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‘Thank you, Mama Merkel’: Syrian refugee lives with 2 wives, 6 kids on benefits in Germany

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Originally appeared at RT

A documentary about a Syrian refugee in Germany, who happily lives on state handouts with his two wives and six kids, has angered many in the country where polygamy is against the law.

The Spiegel TV film was aired over the weekend, telling the story of 32-year-old Ahmad A. who fled the fighting in Syria’s Aleppo back in 2015 with his large family, and found a safe haven in Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany.

The man lives in a two-story house provided by the community with two wives and six children. Despite polygamy being illegal in Germany, Ahmad was allowed to bring his second wife into the country as she is the mother of four of his kids.

The authorities weren’t even flustered by the fact that the Syrian married his second wife, Lina, when she was just 13 years old, below Germany’s age of consent. His first wife, Betool, was 14 at the time of the marriage.

Ahmad also has a third wife in Syria, but he told Spiegel journalists jokingly that the house needed to be bigger for her to come as well. As for the man’s plans for the future, he’s aiming for four wives and ten children.

Lina and Betool said that they were happy to share one husband and that it was “God’s will” for things to be that way. As a devout Muslim, Ahmad himself also sees no problem with having several wives as it’s in line with Sharia law, which he follows.

The wives reside in separate rooms on the second floor and the man said he makes sure there’s no dispute between them. The family’s bedroom is located on the first floor, with Ahmad specifying that he only sleeps with one wife at a time there.

Ahmad’s family live in social housing and the state provides them with an income.

“There’s support here. They give us social benefits, they give us this house,” Ahmad said, adding that Germany was his desired destination when he left his war-torn home country.

“I thank you very, very, very much, Mama Merkel. She is the only person who has felt the suffering of the Syrians. I also thank the Germans, even if there are racists among them. But the Germans have experienced war and show great compassion for the Syrians,” he said.

The family has been granted refugee status for three years, which allows Ahmad, who is illiterate and an unskilled worker, to start looking for a job. But the man says he prefers to stay at home with his children. He isn’t even aware of the amount of benefits he’s getting from the German state. “I do not know. The money is just transferred to me. I go to the bank and pick it up,” Ahmad said.

However, many didn’t feel particularly happy about Ahmad and his way of life, which contradicts German traditions and legislation. One user on Twitter pointed out that those in relations with 13-year-olds are charged with pedophilia in the country. “The second (wife) is almost a child,” another commentator added.

“And then they ask why more and more people choose AfD,” another comment read. Alternative for Germany (AfD) is a right-wing nationalist party, which has been gaining momentum in the country since the start of the refugee crisis in 2015. Last year, it became the third largest party in Germany after winning 94 seats in the Bundestag in the general election.

“It doesn’t matter how tolerant one is, some limits have to be respected. This will end badly,” another internet user warned. One commentator even said that he was waiting for cannibals to arrive in Germany in order to see if the state will show the same respect for their culture.

Earlier in February, Wochenblatt said that 34 refugees in northern Germany have brought in 130 family members to the country with them since 2015, which exceeded the number of asylum applications by a factor of four. In 2016, there were reports of a Syrian refugee bringing four wives and 22 kids to Germany. However, he had to live with only one official wife, while the other three spouses were housed separately.

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northerntruthseeker .

These illegal migrants are flooding into Canada as well and have never abided by Canadian laws…

We can thank the Jewish pricks behind all of this “immigration” for bringing in these illegals and having them destroy our countries.

Tudor Miron

Germans should start to work harder now – they got to pay for Merkel’s “values” and provide hospitality to invaders. Work harder – this one only has two wives and two floors. He urgently needs 3d floor and get ready to provide him with your daughters and sisters because he needs 3rd wife.

paul ( original )

For sure we have similar stories here in the UK. Of course we can never provide enough for these unfortunate people and of course we will always be hated by them. I expect that soon enough there will be riots to protect our lack of generosity.

