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Tax Evasion Sparks Conflict Between Syrian Government And Assad’s Billionaire Cousin

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A corruption crisis is developing between the government and the country’s top tycoon Rami Makhlouf, a cousin of President Bashar al-Assad.

The crisis began in April, when the Syrian Communication Ministry demanded the Makhlouf-owned Syriatel and MTN, the only mobile operators in the country, to pay more than $130 million as a tax return to “balance” their licenses.

Makhlouf, unexpectedly, reacted by releasing a public video and accusing the government of injustice. In the same video, he promised to pay off the taxes.

Hoewever, a deadline set by the communication ministry passed without Syriatel paying. In what appears to be a response, the authorities arrested several Syriatel executives as well as managers linked to Makhlouf’s businesses.

Makhlouf criticized the arrests in a second, bolder video believed to be filmed in his mansion in Damascus. He blamed security agencies in the country warning the government of consequences for its behavior. The tycoon also repeated his promise to pay the taxes.

In spite of these promises, no payments were made by May 17, when Makhlouf released a third video on his Facebook page.

Makhlouf claimed in the video that the authorities would release his employees if he pays $185 million and resigns as head of Syriatel. Once again, he said he is ready to pay the fee. However, he stressed that his position in the company is a “red line.”

Tax Evasion Sparks Conflict Between Syrian Government And Assad’s Billionaire Cousin

Rami Makhlouf in May 17 video.

He said that Syrian authorities are “demanding we forfeit our company’s profits” and hand over “120 percent of the profits to the state or else we will be arrested”.

“Whoever thinks I will resign under these conditions, doesn’t know me,” France 24 quoted Makhlouf as saying.

The Ministry of Communication responded to Makhlouf’s third video by saying that the dead line for payment has passed. The ministry warned that it will be taking legal action.

“We hold Syriatel all legal and operational consequences as a result of its refusal to restore the rights it owes to the state … And we affirm that we will take all legal measures to collect these rights and recover the money by possible legal, legitimate means,” a statement by the ministry reads.

Mainstream media outlets speculate that the sitaution with Makhlouf indicates that the ‘bloody Assad regime’ is collapsing. In their view, the push of the government to impose the law and order in the economic sphere is something ‘wrong’ that goes contrary to ‘democratic values’.

The Syrian economy is currently passing through a major crisis, with the price of the Syrian pound dropping almost on a daily basis. The crisis, which is the result of a harsh sanction pressure and the long war, apparently motivated the Damascus government to find additional ways to optimize the country’s economy.


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klove and light

this is getting more ridiculous each and every day

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes Iran’s definitely getting a slap in the face from Assad’s wife aren’t they, even Assad’s cousin is no longer immune from her economic assault, and some people say women have no power in Arab counties, Asma does though.


Iran has nothing to do with this story, why would you wish to confuse the issue.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If you think I’m confusing the issue you’re clearly not following the same war in Syria I am, so when I say Assad’s wife is clamping down on all the bastards that are selling out Syria to Iran, you should know exactly what I’m talking about, I’m not confusing the Issue, you’re simply not aware of all the facts. I suggest you do some google searches using theses references,

Rami Makhlouf business dealings with Iran. Telecom deals, land leases, gas and oil leases, and most importantly find out what the Russians think of Rami doing deals with Iran on behalf of Syria. Asma Assad is a very clever women and her previous business career is proving invaluable to President Assad right now, along with Russia’s helpful fiscal advice too.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

Assad apoints the ministers! So Assad is saying his cousin to pay!

Zionism = EVIL

Tax evasion based on nepotism is a big problem in the Arab and developing world and now Syria is in reconstruction phase and wants to enforce the tax laws. This guy is a billionaire and should pay taxes like anyone else. Good for Dr. Assad to set an example that no one is above the law. The Americunt fatass moron Trump pays no taxes or release his tax information.


