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MARCH 2025

Tel Aviv Sends Another Threat To Damascus As Syrian Forces Retake Another Chunk Of Border With Jordan

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On July 9, Syrian government forces liberated a large chunk of the border with Jordan in the southern Daraa countryisde retaking the area between the border points of 29 and 35. Earlier, government troops took control of the villages of Khrab al-Shahm, Zaizoun and Tal Shihab.

While Syrian forces are rapidly advancing against militants, the Israeli leadership has send another threat to the Damascus government.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that his country will “respond harshly” to any attempts by the Syrian military to enter the demilitarized area in the Golan Heights.

“For our part, we will sanctify the 1974 disengagement agreement and there too we will insist that every last letter be abided by, and any violation will meet a harsh response from the State of Israel,” Lieberman said speaking in parliament.

Last night, warplanes of the Israeli Air Force carried out an airstrike on targets in Syria’s T-4 airbase in the central province of Homs. The General Command of the Syrian Arab Army said that Syrian forces had intercepted several missiles and targeted an Israeli warplane. However, some Israeli missiles hit targets in the base.

The Israeli side says that no of its warplanes were hit.

Tel Aviv Sends Another Threat To Damascus As Syrian Forces Retake Another Chunk Of Border With Jordan

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leon mc pilibin

They think the isis held lands are theirs,but they will have a big surprise if they attack Syrian and Russian forces.


Just tell the Israelis they will get the Iranians and Hezbollah to join in if Israel try to be funny. Then they will listen

leon mc pilibin

The israhelli child killers are scared shitless of Hezbollah alone,never mind IRAN,,lol,,Hezbollah kicked their asses out of lebanon,,and they wont ever forget that beating.


Stupid Israelis …

Syria has the right even under the agreement to clear those areas of threats from terrorists as well as Israeli terrorists.


Terrorstate Israhell , the worst neighbor around

Dušan Mirić

Send them answer in a Iskander missile.

Gregory Casey

Is Syria not entitled under the United Nations Charter to take full possession of the entirety of its Territory and assert its Rights as a Sovereign Nation? Am I missing something in what has been said by Lieberman & BiBi? And speaking of International Law, would Lieberman & Israeli Government please explain the Legal Basis for their air-attack on the Territory of a Sovereign Nation? Clearly, Israelis have no regard for International Law with their constant and consistently illegal & violent interventions in Syria and accordingly, Syria is not bound by anything. Israel has supported and engaged in a wholly illegal War against the Syrian Sovereign State throughout the past 7 years. Now, Israel has the eternal gall to warn Syria that it neither infringe upon nor enter on to its own Territories in the Golan? Fuxk Off BiBi!!

ريتاج السلفية

Syrian Arab Army should pull down weapons and defect to ISIS in order to achieve peace.


shaddap bitch troll

ريتاج السلفية

You can conquer whole south and your so called Israel but we are not going to give you Idlib back.


We just take it fool


Who the hell is talking about having you give it back? The SAA and Hezbullah will just kick your puny asses back to Daddy Israel where you can convert to Judaism and that will be the end of you altogether– thank God! Now do yourself a favor and fuck off you murdering maggot.

ريتاج السلفية

We are kicking yours https://youtu.be/iB1uW0wGpUk?t=38s


You are a dog, shit terrorist, paid for by the US and Israel, you find your God in a mental hospital, before Hezbollah will blow up your ass, you sold to sion.