Tudor Miron

There’s no need for riots actually (riots are 9 times out of 10 only bring more haos as they are most often abused by “shady individuals”) – realisation of what is going on is more than enough. But that’s not likely with brainwashed and deeply feminized population.

paul ( original )

I am sure you are right. I was thinking it would be the ‘migrants’ who will riot. I see it as a sort of permanent threat – give us what we want or we will smash you up. And you know our politicians will do exactly that. Prepare for poverty.

Tudor Miron

Sorry for misinterpreting your post. Yes, that’s exactly how it will go according to plan. They tested waters in France already and after that started creating conditions (all those war in ME) for deployment of enough forces (“refugees”) if you know what I mean.

paul ( original )

Your point was good. Within the Nation there are so many sick people who are completely feminized and see their own destruction as something to celebrate. Except they don’t see it – they don’t see anything except their own vanity. Eventual they may see something as the tomb door slams such on them. There is little comfort in this thought.


In russia is higher ratio of moslems than in EU. Thelargest moshee in EUrope is in moscow. So, go and lick the ass of ruskie moslems. Dont focus yourself on ouir world. Focus on 4th world russia.


Russia has historically always had a significant Muslim minority due to the proximity and relationship of Russia’s edges with central Asia. Germany does not – Muslims are recent post war imports and there was an unreasonably large surge of unregulated Muslim immigrants in 2015/6. Modern Germany derives from a traditionally Protestant culture with a broad and notable work ethic – so masses of welfare dependent and unskilled immigrants, who do not necessarily share any of those values, is hardly going to work well for that culture and its state resources.

Tudor Miron

Our Muslims live here for hundreds of years – starting from Russian Empire than CCCP and now within Russia. That’s a bit different than immigration wave absorbing Europe. But who am I talking to?


Tudor, “your” muslims became Russians because of the expansion, conquest and colonisation of former indepentent states by the agressive Russian empire. That is very diferent indeed then the situation in Europe.


Holy truth twister batman.

Tudor Miron

Matty :) You tell me about aggressive expansion of Russian Empire? Than how should we call USA and Australia where native population was completely wiped off the face of this Planet?


simply the same, except they came by boat… the story of humanity is roughly the same all over the planet. People have been invading and wiping out since they climbed out of the trees (mayebe it allready started in the trees)

Tudor Miron

Simply the same??? You wish it to be so Matty but difference is striking. Nationalities within Russian empire still exist and their numbers increased since their territories became part of Russia. In the contrary – natives in America and Australia simply disappeared from the face of Earth. Russian empire was inclusive while Anglo-Zionist empire is exclusive. If you don’t see that difference it only means that you either unable to comprehend or deliberately ignoring it trying to paint as in the same colors as Anglo-Zio anti human gang.


No there is no big difference Tudor!

Its not true, many tribes do not exist anymore in siberia. Others became marginalized minorities with languages and cultures on the brink of extincion, very similair to the USA. Where are the Daur today in Russia? Russia stole their land and the survivors went to live in inner Mongolia. What did the Russians do with the Yakut in the 17th century?? Without the Russians their numbers would be in the milions today. What about the Itelmens? their language is extinct today, only mixed race, called Kamchadal exist today. This is a similiar treatment to what the spanish did in Mexico, its called DEMOCIDE. The Yukaghir? almost extinct today, same for the Chukchi and Koryaks. Kamchatka today is European in demographics and culture with only 2.5% of it being native, wow very inclusive indeed!!

The Aleut were massacred before the Czar sold the STOLEN land to the USA

What was so inclusive about the Circassian genocide?

What is left of the Crimean Tatars?

The outcome of the Basmachi Revolt was inclusive for the Kirgiz people?

And in America and Australia there are still natives, although there have been treated VERY BAD! In most countries in Latin America the poulation is a blend of natives and europeans, and in several countries african and/or arab backgrounds. In the USA the amount of people with European background is decreasing, while latino’s, asians, and immigrants from africa and the ME are on the rise.

You need a good guy and a bad guy, but the truth is not as simple.

But you rather be a blind hypovrite i presume….

Анрэс Суарэс

Hey matt, don’t talk so lightly about Mexico. Here indeed millions got exterminated by the policies of the spaniards, and by smallpox. In Mexico the spaniards executed an assembly of enslavement, total destruction of the local cultures, and massive stealing of resources. Yet the natives here currently are not on the brink of extinction even if at some point they got almost wiped out.

