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MARCH 2025

Tel Aviv Believes That Best Present Is War. Israeli Warplanes Pound Damascus Countryside (Photos, Video)

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Early on December 30, an Israeli strike targeted an air-defense site of the Syrian Air Defense Force in the northwestern outskirts of the capital Damascus.

The targeted air-defense site is located on the Habil mountain, near Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley. A statement by the Ministry of Defense of Syria said several missiles launched from Israel’s Upper Galilee struck the site.

“At exactly 1:30 a.m. today, the Israeli enemy carried out an air assault with bursts of rockets [launched] from Upper Galilee, targeting a unit of our air defense in the Habil mountain in the Damascus countryside,” the statement reads. “Our air defense means intercepted some of the aggression’s missiles, which resulted in the fall of a martyr, the wounding of three soldiers, and material losses.”

A Syrian military source told Newsweek journalist Tom O’Conner that the targeted unit was monitoring Israeli planes flying over the Bekaa valley.

Less than a week ago, the Israeli Air Force carried out a series of pinpoint airstrikes on a military research facility in the central Syrian governorate of Hama.

These strikes are a f Israel’s “War-Between-Wars” campaign, which started in the mid-2000s and ramped up after the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2011. The campaign is meant to push Iran and its allies out from Syria as well as to prevent them from developing offensive capabilities.

During the past years, Israeli strikes led to serious human and material losses on Syria. Nevertheless, they are yet to achieve their main objectives.


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The Objective

Israel should pound Hezbollah directly. They should bomb Hezbollah targets in Syria relentlessly. In fact, the IDF should declare a hot war on Hezbollah in Syria. Bomb them in such ways that they cannot afford to maintain strategic patience. Hezbollah is currently divided over Syria. Many Hezbollah members say they won’t fight in Syria. Should this become a hot war between Hezbollah and Israel in Syria, there is ample reason to believe that the Hezbollah movement will fracture.

Arman Melkonyan

How do you think the Israelis knew where Iranian general Soleimani was?

Putin the Jew shares intelligence with the Jews. The current Bolshevik administration in power in Russia enabled the Jews to arrange the shooting down of Russian aircraft already killing all the goyim Russian officers on board WITHOUT retaliating: https://apnews.com/article/49ff908bba924ee1a43b5a6db3917bcd

Arman Melkonyan

Interesting points. So now go ahead and tell me how Israel knows where the Iranian or Hezbollah installations in Syria are, in addition to where secret Syrian systems are found. The Iraqis are telling them?

Joe Bloggs

Armenians are telling them

Arman Melkonyan

And Putin the Jew lets the Jews bomb and kill his Syrian ALLIES.

Got it, boss.

Joe Bloggs

Sore Armenian – You got your ass kicked out of N-K – Because your leader is a coward hiding in a cellar. Rather shutup and behave or the turks might come for round two


S-300 ? lol

A piece of junk …. what’s it done?

Jim Allen

MoD Shoigu in no way went over Putin’s head. He did express his displeasure at Putin’s handling of the incident, and essentially countermanded that. Gave a detailed account of IAF stupidity, as the latest version of S-300 was being loaded onboard Il-76 cargo planes. Also sending a piece of “Not For Export” technology along with it. Putin did what a good leader does, he defers to the General in command of Russian defenses, it’s his job to respond to pretender treachery. General Shoigu was also correct. At the end of the press conference Putin asked about the piece of technology, Shoigu replied it was on board. Putin kinda’ smiled, shrugged his shoulders, and that was it. In US that would’ve ended the General’s career instantly. But then US is not well led. The rest of that bullshit is exactly that. Russia is a long time ally of Iran, and Syria, Putin doesn’t rule these countries, manipulate, intimidate Russia’s allies. He’s held up delivery of certain weapons systems that weren’t necessary, and are still not necessary to defend Syria, Iran, and now Iraq. But not without the agreement of the leaders of these countries. You must have Russia confused with US. In the beginning Putin tried to maintain a balance of weapons between the belligerent’s, but that has changed over time. There is no evidence Putin is “working for Israel.” Stupid ducking thing to say. Russia does not want war. Russia isn’t fighting Syria’s war for Syria, Syria is. Russia is doing what it signed on to do, give military assistance, and a damn good job of it. As a world power Russia is the natural choice to lead. This conflict isn’t limited to the Middle East, it’s worldwide, and must be addressed at that level if a successful outcome is desired

Evan Vokes

Russia was paralyzed in Syria till the US and kurds vanquished ISIS Israels still flies with impunity Remember when wagners army got uppity after isis was vanquished… happy BRRRRPDay


Well said.

