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MARCH 2025

That Sinking Feeling: Ukrainian Naval And Coastal Forces

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Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson

In few areas are Russia’s and Ukraine’s divergent fortunes as evident as in naval armaments. Whereas the Russian Navy has overcome the malaise of the 1990s and went on to introduce new classes of warships, including state-of-the-art missile frigates, attack submarines, and the mysterious “Poseidon-carriers”, Ukraine has gone in the opposite direction. In spite of having begun in roughly the same shape and in possession of the Nikolayev Shipyard, where all manner of ships up to and including aircraft carriers were built. The never-finished Slava-class guided missile cruiser Ukraina that is still slowly disintegrating at that shipyard has come to symbolize not only the fate of Ukraine’s navy but the country itself.

The fleet’s flagship Hetman Sahaydachny, a former Soviet maritime border guard frigate, has seen considerable time underway in better times, even participating in multinational anti-piracy missions off the Horn of Africa. After 2014, its condition rapidly declined even though it nominally participated in Sea Breeze exercises with NATO as late as 2018. While it is currently officially being refitted with new electronic equipment and is scheduled to return to active service in 2021, the ship’s future is still in doubt. While there was some discussion concerning the construction of a squadron of 2,000 missile corvettes fitted with both Western and Ukrainian weapons and electronics, for understandable reasons that project never progressed very far. Ukraine and United States have reportedly held discussions on the acquisition of one or two Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates but, even if these elderly ships were to be transferred to Ukraine for free, the country would still face massive problems trying to crew and operate them, due to the systems and weapons not being compatible with anything else currently in use by Ukraine. Moreover, the Perries were designed as low-cost anti-submarine escorts for use in the Atlantic, and aren’t suitable for operations close to hostile coastlines where their weak anti-air and anti-surface weaponry becomes a liability.

Thus, the future of Ukraine’s navy as a blue-water force looks fairly bleak, with no modern vessels in service or projected for acquisition. That state of affairs appears to satisfy the official Kiev, under whose leadership the navy became more of a littoral, coastal force whose main areas of interest are offshore economic zones of the Black Sea and the efforts to control the Sea of Azov.

While the phrase “mosquito fleet” originated in Great Britain during World War 2 as a description of the Royal Navy’s vast force of motor torpedo- and gun-boats, Ukraine’s media has attached it on more than one occasion to the lackluster collection of small craft in use by Ukraine’s naval forces. Even though fast attack craft inherited from USSR have fared little better than the larger ships, here at least there are replacement ships being built and procured.

The best known of these “mosquitoes” are the Gyurza-M armored gunboats that, so far at least, proved to be less than impressive. Armed with two remote-control weapons stations with 30mm cannon and anti-tank guided missiles, their effectiveness is badly limited by low seaworthiness. Two of them were captured by Russia’s coast guard during an unsanctioned and unsafe attempt to cross under the Kerch Bridge and reach Mariupol. Twenty of these vessels were planned, but it doesn’t look as if that number will be reached. Instead, Ukraine’s attention has moved on to other, possibly more dangerous vessels.

The Centaur class is slightly smaller than the Gyurza-M, at 47 tons versus 54 tons, but it is significantly faster, with the claimed top speed of 50 knots being twice of that of the Gyurzas. And even though the armament of heavy machine guns and automatic grenade launchers, backed by 80mm rocket pods, seems less impressive, their “business end” is a platoon of 28 soldiers these boats can carry.

Combined with the Mark VI patrol boats that Ukraine is procuring from the United States, which are lightly armed but very fast boats also capable of carrying troops, Ukraine’s navy appears to be acquiring the ability to launch surprise amphibious raids of up to a battalion of light infantry in strength, once the fleet of these boats grows in size in the coming years. While certainly not a major force in absolute terms, it is just enough to exert pressure on the DPR’s southern flank that rests on the Sea of Azov coastline. Eight Centaurs are reported as being planned, and the first two boats are undergoing sea trials.

Complementing Ukraine’s naval strike and raiding ability is the Neptun anti-ship missile derived from Russia’s Kh-35 Uran, though with significant differences and also possibly collaboration with Turkey which is developing its own Harpoon-based anti-ship cruise missile at the same time, and/or with assistance from other NATO member states. The Neptun has passed a number of tests, including one live-fire one against a simulated naval target, and appears to be meeting its development goals without major problems. The missile’s size means it theoretically could arm the Ukrainian navy’s still-extant post-Soviet surface ships, but their age and lack of replacement means that it is more likely to see service as a coastal artillery weapon which could readily provide Ukraine with some serious firepower in the Sea of Azov.

The Neptun is described as being able to strike both naval and land targets, suggesting a combination of active radar guidance combined with GPS. If deployed in land-based form on the shores of the Sea of Azov, it could be used to shut down large swaths of the Sea of Azov under the guise of live-fire exercises. But arguably the worst-case scenario is the use of the missile against the Kerch Bridge, which is located within the 300km range of the Ukraine-controlled Azov coastline. One can readily imagine an MH17-style scenario in which a Ukrainian missile strikes and damages the bridge, with the attack then being attributed—with full NATO support—to a training accident or even a “Russian missile”. It would also not be an easy attack to respond to, as it would require Russian military strikes against targets on Ukraine’s territory that would elicit a highly predictable NATO reaction. It would also be a difficult attack to defend against, requiring the deployment of anti-missile weapons like the Pantsir-S and Tor which might not guarantee protection against a surprise attack by a highly subsonic, sea-skimming missile relying on GPS or even simply inertial guidance and not advertising its own presence by radar emissions.

Moreover, Neptun will give Ukraine the ability to launch relatively precise missile strikes against high-value targets in the DPR and LPR. In combination with the Vilkha rocket system and the Grom short-range ballistic missile, this weapon is part of Ukraine’s emerging deep-strike missile arsenal.

The abortive Gyurza-M raid into the Sea of Azov and NATO’s unwillingness to become directly embroiled in the Sea of Azov conflict do not mean we have seen the last of the provocations. Bolstered by US financial and material assistance, Ukraine is building up offensive capabilities for use in the littoral regions of that body of water. While its military capabilities are not in the same league as Russia’s, Ukraine’s growing ability to launch high-speed naval raids and long-range missile strikes represents a more difficult challenge to counter than its deteriorating land forces.

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I like how it’s presented an Ukrainian rusting ship of a Soviet model as a symbol for the entire country, when Sevastopol is full of rusting Soviet ships that can be admired on Google.

Антон С

Kiev regime abandoned ~40 ships and boats in Sevastopol. Russian ships are new and shiny: 3 new frigates of 11356 project, 6 submarines 636 project and missile corvettes project 22160 and 21631. All with “Caliber”. Tens of support ships and boats. Plus “Moskva” cruiser, the same project as “Ukraina”. “Moskva” is under modernization, “Ukraina” prepares to be dismantled.


How about Kuznetsov, mate? The flagship of the Russian Navy :)

Антон С

How about “Bonhomme Richard” ha-ha-ha?!


That’s not even in the top 10 US Navy vessels. Wanna bet it will be fixed before Kuznetsov?

Антон С

Not the biggest, let it burn, ha-ha-ha! It is decommissioned.) -1 vessel.


1 light 30 000 tons air-carier is not just “vessel” but much more than that.

They have lost ship worth at least 1 billion

Антон С

Vessel, ship, boat, name it as you wish. As I said, my english not perfect. And it’s over 40000 tonns.




Your newest 14billion air carrier does NOT EVEN WORK


Please don’t cry, emo boy, here’s a lollipop for you.


suck a dick retard from bankrupted country


A bisquit for the lil girl?


listen 60 gender pervert pedophile I know that you have erection when people insult you you sick peace of perverted shit dumped in bankrupted nation


Awww how cute, you want to give me an errection. Listen here lil emo boy, I will torn appart your brown eye with my 20 inch throbbing like an industrial machine phalus, full of blood of a thousand emo boys like you. At the end of the day, you’ll feel like Admiral Kuznetsov, the Flagship of the Mother Russia Navy, went through your backdoor and left ir open.


ha ha ha dickhead Rambo from FAILED country !


I’m not from moscaland fortunately


All are failed countries except mujikstan


talking right out of your arse, adjust sound…


Like I said my mother would shame the fk outta you low iq degenerate punks! How do you punch fascist wuzzy,moneys on with your wrists,well she don’t!


Yeah, Natasha has a bigger cunt than Volga river.

Jim Allen

Can’t get it up, can you ?


I don’t but your mom worked wonders


My mother would knock you down flat of your face ye weak overgrown facist punk


Yo mama so fat Elon Musk sugested Rogozin to use her as trampoline

Jim Allen

It’s not my mom, idiot, she’d have put you in the oven and baked your lily white ass. That’s what witches do to stupid little boys.


Please don’t cut your veins, Ivan.


Lil Orthodox boy learned nasty words at the church choir, maybe left behind by his friends he got lost under the priest cassock


oh it is just usual “hello” to our terrorist supporting “brothers” from the West…no need to get emotional over nothing. I must find the way to thank you for bombing Yugoslavia, starting war in Georgia, Ukraine and keeping Eastern Europe under permanent NATO occupation.


I have great emotions when you talk like that to me, it makes me horny. And btw NATO will give Moscow to Kiev to make the Kievan Russia and Siberia will be shared with China.


of course moron anything you say….


eh cia/p00ftas try orthios defines of upright man,not you weak facist/soros punks must sit ye sorry lame ass or else squeal like a lil boy piggys fooked up de ass! Flogged!


Kuznetsov is not the “flag ship”. “Peter the Great” the missile cruiser battleship is the “flag ship” you retard




That RT news man-woman is an as “expert” as you are !

November 1996, the vessel was transferred to the Northern Fleet at Severomorsk and was designated as the flagship of the Northern Fleet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_battlecruiser_Pyotr_Velikiy


That is the flagship of the Northern Fleet, at least that’s what your lunk says. Btw please don’t write in emo, you make me sad.


and where was Kuznetsov if not in Northern Fleet in Murmansk before repairs !? say whatever you want because you are proved WRONG again!


Admiral Kusnetsov is the Russian Navy Flagship, mate. You love it or you hate it, it’s just the truth.

Jim Allen

You don’t have a Navy, pork chop, your country doesn’t have a Navy. You do have a large pretense of knowledge however, but still you can’t your little sausage to stand up. You are to be pitied, your impotence, and frustration has damaged your psyche, left you mentally ill. All because you can’t even wank.