ريتاج السلفية

My Dawla [Islamic state] is remaining, firing at the enemy. Its soldiers shout that it is remaining [baqiya]. Its path will not be eliminated, its light seeks to expand From a glorious God, thus removing darkness. Its rain is like the clouds, raining down with spears On the gatherings of the dogs and the misguided enemy. Through the iron, the swords have given rise to honourable deeds, Having awoken a sleepy Ummah from slumber. Oh people of error, it [the Dawla] is remaining, not vanishing, Anchored like the mountains, anchored, anchored. It has not bowed down like the slaves, its might is like iron. Its zealous lions will revive our glory. Its faithful soldiers have built the edifice, High in the sky, high, high. So it [the edifice] has become unable to be harmed, lofty as the clouds,* Elevated to Excellence, the pinnacle in the sky. The Dawla of the believers is the fortress of the Muslims. Its strength will not grow soft, its fire protects. It has exploded their [the infidels’] hearing, made their tears flow, Its strong wind has dispersed their gatherings. It has killed them by the thousands and led them to their deaths, With bloody armour, swords and knives. How much blood it has made to flow in the path of defiance! For the banner has transformed into a mast for on high. By an illuminating book [the Qur’an] and weapons that give victory,To the Almighty God it has been calling. My Dawla, indeed it is the saved sect. Its soldiers shout: remaining, remaining. https://youtu.be/Le2kuVPDK6U


Yes you will. Why do you think they’re collecting all of you in one place?

To feed you tea and scones????

ريتاج السلفية

Most of the sources claim that a secret deal was made with the reprensetatives from Turkey and Syria to not attack Idlib.


I don’t care if Turkey takes whole Syria or Syria takes whole Turkey. The main problem is terrorism that have started by US, Europe, Israel in Middle East and butchering nations there and then trying to divide their countries. We struggling to unite them and these terrorist leaderships dividing them.

Rüdiger Preiss

Dream on :D!

Feudalism Victory

They traded depth for time only question is was it the correct one can they defend to a standstill(or advance again) with the benefit of extra time.

Id bet no. I look forward to some suitable matyrdoms to resolve the issue.


Oh look – – -“Guest!” It’s wimped out ….. :-)) Good and may the rest of his kind follow him.

Rüdiger Preiss

“not going to give Idlib back” – am I missing something here? You don’t have Idlib yourself. But hey, if HTS etc. suddenly changed flag to ISIS, GREAT. That would be the best that could happen and give the SAA & allies all reasons to take it back asap, without the need to wait for what Turkey has to mumble ;)

ريتاج السلفية

No its not ISIS anymore but a different organisation with the same goal of establishing the Islamic state.

S Melanson

Well aren’t you rude! No dessert for you. Now go to your room, we will deal with you later. Now where is that paddle? Oh yes, Assad is using it on the FSA.

ريتاج السلفية

No actually they are in the same busses with FSA http://i.freegifmaker.me/1/5/3/1/1/6/15311653161226619.gif

ريتاج السلفية

I said there is agreement with Turkey to establish Islamic state in Idlib for them so both sides are happy, why would they allow them their weapons inside the busses which are directed to Idlib?

S Melanson

You are putting your future in the hands of Erdogan! Well that explains the poor terrorists apprehension and fear exhibited in the video.

ريتاج السلفية

There is no other option. Erdogan is a great Muslim and Islamic leader.

S Melanson

No other option? I am very sorry to hear that. Karma sucks. But I do see you are learning how to address your new master; but still not quite there yet:

Erdogan is a Great Muslim and Islamic Leader (TM)

Always follow with TM registered with the Erdogan Ottoman Revival Pipe Dream Project. This will help remind you of what you are signing up for.

ريتاج السلفية

We will see in future there is still chance that Assad will fall and the war will turn again in our favor.

S Melanson

While your fate is ultimately with Allah, your choices still shape your path and to say you have no other option is to once again surrender your free will.

If you truly believe what you say I hope you realize you are once again putting your faith in the bloodied hands of others. You are trading the US/Israel collar for Erdogan. Do you think the outcome will be any different?


You’re just shit, without the money of Israel and the USA your God speaks to you only in the mental hospital.

Feudalism Victory

Wanna be sultan and hitler clone.


Erdogan is a Sunni terrorist himself, he’s evil and the world already know him. He is using his hatred for the Kurds as an excuse to invade Syria and support isis. Erdogan is a dirty liar and he’s dangerous as hell. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B0yYQdbIYAAH6ZS.jpg

ريتاج السلفية

Stop using the word terrorist, only imbeciles here use it. We are not terrorists.

Promitheas Apollonious

true just trash.

Feudalism Victory

History will erase you. It doesnt matter how you self identify.


