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MARCH 2025

Tensions Escalate As Indian Drone Crashes In China

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Originally appeared at Zero Hedge

Reuters said the Chinese have expressed “strong dissatisfaction” with India over the recent crash of an Indian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in Chinese territory.

The Indian Army’s official statement has said the UAV was on a training mission and lost contact across the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Sikkim area.

Tensions Escalate As Indian Drone Crashes In China

According to Republic World, an Indian English-language media outlet,

The defense ministry said the Indian border security personnel, as per standard protocol, immediately alerted their Chinese counterparts to locate the UAV and they later reverted with its location.

“An Indian UAV which was on a regular training mission inside the Indian territory lost contact with the ground control due to some technical problem and crossed over (to) the LAC in the Sikkim Sector,” the defense ministry said in a statement.

On the other hand, China’s defense ministry said in a statement the Indian UAV had crashed in “recent days” but the ministry did not give specifics..

Zhang Shuili, a military official in China’s western battle zone command, said in the ministry statement, “This action by India violated China’s territorial sovereignty. We express strong dissatisfaction and opposition.”

China and India have had deep distrust over their disputed border, which triggered a military conflict in 1962. Just recently, both sides confronted each other between the June and August timeframe this year- at one instance an all-out brawl was caught on video as troops battled each other on the heavily contested border (see: Video Emerges Showing Clashes Between Indian, Chinese Soldiers).

While details are still murky, it is believed the downed drone could have been a Searcher Mk II or a Heron – both imported from Israel. In April, India received its first Heron TP-armed drones from Isreal, giving the country the capability to carry out cross-border strikes.

Avm Manhoan Bahadur, editor of India’s The Print, explains here are four reasons why this loss is worrisome, irrespective of the type of the UAV, 

First: it is the loss of an aviation asset that is difficult to come by. The Heron/Searcher is imported from Israel and to get a new bird as a replacement would take years to process in our bureaucratic maze.

Second: while we would be one UAV less, it is the loss of a reconnaissance capability that would hurt operationally. A UAV, especially of the Heron class, brings with it high altitude transit and reconnaissance capability, which is vital in our northern borders. Flying inside national airspace, the payloads carried by the Heron can look across the border without the adversary realising that it is being snooped on; it would paint as a blip on his radar without him able to do anything about it. The closer the flight path is to the border, and if across, better is the quality of information that would be available.

Third: if it has fallen into unwanted hands, it is really worrisome. The Chinese would surely strip the payload for its technology and improve their own.

It is a well-known fact that Israeli electronics are one of the best in the world, while those of China are not. Even though Israel would not have sold their latest version of the payload to India, it would be safe to assume that the Chinese engineers would be eager to get a hand on the electronics.

The Chinese are known to aggressively pursue getting hold of western technology. They reportedly got hold of the electronics and stealth data of the F-117 shot down in March 1999 during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. There are reports they had a look at the American Special Forces H-60 stealth Blackhawk helicopter that crashed during the Osama bin Laden raid in Abbottabad.

Bahadur asks the difficult question, was the UAV shot down? If so, tensions are about to heat up on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Sikkim area.

Last, but most importantly, why did the ground control lose command of the UAV? If it was a link loss, then the UAV would have come back on its own due to the safety feature of ‘get back home’ logarithms that kick-in. So, if that did not happen, was it shot down from ground or by a Chinese aviation asset – fighter or helicopter? If yes, it would imply that its position was compromised by a radar/acoustic or visual signature – all things that the court of inquiry would be looking into (incidentally, an IAF Searcher was lost to a Pakistani F-16 in 2002 across Amritsar).

If this was not the case, was the control taken over by spoofing of the radio link by the Chinese, as was supposedly done by Iran’s ‘cyber warfare units’ on 4 December 2011 when an American RQ-170 Sentinel UAV was recovered by them in a fairly undamaged condition? If this was the case, it would be a very serious occurrence, as we would have to revamp and overhaul UAV SOPs for operations near the border, as also look at the electronic warfare susceptibility of the UAVs with us.

The most re-assuring news (if that can be called as such) would be that the UAV had some technical defect, like an engine fault, which made it lose height and make it unrecoverable or return home in the automatic mode. Or that it crashed so hard that its electronics were totally destroyed on impact. But that would be wishful thinking.