Rhodium 10

Israel only attack SAA because with the excuse of Hezbollah..IDF support FSA terrorist proxies like Turkey and Western countries….while Israel from time to time attack SAA…Turkey and USA protect FSA terrorist nests ( Idlib and Al Tanf)…both know that “moderates” can change their clothes to ISIS one whenever they want…


SAA aren’t targeted / Assad isn’t targeted … or they’d be DEAD

IRGC / Hezbollah / Shia Brigades are the targets with their weapons stores …. no mass casualties yet … eh? lol


I doubt what you are saying about Hez. As for going after Lebanon, yeah right. They tried that in 2006.


It’s 2021 …. hello?


December 30 , 2020 …………. and if you have been following what has been developing, even the former Mosad folks who talk about it, admit that Israel is basically screwed. So, say what you want and we will see what happens.


I’m seeing what’s happening by the IDF whenever they deem it necessary … hello?

ALL without a response from their enemies …


Fog of War

” It’s 2021 …. hello? ”

Yet all we hear about is about WW2, evil Nazis, and the holohoax . Maybe the Khazars should take your advice.


Your daddy or grandpa were around for WW II … ask them about it

Which side were they on?

I’m interested …


Fog of War

Beautiful example of Khazar deflection. Your response totally avoids the point in my comment. Bravo sir, bravo.

BTW: My grandparents were on the side that helped your ungrateful brethren. Biggest mistake they could have made.



YOU just said your grandparents fought in WWII … if so they were witness to the Holocaust … hello?

What was YOUR alleged point?


You should ask your father or grandpa about WWII … see how much of a hoax it was … that depends on their situation during / after the war … eh?

If they were in Eastern Europe … it’s a difficult conversation … eh?


Mark M. Nobelman

This fool is ridiculous talking about losses as if they were gains. They are getting daily butchered by the IDF




Hezbollah won’t fight in Syria lol!! who told you that the SOHR? they know if they don’t fight in Syria they will have to fight in Lebanon


Mass casualties aren’t necessary … yet

When war comes in Lebanon ….

200,000 Dead Lebanese in the first 48 hrs




Google translate defective?

Your internet slow …. and not running well in your hovel ?




The Lebanese will be buried …

Is that easier to understand mo?



I’m not in Lebanon or Israel … hello?


We wait for them to make the first move Objective.

John Brown

Israel is terrified of Hezbollah and Iran. Israel will lose to either of them them in any war conventional war now and be totally destroyed in any nuclear war Israel starts and Israel knows it.

Racist supremacist Israel needs, as racist supremacist Jew Henry Kissenger calls them, their stupid animal beast slave Goyim USSA soldiers to do the fighting for them, only it won’t work this time as the USSA will lose a war against Iran as well.

Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor is Hezbollah’s and Iran’s nuclear weapon against Israel. They have nuclear parity with Israel because of this reactor.

Its why Iran doesn’t need or want nuclear weapons. Dimona will give off massive amounts of radioactivity for years maybe decades when it is destroyed leaving much of israel un-inhabital for some time.

Just look at Chernobyl or the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disasters. The no go zones around both are still bigger then Israel.

If Israel your and so called superior master Jewish race had any brains they would dismantle the reactor for this reason alone.

I bet Hezbollah and Iran each have at least 150 missiles aimed at this reactor. The plutonium, uranium etc., will be blasted to bits for maximum nuclear fallout and radioactive contamination of all of Israel.

I wonder if Israel’s leaders are as stupid as you not to realize such things. when they decide to attack Iran with nuclear weapons to understand they will be committing suicide either way .

In a conventional war Israel will be defeated and the Palestinians will rise up and overthrow them as in the video below.

