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MARCH 2025

Terrorists Repel Syrian Army Attack In Northern Lattakia

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Terrorists Repel Syrian Army Attack In Northern Lattakia

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Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies have repelled a new attack by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on their positions in the northern Lattakia countryside.

Enab Baladi, a pro-opposition news outlet, said that Russian and Syrian warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on the opposition-held part of northern Lattakia in the early hours of May 12 in order to facilitate a new push by the SAA. However, the army failed to advance.

“Assad’s forces have made several attempts to advance on the axis of Kabani in the Kurd mountain … since the morning,” Enab Balad’s reporter said.

The SAA launched its military operation in the northern Lattakia countryside four days ago. Since then, the army has captured several key positions between the highest point in the al-Zuiyqat mount and point 1154 near the Kurd mount.

A source in the SAA 4th Davison, which is leading the attack in northern Lattakia, confirmed to SouthFront that the army has failed to make any gains during the last 24 hours, citing the rough terrain of the mountainous region as the reason.

However, the source stressed that the operation in northern Lattakia is still ongoing and that Kabani will be “liberated soon.” Terrorist groups are using the town as a base for their rocket attacks on Russia’s Hmeimim airbase, which makes its capture crucial for the success of the operation.

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Xoli Xoli

The infantry must use v attack formation use drones and jet and helicopter attack followed by missiles attack.Use smoke bombs to cover artillery.

Promitheas Apollonious

I am sure they are reading what you post and will follow your advice. Where you learn all this strategies and technics holywood?

Xoli Xoli

I was a member of fearfull south African special forces.Range command and strategic formation was my co principal duties.

Promitheas Apollonious

did you see the landscape and generally the terrain you make the suggestion as to how to attack? beside the fact I dont think an army that is been fighting this war for so many years they dont know what to do. congrats in what you used to be, no sarcasm mean. experience as you have it be needed soon if you are living in europe and are familiar with urban warfare. I also been a seal instructor for several years, until I realize that been in the armed forces you just a tool of the politicians and left.

You can call me Al

“Navy SEALs are named after the environment in which they operate, the Sea, Air, and Land,”

I never knew that… but now you say that…visit in the UK ?


Promitheas Apollonious

“I never knew that… but now you say that…me visit in the UK ?“

you confuse me with this line what you mean?

You can call me Al

To be honest Greek, I have no idea. I seem to have lost a sentence somewhere. My apologies.

You can call me Al

Well you fucked that up then, SA is now a No.1 shit hole.

? ?? ??


must be very hard to see what has become of SA …..

You can call me Al



another wannabe general lol


Yes, attacking a virtual fortress on a mountain top is a formidable task, as witnessed in the battle for Monte Casino,WW2. Even massive saturation bombing failed to dislodge the German paratroopers for weeks. It was the infantry that had the hardest task of course.


Good observation. In this rough and forested (great defensive) terrain, it will be up to the infantry to take and hold.


Yes, it takes very well trained and extremely fit soldiers to prevail in such terrain as the attacking force.

I would think that massive thermobaric attacks would help, together with blanket deep penetration bunker munitions to destroy communication tunnels and fortifications.

Flame thrower troops are also useful in such situations.

The liberation of Kobani is a priority for the Russians of course, and they will be using all the weapons at their disposal, except nukes I would think, if the going gets too tough for the brave men of the SAA.

S Melanson

Yes, and in fact, the massive bombing created so much rubble it gave the defending German forces additional advantage for cover (particularly the Abbey on the hill overlooking town of Cassino) and made traversing territory nearly impossible for mechanized forces – foot infantry only was going to dislodge and it took 4 months to do so. By the way, the troops that finally broke the back of the German defence at Cassino were of the Polish II Corps and the Polish flag first to be raised on the hilltop where the now destroyed Abbey once stood.

So a day delay says little and besides, pressuring multiple fronts prevents reinforcing weakening defences such as Hamas front where SAA making good progress

Thermobaric weapons would make quick work of terrorists entrenched in rough/mountain terrain.

Lastly, I sense there is internal divisions in Russian policies as statements conflict such as Lavrov stating rooting out terrorists implied major Idlib operation while other statements had indicated minor operation and earlier,it seemed no hostilities intended, and recently, Turkey has called on halt which was ignored. Russian forces are clearly supporting operation and it seemed more than a minor incursion. The Russian military taking things into their own hands in my opinion and good for them, this house cleaning is long overdue


There is also the issue that ‘stop start’ military operations are not good for the morale of front line troops.

I accept that certain political constraints are often necessary, but a balance with those who to the real fighting is necessary.

Harry Smith

Now we have ODAB-500PMV. Maybe it’s time to use it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermobaric_weapon


It was German military scientists during WW2 I think, who developed the thermobaric explosive weapon. The Germans used coal dust as the fuel element.