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Once again the Jews are using one of their Goyim proxies (India this time) to attack their enemies without having to do anything themselves. If anyone is wondering why there is all of of the sudden a rise in India-China tensions these pictures will explain it all:

http://www.thestandard.com.hk/images/instant_news/20170705/20170705165535contentPhoto1.jpg http://images.financialexpress.com/2017/07/modi-1-1.jpg

ajay prasad

PSH!! He is known for his full Embracing hugs,Which could translate to awkwardness in different cultures..If Images is what gives you a Hard on https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/060bc791d1f68976b9749a89e656a2b041d85db8dc32160134f30fd043129ba7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6d87697341cf68c904188977da8ad2c1178a88f19ee6040c0865d5c62857c8d2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f4dd4c02567a8132e28fe285785dc5b95d483ce1d93b771fd78dec93dc864bc.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/201557017d5fb4ededb25781700a701034217b6c32778ffebad4fd535507018a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1ec8fa512388805bf4f38f4593e96f6023077fb9c061fdb74ad91455b4ea1b0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2c0c840991fd40296955685a19931b85f277fa5ecdcac4d6a606725a2917123f.jpg


I’m not going by the picture, I’m going by the news:


I just used the pictures as illustrations.

Solomon Krupacek

you are BullLingam

ajay prasad

Fake News,Militant Hindus wonder how the Muslim population is growing in India.Trillions of petro dollars are pumped in sunni groups,Yet it’s the Hindus..Despite robust leftist and Indian Muslim opposition,In every paragraph that explains everything..Communists and Islamists totally are hell bent to destroy Indian fabric.

888mladen .

India has been destroyed by its religion. Communists and Muslims have nothing to do with it.

ajay prasad

It’s the Majority Hindus who chose to be secular, And maintain the status quo of Democracy.Given India was a muslim Majority,One exactly know the kind of Theocratic shithole it would be.

ajay prasad

Go read pre colonial History of India..PFI communist organizations are even linked to ISIS..Nothing but Islamists masquerading as communists in kerala.


You can find similar analysis in Indian/Israeli news sources as well. I’m just not going to spam the comment with a million different links, all you have to do is do a basic search for “Israel India” on youtube or google news and you’ll find plenty of news and analysis from various sources all over the world.

At the end of the day it’s actions that matter. I sure hope India proves me wrong but as I see it now India is doing the bidding of Global Zionism by aligning itself with them geopolitically and allowing many Zionist organizations/companies to infiltrate India.

ajay prasad

Look what was your reference point a Pan Islamic/Anti Indian lobbying Media agency,No Indian sources espouse a Pro Nuclear Pakistan rhetoric and calls Kashmir pakistan’s territory and Doubt their Armed forces.Not even Opposition parties resorts to it.That is exactly what those links In detail exposes each of the Points raised there,Varying sources India and International..As you Lack patience or More like prejudiced in opinion,Should have never raised anything About a vast country Like India.. Indian diplomacy is Independent and Not answerable to any country in this world..Abrahamical logic doesn’t even belong to India all the three Monotheistic quarters Judaism,Islam,Christianity..Keep that Imperial Hegemony of west, Israel and Arab states allied geo politics in The Middle east away from Indian Dynamics..India even maintains relations with North korea,You don’t even have an Inkling of an Idea of How diplomacy works in a Functioning democracy Like India.No google Will teach you that.If there is a threat That India faces it is from Pakistan and the Hostile arab states who are hell bent to turn the world into a caliphate and In home radicalization.India is no Lebanon to be a vassal state.


I just randomly posted that link when I did a search for India Israel relations, I didn’t even know what that website was. Explain to me why Modi decided to make a trip to the illegitimate, illegal, terrorist of Israel for the first time in Indian history and intentionally skipped doing the same for the rightful owner of that land which are the indigenous Palestinian people? If that doesn’t make a strong and determined statement that India is now fully behind Global Zionism I don’t know what does. And of course you’re going to tell me that is completely a coincidence that India is suddenly raising tensions with China at exactly the same time where India is becoming more and more aligned with Israel and the US.

ajay prasad

If this is the Acumen with which You approach Such complex International Affairs,You are Irrelevant.India isn’t answerable to you, Nor some terrorist group in Palestine,Nor Muslims across the world..Nor would it be answerable to the Jews when it visits Palestine.If you really wondered Why Indian PMdidn’t visit Palestine,This is your answer.

.https://rightlog.in/2017/07/modi-israel-palestine-01/ PM of India already Met Abbas 1 month prior to Israel’s visit. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/modi-to-visit-palestine-says-envoy-alihaijaa/articleshow/61967514.cms

Which because of Your Intellectual dishonesty I have to re paste. India and China Has a Border dispute prolonging from Decades dipshit,Recent stand off being in Doklam.China has Territorial disputes with 19 of it’s neighbours as it is..Don’t try That race baiting arguments .India won every war with Pakistan still the PM of Pakistan, Was present in New Delhi for the Swearing in ceremony of Narendra Modi as Prime Minister of India.That is how diplomacy works,It isn’t some autistic screeching Like your’s on the Internet.I arrest my case, Leave those links on Foreign policy for the Fair mindedness of the audience.