As you are so eager for war and death why don’t you volunteer to fight for Israel on the front lines or are you a Zio chicken hawk?


The Objective

If you are so sure Israel will lose in any war with Iran, why don’t the Iranian nation attack Israel then? Why don’t you retaliate for the ongoing assault on your forces? Waiting for the right time? That’s a laugh and you know it. Iran is being weakened by the day. Soleimin, Fakhrazadeh, and many other officers of the Qods force and IRGC have died already. Your enemies are far more determined to deal you a blow than they had ever been. Iran is fast losing credibility even among its supporters. What Iran is doing is avoiding conflict at all cost, and the whole world can see it. That means the Iranians aren’t so confident in their ability to defend Iran as they proclaim. There’s nothing about choosing when and where to fight. The war is already on. What you are doing is refraining from retaliation in the hope the things will get back to normal. If you think the war has not began, then look at Syria, Iraq, and even within Iran. The sabotage bombings, assassinations, sanctions, harassment, etc. Mouthy cowards.

Arman Melkonyan

Russia is Syria’s ALLY? Unfettered Israeli bombing of Russia’s ALLY impedes the military effectiveness of RUSSIA’S ALLY? Russia DOES NOT PREVENT the bombing and killing of RUSSIAN ALLIES?

When Russia could, simply by politely ASKING the Israelis to stop it?

But Russia simply doesn’t do this even though the Israelis caused the shooting down of a Russian reconnaissance aircraft in Syria killing all Russian officers on board?

Putin the Jew and the Jewish Bolsheviks in power in Russia not only BETRAY Russia’s allies but RUSSIANS THEMSELVES.

Arman Melkonyan

That’s an older version which is USELESS against modern Israeli jets, without data sharing with the sophisticated Russian radar installations serving the Russian S-400 system in Syria.


Full of sh Xt … anti-Judaism Hater … lol

The Russian plane was knocked out by Syrian anti-missiles firing indiscriminately … incompetent Arab operators … LMAO

Israel isn’t attacking Assad or he’d be dead and his regime destroyed … hello?

Israel attacks IRGC / Hezbollah / Shia Brigades … without stop

F/kn useless anti-Judaism Hater … if the Armenians raise a finger against the Jewish People … they’ll feel the same wrath … eh?

Make My Day !!!


There were Russian troops sleeping near by … totally UNHURT

The IDF is after the Russians or Assad … just IRGC/Hezbollah/Shia Brigades

The IDF is on a mission they will not be stopped ….


Purin isn’t jewish and the Bolsheviks don’t rule Russia,in fact there have been no Bolsheviks for decades,get your head out of that 1020s time warp.

Fog of War

” Hell even if the US told them to stop they still would not. ”

We both know ZioAmerica doesnt dare tell Israhell what to do.

Fog of War

” until some slabs it back in the face. ”

However, its not very comforting to know that the three world powers, China, Russia, and the US, are all afraid of doing that for some reason.


Where is russia’s air defences? I thought they were the best air defence systems in the world.

Arman Melkonyan

Russians are ruled by Jews like Putin himself: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/02/trump-putin-kosher-nostra.html?m=1

Furkan Sahin

Gaddafi and Houthis is much better than Putin


The key to unerstand this is the muted reaction by Syia and Russia. These raids are publicity stunts and have been completely ineffective as to their stated purpose, which the article highlighted. It´s a long game and when moves are made, permenant changs occur. Little hits like this are nothing. Now they know more about the Israeli tactics and capabilities as a result of each one of these actions. This is while Russia, Syria and others barely show their hand. My take. A good new year to you.


Denial … Deflection is all you got sluggo

Syria & Russia are EMBARRASSED … not NO ISRAELIS ARE BRAGGING … hello?

Netanyahu/Kochavi aren’t bragging

Your crew will be scorched … burnt to a crisp ….


The Future is About to Land …


Try telling that to the dead and wounded Syrians,they should have hit Israel with Ballistic missiles a long time ago.


If they attempted to do so … Syria would be smoking heap of rubble …. hello?

John Brown


Israel is terrified of Hezbollah and Iran. Israel will lose to either of them them in any conventional war now and be totally destroyed in any nuclear war Israel starts and Israel knows it.

