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MARCH 2025

Terrorists In Syria Use Drones Built With “Outside Help”: Russian Defense Ministry

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Terrorists In Syria Use Drones Built With "Outside Help": Russian Defense Ministry

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Terrorists in Syria are using drones that were built with outside help, spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov said. No particular party was accused of assisting the terrorists.

According to him, the flight range of one of such devices is 150 kilometers, the flight height can reach four kilometers.

“This is very serious,” he said, while presenting the drones downed on September 3rd by the Russian Air Defense system in the Hmeimim Air Base.

As the general noted, the creators of these drones, despite the outward appearance of the “products,” used complex technical solutions that required special education.

Among the examples of sophisticated engineering he said that one drone had a navigation system, three antennas and special consoles used for to attach ammunition. Another drone had a gasoline propulsion system, essentially an ordinary gas tank with five liters of gasoline inside of it.

“The ammunition release mechanism was much more interesting: when approaching the designated point, it was simply pushed and dropped from a height of one and a half to two kilometers,” Konashenkov noted.

He furthermore underlined that somehow the terrorists were getting improved technical solutions.

“We understand the [drones are] assembled according to some sort of schemes and patterns. Someone who wields that technology is helping terrorist groups,” Konashenkov said.

Russian air defenses along Hmeimim and the nearby port of Tartus have reportedly destroyed 30 rockets and 13 drones launched from Idlib so far in 2019.

Most recently, on September 3rd the Russian Defense Ministry reported on the destruction of 2 drones, approaching the airbase.

The drones were destroyed by anti-aircraft missile systems of the Russian Federation. The attack was made at approximately 21:20 Moscow time. The militants’ drones were neutralized at a safe distance from the air base.

On August 11th, 6 drones were announced as being detected and destroyed by the Russian air defense system.

Prior to that, militants regularly attempt to attack the Syrian military and the Russian air base, violating the ceasefire in the Idlib de-escalation zone.

Terrorists In Syria Use Drones Built With "Outside Help": Russian Defense Ministry

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Terrorists In Syria Use Drones Built With "Outside Help": Russian Defense Ministry

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If the Houthis can build their drones in impoverished and carpet bombed Yemen, if the Palestinians can build theirs in besieged Gaza, why can’t Al Qaido do the same on their own in Idlib? It’s not like there is no internet in Idlib. And Google knows everything. Even the things we don’t want Google to know.

Tiresia Branding

hey, Yemenis invented algebra and Phoenician invented alphabet…


I didn’t say they were stupid. I said their country is impoverished and being carpet bombed. They obviously still know how to make these things. And so does Al Qaida. Just because these guys want to live in the 7th century like Mohammed did doesn’t mean they turn their back on modern technology. If anything history since 9-11 has shown us its quite the contrary.

Zionism = EVIL

Not sure if you have traveled. Yemenis date back to pre-biblical era and Queen of Sheba. They were pioneers in desert architecture with cooling towers, water irrigation and even warfare. Yemen is a culturally-rich country, with most of its influences coming from the Sheba Kingdom as well as from early Islam.


Again, I’m not denying that. All I’m saying is that Yemen was a poor country before the war and the Saudi carpet bombing did not really help in that regard. And that being poor doesn’t mean you are also stupid. Being culturally rich while being economically poor only translates you into being a potential tourist destination. Especially for backpackers. Which if memory serves me right they used to be, before Al Qaida became entrenched there and started to cause problems.

Zionism = EVIL

The Yemeni military was very capable even in socialist South Yemen and the North had the Zaidi Shia majority. The USSR supplied quite a bit of weaponry to Yemen and their officers, especially the special forces were very good. Yemenis at one stage were the bulk of Saudi forces along with Pakistanis, but now both hate the Saudis. Yemenis are tribal people and have their code of life, which we can not judge. As you can see they beat the shit out of the Saudi morons, here is a latest photo of an Abrams captured intact in Jizan and then driven off to Sanaa. So they guys are hardly dumb. Even the kids are quick study and experts at mastering weaponry.


Jacob Wohl

bullcrap. the ancient Israelites contributed religion, mathematics, and philosophy to the world. then again what do we expect from moron arabs like yourself

Tiresia Branding

the only things ancient Israelites invented was genocide and usury. And never, in 2000 years, they go forward. Don’t just read the Talmud, also read the Torah


Actually, they are very well known for one other thing. Lying. It is their stock in trade, the thing they use most to get what they want. Of course, one can’t discount their other very well known trait, stabbing friends in the back. They make even Erdo look reputable.