It will fall soon and all of this will pass into history.


Good evening, https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/close-call-russian-air-force-bombs-jihadist-forces-near-turkish-military-post/


Turkey should join Iran, Russia, China, Pakistan and defeat the Trump forces. After Afghanistan next was Iraq, then Syria, then Venezuela and now Iran.

After Iran next may be Pakistan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

America is s terrorist state. Their mission is to destabilize regions and countries in the world.

Rhodium 10

Iran have thousands of ballistic missile which can destroy Gulf States petrol fields, refineries, terminal ports..and turn these countries in simple Goat pens as they were in another times!


America will start WW-III with Iran and Pakistan by false flag attack.


Turkey (Erdogan’s Turkey) has 2 enemies, Greece which it can not touch, and Kurdistan. Right now Kurdistan is The enemy for Turkey, cause there are 20-25 million Kurds living inside the Turkish border and many more in Syria and Iraq.

And Kurds want independence and they will get it. Turkey is as much a terrorist state as the USA is and a bit more, as Turkey has commited various genocides in the past 100+ years !

Syria together with Russia need to finaly do something about these Turkish irregulars and secret agents that roam freely in Latakia and Idlib !


Are you PKK terrorist or Israeli Jew or American Jew that wish the division of Turkish, Syrian and Iraqi nation. These nations are more stronger than your imagination.


No I m neither of those random things u accused me of. My turn now, are you a moron a retard or an imbecile ? You can be one or more of those and many more that I left out. Or maybe you just like genocides and shit kebap like mustafa mehmet here.


I am the one to integrate and unite all nations together with mutual respect and encourage borderless world. I am not evil to encourage them to divide and kill own brothers. What about you to encourage the division of countries to make new baby states. What a moronic thinking.


What integration baloney u on about pal !

Who encourage whom to divide and kill own brothers ?

You lost the plot too like mustafa ?

The Kurds and the Turks are NOT brothers. Ask the Turks and ask the Kurds and see what answers you ll get. 90% on both sides hate each other. Educate your self on history and specifically the genocides the Turks have commited. And that is a fact that is been recognised and accepted by most civilised countries round the glob. The Kurds have a right for independence just as much as the Palaistinians have, and even more if u ask me. If that is ‘satanic thinking’ (ROFL) then yeah im Satan ! ahhaahah

….silly boy.

Mustafa Mehmet

Mosquito buzzing again


Over your shit kebap ?

Mustafa Mehmet

Mosquito buzzing again


Drink some water.


Mustafa Mehmet

mosquito is still buzzing


Confused . com ? Its not a mosquito, its the Kurds revolution…soon at your doorstep!

Mustafa Mehmet




Mustafa Mehmet

She is your sis. She is wasting he life sily girl. I’m sure FSA soldiers will be very happy to catch her.,


Oh no she is not my sister, she is a Kurdish freedom fighter and one of these days she just might come to your house and claim back what belongs to her ! And then what you gona do Mongol ? Where you gona run ? Only way is east Mongol, back to the Russo-Chinese Steppes where you belong. ?

Mustafa Mehmet

RE greeco my house belong to me. but your sis welcome anytime.


Ρε Mongoloid, I aint got a sister I got 3 brothers, one in the Greek navy, one in the Greek airforce, one is a commando and I am a paratrooper. But if I had a sister she d have more balz than any of you pesky Mongols !

Now, have you packed up your bags ? Got all your rugs and your shit kebap ?

Konstantinopolis is the capital of Greece Mongol !

Pali me khronia me kerous pali dika mas thane !



Mustafa Mehmet

RE ottoman leftover Greek neighbour. I don’t know you talk about but what’s wrong with Mongolian people? God you still dreaming about ISTANBUL? Carry on


Ρε GypsyMongoloid We are not dreaming about Konstantinopolis, we Know we ll get it back. We are dreaming of having borders with the new independent state of Kurdistan and with Armenia and Georgia, thats what we are dreaming of. We Greeks are dreaming while the Turkish generals have nightmares, cause they know that the proficy has fortold KONSTANTINOPOLIS will be GREEK AGAIN. And dont forget the Jenisars … when the Ottoman empire would steal Greek male babies to make them elite soldiers…you just might be one of their sons… We ll have to test DNA you all before we kick you back to central Asia!

Mustafa Mehmet

OK. now I can tell you are losing. silo bello. I will send back Ali pasha to sort you out again.


ROFL wtf is silo bello re malaka mongole !

ahahah you gypoturks are so dumb its beyond belief !

Ali Pasha ? hahahaha

How about :

Theodoros Kolokotronis

Georgios Karaiskakis

Yannis Makriyannis

Athanasios Diakos



Manto Mavrogenous




Do you know what these people did to the Ottoman empire in 1821…? Take a day off from the shitkebap shop and the rug selling and do some reading, u better do your home work cause I ll ask questions tomorrow … !

