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MARCH 2025

Terrorists Are Monitoring Radio Frequencies Used By Russian Aricraft In Syria: Russian Media

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Terrorists Are Monitoring Radio Frequencies Used By Russian Aricraft In Syria: Russian Media

An Su-24 taking off from Hmeimim air base in 2015. IMAGE: Russian Ministry of Defense

Terrorists are capable of monitoring radio frequencies used by Russian aricraft deployed in Syria, the Russian news agency Sputnik reported citing a statement by Russian Deputy Defense Minister Colonel General Alexander Fomin and remarks by military expert Vladimir Kozin.

On October 25, Colonel General Fomin stated that the June 6 drone attack on the Russian Hmeymim airbase in Syria was managed and coordinate by a US Poseidon-8 reconnaissance plane. He also added that the terrorists even had capabilities to monitor radio frequencies used by Russian aricraft. According to him, tools and measures used by them are produced in foreign states, including NATO member states.

According to the military expert quoted by Sputnik, the militants are actively receiving support from the US and its allies even despite the recent shift of the situation in the war-torn country. He stated that this support includes various equipment, including radio electronic tools, and even a direct support from advisers.

The recent escalation in diplomatic rhetorics between the US and Russia is another signal of the growing tensions between the two countries. These tensions can be observed in Syria as well as in other regions around the world. Most recently, Washington has openly announced that it’s going to withdraw from arms reduction agreements with Russia.

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Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Yeah, USA is working overtime to come up with a solution to keep the war going

Njegos Maljevic

Always did!


Sooner or Later, Bear is going to Bite Back Hard!


This is a war, and Russia intends to win, so if biting pack will ensure victory, then they will. If taking one for the team ensures victory then that is what they will do.

About 5 years ago I read a story on the Chinese plan to defeat the USA. Not via warfare, but with economics. The Chinese said it would take 10 years to so reduce the USA, that it would no longer be a threat. So in 5 years the USA will no longer be a threat to the world. We are at a critical juncture, the US economy is highly unstable, and kept alive via covert government intervention. The temptation to try and solve Americas financial problems via war and pillage is very high. The longer Russia can stall the US, the better it is for all mankind.


All you need is a Radio Transmitter ..and a Translator

John Whitehot

perhaps you meant a radio receiver.

Promitheas Apollonious

and you need to use your brain before posting?


thank you

Promitheas Apollonious

you r very welcome.

Promitheas Apollonious

humor is a quality long lost to more humans I am clad you still have it.

You can call me Al

Good lad. You have learnt well glasshopper.

John Whitehot

strange, there’s absolutely nothing on sputniknews, the purported source, about this.


querying the site with the string “Fomin” gives many results but nothing of the like. Adding the string “Kozin” yields no results.

Promitheas Apollonious

maybe Sf need to cross reference some of the staff they publish, before they do so.


The news was published yesterday in Sputnik, I read it.


link? if you read it is in your browsers history.


Thanks, https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201810251069194976-syria-russia-territory-liberation-support/

John Whitehot

i don’t believe you.


If he provides a link then we believe him I could not find anything myself and I check.

You can call me Al

I cannot find it anywhere; Sputnik or not.


https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201810251069194976-syria-russia-territory-liberation-support/ he posted the link

John Whitehot

and revealed the bullshittery in the article.


Attention to one fact: one thing it’s someone give his opinion, another thing is someone speaking about an fact (in his opinion).

John Whitehot

what do you mean exactly?


I don’t mean nothing more than I said, piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

John Whitehot

i was referring about your reply to hardhawk, i can’t exactly understand what you meant and asked if you could explain. perhaps tomorrow, good night to you.


My friend, or not, lets work for worth, not for value. Till never.


Good day John, I just gave the link, in this comments page, in a reply to HardHawk.

John Whitehot

as i suspected, it’s bullshit.

“detecting radio waves” it’s pretty different from “listening to radio communications”.

If all communications are encrypted, you still detect radio waves, and what you hear is static and garbled noises.

now go and have a good day yourself.


I was already gone, but this article says “Monitoring” and the sputnik’s article, on about a Fomin’s citation, says “reaching the radio waves”, so I have a question, “monitoring” in english as more the sense of “listening to radio communications” than to “reach the radio waves”, no? Never the less, what Fomin said was that to even reach those radio waves was necessary special equipment.