In the USA the whites executed a straight genocide, there the natives really got wiped from the face of the Earth, and fast.

Don’t confuse, I would not be typing now to you if the spaniards had the ‘vision’ to implement their genocide campaigns at the scale the USA did.


Sorry, i wasn’t saying the spaniards were not VERY brutal, YEs they were TERRIBLE as well! They used the smallpox as a biological weapon just like the USA. Today though, the mexican culture is a blend of european and native backgrounds. Sure the whites are still in charge but the mayority is mestizo now


No, in moscow not.

Tudor Miron

Citizens of my country are free to live in Moscow as well as any other place. They are not immigrants but our compatriots. There are lots of guys from ex Soviet Union territory – but they come to work here, not to collect government handouts at expense of Russian citizens.

paul ( original )

Actually it is me who needs to apologies. I made an error and wrote protect instead of protest. So I actually said the opposite of what I intended. Only just noticed this. I am annoyed at myself.


Our, not Merkels, values are humanity. Humanity is non-negotiable. You can take your flexible or absent conscience elsewhere. Thank you.

Tudor Miron

Humanity? Where was your humanity when NATO bombed those nations that now are flooding your land? Tell about humanity to those girls and kids that are raped and assaulted on your streets.


Aah, Russia only drop flowers on Syria, right? You are such an idiot and a hypocrite

Tudor Miron

Killing head chopping, heart eating rats IS a good for Humanity. Name calling would not change that. All it does is showing how desperate you are? Does it hurt seeing eliminated terrorists? Prepare for some more.


It always hurts when i see people kill eachother, even stupid men killing eachother.. you seem to ignore that a lot of children and women are also getting killed!!


Talk to the assjacks that are sponsoring terrorism and the traitor infested US government. Tail wags dog. Right under the dogs tale is netanyahoo

Patrick Jann

well, I think Germany needs another guy from Austria to solver their current problem… You have to solve such radical problems with even more radical solutions. Those left-wing idiots need to get lost and their legacy needs to be reverted. If they continue like this they are basically lost :/ I hope they get a solution soon!


Here we are, the FUCKING NAZIS!!


That is the proof of my thesis why this article is published here. The stupid comments make the the useless article complete.


I could write a hundreds of pages to this subject, but I am really fed up with this continent, the EU and my home country, it is so disgusting what our governments, the Left and MSM is doing to their own people…


Try to have a life in South America or Asia. You will probably to come back within one year enriched with another ilusion. Mayebe you should leave the planet and live on mars ;))

Andrea Howard

Gℴogle paying the people 97 dollars hourly to complete small jobs from the comfort of home … Work for few hours daily and live happy greater time together with your circle of relatives . Any person can join this official post!!last Saturday I got a brand new Mini Cooper after just getting $14625 this last month .it seems my favourite-job however you may no longer forgive yourself if you don’t take a look at it.!le862a:➸➸➸ http://GooglePlaceFreelanceInternetJobs/make/97$/everyhour… ♥♥g♥♥w♥♥e♥x♥♥♥h♥♥j♥♥w♥s♥♥n♥i♥♥♥n♥y♥p♥♥h♥c♥♥p♥d♥j♥♥♥j♥♥♥z♥♥g♥♥n♥♥♥r♥♥h♥r::!aw543t:cp


I am sorry my friend, but your comment is meaningless, I even don´t know what you are refering to.


Read it again, mayebe you will get it…..