Triggering Ruskies works like a charm, btw how is the Ruble, got below a cent yet? I want to visit some Russian wifes on a budget.


They would run from the staunch of your lies,unless ones got a big fkn hole the size of the jenolan cave,even then end up just about broke,so It was told! Fact: Russian ruble=the worlds most gold backed currency (period) usa in debt$!


Russian Ruble = 1cent

Jim Allen

Sure you do, pork chop.


You are talking to are retarded moron and making him happy by doing that. Do not feed that monkey with the words

Антон С

Now I see it clearly. I just didn’t recognize it before, I’m a newbie here.

johnny rotten

If the Nazi-fags attacked the bridge and Russia responded with a highly destructive attack on Ukraina, I have serious doubts that NATO would go beyond sanctions, in fact who in the west would be willing to die for Kiev? IMO when you find yourself with death in your face you think twice before making bullshit.


The sanctions would be far more devastating than a war. Russian economy would be mire isolated than Cernobyl. But that would happen just in case of a Moscow-Nazi self-attack of that bridge as a reason to chop more of Ukraine’s territory (Mariupol).


The sanctions would only push Russia and China in full strategic military alliance. They would act as one army and walk over the NATO.


China will take over Russian economy anyway.


Since US has no economy and no industry at all Mexico will take over US


Haha Polar bears are taking Siberia mate

cechas vodobenikov

ya staboy Russia enjoys a positive trade balance with China, Germany, Japan, etc


How’s that related to my comment?! I am pro Russian and if you want to attack me for anything, on the subject , you have wrong person… Maybe you want to talk to “bacon”….and not to me?


Russia and China are apart of the globalist network.



whatever… I don’t believe it judging by situations and conflicts between Russia and NATO, Ukraine, Georgia, Yougoslavia were NATO attacks on RUssia also I refuse to accept that all is staged !!!

I do not buy that conspiracy bollocks!

they are my Orthodox brothers who stick to Christianity unlike 60 genders LGBTQ perverted decadent West ! Fuck you perverts and sicko pedophiles, necrophiles and al the rest !


Germany was the last country to pose a threat to the *ewish supremacist agenda as written in the Zohar, Torah and the Old Testament. The USSR was taken over by *ewish-led Bolsheviks financed by *ewish Wall Street bankers and Max Warburg from Germany, this is a proven fact listed in the records, the west was controlled by *ews before the First World War and they financed the Bolsheviks to overthrow the Tsar.

The Cold War was a fake standoff with both sides strongly influenced by *ews who hate non-*ews, ever since the Soviet collapse and the transition from the Yeltsin to the Putin presidency Russia has maintained strong relations with Israel and is pro-*ewish.

“Antisemitism” against *ews remains illegal in Russia like it was in the Soviet Union, the only difference is that antisemitism was punishable by death in the Soviet Union while acknowledgement of scientific racial differences got people sent to the gulags for corrective slave labour. Putin claims Israel is an American puppet state despite the vastly intrusive Israeli influence in American politics, whilst the American media and overall economy is disproportionately in the control of *ewish individuals.

There’s still some gays in Russia, it isn’t illegal over there. Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe copy American pop culture from 10-20 years ago. There are gay clubs and escort agencies that rent out gay men and transvestites. It’s only illegal to spread it to children.

The organizations that spread it are predominately *ewish run and financed, it’s all a result of Critical Theory meant to dissolve western culture so that it stops reproducing and allows endless waves of refugees into Europe to wipe European man out of existence in Europe, North America and Oceania.

Germany and several European countries are already rewriting history in fiction to pretend that Europe was always multi-racial, a national park in Germany depicts the Germans of pre-Christian Europe as black like the media has claimed that Cheddar man was black.



First you accuse Russia of conspiracy than since you have NO ARGUMENT to affirm your post…you switch completely to pile of new bollocks. And it can go forever like that I suppose That is approach of swindler, charlatanism, snake oil salesman. I hate majority of Jew NAZI’s but I hate you supremacist NAZI’s as well

You talk usual stuff like all NAZI’s that’s why you will be friends with people from Ukraine, Baltics , Croatia, Germany etc. but not with Russia It was not Jews that have killed 27 million USSR citizen of which majority Russians!

It was GERMAN NAZI agression ! And Germany proper didn’t lose more than 5+ million during the war. Those soldiers they were not commies but mostly patriotic Russians defending their homeland heroically. So fuck your explanations because Russia NEVER had sincere friend on the West. Only when Russia is feared Russia is respected also on the West You accuse Jews yet West is direct allay of the Jews. You need Russia and hope they will save you from Jewish evil tentacles… No Russia will not save Western population You have to pay for your own sins

There can’t be any friendship between East and West because West always wanted to dominate East. Whole Eastern Europe knows that. Go away I don’t buy that snake oil !


“That is approach of swindler, charlatanism, snake oil salesman.”

When the argument is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


Russia is pro-jewish, there is extensive evidence to prove that Putin is a *ewish ally. Nothing lasts forever, Russia’s time will come and go. If we throw off the *ewish yoke it will be up to the west to withdraw from the Middle East, help the Muslims destroy Israel, then take part in a real Cold War to rid Russia and China of jewish globalist control. They have a good relationship with Israel and the west is planned on being the next sacrificial lamb as apart of a controlled demolition to render white people a minority in every country.


“You have to pay for your own sins”

Why should the common masses be punished for the crimes of their rulers who’ve been rigging elections for nearly two centuries? Why in the world would you expect parliamentary democracy to work? Those responsible will merely hop onto another country and leave the people who aren’t responsible for those criminal’s deeds to be exterminated by non-whites.

You claimed you weren’t anti-white when you clearly are, your smokescreen is wearing thin. You slander me when I provide evidence you cannot refute other than childishly insisting you are right because your misinformed feelings tell you so.


You’re a brainwashed fool that suffers from cognitive dissonance and a confirmation bias, you haven’t even bothered to look into anything I said because you’re arrogant and can’t have a mature conversation. If this conversation were to take place in person you would have many regrets, in fact your self-righteous emotions that you have little to no control over would lead to you trying to violate my freedom of speech over a historical disagreement.


I’ve noticed that your perceptions of the “west” are extremely exaggerated because you have never been here and believe everything you see and hear on TV. The west is still more innovative than you and produces more brilliant minds than yourselves, furthermore they demonstrate a greater ability for critical thinking and you knowing nothing about us other than childish stereotypes goes to show you’re a mental midget who thinks he knows everything when he knows considerably less than he thinks he knows.

Snubbing of Jesse Owens Myth: bitchute[]com/video/iMNHJ9wczYIK/






The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories: Genesis, Missions and Actions:




Apparently you’re a little man that runs away from arguments he can’t win.

newobserveronline. com/attempt-to-refute-holocaust-revisionists-backfires-as-danube-search-for-victims-comes-up-negative/

archive. org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Z%C3%BCndel+%2337+-+Cremation+Technology+vs. +The+’holocaust’. mp4

archive. org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Zündel+%23160+-+Photographic+evidence+vs+the+’holocaust’ .mp4


You need to brush up on your English skills buddy.

globalresearch. ca/the-cias-invention-of-the-conspiracy-theorist-smear-campaign-to-discredit-dissenters/5403876



Such a moral people… Does it make your dick inflate?




You bitch, rant and rave about people you don’t like whilst laying down the exact same level of hatred you claim you are subjected to. Instead of striving to be the higher man favoured by Nietzsche. Hiahd you are closer to animal than over-man and remain sedentary in your ways, psychopathic desires of wanting to see innocent people suffer for the acts of those who usually go unpunished. To be overwhelmed with misplaced anger and hatred that you’re capable of submitting human beings to the worst atrocities imaginable like the tens of millions killed by your Communist ancestors is abominable and irredeemable, in fact out right Satanic.

And remember those Russian air traffic control employees who laughed at that plane crash last year? Is that the real you? Do you like the pictures I sent of rape and bounty? Does your grandfather have fond memories of raping underage girls while wearing a Red Army uniform? The USSR was exactly what they mistakenly thought of Germany, Communism and the adopting of American-style degeneracy is rotting Russia to the core as it is rotting everyone.

You aren’t capable of understanding that jews control America and western people have little to do with what has happened, you’re a schizophrenic who claims you hate what’s happening to Europe and then turn around praising what is happening.

Read “Propaganda” by Edward Berneys and “The Crowd” by Gustave Le Bon to understand the situation better, I doubt you will and even if you do you would fail to realize how life-long programming has pervasively affected your mindset.

“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed” — Friedricch Nietzsche

Only cowards run from and not pursue the truth no matter the amount of suffering or pain it takes to seek and spread the truth. Branded as the most evil men in history, the martyrs are eventually acknowledged for their sacrifices.


You think I care anyone reads what I’ve said? What are you some attention whore? You’re shallow little man that can’t put yourself in other people’s shoes, I am self-aware and don’t care what people think on here. I know I’m right and you’re incapable of proving me wrong.






I hate IsraHell and many Jews and I hate you, so back off ! Leave me alone or I’ll block you , you persistent lunatic

Jim Allen

The Bolsheviks failed. So does your narrative.


LGBT and the promotion of paedophilia is a result of Cultural Marxism (Critical Theory) invented by *ews at Gouthe University, Frankfurt Germany in the 1920s. They were kicked out by the NSDAP and moved their culturally subversive activities to America, including the *ew Magnus Hirschfeld who performed the first sex change operation and eventually killed his patient whilst performing an experimental uterus transplant on a wannabe woman.

archive[]is/sPHZZ archive[]org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803 goodreads[]com/book/show/182136[]The_Culture_of_Critique



you are copy pasting machine, one man organization…. fuck man does anybody reads all that thousands of pages you post per second?


eYou don’t buy that conspiracy bullocks meaning you cling to a confirmation bias. As for Christianity, it does instill moral values. However even with Christianity most believers don’t act much differently than atheists and agnostics due to the breakdown of traditional gender roles. Russia is 20-30 years behind the west in terms of its own degeneracy, it is not a traditional society and also suffers from the current zeitgeist like most of the world does, although to a lesser degree.

As for Christianity and Islam, both religions have done more to serve the *ews than harm them. They destroyed the ancient pagan religions of Europe and west Asia, nearly all Christian holidays are appropriated from pagan Indo-European celebrations and were banned by the Orthodox and Catholic churches until the Renaissance and Enlightenment.

