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The American Century Is Over

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The American Century Is Over

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The American century is over because only fools don’t yet recognize that America has become a dictatorship.

Written by Eric Zuesse

How can the country that imprisons a higher percentage of its population than any other in the world be a democracy?

How can the country that (along with its UK vassal-nation) has been imprisoning for over a decade now in a super-max prison a global hero of democracy, Julian Assange, without his ever having been tried and convicted in any court in any nation, be a democracy?

How can the country that deceived its own people into invading and destroying Iraq in 2003 — a nation that never threatened nor posed any danger to the United States — be a democracy?

How can the country that secretly started planning in 2011 and then culminated in 2014 the coup overthrowing the neutralist Government of Ukraine and installed instead there a rabidly anti-Russian one, be a democracy?

How can the country that even its own military alliance, NATO’s, own affiliated polling has shown to have a population that widely believes its Government to be a dictatorship be a democracy?

What more can be said about this? Only that if America really IS a dictatorship, then — since NO dictatorship CALLS itself one — the ‘news’-media in that country WON’T publicize the fact that it IS such a thing, but will instead always declare that this regime is instead a democracy, and thereby continue to spread the regime’s (the dictatorial Government’s) lie about itself.

What is the significance of this lie? It is enormously significant, and here is WHY:

It enables that Government to pound other Governments — ones that it intends ultimately to regime-change and thereby to add to its existing long list of stooge-regimes (vassal nations), which it calls its ‘allies’ — by accusing those targeted Governments (Governments that have been resisting to become yet another of this dictatorship’s slave-nations) of being a ‘dictatorship’ or ‘totalitarian’, or whatever other pejorative term applies actually to itself (even more than to any other nation), in order to add, to its already existing empire, yet another vassal regime that it has conquered either by direct military invasion, or by proxy-invasion (such as it has been trying to do, with hired armies of jihadists and of separatist Kurds, in Syria), or by coup, or by economic strangulation via imposing sanctions against it (such as in the cases of Venezuela, Iran, and others), or else by subversion (such as in Brazil) — against all of America’s ‘enemy’-nations, such as Venezuela, Iran Syria, China, Russia, North Korea, or on-and-on, until, ultimately, the whole world will become ruled by this hyper-hypocritical pot-calling-the-kettle-black global dictatorship, which it aspires to be. Not satisfied to be the world’s largest-ever empire, it craves to be the worlds’s first all-encompassing empire. (Hitler had hoped the same for Germany.)

In other words: this self-calling ‘democracy’, by a Government that actually is a dictatorship, is a KEY component in its EMPIRE-BUILDING, toward ultimately becoming an all-inclusive empire, or “hegemon,” ruling not only over its own land, but over all other lands on the planet, which this regime does intend to do, and constantly pushes to do.

Propaganda is a core component of ANY empire, in order to ‘justify’ what it is doing. EVERY empire is built upon lies. Goebbels headed Hitler’s propaganda, in Nazi Germany. America’s propaganda has been systematized and institutionalized, building upon the model of the British Empire, but not calling itself an “Empire,” because the U.S. regime makes an even bigger deal of its being a ‘democracy’ and thus no “empire” at all; it’s therefore an even bigger scam than any of those were; it’s replacing “capitalism versus communism” by “democracy versus dictatorship,” so as to universalize its actually imperialistic lie. Consequently: the U.S. regime’s claim to BE a democracy is ESSENTIAL in order for its meta-strategy of world-conquest to have any chance of succeeding. Only by claiming to be the model democracy can the U.S. regime’s supremacism stand even a chance to win. It needs to fool lots of people in order to win.

The Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning U.S. President Barack Obama gave the clearest (though, carefully, ONLY implicit) expression of this claim to be above all other nations,, better than all other nations, and supreme over the entire planet, when he told America’s future military leaders, on 28 May 2014:

The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come. … Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums. … It will be your generation’s task to respond to this new world.