Not terrorist only, bat mentally ill and puppet of israel.

Gary Sellars

True. Calling ISIS “terrorists” is derogatory to terrorists. You goat-humping fukwitz are too stupid and incapable… still wearing your “L”-plates.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Erdogan is now the First Executive President of Turkey so now he wants to think globaly as in domination.

Feudalism Victory

Nobody agrees with turkey. Its too eager to seize others territory but a part of nato and too big a risk to attack.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Turkey is not a permanent member of NATO and no extension for protection for them as the saying goes they are on their own.

Smith Ricky

Vice versa

Chris P

Yes you will. Eventually, the Turks will fail at governing you, and you will not be able to resolved your problems amongst yourselves peacefully. Eventually, your game will self destruct and Syria will slowly regain its territory. Eventually, you will attack the SAA in the North and they will give you what you deserve instead of stopping. Remember, Russia has 10 000Kilo bombs and they will eventually get used on you. Just for target practice. Many never forgot 911, you Al-Quada supporter. Now you are all in one area, this means easier targets. Good luck against the Tiger Forces, BAMBI.


By saying Peace you mean by Isis cutting there heads off. Your not fooling anybody, Fool.


ISIS, Al-CIADA, Israel are all terrorists losers.

ريتاج السلفية

Not terrorists deal with it. The following criteria of violence or threat of violence fall outside of the definition of terrorism: 1. Wartime (including a declared war) or peacetime acts of violence committed by a Islamic state against another nation state regardless of legality or illegality that are carried out by properly uniformed forces or legal combatants of such nation states. 2. Reasonable acts of self-defense, such as the use of force to kill, apprehend, or punish criminals who pose a threat to the lives of humans or property. 3. Legitimate targets in war, such as enemy combatants and strategic infrastructure that are an integral part of the enemy’s war effort.


It is not possible for Syria and their allies to deal with that shit.

ريتاج السلفية

It is enough to preserve Idlib and leave it in the hands of Mujahideen.


Jihadists and jewishadists are the same brotherhood, what Mujahideen and Mujahideen, ah, ah.


Why don’t you? Then the SAA can drop one of their infamous BARREL bombs on you.


Hey Bruddas. Leave this Jihadi Cuz alone. Be fascinated by him, not insulting him.

Rüdiger Preiss

Mwwwaaahahahahahahahahahahaha!! I didn’t know ISIS had Clowns amongst them?


A jew dream ?

ريتاج السلفية

No but a single Assad assasination and you will see things turning around.


Ehi jihadi, how many times a day do you take off the kippah and put on the turban?

S Melanson

I think you meant to say:

Syrian Arab Army will put down the remnants of a delusional ISIS pocket with weapons that will bring a rain of fire upon them to once and for all disinfect Syrian lands of this menace.


And another ISIL troll bites the dust. I helped to take out Joe Dirt. LOL


Here’s a sobering thought…………….. ALL THE SCUM IN THIS PICTURE ARE DEAD……………………ah, I feel better now !

Kell McBanned

You should all join Hezbollah and fight Israel.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Those whom are Mushrikeen won’t fight for anyone but money so they are takfir.


The child butcher Israeli terrorists left deserted by their worst gangsters of history from US and Europe.


BiBi is a slang Jewish word for sewage–suits the bastard child killer


In Afrikaans (a South African dialect of Dutch) “Net ‘n yahoo” means “Just a yahoo”.

I think it’s safe to say that the attitude of some Americans and some Israelis that their countries are “special” and the normal rules of human behaviour don’t apply to THEM is what pisses off everyone else more than anything else that they do.


I would say that “Net ‘n yahoo” means “Like a yahoo”.


That would be “Nes ‘n yahoo” where “nes” is a shortened version of “net soos”. “Net” means “just” or “only”. Either way, Bibi is just another yahoo.


And this is very well known by Russia.

Smith Ricky

Dont worry brother SAA is prevailing in all aspects no matter how butthurt the mossad gets.