When Russia converted to Orthodox Christianity they forced all of its residents to convert by the sword as was everyone else in Europe. Early Christianity throughout the Middle Ages was on par with Jihadist terrorism today, Islam until the Industrial Revolution was much like ISIS.

The Quran contains passages where Muhammad allows his followers to rape women they captured after killing their sons and husbands, much like Moses did in the Book of Numbers. Jesus praises Moses in the NT.

The Hadith mentions an adult Muhammad marrying his first wife Aisha at the age of 6 or 9, around that age he slides his penis along her thigh before she’s old enough to be violated. The Babylonian Talmud which is the main book of Judaism promotes pedophilia and Putin is a friend of very powerful *ewish billionaires, politicians and the Chabad-Lubavitch headed by Beral Lazar in Russia. Chabad is an international organization with leading rabbis in each country it has a presence in. Putin met with Chabad rabbis from several European countries to devise ways of opposing the recent rise of “Nazism” in Russia and in the west.

Another Chabad rabbi is Pincus Goldschmidt who is the chief rabbi of Moscow, Russia. He stated on RT that *ews and Muslims are allies against the Old Europe. He actively endorses and helps to finance mass Islamic migration into Europe, Russia also accepts loads of Islamic refugees and is home to the largest mosque in Europe built under Putin’s presidency.


Many early Christian popes and bishops had a swarthy complexion, many *ews converted and ended up as crypto *ews embedded within the church. The church has been actively destroying European peoples and cultures since Rome converted to Christianity, all three Abrahamic religions (especially *udaism and Christianity) borrow heavily from pagan religions that predate them. Yahweh was originally the Canaanite deity Ba’al married to Asherah.


More information on *udaism’s pagan origins:

The Visigoths and The Jews (Part 1): bitchute[]com/video/DY0eOCdf0ZCl/

The *ews were a problem before the Tanakh was first written, starting in Egypt as the Hyksos and in Canaan as the Habiru—Jacob/Israel and *uda.

Jim Allen

You’re gonna’ need more than a propaganda video to sell that tripe. There are facts that you have no clue exist, yet are more than a thousand years old showing your pipe dream will never come true.


Hi loser, shallow little shills like you don’t have enough brains to have a civil debate.

You complain about America and yet copy its degeneracy like the stoned redneck trash you are.



You keyboard warriors are too lazy to even look into things yourselves with your herd mentality, fact is I proved my point and you cannot so you lash out and never grow up. Don’t bother replying because you’re blocked.




sorry I am becoming paranoid I took your comment for an attack


Your racist anti-white delusions are misanthropic like all Abrahamic religions are since their foundation, I guess you’re championing the immigrant invasion of Europe and underestimating my race’s resolve too I see. I’m white and my race was the first to found civilization, you really think we’re going to bend over and let crazed savages take over and exterminate us through forced inbreeding? You think you’re showing virtue when all you’re doing is showcasing subhuman tendencies.


It’s economy is still larger than Russia’s economy. With your misanthropic anti-white delusions I suppose you’re championing the rapefugee invasion of Europe and underestimating my race’s resolve too I see.




”Your racist anti-white delusions”


I am Orthodox Christian from EASTERN Europe we don’t even have blacks here!

I am as white as one can possibly be and I do not hate white people.

I hate ALL ILLEGAL immigration paid by George Soros and if president I would put army on the frontier and order them ”shout to them to return and if they refuse after warning shot shoot to kill them”.

It used to be like that in Europe long time ago, they would kill those who cross illegally the border. No questions asked !

Black Lives Matter is racist anti-white organization the way I see it.

White people are racially discriminated in US

So attack your Jew NAZI George Soros and super rich banker families like Rothschild and such and not me!

BUT you country is ISLAMIC terrorism supporting country with IsraHell and UK.

US have killed so many innocent people …so I hate US with all my hart, I am sorry

Talking about Mexico was just provocation to that moron Bacon.


This bloke is a wanker,looks it too (period) The fact russia payed of all debts,got rid of the rothchilds and soros,to say the least,also gold backed currency like china and there is no way they are part of the nwo/gaystapp regime,fk it off idiot! This is russia 2020 not russia 1989 (period) you and you information are over 2 decades behind the times,not russian culture,either way you can’t stop Russia!!

By the way,I never argue with any idiot,who believe in the other idiots,just saying:


Are you referring to me in the third person or Apollonian Germ? The information Germ presented is current year information. The infographic about science isn’t false, you don’t seem to realize he got upset and flipped out at me attacking me for not being able to prove me wrong when I had nothing against him.

As for the subject of economics, yes it has paid off most of its debts but gold backed currency isn’t exactly a good system either. The most independent kind of banking system is a bartering system set in place by Germany in the 1930s that is much like the economic model of Catholic Distributism, the Falange’s Syndicalism, and Fascist Corporatism that all take inspiration from the Medieval guild system.

Russia and China remain market Liberal, then you assumed I’m pro-Americana and adopted a pre-programmed, superficial mode of argumentation based on emotion than on empirical evidence not rooted in objective thought. I find it odd how the liberal Jessica Jones goes out of her way to be the only one in down voting everything I say, I don’t even know why she bothers reading what I write if she hates it so much.


You should also consider why the US and every other developed country have bigger homes than in 2nd world countries. You have this black and white interpretation of anything I write and cling to a herd mentality that assumes whoever doesn’t agree with you is a bad or stupid person and whoever agrees with you is spectacular. You don’t seem to have any in-between where you can wager the pros and cons of any particular subject or national entity.

You have this moral self-righteous attitude that is strangely reminiscent of the arrogant American 80s stereotype, but reversed from west to east. Why copy American pop culture, why consume their content and support the economies of western countries by buying their merchandise? Do you think westerners should die for voting in parties that are all the same and “choosing” for them to wage terror in the Middle East or elsewhere? There’s this bizarre sense of envy, disgust, hate and longing for revenge that thrives more on stereotypes than “westerners” have ever believed about anybody. Should they be expunged from the earth while you are absorbed into African and Asian genomes?


There is plenty of evidence to prove Russia and China are globalist. Their connection to western investment banks

You should also consider why the US and every other developed country have bigger homes than in 2nd world countries and carry out better maintenance of their infrastructure overall compared to the 2nd world where more neighbourhoods are in disrepair.

You have this black and white interpretation of anything I write and cling to a herd mentality that assumes whoever doesn’t agree with you is a bad or stupid person, and whoever agrees with you is spectacular. You don’t seem to have any in-between where you can wager the pros and cons of any particular subject or national entity.

You have this moral self-righteous attitude that is strangely reminiscent of the arrogant American 80s stereotype, but reversed from west to east. Why copy American pop culture, why consume their content and support the economies of western countries by buying their merchandise? Do you think westerners should die for voting in parties that are all the same and “choosing” for them to wage terror in the Middle East or elsewhere? There’s this bizarre sense of envy, disgust, hate and longing for revenge that thrives more on stereotypes than “westerners” have ever believed about anybody. Should they be expunged from the earth while you are absorbed into African and Asian genomes?

You don’t actually oppose the views you think you do, you are opposing satirical caricatures of what you think they are. What you think of the “Nazis” has very little to do with what they really thought, their actions and what they stood for is inconsistent with what people are led to believe through excessive propaganda and demonization. You have an oversimplified understanding of the world backed by a shallow “intellectual” snobbery that is driven by emotion and little by the way of facts.

Due to social conditioning through government and media, it would make sense why you would perceive that as a description of myself; people are rarely convinced by fact and evidence based arguments, they have to be posed with questions that get them to think about their conclusions so they arrive to their conclusions on their own. They have a very linear way of looking at the world, talk shows are among the many methods used to create the illusion that there is a debate of ideas with their rulers when in reality their rulers constantly coordinate public opinion through their methods of propaganda.

Propaganda: bitchute[]com/video/Z3wlyulAMB4t/ archive[]org/details/EdwardBernaysPropaganda1928Liveright/

The Crowd (Book): archive[]org/details/crowdastudypopu00bongoog/page/n6

— If the book scans don’t show up you can access the PDF file or the full text option.

The Genius of the Crowd: goodreads[]com/book/show/39002819-the-genius-of-the-crowd

You probably don’t notice it but Russian and Chinese propaganda also dehumanize their targets and place them in a victim complex to increase solidarity and rub out dissent, a lot like how users on here always involves resorting to ad hominem attacks and refusing to have a civil conversation or debate with people they disagree with. The only difference is the admins don’t try to remove comments that don’t go along with the preferred narrative, employing the use of bots and possibly paid shills creates the illusion of freedom of expression whilst serving to maintain the established opinion.

I am referring to all social media websites in general.

It fosters a toxic environment that serves to keep people divided in echo chambers and at each others throats as the elites intend, for it reduces the possibility of any cohesive actions that anyone can take against them.

People on here will conflate a nation’s government with its people as if it were a unitary mass of drones in an ant or bee colony acting off each others pheromones, I suppose if the governments throughout the world could have such societies they probably would not unlike the Matrix but without a cloudy and desolate earth with diabolical A.I controlling everyone. Such is the Joos’ ultimate psychotic fantasy in a movie largely made by them.

They still believe the west are racist countries and actively discriminate non-whites in their midst when this is clearly not the case. The west has been subverted to fail on purpose and men like Joseph McCarthy were largely right in their suspicions.

Other nations will be on destroyed by controlled demolition when they are no useful to the rootless international clique that controls all countries, countries like China welcome the engineered decline of the White man and his civilization for this would be their opportunity to expand their wealth and influence.

When they are of no use they will be thrown to the curb in favour of other countries like India and from there to the Middle East and finally Africa until the Joos are in a situation where they have power over a dark low IQ mass that can be easily dominated, perpetually worked and exploited. This would fulfill the prophetic visions for the future in the Torah of a Jooish world order run from Jerusalem or some alternative capital.


And I do apologize for my verbal abuse, I felt provoked and responded foolishly.


If you’re talking about Apollonian Germ, he isn’t pretentious or false. Thanks for ignoring all of my other points.

El Mashi

Mexico will take back the 60% of its territory stolen by the US. Already California and Texas will restore its majority Hispanic population.

Jim Allen

The way the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal has taken over your’s ? Oh,…wait, your country doesn’t have an economy. You poor pitiful shoat.


Russia is a banana republic just withouth the bananas


The US/UK like it or not, Europe is from Gibraltar to the Ural and Caucasus !

