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Testimony Of UAF 501st Marine Brigade Senior Sailor (English Video)

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Snake island Ghost

Ukrops are cheap cannon fodder. Useful only for dying. If you’re a ukrop and you lose a limb or worse, remember that it was for no other reason than to appease your Western overlords.

Last edited 2 years ago by Snake island Ghost

They don’t believe that. They’re totally brainwashed and living in a police state. Where is Maxim Ryndovskiy? I saw a list of disappeared Ukrainian dissidents. They’ve got full-blown martial law, a debt exploding under the NATO weapons extortion scheme. millions of displaced persons. Great job by the Ukrainian government to look after the people.


Have you seen Putin’s top adviser, Anatoly Chubays, recently? It seems that he is looking for safer places in Turkey.

Muh… have you seen Boris Nemtsov, or is this question going too far?

Hey stronzo, cosa dice?

Ha, a Ukie gestapo supporter speaking such things. Boggles the mind.

Probably hangs out in some retro Mussolini fascist club.


Totalmente sbagliato, ovviamente questo dice molto di più su di te che su di me, ovviamente. Niente scuola domani?


These are NAZI terrorists under international law and should be executed after a brief interrogation. These Nazis are basically murdering criminals and do not deserve even a single meal. They are not part of any recognized military and hence have no legal protection.


Para as Big techs e seu consórcio midiático o Azov , Bandera e outros são Nazistas do bem


You mean the nwo reight italiano pufta who sends medical boxes full of weapons? Mussolini was simply way too dumb to be anything communist,as its proven 100%


Mussolini worked for British intelligence services since 1917.


Typical response from a Nazi and NATO apologist. Are people duct-taped to light posts in Moscow right now? Do Russian citizens have to drive through checkpoints manned by convicts armed with heavy weaponry? Why are there shot up cars full of dead civilians in Western Ukraine? I know you can’t understand this because your trips outside of mom’s trailer park are limited but I’ve even been in war-torn African countries where militia act more civil than the Kiev regime. Any of us here can say moronic shit like “Have you seen the NSA IT expert, Edward Snowden, recently? It seems he’s looking for safer places in Russia”. Let me guess, you believe Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide as well? Or is that going too far?


You kind of forgot that the US, British, Canadians, Senegalese, etc… fought and liberated Europe from German Nazis. Or is that not in Edward Snowden’s leaks?

Maybe you should work on some history knowledge and not float your fat body in the diva your mama bought, redneck. But your childish narrow-mindedness adorns you. Congratulations!


And Canadian soldiers helped the CIA kill Lumumba, trained the guys who overthrew Nkrumah, and actually overthrew and helped kidnap Aristide in Haiti. Then they ran the illegal destruction of Libya in 2011. What’s your point?


I’m just really curious if you can back up your previous comment with conclusive evidence. bruh…


What comment, dipshit?


I’m gonna help you to rephrase what you can’t remember, poor western-parasiting spoiled-kid:

Do you have any proof that CIA killed Lumumba?

Try more, and catch the bone, poor döggie!


Is that your new emblem turdeau ( O) No future in fascism nor your lgbtq (period) Your going down (PERIOD) enjoy nwo hyperinfated freedom,nazis! FIXED:

This is the most pathetic comment ever. Congrats fâg!


Do some reading Imbecile = https://www.nytimes.com/1981/08/02/magazine/the-cia-and-lumumba.html


Read more huge ignorant specimen: https://www.britannica.com/story/how-did-patrice-lumumba-die

Criminals sucking at the West's teats

Where there’s smoke, there’s always the CIA playing with matches.

Last edited 2 years ago by Criminals sucking at the West's teats
Belgians waffling in Congo

OK, so it was the Belgians then. Happy now?

It was the height of the Cold War when Sidney Gottlieb arrived in Congo in September 1960. The CIA man was toting a vial of poison. His target: the toothbrush of Patrice Lumumba, Congo’s charismatic first prime minister

When Lumumba finally was killed, in January 1961, no one was surprised when fingers started pointing at the CIA. A Senate investigation of CIA assassinations 14 years later found no proof that the agency was behind the hit, but suspicions linger.

Today, new evidence suggests Belgium, Congo’s former colonialist ruler, was the mastermind. According to The Assassination of Lumumba, a book published recently in Belgium by sociologist Ludo de Witte, Belgian operatives directed and carried out the murder, and even helped dispose of the body. Belgian authorities are investigating, but officials admit de Witte’s account appears accurate.

Sociology Major

Why do jews always seem to be involved left and right, in coup d’etats and civil wars around the world?

It’s a serious question. No jew-bashing please. I’d like a serious answer based on geopolitics.

One of History's Mysteries

How can a bunch of former Trotskyite members of the 4th Internationale suddenly change coats and found the Neoconservative movement in America and ally themselves with neonazis and islamic jihadis around the world, then convince so many that they’re not totally nutso?

Explain that one and you’ll be nominated for the Nobel Prize in Logic.


they are not


The Wandering Jew has no home among the Goyim and the Rabbinical talmudo satanist bible picks up where the bible left off by approving of murder and abuse of every kind of the Goyim as they are actually not even human. The Jew has no loyalty to anything but Israel, whatever that is. Jonathan Pollard actually admitted it for all jews when he said at his sentencing: “I am a jew and as a jew my allegiance is to the state of Israel.”


Jews own banks, oil, diamonds and gold-mines all over the world, except not that much in Asia.

E Michael Jones

E Michael Jones thinks it’s because their religion is based revolution against Christ; their defining characteristic is as a revolutionary.


Good job kid. Belgians indeed, but keep supporting Russia’s illegal invasion and occupation of a sovereign country, named Ukraine.


Don’t tell him that the complex that houses NASA headquarters is named after Nazi von Braun or that the US kept black people as slaves for hundreds of years 🤣. A literal commercialized and widespread “Holocaust”. This guy has drank way too much of the Kool-Aid, without RUSSIA the entirety of Western Europe would be speaking German, they loved autistic Hitler. The full strength of Das Volk would have kicked the shit out of the US waging war an ocean away, just like they did to the British and French. They dropped an atomic bomb on Japanese cities ASAP to avoid having to fight an actual army. To be candid it would only have been a matter of time before the US became a vassal state to Nazi Germany, look at how the braindead population was foaming at the mouth for the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.


US liberated Europe from Nazi-Germans and Europeans at that time cursed thet German Nazi-invaders.

Hahaha … the content of some rednecks is still hilarious! I would let my sleep for it, to counter these nöobs!


Is that supposed to be English? Why troll an English language website if you can’t talk the talk?


US did colonized France in 1945. US still colonizes France in 2022.


Yes and no,well I thought france colonised usa after their pitchfork protests!

Criminals sucking at the West's teats

They just took the Vichy Government and renamed it the American Bitchy Government. Sort of like Nuland did with the Social Nationalist Party and renaming it Svoboda.


France, Germany, Holland, Britain, maybe Italy are all colonies of the US Inc. I have no idea what is going to happen with these colonies for US Inc is bankrupt since Jan. 2021. And lately it stopped formerly in the Books as well. Does not exist anymore. US Inc. Congress has been closed recently, all politicians have got their last paycheck and sent home to not come back ever again!.

There is only The USA Unincorporated “We The People” left. And that is correct and good so.



CCCP liberated easyern Europe, US and allies the west. Now let your diaper being renewed, môrôn.


You must be Jens Holm’s mentally challenged LGBT wife.

Vlad the Impaler

The USSR liberated Europe from the nazi Germans, not the US. Fixed it for you, since you fail at history so badly.


Ussr were the nazi! They started the War. 1939? Remember?


Wasn’t it Poland starting the war against Germany somewhere in already in 1938? The Brits namely had promised the Poles “Begin to start fighting against the Silician Germans and we will come and support you fysically when it becomes seriously”. When it indeed started to become seriously at that time, no Brits, France were there and the Poles had big problems thru their provocative attitude toward Nazi-Germany.

Like the way they are acting now towards Russia and Belarus. USA they think is supporting us, NATO they assume is helping them by making troubles with Russia. But it is the same song as in 1938/1939 for the Poles: the only Nazistans them supporting are the Baltics. BIg time! The polish people know nothing about all these recent provocations otherwise there will be trouble for their politicians in town.


That is correct. The socalled Allies waited but recognized they had to come because they were afraid UdSSR would take their customers in (Western) Europe away. That is all.


Nah, USSR liberated eastern Europe just at Berlin, US and allies liverated Western Europe. You should read some more, ignorant toddler. Come back later, ok?


Sleep well and on … Bye-dan!


That with the atomic bomb on Japan was pure window dressing towards the ex-UdSSR to show them: “Hé Ruskie, we are the strongest, the best and this is a our promise to come after you ’cause we want your resources plus you are becoming a danger to our hegemonic position now on “our” planet where we are boss now”.

IMO it had hardly anything to do with avoiding having a fight with an actual army. At least the Americans reached Japan by fighting an actual army, navy and airforce at that time.

Japan had already capitulated in accordance with MacArthur but this Truman thing was a mean fascist and unreliable creature.


Lumumba was killed by belgians. Remember his speche the day off independence. King Boudewijn was sitting on the first row. Lumumba was going to work whit the Russians. Belgium offred the uranium from Congo to the yankees for there nukes who killed milions of people in Japan. The yankees did not want the verry ritch untherground ofCongo go to the Russians. They ordred Belgium to kill him. Somepune saved a thoot from Lumumba and now they are giving his family back the thoot.


