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Tensions Grow In Southern Syria As Militants Preparing To Capture Daraa – Reports

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Tensions Grow In Southern Syria As Militants Preparing To Capture Daraa - Reports

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Tensions are growing in southern Syria as militants are preparing to capture the city of Daraa, the Russian Defense Ministry’s TV channel Zvezda says.

According to Zvezda’s military diplomatic source, alleged “humanitarian aid” convoys cross the Syrian-Jordanian border on a constant basis. This flow of the “humanitarian aid” is controlled by US forces.

In the framework of the monitoring centter in the Jordanian capital of Amman, US and Jordanian representatives are informed about constant attacks on Syrian government forces in Daraa, but they take no measures to de-escalate the situation, Zvezda’s report says. Militants use this situation to expand their influence in the area.

Zvezda’s source said tha joint militant forces led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) have over 12,000 fighters, hundreds units of military equipment, tens artillery pieces and rocket launchers. These weapons and equipment are obtained through the militant-held areas on Syria’s borders with Israel and Jordan.

According to the source, the militants will use the “violation of de-escalation zone agreement” by Syrian government forces as a pretext for their offensive operations and advance on the cities of Daraa and al-Baath.

“The end goal of the planned operation is to seize land and create a US-backed autonomy outside of Damascus’s control with the capital in Daraa, similar to what we see in northeastern Syria where the Syrian Democratic Forces are in control,” Zvezda’s source said.

According to the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik, the militants may also stage “chemical attacks” to justify their actions.

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Kell McBanned

Mm excelent they have a heads up on this, not sure what they can do to counter this without breaking the de-escalation agreement, hopefully the with the Ghouta situation over and IS leaving the Yarmouk camp there will be forces available to counter this strike, a shame they can hit the troop and equipment concentrations preemptively, how far away is that carrier battlegroup? thats probably your timeline for the attack.

Kell McBanned

This could be the hail mary pass by the jews, massive raids from Israel, Saudi, American battle groups etc supporting a mass southern offensive, hopefully the Syrians will have their S-300 batteries installed and ready to roll.

Zionism = EVIL

It is time to stop making deals with these vile terrorist scum and bomb them to hell. Russia needs to unleash its airpower.

Lisa Karpova

Why aren’t they bombed to hell?

Zionism = EVIL

Exactly, quite baffling that Russia keeps on making deals with such scum. All their buses should be bombed as soon as they surrender.


You failed to see the diplomatic efforts result. These militants can no longer become a legitimate political process in the country.


If they did that, the SAA would have to enter the civilian area which these militants control causing increased casualties to the populations they are trying to free. Also, such a fight would destroy the cities they control making return to normal life more difficult. Better to concentrate them to specific regions, as they are doind, and then take them out.

Carol Davidek-Waller

Even if it saves civilian lives? That, after all, is the reason for evacuating terrorists from heavily populated areas. In Idlib where they transported (corraled) they fight each other.

Deo Cass

It was Russia which created this so-called de-escalation (Syrian government no go zone and terror incubator) with the US and the Zioinist entity.


lol. what are u talking about! De-escalation zones were made to enable the SAA to fight on many fronts with limited resources! It worked! You will notice now that it is easy for the SAA to attend to these fronts now! Because they have all resources needed.Those who were in these de-esc zones surrendered! So maybe that was the deal all along! Maybe they agreed to cease fires under the promise that in the future, they could leave with their families unharmed.

Geopoliticaly speaking Russia is concerned about NATO and USA missile shields in Eastern Europe and central and Eastern Asia! This is whats called “containment”. So what is Russia doing? Russia is containing Israel via Iran! Imagine that, Saudi has a war in its South. Israel in its north. Iraq in in its east which is supported by Iran! Iran moving its air defence and mobile ballistic missile launchers into syria is a major problem for Israel! Only russia can stop Iran! Now ask urself what deals will be made to save Israel? U know! So please dont play dumb in saying that Russia helped create terrorist safe zones! Thats just ridiculous! This is Chess u fuckin moron, not checkers! Grow a fucking brain!