Sooner or later, Germany, France, Italy, etc. will have “Normal” relationship with Eurasia

Nord Stream 2 Trade Geopolitics: Towards a US-Germany “Tariff War”. Washington Threatens Germany with Sanctions https://www.globalresearch.ca/nord-stream-2-germany-us-tariff-war/5715674

Iran and China Turbo-charge the New Silk Roads https://www.globalresearch.ca/iran-china-turbo-charge-new-silk-roads/5718294


I am well informed person on average and know that some part of EU politicians support that policy and on “Silk Road” also

The fact is as long as US-NATO (Poland ,Baltic’s US stooges) are around, nothing will change. EU needs EU army and direct peace treaty with Russia. Everything else is just empty talk.


You are “well informed” despite a proclivity towards a confirmation bias, thus not well informed whatsoever. Your unwillingness to debate it means you can’t prove your point.


what point I cant prove?

cechas vodobenikov

says the citizen of durakistan


WHY do you think, he is from Ukraine?

cechas vodobenikov

USA=durakistan…when I lived in Kiev there was no antagonisms directed at Russians there


The pain is unbearable

cechas vodobenikov

according to studies u people complain about pain more than all others—insecure little girls…projecing your insecurity

Icarus Tanović



we keep hearing that since 2014. So when is that devastating efect coming finally?


Russia suffered a lot in 2015 because of the sanctions.


Russia sufered even more when Wehrmacht came over and even more when capitalism came in the 1990s. But Russia will live and the dark empire will fall this time.


Wouldn’t hold my breathe. Communists did that for 70 years until the chocked with their own hopes.


Most of older people in Warsav pact countries remeber socialism in good way, especialy now that lowering the level of social standards under capitalism is becoming obvious.


Older people regret their youth, regardless of the rejime, because humans have a selective memory.




Especially those sent to gulag


Nope, they experienced both sytems and therefore can compare directly. Unlike you.


Nope, they can’t think clearly. Most of themnwere very poor in communism and now are jut poor but their problem is that others became rich. And all psychologists say that comparing you to others is a pain.


Nope. You must be very young (too young) to think older people cant think clearly. They can think better than you and have plenty of experience, unlike you. No people were poor in the good old socialist times. Everyone had a job, a house or flat, social benefits and social security. No one was homeless and no one was hungry. Food was of a better quality and cheaper. Housing was much more available and provided for everyone for free or almost for free. Education and healthcare were available free for all and of a better quality than today.


Other than housing, everything you said was only better on paper. There was free healthcare but you had to bribe the medics to treat you, everyone had a job but most didn’t work since they couldn’t fire you, the food was cheap but almost impossible to find so you had also to bribe to find food.

But hey! Everybody know that colaborationists like your family were living the time of their lifes, so you are entitled to your opinion.


Nope. You are just lying.


Or your family was priviledged.


Nope, me and my family were just normal people. There were no priviledged ones in socialism as they are now in capitalism. Those who were at the top, usually politicians and engineers, had only a little more than regular people, unlike today when some have too much and others dont have anytithing at all. I am greatfull to comunists and the Red army for a safe and happy childhood free from hunger, fear, porn, drugs and other capitalism inventions.


LOL. The funniest thing I have read this week. Btw, why don’t you go in North Korea to be free from hunger again?


North Korea hunger problem in around 2006 was caused by the economic blokade, trade war and ilegal sanctions imposed on the country by the west.


Ahh so all the food is made in the west, communist countries can’t work their land hand have food.


Due to the nature of modern ffod and industry production, it is dificult for small countries to produce some stuff. If they are not smart, they relly on import. In that moment they are very vulnerable to sanctions and trade wars from the world mafia/global oligarchy. My country used to be 100% self suficient in socialism but now in capitalism this number went down to 30%. So if somenone introduced sanctions at us, we would die of hunger too.


North Korea is a capitalistic country that relly on importing food, that made them vulnerable to sanctions.


Russia is the perfect victim, always sacrifice.


Still they would use that conflict and finance it to make indefinitely long proxy war for Russia to ruin her economy! There are plenty of neo-NAZI’s and even Jihadist’s who would go to Ukraine to fight Russia


Hitler’s pro-Islam quotes: bitchute[]com/video/UN5Wb8FKtzBz/

David Irving and the Aktion Reinhardt Camps: codoh[]com/library/document/david-irving-and-the-aktion-reinhardt-camps/en/




You have attacked and accused me you ..S.O.B and you have deleted your comment !

Here is my answer anyways !! ——

”Your racist anti-white delusions”

WHAT?!!? I am Orthodox Christian from EASTERN Europe we don’t even have blacks here! I am as white as one can possibly be and I do not hate

white people. I hate ALL ILLEGAL immigration paid by George Soros and if president I would put an army on the frontier and order them ”shout to the emigrants to return and if they refuse after warning shot shoot to kill them”. It used to be like that in Europe long time ago, they would kill those who cross illegally the border. No questions asked !

Black Lives Matter is racist anti-white organization the way I see it. White people are racially discriminated in US So attack your Jew NAZI George Soros and super rich banker families like Rothschild and such and not me!

BUT you country is ISLAMIC terrorism supporting country with IsraHell and UK.

US have killed so many innocent people …so I hate US with all my hart, I am sorry Talking about Mexico was just provocation to that moron Bacon but I am glad that US is collapsing and in total decay.


The US is controlled by a jewish supremacist oligarchy and so are Russia, China and the EU.


US is falling apart!



Great news for the jews since they control the US and have long controlled Europe and Russia, what about the American people?



I know the comment of that jewish NAZI whore. But it was US as country that did plenty of evil things as well


It certainly did, it also helped in the murder of millions of Germans after WW2 alongside France and Britain, so did the Soviet Union. It is illegal to question the holocaust in Russia and still reiterates atrocity propaganda. Ernst Zundel was similarly persecuted in Canada for spreading “fake news” about the holocaust.

If USA is absorbed into Mexico so will Canada, Australia and New Zealand will be absorbed into Asia if migration continues. The European half of Russia is already being slowly absorbed into Asia as Europe is being absorbed into Africa and Asia. The destruction of America will not put a stop to globalism or those running it, they will latch more onto their other hosts. Furthermore Iran has Freemasons and *ewish ministers in their government, Orthodox *ews claim to oppose Zionism and the Israeli state whilst they continue to live there whilst boasting about how they’re superior to goyim.

archive[]org/details/ezarchive/Ernst+Zündel+at+CII+interviewed+by+Cristian+Iturralde+in+2015[]mp4 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/38230e0708e9e819340be2e80ecdddfcb15e3ca3c61ee08b107bd1c631baddde.png

El Mashi

The Western United States was the 60% of Mexican territory that the United States stole. The United States was built on the stolen wealth of Mexico, gold and the bests agricultural land in the world in California, cattle and agriculture and vast oil reserves in Texas and vast copper and metal ores in New Mexico and Arizona and Nevada. Perhaps it is time that Mexico recovered its stolen territory.


Mexico stole that territory from the Native Americans, those Native Americans stole that territory from other Native Americans. Russia stole vast swathes of territory from others in Europe and Asia, they colonized what is now Alaska. I suppose you want Russia to reclaim Alaska and completely dominate the Arctic?

Apparently it’s alright to steal land, enslave and murder only as long as you aren’t white and for anyone to hold a higher moral standard for white people over everyone else implies they subconsciously think that white people are superior. They “hate” them so much they can’t get enough of them, they like to emulate us by appropriating our culture without even realizing it.

If they weren’t racist they wouldn’t be picking on white people for thinking they should have higher moral standards than everyone else, to hold such double standards and neglect to bring up the history of any other people as if they never did the same thing on a grand scale goes to show they have a shoddy knowledge of history.

There is archaeological, artistic and genetic evidence of white people living among the Incas in the Pre-Incan civilization in Peru dating back at least 3,000 years. The Pre-Incan civilization, Mayans, Aztecs, and Anasazi had swastikas on their pottery dating back to at least a millennium before Christopher Columbus first arrived to the Americas. A golden funeral mask of a deceased Pre-Incan ruler in Peru has blue gems placed in the eye sockets.

Another ancient burial site of a woman discovered in Peru dating back thousands of years was buried with a clay mask dried around her head that uses stones painted with dark blue-coloured ochre that depict her eyes.

There are 7,000 year old remains of European burials discovered under water in the Florida keys.

The Kennewick man discovered in Washington state is over 8,000 years old and was genetically European, it is likely he crossed the Bering Strait alongside Mongoloid populations over 20,000 years ago.

9,800 year-old female mummy with red hair was discovered in Arizona in the 1980s or 90s, her remains were genetically tested and proven to have been European; this matches legends told by the Amerindian locals of lights-skinned and red-haired “giants” their tribe exterminated and sown their hair to their ceremonial garments.

The remains of Solutreans who lived in North America over 10,000 years ago are genetically European and the rock minerals their arrow-heads were made from are a perfect match with the arrow-heads of certain prehistoric cave dwellers found in France.

In the 1800s, fourteen foot tall skeletons with six fingers were discovered when digging into the American burial mounds scattered about the American east coast, they had six fingers on each hand and a second row of molars in their jaws. The Tocharian mummies discovered in the Tarim Basin were also tested to have been genetically European, according to ancient Chinese accounts some of these Indo-European “barbarian” tribes had six fingers on each of their hands.


And I forgot to mention the 800-1,100 year-old remains of Norse explorers in Newfoundland, Canada and the wreckage of a Viking ship found at the bottom of the Hudson’s Bay.


*Correction: The Spanish and Portuguese stole land in the New World, including the territory you mentioned before Mexico had gained independence from Spain. They also owned Florida, are you suggesting that the United States give Florida back to the Spanish?

What about Cuba, Guam and the Philippines? Why is it alright for Russia to keep conquered territory but not anybody they don’t like? If it weren’t the “west” doing it, they would be doing it instead as they always have.

Only in a moment of reduced strength do they play the victim card despite also being under the yoke of Jewish oligarchs not unlike the western world and the world as a whole.


The Spaniards stole that territory from the Native Americans, then Mexico gained independence from Spain. Those Native Americans stole that territory from other Native Americans who in turn stole it from other Native Americans. Russia stole vast swathes of territory from others in Europe and Asia, they colonized what is now Alaska. Should Russia reclaim Alaska? They took it from the Inuit/Eskimos. Should China not reclaim more territory annexed by Russia? Or what about Japan reclaiming the Kuril islands and Sakhalin peninsula? Or why not make an independent Ainu nation?