John Whitehot

if you want my opinion, SF conveniently or not “interpreted” the Sputnik article as “Terrorists listen to Russian air force radio comms”.

You can also infer that from the same interpretation many “commenters” make on it.

What Fomin actually said, is that the US Poseidon planes provided an ESM capability for terrorists – ESM concept is around from before WW2 – and in this case it means you are able to determine if and when (also where, if you have RDF equipment) a communication has taken place, but not the content of the communication.

If this war proved something in this regards, is that terrorists were NOT able to determine the targeting of the Russian forces, given the huge success of long range strikes from kalibr/kh55/101 etc.

the rest is blathering, the militaries use many different communication devices, some are secure some are not. If unsecured devices are used, then you can be sure that no sensible information is shared over them.


When I read the news, both on sputnik and on SF, I also immediatly thought about “listen the communications”, but after I had that equal thought, if they are in code they can’t reel listen them. So, for english speakers and no english speakers, both the news are not very clear, not to speak about a Fomin that someone transformed in a “Kozin”.


very correct

Icarus Tanović

!Now go and have good day your self!” you just rock, dude!

Promitheas Apollonious

By terrorists I am sure you mean nato/usrael services and the correct way to say it is they been trying like crazy to do so but they lack the brains, to achieve it.

John Whitehot

doesn’t seem it worked very well so far lmao.

me again

Highly expected. Supported by NATO and middle east dictatorships they have lot of fine equipment. And with this they try to escape any sudden air strike.

John Whitehot

doesn’t seem it has worked very well so far lmao.




Why you think that. You think nato will provide them with the hardware needed for such a task or you think they build it themselves hardware and software? The terrorist here is FUCUS and I very much doubt they have the ability to break into Russian military communications.


The terrorists even had capabilities to monitor radio frequencies used by Russian aircraft. According to him, tools and measures used by them are produced in foreign states, including NATO member states…

I personally can’t monitor radio frequencies of Russian Aircrafts… but Headchopping Talmudic Wahhabi GoatFUKUS obviously can….


we used to listen into the americans and english flying over Med, when use open coms between them and what they use for communicating with the airports towers. But then is their secure lines, all you hear is static.


They are just earning their pay, gathering all and any tech data that NATO will analyse in the hope of discovering a weakness.

Nigel Maund

The USA has a great deal to answer for. Is the USA the country of the Anti – Christ? The reason I ask is this: no country has brought more suffering, misery, destruction and death to this planet than the US since 1941, and arguably back to 1898 when it started on its little empire building in Cuba and the Philippines, where it killed more than 1 million Filipino’s between 1898 and 1905. The USA has been constantly at war since 1941.


think again. US since her creation as a colony did not have one single day its have not been at war.

Nigel Maund

You have a point if one includes the War of Independence; war with British Canada, the Civil War and wars with the various Indian tribes. So, you’re right, it’s a country that loves the gun and perpetual war. I think it needs to grow up and mature? Perhaps a major war that kills > 25% of the population and destroys the cities and infrastructure will cure the American’s of war


No matter how mitch matched the population there is and as a rule hate and fear each other, still been uneducated and stupid is no reason for you to die while trying to survive and feed your family or what is left as family over there.


other wise whats the difference between Russians and americans ? Same shit different name?

I like to think Russians dont have the same mentality.


2 sides of the same coin my friend


1. the nation u call USA was born on a genocide. 2. the creation of this nation never intended to serve the people , but was created by the british, all of the so called founding fathers were freemasons.The motherlodge of the worlds freemasonry is in the city of london. it was a transition from the pax britannica to the pax americana. And they all serve the Agenda. A one world governement with jerusalem as its capital under satanic leadership.

Brother Ma

Same old same oh. Didn’t the Yankuis supply Stingers shoulder -mounted missiles to the headchoppers in Afghanistan during the Russian -headchopper war of the Eighties?

Jens Holm

A typical Sprutnik propaganda version.


you are a shallow stupid fucker who drops a few words with zero explanation and nothing to back up your position, in short you suck

Promitheas Apollonious

nope, is making his dosage


bulls eye

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