Belgians were owned by the US back then… actually they still are.

Criminals sucking at the West's teats

They’re civilized Europeans now. They value human lives. LOL

Criminals sucking at the West's teats

Belgium? Boy, talk about war crimes per capita through the ages. That runt country takes the prize.


What about Ruskie? From Russian genocide of Poland in 1939 to ethnic cleansing in Chechenia in 2000… 60 millions of innocent killed by ussr over less that 70 years…


Any proof of this very lame allegation, fck-tard?


Russia did MOST of it, they had the highest death count and were starved to death by the Nazis. Every other nation invaded by Nazis, fell to the Nazis but Russians kept on fighting.


LOL, Europeans fought against the Nazi’s from 1940 until 1945. When the US and Brittains and Canadians came and liberate them from the fcking Nazi’s.

Where’s the part of history you missed in the elementary school, buddy?


France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Poland all surrendered by the end of 1940. The Russians destroyed the vast majority of German divisions. Buddy.

Carl Bunker

yeah yeah, good old times. but now russia is nazistan and a pile of shit


I think I am on the wrong website here.


Stronger expressed: The USSR won WWII.


And RUSSIA (almost the same letters to make it easy) is winning WW3 against NATOOTAN, the satanic palindrome.


Do your research properly,halfwit! We would all be speaking german by now,with much harsher rules than ever were communist after ww2 (period)

pens holm

Europeans served Nazis 1940-1945. you miss part of the brain buddy. 99% of it.


We did not all have the advantage of a grade nine education at Stepan Bandera Memorial High in Moose Crotch, Al Burdah, Canaduh.


Sorry to break the cia bubble but you know in recent released figures posted by cccp government in usa,not so fake west,ccp traitor news + stats The official CCCp comfirmed death toll was 7.5 million vs nazis 8.2 million! Use your head,seek the truth,how many displaced? tens of millions,how many sent to israel 6 million your head,logic,do the math,since when do victors lose more people unless their khazar fake news addicts whom criede and sulked along the way and all the other covert fascists try to blame it all on stalin,yes!

Carl Bunker

with wepoans from USA. just like the ukraineans now keep on fighting against the russian nazis. and no doubt about it, putleristan will be finished soon.

Omas Bioladen

They sneaked in after Sovjets had already finished the job, you moron.

Michel LeBlanc

Dumb ass, its the soviet union that defeated nazi germany.

The soviets faught against hundreds of german divisions, while the western allies faught 4, its not even on the same scale.

Ignorant child of gladio ops.

Vlad the Impaler

The Britfags and Canadicucks did jack and shit to liberate Europe from the nazis. That was done by the Russians. One look at the number of casualties and the number of troops deployed on the Eastern Front confirms it.

Criminals sucking at the West's teats

Sure they did, after they mustered the courage to enter the fight after the Soviets softened the Nazis up.

Seems to me the only reason the Anglo-Saxon Brits fought Germany was because they didn’t want to share their crumbling empire with Hitler. Of course, some did – figuring the Germans could help it from crumbling.

Well, maybe I’m being too harsh but see how eagerly the Brits bury their heads up Washington’s arse. Same principle at work.

Last edited 2 years ago by Criminals sucking at the West's teats

“Liberated” . I argue USA intervention was not aimed at “liberating” europe. On the contrary it was to subdue it. Only childrens believe USA joined ww2 to “liberate” europe. And by the way… USA goal today is the same as 80 years ago: make europe fell down and take over their markets. The capitalists in there aim excactly to do that. They care a shit about ucrainian lives.. italian lives… for istance.


Chubais should have been strung up long ago. When old women are in the streets screaming your name because your robbed them, you’re a scumbag. Chubais was one of the main carpetbaggers working with Gaidar to bleed the Russian people and get rich from American banks. Did you kill Nemtsov? Regardless, whether Putin is conducting a new Great Terror against CIA assets in Russia or not, the Ukraine is now a police state that disappears people. Was the idea for the failed Ukrainian CIA project to be more authoritarian than Russia? Win to Ukraine, then.


Great theory. Can you post me some non-existing proof of your nonsense, please?


What theory? It’s not a mystery that Chubais was a key figure in the massive rip-off of the Russian people during the privatization scam in the nineties. Are you just a dumb zoomer with no knowledge of anything before last summer, or just a generally ignorant fascist prick?


Like Chubais is sudeenly relevant in any discussion.

Nice to see that you’re losing it … again. Congrats dude!


Stupid, ignorant, babbling cunt, the post I replied to mentioned Chubais.


Like Chubais is relevant in this discussion. You stûpíd? Need momma to help you further, lil’ doggie?


Poor illiterate fuckpile. It’s not your fault, I suppose. Who would have thought you’d be viable when that clot of dog cum mixed with the shit in your mom’s mouth. You’ve come a long way, baby.


Muh … says the insulting kid, trying to be superior, due to to his ignorance and inferior-feelings, parasiting in the great great west. So easy to play with …


Muh? In what way are you “playing with” anyone by trolling this comment section?


That’s brilliant! You should give swearing lessons. I’ll pay in rubles.


Your freedom ( O) Desperate cia/soros asskicked, dont everyone know too!

Michel LeBlanc

You braught chubais up dumbass!

jens holm

@ass I need your momma to help me… again…


partigano ass: let’s talk about Chubais!

– reply about Chubais

partigano ass: why do you talk about Chubais?!


Chewbacca Chubais made himself ‘relevant’ again by not being dead.


Here you go gimp,try this and try to use your head not the designer italio strapon firmly attached to it?


Its FIXED or is insomuch my freedom (free)

Tommy Jensen

Nemtsov is the new Russian President in exile elected and appointed by the joo Yellen/US.

Aunt Polly



strong words for a weak man, wheres that memory now ?

Dave Grace

There is not the place for your for your scam God you really must be a disgusting human being


Want a list of murdered people, here is a list of murdered Russian journalists killed in Putins Russia since he came to power in 2000. There are a lot , I see why reporters are afraid to step out of line in Putins Russia.


10 February – Ludmila Zamana, Samara. Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 9 March – Artyom Borovik, Sovershenno sekretno periodical and publishing house, director and journalist. Sheremetyevo-1 Airport, Moscow. Incident not confirmed [?J].

16 July – Igor Domnikov, from Novaya Gazeta, Moscow. Struck over the head with a hammer in the stairwell of his Moscow apartment building, Domnikov was in a coma for two months. His murderer was identified in 2003 and convicted in 2007.[83] The men who ordered and organised the attack have been named by his paper but not charged. Homicide [J]. 26 July – Sergei Novikov, Radio Vesna, Smolensk. Shot in a contract killing in stairwell of his apartment building. Claimed that he often criticized the administration of Smolensk Region. Homicide [?J]. 21 September – Iskander Khatloni, Radio Free Europe, Moscow. A native of Tajikistan, Khatloni was killed at night in an axe attack on the street outside his Moscow apartment block. His assailant and the motive of the murder remain unknown. A RFE/RL spokeswoman said Khatloni worked on stories about the human-rights abuses in Chechnya.[84] Homicide [nJ]. 3 October – Sergei Ivanov, Lada-TV, Togliatti. Shot five times in the head and chest in front of his apartment building. As director of largest independent television company in Togliatti, he was an important player on the local political scene.[85] Homicide. Gang responsible on trial [nJ]. 18 October – Georgy Garibyan, journalist with Park TV (Rostov), murdered in Rostov-on-Don [nJ]. 20 October – Oleg Goryansky, freelance journalist, press & TV. Murdered in Cherepovets, Vologda Region. Conviction [nJ]. 21 October – Raif Ablyashev, photographer with Iskra newspaper. Kungur, Perm Region. Homicide [nJ]. 3 November – Sergei Loginov, Lada TV (Togliatti). Incident not confirmed [nJ]. 20 November – Pavel Asaulchenko, cameraman for Austrian TV, Moscow. Contract killing. Conviction of perpetrator [nJ]. 23 November – Adam Tepsurkayev, Reuters, Chechnya. A Chechen cameraman, he was shot at his neighbour’s house in the village of Alkhan-Kala (aka Yermolovka). Tepsurkayev filmed most of Reuters’ footage from Chechnya in 2000, including the Chechen rebel Shamil Basayev having his foot amputated. Homicide (war crime) [J]. 28 November – Nikolai Karmanov, retired journalist. Lyubim, Yaroslavl Region. Homicide [nJ]. 23 December – Valery Kondakov, freelance photographer. Killed in Armavir, Krasnodar Region [nJ]. 2001[86]

1 February – Eduard Burmagin, Homicide. 24 February – Leonid Grigoryev, Homicide [nJ]. 8 March – Andrei Pivovarov, Homicide. 31 March – Oleg Dolgantsev, Homicide [nJ]. 17 May – Vladimir Kirsanov,[87] chief editor. Kurgan, Urals Federal District. Homicide [J].

