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Terrorists And Turkish-backed “Moderates” Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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On May 22, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and its Turkish-backed “moderate” allies captured most of the town of Kafr Nabudah from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). On May 23, clashes between the sides continued in the vicinity of Kafr Nabudah and near al-Hayrat.

Pro-government sources say that the SAA is currently regrouping and preparing to launch a counter-attack to take Kafr Nabudah back.

According to statements by the Russian military at least 700 militants, 7 battle tanks, 4 infantry fighting vehicles, 30 vehicles equipped with machine guns and 2 explosive-filled vehicles driven by suicide bombers were employed by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies for their advance.

Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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Terrorists And Turkish-backed "Moderates" Clash With Syrian Army Near Kafr Nabudah (Map, Photos)

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When the SAA has moved out and the terrorists march in, different ROE come into force.

Activate meat grinder in 3, 2, 1…




No problem. I speak spanish, too.

THX for that delightful read! When I saw ‘Rusia’ in the headline, it put a broad smile on my face.


The days of fragmented bunches of jihadist gangs fighting each other over the spoils are gone, pretty much all have been co-opted and consolidated into the so-called Army of National Liberation or National Liberation Front (ex FSA) or operate as proxy formations (HTS,TIP, Jaysh al-Izza etc..) fully controlled by Turkey. They have been re-formed, trained, armed, supplied and directed by Turkey. As such the enemy is far, far stronger than before, having had YEARS to prepare their defenses and capabilities, directly under Turkish supervision. It is hardly a surprise to see well trained units with high morale able to defeat SAA advances, especially as both Turkey and NATO (FRUKUS) provide weapon and munitions and real time tactical intelligence while Qatar and Saudi bankroll the jihadis. To expect Syria to win a war fighting alone against these forces is unrealistic. Never underestimate the enemy. The photos above show just some of the weaponery deployed, the level of combat training has also been raised see NLF training fotos.

Concrete Mike

If the nfl nhl.mlb.i dont care what they call themselves, are deploying all their gear, let them so SAA can destroy it.

Its ok for SAA to retreat and fight another day, its better than fight to death for dump, wich is how some “commenters” like you see this.

its ok starlight, isis is still far from damas and aleppo and hama.

Let al.nusra exposes themselves , rat ate easier to kill in the open in my experience.


Reality is they are still fighting among themselves in Afrin, Jarablus, Al Bab etc etc. As long as RuAF fights along SAA they can win. If not, they are lost. SyAF will not make enough of a difference.

The Badiya must be watched more though. Potentially a dangerous situation.


Attached NLF (Jabhat lil-Tahrir al-Watani) training fotos – better trained and equipped than most NATO troops https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d3bee214921ac72fa2075c8253711dc189d1e9c752dc63cc244cf9f5a536bd31.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2c7cb21f57ae7d69c4c06b7b2a384490334a4d9a7a3cdd49cb875f270c72c2f8.jpg

Chris Gr

Your tin foil hat is too obvious…

Concrete Mike

let him think what he wants.

no one made you thaught police.

Chris Gr

Assadists are the thought police.


According to retards like you if you want to defend your country against these US backed terrorist jihadists you are an “Assadist” according to jihadi groupies.

Chris Gr

US has never backed jihadists except for Afghanistan but back then it was necessary to defeat the communists and their plague.


Are you serious? The US-regime has actively supported, trained, facilitated jihadist elements in Afghanistan, Syria and Libya to name a few, so you have rather islamitisch than communist? I despise communism but Afghanistan was at least not a backward country..same is happening in Syria.

Chris Gr

The West has fight against both jihadists and communists. In Afghanistan the US supports the Afghan government against the Taliban. In Syria and Libya the US supported the moderate opposition.


The NATO together with the GCC are responsible for the inception of Al Qaeda and later ISIS.. The US has supported Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan in the eighties. There is no “moderate” opposition, all are sunni islamist inspired jihadists also the FSA.

Chris Gr

Look and read about the Syrian opposition. It is big tent. Jihadis were created by Saudi Arabia not by NATO.

Jens Holm

Thats totally incorrect.

Next You will tell ISIS selfdetonate here on earth, because they cant even handle 1 wife. Thats probatly more true then Your crappies.

Pakistan and Somalia are very good examples.

Chris Gr

In Pakistan and Somalia the US fights against the jihadis.

Jens Holm

Needed if they only has them :)


They have modern battle tanks? Self propelled howitzers, heavy artillery, helikopters? An airforce? Patriot missiles. If not, than they are under equipped compared to a modern NATO army.


These jehadi Al-Qaeda terrorists want to make Syria another Afghanistan. They will be soon BBQ.