Wait, you’re saying that Syria should go to war with Israel to recover territory, fine. You say Israel shouldn’t make belicose threats regarding Syria’s internal affairs, fine. But you absolutely CANNOT assert both! Either Israel should fear an attack or Israel is a non-factor. What you have just did is often called a rhetorical attack, where the goal is to make other people hostile to your personal foe rather than communicate an argument.

Gary Sellars

Go home, Zio scab…

Joe Kerr

Go jerk off in your mommy’s cistern, you’re wasting your time here.


Your vile ZioNazi ISIS pocket does not need to fear an attack because Assad is not interested in doing “an Israel” i.e. stealing another’s territory. Assad is only interested in recovering his country’s territory, and that includes ALL of the Golan Heights that was STOLEN by that stinking ZioNazi swamp, that putrefying boil defacing the earth.

That ZioNazi garbage dump is interested in balkanising the whole Middle East so it can steal yet more territory.

Gregory Casey

Oh? And clearly you are no ordinary member of the great unwashed populace of the Planet insofar as you have constructed rhetorical questions as answers to the questions I posed!! Is that how low Israeli Intel has fallen? Surely Mossad can construct better arguments than these? Perhaps now!!


Pilots in Saudi Arabia committing suicides. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Richard M

Looks like the Zios will let the Free Salafist Army be overrun and bused out. They want to keep their ISIS Orcs safe and held tightly to their bosom!


Zionist antisemite fuckers fuck off.


Last night what Israeli terrorists have done that is attacked Syria was a confirmed terrorism and this time again Israeli terrorist have send threats to Damascus that we will again do terrorism to protect Syrian Golan Heights. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Is there any idiot leadership in this world to protect and preserve the child butchers Israeli terrorists?

Joe Doe

SAA should clear the whole area west of Daraa and next should clear the ISIS packets and next clear the Idlib province


Don’t worry about Idlib, Aleppo, Raqqa, Hassaka and Deir Ezzor. Syria and their allies will not leave Golan Heights without liberation because Israeli terrorists holding Syrians hostage there.

Promitheas Apollonious

well their turn will come too. One at the time and I am sure Syrians will have a lot of fun with the rainbow army, of the khazars.


What is mean by rainbow army, you mean gay army?

Promitheas Apollonious

that too.

Baron Von MuleBanger

How dare Syria reclaim her lost territory?!

ريتاج السلفية

It is still Syrian territory just not under the bloody power hungry murderer Bashar.


Now this guy is from US or UK but still using Arabic name which we don’t know.

ريتاج السلفية

Idiot im actually Arab and i translate most of these texts from Arabic so good bye bullshit: https://azelin.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/hcca3uracc84s-al-dicc84n-22about-the-martyrdom-of-a-number-of-mujacc84hidicc84n-in-rural-eastern-idlib22.pdf


Yes I got it, all ISIS, AL-CIADA and Israel are Saudis.

ريتاج السلفية

I cant speak for al but ISIS is the only group as far i know which openly criticizes Saudi leadership for selling out the Muslims and pacting with US/Israel.


still sucking jew cock?


Why hasnt Isis ever attacked Israel in all these years – yeah because they are receiving help from them.

ريتاج السلفية

Maybe some parts near its borders and yes they were ceasefire agreements.


ISIS are not only receiving help from Israel but in fact they are Israel.


is it true that one has to suck jew cock to become a full member of isamic state?


Google translate says the name is Salafism is crowned

ريتاج السلفية

9. 7. 2018 To Honorable Muslims, believing countrymen and Mujahideen of Idlib May peace and blessing of Allah be upon you all! I also congratulate you all on the latest Jihadi conquests. Following the launch of offensive operations, the Mujahideen have liberated many district centers and vast areas around. All praise belong to Allah, Allah (SwT) blessed the Mujahideen with steadfastness and perseverance in the face of all enemy offensives and defeated the ruthless and murderous strategy of the Russian and Iranian invaders. May Allah (SwT) accept in His Sight the struggles, sacrifices and martyrdom of martyrs of the believing nation and Mujahideen, may He (SwT) grant the wounded a swift recovery and may He (SwT) bring about the means for the rescue and freedom of the imprisoned Mujahideen, Ameen O Lord of the Worlds!