Think white and get serious!


Because timid Assad dare not say, do or confront US in short.

Most in Assad’s allies including Russia are scared of confronting US at the moment . Even Iran lately has been quiet for long long time.

This shows weakness and maybe Assad will lose after all in the end. where even Saudi Arabia talk about sending troops to Syria just like that Any country can now do so … and no protest from anyone.

These are just observations .. true or not be your own judge.


because accords at de- escaling zone accord d,astana i don,t learn??? troll agent double


Joe, are you a twelve year old? The words you use, and the meaning of the text say that you are an burdened, obsessed and angry kid!

Stephan Williams

Probably some pimple faced kid posting from a basement in Tel Aviv.


Dispute first and let me dispute you


First tell me where am I wrong? Then let dispute you.

You disagree is your right but explain so that I can have a chance to call you a 12 year old …LOL


It’s not a matter of agreement or disagreement, I did not even mention it, but I commented on euphoria, anger, rage, impatience… Simply your way of expressing it says that, if you had the power in your hands, your opponent in attitudes would have gone badly. I do not have anything against a critical comment no matter which side in this conflict is criticized, but why there is so much hatred in the expression?


Silence can also reflect preparations for war. Putin b and Iran have some good reasons for buying as much time as he can. The S 500 and other much needed new capabilities are not ready. Moscow will need them to keep cities safe and force a NATO surrender.


“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

Sun Tzu

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There are easier fish fry right now so once they clear them then one can begin to deal with them, the arrival of Harry Truman carrier group should precipitate some sort of an attack in Talbiseh.


This sounds very serious. SAA damned if they break escalation pact and dawned if they don’t. Maybe sure hts rats that took green busses to Idlib are being redeployed by Yanki Zionist scum.


The terrorists have no air cover there. So they’re vulnerable to air strikes and heavy weapons use. The SAA probably has a pretty good size contingent of their own in Daraa and keeping the road open. It won’t be easy to dislodge or overrun them. And reinforcements from the capitol don’t have to travel very far to get there.

Kell McBanned

Id say they will have plenty of Israeli, American and Saudi jets and possibly jordanian if not Royal Airforce out of Jordan flying top cover when they pull the pin on this, possbly when that carrier turns up, hail mary pass time for ZOG by the looks of it.


ahah phantasm supposition saudi jet and jordanian jet!!! very funny!! westmen is the ignare situation!!


It’d be a Turkey shoot with the number of Pantsir, Buk and upgraded legacy systems operational at close range. I doubt that the Jews or Jordanians will want to get involved with the Russians there. The Syrians also have 20 Mig 29s that outfitted with the right gear would be a problem.


A proper Russian AD system has to have a 3rd dimension to stop cruise missiles. Right now their are only a few AWACS and fighters, so the Russians are not planning to make a major stand.


Russia is only a 20 or 30 minute flight from Syria. Iran is only a 5 or 10 minute flight. They can have as many aircraft as they need as quick as they need them.

Alex B

Actualy the two C-400 systems deployed in Syria together with the other air defence systems cover all the air space in the Middle East. Easy targets everywhere.


How expensive is that comparing to a tomahowk?


Price is close, so S-400 is reserved for planes and cheaper stuff is fired at cruise missiles.


that’s why i was asking why you keep mentioning the s 400 since in an eventual strike they won’t be used


I didn’t mention it, Alex B did.


Why these bastard terrorists have hidden their faces because they are US and UK soldiers. Can these bastards hide their identitly by these methods.


US trying to create a new IS area along the Jordan -Syrian border including Tanf up to that area in east which the SDF left alone probably on US request. US want to hamper any Lebanon/Syrian/Iraq/Iran link up.