Jens Holm


Rafik Chauhan

WE can see turkey armoured vehicle with HTS . it means Turkey has fully coopertated with terriost but Russia is still quite. it shows Russia is mean and its looking for his interst. SAA has to get rid this baboon NLF/HTS and turkey observastion by force. Don’t relay on Russia. Start all out attack from Aleppo to latakia. no more deal with turks ignorant.


Panthera APC are from UAE origin not Turkish. Turkey has Otokar Cobra 1+2, Nurol Ejder, Kirpi 1+2, Otokar ARMA and FNSS PARS 3 Havent seen any of them used by Rebell Factions.

HTS is largely equipped by Saudi and UAE.

Mustafa Mehmet

Rafik saa army got no army left what’s left is hesbolla and Iranian.. WITHOUT RUSSIAN HELP saa can do jack shit . don’t be ungrateful towards Russia they running the show . not saa. hesbul.or Iran


To be able to do that, they will need the manpower of SDF, which will become available as soon as there is a deal granting autonomy to their region.If SAA loses RuAF and a major part of Iranian proxies, the latter is already happening, having SDF on its side will become a decisive factor.

klove and light


Iran moving S-300 to the coast by asaluyeh City.. persian gulf…

Jens Holm

If they fire them, they will export junk.


The real issue is that the Turkish military is basically coordinating the joint efforts of all terrorists in Idlib. It also beggars belief that Russia has not not unleashed its full airpower yet, since the US/Zionist and Turkish agenda is to inflict casualties on Russians. As the photographs amply demonstrate, the terrorists have been rearmed and resupplied quite liberally. It is time to bomb them round the clock!


Not just bomb – proper ground offensive at least to inner line of DEZ , instead of Turkish army, IN STRENGTH, occupying this zone as a safe haven for the jihadi forces

Jens Holm


Jens Holm

Difficult to see any US/Zionists in this aprt from You always use it as excuse for anything.

klove and light

they know that war is inevitable……

syria- why bother writing About a conflict were one Party(SAA) is clearly NOT ALLOWED to win……it is just mind boggling to me, how the average SAA soldier still continues to follow orders that are clearly ridiculous..

“dont shoot at the headchoppers invading your Country, because we have a ceasefire deal with them” SAA soldier ” but they are attacking us , day and night” “dont worry be happy”

pathetic ridiculous not believable any more

klove and light

lol—–and reading some comments down below…. lol shit…. still some Folks that this is some great plan by the russians……loose 2 towns on Purpose including a couple of dozen SAA soldiers including officers so that then Russian airforce can bomb the bad guys??

stop watching stupid brainwashing JEW Hollywood movies!!!


Russia needs to stop making deals with these terrorists who are basically Turkish military in civvies. It is time to bring greater firepower to bear on these savages. The Idlib terrorist pocket is quite small now and can effectively be obliterated by airpower and missiles to save SAA casualties.

Jens Holm

Again only stupidity of the worst kind. Big military power is the only soluton for You as well as the rest of the world.

If so, I wonder why You by that “flaxing of Yours” dont support USA and Israel.

Jens Holm

Again mixing in Jews in Your semite stupidities is far out. The side they would be on had won long time ago.

Xoli Xoli

Russia tactics is to allow terrorists to falsely accuse Syrian forces with chemical attack and to let USA destroy Syrian army.For Turkey oil pipepline through Idlib.Never trust Russia.

Mustafa Mehmet

Without Russia you and your friends won’t last 1 week oli oli

Xoli Xoli

We dont live in imagination but in reality world.

Jens Holm

Maybee, but the others do exact the same things.

Most of the Assad army dont exist. The active parts mainly are foreigners.

I hardly see USA destroy any Assads. And now the cheep sulphur asfalt oil card for Idlib too.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

2 years ago Turkey couldn’t afford to pay salaries to the rebels, now they can thanks to Putin’s help, Putin’s been helping Erdogan reorganize his economy and helping pull the Turkish economy out of the black hole it was going down, it’s a pity Putin couldn’t do the same for Assad and spare some of that abundant oil he as for the Syrian people too. I hear a lot of people continue to blame the Saudi’s for supporting HTS, but they don’t anymore, and the Israelis are supposed to be supplying the other Al Qaeda factions, but I don’t think they do either anymore, and we do know that Erdogan does officially support the FSA/SLF/NFL, and I think unofficially supports Isis as well, but it’s actually Putin that supports the rebels the most, he tolerates and emboldens them and therefore is the most guilty of sustaining this war in Syria.


Al monitor, not exactly turkish enemy, reported many islamists leaving TFSA as their salaries have been cut from around $ 150 a months to a TL equivalent of less than 50usd.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s good but not good enough, Putin should be demanding that Erdogan cut their salaries to zero, that would be much better.

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