ريتاج السلفية

My Muslim Brothers and Sisters! Our Jihad against the opressive regime of Assad follows and conforms will all the principles of our religious, intellectual and humanitarian laws. The summary of our outlook is that our Islamic state reserves the right to live a free life under the shade of an Islamic government that adheres to their Islamic ideology. But the arrogant powers of today seek to force their own ideology upon us, retain our country as a military garrison through the means of occupation and usurp our most fundamental right of life (freedom). The invaders have not desisted from any brutality and severity in pursuit of subduing our state. They bomb our, cities, mosques, murder innocent civilians, forcibly displace them. And they have afforded themselves judiciary exemption as well so that they may not be held accountable to anyone. On top of this, they want to spread new provocations, immorality, discrimination and conflicts in the Idlib, loot our precious wealth, create new armed groups for their own colonial goals and seek to use our people as a rival against our neighbors. If the invaders were given the opportunity to succeed in implementing this dangerous policy then the entire region and specifically our own state and people would be embroiled in such misery and hostilities that all pathways of salvation would be lost. The only path to rescuing ourselves from all these calamities is to establish independent, Islamic state. If our Jihad against the British and Soviets was deemed legitimate yesterday then our Jihad against the Russian occupation is similarly lawful and legitimate. There is no logical reason to reject the occupation of yesterday and accept the occupation of today.


Stop selling your rubbish on this website.


Your Islamic State is finished or have you not been following the the countless defeats you have suffered – Syrians dont want your repressive brutal theology imposed on them

ريتاج السلفية

Yes in its original form but it continues to exist the ISIS soldiers joined Nusra or Free army and now they establish new Islamic state in Idlib. Not Baghdadi caliphate but real Islamic state of Muslims for Muslims. And it works well. Various groups are cooperating because they know that fighting each other will lead them nowhere, Nusra + ISIS + FSA coordinated attack on the regime officiers https://youtu.be/iB1uW0wGpUk?t=27s

ريتاج السلفية

See the brave joung generation of Muslims fighting the elder traitors who sold themselves to secular Assad?

Promitheas Apollonious

dont worry a personal meeting with your allah, is arranged as we speak, for you and your brothers and sisters. It be a big party dont miss it.


“demilitarized area in the Golan Heights” Yea, unless they are israeli tanks, then thats ok right you fuckin assholes?…

The hypocrisy of everything coming out of israel is maddening… which does not help their case one bit, in fact, they are fuckin askin for it and I hope they get it….

Promitheas Apollonious

if the case is solved on the battle fields then who cares what israshit think or say?

Wise Gandalf

Hey, haters! Why are zou so nervous?

The BIG Russia will solve everything.

Rafael Guillermo G. Acuña

I can smell the fear of zion..

Promitheas Apollonious

yes they stink the place.


Lieberman and Bibi sound like annoying barking dogs, a lot of bark and minimal bite. I wish Putin would have provided Syria the S300 PMU 2 missiles, instead of empty barks, we would have heard some painful squeals.

Manuel Flores Escobar

When terrorist be defeated…Israel will think twice before launch large scale attack vs SAA…among other reason SAA can launch masive Smerch rockets from several rocket launcher trucks ( 300mm and 100 km range) towards IAF air bases and overwhelmed Iron Dome!…

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

I am happy to see that the Syrian forces do not fear threats from Nazi Israel.


What country threatens a neighbour for occupying their own territory? Oh, Israel.

S Melanson

Muslim1467 (Disqus ID) has been posting on this comment thread with the expected hostile response, myself included – and with the expectation the account will be banned and deleted.

But upon reflection, I ask that the account not be banned. If we shut down dissenting voices, even voices we view as vile, we are no better then those we criticize. Others with differing views might think as equally vile the things said about Jews and what should be done with them. We may disagree but they too also disagree. So who gets shut down? The answer must be neither. Allow all sides to say their peice otherwise, surrender free speech and ultimately our precious gift, our free will.

