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Terrified Of BRICS, US Doubles Down On Its Neocolonialist Policies In Africa And Latin America

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Terrified Of BRICS, US Doubles Down On Its Neocolonialist Policies In Africa And Latin America

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Having over 30 countries join an organization like BRICS is a complete disaster for the US-led political West. And this is a net positive for the world, as the current “rules-based world order” benefits only one center of global power at the expense of everyone else. That’s why the US will continue to pursue neocolonialism everywhere it can. Precisely BRICS ensures that it can’t.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

It’s now virtually common knowledge that the United States faces numerous and ever-growing problems on the home front, whether it’s the constantly rising inflation that has already pushed it into a recession or the politicization of federal institutions that are now effectively working for one party, among the plethora of other issues. However, instead of engaging in deep introspection and tackling these serious (potentially even fatal) issues, Washington DC is conducting a comprehensive two-front aggression against not one, but two superpowers. And yet, it would seem that even this is not enough for the belligerent thalassocracy, as it still somehow manages to find the time and resources to meddle in the affairs of numerous other countries, particularly those in the Global South.

This is especially true in Africa, where the US has been conducting so-called “antiterrorist” operations for decades, with a detrimental effect on African nations and their development. In some countries, such as Somalia, the Pentagon has been present since the early 1990s, never ceasing black ops to this very day. However, unlike in the past, the number of operators on the ground has been reduced dramatically, as most of their roles have been overtaken by drones that have killed tens of thousands in Somalia alone. The US is now working towards expanding its malignant influence and deeply destabilizing presence elsewhere in the Horn of Africa, specifically Djibouti. This may very well be connected to the recent outbreak of hostilities in Sudan, where the US intends to incite further destabilization, specifically to prevent the construction of a Russian naval base there.

Washington DC is also looking to expand its military infrastructure in other areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Mali, Niger and other countries on the continent. It’s safe to assume the US is doing so to challenge the growing presence of Russian military contractors (primarily the now legendary “Wagner Group”) that have been contracted by approximately a dozen African governments to help their armed and police forces to combat foreign-backed instability and terrorism. The ongoing engagements of the “Wagner” PMC (private military company) have been extremely successful in several nations on the continent, most notably in the Central African Republic (CAR) where they have even directly been taking part in hostilities in support of the government in Bangui, in stark contrast to their Western counterparts.

Russian PMC’s activities have greatly undermined America’s and NATO’s plans for perpetual conflicts in many African countries. In turn, greater political stability has also accelerated plans of these nations to join BRICS, which is another organization the political West sees as a strategic threat. The open nature of BRICS, where no country is singled out as “indispensable”, is an absolutely terrifying concept to the oligarchic elites of the belligerent thalassocracy. BRICS doesn’t only blunt the effects of Western sanctions, but it also offers unique alternatives that almost completely nullify the consequences of the economic and financial aggression of the US and its vassals and satellite states. This is precisely what many (if not most) African countries need, as they have suffered due to decades of neocolonialism and foreign-backed instability.

Another point of contention for Washington DC is at the very least keeping the geopolitical status quo in Latin America. And while this may be in the best interest of the US, it’s certainly not in the interest of hundreds of millions of Latin Americans that have been trapped in US-controlled and directed poverty and instability for decades (if not centuries). The infamous Monroe Doctrine which Washington DC has been pushing for exactly two centuries now left long-term consequences on the sovereignty of many Latin American nations. However, there’s been a massive amount of pushback in countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, Peru, Nicaragua, Bolivia, etc. In addition, Brazil, the continent’s most powerful nation, is one of the founding members of BRICS, while Argentina, arguably its second most powerful country, is building very close ties with the organization.

The US is now doubling down on its neocolonialist policies in both Africa and Latin America to prevent or at the very least slow down the advent of the multipolar world order, the only one that virtually guarantees the national sovereignty of any country. Perhaps even more importantly, organizations such as BRICS allow the development of different civilizational models, as no member of the organization, no matter how powerful, aims to impose its system of societal values and development on any other country. As previously mentioned, this is a truly terrifying concept for the political West, as it aims to do the complete opposite. By imposing its (at this point extremist and simply degenerate) neoliberal policies, the political West is prolonging the effects of neocolonialism and its dominance over entire continents.

These extremely damaging policies can only be prevented through the strengthening of national sovereignty and precisely BRICS is the only way to achieve it without resorting to building a thermonuclear arsenal and the means of express delivery of this radioactive “freedom and democracy” to Washington DC. The organization is growing rapidly, with various sources claiming that at least 20 countries are planning to join it, while others report that this number is now well over 30. Needless to say, the prospect of having 30 countries join an organization like BRICS is a complete disaster for the US-led political West. And this is a net positive for the world, as the current “rules-based world order” benefits only one center of global power at the expense of everyone else. That’s why Washington DC will continue to pursue neocolonialism everywhere it can. Precisely BRICS ensures that it can’t.


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good article.

it is the white anglo, the white french and the white jew who are the drivers. focus on undermining them – including reminding the simple minded world of their previous behaviour and their general nature – and you will win.


one of the better articles southfront has had

John Kesich

this policy will probably work as well as us sanctions against russia. i do hope that the psychos behind them will face justice one day.


krenuo čitati članak i onda vidim što ga je napisalo. fašista, turčin, četnik po imenu, a nažalost hrvatskih korijena. odmah gasim stranicu!


is the brics thing disastrous or is it an evolution to where countries are now becoming independent of the us federal/global teat and able to support themselves. the us has been shoveling out foreign aid for decades, billions and billions of dollars, and now many countries are finally showing signs of life and not just showing up in the food line, cup in hand, expecting more, forever.

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