First of all I never used insults or profanities when talking to you but you did because this is an emotional issue for you and not something you’re likely to see rationally. You called the indigenous people of Palestine “terrorist groups” using the Zionist language that you have been clearly brainwashed with. Of course according to the dictionary definition of the word “terrorist”, the illegitimate occupying state of Israel is the biggest terrorist entity on the planet. Only those under the heavily brainwashing of Zionist propaganda use the alternative Zionist created definition of the word “terrorist” when referring to the legitimate resistance groups resisting Zionist occupation of their ancestral lands.

Second of all the first link that you posted clearly says that India gains business interests by snubbing the oppressed occupied Palestinian people and embracing the illegitimate terrorist occupying state of Israel that is temporary and has no future. Well this is exactly what I said, that’s how proxies work, Israel offers you some benefits, you accept to ignore the just and moral position and become a “business partner”. That’s where the expression “selling your soul to the devil” comes from.

Third of all regarding the second link you posted, I never claimed India had cut off ties with Palestine. My point was the clear political message that was sent by Modi when he became the first Indian Prime minster to deviate from India’s traditionally honorable and moral position of doing what was right instead of what personally benefited them.

Finally I am aware that India has had traditional border disputes with China but the fact that they being agitated at this point in time right when India is making a shift in its policies toward Satanic Global Zionism (That is the biggest danger to all life on earth) is a strong reason for me to believe it is not merely coincidence and is part of a bigger Zionist global agenda that India is being placed into.

By attacking the messenger or using profanities you only show your lack of logic or ability to defend your beliefs and position.

ajay prasad

What I right away gathered from Your comment, You are least Interested in being Objectively accurate to the Facts, Absolute drivel.It’s Way irresponsible and Dangerous than any profanity..I thought It’s state policy we are discussing, Hamas is a designated Islamist terrorist group,An Extention of Muslim brotherhood,Both the org funded By Qatar..Suicide bombings, Indoctrination, Stabbing,Car rammings.It’s Your emotional faculties at display to think Otherwise..India doesn’t craft it’s policy in accordance to a terrorist Organization.Nor is Answerable to Muslims who prescribe to the Ummah doctrine.Never brought in ordinary palestine people.Now If you ask what Views I personally Hold I see Two state solution as the only Pragmatic way forward,So much for calling me a Zionist.

But before Questioning India, Ask yourselves Why Gulf states are allying themselves to Israel.This is how Geo politics align in this region,Very Influential Oil rich sunni countries are drifting away from the Let me say Legitemate Palestinian cause.Your Article Insists India to toe a Non existant Arab stance..Why Would India be answerable for changing Geo political dynamics in the Middle east.This is the world one lives in, China and USA Policies Principally stand opposite, They don’t go about breaking Their economic ties.Your lack of patience of reading those links Makes me repeat India’s stand on Both Israel and Palestine, And it’s foreign Policy in General.

The region of Israel was ruled in the following Order by different Empires From 587 BCE to 1948 .

Babylon,Persian,Hellenistic,Roman,Byzantine,Arab,crusaders,Mamluk,Ottaman,British.Islam was formed only Late 6th century,You do your math.Islamic Caliphate existed in the region from 636-1099.This same caliphate was seen across Africa, As well India..This Islamic view of Right of conquest Doesn’t fit in today’s world,Same Issues in India.60,000 Temples desecratred and Mosques errected in it’s Place.Today’s generation cant’ be held responsible for their Ancestors. But the schism today does lie in eulogizing such a tyrant rule.Way forward is to recognize each other’s existence.

Post WWII era was divided into a capitalist side,Communist.You could choose to sit on the fence as prescribed by the Nehruvian Docrine.Today’s world is much Polarized with Capitalism,communism, Religious extremism,Nationalism etc.Arab allies turned deaf to the demands of Arabs In Palestine.India Voted against kicking out Arabs out of their Homes.Arabs constitute Christian,Muslims by the time an Average Indian muslims realized this,Christian arabs dwindled.All these countries in the region have supported Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir,Against Indian interests.Visits to very Many countries is pure on the grounds Of Business.India invested in a Major oil field in India in Iran,Inspite of Occasional differences on Kashmir.What has Palestine got to Offer India?? Diplomatic relations and Visits are carried with needs of One’s nation not Symbolism.Foreign affairs of the world remain cut throat business, As harsh as that sounds.

Lost contact,Protocol was followed.Chinese army reverts with Location.You are reading too much into it,Scrapping the edges..Such Concerns of Expanionism of Israel,Arab states,USA Holds true with the conflicts in Middle east Be it Syria, Yemen,Libya,Iraq.India and china have too much at stake to engage in a conflict,Diplomatic routes remain functional.My apologizes on using profanity,There are lot of Neutral sources out there reflecting upon Indian Foreign policy.