If you are smart just leave Europe….This is exactly what the AngloZionazis want: Create Hate & Chaos so in the near future they can unleash their Divide & Conquer again. Already you notice that people get more extreme in their Opinions & Visions and thus a Division in Society is created according a Plan by our Lying, Treacherous Governments: Demographic….Europe on the other hand needs their 2% Economic Growth….therefore you need more people each year. Very low total fertility rate in the developed industrial countries, and, particularly in the European Union means you have to import them from somewhere else… So they opened up the Gates of Europe… everyone is more than welcome…. How to sell this to your citizens: You tell them they are refugees… you wait for the flimsy boats to leave Libya & Pick’m up with U.N. Boats…. all Plans of them AngloZionazis are Long Term Projects so changes go Slow and people won’t notice them until things are already implemented…

This is a study by Karoly Lorant from Hungary probably a close Friend of Soros for the European Parliament in 2005 you can accomplish quite a bit in 13 years:




I am sorry my friend, I am not interesting in being rude, according to this I will not respond to your confused mixup of (in my opinion) stupid and not-well-thought-through believes.


There are many different perceptions my friend…..


All this migrant flow com thanks to “NGOs” mainly financed by Georges SOROS. If people in Europe, bu also in Canada don’t use their brains and react promptly, It will then be better living in Syria or Lebanon. Mainstream media are daily promoting hatred toward Muslims, and at the same time western government are helping those migrants, mainly single men, to come and rape our women and beat us in the streets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J33cwr-rZvM


Pathetic lies


You live in Sweden ?…Before playing the “one how knows better”, you have to think about facts to expose, you pathetic show-off.


I live in west europe, and i am a volunteer that helps refugees learning the language, that is all you need to know


Yeap, and when the pigs bite your helpful hand don’t be puzzled…


So, after three years they never bit me ;)) Mayebe not as agressive as french pigs?


Your boyfriend Abdullah must be proud…


Yes he’s VERY proud ;))))))


Many of the DumbedDownMasses are Cowards too….. they only dare complaining anonymous….. when they sit in a Subway and see a Woman or an Elderly getting Harassed by a “Foreigner” they pretend to See No Evil, Here No Evil and keep on checkin’ their iPhones…and whether them once were Vikings or Conquistadores…. these days most People are Nothing but Chickenshit……..Dare to Stand Up Say or Do something about it and this “Evil” Foreigner will get off the Subway, next Stop….. believe Me…..Lesson Learned…..


Yes the cowardice is typical in other decadent western societies. People tend to be weak and submisive like sheeps. Whereas this migrants arrive at our countries with no fear to fight and beat us.

If a day I’m sin such a situation you describe, I won’t stay still. What about you?…


I’ve had many Men leavin’ the Subway… and other places, both Indigenous & Foreign…. Bad behaviour is Bad Behaviour…..come as a Friend & I’ll shake your hand and welcome you in my house…. Come as my Enemy…. and I’ll treat you accordingly….Every Human understands that…..


Disgusting smear campaign to denigrate refugees in Germany. Bravo, RT, you do the work for of Neo-Nazis and Islamophobes. What about the 99,999999999999% legit refugees? What about the many people that have been seperated from their families and children being bared from coming to Germany? This is an absolute lowpoint. RT and Southfront should be ashamed of themselves. More than ashamed. You’ve just reached the lowest human level possible. The AfD gains because of you… because you’re alike to them or even worse. The intent is clear: to discredit refugees to force them back into Syria under Asad’s brutal rule… or to have them die under the takfiri’s knife… disgusting! Well, happily there are still enough decent people in Germany who don’t fall for this kind of inhumane propaganda. How many here, have ever had real dealings with a refugee, I wonder. We will not let our Syrian neighbours down.


You and your rapefugee friends should just fuck off. You are like rats, fleeing a sinking ship rather than trying to help repair it, bringing disease and poverty wherever you scurry off to. I bet Syria and all the other countries you vermin come from won’t even want you back – why should they want the human equivalent of a cockroach to come back? The brave stayed inside Syria and fought. The cowardly or incapable stayed in nearby countries, waiting for the moment they could finally come back home. The greedy, the disloyal, the lazy, the unprincipled all fled towards greener pastures, seeking to leech off of other countries’ wealth like the parasites they are. Syria is better off without them, but it is sad that Germany has to suffer them.


Another idiot

Mattias Dahlström

Majority males, Sunnis. Their behavior is what is turning people off, not nazis.