19 September – Eduard Markevich, 29, editor and publisher of local newspaper Novy Reft in Sverdlovsk Region. Shot in the back[87] in a contract killing, homicide [J]. 5 November – Elina Voronova, Homicide [nJ]. 16 November – Oleg Vedenin, Homicide. 21 November – Alexander Babaikin, Homicide [nJ]. 1 December – Boris Mityurev, Homicide. 2002[88]

18 January – Svetlana Makarenko, Homicide. 4 March – Konstantin Pogodin, Novoye Delo newspaper, Nizhny Novgorod. Homicide. 8 March – Natalya Skryl, Nashe Vremya newspaper, Taganrog. Homicide [?J]. 31 March – Valery Batuyev, Moscow News newspaper, Moscow. Homicide [nJ]. 1 April – Sergei Kalinovsky, Moskovskij Komsomolets local edition, Smolensk. Homicide [nJ]. 4 April – Vitaly Sakhn-Vald, photojournalist, Kursk. Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 25 April – Leonid Shevchenko, Pervoye Chtenie newspaper, Volgograd. Homicide [nJ]. 29 April – Valery Ivanov, founder and chief editor of Tolyattinskoye Obozrenie newspaper, Samara Region.[87] Contract killing [J]. 20 May – Alexander Plotnikov, Gostiny Dvor newspaper, Tyumen. Homicide. 6 June – Pavel Morozov, Homicide. 25 June – Oleg Sedinko, founder of Novaya Volna TV & Radio Company, Vladivostok. Contract killing, explosive in stairwell [nJ]. 20 July – Nikolai Razmolodin, general director of Europroject TV & Radio Company, Ulyanovsk. Homicide. 21 July – Maria Lisichkina Homicide [nJ]. 27 July – Sergei Zhabin, press service of the Moscow Region governor. Homicide [nJ]. 18 August – Nikolai Vasiliev, Cheboksary city, Chuvashia. Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 25 August – Paavo Voutilainen, former chief editor of Karelia magazine, Karelia. Homicide [nJ]. 4 September – Leonid Kuznetsov, Periodicals of Mari-El publishing house, Yoshkar-Ola.[89] Incident not confirmed [?J]. 20 September – Igor Salikov, head of information security at Moskovskij Komsomolets newspaper in Penza. Contract killing [nJ]. 26 September – Roderick (Roddy) Scott, Frontline TV Company, Great Britain. Crossfire [J]. 2 October – Yelena Popova, Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 19 October – Leonid Plotnikov Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 26 October – Tamara Voinova (Stavropol) and Maxim Mikhailov (Kaliningrad), Dubrovka theatre siege (“Nord Ost” show), Moscow. Terrorist Act [nJ]. 21 December – Dmitry Shalayev, Kazan, Tatarstan. Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 2003–2005 Edit 2003[90]

7 January – Vladimir Sukhomlin, Internet journalist and editor, Serbia.ru, Moscow. Homicide. Off-duty police convicted of his murder. Those behind the contract killing were not convicted[J]. 11 January – Yury Tishkov, sports commentator, Moscow. Contract killing [nJ]. 21 February – Sergei Verbitsky, publisher BNV newspaper. Chita. Homicide [nJ]. 18 April – Dmitry Shvets, TV-21 Northwestern Broadcasting, Murmansk. Deputy director of the independent TV-21 station (Northwestern Broadcasting), he was shot dead outside the TV offices. Shvets’ colleagues said the station had received multiple threats for its reporting on influential local politicians. Contract killing [nJ]. 3 July – Yury Shchekochikhin, Novaya gazeta, Moscow. Deputy editor of Novaya gazeta and a Duma deputy since 1993. He died just a few days before his scheduled trip to United States to discuss the results of his journalist investigation with FBI officials. He investigated the Three Whales Corruption Scandal that allegedly involved high-ranking FSB officials. Shchekochikhin died from an acute allergic reaction. There has been much speculation about cause of his death. The investigation into his death has been opened and closed four times. Homicide [J]. 4 July – Ali Astamirov, France Presse. Went missing in Nazran [?J]. 18 July – Alikhan Guliyev, freelance TV journalist, from Ingushetia. Moscow. Homicide [nJ]. 10 August – Martin Kraus, Dagestan. On way to Chechnya. Homicide [nJ]. 9 October – Alexei Sidorov, Tolyatinskoye Obozreniye, Togliatti. Second editor-in-chief of this local newspaper to be murdered. Predecessor Valery Ivanov shot in April 2002.[87] Homicide. Supposed killer acquitted [?J]. 24 October – Alexei Bakhtin, journalist and businessman, formerly Mariiskaya pravda. Mari El. Homicide [nJ]. 30 October – Yury Bugrov, editor of Provincial Telegraph. Balakovo, Saratov Region. Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 25 December – Pyotr Babenko, editor of Liskinskaya gazeta. Liski, Voronezh Region. Homicide [nJ]. 2004[91]

1 February – Yefim Sukhanov, ATK-Media, Archangelsk. Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 23 March – Farit Urazbayev, cameraman, Vladivostok TV/Radio Company, Vladivostok. Incident not Confirmed [nJ]. 2 May – Shangysh Mongush, correspondent with Khemchiktin Syldyzy newspaper, Tuva. Homicide [?J]. 9 May – Adlan Khasanov, Reuters reporter, died in Grozny bomb attack that killed Chechen President Ahmed Kadyrov. Terrorist Act [J]. 9 June – Paul Klebnikov, chief editor of newly established Russian version of Forbes magazine, Moscow. Contract killing, alleged perpetrators put on trial and acquitted. Homicide [J]. 1 July – Maxim Maximov, journalist with Gorod newspaper, St Petersburg. Body not found. Homicide [J]. 10 July – Zoya Ivanova, TV presenter, Buryatia State Television & Radio Company, Ulan Ude, Buryatia. Homicide [nJ]. 17 July – Pail Peloyan, editor of Armyansky Pereulok magazine, Moscow. Homicide [nJ]. 3 August – Vladimir Naumov, nationalist reporter, Cossack author (Russky Vestnik, Zavtra), Moscow Region. Homicide [nJ]. 24 August – Svetlana Shishkina, journalist, Kazan, Tatarstan. Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 24 August – Oleg Belozyorov, Moscow-Volgograd flight. Terrorist Act [nJ]. 18 September – Vladimir Pritchin, editor-in-chief of North Baikal TV & Radio Company, Buryatia. Homicide [?J]. 27 September – Jan Travinsky (St Petersburg), in Irkutsk as political activist for election campaign.[92] Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 2005[93]

23 May – Pavel Makeyev, reporter for TNT-Pulse Company, Rostov-on-Don. Run down while photographing illegal street racing. Incident not Confirmed [?J]. 28 July – Magomed Varisov, political analyst and journalist, shot dead near his home in Makhachkala, Dagestan. He “had received threats, was being followed and had unsuccessfully sought help from the local police” according to Committee to Protect Journalists. Sharia Jamaat claimed responsibility for the murder.[94] Homicide [J]. 31 August – Alexander Pitersky, Baltika Radio reporter, Saint Petersburg. Homicide [?J]. 3 September – Vladimir Pashutin, Smolensky Literator newspaper, Smolensk. Not Confirmed [nJ]. 13 October – Tamirlan Kazikhanov, head of press service for Anti-Terrorist Center of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs’s Main Department for the Southern Federal District, Nalchik. Crossfire [J]. 4 November – Kira Lezhneva, reporter with Kamensky rabochii newspaper, Sverdlovsk Region.[95] Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 2006–2008 Edit 2006[96]

8 January – Vagif Kochetkov, newly appointed Trud correspondent in the region, killed and robbed in Tula. Acquittal [nJ]. 26 February – Ilya Zimin, worked for NTV Russia television channel, killed in Moscow flat. Suspect in Moldova trial. Acquittal [nJ]. 4 May – Oksana Teslo, media worker, Moscow Region. Arson attack on dacha. Homicide [nJ]. 14 May – Oleg Barabyshkin, director of radio station, Chelyabinsk. Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 23 May – Vyacheslav Akatov, special reporter, Business Moscow TV show, murdered in Mytyshchi Moscow Region. Killer caught and convicted. Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 25 June – Anton Kretenchuk, cameraman, local Channel 38 TV, killed in Rostov-on-Don. Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 25 July – Yevgeny Gerasimenko, journalist with Saratovsky Rasklad newspaper. Murdered in Saratov. Conviction [nJ]. 31 July – Anatoly Kozulin, retired freelance journalist. Ukhta, Komi. Homicide [nJ]. 8 August – Alexander Petrov, editor-in-chief, Right to Choose magazine Omsk, murdered with family while on holiday in Altai Republic. Under-age murderer charged and prosecuted. Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 17 August – Elina Ersenoyeva, reporter for Chechenskoye obshchestvo newspaper. Abducted in Grozny, Chechnya. Missing [?J]. 13 September – Vyacheslav Plotnikov, reporter, local “Channel 41” TV, Voronezh. Incident not Confirmed [nJ]. 7 October – Anna Politkovskaya, commentator with Novaya Gazeta, Moscow, shot in her apartment building’s elevator;.[97][98][99][100] Four accused in contract killing, acquitted in February 2009 [J]. 16 October – Anatoly Voronin, Itar-TASS news agency, Moscow. Homicide [nJ]. 28 December – Vadim Kuznetsov, editor-in-chief of World & Home. Saint Petersburg magazine, killed in Saint Petersburg. Homicide [nJ]. 2007[101]