There you go again, stealing others accomplishments. Typical.

Concrete Mike

1234567890, you know what these are?

Arab numerals.

You know what really great? They discovered the zero. Something you can never steal from them, of course yourntrying fucking rocket nose!

Did you invent treating black jews like shit too??

Zionism = EVIL

The problem is that some of the brainwashed ignorant idiots have no historical or cultural understanding and think that the “west” discovered everything :)

Zionism = EVIL

The dumbass Americunts and filthy Jew scum have sunk so low as to raid the toy section at Walmart to arm their headchopper terrorists.


You seem to always have nice thing to say tho.


He is.

Zionism = EVIL

Someone has to keep it real :) amigo.

Toronto Tonto

They look like Russian junk, like the junk Iran and north korea get from the terrorist putin .

Sadri Salah

The terrorists are in Washington and London you Canadian troll, talking about junk, US overpriced shit is worth nothing.


Stick to watching Pornhub, you pimple faced teenage boy…

Xoli Xoli

Russia always give cabbage to so call allies while arming allies enemies with the best.

Tiresia Branding

locate the zionist’s command center and send them greetings via Kalibr


You’re being too generous, should have send Topol M instead.

Tiresia Branding

just to test the new improvements on the battlefield…

Jacob Wohl

time to put Israel’s Arrow 3 and Jericho ICBM to the test! let’s turn some russkies and iranian terrorists into glass :-]

Tiresia Branding

good idiot, have you ever thought that the Russians put the S-400s in Syria just to fuck your Jericho in the ass?

Concrete Mike

You do that and the whole world will be glass.

Careful what you wish for cunt.

Then again your going to jail, so you have nothing to lose!


We love Topol M.

Jacob Wohl

outdated icbm technology from the 60’s given a makeover, new paint job, and new name. put lipstick on an ancient relic, it’s still an ancient relic

Concrete Mike

Oh you mean loke the patriots?

How about minuteman missile?

Same shit different pile.

And you are one massive pile of shit!

Jacob Wohl

and it will be intercepted by Arrow 3, which then IDF will fire lots of Jericho-III at the russkies, pulverizing the vodka nation while Israel remains safe and sound :-]


The various posts under your avatar name merely reveal an utterly delusional, and deeply immature, fantasist.


You mean like they were so successful against Hamas rockets? What, 1 in 3 maybe? Or was that another Israeli junk system?


The terrorists in Syria and Saudis should be asking for a full refund for the dud US weapons systems.

You can call me Al

Find the radio signal they use, hack it and send a message to the operator…….

“Come on America, we are waiting”.


Ths Elvis Presley song “Return to sender” just popped up in my mind, with reading your comment. I don’t know why…. ;-)


Strange…the same song popped into my head at first when Hez destroyed that Israeli APC with an anti-tank missile. I was hoping it was a US TOW captured from ISIS. I was disappointed when it turned out to be a kornet. The irony would have been quite tasty.


Since the Russians claimed the other day that US EW aircraft were controlling these things, what is the mystery as who is behind them? My only question is: how long before Russia retaliates over US direct involvement?

Toronto Tonto

Russia cannot do shit .

Xoli Xoli

True Russians can not to a shit and will as always pretend knowing nothing to kill time.

Jacob Wohl

damn right they cant. and if they try we all know the outcome :-] hint hint – conoco oil field 2018 lol

Concrete Mike

Hint hint f35 bird strike.

2 can playnthat game.


Now comes the troll brigade. They always run their mouths showing what stupid idiots they are. “Russia can’t do shit”…really? They can hit EVERY drone you suck-ass Zionists send in droves and you and your idiots can’t even stop Yemeni drones from wasting KSA sensitive sites that are surrounded by missiles. Who can’t do shit? HAHAHAHA…you have to talk out your asses, because your mouths know better. KSA should have bought Russian, not over priced, ineffective western junk…but everyone is glad they were to stupid to or the Yemeni would not be successful. But they are successful, regardless of your infantile lies and MbS will pay for not taking the face-saving cease fire. I hope the royal house of Saud is on fire next. Guess what will happen inside the Kingdom then? Civil war. Then the west will really be up the creek, quite without a paddle, as the real Arabs will run them all out. Hey rocket nose, what happened to the Zionist intel command center in western Aleppo mountain caves? You know, the ones that evaporated in the blink of a kalibr’s eye.