*9,400 year old mummy. http://atlanteangardens.blogspot.com/2014/05/ancient-giants-of-new-world.html https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b7f8f9218461501d8f428ca56548c046f019191dc6007a9b2bf1abcb559a400d.png

Icarus Tanović

Indeed it is.


I find it strange that someone who doesn’t know me and certainly never will takes such offense to my rhetorical comments and what I can support with verifiable information. Those who speak of western elites worshiping Satan have a limited and superficial understanding of the subject matter, they fail to realize the spiritual disease that permeates modernity is widespread and inseparable from a profane set of religions that can be accurately described as Satanic and have been permeating societies for thousands of years.




The Genius of the Crowd by Charles Bukowski (and why everyone needs to rise above it, or else we will remain in an animal-like state of never ending conflict until there is only one group of people that reign supreme):

there is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the average human being to supply any given army on any given day

and the best at murder are those who preach against it and the best at hate are those who preach love and the best at war finally are those who preach peace

those who preach god, need god those who preach peace do not have peace those who preach peace do not have love

beware the preachers beware the knowers beware those who are always reading books beware those who either detest poverty or are proud of it beware those quick to praise for they need praise in return beware those who are quick to censor they are afraid of what they do not know beware those who seek constant crowds for they are nothing alone beware the average man the average woman beware their love, their love is average seeks average

but there is genius in their hatred there is enough genius in their hatred to kill you to kill anybody not wanting solitude not understanding solitude they will attempt to destroy anything that differs from their own not being able to create art they will not understand art they will consider their failure as creators only as a failure of the world not being able to love fully they will believe your love incomplete and then they will hate you and their hatred will be perfect

like a shining diamond like a knife like a mountain like a tiger like hemlock


You failed to address anything I have said, you are self-righteous and incapable of honest self-reflection because you arrogantly think you cannot be wrong. It wouldn’t matter how much evidence is presented to prove you wrong, you would never understand which only goes to show you aren’t an intelligent or even a decent person.

No one should hold onto a fetish of pulling someone else’s chain, it is vulgar and psychopathic. You show your card of rejection to someone as if you think it matters, if you can’t be a decent person then you deserve bad things that happen to you. Instead of resolving your problems in a civil dispute you more often resort to violence, instead of being a higher man you act more on animalistic urges with no intention of rising above them.

You are shallow and only care about how random people you don’t even know think of you even though you will never meet them. This sense of validation serves no purpose other than for boosting self-esteem in ways that ultimately don’t matter.

Here’s an article which I think is very biased, mind if you please point out every lie you see in the article? I think it is 95% dishonest or more: https://medium.com/@meohoh/twelve-reasons-why-russia-sucks-9ceb0feddcd6

Keep in mind that I am referring to more than one person when I write this, I know you won’t read it. You only care about things that the media and politicians program people to think and never about beauty or truth, or doing what is right. You ultimately only care about things that directly affect you and this is among the various problems that I mentioned in this post, they are universal problems that vary in degrees of severity from country to country.

People are conditioned to never fully actualize themselves and are kept at their lowest selves by those in charge of society, it keeps people restrained and subservient to the ruling authorities so they will remain easily controlled and exploited. People that aren’t willing to rise above that and develop a sense of compassion for fellow humans, animals and the environment don’t deserve happiness.

People are shadows of their ancient ancestors, the Scythians and just about everyone else would be appalled to see the current state of the world that it’s in now. We are in a Kali Yuga of sorts. Even half a century ago people were of a higher moral state and have rapidly declined ever since. No matter how bad of a life someone has had, it never justifies their unwillingness to rise above it. Life is what you make of it, don’t allow your bad experiences to corrupt and mold you.

If I misjudged you than I apologize for doing so, have a nice day or evening wherever you are.

So long! :-)

Something for you to consider if you are interested:


Too many people have a literal comprehension of Nietzsche rather than a proper nuanced interpretation:



“God” helps those who help themselves. Communism was extremely destruction on Russia and several other nations that still suffer from the destructive effects to this very day, it also dealt enormous damage to the enforcement and actualization of ethnical principles. Communism is busy eroding the west under the facade of liberalism and has been at it for well over a century with major success seen in the destruction of of our societies in the last 60 years.


“Truthfully, in this age those with intellect have no courage and those with some modicum of physical courage have no intellect. If things are to alter during the next fifty years then we must re-embrace Byron’s ideal: the cultured thug.” ― Jonathan Bowden

“The knight is a man of blood and iron, a man familiar with the sight of smashed faces and the ragged stumps of lopped-off limbs; he is also a demure, almost a maidenlike, guest in hall, a gentle, modest, unobtrusive man. He is not a compromise or happy mean between ferocity and meekness; he is fierce to the nth and meek to the nth.”― C.S. Lewis





And not placating to what is hostile, do not turn the other cheek:



I find it strange that someone who doesn’t know me and certainly never will takes such offense to my rhetorical comments and what I can support with verifiable information. Those who speak of western elites worshiping Satan have a limited and superficial understanding of the subject matter, they fail to realize the spiritual disease that permeates modernity is widespread and inseparable from a profane set of religions that can be accurately described as Satanic and have been permeating societies for thousands of years.

*The Asian populations that migrated across the Bering strait (then a land bridge) moved there alongside European populations in Siberia and the Far-East.

They supplanted the Neanderthals that lived in the New World longer before 22,000 years ago. The populations that live in Latin America are predominately not native to the continent and come from Spain or Portugal, they have mostly Arab admixture from when the Muslims conquered Hispania. People are not equal and that includes the races, this is observable and verifiable.

Dogmatism emanating from possessive and selfish egos leads the savagery seen before you, rather than setting things right feelings of revenge takeover and that process of dehumanizing your adversaries gradually leads to mass genocide and more problems than there were beforehand.



Icarus Tanović

Oh yes it did! The worst one can imagine…


You simply lashed out and haven’t proven me wrong, try not to be a gopnik assuming I’m wigger waffen; a lying “nazi” to be attacked first and questions asked never like a good little goy while the Jew rubs his hands together.

The Soviet Union didn’t liberate eastern Europe, they passed hands from one occupier to another. They have every reason to tear those statues down. The Polish government in exile had remained in exile. Basically Germany did in 1939 what Russia didn’t do in 2014, Germany became directly involved in Poland but Russia did not become directly involved in the Donbass.

My username: Nietzsche’s Superman: bitchute[]com/video/CecyMN6LB12o/

“What we have to do now is make the public aware that what we’re looking at is not an historical event but a racket.” -Ernst Zundel in reference to the holocaust industry

“History is the lie commonly agreed upon.”― Voltaire

More information that is subject to the Streisand effect:

Fundamentals of Fascism: bitchute[]com/video/e29yB5080Ucd/

[This is an introductory outline of Fascist thought and conduct. It is by no means a complete outline, but it will be of value to those who wish to renew their understanding as well as those who are new to our way of life. All the ideas expressed herein are guaranteed to be 100 percent politically incorrect and offensive to liberals, socialists, and assorted left-wing scum.] — National Socialism isn’t Fascism they are both a part of a Third Position between left and right-wing. National Socialism is more race focused while Fascism is not.

Is Fascism Capitalism in Decay?: bitchute[]com/video/QCgwZbYgP2e3/

The Homosexual Threat to Civilization: ostarapublications[]com/product/the-homosexual-threat-to-civilization-a-speech-by-heinrich-himmler/

[Video] A Last Appeal To Reason – Hitler’s various peace offers: forum[]codoh[]com/viewtopic[]php?p=95727

What the World Rejected: Hitler’s Peace Offers 1933–1940: goodreads[]com/book/show/23353552-what-the-world-rejected

Orphans of Versailles: The Germans in Western Poland, 1918-1939: goodreads[]com/book/show/2893648-orphans-of-versailles

Nuremberg: The Last Battle: goodreads[]com/book/show/235261[]Nuremberg

Other Losses: goodreads[]com/book/show/4178465-other-losses

Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-50: goodreads[]com/book/show/1774913[]Crimes_and_Mercies

The Holocaust: Shifting the Blame – Part 1: bitchute[]com/video/GcnwSQFVzRoA/

The Holocaust: Shifting the Blame – Part 2: bitchute[]com/video/Y9MPrw1Vqctq/

The vast majority of camp prisoners under German occupation had died in the last 3 months of the war due to Europe’s damaged infrastructure and their demolished train network.


Nazi Shrunken Heads—A 24-minute free video about lies which justify war: holocausthandbooks[]com/index[]php?main_page=2&page_id=1002 — Debunked, the Germans made no shrunken heads from the Jewish skulls.

Also debunks human soap and lampshades made from skin: holocausthandbooks[]com/index[]php?main_page=1

Israeli Holocaust Museum – There’s No Physical Evidence of the Holocaust: bitchute[]com/video/RIks1sxQ19Xl/

The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure: codoh[]com/library/document/the-first-holocaust-the-surprising-origin-of-the/en/

Jewish Gematria The Mystical Number 6000000: archive[]org/details/JewishGematriaTheMysticalNumber6000000



The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories: shop[]codoh[]com/book/the-einsatzgruppen-in-the-occupied-eastern-en/497/

Chapter 6 provides evidence against the Babi Yar Massacre narrative: barnesreview[]org/product/the-six-million-fact-or-fiction-2/

Hitler on Democracy: bitchute[]com/video/Yh7pP7YYoKLD/

Hitler wasn’t a Rothschild agent, Russia reiterates this propaganda from western authors:

Michael Collins Piper – Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild & Hitler: bitchute[]com/embed/2p1Lv630CsWt/

Антон С

Tell me just 3 names of oligarchs in Russia, any, not only jewis. Putin kicked them out in 2004. Some came to London, another ones – to Tel-Aviv. There is no oligarchy in my country. Now about jews. Rottenberg brothers have built the bridge to Crimea. Now they are under US restrictions. No, I’m not defending jews. No, I’m not a jew.


I know Yeltsin never went to prison, I don’t know enough information about the rest. I know the Russian government imprisons ethnic nationalists to the extent they’re harder on the “far-right” than the EU. It is one of the 17 countries where questioning the mainstream account of their Great Patriotic War and the holocaust is illegal, so is offending the feelings of religious believers.