What I right away gathered from Your comment, You are least Interested in being Objectively accurate to the Facts, Absolute drivel.It’s Way irresponsible and Dangerous than any profanity..I thought It’s state policy we are discussing, Hamas is a designated Islamist terrorist group,An Extention of Muslim brotherhood,Both the org funded By Qatar..Suicide bombings, Indoctrination, Stabbing,Car rammings.It’s Your emotional faculties at display to think Otherwise..India doesn’t craft it’s policy in accordance to a terrorist Organization.Nor is Answerable to Muslims who prescribe to the Ummah doctrine.Never brought in ordinary palestine people.Now If you ask what Views I personally Hold I see Two state solution as the only Pragmatic way forward,So much for calling me a Zionist.

First of all Hamas isn’t the only representative of the Palestinian people, there’s also the Palestinian Authority. Second of all you described several different methods the defenseless indigenous Palestinian people have used to resist against the Israeli occupation of their land and called it “terrorism” yet because you’re brainwashed by Zionist propaganda and are a hypocrite you will of course not find bombing children from F-16 jet terrorism, you will not find shooting defenseless protestors to death (As happened tonight) terrorism, you won’t find massacres of entire villages terrorism, you won’t find illegal occupation terrorism, you won’t find the racial apartheid policies of Israel over the indigenous occupied people of Palestine terrorism. As I stated in my previous paragraph you used the Zionist definition of the word “terrorism” which is “Any method used to resist against Zionist terrorism”. The official dictionary definition of terrorism however is something entirely different. If I came to your house tonight, murdered your family, and kicked you out of your house and claimed your house actually belongs to me because of some gibberish written in some religious text 2000 years ago you’d have every right to use every method in your power to resist against my blatant and obvious aggression and nobody would accuse you of “terrorism”. Yet you’re a cattle Goyim of Jews so you have adopted the language of your Jewish masters.

But before Questioning India, Ask yourselves Why Gulf states are allying themselves to Israel.This is how Geo politics align in this region,Very Influential Oil rich sunni countries are drifting away from the Let me say Legitemate Palestinian cause.Your Article Insists India to toe a Non existant Arab stance..Why Would India be answerable for changing Geo political dynamics in the Middle east.This is the world one lives in, China and USA Policies Principally stand opposite, They don’t go about breaking Their economic ties.Your lack of patience of reading those links Makes me repeat India’s stand on Both Israel and Palestine, And it’s foreign Policy in General.

Gulf states are allied to Israel because they are not independent nations and owe their entire existence to US military protection and support. This means they have no choice but to follow US foreign policy which is virtually the same as Zionist foreign policy since they are pretty much the same entity. Nearly all Gulf leaders are US installed puppets and aren’t elected nor represented by their peoples. Independent countries like China and Russia who aren’t puppets of any foreign nation may choose to have relations with the illegitimate terrorist genocidal state of Israel but they don’t align their policies with Zionist policies. In fact in most cases their policies directly oppose Zionist policies.

The region of Israel was ruled in the following Order by different Empires From 587 BCE to 1948 . Babylon,Persian,Hellenistic,Roman,Byzantine,Arab,crusaders,Mamluk,Ottaman,British.Islam was formed only Late 6th century,You do your math.Islamic Caliphate existed in the region from 636-1099.This same caliphate was seen across Africa, As well India..This Islamic view of Right of conquest Doesn’t fit in today’s world,Same Issues in India.60,000 Temples desecratred and Mosques errected in it’s Place.Today’s generation cant’ be held responsible for their Ancestors. But the schism today does lie in eulogizing such a tyrant rule.Way forward is to recognize each other’s existence.

The problem is that you believe Israel is just like another other ordinary nation, you simply don’t know nor understand what global Zionism is all about. Global Zionism is a satanic power that is based on fraud, mass murder, genocide, and ultimately wants world conquest for the benefit of Jews. It is basically the fulfillment of what is written in the Jewish Talmud that openly and specifically says that Jews have a right to rule over all non-Jews and must treat non-Jews as animals or slaves. Because you don’t understand this Satanic movement you don’t even understand the danger India itself is in by getting so close to this Satanic power. If you study World War 1 and World War 2 in some details you will understand it was a global battle between forces of independence and the Satanic forces of global Zionism. Hitler talked about this force in most of his political speeches. This force is based on banking, it is the ancient Jewish method of creating artificial money not backed by anything, then loaning that money to governments and charging interest on those loans. After centuries of this practice certain Jewish families have accumulated extreme amounts of wealth and have used it to control virtually every nation on earth with only a few exceptions. This was the same force that created the British empire that caused tremendous damage and destruction to India itself. The problem is you don’t even know the history of your own nation, let alone the history of Israel and Palestine. You are defending the same evil force that used to pillage and plunder India for centuries. It was doing it under the flag of the British East India Company and today it is doing it under the flag of the United States. If you do a good image search for those two flags you will surprised to find out that they are both almost exactly the same flag and that’s not by coincidence.