Tommy Jensen

Isn’t it a bit revealing that the Russian Defense Ministry are using a formal public statement in one hour to cry about a little drone used by terrorist have build with parts from foreign countries?

If this is a problem for Russias Defense, its because they cant do a shet about anything.

Russias economy are in tatters, the Russian people refuses to be part of another Gulag adventure, they want freedom. Putin lost to American television, and a small amateur drone is enough to make the whole Russian Defense Ministry tremble in fear. We won!


We know who were the outsiders of course, no doubt.

Tommy Jensen

So the Russians are so Saints yes? Who is further using drones built with outside help to bomb innocent Americans and our assets on their own soil in Syria?? The Russians!! So stop the hypocrisy Kremlin! America is only fighting for peace and freedom, while Putler and Assad are fighting for a ultra right wing radical extremist authoritarian dictatorship government against the opinion of its own population who are denied to have a voice but only want to be free and civilised like America. That’s the only thing the Syrian people want, and they don’t want it tomorrow.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

This is clearly a field test for many western made drones, and whatever happens with the drones or the target area, the original owner can allways deny everything while gaining valuable experience on russian air defence systems.


Ofmcourse, and totally obvious. Russia must stop pleasing Erdogan at Idlib.

cechas vodobenikov

Tommy tonto amuse—insecure girls….lovers, of course, paid by the CIA

Xoli Xoli

This Russian comments are waisting of time.Russians must stop beating behind the Bush.Of course Russians news very well who help this terrorists and who created them.

As long as Russians live in denial attacks and supply of sophisticated weapons and ammunition wont stop.If Russian bases or Syrians are attacked how to Russians knows that it is ISIS.

Russian popularity is diminishing as long as their pretend knowing nothing.Of cause saboteurs are USA,Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE,France, Britain and Germany. Democratic values and freedom are rape and destroys by democratic prostitute NATO and go with the flow free rider puppets of the UN Security Council.

Look what’s happening in current sessions in USA.Total disgrace in entire human kind never accuse me support my lies and radical ideology of NATO members.A true compatriots of human freedom,socialism ,dignity and sovereignty would have safe their countries tax payers money and stay away from this luxury Denver table evil session.

It is a time wasting ,money wasting and want to be seen with mr.Super Cool world best evil leaders session.People are dying because of wars,hunger,oppression and suppression mechanism which this evil devil world leaders have create.

Hoping in vein to hear their blatant nonsense with denials are the order of the day.More sufferings with more luxury dinners lies UN sessions to come.

Xoli Xoli

If Russia wanted it could have armed so allies with latest s-400,S-500, SU 35 and SU 57.More especially North Korea, Iran,Syria, Armania, Venezuela, Cyprus and Cuba.Then case close.

Look at UN General Assembly everybody is waiting to see Trump to feel good and protected while brain wash with NATO plan doctrine.

Now if you change the camera people are runing for their lives in front of NATO and Israel bullets with ISIS as border walls.World Economic suppression and starvation cause by NATO are which hunting people in Iran,Syria, Iraq,Libya,Venezuela, Cuba.

Africa cannot be counted because all African countries gained independent and freedom more then 30 years.African suffering are cause by greedy old leaders,children,friends who suck their countries money with Chinese and run to Europe and USA and live like kings while fellow countrymen suffers.

At least Europe and USA can free their bank accounts and donate their money back to countries which their ard coming from.Sanction are best option to prevent money laundering through diplomatic immunity.Most of their bank accounts are in Mauritius because it is tax free,Singapore, Britain, Switzerland, China,India and Dubai.

Jacob Wohl

BREAKING NEWS! US Airforce Commander says the US Airforce squadrons are 100% prepared to destroy and eliminate ALL russkie s-400s and integrated air defense systems IN the event of war throughout Europe. we all know what happens when russkies don’t have air support. (Conoco 2018, Battle of Kusham, 400 russkies roasted)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Breaking news, 13 Y/O Russian schoolboy slaps Jacob Whol senseless just for looking and sounding stupid. The boy was holidaying in Jacob’s hometown when he saw him on the other side of the street and recognized him, the young boy then quickly crossed the street to confront Jacob, but Jacob was lucky enough to initially escape from the young schoolboy, but unfortunately for Jacob his overly large nose caused him to lose balance as he was running away causing him to trip and fall, which then allowed the young boy to catch up to him and give Jacob the slapping of his life. The young boy will be attending a state dinner tonight with special honors.

