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Tests of Ka-52K Helicopter on Russian Aircraft Carrier (Photos)

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Tests of basing of the Ка-52К ship-based combat helicopter have been held on the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier.

Tests of Ka-52K Helicopter on Russian Aircraft Carrier (Photos)

The Ка-52К ship-based combat helicopter on the deck of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, August 2016 (Photo: Givchik11435 / forums.airbase.ru)

At the end of August 2016, tests of basing of the Ка-52К ship-based combat helicopter were held on the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier of the Northern Fleet. One of the Ка-52К from an experimental batch of four helicopters, produced by the Progress Aresenyev Aviation Company (Progress AAC) named after Nikolai Sazykin in 2015 under a contract with JSC Kamov, signed in 2012, took part in the tests.

Earlier, it was reported that the Ка-52К ship-based combat helicopters will be a part of the Admiral Kuznetsov’s air group during the planned military campaign into the Mediterranean Sea in the autumn of 2016.

Tests of Ka-52K Helicopter on Russian Aircraft Carrier (Photos)

Flights of the Ка-52К ship-based combat helicopter from the deck of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, Severomorsk, August 2016 (Photo: Givchik11435 / forums.airbase.ru)

Tests of Ka-52K Helicopter on Russian Aircraft Carrier (Photos)

Flights of the Ка-52К ship-based combat helicopter from the deck of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, Severomorsk, August 2016 (Photo: Givchik11435 / forums.airbase.ru)

Tests of Ka-52K Helicopter on Russian Aircraft Carrier (Photos)

Flights of the Ка-52К ship-based combat helicopter from the deck of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, Severomorsk, August 29, 2016 (Photo: Givchik11435 / forums.airbase.ru)

Tests of Ka-52K Helicopter on Russian Aircraft Carrier (Photos)

Flights of the Ка-52К ship-based combat helicopter from the deck of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, Severomorsk, August 29, 2016 (Photo: Givchik11435 / forums.airbase.ru)

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Tom Johnson

“wow yay!” like a parent cheering on their retarded kid. Meanwhile in the Atlantic the F35’s are landing on a “real” aircraft carrier using auto pilot.


F-35 the worse designed modern Jet in history!! A waste of a trillion dollars!


It’s funny how the US can spent a trillion on a over rated failed plane while there infrastructure gets a D- rating.


And their schools get an F


This from the same country that shipped $billions to Iraq on pallets in small bills then “lost “it. This is the same country that can account for $6.5T in taxes meant for the military.

Instead of landing that brick of a plane on a carrier that can’t get within 2000 miles of Russia in war time why don’t you just have a bonfire with the money you would have spent……at least that way taxpayers could get a little warmth out of the money instead of paying for yachts and private islands for the executives at Lockmart.

Joseph Scott

It can’t even fly without a bloody internet connection! How can anyone even conceive, in an era of advanced electronic warfare, that this is feasible as a combat aircraft?! Neither have they finished the software coding. It can’t use any missile other than AIM-120s yet, and can use less than half of the available GBUs. It’s autocannon isn’t usable yet either. Sorry, which aircraft is the retarded one? The fully functional one or the one that still can’t use half of it’s systems and can’t fly in a comm-degraded environment?

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