The guy has a monopoly and is a billionaire, a very privileged position and one he should pay dearly to keep. If he doesn’t reinvest in the country he’s profiting from, just bring in competition from Iran, Russia or China.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You truly are ignorant aren’t you, why bother commenting on anything at all to do with Syria if you don’t even know the most basic things about the place or what’s really going on. Rami’s in trouble now because he’s been selling out Syrian interests to Iranian interests for 2 years now, happily carving up his own country for profit and giving Iran a free ride at Syria’s expense, but finally Assad’s started listening to the Russians and also using his wife’s expertise to stop the massive drain to Iran, that’s why Rami’s in trouble. And you said you want Iran to take his place, LOL, you’re totally oblivious, he’s already sold out half of Syria to Iran already. You keep giving me dislikes for telling the truth but here you go again, you’re advocating doing something Assad’s now trying to stop. selling out more of Syria to Iran, way to go genius.

Jose Martinez

If you agree to make a payment, that is an acknowledgement that the person asking for payment has made a valid request. If you refuse to honor your agreement and there is a reaction you brung that upon yourself.

You can discuss this as businessmen. A private entity has to abide by certain laws with the Public sector in order to do business. There are laws preventing a private company from being State owned right? Then you have to abide by your agreements with the Public Sector in order to keep doing business. If there’s room for compromise the State will evaluate what’s fair. In some businesses if you stall on payment you would be shot, be lucky it’s only a few people being detained in jail.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Assad’s wife’s proving she’s no shrinking violet, while her husband concentrates on military matters she takes the offensive on the economic front. Good on you Asma, get rid of all of Syria’s enemies, especially the ones that come from within. Iran won’t be happy about this though ,LOL, way to go Asma, you’re really a true patriot to Syria, God bless you.


Zioterrorist cunt, you need to learn to read because this has nothing to do with Iran.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re ignorance is astounding, don’t you read anything important at all, obviously not. Stick to your LGBTQI magazines weirdo, that’s something you can understand, or stick to making your usual shit comments like,

“The Jews are responsible for everything, even the nasty rash I’m developing down in my nether regions.” or, “Lets go start a war against Israel in Syria even if they don’t want us to.”

No I actually like what the Iraqi government just said about homosexuality, so don’t go to Iraq for a holiday, you’ll be in big trouble if you do. What’s wrong with feminists, they still have a lot of work to do in some countries that still treat women like second class citizens. Don’t confuse the weird LGBTQI lesbians that seem to control the feminist movement in western countries with genuine feminists, because those mad purple haired lesbians who hate men are never ever really feminists, they’re just the female equivalents of the closet gay men that favour oppressive systems that treat women like crap, people like you who don’t really like women at all. Here’s an idea, what about you stop reading those damn LGBTQI magazines for a while and actually find out what’s been happening in Syria lately, and no I don’t mean read some more SF, you obviously do too much of that already.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass Americunt morons fail again as I had posted earlier.

New Iraqi PM wears Hezbollah/PMU uniform and praises the Axis of Resistance https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/919dce320652b7cdb147b9369a4af254f7af22aabadc247f084af82e37c94f15.jpg


Good to know he’s not an outright CIA asset. The PM should be the one leading the country’s resistance against Zioterrorist filth invaders.

Zionism = EVIL

Like I had posted earlier when the dumbass Americunts and Jew cunts were jumping up and down, he has spent most of his youth in Iran in exile from the moron Saddam and is a devout Shia and has members of his family who have settled in Iran and one of his nephews got a PhD from an Iranian university and teaches there. In any case, Iran and Iraq are linked by blood, history, religion, culture and just about everything else so any government not allied to Iran can not last an hour. Iranian defence minister was the first to pay him a visit and offered that Iran train and arm the Iraqi armed forces.


Grea,t now drive those US occupiers out of your Country.