Someone went to jail for making a video with Pokemon Go in an Orthodox church, I don’t know if they accept legitimate criticism of religions if that means a religious believer of the Abrahamic religions is offended by that. The US has more freedom of speech than Russia, although there are efforts being made to counter free speech on the basis of falsely labeling speech they don’t like as “hate speech”. Canada, Russia and several EU states have laws against “fake news” which is another way of restricting information under the guise of protecting citizens.

Many small parties have been banned for being alleged risks to national security, especially ethno-nationalists.

A pro-Eurasianist party called the National Bolshevik party co-founded by Alexander Dugin was banned in 2007 and succeeded by The Other Russia party that replaces the hammer and sickle with a hand grenade, unlike its predecessor it is not a registered party and is not outlawed.

There were skinny teenage boys and young men sentenced for sedition and planning to overthrow the Russian government and assassinate Vladimir Putin, they certainly wouldn’t have the means to do that.

Just like New Zealand, Russian IP addresses censor Bitchute and so do a handful of EU countries.

bitchute. com/channel/talpiot/ bitchute. com/channel/nZhcRSzGi8wT/

“Free” countries have governments that like to censor opinions they don’t like, slap on the “extremist” label and never give them a chance to disseminate their point of view or debate the ruling figureheads. That’s when you are all set. In the case of Russia it’s only a fine, then threatening to censor news outlets that won’t censor “misleading” information.




“Vladimir Putin (adding to Moshe Katsav’s answer): First of all I would like to say that the way the Israeli Government and the whole society in Israel deal with terror is a good example of how policy in this sphere should be designed. And I think that policy has grown out of the decades of suffering endured by the Israeli people. In resolving political issues you can have political contacts with anyone. But there should be no negotiations with terrorists.”


PM Netanyahu Visits Rav Ovadya Yosef: youtube[]com/watch?v=4aE3JqWlw_0

Netanyahu and Shimon Peres Remember Torah Giant Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: jpost[]com/National-News/Shas-spiritual-leader-Rabbi-Ovadia-Yosef-dies-at-93-328072





– Vladimir Putin (Rumoured to have Jewish lineage, Putin donated one month of his state salary to the construction of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow. Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar claims Putin once told to him in a visit at the Kremlin that Jewish would come over to his apartment as a kid when his parents were at work and showed him their religious texts despite a ban on religion at the time. Jewish texts forbid them from engaging in Torah study with gentiles, a Jewish board of directors at a press event in spoke of Putin having a Jewish grandmother. An antisemitic blog “Zionist Report” shows an alleged old passport of Putin’sthat is probably a forgery lists his nationality as “евр.” Eврей?)

– Mikhail Mishustin (Current Prime Minister of Russia, Jewish lineage.)

– Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, Jewish lineage.)

(2010) World’s top 50 “richest” Jews (this list excludes Rothschilds, et al): https://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-Features/The-worlds-50-Richest-Jews-1-10

(2020) The 10 Richest Russian Billionaires: https://www.forbes.com/sites/tracywang/2020/04/09/the-10-richest-russian-billionaires-in-2020/#31828ab93fd2

At Putin’s side, an army of Jewish billionaires: https://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-Features/At-Putins-side-an-army-of-Jewish-billionaires

*Using info found on Wikipedia, however backed by news articles:

– Vladimir Potatin (richest man in Russia, First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia)

– Leonid Mikhelson (third-richest man in Russia, Jewish lineage)

– Gennady Timchenko (sixth-richest man in Russia, on the board of trustees of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow

– Alisher Usmanov (seventh-richest man in Russia, this Muslim has a Jewish wife named Irina Viner, a top rhythmic gymnastics coach with a close relationship to Vladimir Putin)

– Mikhail Fridman (eighth-richest man in Russia, has Jewish lineage. He co-founded the Russian Jewish Congress and the Genesis Philanthropy Group, is a major donor to the European Jewish Fund and was considered the 8th richest Jew in the world in 2010.)

– Roman Abramovich (tenth-richest man in Russia, has Jewish lineage. Abramovich is the Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, a trustee of the Moscow Jewish Museum and donates money to the Chabad movement.

In June 2019, Abramovich donated $5 million to the Jewish Agency for Israel to support efforts to combat “anti-Semitism” globally… Abramovich, who is Russian Jewish, exercised his right under Israel’s Law of Return, which states that Jews from anywhere in the world can become citizens of Israel. In May 2018, Abramovich became an Israeli citizen a month after the UK delayed renewing his visa.

Following the Poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, British authorities delayed the renewal of his visa, as tensions rose between the UK and Russia. Abramovich had been travelling in and out of the UK for years on a Tier-1 investor visa, designed for wealthy foreigners who invest at least £2 million in Britain. As an Israeli, Abramovich can now visit Britain visa-free.)

Антон С

Mate, it’s pure bulls**t. One of the psychopathic articles. I asked for 3 names of oligarchs. These ones are not oligarchs at all.

Icarus Tanović

So who do you hate? Blacks, whites supremacists, colored, little colored, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, so who else? Albanians from Kosovo, Bosnians, Austrians, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Hungarians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Germans, Communists, Ottomans, Nazis, Mongols…


Long list of “my hate”

I try NOT to “hate” ethnicity , color, nation or religion but I hate what people do as individuals or nation, ethnicity, religion (sometime) to the others. I hate evil deeds (not enough but I am trying)

If we are all equal in front of our Creator it should be so.

That’s the best answer I have I hope it is enough.

Icarus Tanović

The best answer I got. Very enough. And thanks bro.


Most Americans are ordinary.

The Five Stages of Fascism by Robert O. Paxton. Page 6. The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 70, No. 1. (Mar., 1998), pp. 1-23.

Russia has some of the lowest church attendance rates in the world.



What is all this all about?!

You measure Church attendance rates for the country that was 70 years indoctrinated by communism?!! And what did you expect that once commies removed everybody runs to the church?! You must be joking! It will take lots of time for normality to go back in its place! Russians must slowly rediscover their own roots because they were brain washed for almost century.


Communism is also responsible for most of the dysfunctional behavior. It’s understandable why some eastern European countries have knocked down Soviet monuments.


No I don’t agree with that They just show their own DOGMATISM intolerance and weakens in front of their own past (just like Black Lives Matter that are even worse) Dysfunctional behavior is to remove historic monuments of liberators of their own land. They have to come to terms with the reality that it wasn’t them but Soviet army was the one that has liberated them from German occupator. They can condemn Soviets for what they did after that (by imposing communism after liberation) but destroying historic monuments and rewriting history in such manner is type of totalitarianism as blind as communism was. Some communists were destroying churches and all of them destroyed Nazi monuments. But they didn’t destroy artistic and historic heritage – old monuments


I was referring more to dysfunctional behavior in some parts of eastern Europe and farther east that has nothing to do with war, the contrast between poor mainland Chinese and other Chinese people of middle class or those living in Hong Kong and Macau, or neighbouring countries.

To address some of the other things you said, Hungary and Romania only came under Germany occupation in 1944. The Soviets were not liberators when they forced the countries they occupied into adopting Communism. They exhibited the same levels of psychopathic savagery and lack of remorse that most people think the Nazis had towards others, feeling no remorse at all when knowing that had taken place is a sign of having lost a great amount of one’s humanity and self-respect far divorced from both their Christian and pagan roots.

You seem to think the west is actively rewriting history when revisionists are actively suppressed in all western countries and all over Europe, Ernst Zundel’s house was pipe bombed in Toronto, Ontario and was imprisoned multiple times on false charges. David Irving, Fred Leuchter and others faced similar charges. There is no moral impetus for imprisoning them and attempting to censor information, unless the governing authorities have a lot damaging truths to hide which only serves to illustrate that they are engaged in a criminal conspiracy to cover up their enormous crimes.

You assume they are wrong and don’t realize there is a large abundance of evidence the revisionists have come across that rip large holes in the mainstream historical narrative, your dogmatic feelings override rational thought in regards to investigating the subject from alternative perspectives. What people are told about the Nazis is mostly false and the result of wartime propaganda, the Nazis in Ukraine have nothing to do with those in the 1930s and 40s.


German wartime propaganda depicted the Slavs in the Soviet Union as victims of Communism, not as sub-humans to be enslaved or destroyed. The usage of “untermenschen” was used in the context of highlighting the barbarism of the Soviet regime and comparing it to the barbarism of Genghis Khan under the narrative that it was apart of a larger historical trend where Russia has long come under attack from Asiatic populations and considering it an attack on Europe itself.

The average German civilian and by extension the average soldier thought Germany invaded it to protect Europe and liberate the Russians, Nazi Germany didn’t depict non-Europeans in a negative light.

The man who narrowly escaped assassination when his family home was blown up by mafia thugs in the 90s who worked for the JDL founded by Irv Rubin: https://archive.org/details/ezarchive/Ernst+Z%C3%BCndel+at+CII+interviewed+by+Cristian+Iturralde+in+2015.mp4

Irv Rubin was known for getting away with brutally assaulting the Jewish hololcaust David Cole on three separate occasions; he arranged burning down the IHR (Institute for Historical Review) where many priceless books were lost in the fire, placed an illegal bounty in the criminal underworld on David Cole’s head and lifted the payment after Cole had bribed him. Karma finally caught up with Irv Rubin after he went to jail with a Jewish criminal accomplice for conspiring to assassinate an American-Lebanese congressman after 9/11 for being vocal about Israeli treatment of Palestinians. Both died in prison, one had “fallen” off a balcony and the other had his skull crushed in the weight room.


What I said is mainly attributed to small percentages of the population, evidently most are good people and the younger generations are different. Sensitivity towards the war will slide more into the background the more time passes. For example, no one seems to hate Napoleon anymore. History buffs admire his skill and charisma despite his character flaws.


“Hungary and Romania only came under Germany occupation in 1944. The Soviets were not liberators” I was talking about majority of those countries. And even in fascist countries there were people who were against fascism so for them they were “liberators”at least at the beginning. US& UK were calling themselves “liberators” even in Italy and Germany so why the Soviets would not have that right? Because imposing ideology? For example in Greece there was some socialist movement that was very strong and in power but was militarily crushed by Greek army that was directly helped by the West. So West has helped military junta looking very much like fascist to get in power in Greece and for doing that to kill their own people. Was that democratic maybe? Examples like that are endless in South America and around the world after the WWII And specially last few decades with endless regime changes where often moderate Islamic countries had imposed Islamic fundamentalists on them by the US&UK. West are no angels and they never were. I am an Orthodox christian (who has lived under communism) and I see communism as some kind of evil but (for different reason) I see fascism as an evil also. You write about communism from perspective of Western propaganda but than those same capitalists were propping up fascism and fundamentalism everywhere they could for their neocolonialism ambitions. And Western capitalism was exploiting all those “liberated” countries is some form of neocolonialism. Britton Woods agreement is modern neocolonialism and direct result of “liberation”. Printing imposed global fiat currency ( that after removing gold backing has turned in worthless paper) is form of neocolonialism pure and simple.