Racist supremacist Israel needs, as racist supremacist Jew Henry Kissenger calls them, their stupid animal beast slave Goyim USSA soldiers to do the fighting for them, only it won’t work this time as the USSA will lose a war against Iran as well.

Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor is Hezbollah’s and Iran’s nuclear weapon against Israel. They have nuclear parity with Israel because of this reactor.

Its why Iran doesn’t need or want nuclear weapons. Dimona will give off massive amounts of radioactivity for years maybe decades when it is destroyed leaving much of israel un-inhabital for some time.

Just look at Chernobyl or the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disasters. The no go zones around both are still bigger then Israel.

If Israel your and so called superior master Jewish race had any brains they would dismantle the reactor for this reason alone.

I bet Hezbollah and Iran each have at least 150 missiles aimed at this reactor. The plutonium, uranium etc., will be blasted to bits for maximum nuclear fallout and radioactive contamination of all of Israel.

I wonder if Israel’s leaders are as stupid as you not to realize such things. when they decide to attack Iran with nuclear weapons to understand they will be committing suicide either way .

In a conventional war Israel will be defeated its economy its economic and military infrastructure destroyed, oil refineries, water plants electrical generation plants airports military bases, air strips any fighters and bombers on the ground and their storage facilities weapons stored etc. which are all very large and very flamable and the Palestinians will then rise up and overthrow them as in the video below when Israel’s weapons of enslavement have been destroyed.

As you are so eager for war and death why don’t you volunteer to fight for Israel on the front lines or are you a Zio chicken hawk?



Seems to me you’re a sponsor / promoter of Hezbollah / Iranian acts of war … that’s your focus

Israel not only has offensive weapons systems … they have a 4-tier defensive Anti-Missile System in place … hello?

Your Dimona Reactor ‘poison pill’ is your own ‘clever’ idea? As if … The Jews/ Zionists/ Israelis haven’t an answer? C’mon Man!

Lebanon and Iran are NAKED … no defense … only offensive weapons … lol

Israel has ICBM’s as well … lol

Air Force with F-35’s and F-16’s … Subs with multi-warhead cruise missiles … Drone technology recently used in N-K war … a Navy … and troops trained move into Lebanon and Syria … hello?

Should the Pals ‘rise up’ they’ll be slaughtered mercilessly … eh?

Braggart … if the Iranians are so ‘tough’ why haven’t they responded to over 200 attacks in Syria / the killings of the Nuke guy and Al Qaeda #2 in Iran as well as those pesky explosions at Nuclear sites … hello?

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis don’t brag … they ‘Just Do It’ … lol

I’m a Canadian … I’m just here to tell YOU …

The Future is About to Land …


John Brown

Nice try Zio.

Seems to me you’re a sponsor / promoter of Hezbollah / Iranian acts of war … that’s your focus.

Your typical Zio racist supremacist comment shows me Israel and the alleged master superior race are doomed to total defeat.

When confronted with the truth you claim it is treason or supporting the other side. Every army and empire that failed had such attitudes.

If Hezbollah is so weak why does not Israel invade according to the Yinon plan???

Israel not only has offensive weapons systems … they have a 4-tier defensive Anti-Missile System in place … hello?

Israel can’t even shoot down rockets from Hamas on the Gaza strip.

Drones in the NK war are garbage and only worked because Armenia under Soros leadership had no air defense.

When the USSA sends their best drones to Iran, they are reprogramed and captured by Iran or shot down.


Yinon Plan? That’s your BS … you’re attempting to feed me? lol

Hezbollah/IRGC/Shia Brigades are the enemy I’m referring to … they’re getting smacked by the IDF again and again inside Syria WITHOUT a response … the paper tiger is silent …. but remains bellicose … lol

Your information about Hamas rockets is FAKE NEWS … hello?

Israel invented Drone warfare … they’ve been buzzing over a Gaza for decades …. lol

The latest up to date Drones will be featured in the next war …

Iran and it’s allies are doomed … Inshallah

John Brown

I get all my info about the racist supremacist global Jewish Zio slave empire dictatorship from the Israeli media especially the ones written in Hebrew. None of it is my words.