14 January – Yury Shebalkin, retired journalist, formerly with Kaliningradskaya pravda. Homicide in Kaliningrad. Conviction [nJ]. 20 January – Konstantin Borovko, presenter of Gubernia TV company (Russian: “Губерния”), killed in Khabarovsk.[47] Homicide. Conviction [nJ]. 2 March – Ivan Safronov, military columnist of Kommersant newspaper. Died in Moscow, cause of death disputed.[102][103] Incident not Confirmed. Investigation under Incitement to Suicide (Article 110) [?J]. 15 March – Leonid Etkind, director at Karyera newspaper. Abduction and homicide in Vodnik, Saratov Region. Conviction [nJ]. 5 April – Vyacheslav Ifanov, Novoye televidenie Aleiska, cameraman. Previously attacked by local military. Aleisk, Altai. Incident not Confirmed [?J]. April – Marina Pisareva, deputy head of Russian office of German media group Bertelsmann was found dead at her country cottage outside Moscow in April[104][105] 2008

(Putin’s final months as president in his first term)

8 February – Yelena Shestakova, former journalist, St Petersburg. Killer sent to psychiatric prison. Homicide [nJ]. 21 March – Gadji Abashilov, chief of Dagestan State TV & Radio Company VGTRK, shot in his car in Makhachkala. Homicide [?J]. 21 March – Ilyas Shurpayev, Dagestani journalist covering Caucasus on Channel One, was strangled with a belt by robbers in Moscow.[106][107] Alleged killers tracked to Tajikistan and convicted there of his murder. Homicide [?J]. The Medvedev presidency Edit

Magomed Yevloyev was shot and killed while in police custody in Ingushetia on 31 August 2008. 2008 Edit 31 August – Magomed Yevloyev was shot dead while in police custody in Ingushetia. Yevloyev was the founder of the opposition website Ingushetia.org and was known for his regular criticism of Ingush President Murat Zyazikov.[108][109][110] The police officer involved in the killing, Ibragim Yevloyev, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to two years in prison.[111] 2 September – Abdulla Alishayev was shot several times by unknown assailants in Makhachkala, Dagestan, and died in hospital.[112] Alishayev was the television host of TV-Chirkei and was known for his opposition to Islamic fundamentalism within the republic and Russia as a whole.[113] 30 December – Shafig Amrakhov was shot and wounded by an unknown assailant at his apartment in Murmansk and later died in hospital. Amrakhov was the editor of the RIA 51 news agency and criticized the economic policies of Yuri Yevdokimov, the governor of Murmansk Oblast.[114] 2009 Edit 4 January – Vladislav Zakharchuk died in a fire that engulfed a newspaper office in Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai. Zakharchuk was the advertisement manager for the newspaper Arsenyevskie Vesti. The newspaper was known for its criticism of the authorities in the krai and its chief editor and journalists had previously faced fines and imprisonment.[115] 19 January – Stanislav Markelov was shot and killed by a masked gunman in Moscow alongside Anastasia Baburova. Markelov was a lawyer who worked with Novaya Gazeta and brought many cases against the Russian military, Chechen warlords, and neo-Nazi groups.[116] 19 January – Anastasia Baburova died alongside Stanislav Marekelov after being shot at in Moscow. Baburova was a journalist-in-training for Novaya Gazeta and was known for investigating neo-Nazi activity in Russia.[117] 30 March – Sergei Protazanov was found unconscious at his home in Khimki, Moscow Oblast, and later died in hospital. Authorities and relatives believed he was poisoned. Protazanov was the page designer for Grazhdanskoye Soglasiye, the only opposition newspaper in the city, and was seriously beaten by assailants a few days prior to his death.[118] 29 June – Vyacheslav Yaroshenko died of wounds he received from a severe beating by an unknown assailant in April in Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Oblast. Yaroshenko was the chief editor of the Korruptsiya i Prestupnost newspaper and prior to his beating, the newspaper published multiple articles alleging corruption in the Oblast’s government, police, and prosecutor’s office.[119] 15 July – Natalia Estemirova was abducted and then killed in Grozny, Chechnya. Her body was later found near Nazran, Ingushetia. Estemirova was a human rights activist for Memorial who worked with journalists of Novaya Gazeta and occasionally published in the newspaper herself. She was known for investigating murders and kidnappings in Chechnya and was a colleague of Anna Politkovskaya.[120] 11 August – Malik Akhmedilov was found shot dead near Makhachkala, Dagestan. Akhemdilov was the deputy chief editor of Khakikat and the chief editor of the Sogratl newspapers, which focused on civic and political issues in the republic.[121] 25 October – Maksharip Aushev was shot dead in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria. Aushev worked on multiple human rights cases in neighboring Ingushetia and was the operator of Ingushetia.org following the death of Magomed Yevloyev in 2008.[122] 16 November – Olga Kotovskaya died after falling out of a window on the 14th-floor of a building in Kaliningrad. Authorities classified the death as suicide while colleagues believe she was murdered for her work. Kotovskaya was the co-founder of the Kaskad radio and television station, which was embroiled in an ownership lawsuit brought by Vladimir Pirogov, the former vice governor of Kaliningrad Oblast.[123] 2010 Edit 20 January – Konstantin Popov died from a beating received by Russian police while in custody in Tomsk. Popov was the co-founder and director of the Tema newspaper and was allegedly tortured prior to his death.[124] 23 February – Ivan Stepanov was stabbed to death at his dacha in Khilok, Zabaykalsky Krai. Stepanov was a local correspondent for the Zabaikalsky rabochy newspaper and the author of three books that were popular in his district.[125] 20 March – Maxim Zuyev went missing and was later found murdered in a flat he was renting in Kaliningrad. Zuyev was a reporter for multiple newspapers in Kaliningrad Oblast and was a moderator for the Koenigsberg journalist society.[126] 5 May – Shamil Aliyev was shot and killed by unknown gunmen in Makhachkala, Dagestan. Aliyev was the founder of the Priboi and Vatan radio stations and director of the TNT-Makhachkala television network and was known for his anti-Wahhabist views, which were reflected in his radio and TV stations.[127] 13 May – Said Ibragimov was shot dead while travelling with a team of repairmen to restore a television transmitter that was damaged by militants the previous day in Ayazi his Niva, Dagestan. Ibragimov was the director of TBS, a local television channel.[128] 25 June – Dmitry Okkert, Moscow. A presenter with the Expert TV channel, Okkert was found stabbed to death in his own apartment. The director of the Expert media holding, Valery Fadeyev, does not believe that the brutal killing of his colleague was linked to his journalistic activities. 25 July – Bella Ksalova was fatally injured and later died in hospital after being hit by a vehicle near her home in Cherkessk, Karachay-Cherkessia. Ksalova was a correspondent for the Caucasian Knot website and news agency and wrote highly critical articles of local authorities. The driver, Arsen Abaikhanov, plead guilty and was sentenced three years in a penal colony.[129] 1 August – Malika Betiyeva was killed along with four members of her family when a speeding vehicle hit hers on a highway in Chechnya. Betiyeva was the deputy chief editor of the Molodyozhnaya smena newspaper and a correspondent for Dosh magazine. She was known for writing about lawless behavior of government agencies in Chechnya and her worked had to be published under an assumed name for her own safety.[130] 11 August – Magomed Sultanmagomedov was killed in a drive-by-shooting in Makhachkala, Dagestan. Sultanmagomedov was the director of the Makhachkala TV station and was previously a target of an attempted bombing in 2008.[131] 23 October – Yevgeny Fedotov died in hospital due to head injuries he received in a violent quarrel with his neighbour in Chita, Zabaykalsky Krai. The latter has been charged with manslaughter.[132] 2011 Edit 15 December – Gadzhimurat Kamalov was shot six times in a drive-by shooting outside his newspaper’s office in Makhachkala, Dagestan. Kamalov owned the media company Svoboda Slova and was known for investigating corruption and rebel activity in the republic.[133] Under Putin (since 2012) Edit 2012 Edit 7 July – Alexander Khodzinsky was stabbed to death by local businessman and former deputy mayor Gennady Zhigarev in Tulun, Irkutsk Oblast. Khodzinsky had campaigned against abusive and illegal practices in the construction of a shopping mall in the town center since 2007 and regularly complained to president Dmitry Medvedev and governor Dmitry Mezentsev about the issue.[134] 5 December – Kazbek Gekkiev was shot dead at a street in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, after receiving death threats from local extremists. Gekkiev worked for local TV programs in the republic.[135] 2013 Edit 9 July – Akhmednabi Akhmednabiyev was killed while driving just 50 metres from his house on the outskirts of Makhachkala, Dagestan, after receiving numerous death threats. Akhmednabiyev was the deputy editor of the newspaper Novoe Delo and wrote regularly about the politics of the republic and human rights issues in the North Caucasus. He was previously the victim of an attempted assassination in January 2013.[136][137][138][139] 2014 Edit 1 August – Timur Kuashev was abducted from his home and later found dead in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria.[140] Kuashev worked for the magazine Dosh and received death threats and was previously stopped by local police a number of times.[141] 2016 Edit 31 March – Dmitry Tsilikin was stabbed to death in his flat in Saint Petersburg. Tsilikin wrote for many independent media outlets and mainly focused on social issues and human rights.[142] The suspected killer is neo-nazi Sergey Kosyrev. The murder was attributed to Tsilikin’s homosexuality.[143] 2017 Edit 17 March – Yevgeny Khamaganov died of unexplained causes in Ulan-Ude, Buryatia. Khamaganov was known for writing articles that criticized the federal government and was allegedly beaten by unknown assailants on 10 March.[144] 19 April – Journalist and former prisoner of conscience Nikolay Andrushchenko died in Saint Petersburg from wounds that he received from a severe beating by unknown assailants on 9 March. Andrushchenko was the co-founder of the newspaper Novy Petersburg and was previously jailed in 2009 by a city court for “libel and extremism”.[145] 24 May – Dmitry Popkov was found dead from gunshot wounds at a bathhouse close to his home in Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai. Popkov was the chief editor of the newspaper Ton-M and was known for investigating police corruption.[146] 8 September – The body of Andrey Ruskov was found in the Bira River in Birobidzhan, Jewish Autonomous Oblast. Ruskov worked for the Bestvideo Broadcasting Studio.[147] 2018 Edit 15 April – Maksim Borodin died of injuries from falling out of a window at his apartment in Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, on 12 April. Authorities classified the death as suicide while colleagues reject the notion. Borodin regularly wrote on crime, corruption, and the recent involvement of Russian mercenaries in Syria.[148] 23 July – Denis Suvorov was found dead after being stabbed by an unknown assailant in Nizhny Novgorod. Suvorov worked for the Vesti-Privolzhye television station and was an editor for the Vesti.Nizhny Novgorod internet portal.[149][150]