Global Zionism and International Jewish banking has been responsible for nearly every major war that has happened in the last century and beyond. The current atrocities and wars that are happening in the Middle East by so called “Islamic” terrorist groups like ISIS are all manufactured crisis of Global Zionism with the help of their vassal Gulf states. ISIS is a Zionist project which was created and planned out years in advance. The radical Islamic ideology of Wahhabism that ISIS is based on was created by agents of the British Empire back when they had control of Arabia and were helping to separate that region from the Ottoman empire.

Post WWII era was divided into a capitalist side,Communist.You could choose to sit on the fence as prescribed by the Nehruvian Docrine.Today’s world is much Polarized with Capitalism,communism, Religious extremism,Nationalism etc.Arab allies turned deaf to the demands of Arabs In Palestine.India Voted against kicking out Arabs out of their Homes.Arabs constitute Christian,Muslims by the time an Average Indian muslims realized this,Christian arabs dwindled.All these countries in the region have supported Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir,Against Indian interests.Visits to very Many countries is pure on the grounds Of Business.India invested in a Major oil field in India in Iran,Inspite of Occasional differences on Kashmir.What has Palestine got to Offer India?? Diplomatic relations and Visits are carried with needs of One’s nation not Symbolism.Foreign affairs of the world remain cut throat business, As harsh as that sounds.

Once again your view of the Israeli-Palestine issue is based on a simply cost-benefit analysis. You believe that since India has little in common with the Muslim world and since Palestine is powerless then it is in India’s benefit to align itself with Jews. First of all this cost-benefit view of the world is a Jewish world view and is immoral. There are sometime moral decisions that one can make that might not be immediately in one’s benefit. But even if you wanted to be immoral and selfish your lack of understanding of Global Zionism prevents you from understanding that India will actually lose in the long term by aligning itself with Zionism. You simply have to study Jewish history in great detail. Jews don’t benefit anyone for free, they always want something in return and when dealing with naïve unsuspecting victims such as yourself you can rest assured that they will get back a lot more than they ever give you in the long term. Jews will demand ever increasing power and influence within India to the point that after 2 or 3 generations future Indians will likely find themselves completely enslaved to Jews. If you want a modern day example take a look at the United States which is basically a Jewish colony. The US population is over 300 million people and only 2% of that are Jews yet the Jews own and control virtually anything of importance or value in society. Ordinary Americans have zero power or say in anything that is going on in their own nation and their livelihoods are becoming increasing desperate since the Jews have shipped out most of their blue collar jobs to exploit cheap labor in China and India. Whatever short term benefit you think you can get by aligning yourself to this Satanic power who only cares about itself you will end up suffering far more losses down the line. You will of course disagree with me but historical facts aren’t going to chance.

And as I said before having business relations with Israel is different from aligning oneself to the interests of global Zionism. One is called a business relationship, the other is called a vassal relationship.

Anyways I certainly hope that I’m wrong on my analysis on where India is going and that recent events are just anomalies but I still hope that the Indian people do some more in depth history of at least their own nation and understand better the Satanic evil that Global Zionism is so at least for their own sake they don’t help feed this monster.


What I right away gathered from Your comment, You are least Interested in being Objectively accurate to the Facts, Absolute drivel.It’s Way irresponsible and Dangerous than any profanity..I thought It’s state policy we are discussing, Hamas is a designated Islamist terrorist group,An Extention of Muslim brotherhood,Both the org funded By Qatar..Suicide bombings, Indoctrination, Stabbing,Car rammings.It’s Your emotional faculties at display to think Otherwise..India doesn’t craft it’s policy in accordance to a terrorist Organization.Nor is Answerable to Muslims who prescribe to the Ummah doctrine.Never brought in ordinary palestine people.Now If you ask what Views I personally Hold I see Two state solution as the only Pragmatic way forward,So much for calling me a Zionist.

First of all Hamas isn’t the only representative of the Palestinian people, there’s also the Palestinian Authority. Second of all you labeled several different methods that the defenseless indigenous Palestinian people have used to resist Israeli occupation of their land as “terrorism” yet because you’re brainwashed by Zionist propaganda and are a hypocrite you will of course not find bombing children from F-16 jet terrorism, you will not find shooting defenseless protestors to death (As happened tonight) terrorism, you won’t find massacres of entire villages terrorism, you won’t find illegal occupation terrorism, you won’t find the racial apartheid policies of Israel over the indigenous occupied people of Palestine terrorism, you won’t find launching illegal wars against your neighbors and murdering thousands of innocent people as terrorism. As I stated in my previous paragraph you used the Zionist definition of the word “terrorism” which is defined by Zionists as “Any method used to resist against Zionist aggression”. The official dictionary definition of terrorism however is something entirely different. If I came to your house tonight, murdered your family, and kicked you out of your house and claimed your house actually belongs to me because of some gibberish written in some religious text 2000 years ago you’d have every right to use every method in your power to resist against my blatant and obvious aggression and nobody would accuse you of “terrorism”. Yet you’re a cattle Goyim of Jews (This is the way they call you not me) so you have adopted the language of your Jewish masters.