There are no legitimate refugees. Those are all in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon. How can you be a legitimate refugee fleeing a war when you travel through half a dozen safe countries! But those are all poor. And in their own words not good for them. These people are not fleeing war, they want to live the good life at our expense. I do not blame them for that, because I would do the same in their place. If someone is so stupid as to give them all this then this is what you will get. They’re immigrants, not refugees. Nothing wrong with immigrants, but to become a legal immigrant in most European countries you’ll find that different rules apply. That they didn’t have to follow. They exploited a legal loophole and it will cost us dearly.

But hey, as long as it makes you feel decent, right?




Matt. Go pet a dog for about a week, then go get a job.


In my view pets are hug slaves. I am vegan so no animal abuse for me. Don’t worry, about my job, i work 50 hours a week


And you write like a vegan. Are you a triggered soy boy?


Writing like a vegan, hahahahaaa, could be a nice pop song, with dancing cucumbers :)))))


Actually that would be your style.


seriously, i prefer latin, soul, funk, afro, reggae


And soy I assume


Soy is ok, lupine is better. All beans are good, nuts and LOADS of vegetables and fruits No need for animal products


That’s a well thought out argument. Still waiting, after all these years, how you can still be a legitimate refugee seeking safety if you wandered through Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, to get to the really affluent European countries.

Nope, still not heard a single explanation for that. Other then fuck you bitch, or you racist cunt.


And when they arrive at the german border they throw their ID or passport away and as “Staatenlose” you won´t get them out ever again.


Simple, no ID, you get nothing. Instead give Erdogan or some African dictator some money to take them back. Bullshit may talk but money walks. We have to be cruel in order to be kind. People are currently drowning and selling their souls (and lives) to smugglers right now because of the namby pamby bleeding heart liberals who want to take care of anyone with a sad story. Unless you are a European native fallen on hard luck, then you can fuck off.


Ok, i will explain it once if you don’t want to take the time to see a documentary about refugees (economicaly, politicaly, or religiously), or meet some, wich is even better.

If you want to travel to Europe from Syria, and have no money for a planeticket and a visa or the regime will simply not give you a passport, you need to travel over land. Did you ever see the map and the countries between Syria and West Europe? Do you need more explaination or did it got into your skull now?

Ok, you don’t understand why those people did not stay in Turkey. Do you realize how hard it is to make a living in Turkey as a Syrian? If you are not a sunni Muslim, its even harder. So a better future lies in west europe, especially if you have children. I am a volunteer for refugees, decent people and they were tortured becuse they did not like Assad or had to serve in the Assad army, wich means you have to fight your fellow citizens. Before you start bullshiitng me that they must be Islamic terrorists, they are not! I talked with them for months and these people are REAL refugees

That is why is said FUCK YOU


We don’t need you here Trolly, better go mess around with your rebel friends FSA, HTS, you surely find them pretty handsome


Go and bite some muslims, you french pig


rather suck your migrants rat face


knrargh knargh!!!


So they aren’t safe in any of those countries? There is war going on in all of them? The only safe place in the whole world happened to be our rich countries? Do I need to drill it in your skull as well? THEY ARE IMMIGRANTS! NOT REFUGEES. They stopped being refugees the moment they crossed into the next safe country. And again, I understand that life as a refugee in Syria’s neighboring countries is hard. If you liberal types wanted to help these people then maybe you should have gone to those camps there and helped there instead. No, I do not blame these people for wanting a slice of the good life. Not one bit. I blame people like you instead.

People like you are why they keep on coming. People like you are why they keep on drowning on shoddy boats. People like you are why they have to sell their souls and first borns to shady smugglers. People like you are why our social services and housings are under immense pressure. People like you are why we will end up with yet another ill adjusted under class of immigrants, who can’t get jobs, who will cause immense problems and who will be an immense drain on our social system. And if, God forbid, another Hitler were to come along in power, who promises to take care of this ‘problem’ then you only have to look in the mirror whom to blame. Because people like me tried to warn you that this was not a good idea and we were ignored. Even worse, we we’re told FUCK YOU instead. You make your bed and lie in it.

In my experience the most intolerant people are the ones who claim they are the most tolerant.