Muslim1467 is trying to communicate something important in my view. I want to hear what he has to say. The conditions that brought about ISIS are a fact. Through dialog we gain understanding and that means listening to those that are a product of the conditions we want to understand. Shouting at each other feels good but wisdom it does not bring.

Promitheas Apollonious

I agree.


“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” (Evelyn Beatrice Hall)

Promitheas Apollonious

When this been told is been told in a different era and i am sure the same man who said it, will not repeat it in this case. I agree with SM, because only a fool, dont want to know exactly how his enemies think and operate. But to die for subhumans to be able spread their poison, as we seen their deeds, I rather they die and be silent for ever.

Empire's Frontiers

That is, when barbarians kick-up a ruckus, anyone with a brain points a gun at them.

Icarus Tanović

Very wise said.


Yes free speech is such an old fashioned idea, there should only be one belief?

Promitheas Apollonious

free speech is the right of every person on earth. As it is also the right to define one self. But definitely I will not support or die for an asshole to have his/her saying and especially the kind of scum running lose around the world.

And i dont defend my enemies, I bury them.

S Melanson

Yes, understanding your enemy is one reason but also understanding the root causes. Locust swarms were attacked head on with mass spraying of insecticide over the swarms but the locusts kept coming back. Only when they went to the source, their breeding grounds, did they finally win the war over locusts.

Similarly, we vanquish Al Queda and we then have ISIS. Al Queda reinvents itself and ISIS lingers on. But if they are finally eliminated they will only be replaced by a new group if the conditions that breed terrorist remains. We need to understand the conditions and that means dialog with terrorists if we are to get the complete picture. If we address the conditions, the terrorist groups will be starved of new recruits, wither and fade away. And no new organizations of significance will follow.

Perhaps a pipedream but it is a roadmap.

Promitheas Apollonious

A long time ago as I stated was a simple fact. GLADIO is the hard core. The rest of all this names and acronyms are just one part of the net work, GLADIO created since 1945. Different name same shit, sort of to speak.

Semper Prudens

There is an easy solution for that problem, If the terrorists occupied the UN demilitarized zone, Syrian Army does not have to enter it at all. Russian Military Police can do that. And I am sure that Israel will not dare to bomb the Russians. At the same time, Russian presence will eliminate any fear that someone could attack territory of Israel from that area.

Art Best


USA=ISIS Israel=Saudi Arabia Jews=Muslim terrorists Putin=Netanyahu=Trump European Union=Rothschilds You=piece of sh-t

For making the above happen.

Rodney Loder

Commitment has an aftermath which can only be action to express that commitment, Now, ! Such is the fundamental of addiction, the reason israel is an addict, to insane behaviour, is basically because the world is insane, israel is just the present most obvious manifestation of a fractured cognitive process, exactly what caused the fracture was a degenerate individual who had control of the what I call the ” symbiotic – telepathic – nexus “.

Very briefly what this entails is a development from it’s axiom which is fundamentally that – to be is to take, – and it’s interesting that this wasn’t always the case.

In the beginning for example “being” became from surrendering, pristine was surrendered for something.

This is what I advise israel to do, go back to their roots, it’s probably too late to assimilate in that neck of the woods, but why not just go home, most jews will be accepted in the US (maybe not black ones) even if they personally are not citizens already.

Kira Binkley

What was “pristine” surrendered for, Rodney?

Rodney Loder

Only time will tell, if for instance Allah because of his need to maintain His impartiality actually impounds Himself into our human narrative of Religion then pristine was the Pentateuch, and if Allah is actually writing the narrative Himsel because He simply is overt and doesn’t want to be hidden then pristine is minus Deuteronomy because it was written in the 7 th. Century BC.

In that case the Samaritans are in the same boat as the Pharisees, pristine was lost when Deuteronomy was written.

What pristine was surrendered for depends on what pristine was.

“Probably” , I think the outcome of psychological war determines the narrative of Religion and humans mark off the development of complexity so Allah can appreciate His Creation, in which case we are on Earth to struggle to achieve the transition from the present into future, thereby making Theological pristine a reality that is in an ultimate sense an obligatory surrender for inevitable destiny, whether it’s Pharisee or Islamic destiny depends on if israel survives.

