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MARCH 2025

Target Stores Hit With Bomb Threat After ‘Turning Its Back’ On LGBTQ+ Community

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Target Stores Hit With Bomb Threat After 'Turning Its Back' On LGBTQ+ Community

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Originally published on ZeroHedge

At least five Targets in multiple states received bomb threats Friday over company executives pulling the Pride collection section because of mounting boycotts, leading to multiple stores being evacuated as police and the FBI searched for explosive devices.

Target is full of [redacted] cowards who turned their back on the LGBT community and decided to cater to homophobic right wing, redneck, bigots, who protested and vandalized their store,” reads a threatening email sent to several Target locations in Ohio and one in Pennsylvania, Cleveland 19 News reports.

“We won’t stand idly by as the far right continues to hunt us down. We are sending you a message, we placed a bomb in the following Targets. We will continue to bomb your Targets until you stop cowering and bring back your LBGT merchandise. “

Target Stores Hit With Bomb Threat After 'Turning Its Back' On LGBTQ+ Community

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One shopper told 19 News, “I know a lot of people around here are not a fan of LGBT that kind of stuff me personally I mean it’s whatever. I never thought someone would go as far as a bomb threat.”

In Utah, local media outlet KUTV said, “Bomb threats were made to Target stores in Layton, Salt Lake, Taylorsville, and Provo.

On Thursday, one day before the bomb threat was made, we reported a Fox News insider confirmed Target stores across the South and rural America removed controversial LGBT-themed products ahead of June Pride month to avoid further backlash. Some products ranged from “tuck-friendly” swimsuits for transgender people to gender-fluid coffee mugs. The insider said the reasoning behind such an abrupt move is “to avoid the kind of backlash Bud Light has received in recent weeks.”

Target Stores Hit With Bomb Threat After 'Turning Its Back' On LGBTQ+ Community

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As we noted last week…

Corporations have freedom of speech under the First Amendment but have to understand if their political ideologies don’t align with customers, then the people also have freedom of speech to voice their opinion. That’s why corporations should probably stay out of identity politics or risk pissing off both sides, because what Target did by moving pride products to the back and scaling down the section will likely spark outrage in the trans community

And the Target bomb threat comes after California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a diehard progressive, tweeted, “CEO of Target Brian Cornell selling out the LGBTQ+ community to extremists is a real profile in courage.

“This isn’t just a couple of stores in the South. There is a systematic attack on the gay community happening across the country,” Newsom said. 

Did Newsom’s tweet incite the radical left’s attack on Target? 

And congrats to Target’s executives who have managed to anger conservatives and progressives.


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any country that gives these progressives power is on a path to destruction

Demons devastating Humans = makes my cuck bigger

far-right/left shouldn’t intervene with human rights or freedoms of others. fascism has ruined everything and hating on every individual with different beliefs or views is fascist and wrong, morally scientifically, politically and so on. if you want to have freedom and basic human rights. start with the lgbt community, give them their rights and freedoms and let them live like the others.

nice try, but it’s the lgbt community that’s trying to remove other people’s right to have nothing to do with their sexual deviations.

why not they trans to a pig then much better. human rights also if ppl do drug smuggle, shooting ppl etc…they have rights and those who created the law actually the one must be blame cause they are the one that intervene the human rights.

they have got their rights and freedoms, but, the militants just keep wanting more. where does the far right start and the far left end? why is the neutering of children, so important to cia/nafo/integrity initiative/bellingcat/77th squadron bots and trolls? how do the militants actually help their argument?

they have rights already.

tell me what “rights” dont they already have compared to any other average citizen? what more “rights” do they want or need? target is a company just like the cakemaker is its own store they can choose to make a cake for you or not, if you dont like it make your own store to make your own cake with dildos on it. as for the law it is and has always been equal to all citizens across the board, if you dont have the money to hire a good lawyer its another matter and welcome to reality.


what they call progress is in fact satanism.


every lgpt+ member should be killed

Demons devastating Humans = makes my cuck bigger

false. lgbt built the freedom and inner peace the world has today. show some respect to the community that turned out to be more peaceful than those churches harassing little kids. now that the world is turning away from lgbt+ it’s becoming clear that ww3 might be close.