How is the turkgay-lira doing today by the way…is still good to wipe your arse …?

Mustafa Mehmet

Lira doing fine thank you.. how you doing paying back Germany next 50 years. What happened to your drahma?








I hope that answers your question … turkish lira = toilet paper.

Mustafa Mehmet

Ra Sharon why you so concerned about TL like any country has bad day gd day. Still we did over to help your government . RE don’t go in to to much politics otherwise you go bonkers. have nice days


hahahha….Do you know the story of the fox that couldnt reach the grapes, so she decided that they grapes were sour anyway…. yeah…u have nice days too and Kurds will have even better days !

Mustafa Mehmet

when Western thrace population have there independence Mr smok? when Iran.. Iraq .. and.. Syria.. turkey. allow them kurdi can have otonomy. when pigs can fly all this will happen


Western Thrace has a 100 % Greek population with some Greek Muslims that are Not Turks. You keep thinking like that and soon you ll find your selfs losing a big chunk of South Easter Turkey, Dyarbakir is the capital of Kurdistan and soon the capital of the Republic of Kurdistan. And what happened to the 100s of thousands of Greeks of Konstantinopolis and the islands of Imvros and Tenedos and the city of Smyrni and Samsounta and Trapezounta and Sinopi and Prousa… You are occuping land that is not yours…

As long as you have the Erdogan regime we are not worried about nothing.

Mustafa Mehmet

They’re not Greek you know that. they are 100 % ottoman turks with out mosque because they’re not allowed to have one. RE yanni kurdish people in Turkey they got freedom like any Turkish. Greek.. ermanian.. any Turkish citizens we had kurdish mp. president and prim minister .re Albania.. makedonian.. Bulgarian.. they want they are land back. Specially makedonian.. don’t be surprised when you hear REPUBLIC OF WESTERN THRACE


Seriously, you need to change your diet, the shit-kebap has camped in your head and you talk shit all the time now !

The Kurds are opressed politically, their men are killed, their women raped and their kids abducted by the Turkish regime ! Everybody in the West knows that !

You can continue living in your own fantasy world but one of these days reality WILL hit you in the head !

Kurdistan will be an independent state and will take a very large chunk of Turky’s South Eastern territories.

And nobody likes Turkey in Europe apart from the muslim terrorists in Kosovo and Albania. Greece needs only a good excuse and just like before we ll have you chickens running towards the Kaspian sea.

Mustafa Mehmet

Aha W. thrace turks got same prop with ortodoks greeco nuters. turk not allowed there own luggage or religious places..I think your black dress, black dressd priest brainwash you to.. you grab Albans land now you calling them terrorist. RE you gd all the excuses to go all the way to Caspian Sea. but no 1 will help you this time like your grandpa youwill turn round and run for your life


hahahaha I dont know whats more funny, really, your attempts to type in English or the crap you manage to type !

I am not even religious, I couldnt care less about priests and dirty mohameds and the rest.

The Albananians are ottoman muslim leftovers that under the soviet rule all those years in the past have become the scumiest of the scum of this planet.

They have killed innocent Greek families in their Greek villages in WW2 when the Italians invaded Epirus, but they got their asses kicked and Northern Epirus will be Greek again soon.

My grandpa actually fought on the mountains of Epirus malakako skatotourke, and in the first chance I will happily take my FN PARA and with the bayonet attached on and gut as many of your barbaric cave dwelling compatriots as I can , have no doubt mongol !

Mustafa Mehmet

you been ungrateful now towards your boss.re you bankrupt for next 50 years German wants there loan payment back soon . you can’t even afford to feed your self. back to your cave now


ΗΑΗΑ you are such a retard… Have fun wiping your ass with the turkish lira mongol.


Bring the 2S4 Tyulpans. That is what they are made for. Taking fortified, position in mountainous regions. A battery of those guns, would quiet the area village in no time.


Good idea.

viktor ziv

My humble vote goes for TOS.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i will relay the order to SAA

Jacob Wohl's Nose

muh tomahawks :(



John Whitehot

bring in large flocks of strategically depilated sheeps and goats.

the ragheads would be so aroused that they will forget about the SAA.

When they are distracted, just put a 9mm bullet in their skulls.

Rhodium 10

SAA need better commanders,officers,tactics rigor and strategic…beside bullet proof jackets, armour helmets, snipers, ATGM operators,drones…sometimes these commanders send troops without fire cover support and protection, without order and tactics like Pancho Villa army to fight vs well trained terrorist militia…and the result is dozens of SAA troops death!..we have seen the same scenario vs ISIS in Homs desert!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

u should go there and help them then


I saw a video some years back, the terrorists were just down the road. The immaculately dressed Syrian officer was drinking tea with his swagger stick tucked under his arm.


