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MARCH 2025

Taliban Fighters Kill And Injure Dozens Of Afghan Soldiers In Ambush Aear Farah (Video, Photos)

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On March 10, Taliban fighters ambushed a unit of the Afghan Army Special Forces in the Tapa Sadat area of the Bala Blok district in the western province of Farah, according to the Taliban news agency Voice of Jihad.

Taliban fighters allegedly killed and injured more than 53 soldiers and destroyed two armored vehicles belonging to the army. Several weapons were also captured by the Taliban.

Taliban Fighters Kill And Injure Dozens Of Afghan Soldiers In Ambush Aear Farah (Video, Photos)

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Taliban Fighters Kill And Injure Dozens Of Afghan Soldiers In Ambush Aear Farah (Video, Photos)

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Head of Farah provincial council Farid Bakhtawar acknowledged that the Afghan Army Special Forces had been ambushed in the Bala Blok district and revealed that fifteen Afghan soldiers, including eight servicemembers of the Special Forces, had been killed, according to the Afghan TOLO TV. Three soldiers were captured by the Taliban, according to Bakhtawar.

Voice of Jihad also reported that the Taliban had captured another checkpoint in the Birnghtut area around the city of Farah, the capital of Farah province on March 10. Taliban fighters captured an soldier and killed several others during their attack on the checkpoint, according to Voice of Jihad.

On January 18 and 19, several Afghan officials warned that the Taliban are on the verge of capturing the city of Farah. Governor of Farah province Mohammad Arif Shahjahan even resigned on January 25 to protest the lack of the security in the province.

However, to this day the Afghan Army and the NATO have not launched any large military operation to recapture the key positions around Farah from the Taliban.

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MD Ranix

if iran helps aghans, zio satanic terrorists masters and slaves will face another humiliating defeat


They can’t.


Iran is happy to see American troops in Afghanistan. If the US was to attack Iran, the Iranian army would overrun the US troops in Afghanistan within days, perhaps hours. Iran could then show the captured American troops being held prisoner at strategic Iranian bases.

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javid soltani

iran has nothing to do with this . nato and the us is behind this . usa is trying to blame iran and Russia for helping Taliban , people already knows talibans are sunnis and they founded by usa and isreal throw Pakistan and Saudi arabia , even most of those terrorists are cia undercovers

javid soltani

oh sorry I tought you said iran is helping talibans lol , well iran is welling to help afghans but the problem is who to trust , the afghan government is a puppet the whole government run by cia afghans , but only allah knows what iran up to about Afghanistan , imshallah allah hemself help afghan peoples


Taliban are capturing most their weapons from the US trained and armed ANA. American moronic taxpayers should be proud of their idiotic military achievements. Sure deserves a parade in Washington DC for the uber moron Trump. Mission Accomplished indeed.


dont worry these rag heads will soon be dust when the next a10 comes their way


Isn’t A10 set to be decommissioned again ?

Man Dagang

A10 will be more effective if you be in front line taking 1st bullet

Samuel Boas

Good joke, your a10’s won’t do much in Afghanistan. Time to stop relying on those old crap jets of you.

Maxime St-Jacques Canada

Ok ZioUSbillrenegaded… the afghan army is tired, well retired and left opening outlet being trapped easily. Try to implement a training session with fighting US boddies and let them troops to be awared and awakened all day long then let them sleep zzzzzzzzz…

j. jaxson

its all about herion and natural resource robbery. we usa guard the heroin cartel and profit from it. we pay off the warlords millions so they do not stir up the pot.

j. jaxson

are jews and muslims actually related by blood? i’m curious.

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