31 July – Sergei Grachyov went missing in Nizhny Novgorod on 21 July after taking a reporting trip there from Moscow. His body was found 11 days later. Grachyov worked for the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper.[152][153] 10 September – Yegor Orlov disappeared on 7 September after leaving for work in Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan. His body was found later in a river in the Yelabuzhsky District. Orlov was a correspondent and presenter at Chelny REN-TV.[154]

Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin

So that spam constitutes evidence that the failed Ukrainian CIA project does not disappear people?


Clyde, according to serbian military (i was living in serbia)nato was not able to destroy military structure of serbian army after 3 months of permanent bombing military equipment was 90% intact i belive if they dare to attack russia ,RF will destroy all major citys in EU within 2-days 3 days

Criminals sucking at the West's teats

Yes, I remember how they were hunting inflatable tanks in Kosovo, then got so frustrated, they decided to bomb civilian targets in Serbia proper. Then when time was running out for Clinton to officially declare a war, they entered into that bogus UNSC Res 1244, then threw that in the garbage a year later.

Same as they did with Minsk II and incorporating it into UNSC Res. 2202, then throwing it into the garbage.

Such people cannot be dealt with on rational grounds.

Carl Bunker

since RF has nothing but bullshit weapons, that wont happen little kid


All this RUBBISH only deflects from Ukrainian Nazi war crimes and a waste as no one reads it. Not a good trolling efforts.


Rasputin, don’t you think that Russia would liquidate the evidence better if they did it? Do you think that Russian are that dumb?

Ghost of Kiev

I bet 99% if not 100% of these supposed homicides have literally NOTHING to do with Putin but if some of them are, then we know they were on Soros’ payroll spreading pro-western propaganda. In that case it’s a good thing they were eliminated.


Excellent update,Made my day too,bottom line never try to mess up russia fascist pinks! Reason for everything, GOD BLESSED MOTHER RUSSIA: not khazar liberal gimp!


Clinton Body count

C. Victor Raiser II C. Victor Raiser II was National Finance Co-chairman for Bill Clinton. He died in a plane crash along with his son and three others on July 30, 1992, during a fishing trip.

The pilot’s delayed decision in reversing course and his failure to maintain airspeed during the maneuver. factors related to the accident were: mountainous terrain and a low ceiling.

Mary Mohane Mary Mohane was a White House intern who, in the early summer of 1997, was gunned down inside a Starbucks in the Georgetown suburb of Washington, D.C. The robber entered the store and shot Mohane after she attempted to take his gun. He then shot the two other Starbucks employees and fled, afraid the police would show up.

Vincent W. Foster

Vincent W. Foster’s suicide is believed by conspiracy theorists to be a murder committed by the Clintons Main article: Suicide of Vince Foster Deputy White House counsel Vincent W. Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park in Virginia, outside Washington, D.C., on July 20, 1993. An autopsy determined that he was shot in the mouth, and no other wounds were found on his body.[11]

Seth Rich

Bike rack dedicated to Seth Rich, who conspiracy theorists believe was murdered by the Clintons Main article: Murder of Seth Rich The unsolved 2016 murder of Democratic National Committee staff member Seth Rich prompted conspiracy theorists to speculate that Hillary Clinton arranged his death; the debunked theory was based on a Fox News report, later retracted, that Rich had been responsible for Wikileaks’ release of DNC emails during the 2016 United States presidential campaign.[13][14] Various elements of this theory have been promoted by prominent right-wing figures including Alex Jones, Newt Gingrich, and Sean Hannity.[15][16]

Jeffrey Epstein Main article: Death of Jeffrey Epstein Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, being held on federal charges of child sex trafficking, was found dead in his cell at the high-security Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan on August 10, 2019.[17] An official autopsy later declared the cause of death as a suicide by hanging.[18] His death led to conspiracy theories being relayed on social media, particularly relating to Bill Clinton and President Donald Trump. Hours after Epstein’s death, Trump retweeted claims that Epstein’s death was related to Clinton, including the hashtag #ClintonBodyCount.[19][20] Lynne Patton, a Trump appointee at HUD, said “Hillary’d!!” and used the hashtag #VinceFosterPartTwo in an Instagram post about Epstein’s death.[21]

Christopher Sign Reporter Christopher Sign broke the news of a meeting on June 27, 2016, on the Phoenix Sky Harbor tarmac between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The timing of the meeting happened during the 2016 presidential election when then-candidate Hillary Clinton was under scrutiny for how she handled certain emails during her tenure as U.S. Secretary of State.[23] Sign was found dead in his Alabama home on June 12, 2021. His death is being investigated as a suicide.[24] Several right-wing figures, including Lauren Boebert, Dan Bongino and Charlie Kirk, as well as the pro-Trump cable news channel One America News Network, suggested that Sign had been murdered by the Clintons.[25]

Jovenel Moïse Main article: Assassination of Jovenel Moïse Haitian president Jovenel Moïse was assassinated on July 7, 2021, when gunmen attacked his residence in Pèlerin 5, a district of Pétion-Ville.[26][27][28][29] Martine Moïse, the first lady of Haiti, was hospitalized for wounds sustained during the attack.[30][31][32] Some right-wing conspiracy theorists have claimed that the Clintons were involved in Moïse’s death, pointing to political controversies regarding aid given to Haiti by the Clinton Foundation, such as “hurricane-proof” classroom trailers that were found to be structurally unsafe and laced with formaldehyde. Followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory, who claim that Donald Trump is secretly waging war against a cabal of child traffickers that includes the Clintons, heavily discussed the idea that they had a hand in the assassination. Discussion of the unfounded claim caused the term “Clintons” to become a top trend on Twitter.[33]

Others Other persons linked to the Clinton Body Count include:

Jim McDougal, a financial partner of the Clintons in the real estate venture that led to the Whitewater scandal. McDougal died of a heart attack at the Federal Correctional Facility in Fort Worth, Texas, on March 8, 1998.[34]

John F. Kennedy Jr., who was, according to polls, the most popular Democrat in New York. According to friends, Kennedy considered seeking the seat of retiring Sen. Daniel Moynihan in the 2000 United States Senate election in New York[35] but died in a plane crash on July 16, 1999. Hillary Clinton was elected to Moynihan’s vacated seat on November 7, 2000.[36][37] Edward Eugene Willey, Jr., a Clinton fundraiser whose wife, Kathleen Willey, alleged on the CBS news magazine 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her on November 29, 1993. Kathleen also testified on the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit against Clinton. Edward was found dead in the Virginia woods, and his death was ruled a suicide.[38][39][40]

Ron Brown, who served as the Secretary of Commerce during the first term of President Bill Clinton. Prior to this he was chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Brown had been under investigation by an independent counsel for the Commerce Department trade mission controversy and was a material witness, who had been noticed to testify, in Judicial Watch’s lawsuit against the Clinton Commerce Department.[41][42][43] He and 34 others died in the 1996 Croatia USAF CT-43 crash.[44][40]

Jerry Parks, head of security for the Clinton headquarters during his presidential campaign in 1992,[45] was killed on September 26, 1993, as he left a Mexican restaurant at the edge of Little Rock, Arkansas, by a man in another car that shot him ten times using a 9mm handgun. Parks’ son, Gary, asserted that his father collected a secret file of Clinton’s “peccadilloes”, and that his father was using the file to try to blackmail the Clinton campaign.[46][47]

Last edited 2 years ago by .!.
CNN Comedy News Network

But, but… that’s cOnPiRaCy tHeOrY! hundreds of people killed by Clintons, Bush family, Obama… all tHeOrY!

But whoever dies in Russia was killed by Putin and Novichok. Facts!

Criminals sucking at the West's teats

That’s about the size of it. American leadership has in essence become a three ring circus with the clowns running around with hatchets and attacking the audience.

Carl Bunker

but that list is much shorter. so russia is the worser criminal. case closed. stfu



Carl Bunker sucks cock

Learn the language dipshit


That’s not a list, that’s a dog’s breakfast of bullshit thrown up on a sidewalk.


Under international law most Ukrainian racist Nazis are considered terrorists and unlawful combatants and have no rights and are liable to be shot on sight in the field after a summary interrogation. Russia should not waste money feeding the Ukrainian savages and should just execute them.