Sounds like a movie about British invading Zulu land. :)


That’s what I thought.

Saddam Hussein

Theyve been fighting for 8 years against an unlimited horde of terrorists. If this happened in any Western country it would have collapsed.


The reality is the SAA would have been defeated by a bunch of lightly armed terrorists long ago if not for Russia Iran and Hezbollah. Assad should shoot his officers, and start again.

Promitheas Apollonious

lightly armed terrorists? Think again.


Did they have artillery? Actually they did, the Iraqis gave it to them, and tanks.

Promitheas Apollonious

sometimes I wonder if you have selective memory or you drunk when you post, posts as this one. isis is been armed by nato israel and turks depending which side each was arming and using. As for your notions maybe you should try and stay in tune, with what is really happening and not what you think it does.


Fair cop, actually I was really stoned, yes the US et al had armed their mercenaries to the hilt.

Albert Pike



‘Over the last seven years, several billion dollars’ worth of armament has been illegally introduced into Syria – a fact which in itself is enough to disprove the myth according to which this war is a democratic revolution. Numerous documents attest to the fact that the traffic was organised by General David Petraeus, first of all in public, via the CIA, of which he was the director, then privately, via the financial company KKR with the aid of certain senior civil servants.’ https://www.voltairenet.org/article197144.html

It was even a Pentagon publicly written out contract, where the US proved themselves, that every two weeks a cargo ship fully loaded with refurbished Russian arms and tanks, paid for by the US, left a Bulgarian harbor for the Levante. So not all came from raided Syria arms depots or from the Iraqis. Also ISis where/are Mercenaries, they did it -and are doing it- for dollars…

Mustafa Mehmet

Because they don’t want to finished the war in that part of the world. Unfortunately they distroy Syria to secure Israel safety

Lena Jones

Thing is, klepto terrorist israel will NEVER be safe – so very many enemies of choice they’ve created with their thousands of terrorist attacks over the past seventy years.

Promitheas Apollonious

of course they would have collapsed. The majority of the populations in western countries they become sissy’s and sheep following perverted and psychopaths to their doom leaving in denial of fact and their predicament. Very hard to awaken people they pretending are asleep.

Mustafa Mehmet

Anything else?

Rhodium 10

No because with only the half of these…Idlib would be defeated..

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

do not give up SAA!!! remember you are much stronger, better, faster, smarter than these rats!


Better allows Russia to make the offensive plans.


Offensive must be continue strong brave and without stop until the whole Idlib area be free of terrorists and Turkish.


With no air support. It’s only a matter of time before the Syrian government coalition aircraft and heavy weapons locate the terrorists and either eliminate them or compel them to surrender using cordon and clear operations.

Rodney Loder

You got to ask where HTS is getting it’s steadfastness from, there is 2 places mainly first is the end of the IS Caliphate al-Qaedr is saying we told you so all along, and secondly Julani is not closely connected with Zawahiri who is probably in semi-open retirement, Julani is being groomed to take over the entire organization which involves many wealthy contributors and many subsidiaries.

al quaida

Makes a lot of sense.

Rodney Loder

Indeed, better late than never.

John Whitehot

“You got to ask where HTS is getting it’s steadfastness from”

I won’t ask, because HTS is anything but “steadfast”.

In fact, they displayed the greatest mobility of all the maneuver forces deployed in Syria – when they run from the Syrian army.

Rodney Loder

That’s not what the article clearly states. Give credit where credit is due or become the victim of your own delusions, my record is consistent with every post since 2012 starting on Topix, virtue had nothing to do with Assad still being in place, HTS is Wahhabism not Salafisi Theology they have wealth we have Allah, but most people see opportunity as bank notes.

John Whitehot

“Give credit where credit is due”


Credit is not due to articles having ragheads as the source.

Rodney Loder

It’s ragheads sabotaging KSA / UAE oil, Salafist ragheads. Allah Akbar.

John Whitehot

everybody is entitled to an opinion.

Rodney Loder

Yep some folks prefer heaven some prefer hell, but you won’t find many virgins in hell it’s not biological.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

the time has come SAA needs to utilize Jacob Wohl’s massive Nasal airforce power legend says he can inhale a mountain and blow away the orbiting planets!


He also shoots tomahawks from his backside.

John Whitehot


Lena Jones

“Repel” but for how long lol!

Promitheas Apollonious

not very long. there is no rush, more they resist to what is unavoidable more turk back terrorist and turks who lead them, as their commanding officers, they die.

cechas vodobenikov

Perhaps the defeat of the extremists will require some time; there r civilians that live in al sham controlled areas

chris chuba

Has the Dailybeast gloated yet? Common SAA tactic, attack, fallback, pound imbeciles with artillery and retake position.

John Whitehot


it’s like you are losing the game 6-0, 50 minutes into the game, and gloat that your defenders stopped an attacking move of the other team.

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