress innocent people. It is a really sick and disgusting worldview, especially considering the kind of misogynist sectarian and totalitarian society they impose upon others.

You should also look up the word “tyranny”, as you clearly have a misunderstanding of what it means.

Hayʼat Taḥrīr al-Shām

Here is your PUT_IN, the puppet of world jewery. https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/whitequeen1488/79545957/61816/61816_900.jpg https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/whitequeen1488/79545957/62292/62292_900.jpg

And here are defenders of the religion: https://youtu.be/ufghbo7LNNY?t=15s

Dr. Pro Liv

Yeah “puppet” missiles in SAA hands shoot down Israeli F-16 ‘s and Israeli missiles targeting Syria.

Do you have any photos of you reporting for duty to your CIA-Mossad masters in your “Jihad for JEWS” war?! I see you have up-voted yourself because the rest of your head chopping maniacs are killed by Assad SAA, Iran, Hezbollah and RUSSIA! Or you are just CIA official hunting for naive Muslims on internet?

Hayʼat Taḥrīr al-Shām

You are not attacking the Jew, you only respond to his actions. While our heroes are pushing the front lines and striked numerous jewish traitors and zionists, the putino zionist collobrants and the murtadeen. https://azelin.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/crsgwbnwgaa43lx.jpg?w=720

Dr. Pro Liv

I think that you are only paid CIA provocateur or something very similar….

You hope to catch up some Muslim kids in your stupid story…..

Hayʼat Taḥrīr al-Shām

What? Money are nothing i dont even need them. There are higher goals something better. The ultimate goal of life and beautiful award in paradise this is what i will get after the struggle. Read this story and think about Allah and ask yourself if you are living your life for the zionist or Allah. And what is more for you being a servant in the hands of evil paid by some stupid green paper or getting into jannah (paradise).

Salah al-Din joined the kafir militias called the National Defence in Aleppo, and he was responsible for ammo depots in the town of al-Safira. The soldiers of the Dawla managed to capture him and a group of apostates of the National Defence in an expedition on the peripheries of al-Safira, and he remained in their captivity for three months, during which time God opened his heart to Islam and he desired to memorize the Qur’an and implement it.

You see a thousand stories like this how powerful the God is. So you still do not belive?



Hayʼat Taḥrīr al-Shām

Of course everybody is naive only you know the truth. On site where everybody thinks that the best of the best are fighting for USA/Ilrael and ClA, Mossad and what else.


The Taliban are heroic defenders of their country, if the Kremlin had half a brain it would be arming them to fight and kill more US invaders.

Dr. Pro Liv

If you hit somebody you can’t threaten him any more that you will hit him if he doesn’t behave… I am sure that Russia has passed that kind of message to US and they might have agreed with US some kind of trade off US would not to send their weapons to some other places if Russia doesn’t do that also.

Also Afghanistan is next to China and they would NOT take that kindly if Russia sends weapons to Talibans because they are worried about their Muslim Uyghur extremists…. So it is complicated…

And yes “Taliban are heroic defenders of their country,” and NATO MUST GO HOME !


I support Taliban in Afghanistan, Hamas in Palestine, SAA in Syria, Houthis in Yemen. LNA in Iraq. They all fight free for their lands and sovereignty.


Nobody want to fight for KSA therefore, they using Sudanis to fight for them. Similarly nobody want to fight for US, UK, France that is why they use Jews to fight for them, for which there is each day conscription in Middle east.


Taliba = jihadist like isis. Kill the! All of them! And Drinas, too.


Israeli Army like ISIS. No Israeli army LOVES ISIS. Kill Kill Kill them all. – But I don’t think it is possible to kill Israeli Army – they run away too fast. ask Hizbollah.


Israel delenda est.


TRUE, give them AA systems – same as what US gave Mujahedin in 1980’s to defeat Russian helicopter and jets.

Dr. Pro Liv

Talk to China first to ask for permission to deliver AA systems to Muslim resistance in Afghanistan… They are worried that those weapons can end up in Uyghur China…


But wouldnt that be a beautiful revenge for the Russians ? S300’s for the Stingers of the ’90’s? The US will be out of Afghanistan in 2 weeks.

Dr. Pro Liv

I agree with you. On the other side Russia is parroting all the time that respects sovereignty of all countries and non-interference in internal conflicts. And that they respecting international law in all the situations. Arming the Taliban would be doing opposite of what they say! It would be like interventionism American style. I think that China also is not already happy as it is… for Russian sales of modern weapons to Vietnam… Arming the Taliban while they are so close to their Muslim region would make Chinese very unhappy.


They call these sieges but due to its covert nature few clashes of significance occur. Although no-go zones are everywhere a well armed convoy or a few infiltrators.could easily pass through the ‘blockade.’ Either way, this is getting nowhere. I say we ice these pirates.

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