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Tension Mounts In Western Aleppo As Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Prepares To Open Crossing With Government Areas

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Tension Mounts In Western Aleppo As Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Prepares To Open Crossing With Government Areas

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On April 29, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) deployed large reinforcements in the town of Maaret Elnaasan, where it was planning to open a crossing with government-held areas.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), dozens of angry locals are protesting in the town, which is located in western Aleppo. The locals are blocking the main road leading to the town as well as to the crossing.

“This comes amid high-tension between HTS, which wants to open commercial crossing with regime areas, and Turkish forces with their loyal factions on the other side,” the London-based monitoring group said in its report.

Earlier this week, the Turkish military blocked the roads leading to Maaret Elnaasan, with several barriers to prevent HTS from opening the crossing. However, the group’s militants removed the barriers within a few hours.

Tension Mounts In Western Aleppo As Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Prepares To Open Crossing With Government Areas

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter, Via Google Maps – TerraMetrics

HTS attempted to open a similar crossing near the government-held city of Saraqib in southern Idlib. However, a series of protests foiled the group’s plan.

While HTS is hindering the implementation of the March 5 Russian-Turkish agreement on Greater Idlib by claiming that it enables the “regime,” it is rushing to open a crossing with the same “regime” to make financial gains.

This hypocritical stance reveals the true nature of HTS’ power-hungry leadership. It also explains why Turkey is working against the terrorist group’s plans in Greater Idlib.


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klove and light


KILL THEM ALL…….and dont Forget the jihadi women and Children.KILL THEM ALL.

attack on all fronts in Idlib…..attack HTS TAF

dont take Prisoners….they cost time and logistics……..they ALL had “hundreds” of chances to lay down their arms or retreat….they are either FOREIGN FORCES OR SYRIANS FIGHTING FOR FOREIGN GOVERMENTS…in both cases syria has the RIGHT to kill them all off.

all These bs ridiculous satanic treacherous Zionist Agreements and ceasefires make a mockery out of the 1 MOST IMPORATANT INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSAL LAW OF NATIONS

“every Nation has the RIGHT to defend themselves from invading and occupying foreign Forces”

and this is also the most imporatant international and universal law for each Living HUMAN BEING

Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig.

ps. as i have tried to explain to u 99%donks….THEY, USA,russia,eu,uk,china etc… are akll plöaying the same theatre Play for us 99%.they are working Hand in Hand on ALL FRONTS.

best example is the bs corona Virus fake pandemic…they are all playing ball…….they are all creating, as we speak, the worldwide 5G grid, in conjunction with various different Methods of digital Population Control, where CHINA and RUSSIA are by far the most sophisticated. So Keep on pipe dreaming About treacherous Zionist motherfucker Putin and how he is such a nice fellow, having the good and love of the popele on his mind.you sorry motherfuckers!


U rly need medical assistance


Again southfront they are fake and whatever they say are fake ie Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

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