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MARCH 2025

Tensions Between China And Taiwan Escalating

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Tensions Between China And Taiwan Escalating

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Military activity around Taiwan is escalating by the both sides. Taiwan began to monitor the aircraft of the PLAAF (People’s Liberation Army Air Force). Taiwan’s armed forces sent aircraft, broadcasted radio warnings to vessels in the waters near Taiwan, and deployed air defense missiles to the Taiwan Strait.

Within 15 days, China’s aircraft entered Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) many times. The last incident took place on March 27. Aircraft (Xian H-6 bomber and Y-8 electronic warfare aircraft) were detected in the southwestern and southeastern corners of Taiwan’s ADIZ.

Tensions Between China And Taiwan Escalating

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So far this month, 48 Chinese military aircraft have been tracked in Taiwan’s identification zone, including 30 fighter jets, 4 bombers, 10 spotter planes, and 4 helicopters.

The Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense published the map showing the flight trajectories of China’s aircraft.

Tensions Between China And Taiwan Escalating

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Some days ago, a spokesman for the China’s Ministry of National Defense, Wu Qian commented on the statement of Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party, which linked the Ukrainian case with the Taiwan question.

He emphasized: «Taiwan is not Ukraine, as the Taiwan question is China’s internal affair that brooks no foreign interference. No individual or force can stand in the way of China’s reunification».

Beijing claimed its readiness to stop all provocations that undermine China’s core interests and destabilize the Taiwan Strait.

Chen Ming-tong, director general of Taiwan’s National Security Bureau, said China was trying to continue a 2005 law giving China the legal basis for military actions. He drew an analogy with a timetable of Deng Xioping era, when China had tried to reunite the island with the mainland. In 2013, Xi Jinping said that the issue of Taiwan’s sovereignty could not be postponed forever, through there was not a timetable. Chen also added, China’s military actions could lead to pressure on Beijing from the international community.

The U.S. reported that Chinese officials had ramped up a campaign to force UN, governments, companies and schools to recognize Taiwan as a part of China. In the announced «no limits» partnership, which was proclaimed on February 4, Russia supported China’s «One China» principle («Democratic island of Taiwan is a part of China»). The American side provides defensive equipment to Taiwan, but maintains «strategic ambiguity» and does not plan to take part in any military campaign.

Taiwan officials are also concerned about the signing of an agreement between China and Solomon Islands on security issues, as this would be a serious problem for other states in the Asia-Pacific region. The New Zealand government considered such actions as potential militarization of the region.


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Vlad the invader

Hue hue! Invade, invade!

Who cares about brothers and sisters opinions! Invade!

Ashok Varma

Russia unified its historic lands of Kievan-Rus in a bold stroke and won. China is too much in love with western money and will do nothing but talk.

Vlad the invader

Yes, Kiev is taken and will have victory parade there now!

Schoigu, what’s with my victory parade!? Schoigu?

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Will happen in due time. But unfortunately I wont be present.

Vlad the invader

Bah! I didn’t want that Kiev anyway!

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

If the Chinese follow Russian model and Kalibr Formosa islands the Taiwanese chimps would be begging for a ceasefire and acceptance of all demands like the Jew clown Zelensky from a Warsaw basement. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Vlad the invader

Russian Forces have to follow Chinese model. No close combat abilities force us to use expensive missiles!

And Ukraine isn’t even an island!

No victory parade soon, let’s make sure more people get killed in my invasion!


Chinese are not born warriors like Russians and very cautious and also don’t want to rick their economic dependency on the west. The Russians are used to being a closed country and can withstand economic pressure, Chinese public is too much into money. Russians will come out of these meaningless sanctions much stronger with a centrally planned self-reliant economy linked to Asia.

Vlad the invader

Yes, Kim told me how beautiful NK is! Hue hue!

Tony Lim

DPRK has better heath care and education than US or UK shitholes.

Vlad the invader

Kim told you, right?! Yeah, Kim good ol’ trusty dictator who invests everything into missiles. Hue hue!



Tony Lim

Z is a crime in German Nazi state.

Tony Lim

Russia-China relations at strongest level ever, says Lavrov as China offers Russia unlimited support.


Victory Day is in May. It’s not even April yet. Do you even know where you are?


Chinese do indeed grow a pair or borrow a couple from Russia. Most of their weapons are Russian supplied knock-offs.


Butthurt murican stooge? And what brothers and sisters? At least half of taiwanese people see themselves as chinese. The problem is a yankee puppet government bent on advancing separatism. This illegal pariah government must be squashed. The little murican stooge in Taipei must go.