This is for the mongoloid kebaps that like to come here and read some real news instead of the shit they get in Erdoganistan :



According to international sources, Russia handed over a squadron of at least six MiG-29 fighter jets to Assad. There is no official announcement from Russia on this issue. However, it is worth noting that relatively recently the Israeli army attacked the Syrian air base, where the presence of MiG-29 aircraft of the Syrian air force was confirmed. Russian experts say that in fact, Moscow is strengthening Damascus by supplying it with additional warplanes due to the impending war on Syrian and Turkish soil against theTurkish forces and their isis / Al Qaeda allies.


They will give them MiGs and we will destroy them, fair deal.


And why would Israel want to get involved in the Turkish invasion of Syria. Does Turkey work for Israel, your remark suggests it does.


I’m tired of explaining myself to people who live in some kind of a fantasy world, but I’ll do it again. The SAA is currently planning an offensive in Daraa which I’m fine with it because it’s their own internal problem, BUT guess who decided to join the party? the Iranian militias that came closer to our border. So, one of the two things will happen – either the SAA remove all the Iranian militias including Hezbollah from our border area, or we will do it ourselves which means targeting both Syrian and Iranian targets and trust me, they will be hit hard. It’s their call, if it helps Turkey then I’m fine with it.

Zionism = EVIL

PUNK hasbara kid attention seek :)

Swift Laggard II

whoever pays you should slash your pay by half until you start writing realistic and credible stuff. for now your trash is boring


No one is paying me, you can ignore it but it won’t change anything.

Zionism = EVIL

Zionist cunts are given a canned hasbara memo every day and most are unemployed, students, punks, pensioners etc and do not have the brains to post original stuff, just one dimensional propaganda and that is why Zionist cancer is in death throes.


hahahaha You are as dumb as your turkisis boyfriends!


There WERE no fucking Iranians IN Syria before the US Anglo/Zionist war against the Country,but you already know that don’t you?


I know they weren’t there, thus we didn’t have to strike in Syria. Now it has changed, whatever the reasons are we won’t let it continue.


hahah yeah right!

You are a jew. All you can kill is children with slings and old people on wheel chairs! STFU.


Luckily not all Greeks are as dumb as you.


Not by flying over Syrian airspace you won’t.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran hasn’t reduced its forces inside Syria, but increased them : official

Hossein Amir Abdallahian, the Special Assistant to the President of the Iranian Parliament for International Affairs, revealed on Sunday, the fact that Iranian forces have not been withdrawn from Syria but more consolidated, describing Iranian-Syrian relations as strategic. He also stated that cooperation with Russia is at its peak and will grow even more closer as the two nations share the similar regional and world view.


Muslims can be easily fooled it seems cause they only like violence and lack thinking capability due to their low iq which is caused by marrying cousins and sisters lol :D


This always happen beacause of high staff abuse of dominant economic positions on both sides. Meaning that the corruption ties were broken somewhere.


How long can Makhlouf expect to stay out of prison or continue wearing his head? A baron who insults and disobeys the King needs strong support from other barons. Does he have that?

The Man

“Have done to unto yourself what you have done to others (for the past 15 years)”… This is the phrase that springs to mind when you consider that this illiterate and dopey country bumpkin controls 60% of the Syrian economy??????? Me thinks that President Assad has received instructions from Russia to clean up the corrupt economy, starting with Makhlouf. About time too! He’s still in Syria and it will be virtually impossible to escape. His accounts are obviously frozen in Moscow where he holds 7.2 billion dollars (according to the Russian authorities). He is fighting a losing battle and the more he blabs, the more he’ll be digging his own grave. Why he’s still free, I have no idea. He is a corrupt business man and I think Assad should do what Bonesaw Salman did, when he got ten’s of billions of dollars in the space of a couple of weeks, out of his corrupt Saudi relatives.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Russia thought Rami was their man in Syria until they realized Rami plays both sides against each other. If Asma hadn’t started up her own telecom company Iran would now be listening in on all the private phone calls between Russia and Syria, and I don’t think the Russians liked that idea, or the fact that Syria doesn’t control it’s own territory of Deir ez Zor anymore, between the US and Iran that governorate is no longer a part of Syria, thanks to some more of Rami’s sweet deals for Iran.

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