I guess the Israeli media, government etc., according to you are fake news anti Jewish and full of hate????


An Israeli army tank hit two Hamas military positions in the northern Gaza Strip on Wednesday afternoon in retaliation for three rockets that were fired at Israel minutes earlier, the Israeli military said in a statement.

The Hof Ashkelon Regional Council announced that one of the rockets landed in a greenhouse in one of the communities within its jurisdiction, causing no damage nor injuries. A second rocket landed in another community within the regional council, with one home damaged lightly by shrapnel, the council’s spokesman said. So the the Hebrew journal Kivunim is fake news and anti Jewish

Yinon Plan

The term Yinon Plan refers to an article published in February 1982 in the Hebrew journal Kivunim (“Directions”) entitled ‘A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s’.[1] Kivunim was a quarterly periodical[2] dedicated to the study of Judaism and Zionism which appeared between 1978 and 1987,[3] and was published by the World Zionist Organization’s department of Information in Jerusalem.[4] The article was penned by Oded Yinon, reputedly a former advisor to Ariel Sharon,[5] a former senior official with the Israeli Foreign Ministry[6][7][8][9] and journalist for The Jerusalem Post.[10]

It is cited as an early example of characterizing political projects in the Middle East in terms of a logic of sectarian divisions.[11] It has played a role in both conflict resolution analysis by scholars who regard it as having influenced the formulation of policies adopted by the American administration under George W. Bush,[12] and also in conspiracy theories according to which the article either predicted or planned major political events in the Middle East since the 1980s, including the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the overthrowing of Saddam Hussein, the Syrian Civil War and the rise of the Islamic State. The claim has been made that Yinon’s article was adopted by members of the Institute for Zionist Strategies in the American administration until it was putatively taken up as a way to further American interests in the Middle East, as well as achieving the Jewish dream of a state “from the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates”, encompassing the majority of the Middle East, as written in the Hebrew Bible.[13]

John Brown

The superior air defense can’t even shoot down Hamas rockets some guys make in a garage.

Ha Ha Ha!!! I am laughing at the alleged superior Jewish intellect.


Hey Brown. tratz is an airhead, basically just a zionist cheerleader. We have had so many of them roll in here, kick up some dust and then look like fools down the line. Don´t spend to much time on them. They don´t last long. Happy New Year.

John Brown

Well someone made a lot of money charging for an air defense that is totally useless.


Israel’s military says it attacked positions in the Gaza Strip following rocket fire from the area.

Two rockets were fired into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip late on Saturday, the Israeli army said, although there were no immediate reports of casualties or any damage.


Al Jazeera … Qatar a Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece?

No casualties … they were intercepted by Iron Dome … the IDF responded with destruction of 3 Hamas training sites and a tunnel

The US tested Iron Dome … they purchased 2 so far and taken possession of 1

John Brown

Ha!! what a joke you are.Hamas rockets landed in a green house no interceptions.

So Harettz is pro Hezbollah/IRGC/Shia Brigades?????????

A second rocket landed in another community within the regional council, with one home damaged lightly by shrapnel,

Harretz said so!!!!!!!!!

The Hof Ashkelon Regional Council announced that one of the rockets landed in a greenhouse in one of the communities within its jurisdiction, causing no damage nor injuries. A second rocket landed in another community within the regional council, with one home damaged lightly by shrapnel, the council’s spokesman said.

So the the Hebrew journal Kivunim and Harettz are fake news and anti Jewish???????????????????



Poor demented fool …

YOU suggest these were from last week but no dates or citing the web address?

Poor demented fool …

It will hurt when your Shia dreams are dashed in a pile of rubble …



But so would Israel….hello?


Israel will be standing because they have an active 4 tier anti-middle system … INTEL .. and will not wait to be attacked

Syria is a failed state … it can’t defend itself and Russia won’t be defending them … Russia will be defending their own interests NOT Assad’s / NOT Iran’s

The next war will witness a blitzkreig never before seen … eh?

