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Targeting Assange: Yahoo Deep State Revelations

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Targeting Assange: Yahoo Deep State Revelations

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Written by Steve Brown.

Article referenced: LINK

First reaction to this story: Why did Verizon (owns yahoo) — a super Deep State shill for the CIA — and three miserable establishment Russiagate propagandists (especially Isikoff) feature this story? With a little thought and help from an ‘unnamed source’ I posted this Sept 27:

With this article, Isikoff gets a slight bonus by making a senior Trump official look bad — and of course Mike Pompeo is truly a vile and despicable character – but here is the true play: Biden regime wants to look tough versus leakers-opposition journalists and insists on Assange’s return. But the establishment knows that an US Assange trial is fraught with peril, and nothing but trouble, where a trial will regurgitate much old baggage and gain lots of unpleasant attention/headlines. Also, even if convicted… what to do with him? Especially if Assange is in poor health, as reports have it.

Establishment bottom line: Assange is nothing but trouble alive…. and potentially even more trouble when tried and incarcerated in the US. Where millions of ‘troublemakers’ (in their view and on a global scale) will advocate for his release. It’s a long way to write that the perfidious Albion (US) really does not want Assange extradited to the US, even if the lying regime says it does.

By this CIA-Deep State (Verizon) release of Vault7 old news via the above referenced article (we covered Vault7 in 2017 to resounding public silence) the only new embarrassment is to a former Trump official, and revelation of a desire to assassinate Assange, while the Biden regime benefits by plausible deniability in the event the UK does not extradite him. US State reaction: “Hey, we tried! But those Brits can be difficult! No wonder we had a revolution against them!” (–actual tired historic american mantra) So… for Verizon to act complicitly with the CIA by release of this article, we witness a Deep State intent to torpedo Assange’s UK extradition, being a partial solution to the Assange dilemma. Partial, because there is just one major remaining hurdle:

What to do with Assange?

IF not extradited, PTB’s will need to find a place for Assange. After all, the establishment cannot allow Assange to roam the streets and captain WikiLeaks again. So – will the UK will provide protective custody to him? No. And he certainly will not be released to Morrison’s knuckle-dragging goons. So if not extradited, perhaps the UK will negotiate his return to Sweden? Perhaps. To do so, Assange will have to sign his life away and agree to binding legal terms that he will not write about or otherwise publish his experiences, and will not participate in Wikileaks again. A tall order, and that’s the large remaining issue for ‘authorities’ to settle. If a place cannot

be found for Assange, the third option being that he will continue to rot in prison as a political prisoner of the western dog. (rhetorically speaking)

At this point, the public can only speculate. But for the Deep State CIA-complicit media — Verizon — to release this article now, with another extradition hearing on the docket for late October, the timing of this article (and especially its Deep State source) is just too suspicious. Far too suspicious. At a minimum we can only hope that the UK does not extradite Assange to the former United States, a ruthless and criminally motivated actor.


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