“German wartime propaganda depicted the Slavs in the Soviet Union as victims of Communism, not as sub-humans to be enslaved or destroyed” Saying such disgusting NAZI propaganda explanation shows you as either hidden NAZI or not very intelligent person

Without going into any details of NAZI crimes just to say this: USSR has lost 27 million of people and Germany hardly more than 5 million(+they had 2 fronts and USSR 1) because of German aggression and you claim that they were “helping them”?!? You must be effing joking Dr. Goebbels ! If you are hidden NAZI do not waste my time! Actually I had enough of your “pursuit of truth” right there!

Next time Germany decides to “help Russian people” I hope that Russia will nuke Germany and exterminate them all. Good bye NAZI.


Every time you block me I will make a new account. This quote illustrates your problem:

“So little pains do the vulgar take in the investigation of truth, accepting readily the first story that comes to hand.” — Thucycides

Humans have evolved to have an emotional response to potential threats, whether they are to fight or flee from a dangerous animal or a rival human group. Those who survived these encounters in prehistoric times then passed on their genes. You are not opposing my views, you are opposing a caricature of my views.

There is what my views are and there is what you think they are, these views are completely different things and since you perceive me as a supposed “threat” you lash out at what you subconsciously perceive to be a threat.

You have a confirmation bias and lack the curiosity to think independent from what you have been told from a young age by “authority” figures, it’s like being a religious zealot who carries out witch hunts against “blasphemours” who said something they don’t like.


I have presented the facts and you have none, so you childishly insist I am wrong because you cannot win the argument. Unfortunately you are unwilling to have an adult conversation and prefer to violently lash out at anyone you disagree with.

I will not be provoked by your tantrums.

Hungary and Romania were never “Fascists”, neither was Finland. Your self-righteous attitude prevents you from looking into it from an intellectually honest perspective, you bow to sentiment and never look into things from as many perspectives as possible. I have presented facts that I don’t think you saw because you blocked my other account.

If you really mean what you just said, you are just as hateful and bigoted as you think the other side is. Any opposition to free speech is eviland you wouldn’t mind killing someone you disagree with, or seeing their rights violated and house burn down. Instead of going to the source you prefer to think in black and white war propaganda.National Socialism isn’t Fascism, Germany was never Fascist.

Here is a good channel to learn about the subject: bitchute[]com/channel/65ztOo4t23NB/





The only way you could understand is to hear it from the media or authority figures, or the oak-table-leg method. Your cowardice is the reason why there is evil in the world, for if you were willing to question the status quo there would be a lot fewer problems in the world.

If you were a rational person you would not have this problem, such a reaction reinforces negative Slavic stereotypes. Due to your cognitive dissonance you will inaccurately associate me with historical fiction due to how heavily it’s been demonized.

Instead you prefer to be highly emotional sensitive and cannot think outside the box which is actually pretty selfish and self-righteous.

Adjective: Smugly or unduly sure of one’s own righteousness.

I have investigated the subject while you ignore information that does not match your tastes because they aren’t deemed fashionable, only when it is massively promoted in the media (after the older generation dies from old age) would you be willing to consider it as a possibility which is why I highly doubt you think poorly of Joos.

Orphans of Versailles: The Germans in Western Poland, 1918-1939 by Richard Blanke

Nuremberg: The Last Battleby David Irving


First you claim you think Communism was bad and then think that by liberating a country and replacing it with Communism that oppresses people that somehow means they weren’t oppressed and replaced with another oppressor.

You are very shallow, narrow-minded and think in black and white, no civilized individual would behave the way you do now. What does your temper tantrum achieve? If you actually had a rational mind you wouldn’t be making false assumptions about me for disagreeing with you.


Oy Gevalt! You say you are against conspiracy theories while resorting to some conspiracy theories yourself… Accusing something of being a conspiracy theory is a cop-out to avoid addressing questions and slander the opponent.

You simply lashed out and haven’t proven me wrong, try not to be a gopnik assuming I’m wigger waffen; a lying “nazi” to be attacked first and questions asked never like a good little goy while the Jew rubs his hands together.

The Soviet Union didn’t liberate eastern Europe, they passed hands from one occupier to another. They have every reason to tear those statues down. The Polish government in exile had remained in exile. Basically Germany did in 1939 what Russia didn’t do in 2014, Germany became directly involved in Poland but Russia did not become directly involved in the Donbass.

My username: Nietzsche’s Superman: bitchute[]com/video/CecyMN6LB12o/

“What we have to do now is make the public aware that what we’re looking at is not an historical event but a racket.” -Ernst Zundel in reference to the holocaust industry

“History is the lie commonly agreed upon.”― Voltaire

Ostara publications: ostarapublications[]com

Goebbels had a genius IQ, that quote about the “big lie” is taken out of context. It had to do with Ludendorff.

The Goebbels diary: a forgery?: forum[]codoh[]com/viewtopic.php?t=3793



More information that is subject to the Streisand effect:

Fundamentals of Fascism: bitchute[]com/video/e29yB5080Ucd/

[This is an introductory outline of Fascist thought and conduct. It is by no means a complete outline, but it will be of value to those who wish to renew their understanding as well as those who are new to our way of life. All the ideas expressed herein are guaranteed to be 100 percent politically incorrect and offensive to liberals, socialists, and assorted left-wing scum.]

— National Socialism isn’t Fascism they are both a part of a Third Position between left and right-wing. National Socialism is more race focused while Fascism is not.

Is Fascism Capitalism in Decay?: bitchute[]com/video/QCgwZbYgP2e3/

The Homosexual Threat to Civilization: ostarapublications[]com/product/the-homosexual-threat-to-civilization-a-speech-by-heinrich-himmler/

[Video] A Last Appeal To Reason – Hitler’s various peace offers: forum[]codoh[]com/viewtopic[]php?p=95727

What the World Rejected: Hitler’s Peace Offers 1933–1940: goodreads[]com/book/show/23353552-what-the-world-rejected

Orphans of Versailles: The Germans in Western Poland, 1918-1939: goodreads[]com/book/show/2893648-orphans-of-versailles

Nuremberg: The Last Battle: goodreads[]com/book/show/235261[]Nuremberg

Other Losses: goodreads[]com/book/show/4178465-other-losses

Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-50: goodreads[]com/book/show/1774913[]Crimes_and_Mercies

The Holocaust: Shifting the Blame – Part 1: bitchute[]com/video/GcnwSQFVzRoA/

The Holocaust: Shifting the Blame – Part 2: bitchute[]com/video/Y9MPrw1Vqctq/

The vast majority of camp prisoners under German occupation had died in the last 3 months of the war due to Europe’s damaged infrastructure and their demolished train network.

Debunking the “debunking” of holocaust revisionists in The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt: codoh[]com/library/series/the-lies-and-deceptions-of-deborah-lipstadt-2/en/

Nazi Shrunken Heads—A 24-minute free video debunking lies used to justify war: holocausthandbooks[]com/index[]php?main_page=2&page_id=1002 — The Germans made no shrunken heads from the Jooish skulls.

Also debunks claims of human soap and lampshades made from skin: holocausthandbooks[]com/index[]php?main_page=1

Israeli Holocaust Museum – There’s No Physical Evidence of the Holocaust: bitchute[]com/video/RIks1sxQ19Xl/ — The idiot claims they completely destroyed all evidence which isn’t even possible, it’s a cop-out on his part to avoid addressing lack of evidence. If there were no evidence they wouldn’t be able to prosecute those on show trial at the Nuremberg kangaroo court.

Treblinka was No Extermination Camp – Just Transit Station: bitchute[]com/embed/lUwOXHGYQKQz/

The Treblinka Archeology hoax / Holocaustianity: bitchute[]com/video/9MzqlIr6elN5/

Holocaust Witness – The Memoirs – Lies And Fraud ( Part 1): archive[]org/details/HolocaustWitnessTheMemoirsLiesAndFraudPart1_201905

Holocaust_Witness The_Memoirs Lies_And_Fraud_Part_2: bitchute[]com/video/BWelk9Jh8Jp8/

The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure: codoh[]com/library/document/the-first-holocaust-the-surprising-origin-of-the/en/

Jewish Gematria The Mystical Number 6000000: archive[]org/details/JewishGematriaTheMysticalNumber6000000



The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories: shop[]codoh[]com/book/the-einsatzgruppen-in-the-occupied-eastern-en/497/

Chapter 6 provides evidence against the Babi Yar Massacre narrative: barnesreview[]org/product/the-six-million-fact-or-fiction-2/

Hitler on Democracy: bitchute[]com/video/Yh7pP7YYoKLD/

Hitler wasn’t a Rothschild agent, Russia reiterates this propaganda from western authors:

Michael Collins Piper – Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild & Hitler: bitchute[]com/embed/2p1Lv630CsWt/


Germany was in the same dilemma that France was in under Napoleon. The Napoleonic Wars happened to suppress the spread of Classical Liberalism that threatened the power of the royality and aristocratic powers throughout Europe. Napoleon invading Russia was an attempt to knockout a power whose king was not content with the continental system.


As for Germany in the Second World War, it’s known that the Soviet Union also had documented plans of attacking Germany. This is not a lie, it’s a proven fact even if we are told that Stalin didn’t okay it. He probably ignored those intelligence reports so Germany would attack before he did.

Germany certainly attacked first. Hitler and German Wehrmacht Chief-of-Staff began discussing plans to invade as early as July 1940. To be fair the Soviets also drew up plans to invade Romania and German-occupied west Poland. By October 1941, the Soviet Union re-annexed parts of Romania and Germany didn’t object to prevent the disruption of deliveries in raw materials.

They refused offers for even more raw materials in return for allowing the Soviets to establish military bases in Bulgaria and the Turkish Dardanelles like they had in the Baltic nations before reconquering them, they also refused to handover Yugoslavia to Russia before war broke out and the country was split into two and Macedonia reincorporated into Bulgaria. Germany’s only alternative access to oil included Romania and German blockade runners waving foreign flags to reduce detection.