Carl Bunker

when i read you comments i always think about those cancer-infested idiots that entrech themselves around Chernobyl. in a few month they will keep on babbling the same brain-shit due to massive cancer infestation.

Carl Bunker sucks cock

You are a homosexual. You think about cancer-infested bungholes. You suck dick. Did you find what you are looking for here?


This is the real deal (no cia/soros crappa talk) but modern FAR REICHT SECTS of the nwo, make no mistake they are not communists at all,rely on one anothers ponzi scams to kill and genocide against all the peoples nations through the world and need to be eliminated or if not the dumed up low iq right winged wannabes must answer for their hideous crimes against all civilisations moreso this century whoms covert (nazi/khazar) style of using the printing press over air currencys will be put to the abrupt end,leaveing all the nations whom succesfully prepared for their short comings,to be burdeoned far less when is all hits the fan than RECHTS!

Bottom line: All pro cia/nazi run nations are fooked,the old reicht systems simply too outdated!


“All pro cia/nazi run nations”

Here’s more stuff to refute you misanthropic dumb fuckers: http://www.renegadetribune.com/?s=Hitler+Was+NOT+Controlled+Opposition







Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

Kikes rule Russia and China too.



“They’re totally brainwashed and living in a police state.”

Russia’s laws are a lot more oppressive. You don’t seem to know very much about Russia.

“Where is Maxim Ryndovskiy?”

He volunteered to fight for scraps in the Donbass. Russian forces aren’t exactly saints either, many are marauding orcs filled with lust. Not very different than the lecherous Asiatics in the Red Army around 1945. https://odysee.com/@DiesIrae:3/The-RED-ARMY-RAPE-of-BERLIN_-Unspoken-Atrocities:f

“They’ve got full-blown martial law”

Not before February 22, 2022.

“a debt exploding under the NATO weapons extortion scheme.”

The consequences of a Soviet centralized economy and the nepotism it produced throughout all the former SSR satellite states.

“millions of displaced persons”

Caused by the Russian invasion.

“Great job by the Ukrainian government to look after the people.”

Before the war, they remained more functional compared to Central Asia and the Middle East.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

Look on the bright side. Now the Russian army is “culturally enriched” with Afro-Asiatic rap battles.


Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

Your mother is enriched with African dicks while you are eating shit in your basement sissy dumb bitch.

btw your shitty gay links doesn’t work. Just as your shitty gay monkey brain.


Right here: https://i.imgur.com/ttEwCdl.mp4


Yeah, I know what you mean. This mudshark on the other hand is bound to end up in hel.


“An Aryan who climbs into bed with a non-Aryan goes to hell; if he begets a son in her, he loses the status of Aryan. No redemption is prescribed for a man who drinks the saliva from the lips of a non-Aryan woman or is tainted by her birth or begets her son.” — MANUSMṚITI (3:15-19)

“The god who destroyed the dasyu and protected the Aryan Color (Aryavarna).” — RIG VEDA (3.34.9)

“Indra protected in battle the devotee Arya, and subjugated for Manu to the lawless ones and conquered the black skin.” — RIG VEDA (1.130.8.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

Many of Kadyrov’s orcs are themselves sexual deviants with flesh lights and dildos in their possession. They also frequented Grindr.

Putin’s Advisor Alexander Dugin – “Gender is a Social Construct” https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/putin-039-s-adviser-dugin-gender-is-a-social-construct_TppVgaJySVepXHm.html

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

Nothing shitty or gay about what I sent. It is actually based, unlike your alternative version of Global Homo. It ultimately doesn’t matter since you are bitching over which version you prefer over the same garbage.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

He’s a Tartar. Tartars are suppressed in Crimea.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r
Criminals sucking at the West's teats

He’s a Tatar, you nazi halfwit. Tartars are those dresses the Scots wear.

Why not go to Crimea and ask one? Afraid? Yep, you’re afraid all right.


Putin is on board with jewish globalism. He supports the Covid nonsense, UNESCO, World Bank and WEF. Either you cannot understand the obvious, or you are exactly what you accuse others of being. To be honest it is most likely fed opposition 101 to falsely accuse the other of being a fed themselves, it is all fake and gay.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

Ukraine has lost 20% of its population since 2014… as planned. This is a must watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPADsoqc6AM


Most are women and children who left when the invasion started.


The bad part for Ukraine is many could be staying in western Europe, until they get fed up with the Afro-Asiatic migrants terrorizing these places.


It will be a test whether they prefer greater comfort in the west, or can withstand some hardship in Ukraine. At the very least they could choose to reside in eastern Europe anywhere west of Ukraine. It seems they will have a disparity of women for some time after the war. This is why they will more likely join the EU, meaning it will experience an uptick in criminal activity. I can already imagine an uptick in the prostitution and black market firearms, this will help to destabilize the EU and facilitate a transition to National Socialist ideology with all of the other surmounting problems from third-world invaders to economic decline and increasing government corruption.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lad

“Useful for only dying”. Wow, you must have study some redneck ideology, living and parasiting massive in a western country. Do you beat your wife too?


Only your mother. While you are “parasiting massive “in Joe Biden’s rectum feeding on his endless crap.


You’re too dumb to understand Biden’s daughters married jews and serves their interests.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

Imagine slandering someone’s dead mother and laughing at their pain.


After all it’s in your DNA to act that way, jew boy:


Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r
War Crimes Tribunal coming for YOU, Azov!

Sold themselves out real cheap for those cookies.

Ukraine's Nazi Renaissance

Witches used to use fresh, juicy apples to lure their prey but for Ukies, stale cookies do just fine.

Carl Bunker

for you a dick works as well

G2 man

After careful analysis of both sides claims and counter-claims with a strict caveat that the Kiev Nazis and their NATO masters are pushing absolute nonsense propaganda it is quite clear that UAF and its allied terrorist Nazis have lost between 20,000 to 30,000 “men” and more than 25,000 seriously wounded or captured. That amounts to over 35% of total UAF forces at the start of Operation Z.

Russian figures are more credible and less boastful, another remarkable fact about this campaign narrative the the sheer amount of total lies, propaganda, censorship and utter rubbish by the army of troll farms in UK and EU the NATO criminals have deployed. Russian meanwhile, suffering from initial setbacks has been very truthful and precise about casualties, even big losses like the Moskva. Russian figures tally with SIPRI and other reputable organizations and amount to around 10,000-12,000 fatalities, mostly around Kiev region and Kharkov. Russia has about 7,000 wounded and 400 taken prisoner. Ukrainian and terrorist NAZI have surrendered over 3.500.

The problem now that faces Russia in terms of handling the growing number of Ukrainian and Nazi terrorist prisoners is that they are not affiliated with any recognized military and the foreigners are simply considered armed terrorists under international law and Geneva Convention does not apply to terrorists who can be legally executed. Over 500 NAZI terrorists from 31 countries have been captured, including US, UK, Canada, Poland, Israel and Baltic States. These need to be executed after interrogation. Most of the UAF and its affiliated Nazi terrorists have also committed horrendous war crimes against Russian POW and civilians and are subject to field execution under code of military justice. Russia and its allies should no leniency against such vile Nazi savages and drug addicted rapists and murderers.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

No Nazi’s in Kyiv, just in the south at Mariupol, and zero political influence in Ukranian governement.

Another dëbile bites the dust. Nice.


Stupid fuck, the speaker of the Rada was the founder of the Ukrainian Nazi party. Ignorant shitpile troll.


Sure, kid. The Azov Nazi’s are not supporting a jewish Zelensky at first. But the lack of basic knowledge is just golden in this. Keep going, kiddie … get the bone!


So Parubiy was not the speaker of the Rada, and he was not the head of the Ukrainian Social-National party of the Ukraine? Did I just dream that?


Just irrelevant to the context of today’s war in Ukraine. You are so easy to play with, regarding your redneck-comments.

Anything else, parasiting western-SUB?


I’m afraid that it is quite relevant. You see, the failed Ukrainian CIA project is being smashed under the pretext of eliminating the Nazi influence. So, the influence of Nazis like Parubiy in the Ukraine does really seem to be quite relevant.


you mentioned relevant,ok https://dilyana.bg/


1. they aren’t in power.

2. it’s too hard for you to consider how cynical all jewish-run governments are.

3. they engineered this entire crisis as a prelude for bringing about the globalist’s upcoming world Eurasian empire designed as a replacement for the jewish-controlled west. This way they can be more abusive with their power upon entire populations that are more subservient and easier to exploit.

Criminals sucking at the West's teats

Just another Western sponsored hohologram.

No, unfortunately, you didn’t dream it. Parubiy was also one of the organizers of the sniper attacks on Maidan. Could be the chief organizer. Shame the Russians can’t capture him. He holds many dirty secrets.


FYI Azov: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy1eqSVQsno Turkish media

Last edited 2 years ago by good4u
Ghost of Kiev

Lmao at that comment “I’ve never heard of them, why is this not on mainstream news”. These people are legit bots. And a couple of ukrop bots are trying to deny that Azov exist at all, even though they have their own telegram channels hahaha. We need a mass depopulation in the west(and in Ukraine) promptly.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ghost of Kiev

To alL soros trolls who are trying to worm their way out of felons=KEPOOT!


Soros is one jewish banker in the vast jewish power structure dubbed the “hidden hand”. You never cite Klaus Schwab, or any kike in America, Russia or Europe.