The very fact that this news is out there, screams of ‘don’t even bother with that move fellas’. The time to strike was during the E.G. operation. That window has passed, in my view.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Russia or Syria could kill 20% of them easily by launching some Iskander-M ballistic missile’s at them. Russia should use spy satellites to determine the perfect time to land 3 or 4 Iskander-M ballistic missile’s on terrorist gatherings.


They aren’t going to waste Iskander’s on a few terrorist gatherings, ballistic missiles are for large military or strategic targets and are typically not accurate enough to use in urban areas.


Iskander has a CEP of 10 meters, that’s enough to target any building bigger than a house.


5-7 according to wiki, but what’s a meter or 2 when you are getting vapourized?


The Iskander has a 5 meter accuracy, but it’s mostly designed to nuke the opponent, but it can carry a 1000 pound conventional explosive. But I agree, best to save them for US forces, or Israel.


It looks like NATO is just attacking and Syria is just defending it self. Ist it the way it’s supposed to be? To me It’s almost like yang versus yin. Are Yin waiting for Yang to implode in its stupidity and lack of inner health.

I guess the western empire is a sinking ship, and those who hold on to it, is going down with it.


I’m not surprised. As one pocket after the other gets cleared the Jihadis down there know that their time is coming up.

King Tudor777

They must solve Damascus situation and, after it, that big ISIS pocket. Dara’a after it, and Rastan as the last one. They need to destroy that ISIS pocket as fast as they can!


Until Syria can seal its borders FUKUS will continue to send terrorists into Syria. The FUKUS nations have a lot of experience destabilizing countries, killing and pillaging is their game.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Please Russia, instead of complaining and prophesying future attacks and false chemical attacks, please act and cut off all the evil plans of the enemies of Syria even before they are carried out without losing vital time in offering them any peace agreements. Please Russia do not go to stumble on the same stone for a third time, learn from your previous mistakes to avoid to repeat them, my beloved Russia.

Louis Poinsotte

what are those ” previous mistakes” ?

Terence Silvestre Jr.

What’s up my friend ?, is your first time here? If this is the case, I suggest you read each of the reports from southfront.org about the war in Syria with objectivity and some common sense, so that you can draw your own conclusions from mistakes or achievements of each one of those involved in the Syrian war. Because it will always be easier for you to believe what you read, than what I tell you, my friend.


So what are those mistakes, identify them?

Icarus Tanović

Are you first time here? They’ve gave them all they wanted deescalations, time to surrender, time to prepare etc. No MORE OF THAT. BOMB THE HELL OUT OF THEM ON THE BORDER WITH JORDAN. PERIOD.


Look in some ways I agree with you, maybe Russia should have just carpet bombed the terrorist locations, what would it matter if a hundred thousand innocent Syrians were killed to stamp out the terrorists. That is what Assad’s father did, he killed them all, the fighters, their wives, their children and their parents, and it worked, nobody would fight for the Americans for decades.

Of course if Russia was involved in that kind of slaughter, it would be isolated for decades. I know America has no compunction about killing innocents, like the half million children they killed in Iraq, but do you really want to lower yourself to the level of the Americans?

Alberto Campos

Whose fighters Hafez dealt with?


Muslim Brotherhood, just another version of ISIS al Qaeda, Mujahideen, and all the other American controlled terror groups.

Icarus Tanović

Please dear brother, do not confuse Mujahideen with wahhabi monstrosities.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Please be kind and read the answer that I wrote above to our friend ”Louis Poinsotteso” as to not have to answer you the same thing again, resembling a scratched record, please my friend go and do it.


But you haven’t itemized a single thing you just say read the SF reports, and use common sense, and draw your own conclusions. I assume you have many years of experience in the military, and have fought many wars. So for those with only limited experience of war, please give us some details of your vast experience.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I am afraid that you are exaggerating in something so simple to grasp and understand without having to have lived so many years and fighting several wars, to get some logical conclusion to the syrian war, my friend. As an simple example, you had not to travel to outer space and living there, to understand and get an idea of the existence of planets and other celestial bodies in the distant sky, with so much written and documented information there, right? Go and do what I told you before, unless you do not like to document and inform yourselft, my dear friend.