Jacob Wohl

nice fantasy, twerp. I’m 6’4″ 200lbs solid muscle, try harder

Concrete Mike

Only 200?

Pfff yournanfucken pussy rocket nose

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Russian schoolboy was only 5/6 and weighed 75 kg [165 lb], you should be embarrassed, he was a little flabby too, not solid muscle like you.


The only ‘solid muscle’ you likely have is Kosher and between your cheeks. Both sets.

Jacob Wohl

very funny, not* bet I can outbench your body weight on a bad day, let alone a good day.




Wow, didn’t know you did comedy too.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Assad’s been able to get massive concessions from the UN during their recent negotiations, and from what I’ve been able to find out so far, it seems Assad was the one laying down the terms for the implementation of the UN resolution. Assad refused to cooperate unless all his conditions were met and the UN envoy agreed to all of them [so miracles do happen], and even though I still don’t know all the fine details yet, and I don’t like this resolution in any way shape or form myself, if Assad’s happy with what’s on offer, it must at least be a bit better than the outcome he was expecting if he didn’t accept it. Politically the concessions he got the UN to agree to were massive, the original resolution stated the constitutional committee would be made up of 50 elected Syrian government officials, 50 opposition members, and 50 unaligned, but Assad refused that proposal and has instead got them to agree to his own demands. Now the new deal will be Assad will nominate all 150 members of the committee, and the UN will then be able to veto any of the candidates they feel aren’t suitable, which could turn out to be a very long process LOL, but it’s excellent news, this is even better than the best case scenario I proposed in a comment yesterday, way better, [miracle]. But Assad also stipulated there could be no foreign influence involved in the process at all, and after thanking his Russian and Iranian friends for their support and hoped it would continue, he also strenuously asserted Turkey could in no way be a part of this process and then stated the reasons why, Turkey’s complicity in causing and continuing to cause the ongoing problems in Syria, smirk. Russia, Iran, and Turkey are the parties behind resolution 2254 they designed it without Assad’s approval and then proposed it to the UN who passed it against Assad’s wishes, smirk, Turkey, smirk. The UN has given Assad the green light to go after the designated terrorist but airsupport is heavily restricted, he has to walk an even finer line than he has been recently, civilians are now his major concern, and instead of trying to get them to flee and go to Turkey as they have been, now Assad has to carefully protect them and also separate them from the terrorists if he can, which will be hard to do if the civilians don’t move out of the danger areas, so I’m expecting things to go pretty slowly despite the fact Assad now has a green light from the UN. I’m not sure what will happen if the so called moderate opposition [Turkish backed NFL,SLF,FSA] obstruct the resolution by either directly fighting against the SAA, or perhaps indirectly by protecting the designated terrorists [HTS, Al Nusra, few others], I can’t find any info on what that would mean for the Turkish backed opposition, but the fact Erdogan has the moderate head choppers on the tightest leash they’ve ever been on, suggests they’re going to behave themselves. But in saying that, the FSA has broken just about every ceasefire and alliance they’ve ever made with anyone, so I don’t think they’re going to break with tradition and do the right thing all of a sudden, it will be very interesting to see what does happen if they do do something unlawful, hopefully the UN will just add them to the terrorist list if they do. I’ve always hated resolution 2254 and thought it would be the end of Assad if it was implemented, but the UN has made it so much more of a workable solution with these new concessions, and judging from what Assad has also said, the Kurdish autonomous zone should also be included in the eventual settlement. This has worked out way better for Assad than anyone else for once, the moderate terrorist still get an out of jail free card but they’re going to end up under Assad’s jurisdiction eventually, once he moves back into all of Idlib. The one thing I don’t like though is this, the Turks will still get to occupy their shithole OB posts and the SAA aren’t allowed to go near them at all [or shell them anymore], so we can expect dramas from Turkey and the UN whenever the SAA goes anywhere near them from now on, so hopefully Assad can find a way around them when he has to. Go Assad, go SAA, the green light from the UN means the terrorists can now be killed legally, so for the first time in my entire life I’ll also say, go UN too, but I’m sure this will be the only time in my life I ever say it, since it’s taken 55 years for me to think they’ve done even one single thing right, I doubt I’ll live long enough to say it a second time. Bye bye Erdogan you’re next in line, the voters at home are going to love this now, the opposition voters that is, LOL.

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