Last edited 2 years ago by Lad

Your stupidity is mindnumbing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lad

Bring the fat blek nigar general into kiev,lets see what happens.


Russia should make it VERY public that they are not going to release foreign fighters and they are not considered as POW

G2 man

Russia should put some of the western ones from the UK and US on public trial and then execute them for effect. These terrorist scum are killing and raping Slavs thousands of miles from their shithole failed states. The dumb Pollacks and racist Nazis don’t even deserve a summery trail and should be shot on sight. Geneva Convention does not apply to trans-national terrorists or illegal armed combatants in a foreign land. Spies, traitors, deserters and terrorists in fake uniforms have historically been executed.


G2 man, if your numbers are correct then Russia is still doing relatively well even if they lost Moskva. No need to nuke anybody yet nor full mobilization ;o)

G2 man

Yes, my numbers reflect concurrence amongst serious military analysts. They are accurate as one one get in the most propagandized war in human history. The western distortions, demonization, and sheer lies about Russia have no parallel, even against the Nazis in WW2, the propaganda was benign as most of the west were collaborating with Hitler, from the Vichy French, Finns, Danes and Swedes. With Russia, the Anglo-Zionist warmongers and liars have resorted to outright racism, which is also a template that was used against Muslims in the past two decades and now also China. The anti-Asian nature of western racist propaganda was evident on the cover of the Economist where President Putin was depicted with Asian features as a Mongol invader. This is just crass racism and alienated the majority of world population.

Russia has no need to mobilize reserves yet, but there are ample videos and evidence that fresh divisions from the Far East command are slowly being moved to Don Bas. Russia is also preparing for a long campaign and reserve mothballed aircraft like the SU-24, SU-25, SU-27 and MIG 29 are being refurbished. Russia is a also collaborating with Iran and China in ramping up drone, ATGM and short range field missiles. The operation in Don Bas is going quite well and all maps show Russian advance up to 150-200 kms close to the natural border of Dnieper River.

After all the shortcomings and fog of war lifts in a few months, the Russian military will emerge as the most battle experiences modern army with a streamlined C3I and battle tested loyal commanders. The Iranians in 1980’s went through a similar reformation after initial setbacks and today have the most capable battle tested army in the Middle East with asymmetrical warfare capability above par with any modern army and that keeps the US and NATO hyenas at bay. Iran has amassed over 100,000 ATGM and manpads, not to mention thousands of drones, missiles and loitering munitions. Russians are learning quickly from their Iranian allies and adapting to Iranian systems like the excellent Bavar 373 that brought down four Turkish Bayraktar B2 drones near Belgorod. Iranians based on their experience also asked the Russians to use more mobile infantry than massed armor due to the proliferation of ATGM with UAF and Nazis. Russian casualties have been reduced substantially.

The type of dug in tactics along with motivated infantry and massed artillery that Russia is now using favors the Red Army as it cuts down exposure to ATGM. The use of more precise missiles and drones in the flat open terrain of Ukraine also has Russia at an advantage due to air superiority. More concentrated use of drones and better aerial surveillance is also producing good results. As I have mentioned several times, this is not a sprint or a playstation game but a very serious war against 30 plus NATO vassals and Russia despite some setbacks is more than holding its own. I can read and understand Russian and have been following Russian media and stiffening public opinion, the Russians are very supportive of President Putin and the military and the public is ready to accept casualties. The sinking of Moskva by NATO missiles and artillery attacks on border oblasts has infuriated the historically hyper patriotic Russian people who want revenge, and they will get it. The Jew pervert Zelensky is destroying Ukraine sitting in a Warsaw basement for his US and Zionist masters. Ukraine simply can not survive against Russia. The strategic mass simply does not add up.


BTW, I hear a ‘theory’ that Russia sunk the Moskva while it was towed. The ship was 5 years from decommissioning. No one would be fixing it anyway. Sunk Moskva will boost the “war rage” to get serious

Omas Bioladen

Siberian gulag coal mine.

G2 man

Actually, historically transnational illegal combatants going back to the Greek and Persian empires have been executed as they are considered terrorists and mercenaries. What real business do armed Brits and American street trash have in Ukraine?


That must be why they were incompetent enough to push Putin’s orcs out of Kiev and the entire northern half of Ukraine. These are the cannon fodder that got obliterated there:



Couldn’t agree more.


Quite a strange strategy on the Russians to let soldiers constantly sing their peace songs in released media. “I didn’t actually shoot”, “we’re so tired”, “Ukraine regime betrayed us”. Russians have some good soviet research on psychological/indoctrination warfare, I am curious if this is part of it or it’s just rooted in the usual feminized muh feefees philosophy we have in the west. I would be more interested in interviews with the hardcore hardliners who refuse to bow down. These interviews in my opinion kind of take away from the glory of victory, making these ukrops seems utterly incompetent, and making any russian shortcomings look even worse.


Well, regarding the fact that every broadcast and newspaper is under control of the Kremlin, I would not trust Moskva, even if it sinks to the bottom of any sea.

Guantanamo Abu Ghraib

And here you are – vomiting anti-Russian shit from your gay mouth on Russian ‘controlled’ site. Try this on CNN you moronic cocksucker. Oh wait, you can’t. Because freedom, democracy, Guantanamo and Rikers island!


The Russian would be stupid to let you guys go,to labor camp you guys go,chain chain gang. The cities need to be clean of debris.

John Tosh

Russia will prevail but at a great cost in human lives and material losses.

This will make Russia stronger in the future and get rid of any ideas that the Western countries have any good plans for Russia. The strength of Russians or Ukrainians is annoying to the weak Western warriors who have been softened over the years eating cheap McDonalds, and GMO crops. His mind is weak, he is afraid of dying so much so he becomes a terror onto others to cope with his fear of dying.

The weak ones always try to show strength…. its obvious the West does not have the strength to stomach the carnage required to win this war.

Russia will win this war but at a great cost. In the process the Russian self image will be forged in the bowels of war.

This is why Russia survives into the future while the USA ceases to exist.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh

But can your wisdom somewhat explain why former Soviet states such as Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and former Warsaw Pact countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania prefer to lean towards the West – so worthless in your narrow view?

Snake island Ghost

Kek no they don’t. “They” = Soros funded governments. Certainly in the Baltics it’s full of people with a pro Russian mindset. Of course this does not always extend to brainwashed zoomers who have known nothing else other than their current NATO occupied regime.


LOL, Ukraine was a former Soviet-republic. Seems that they really don’t admire their former ‘boss’.

And the majority of Putin’s oligarchs are kek’s.

Damn you, I hope school is open soon, so that you might learn a bit more than your brain admits to do so, Western-parasite.


“Ukraine was a former Soviet-republic”? You are dumb as a rock.

Ukraine IS a former Soviet republic. Or Ukraine was a Soviet republic. But not “was a former”.

No need to thank me.


Standard of living is higher in the west. It’s undeniable. That’s primary reason, it’s not like all people like the west’s cancel culture, for example i don’t.


Is the answer “their populations are brainwashed with absurd neoliberal rubbish, and their governments are subverted by the US hegemon”?


So Russians are not brainwashed? Ask Navalny for example. Locked up for years for heaving another opinion. Doesn’t happen in Europe and former Warsaw-pact countries these days.

How comes?


Navalny is a CIA asset. Not locked up for what he thinks, locked up for what he does. Russia has been under attack by the US in a hybrid war for decades. Do you know what happens in the US when they’re at war and you criticize the war machine? Martin Luther King found out. Same with Eugene Debs. Go read a book, lil’ fascist zoomer.


Do you have proof that Navalny is a CIA asset….of course not, just childish Kremlin thinking. Wow. Tell me something new.

Nemtsov died for what he did then…criticize the petty FSB Putin, the any lower-ranking KGB agent.

Yeah … tell me something new, fascist supporter.


What proof do you want that Navalny is a CiA asset? Who do you think pays Navalny’s expenses? We know he’s received NED welfare, which is how the CIA pays their assets since the Church Committee showed the public what CIA really does. Did you kill Nemtsov?


Just show your proof and cry less, kiddie.

sod off

Navalny is a convicted criminal you dumb pile of shit from NATO brothel. Go ask Assange about having an opinion instead of sucking Yankee dicks you dumb sex slave from CIA dungeon.


Simple. Corruption and money


Like in every country. Anything else?

Ashok Varma

Russia stood by us in 1971 and we’re surely with them: Joint statement by Indian and Bangladesh PM


They’re very brave and very motivated to die to the last man. This is a very honest confession. Of course there will be captures and there will be deaths. But the Ukrainian fighters are ready to fight and die to the last man. And that’s the most important thing for Ukraine. They understand they have to protect their lands. But for Russian soldiers there is no honour. There is no glory. If they die, Russia won’t care to collect their bodies. If they live, this invasion will stain their careers for the rest of their lives. Any medals they get from Kremlin are stained with innocent blood. Hundreds of men on the Moskva drowned. There wasn’t a single line into the Russian press to mention their deaths. Not a single point if homage. Not a single tribute. One of Russia’s third active capital ships. Now it has only two. The rest are undergoing repairs. They are not in use. Russia has lost one of the most important flag ships and there was not a line of tribute for those dead men. Just to save Putin’s ass. Sad and low and pathetic.

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

So ignorant it’s actually funny.