My thing is that the Age of Prophecy couldn’t have ended when the last Prophet according to the Pharisees died (p) Nehemiah that was mid 5th. Century BC or I should really say 5 th. Century Before Messiah, Sura 5 verse 19. / Infidels are those who say “Verily God is the Messiah Ibn Maryium (son of Mary) !!! .”

I’m not really God so the Qur’an is true , if I was God all Christians would be dead already.

Kira Binkley

Having a bad day, Rodney? I get tired of the psychopaths, too.

Rodney Loder

Today is bad, real bad, tomorrow is much worse assuming the follow up of crazy is Malthus, which I’m sure it is, that’s why the right to exclusively exterminate is being franchised to Christians by Zionism or it could be the other way around, (KSA and UAE are Zionist), the Christians caused Climate Change, over population and the Concentration of Wealth. Malthus complained that infinite human hopes must be futile because population must outrun production, Pope John Paul realized the truth of this and concluded that homosexuality was the answer, and he nearly won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 because of it, was a sure bet in 2005 but the devil got him first.

Kira Binkley

But didn’t it turn out that Malthus was wrong?

I mean, the planet has not yet been overpopulated, and it is about 200 years since.

Rodney Loder

98% of scientists working in the field of echological sustainability support man made Climate Change, I became aware of it in 1966 in a general science book, what they did was to modify the atmospheric composition inside to have a slightly higher concentration of carbon and less heat was needed to maintain a constant temperature. That wouldn’t be so bad but all ecological niches are interwoven and change only very slowly, less snow less reflection more melting methane escaping and once Australia was down in Antarctica, Malthus didn’t know about this stuff, and neither did he know about the Technological Age which gave population a shot in the arm, or the immediate demographics caused by the concentration of wealth exacerbating the situation, so the Malthusian tipping point became offset , although he never really predicted a time, it will happen all at once like a roller coaster ride in conjunction with militarism, resources become scarse and finance plentiful, everyone is knowing gearing up for it with either Privatization of State connection the only two choices.


Israel’s primary fear is that with large units so close to the border a group of SAA officers will decide they think Syria should go into total war with Israel and so they’ll start one with or without orders. So while many mutual enemies of both exist in that pocket no coordination and only a tense understanding can exist between the two in this battle.


I doubt it. SAA should push remaining Jihadist trash against the Golan border ! It would be hard to explain the map for sure unless you look at it. :D

Lena Jones

Awwww-shucks you’re too shy to say ‘What israel fears the most is Syria liberating its Golan Heights from klepto israe’sl hands’, and instead, you opt for the ‘soft’ coverup of israel’s ILLEGAL OCCUPATION of the Syria’s Golan with: “Israel’s primary fear is… a group of SAA officers will decide they think Syria should go into total war with Israel and so they’ll start one with or without orders”.

Well, I got news for you, you deluded little terrorist: ALL SYRIANS WANT THEIR GOLAN BACK AND NOT JUST an imagined rogue “group of SAA officers”!

LOL man, look at you weaseling and ducking the FACTS like they’re grenades thrown at you.


Israel has fought a war over the Golan in the past, that is certain.

Many in Syria share your thoughts, that is certain.

Many in Syria would act on those thoughts given the opportunity, that is very certain.

Does it not follow then that Israel would take measures to ensure that doesn’t happen?

Take whatever side of the conflict you want, but with many of the actions of both sides we must face that we all would do if we were in their situation, that is certain.

Ask yourself do you want war? If so then treat these as warring actions. Do you want peace? If so be a good diplomat and not lobby for hostility.

Lena Jones

So you’re saying that it’s legitimate for the thief to want to protect his stolen loot? That it’s very noble of the thief to call for “peace” AFTER he’s looted his victim? LOL! Keep justifying israeli klepto crimes with your foot in mouth! Let’s see the idf give it a shot in the Golan, shall we?!!! Freaking miserable bunch of jewish coward terrorists!