Do you not see how provocative that looks? The Soviets clearly had territorial ambitions in Europe before their war with Germany and if Germany hadn’t invaded the Soviets would have invaded eventually. Either way you would be here today justifying the Soviet side and not realizing that many Slavic refugees ended up in Germany when trying to evade being placed under Communism. You may like to think they carried out a genocide against the Jews or Slavic populations when in reality it was a result of the Soviets blame shifting their genocide onto the German side as a means of covering up their crimes by framing their adversaries as Jews have always done.

One other problem with Communism is blind faith in authority and not questioning what they are told by them, though this probably has its roots in Tsarist Russia too under the ancient belief in the divine right of kings when they succeeded the east Roman and Bulgarian empires. In some old world empires through history, including China, the divine right of kings is not set in stone and if the king is no longer benevolent and honourable, heaven passes it onto someone else. This is where you find figures like Napoleon and other great men of history.

At some point people are going to have to get over it and move the fuck on, lingering in the past and hiding from investigating the truth by clinging to their cognitive dissonance is cowardly and unjust.

Everyone suffered during the war, however the black and white narrative of blaming everything on Germany ignores the hidden fact of the matter that many countries played a part in provoking the war to begin with. Germany’s real “crime” was breaking free from the globalist financial system that Russia and China pretend to do and online media seeks to conflate this with what Germany had done in order to fool nationalists into thinking they are the next Hitler.

Yet like the jews you think your suffering matters more than everyone else’s and unwillingness to look into the evidence that doesn’t match your closet full of fashionable ideas that you wear as if they were a pair of clothes reflects a deep moral and psychological weakness ingrained in them due to being chained to a slave morality. WW2 has become a religion that had replaced the superior moral values and world outlook that came before all because people don’t want to get their feelings hurt as if they were sacred. Might truly does make right.


You need help buddy, I recommend seeing a therapist to deal with your anger problem. At least you wouldn’t be saying it in person, people who can’t say in person what they only say on the internet are foolish.


You shouldn’t take it so personally…

Aaron Kasparov:

Jewish role in Bolshevism/WW2 – MacDonald on Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years Together (book in description): bitchute[]com/video/Pcj56vGQKVFn/


For them it’s a roman salute and has got nothing to do with nazis.


I posted those imaged for effect, Russia and every other country still claim that Chile was Fascist under Pinochet. Pro-NSDAP. The roman salute predates the “Nazis”. That video with Jim Goad is excellent.

Good Books: – Propaganda by Edward Berneys – The Crowd by Gustave Le Bon

Poem: The Genius of the Crowd by Charles Bukowski

I replaced the “.” in the URLs with “[ ]” (no spaces) so this message isn’t falsely labelled as “spam” or as “pending”.

There were no ‘nazis’: bitchute[]com/video/V6VEODgyJPEp/ antizionistleague[]com/scrapbook/jewish-media/jewish-constructs/jewish-constructs/

The National Fascist Party (Italian: Partito Nazionale Fascista, PNF) was an Italian political party, created by Benito Mussolini as the political expression of Italian Fascism (previously represented by groups known as Fasci). The Italian word for “National” is “Nazionale”. The Fasci dates back to the Etruscans and the Roman Republic.

Comfy Chat w/ Jim Goad and CT: youtube[]com/watch?v=d3wy4mJzTb0 An excellent book collection: bitchute[]com/video/VaGQCqTb2dej/

Cattle die and kinsmen die, and so must one die oneself. But I know one thing that never dies: the fame of a dead man’s deeds. europeanamericansunited[]org/school1/Fiction/kipling/awakened[]htm

Is Fascism “Capitalism In Decay?: youtube[]com/watch?v=b-ARQ-HUvFg bitchute[]com/video/QCgwZbYgP2e3/ – youtube[]com/watch?v=CfHGLcRz-P8 bitchute[]com/video/nwrGlN3c6V1y/ – codoh[]com/library/document/the-myth-of-the-big-business-nazi-axis/en/


holocausthandbooks[]com/index[]php?main_page=1 shop[]codoh[]com/book/the-einsatzgruppen-in-the-occupied-eastern-en/497/ ww2truth[]com/2019/12/29/babi-yar-blame-shifting-atrocity-propaganda/ codoh[]com/library/document/david-irving-and-the-aktion-reinhardt-camps/en/

archive[]org/details/ezarchive/Ernst+Zündel+at+CII+interviewed+by+Cristian+Iturralde+in+2015[]mp4 archive[]org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Zündel+%23149+-+Students%2C+The+Holocaust+And+Free+Speech+Part+1+of+3[]mp4

archive[]org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Zündel+%23100+-+The+German+Holocaust+Part+2[]mp4 archive[]org/details/ezarchive/The+True+Story+of+German-Jewish+Relations+Part+01+-+AVOF+with+Ernst+Zündel[]mp4

Robert Faurisson – Fake Gas Chambers and Discovering Auschwitz Building Plans: bitchute[]com/video/SAcRS8KJtCtC/ Israeli Holocaust Museum – There’s No Physical Evidence of the Holocaust: bitchute[]com/video/RIks1sxQ19Xl/ newobserveronline.com/attempt-to-refute-holocaust-revisionists-backfires-as-danube-search-for-victims-comes-up-negative/

The Holocaust Industry: archive[]org/details/HolocaustIndustry twitter[]com/Luka2019Banja/status/1125025563981299712 i[]imgur[]com/cFsg617[]jpg

David Cole in Auschwitz full documentary 1992: bitchute[]com/video/vAFKVGuW0QL1/ David Cole and Mark Weber on Montel Williams debate the Holohoax 1992: bitchute[]com/video/tNevaZsvbTUZ/ The Ryan Dawson-David Stein Cole Interview Discussion: bitchute[]com/video/fnWc8WupMiTO/ codoh[]com/library/document/david-cole-interview-by-ryan-dawson/en/

The Leuchter Report: bitchute[]com/video/HXZY98YFSnKz/ archive[]org/details/ezarchive/The+Second+Leuchter+Report[]mp4 archive[]org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Zündel+%23175+-+The+Persecution+of+Fred+Leuchter+(Ernst+Zündel)[]mp4

archive[]org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Zündel+%2337+-+Cremation+Technology+vs[]+The+’holocaust'[]mp4 archive[]org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Zündel+%23160+-+Photographic+evidence+vs+the+’holocaust'[]mp4

Raptar Driver

This comparison is flawed, the Ukraine is not a real country but a Marxist construct and now a NATO construct.

Антон С

Kiev regime is not marxist, but hitlerist. Local nazi-colabarotirs glorified by the regime. Nazist gangs (“Right sector”, “Azov”, UNA-UNSO etc) are numerous and above any laws. Parade of Victory over nazism is prohibited, any symbols of victorious Red Army are banned by the “law”. The same as in Transbaltia (Estonia etc). Signs and ranks in army are copied from nazi-colaborator gangs.

Raptar Driver

I meant originally that the Ukraine was drawn up by the USSR.

Антон С

So what? This regime was nationalist from the beginning, just like in almost all ex-Union parts. Gruzia (Georgia) is fascist starting from its first president Gamsahurdia.

King Cliff

If Ukraine strike the Crimea bridge,I don’t think Nato would be able to protect Ukraine from Russia anger…

cechas vodobenikov

burger flipper=little bacon brain, believes she is a geopolitical expert….LOL “nothing can thrive in America unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded with a fine coat of fraud. amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans–they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Professor Paul Fussell

cechas vodobenikov

ukraine has become a mafia state—most of their talented population has emigrated–3-4 million to Russia, 1+ million …probably more to other nations since the American coup…their stupidity is only rivaled by Gruzians and amerikans—-the newly named nation of durakistan

Антон С

Data from Groysman, ex-prime minister of Kiev regime: 9 million people works abroad during year, full year or partly. 3 in RF, 2 in Poland, million in Germany, big numbers in Italy. 2018

1991 year population – 52 million. Now – 25-30 million. Fruits of “independence” apart of the rest Russia.

Rhodium 10

Ukraine goverment know that to attack Russia means the end of Ukraine as an state!..Putin told in 2018 that it would be the fate of Ukraine if they invade Donbass during football world cup!


ONE wrong move and Russia will sink Ukraine !

Do not even look in direction of Crimea !


I served on the OHP class during the early 90s, they also have a huge RCS (radar cross section) as they were used as radar screens for carriers. We had these huge flat sides, covered in RAM (Radar Absorbent Materials) mats as they were being used for a job they were simply useless at. A 76mm ADG (Air Defense Gun) and a single missile launcher made them very underpowered.

cechas vodobenikov

racism is a distraction that suggests an inferiority complex—Geoffrey Gorer observed that amerikans believed that 97 amerikans felt so inferior that they they believed they could not compete w 3 Jews…Adorno found that amerikans were far more anti-semitic than were ordinary Germans of the WWII era

Icarus Tanović

You positive on this info?

cechas vodobenikov

read Gorer’s ethnography “The amerikan People”—Gorer observed how extraordinary insecure amerikans are…comparing to all Asian European societies, Gorer wrote, “only in amerika is the father vestigial; the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine” Adorno lived in the USA during WWII where he was friends w Bertold Brecht, Thomas Mann, etc…read Brecht’s ‘contemplating Hell’ to observe what he believed about the USA in 2014 and the most recent UN plenary sessions of the UN only 2 nations voted against condemnation of Nazi symbolism/expressions: USA, Ukraine

Icarus Tanović

Do you have some link to that?

Icarus Tanović

Ukrainian navy? Is this a joke of a sort?

Антон С

Ukr. navy trainings with music from comic show and x1,5 speed: killing a sea with pistol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fuIP_2Asm8


The russians better focus themselves on Crimea!!!

The water supply is in catastrophic stage. The water reserves in the soil decreased to 82 million m3, which is only the half of the former value.

Ruskies planned to supply Crimea with water from russia. The calculated costs were 65.7 billion rubles and planned to build 65 hydrological projects, as reservoirs, storage lakes, wells. off course, as usual, ruskies were not able to build up. the budget was enhanced to 87.5 billion rubles and the number of projects decreased by 21. Remain mainly wells. What is no solution, because still is using the water in soil, which amount dramatically decreases (see above).

Within 1 year will be biblical disaster in Crimea.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x