Vlad the invader

Yes, Xi will be as successful as me! Hue hue!

Didn’t even take a month to make Russian Army a laughing stock!

But don’t worry, Schoigu will take Kiev in two days!

Vlad the Liberator

Yes, Xi will be as successful as me! Hue hue!

Didn’t even take a month to make Ukrobot Army a laughing stock!

But don’t worry, Schoigu will take Kiev in two days!

Vlad the invader

Yes, you my new general?! I love yesmen like you!

Take Kiev in two days! That’s an order!


social worker give you tent and laptop to treat crack addiction—new therapy in oklihoma

Vlad the invader

Didn’t you take your medicine again!?

Be careful. One day you will end up like my commander of tank brigade, killing himself if you don’t.



Vlad the invader

Yeah, we only started to bomb shit out of brothers and sisters when we realized that we believed our own propaganda narrative.

But now we flatten everything we can, as we lost too many soldiers already and have no choice.


I wouldn’t call Azovisis and ukrotrash brothers and sisters. But who knows…

Vlad the invader

Ehh, I’m Vlad, don’t destroy my propaganda narrative I gave out to my independent media!

te qifsha nanen

fuck off stupid pile of dung

Vlad the invader

Is that the language everyone uses where you come from?

They can all join my Russian Army, need to replace all those losses!

Ashok Varma

China has no balls unlike Russians who acted bravely and won the day and now will liberate Kievan-Rus once and for all.


I think China still needs time for such a move. Don’t forget that Russia could easily liberate Ukraine and save Donbass from 8 years of shelling in 2014 already, in military sense. It would be even easier then for Russia, because Ukraine was not so deeply affected by anti russian hysteria and also because Ukrainian army was in a very poor shape at that time. But Russia had to prepare for potential sanctions and strenghten it’s economy. It needed 8 years to pile up reserves, reduce debt, make key sectors self reliant. I think this is what keeps China off the Taiwan, for now. But China will work on a different strategy, i think they will simply work on their goal to subdue West into total submission terms of economy, so that they cannot even think of any sanctions. But that raises the risk of west military, involvement, because you know, they HAVE to do something. And if they can’t sanction, who knows what will they, try.

Ashok Varma

Russians had no choice as you correctly point out that the Ukrainian Nazis were shelling and killing Russians since 2014. As Indian Finance Minister and even an article in WSJ suggests that Russia will easily overcome the sanctions as it is more integrated into Eurasian economies. India and China both have created a Rupee-Ruble and Rupee-Yuan payment mechanism. The only weakness China has is that it is too integrated into western capitalism and Chinese are more money hungry than Jews. Russians are very solid proud warrior people and that is why Indians and world loves them. When Russian national interest has ever been threatened they act and don’t give a damn about the consequences. Our respect for Russia has grown immensely.


I agree there yes, China is playing the game of the West in terms of economy and it plays it so well that it annoys western jews and bankers badly. At the moment they all profit but it looks to me like China is having a cream while West needs to take lesser gains. But this symbiosys also leaves China vulnerable and exposed. Chinese are certainly different mindset compared to Russia and also to India.

It will be interesting to see how it develops. If Trump wins US presidency in 2024 it will be interesting. He will definitely try to do something about China, but i think it will be way way too late for the US. I personally think they will decide to change the rules of the game and retreat into isolationist kind of politics, keeping their influence where they still can. Like, if they can’t beat Russia, China, India etc in a game, then they will stop playing that game and look for something new. That would be a way were major conflicts are avoided so i would very much like to see it. But i’m probably too optimistic.

Ashok Varma

Your perceptions are intelligent. The world is now truly multi-polar and we are on the cusp of the greatest power shift since 16th century. Besides Russia, China and India, the rising powers to watch are Iran, Indonesia, Turkey and Brazil. The US is in rapid decline and Europe is made up of mostly small city states and worthless lapdogs like UK, France and occupied Germany. Russia has exposed European eunuchs as even the clown Zelensky ranted about that no one in Europe wants to fight Russia. The US is in real trouble in the coming years.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Chinese will be emboldened by Russian success now and will just Kalibr little Taiwan, which is ten times smaller than Ukraine but with the same number of population. The Taiwanese are fcuked as they can’t run to Nazi Poland. LOL


Last time the Indian army tried its luck with the PLA, the PLA killed 20 for the loss of 4… without guns.