You are weird. Why should Turkey take ALL the refugees??? Isn’t Europe also responsible for the shit those countries are in???? Prepare for much bigger number of refugees buddy, for big parts of those poor countries will be impossible to live in, thanks to climate change, corruption, ungoing wars and extremism. All this is due to the policies and plundering of the west…..


Forget about Matt, he’s a desperate case very lonely among us


You don`t know nothing about Germany right? Crimerate exploding, taxmoney burned, noneducated, unwilling to develop, these are the facts of your beloved refugees. It is all in the data of the Departments.

And by the way I live in the “Ruhrgebiet”, I have your peace loving, “nonviolent” poor refugees right infront my nose… that will never end up good.

There are no 99,99999% legit refugees, most of the guys are economic refugees, that is a complete different subject.


Just a little reminder…. it is not only “Poor” Syrians…. but people from many Nations that came to Germany & Elsewhere… also some ISIS-Headchoppers came blended in the masses too!!! And indeed these Headchoppers had to Flee!!! From Assad or else he would have “Eliminated” them…..European Governments got what they Deserved!!!


“The Spiegel TV film” actually.. I guess you are one of those utterly indoctrinated globalist, quasi-liberal zombies, sickly obsessed with RT while at the same time blindly repeating stupid western media brainwashing mantras… you think you are some kind of a “liberal” SJW, fighting for liberal ideas yet you are just a dumb slave.


There’s something seriously wrong with the European politicians and leaders. I don’t believe for a second that they brought the refugees in for “humanitarian” reasons because if that was the case, they wouldn’t help to destroy the countries where the refugees came from.

I would be furious if I was a German watching this “documentary”, which I think it’s the whole reason to produce it. Let’s forget that he has 2-3 wives which are underage for a second and just focus on the difference that a German will face in their own country if he or she is out of job and in need with the situation of this guy. If the government doesn’t provide the German above the level of their “offering” to this man, the question of “why” comes to mind, specially considering that the German was a productive member of the society and paid taxes and whatnot before.

Are European leaders actively looking for unrest and riots? Because these kind of refugees will be used to receiving and receiving without working and not giving anything, and as soon as receiving stops they will be angry that they cut off their “rights” and they will riot and burn and break. I think that’s what the governments want, one more lever to scare people and control them, one more reason for their people to hate any and every body from ME/NA, and an easy way for more wars there without any kind of opposition from their own people.

This situation is not fair for anybody. It’s wrong. Some may suggest radical ways to make changes, but if you think about it there’s really no need for radical/violent moves. It’s just enough to stop accepting refugees, limit the handouts to being useful an in relation to being productive and slowly send the them home when the right condition meets (like no war in their countries, not being productive and so on). But perhaps saying it is easier than doing it. FIrst Europeans must find some politicians who are not sell-outs to begin with!


Occam’s Razor, always go for the simplest plausible solution. Germany is facing a demographic disaster as Germans are just not having enough babies to replace their population. Which is what you get when you tell women that being a mother is backwards patriarchy, that they should become loyal worker drones instead to be fulfilled in life. But its hard having a family when you work full-time. Since they can’t undo decades of feminist indoctrination to improve the birthrate Germany’s population must either implode in the coming decades, or they must import new people instead. They can’t tell Germans this so they packaged it as we must help the poor refugees instead. They made a play for Germany’s collective guilt over WWII so Germans would feel good about themselves, instead of rioting in the streets. And now of course its too late and the damage done.


I think you are correct in most parts of your comment. I agree that the native population growth in northern European countries are alarmingly low or negative. It has been since the ’70s and got worse. But think about it. If they wanted to increase the population because their own is ageing and fading, why instead of attracting useful immigrants, educated, skilled or at least bright young ones. They did the opposite and now they are forcing their ageing population to feed these unproductive mouths. Even if they insisted on importing these kinds of “new” population, the least they could do was to bring in people from eastern or southern Europe, where cultural and religious differences is not that vast. Such cultural clash is a very nasty thing for a country to have. I am not educated in politics and sociology but I understand this simple fact. Do you think they don’t know that?