It’s coming … be aware … it’s inevitable … Iran is an implacable enemy


Hey Cromwell. You have been here a while and know how it rolls. The ´Resistence´ doesn´t do things that way. They wait for something worthwhile and then send the fear of God into these guys. Like when they shot down the Isreali F-16 and around the same time a brand new F-35 came home damaged due to a ´bird strike´. The examples are plentiful. The ballistic missile lesson was drilled home to Israel when a few years back Islamic Jihad in Gaza, launched a few of them that flew all the way across Israel, flying unscathed right through their air defenses. They landed on targets, blowing up stuff and killing Israelis. The Zio posters in here don´t even remember that stuff and never comment on it when they do.

So, in the real world of real politik, points are made, stuff gets blown to pieces and then the Resistence moves on the other things. Happy New Years.

John Brown

Yes exactly!




Russia’s air defences have not been deployed,and those missiles were launched from Israel,they were not overflying Syria.



Where are their AMS’s …. they can’t hit a thing … they’re NAKED !

Fog of War

” those missiles were launched from Israel,they were not overflying Syria. ”

So if I shoot you from across the street, instead of your yard, that makes everything ok ?

Evan Vokes

So your saying that the Russian radars are of limited range Interesting physics they must have

Evan Vokes

Looking forward to the next round of IDF videos even UAE got Pantzir prizes with rafeals.


again, the jews in palestine must be sorted, i.e. kicked all the way to kingdom come, never to return. there is no need for these jews in today’s society and they have forfeited the right to be part of mankind.


Are you wearing your ruby red slippers?



Rhodium 10

They have attacked a warehouse with weapons…nothing special because there are many warehouse with a large amount of ammunition stored!…SAA have captured thousands of gas canister and mortar&tank artillery….Israel cannot destroy Al Kiswah heavy bunkers because needs to fly high over Damascus to drop heavy antibunker bombs and planes can be shot down…cruise missile, air to ground missile and ground to ground ballistic missile are useless vs that Bunkers!..


They hit the caves where they were stored … slug

This is the ‘war between wars’ 100’s of missions per day by 50 F-35’s and hundreds of F-16’s will wipe the launch sites from the World … along with 200,000 dead Lenin the first 48 hours …


I could give a sh Xt … f/k y’all



So many strikes shows us Israel threatens its neighbours far more than Iran or Hezbollah.


Cool … I’m ok with it

The Lebanese proclaim:

WE ARE ALL HEZBOLLAH and allowed them access to their homes / villages for missile storage and launches … eh?

200,000 Dead Lebanese in the first 48 hours


Evan Vokes

Seems to be that Israel knocked out the SAA command bunker in 2013. the fireworks were something else enjoy your fantasy

Rhodium 10

Pro israeli israel propagande use to exagerate IAF attacks…accord SANA news one air defense unit have been hit and 3 soldiers wounded 1 killed…if they would have hit an operative vehicle all soldiers inside would have been killed!..


They’re not after mass casualties yet …. lol

Only IRGC/Hezbollah/Shia Brigades … so far

The big one is coming ….

The Future is About to Land …


According to the article, Israel has been at this for around 15 years, resulting in an ever more dangerous environment for their aircraft, a well as their military and citizens in general. Good work fellas.


there is an accumulation of ill-will towards the jews in palestine and that ill-will spells an early demise of the jew’s illegal occupation of palestine is unavoidable. so the world can look forward to a middle east free from jews and then the jews in the diaspora, the embedded quislings, will soon follow.


There is no Ashkenazi who is descended from anyone from the Middle East region or else their DNA would not be completely lacking any trace of Middle Eastern genes.

Bernie Sanders: 97.7% Ashkenazi https://ethnicelebs.com/bernie-sanders

Alan Dershowitz: 98.5% Ashkenazi https://ethnicelebs.com/alan-dershowitz

Evan Vokes

Helen for Yemen, your profit says you are 100% raisin head your science is astrology

Evan Vokes

Might I suggest that you try focus your anger on david wood on youtube You will feel a lot better when you realize you are fighting for a man of hate

Evan Vokes

People are sick of the rapist profit.Every where his phony book goes, misery and death follow. Doubt if iran could raise a volunteer army to attack israel as the people hate the lying mullahs


‘phony book’?