But before Questioning India, Ask yourselves Why Gulf states are allying themselves to Israel.This is how Geo politics align in this region,Very Influential Oil rich sunni countries are drifting away from the Let me say Legitemate Palestinian cause.Your Article Insists India to toe a Non existant Arab stance..Why Would India be answerable for changing Geo political dynamics in the Middle east.This is the world one lives in, China and USA Policies Principally stand opposite, They don’t go about breaking Their economic ties.Your lack of patience of reading those links Makes me repeat India’s stand on Both Israel and Palestine, And it’s foreign Policy in General.

Gulf states are allied to Israel because they are not independent nations and owe their entire existence to US military protection and support. This means they have no choice but to follow US foreign policy which is virtually the same as Zionist foreign policy since they are pretty much the same entity. Nearly all Gulf leaders are US installed puppets and aren’t elected nor represented by their peoples. Independent countries like China and Russia who aren’t puppets of any foreign nation may choose to have relations with the illegitimate terrorist genocidal state of Israel but they don’t align their policies with Zionist policies. In fact in most cases their policies directly oppose Zionist policies.

The region of Israel was ruled in the following Order by different Empires From 587 BCE to 1948 . Babylon,Persian,Hellenistic,Roman,Byzantine,Arab,crusaders,Mamluk,Ottaman,British.Islam was formed only Late 6th century,You do your math.Islamic Caliphate existed in the region from 636-1099.This same caliphate was seen across Africa, As well India..This Islamic view of Right of conquest Doesn’t fit in today’s world,Same Issues in India.60,000 Temples desecratred and Mosques errected in it’s Place.Today’s generation cant’ be held responsible for their Ancestors. But the schism today does lie in eulogizing such a tyrant rule.Way forward is to recognize each other’s existence.

The problem is that you believe Israel is just like another other ordinary nation, you simply don’t know nor understand what global Zionism is all about. Global Zionism is a satanic power that is based on fraud, mass murder, genocide, and ultimately wants world conquest for the benefit of Jews. It is basically the fulfillment of what is written in the Jewish Talmud that openly and specifically says that Jews have a right to rule over all non-Jews and must treat non-Jews as animals or slaves. Because you don’t understand this Satanic movement you don’t even understand the danger India itself is in by getting so close to this Satanic power. If you study World War 1 and World War 2 in some details you will understand it was a global battle between forces of independence and the Satanic forces of global Zionism. Hitler talked about this force in most of his political speeches. This force is based on banking, it is the ancient Jewish method of creating artificial money not backed by anything, then loaning that money to governments and charging interest on those loans. After centuries of this practice certain Jewish families have accumulated extreme amounts of wealth and have used it to control virtually every nation on earth with only a few exceptions. This was the same force that created the British empire that caused tremendous damage and destruction to India itself. The problem is you don’t even know the history of your own nation, let alone the history of Israel and Palestine. You are defending the same evil force that used to pillage and plunder India for centuries. It was doing it under the flag of the British East India Company and today it is doing it under the flag of the United States. If you do a good image search for those two flags you will surprised to find out that they are both almost exactly the same flag and that’s not by coincidence.

Global Zionism and International Jewish banking has been responsible for nearly every major war that has happened in the last century and beyond. The current atrocities and wars that are happening in the Middle East by so called “Islamic” terrorist groups like ISIS are all manufactured crisis of Global Zionism with the help of their vassal Gulf states. ISIS is a Zionist project which was created and planned out years in advance. The radical Islamic ideology of Wahhabism that ISIS is based on was created by agents of the British Empire back when they had control of Arabia and were helping to separate that region from the Ottoman empire.

Post WWII era was divided into a capitalist side,Communist.You could choose to sit on the fence as prescribed by the Nehruvian Docrine.Today’s world is much Polarized with Capitalism,communism, Religious extremism,Nationalism etc.Arab allies turned deaf to the demands of Arabs In Palestine.India Voted against kicking out Arabs out of their Homes.Arabs constitute Christian,Muslims by the time an Average Indian muslims realized this,Christian arabs dwindled.All these countries in the region have supported Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir,Against Indian interests.Visits to very Many countries is pure on the grounds Of Business.India invested in a Major oil field in India in Iran,Inspite of Occasional differences on Kashmir.What has Palestine got to Offer India?? Diplomatic relations and Visits are carried with needs of One’s nation not Symbolism.Foreign affairs of the world remain cut throat business, As harsh as that sounds.