Methinks permanently taking a million East Europeans from Eastern Europe would not be to the liking of those countries. Whereas these people were basically offering themselves for free. Plus it also allowed for a huge alliance between the left and right in politics. The left wanted to take in these people because they are so poor and sad. The right because of ersatz population and cheap labor. And new cheap labor means you can keep the wages of everyone else down. In a shrinking population wages would have to go up. The fact that it would cause huge problems of assimilation never really bothered both sides. And apparently they are still playing the ‘poor refugees’ card to obfuscate these problems. And the racism card to anyone who dares to question it.


There is no grand plan, Garga. Europeans are not that perfect. Humans are messy, most policies are made on the short term and there are many conflicting powers. The weapon industry against human rights for example. There isn’t a small group pulling all the strings, its much more pulling strings from several different angles with conflicting interests. The story feeds the gutt feelings of people, it sells. Most journalism is focusing on incidents, rather then showing a broader movement or tendencies. I think this is the same in Iran, there are conservative powersa and more moderate powers within the Iranian society and politrics. Well, Europe and Germany isn’t any different. Honest politricians do not exist, not on this planet.


Thanks Southfront for this great article.

I have been reading the comment section for awhile and following your take on this civil war but what went up for me after reading this comment section is amazing because i thought some of them wanted geninuely good for syria and also thought some of them to be syrians.

The people who comment on this tabloid and on syria.live.map AND pretend to support ASSAD or syria etc etc are nothing more then EUROPEAN far-right wingers and neo-nazis.

They are actully people who don’t want the type of Assad or any kind of Syrian or Iraqi into their land yet again they support the Regime in killing their own civilians.

They just wish harm upon the people but they don’t support no government.. The truth can sometimes be darker then previously perceived

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

Cry more, Shlomo.


Why would I cry.. Listen I’m going to let you in on a secret? I don’t wish anything good for SYRIA also.. Chilax we are on the same boat on this.

Just saying things as it is you know. trying to understand the truth in all of this


Derrr, you didn’t notice before?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

These are Muslim Brotherhood fanatics and stop thinking they are Syrian government supporters , the fascists are either violent or non violent the further to the left and there only two anti-fascist and fascist.

Your bogus claims about the Syrian people are so misleading and hides are darker truth you are afraid to face , in this day and age . Mountains always spouting “Mountains of Deflection and conspiracy theory” without any facts.

You call people right wingers and neo nazis on these sites as you fear those who seek the real facts and by doing that you unveil yourself as what you call others as always.

You say Assad is killing the Syrian people so does that mean you admit the others are non Syrian and are foreign colonists of Sunni radicalism, think we needed you to learn the truth hope you keep it up. Then again you are used to spouting out “Mountains of shit” so will expect you as your unusual self.


I have hard time understand what you are saying in this post.

It’s aparently not a secret. All these parading for Assad are in fact Right-wingers and Neo-nazis europeans on southfront and Liveuamap.com who at the end don’t give a flying fuck about Assad and his kind. Nor the SAA.

They want destruction upon the people. In my opinion they are worse then ISIS but people haven’t realized this fact just yet. they will commit mass genocides in the near future. They are rising nowadays and pretty much destructive.

I wonder why they hate the salafists and in my opinion it’s because they seem to be the only group who see them as they should be seen. there is no veil between them. It’s the same coin on different sides


Please, crawl back under your bridge.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You mean Jihadi liveuamap.incompetent puts out fake news , Muslim brotherhood they are all terrorists rename them and nothing changes. Calling people names coming from a real Krypto-fascist speaks volumes.

You are correct that Fake-Jews want destruction upon all the people in the world.


Your ass must get jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth… moronic strawman bullshit without any logical sense. That scumbag is just a traitor, and a coward, and if I refuse to pay for him and his 2 wives and zillion children living in Germany while some brave people defend his own home (against terrorists that you support), then we are “nazis and we support destruction of Syria”??! How retarded are you?


What is the relevance of this story? Is Southfront trying to stir up hatred against refugees here?



They are not refugees they are invaders, and they should be hated.


As goes Germany so goes the EU; now it’s just a matter of time. The Camp of the Saints is happening before our eyes.


Karma’s a bitch

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