@demons devastating … i would gladly agree with you , but just in this context of terror it is better to be silent. you can’t create freedom and peace if you support such violence to get your human rights.

to speak clear , i have some sympathy for the lgbt , but don’t like any politicising of this topic. people should be allowed to live their sexuality as they like but not create ideology or new religion out of their attitudes , which they then force upon the whole society.

moreover , just in eastern europe the lgbt community is misused to fight for the new neoliberal agenda. it brings no sympathy and no respect to the lgbt community. they are percieved then not as a part of society which wishes to live a little bit different , but as a tool of the political powers that force the society to accept the new world order. thus antipathy , rejection and hatred.

joe biden is harassing many children actually. also he has harassed yugoslavia, iraq, syria and ukraine.


this is a satanic ideology leading us to pedophilia normalisation. lot of white women promote it because our educational system has been hacked. the snake knew he can’t deceive the man. to expel the humans from the heaven he chose a weakest target : the woman. now maybe you understand the true meaning of this story.

Demons devastating Humans = makes my cuck bigger

freedom and human rights begin with the lgbt+ rights, without them there is barely any freedom or human rights.


so boycotting stores is “extremist”, and then, when those stores remove what’s offending the boycotting public, the “gay” lgbtq etc. community feels justified to make bomb-threats to those stores, which isn’t extremist at all of course… lol


their mask has slipped a bit.


members of those sexual deviants, are now showing what spiteful intolerant bigots they really are.


seriously, if someone has to buy a swimsuit with extra crotch space to hide their all-male testicles, while trying to convince people that they are a woman…..it just smacks me in the mouth as fake fake fake. i can’t believe i’m even writing about something so utterly stupid.

AM Hants

cannot believe you have got so many downvotes. says a lot about the bots/trolls that come to the site. why are those who support ukraine fully supportive of the lgbt and 62 varieties agenda and neutering children? is it a requirement of nafo/integrity initiative/cia/77th/bellingcat trolls?

Chris Gr

zelensky is pro-ghey but many in ukraine are not, also people like john mccain, who supported isis, are not really pro-ghey.


it prooves it goes really this way , i didn’t believe it yet. what’s crazy : the ukrainian nazis hunt the lgbt on daily basis. they openly spread hatred against them and even kill them. but the idiots support them anyway.


watching the evil anglozionazi empire of shit collapse financially and mentally and disappear down the sewer pipe of history is more than i could ever have hoped for. now please get the civil war reloaded already and balkanize that filthy seething sewer. the world can no longer afford to tolerate the evil of this genocidal monster. z and more until the beast is slain.

Chris Gr

the regressive left starts again and antifa is the globalist isis.

AM Hants

weird how there are so many downvotes with regards any comment that goes against the neutering of children, courtesy the bots and trolls of the cia/nafo/bellingcat/integrity initiative/77th flocking to this site. if you support the nazis in ukraine, you also appear to support the neutering of young children.

G7 frowning clowns

the scum support anything anti family normal stable. it’s all about categories and groupings playing one against the other for their own profit. the scum needs to be eradicated.

Paul Citro

while we squabble with each other the oligarchy takes away everything we have. don’t get caught up in this stuff. stay united.

David Herzog

you are right . in the meantime let’ s fight all united the enemies of human race : lgbt , antifa(scist) , blm .

Icarus Tanović

l.a is the best city for this.

John Kesich

operation gladio ii?

tranny sawyer

i got my new swimsuit before they pulled it from shelves. 😆😆😆


fake bomb scares are a syrian arab and jew favorite

Ivan Freely

typical terrorist behavior.

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