Last edited 2 years ago by joe.kerr
Ashok Varma

Indian army is a fighting army and has won FOUR wars against US puppet Pakistan with excellent Russian weapons. In a conventional war India can defeat China in Ladakh, but Indians won’t fall for Anglo racist plans to make Asian fight between themselves, like Slavs and Arabs. The Chinese and Indian FM met for two days and both pledged support for Russia. Taiwan is part of China with 99% Han Chinese, so logically China should unify, but I don’t believe they have the balls, like Russia and India. China has not fought a war since 1979, when the Vietnamese humiliated them.

John Wooh

Chinese and Indians have to revenge what Anglos did to both of them, its payback time.

The pink/porky skinned orange haired demons are trying to trick a fight between India and Chinese dont fall into this trap.

Ashok Varma

Average Indian knows western particularly Anglo racism and will never fall for the divide and rule policy of imperialism. India and China are pretty much on the same page on support for Russia and Iran.

Xiaotian Zhao

Even one loss is too much.

Xiaotian Zhao

India has already lost the historic chance to form a widely self-concious ethic group, maybe because they could not unify themselves before British came. I do not blame them wholely, but the competition between India and China is just sadly meaningless.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Hindus can’t organize a toilet, let alone unify.


It would be best that those disputes would be resolved in some agreement, and that India, China and Russia together start working on greater Eurasia project. I know that Russia tried very hard to mediate tensions between India and China, and they still do. Sadly this kind of scenario is the worst of the worst of nightmares for Washington, and they will try to undermine it in any way possible.

Vlad the invader

Yes, will have victory parade in Kiev in two days! Schoigu promised!

Ashok Varma

You just spout nonsense, Ukraine is over, the clown Zelensky will sign off on neutralization and demilitarization as Russia demanded. Ukraine is literally finished. even the demented diaper clad Biden refused to meet Zelensky hiding in a Warsaw basement. JAI RUS!

Vlad the invader

No more denazification, how comes?

That was my order!

Ashok Varma

Most Ukie Nazis after abusing women and children are pushing daises. Russians did not take many prisoners. The Chechens and Dagistanis along with Hezbollah took care of them.

Vlad the invader

My Wagner Nazi mercs are better, sure!

Vlad the Liberator

Already 16500 azovnazis neutralized and counting.

Vlad the invader

And when you will finish making citizens in Cherson obey? They still sport Ukrainian flag 🇺🇦 there!

Gogogo, liberate according to my independent media from my basement.

If you need, take some Wagner Nazis with you! Hue hue!

Ashok Varma

Indian media which is now embedded with Chechens, gave the Ukrainian Nazi death tolls at over 17,000 and very few captured. Thanks to Russian sensitivity, total civilian deaths mostly as a result of Azov Nazi human shields have been less than 1200. Russians are now bringing in humanitarian aid.

Vlad the invader

Bah, my Wagner Nazis can do better!

Vlad the Liberator

When the final battle starts. He never said 2days by the way.

Vlad the invader

Ok, three days! You get two brigades north of Kiev!


And hey, make sure new commander of tank brigade won’t kill himself again, ok?

Ashok Varma

Indian generals have advised Russia to totally blockage Kiev and mop up in the east. If the Ukrainians agree to a face saving surrender in Istanbul this week, Russia may let Kiev of the hook. Russia is holding fire to save civilian lives, but as General Bakshi said, if the Ukrainian Nazis refuse Russian terms, then all hell will break loose.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma
Vlad the invader

I got Indian generals now? What da f*ck?!? Schoigu, where are all my generals?!?

Go take Kiev in two days!


Final days of the crumbling americant empire.

Vlad the invader

When my victory parade? Schoigu?


In due time.

Vlad the invader

Bah, who wants that Kiev anyway?


When will Russia run out of ammo and fuel. They are still shooting azovs and keep feeding UAF POWs.

Vlad the invader

Oh, thank you, thank you for leaving out the missing soldiers!

You smart enough for joining Russian Forces, wannabe my general?

Joe Biden

I publicly stated that I support the One China policy. So thats that. I keep my word.

Vlad the invader

Make sure to take Kiev in two days, or you in deep shit, can tell you!

Joe Biden

No boots on the ground or in the air Sorry son you are on your own

Good luck. We all are counting on you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Biden
Vlad the invader

What do you mean Russia is on its own?

Xi? Hello Xi?

Luka, you withdrew your forces from the Belarusian border?