Once again your view of the Israeli-Palestine issue is based on a simpld cost-benefit analysis. You believe that since India has little in common with the Muslim world and since Palestine is powerless then it is in India’s benefit to align itself with Jews. First of all this cost-benefit view of the world is a Jewish world view and is immoral. There are sometimes moral decisions that one must make that might not be immediately in one’s benefit. But even if you wanted to be immoral and selfish your lack of understanding of Global Zionism prevents you from understanding that India will actually lose in the long term by aligning itself with Zionism. You simply have to study Jewish history in great detail. Jews don’t benefit anyone for free, they always want more in return and when dealing with naïve unsuspecting victims such as yourself you can rest assured that they will get back a lot more than they ever give you in the long term. Jews will demand ever increasing power and influence within India to the point that after 2 or 3 generations future Indians will likely find themselves completely enslaved to Jews. If you want a modern day example take a look at the United States which is basically a Jewish colony. The US population is over 300 million people and only 2% of that are Jews yet the Jews own and control virtually everything of importance or value in society. Ordinary Americans have zero power or say in anything that is going on in their own nation and their livelihoods are becoming increasing desperate since the Jews have shipped out most of their blue collar jobs to exploit cheap labor in China and India. Whatever short term benefits you think you can get by aligning yourself to this Satanic power who only cares about itself will pale in comparison to what you will lose down the line. You will of course disagree with me but historical facts and reality aren’t going to change.

And as I said before having business relations with Israel is different from aligning oneself to the interests of global Zionism. One is called a business relationship, the other is called a vassal relationship.

Anyways I certainly hope that I’m wrong on my analysis on where India is going and that recent events are just anomalies but I still hope that the Indian people do some more in depth research in the history of at least their own nation and better understand the Satanic evil that Global Zionism represents.

888mladen .

This is hardly coincidence. That’s how I see it. Good comment.

ajay prasad

If There is any religion that poses Imminent threat to the world, It is the sunni Islamic extremism.It’s rich for you to Quote a Pan Islamic Leftist Communist view,Wonder how Communism and Islam get along principally opposite Ideas lol.India probably one of the only places where be it any school of Islam co exist.Unlike the middle east.

ajay prasad

Your Article starts with such Bullshit, http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/us-recognition-of-jerusalem-india-says-position-on-palestine-independent-not-determined-by-third-country/story-9kAVJKC3IruAZd2wDKdxuO.html

ajay prasad

Milligazette runs a Zakat portal too,Anyone understand How these Islamist groups operate will clearly infer where that funds goes to.

ajay prasad

https://www.dailyo.in/politics/kashmiri-pandits-exodus-habbakadal-hizbul-mujahideen-yasin-malik-pakistan/story/1/8533.html http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/indias-stand-on-israel-and-palestine-bilateral-relations-foreign-policy/1/1104953.html https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Indias-Kashmir-experience-can-be-a-model-for-Israel-in-Gaza/articleshow/39829915.cms https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/22/kashmir-conflict-shifts-top-militant-fight-islam-independence-zakir-musa https://swarajyamag.com/magazine/95-per-cent-science-lessons-for-india-from-israels-farms https://www.stephen-knapp.com/islamic_destruction_of_hindu_temples.htm https://m.rediff.com/news/2003/aug/25ayo1.htm https://www.timesofisrael.com/indian-state-grants-jews-minority-status/ https://rightlog.in/2017/03/muslims-not-minority-christians/ http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/israel-helped-india-during-kargil-war-modi-in-israel-diplomatic-ties/1/994605.html http://www.indiandefencereview.com/israel-india-strategic-partnership-2017-seizing-the-future/ http://www.readerdot.com/kargil-vijay-diwas/ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/nri/other-news/joyous-indian-jews-hail-pm-modis-oci-move/articleshow/59474455.cms http://www.indiandefensenews.in/2017/07/how-israel-helped-india-in-1962-1971.html http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/paper1107 https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2016/02/11/why-india-and-israel-are-bringing-their-relationship-out-from-under-the-carpet/ http://www.hindustantimes.com/india/no-more-hiding-in-the-closet-3-reasons-for-pm-modi-s-visit-to-israel/story-EDYTsgJ1lG9uRo8bAv09GP.html https://www.cnbc.com/2014/02/23/india-becomes-biggest-foreign-buyer-of-us-weapons.html https://thediplomat.com/2016/02/revealed-india-close-to-signing-3-billion-defense-deal-with-israel/ http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-upa-govt-signs-rs10000-cr-israel-missile-deal-on-the-sly-1242337 http://www1.cbn.com/hurdontheweb/archive/2012/07/30/why-are-the-palestinians-poor https://rightlog.in/2017/07/modi-israel-palestine-01/