YOU mean the Koran?


Can’t YOU read?

They IDF hit exactly what they wanted to hit …. without ANY LOSSES … hello?

The IRGC / Hezbollah had stored precision missiles and other arms got transshipment to Lebanon … Santa won’t be delivering them … LMAO



Don’t exaggerate. If the purpose was achieved, why do they need to do this again and again? They did a lot more in Lebanon 1982 and 2006. What do they have to show for it now?


This is the ‘war between wars’ … hello?

Those wars ended WITHOUT a surrender by the enemy … the next war will be decisive … the IDF Chief Kochavi has drawn up the plans for Victory … this will end Hezbollah in Lebanon …

200,000 Dead Lebanese in the first 48 hours

The Lebanese allowed Hezbollah to put launchers in homes / villages et al


The Future is About to Land …


You make no sense. I know Jews inbreed because they only want to marry Jews. The most obvious consequence is dimwit children. This could be a valid explanation. Other possible explanation is you got butthurt.


non sequitur


Keep dreaming.




Sorry I woke you up to reality.

Christine H. Farlow







Bunker being dug deeper and deeper …



The entity has been sliding rapidly in military power despite the infusion of billions in US dollars and the best US military weapons. Today, the entity is in 5th place behind … 1. Egypt in 1st place and 60 percent stronger than the entity.

2. Turkey in 2nd place and 50 percent stronger than the entity.

3. Iran in 3rd place and 40 percent stronger than the entity.

4. Saudi in 4th place and slightly stronger than the entity.

5. The entity is in 5th place and was in 3rd place only a year ago.



Please enlighten me,who is behind GFP?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s not just the size of your arsenal that matters, having a lot of loyal friends you can bring to the fight is even more important in some ways. Economic and diplomatic relations aren’t properly taken into account when these list are made, it’s ok to have the fastest race car in the race but if you don’t have a reliable co driver, expert pit crew, access to spare parts, you’re not going to perform as well as these simple list imply you will.



Evan Vokes

The entity has professional soldiers the rest have conscripts with miserable lives. its like sending sad children to war Saudi is so strong that the Houtis are kicking them in the teeth


The European Jew in Palestine were promised guaranteed that they will have the best weapons that are not available to the Arabs. They call that the “qualitative edge” If Somalia were guaranteed the most advanced weapons that no other African country has, Somalia can easily defeat all the African countries. The Zionist entity, despite the infusion of US billions and the best Us weapons, has been sliding down in military power.

Evan Vokes

It will not be long for you to try this out because you hate the weapon imbalance is astronomical but its not the first time that dummies have died for nothing eating sand. The only qualitative differnce out of western arsenals is the F35 but the house of sand could not press a victory with the most advanced of weapons when your average iq is 80, you cant be an effective army, just a bunch of thugs




Tell that to the IRGC/ Hezbollah/ Shia Brigades in Syria …. lol

2 Squadrons of F-35’s STEALTH bombers … eh?

Somalia? lol


You’re attempting to compare apples and oranges … hello?

The Arabs have attacked and been defeated …. they not anxious for more blows … eh?

Witness the paper tiger hasn’t attempted any RETRIBUTION on Israel despite getting beat over the head … nightly? lol

Your chart is a bloated mess of Arab futility … it reminds me of the film … ‘300’ … which depicted the mighty Persian Empire attacking Greece … defended by 300 Spartans … eh?

Millions of so-called ‘invincibles’ and other mercenaries attacked … eh?





Photoes of crying Jews

Evan Vokes

Cartoon of the rapist profit . . . . . . . Yup, hes that white


I’m keeping score … eh?

Whose winning so far?

The Arabs are doing the crying ya f/kn lowlife slug


Yes we are ready for a war, just need the trigger.

Rhodium 10

You cannot avoid Palestinian rockets..imagine when a barrage of daily Irani ballistic missile hit israel..

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Nevertheless, they are yet to achieve their main objectives.”

Maybe they haven’t achieved their main objective but they’re doing everything else they said they would, and even a constant drip of innoxious water becomes unbearable torture after a while, and it’s been dripping for a while now, sadly the the Syrians are copping some of the splash back as well.

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