Blahblblahblah… So you want war, we have you and others arrayed against them over there both ready to fight, claims of legitimacy may form your motive but it does not make your enemy’s counteractions an evil. If for instance you believed Natenyahu’s maxim that “If the Arabs lay down their weapons there will be no war, if Israel lays down it’s weapons there will be no Israel” then you would believe his warnings to Assad to keep his men in check to be within reason. But then you would say why would Assad limit “legitimate” actions on Syrian soil but then the logic has gone full circle where you believe Israeli actions are malicious because Israel is evil and you believe Israel is evil because of malicious actions. Suppose if a few weeks the SAA did make a dash to seize the Golan: would does that make Israel’s current fears of that exact thing? Do you think a rational Israeli would do in that situation? As for desire for land, Israel has in the past given up several times the amount of land that they currently hold on to. The distinction is that they keep what they think is strategically valuable and trade the rest for better terms of peace. In this case the Golan is a high volcanic plateau that has a view of the whole Daraa province (it’s the best defensive position in the area) and immediately behind it is the populous Galilee. This is why though Israel has fought the Yom Kippur War to keep it they have not expanded into Daraa and Damascus despite ample opportunity.


we have come to a point of no return when it comes to the illegal entity called israel and its slave countries all over the world…..the calling out of jerusalem as its capital was that point…..now will it be sooner(weeks/months) or later(1-10years) when the open war starts between satanic israel and those countries that do not recognize israel…….the proxy wars have began over 20 years ago with the first gulf war and are now in its final stages of israels proxy war against syria. Now the stage is all set up.Last adjustments made on both sides.When its all set up, we will all wake up one morning with the breaking news featuring israel,syria,hezbollah,hamas,iran,jemen,usa in open warfare…..thats just for starters…….. and if anybody here thinks that all will be good(lol i´m cracking up) that there will be peace, that satanic israel will stop torturing,murdering,political blackmail,political assasinations throughout the world,stealing and robbing,epicentre of organized crime(cosa nostra etc..) you sure must be smoking great mataro blue or satori.And the reason is farely simple……they hate us all….they, being them satanic jews……now thats form THEIR HOLY BOOK… “All non jews are Gojim, and all non jewish women are WHORES” They, the syrians,persians,houthis,lebanese, are fighting OUR HOLYWAR….and by our I mean for europe , for the usa, for asia…..the USA, EU or large parts of asia , have all been more or less taken over by jewish satanic interests…they satanic jews are calling th big shots politicaly, be it the insane immigration policy for the eu, be it the insane fiscal policies of the usa…you could go on and on and on…….our people be it in europe or north america are totally brainwashed by dancing stars,whos got the biggest tits,the longest dick,the best cocaine dealer,the best weed dealer,the fastest car etc… its all a big setup so that the ordinary joe will never understand that what is happening today on planet earth is literally a fight between good and evil…between satanic jews and their american and european slaves, that were promised heaven on earth through their different freemason societies, that were all setup by them satanic jews for one reason alone.To buy the souls of those non jews on earth that chose the wrong path of kneeling down before satan arihman in exchange for heaven on earth for them. A one world government with jerusalem as its capital under satanic jewish leadership.

Lena Jones

LOL you twisted little jew twerp! Israel here is the serial, bloodlusting warmonger and genocidal maniac! Proof?! LOOK AROUND THE LEVANT!!! Mindful that israel has also NEVER DECLARED WHERE ITS BORDERS BEGIN OR END – a clear violation of international norms and a LOUD statement of war against its neighbors in and of itself. Since even BEFORE israel’s creation, euro zionist- jew leaders in their diaries tell us that they fully intended expanding beyond their ‘legally allocated’ borders by just gobbling up their neighbors’ lands like a freaking cancer! Well, at this stage of the game, never mind all that dirty water under the jew bridge, the good news is that chemo for israel is coming!

Ariel Cohen

The Golan is SYRIAN – PERIOD!


Civil war in Syria comes to end. Good news for World..

Promitheas Apollonious

I think it is just beginning, not coming to an end. It is a very long way to go, for Syria to be whole and free again.

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