Ehh, what does the president of Kazakhstan say there, he no want to be behind new iron curtain?


bye bye impotent amerikant empire….please donate to new humanitarian org: http://www.russians-pity-starving-homeless-ameikant/4th-world-poverty/fund.org.ru a poor dirty amerikant peasant will be grateful

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

I hope china invades them soon, they should have done it after russia invaded ukraine

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Russians are warrior folk and just attack and ask questions later, Chinese use Confusion confusion and wait till the cows come home. Taiwan is 10 times smaller and no bolt hole like Poland, so China can pummel them to submission if it has cajones.

basement in US embassy in poland

china plays Go not chess. taiwan is like south korea and doesn’t have any war depth other than it is an island. it is not like vietnam (jungle), korea (mountain), afghanistan (mountain), or venezuela (jungle). china signed a security pact with solomon island, which is located close to australia and will have a base there. australia or racist anglos with aukus and all is fucked. china already has the largest number of warships in the world and advanced missiles. once china successfully lands the troops there, this thing will end in a hurry. next up is korea and north korea launched a ICBM a couple days ago.

basement in US embassy in poland

one more thing: russia has a large naval base in Kamchatka peninsular in northern pacific with borei class subs and all.


For PR China it’d be a double problem to attack Taiwan:

1. The invasion could become stagnant one way or another, much like happens in Ukraine. The USA would not intervene but nothing impedes Japan for example to do so on their own (and Japan has a sizable aero-naval power and the USA would certainly intervene if Japan performs badly and China somehow manages to land in the Kuriles or the conflict escalates to Korea).

2. Even if all the above don’t apply and China manages to blitz Taiwan into submission, it would just be incorporating a Hong-Kong on steroids and pushing ahead in its own (eventually unavoidable) regime crisis.

So I think they want but they can’t ultimately. Too risky. But we’ll see what happens. I’ve been wrong before.

Vlad the invader

3. China would lose massive amounts of trade, causing inflation and crippling its economy. Social unrest would massively endanger the one party system.


That’s already happening but remember that all trade has two sides to it and both sides lose if the trade is interrupted. If, say, China can’t sell motherboards, the USA or Germany can’t build computers. It’s the curse of Toyotist level of hyper-globalization.

In any case that’s already happening: anti-Russia sanctions are totally sabotaging the WTO mercantile order. We’re probably headed to more reduced intra-bloc economies and thus to more intense, and surely violent at times, competition for markets and resources, in the line of classical Imperialism as per Lenin 1916.

If China wants markets other than their own semi-developed internal market, she will have to fight for them, for example maneouvering to get Europe (a natural ally of China) totally detached from the USA (assuming Europe remains as a developed market, what is unclear, as anti-Russian sanctions are actually anti-Europe rampage on the US side).

Sean Wearne

𝐒ᴛᴀʀᴛ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ғʀᴏᴍ ʜᴏᴍᴇ! 𝐆ʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴊᴏʙ ғᴏʀ 𝐬ᴛᴜᴅᴇɴᴛ𝐬, 𝐬ᴛᴀʏ-ᴀᴛ-ʜᴏᴍᴇ ᴍᴏᴍ𝐬 ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴ ᴇ𝐱ᴛʀᴀ ɪɴᴄᴏᴍᴇ… 𝐘ᴏᴜ ᴏɴʟʏ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴜᴛᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ʀᴇʟɪᴀʙʟᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀɴᴇᴛ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ… 𝐌ᴀᴋᴇ $𝟖𝟎 ʜᴏᴜʀʟʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ $𝟏𝟑𝟎𝟎𝟎 ᴀ ᴍᴏɴᴛʜ ʙʏ ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡɪɴɢ ʟɪɴᴋ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴛᴛᴏᴍ ᴀɴᴅ 𝐬ɪɢɴɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ… 𝐘ᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ғɪʀ𝐬ᴛ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪ𝐬 ᴡᴇᴇᴋ…..http://Jobsthings.ml/

Last edited 2 years ago by Sean Wearne

Lol, look at the map, half of Taiwan’s ID Zone is over the mainland. Even if China flew solely over it’s own land, it would have still violated Taiwan’s ID Zone. Nuts.


People here don’t understand the dynamic between China and Taiwan. War if it comes, will be because Taiwan chose it. China will not act unless Taiwan declares independence (which it already de facto has). China plays the long game, time is on their side, they are still growing, and in the long run, when China is 3x larger than it is today and more democratic, there won’t be much difference between the two and they will reunite. That is their plan.

Karl Wolfe

China! Do not be bullied by people who do not even honor the agreements that they signed. Do not let be forced into a submissive role in the world by so called “elites” who do not respect their own Declaration of Independence or Constitution. Stand your ground. Always.

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