ajay prasad

http://www.vifindia.org/article/2011/june/10/India-relations-with-the-US-and-Russia http://theduran.com/india-no-u-s-vassal-state-proud-country-independent-foreign-policy/ https://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/here-s-how-president-mahmoud-abbas-visit-signals-india-s-new-approach-towards-palestine-322046.html http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/narendra-modi-palestine-visit-donald-trump-jerusalem-israel/1/1105771.html https://www.ukessays.com/dissertation/examples/military/india-and-the-new-world-order.php https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4463/palestinians-arabs-betrayed-us https://www.huffingtonpost.com/samuel-ramani/why-israel-is-strengthening_b_11946660.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Kashmir http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=S%2FRES%2F47(1948) https://www.usip.org/events/islam-ethnicity-and-nationalism-terrorism-jammu-and-kashmir https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instrument_of_Accession_(Jammu_and_Kashmir) https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/india-condemns-israeli-air-strikes-on-lebanon/articleshow/1827181.cms https://blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/headon/why-india-was-right-to-vote-against-israel-in-un-over-gaza/ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jul/30/egypt-siding-israel-cost-gaza-dear https://www.fairobserver.com/region/middle_east_north_africa/arab-world-news-israel-saudi-arabia-uae-gulf-news-97810/ http://www.associationdiplomats.org/publications/ifaj/Vol1/1.2/1.2%20-%20Oral%20History%20-%20India%20at%20the%20Rabat%20Islamic%20Summit%20-%20GSingh.pdf http://www.firstpost.com/india/india-rejects-islamic-body-oics-kashmir-statement-says-group-has-no-locus-standi-on-indias-internal-affairs-4050335.html https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/sunday-times/all-that-matters/Radicalization-of-Indian-Muslims-real-and-growing/articleshow/45590791.cms https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/why-a-section-of-keralas-muslim-youth-is-treading-a-radical-path/articleshow/53468470.cms https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/29/isis-recruiters-fertile-ground-kerala-indias-tourist-gem https://swarajyamag.com/ideas/the-salafisation-of-keralas-muslims https://www.oneindia.com/india/wikileaks-how-saudi-funded-rs-1-700-crore-wahabi-influence-india-1787820.html http://indianexpress.com/article/india/kashmir-moved-from-sufism-to-wahhabism-under-upa-govt-rajyavardhan-rathore-4692306/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-4463976/Kashmir-edge-Wahhabi-society.html http://indianexpress.com/article/research/narendra-modi-in-israel-here-is-everything-you-need-to-know-about-indian-jews/ http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0152056 http://www.thenewsminute.com/article/india-civilisation-future-pakistan-abstract-idea-writer-tarek-fatah-56579 http://www.thecitizen.in/index.php/en/NewsDetail/index/8/9886/The-Jews-Of-India http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/nigerians-drugs-narcotics-goa-police-drug-trafficking-nigerian-murder/1/326094.html https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/07/goa-india-drugs-trade-gangs http://www.hindustantimes.com/mumbai-news/nigerians-top-list-of-foreigners-held-for-drug-smuggling-in-navi-mumbai/story-EeYQjcRARNBFxQaSG32UnO.html http://www.sspconline.org/opinion/DrugTraffickinginIndiaandAfricanConnection_MphoMashaba_050706 https://scroll.in/latest/858441/indian-army-says-it-has-killed-190-militants-in-jammu-and-kashmir-this-year-110-of-them-foreigners https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Laser-walls-activated-along-India-Pakistan-border-to-plug-gaps-in-vigil/articleshow/52012679.cms https://www.rbth.com/blogs/stranger_than_fiction/2016/05/30/indias-missile-defence-system-can-bankrupt-pakistan_598529 http://postcard.news/exposed-congress-wrongly-framed-tortured-colonel-purohit-propagate-narrative-hindu-terror/ https://rightlog.in/2017/04/lt-col-purohit-malegaon/ https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/hindutva-the-misunderstood-philosophy http://www.indiandefencereview.com/ghazwa-e-hind-revival-and-re-assertion-is-dangerous-to-indian-security/


The Jews heart India. In fact the Jews made India.


lol the people commenting in this section are truly disillusioned: Jew this Jew that, Zionists Zionists everywhere LOL!

Politolog Externista

because most of them are muslims or people misled by their propaganda, who in turn were influenced by their friend HItler. That doesnt make the other side in the right.


Let us all hope that the drone is intact and safely in a Chinese facility and being well cared for :)


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Nigel Maund

Get lost and take your pyramid scheme somewhere else!

Nigel Maund

i.e. reverse engineered LOL :)


I would expect an expert to know the difference between logarithms an algorithms.


1.5 billion Indians and they import drones from israel. XD. Some people have no pride. XD.

I said many times that India was nothing else but the largest shithole in the world.


Point 5: Who is going to sell you cool new gear if you just hand it over to a third party?


Assuming India did indeed warn China the UAV was out of control, as in before it crashed, seems ok to me.


India is fighting an American proxy war with China through Israel, a strong ally of the US.

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