You must be a politician, so evasive.

Alberto Campos

Look at the situation maps (2015 and now) and see what those «previous mistakes» lead to. Another thing: your blessings don’t fool nobody here, papa.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

No one is a perfect friend of mine including yourself papa if you are honest with yourself and neither my beloved Putin the leader of my beloved Russia. I bless Russia and Syria because I truly love them both with their good or bad decisions, their victories and failures, and also with their mistakes and achievements. Because if I would only talk about russian and syrian virtues, ignoring their obvious mistakes and bad decisions, I would be a genuine hypocrite like many here as you too, whom are offended every time I mention some mistake of my beloved Russia, while applauding me, when I praise some sirian and russian achievements and victories like the situation map from 2015 you mention in your comment and with which I am perfectly in agreement with you. Please calm down and start being more objective and impartial when it comes to elaborating good and smart criticisms and analisis, avoiding so to fall into the irrational world and unreliable, so common today, my dear friend.


I got a laugh out of reading that, a bit crazy maybe?

Terence Silvestre Jr.

How funny, my friend, because I had exactly the same reaction as you, reading each of your responses to my previous comments. Can you believe it, dear friend?

Rafik Chauhan

the only thing is when operation start . only Russia should use its airforce. and SAA ground force so to try and avoid chemical weopeon atttaack to blame on SAA air force. second when SAA and Russia air force attack start then it shoud not stop for any reason till they take all over Jordon border till Golan height only leaving isil territory for future action. Russia and saa cant give time to this scum. to create false flag .

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Very wise and logic suggestion, my friend.

Icarus Tanović

I’d say similar to you.

Carol Davidek-Waller

US backed militants have been trying to steal land and resources since the beginning of their invasion of Syria. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now. All they ever succeed in doing is killing more innocent people. It’s only a matter of time before the Anglo Zionists go limping out of Syria without their cloaks of invincibility and even a vestige of the moral high ground. Illusions which they might have preserved had they left earlier.


US backed militants have been trying to steal land and resources since the beginning of the USA. Look at how they stole California and Texas, they started the Spanish American war to steal Haiti, Cuba and the Philippines, America has always been a thief, and it has always worked up until now.

Joe Dirt

You dumb fuck! you don’t know shit about USA history!

Stephan Williams

Uhmmm…no, Joe Dirt.

It appears that it is you who doesn’t “know shit about USA history”.

You might want to consider cancelling your (jewish) History Channel cable subscription and start reading some older history books not published by jewish publishers if you’re honestly interested in learning some factual American history.

Nevins Harding

The Truman task force is several days away which will be used to target Syrian and Russian advisors.


I think Russians are the menu this time as well. The very fact that Israeli/US entities were willing to label the 04/14 attack a failure so quickly shows that this is all part of a piece meal destruction of Syrain/Russian successes garnered over the past 3 years.


Partition of Syria a la Yinon Plan.

Icarus Tanović

Ain’t gonna happen.


Well, I hope not, but it is soul destroying to see these fuckwit jihadis being recycled, re-armed, paid and fed by the likes of Saudi and Israel

Icarus Tanović

Well, they obviously loosing this War, and that combo of Saudis/Americans/Zios are doing things out of despair. Well, my Soul is already 22 years in Hell because of Wahabie scum. I condemn them from the bottom of my heart. I’m a Muslim, a Bosnian and I know for sure tha our Grand mufti tolerate theirs Terror against our kids and youth. Wahhabies are sending them to Syria, don’t know how many young brainwashed kids died there. That’s very devastating, very devastating. To see them to promote Wahhabism as mainstream. But all of us knows that that it’s a plague, a cancer, a Sotonistic cult made solely to destroy human kind.


In the end Isa will come to defeat the Dajjal at Al-Quds. And I’m a Christian, but good muslims and good Christians believe the same thing about the end of time.

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