Not really because it means Ukraine has literally millions of available men. Russia can’t win this war. Their armies will eventually grind down and destroyed in this standstill. Russia is taking daily losses. This was is much more costly for Russia than it is for Ukraine. 600+ companies already left Russia in less than two months. This is just the beginning. It means potentially millions of unemployed. Supply chains will break down. Russia is spending 1 billion per day to prop up is currency alone. 300 billions of foreign reserves are frozen. Tens of billions in Russian assets in the West will be confiscated Russia already lost at least half a trillion in two months. The capital and stock market restrictions imposed by the Russian state means that foreign direct investment will suffer for years. The cost of its borrowing is going up. Germany is going to restart it’s 14 nuclear plants to become independent of Russian energy. Every rich country in the world is dropping Russia like a hot potato. And on top of this, Russia still has to pay for this war. It is not for free. And Ukraine can fight for another 8 years easily. They fought for 8 years in Donbas, the next 8 won’t be different. But Russia will be brought to its knees and destroyed. It deserves it.

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

How’s that failed Ukrainian CIA project looking? Better than 2013? Just a few million refugees fleeing the country, tens of thousands of dead servicemen, eternal debt slavery to the IMF, a completely traumatized population, Donbas gone, Crimea gone. Let the good times roll in in Ukrotardistan!


Traumatized population is the fault of Russia And it means that relationships between the two countries are broken forever. Ukraine’s European’s path is unchangeable. You’re gloating about traumatizing 40 million people. How much if a scumbag you are. It’s only right that Ukraine breaks away from Russia. Russia has destroyed relationships with all of its neighbors and it has lost Ukraine too. The Russian state has no legitimacy without Ukraine. Russia cannot uphold the national identity idea with Ukraine a hostile nation. This might even lead to the collapse of the Russian state, but there will be many problems ahead. While the West is stronger and NATO is stronger.


There is no “Europe”. I’m not gloating at all. The Ukrainian nationalist idiots wrote an obligation to join NATO into their constitution and conducted an eight-year ethnic cleansing murder spree in Donbas. There is no such thing as “the west”. Do you know anything at all about the United States, or the UK, or France, or Spain? You snivelling, whiny cunt.


“Murder spree in the Donbas”. LMAO. Ignorance is your virtue, not mine XD


Why do all you Ukrotard fuckpiles resort to teen girl text?


Why do you know so little about Geo-politics? Did your mom beat you too much on the head or just got sneaky on tze balzz?


Never in a million years did I think that Russia would be so stupid to lose Ukraine. But they did. Because Putin is incredibly dumb. He’s a major idiot. You people just can’t see his stupidity too. Because you’re idiots yourselves too. But that’s good. Idiots should not have power. It’s dangerous.


The US overthrew the Ukranian government when the EU refused to admit the Ukraine in 2013 because their terms were basically extortion. Do you feel that the failed Ukrainian CIA project has “power”? I used to have a soft spot for Ukrotards. My Dad grew up around Ukrainian Canadians, and I always liked the ones I met. But your fucking juvenile, imbecilic, psychotic nationalist bullshit makes me puke. When you started showing up on Canadian websites, pumping moronic bullshit in defence of a government that was installed by the CIA, I came to loathe you. Because you are happy to shit out propaganda in order to derail rational discussion. You hate free speech, because you’re fascist cunts. And you’re liars. So even though I find much about Putin’s Russia distasteful, you’re the most hateful gang of degenerates going and you have poisoned my country. Now you’ve fucked yourselves out of your own.


The kiddie starts using swearwords in the hope to get superior due to his inferiority-complex.

Try to read some basic books about basic psychology first, dude.


“get superior”? Says the Ukrotard trolling SF because no information contrary to the Ukrotard CIA propaganda line can be tolerated. Rage, li’l Ukrotard, rage!


I’m not from Ukraine to start with. But your dûmbness keeps hitting another scale of it. Congats, western-parasite!


Why troll an English-language site with such a poor command of the language?

Snake island Ghost



BangderaSteponPutin The Russians can cite Gresham’s law. Successive American administrations have transformed the US dollar into “bad money”. None more so that the current Biden Administration. When a currency becomes too risky to hold, its value goes to zero. Today, the risk of holding dollars is too great. Even Americans are awakening to this. No longer is the dollar the currency of peace and the guarantor of commerce. Today it is a weapon wielded by ideologues against the very people who hold it! Many of them Americans. It is no longer being used to promote trade but to restrict it; it is no longer the guarantee of future wealth but the theft of it. In this context, demanding rubles for oil makes sense. It promotes expanded trade and increases value.

US sanctions are devastating, but a possible long term benefit for the sanctioned countries is that they’ve been forced to find ways of getting by outside of the international financial institutions headed by the US. For every new country that gets sanctioned, the excluded countries gain a trading partner and ally. The cooperation between Iran and Venezuela, and more significantly, Russia and China (which make up like half the planet) are examples of this process I think.

Russia, Iran, China (to a certain extent), Syria, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Eritrea, North Korea, Belarus, Lebanon (not as directly as the others), Afghanistan. I’m probably forgetting some country, but the point is that for every day that goes by, the incentive for these countries to move away from the dollar and western financial institutions gets stronger. They’re gonna keep strengthening the economic ties with each other. The US has sanctioned such a large chunk of the global population that once they have properly adapted, sanctions will start to lose some of its utility as an economic weapon.


What a wonderful dream for Banderpites! “I wish to die in pursuit of the US dream of breaking Russia!”

Snake island Ghost

>There wasn’t a single line into the Russian press to mention their deaths Correct, because it never happened and is pure ukrop copium.


Just like the sinking of the ship never happened. Until it happened.


Ukrainian flagship? It definitely happened.

War Crimes Tribunal coming for YOU, Azov!

Didn’t seem too upset about the civilians he saw shot by Azov, was he?


The russophobic propaganda was working very hard for last 8 years. Ukraine is fantasized as was Germany in WW2 – now with cheerleading from West: “… till last Ukrainian!”

Last edited 2 years ago by good4u

As a Serbian war vet I feel so bad for this young man as I have been in a same situation !! What’s even more sad is that Zelenskky sold Ukrainian people out for a pocket full of dollars !! Ukraine is being used by the USA and its NATO terrorist organization to wage an economic war against Russia, soon China as well !! Western nations with their King USA want a NEW WORLD ORDER where they RULE THE PLANET however they see fit !! Invade nations, kill millions, starve billions, destroy, divide and conquer all in the name of their democracy and freedom !!


It’s sad to see Ukrotards babbling about their destiny in “the west” as the globalized countries of Europe and the Five Eyes fall apart with China in the ascendency. Just a deluded, brain–washed death cult.


Why are you still living and parasiting in and from the west, poor hypocrite?


Again, poor Ukrotard, there is no such thing as “the west”.


I’m not an Ukranian but, you live and parasite in the West, rather than move to glory Russia. Hypocrites like you are golden to play with. Starting to get it, parasite?


Not at all. I just assumed you were Ukrainian because English is clearly not your first language. How are you “playing with” anybody by trolling this site?

Quit Drugs

You are a piece of shit. A braindead imbecile and worthless fecal worm parasiting in Joe Biden’s rectum and “playing” with his ruined prostate.

Last edited 2 years ago by Quit Drugs

This is a war Russia must win. It is a war of Russia vs the evil west led by the USA


But you live and parasite in the evil west. Your hypocrisy is golden. Do you beat your mom already, ignorant creature?

f u c k you

I only beat your mom with my dick… while you dumb cocksucker dream to be a janitor in the West instead of being a toilet cleaner and SBU bot whore in Lwow.


How is he a “senior” sailor when he is only 20 or 21 years old? They sure to advance quickly in the UAF lol. He joined the military at 17-18 years old? Like a classic young foolish kid, seduced by the nationalist propaganda, imaging throwing such young people as cannon fodder for NATO interests, Zelensky is truly a servant of the devil for this!

Joseph Day

average was 19 in vietnam


That’s a mytih. It was 21.

mike brown

he thinks hes going back not that easy


He should be fighting with us against the evil New Religion

mike brown

im always shocked when they r younger than me



Muhammad your Prophet

And then in February the Putin cockroaches did a fake military training to invade Ukraine and now I’m making another crappy video for Putingrad Studios with a gun pointed at my head.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Poor Ukrops, globalist bankers cannon fodder


Only way to defeat fascism is socialism as fascism takes its power from capitalism.



Last edited 2 years ago by JamesR

This man is just to smart for the army..

kogda mi byli na voinye

poor young soldier abandoned by his superiors, his commander make the good choice, slava russia!


Thanks a ton for the translation !! Appreciate it.


The problem for Russia is that a large portion of Ukrainians will fight. And they have American command and control and intel, functions that would be impossible to build for Ukraine itself. Russia need to limit its ambitions severely. Or do full mobalization.


Well he looks like Israeli.


This asshole should be grateful to his commanders for surrendering.

Bob - Enough

YOU ARE CANNON FODDER; what TF did you think you were ?…. but fair play to you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bob - Enough

Ukrop should definitely be ruled by the smart Russians. From what they were doing in the last 30 years, Ukrop are the most morons of all Europeans. Ukrop made themselves available to be used like condoms for the pleasure of the western colonizers. Ukrop should definitely be ruled permanently by the smart Russians.


Yeah, they are some even shittier version of Polaks: even more stupid and even more servile towards their western masters. Entire nations that exist for sole purpose of hating Russia and serving the west.

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