He was telling his country’s future military leaders that all nations except America are “dispensable.” He also was saying that a key function of America’s military is to keep every other nation down, especially where “rising middle classes compete with us,” and these future generals are being tasked to wage war against those “competitors,” if necessary in order for such “dispensable” countries to REMAIN down. That was his clearest statement of his zero-sum-game view of international relations. He was, essentially, saying, there, that he was an imperialist-fascist head-of-state, even a hegemonic one (seeking to control the whole world). And he ruled in that way. This is also what he taught.

In his 24 January 2012 U.S. State-of-the-Union address, he said: “From the coalitions we’ve built to secure nuclear materials, to the missions we’ve led against hunger and disease; from the blows we’ve dealt to our enemies, to the enduring power of our moral example, America is back. … America remains the one indispensable nation in world affairs.” He didn’t tell ONLY his military that all other countries are “dispensable.” He told the American public this.

The latest (2021) YouGov global poll of the “Worlds’s Most Admired” individuals shows Barack Obama as being #1, and as being way ahead of #2, who is his wife, Michelle. There is no question that he has been a huge success. But his biggest success was his conquest of Ukraine, in 2014. Because that conquest ended up ultimately producing, on 24 February 2022, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in order to block the U.S. regime’s plan to place America’s nuclear missiles only five minutes of missile-flying time away from being able to obliterate Moscow. Obama’s terrific success, in grabbing Ukraine, produced ultimately Russia’s invasion of Ukraine this February.

Large majorities of people everywhere are fooled and believe propagated lies. For example, in America, a poll was taken between 26-29 January 2020 on whether “Iran is a threat to the United States that requires military action,” and only 17% chose the option “Not a threat” — which has always been the truth, though the U.S. regime constantly repeats that “Iran is the number one state sponsor of terrorism”, etc., which is so false that it is ridiculous. In fact, 94% of Islamic terrorism is perpetrated by Sunni jihadists, not Shias of any sort (such as from Iran); and the data suggest that virtually all of the 6% that is from Shia is carried out against Israel (which is a country that is inimical to the United States but which, because of the heavy propaganda for Israel in U.S., receives $3.3 billion per year in U.S. aid in order for Israel to buy at least that much weapons from American manufacturers.

But if truth has any impact at all, then the opinions by the global public will soon switch upside-down on America’s now being a ‘democracy’. However, perhaps, instead, World War III will come before that happens. But, then, it would be too late. Because, then, not ONLY “the American Century” will be over — civilization itself will be over. One way or another, however, “the American Century” will certainly be over. Everyone should therefore hope that the lie (that America is a democracy) will be terminated before the world will be terminated. Maybe, there is a limit to the gullibility of the masses. Certainly, there is no limit to the power-craving of the U.S. regime’s masters.

What kind of dictatorship is the U.S.? It is a one-dollar-one-vote Government; it is rule by its billionaires, who select and fund the careers of all successful candidates for federal and state offices; it is, in other words, an aristocracy, not a democracy. A democracy is a government that represents the people, not the dollars (not the wealth). A synonym for a democracy is a “republic.” But America is instead a dictatorship, in which the Government represents the billionaires. It pretends to be a democracy (or a “republic”), in order to be able to browbeat into submission countries that haven’t yet become its ‘allies’. (It calls those countries “dictatorships” or “authoritarian regimes.”) And, like billionaires do, it craves ever-bigger empire. So: it continually browbeats against ‘authoritarian regimes’, of which it actually is itself one — and perhaps the very worst one of all (certainly the most dangerous).

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Eric your frustration that reality does not conform to your vision of propriety screams from every line. I didn’t like Obama but he was correct in this regard and we remain the indispensable country. Our slow and deliberate policy in this contest with RF proceeds with increasing success.

Please face reality. Russia had a chance to partner economically with the west by foregoing the New Russia empire vision, but Putin rejected that path to the enduring detriment of the Russian people. That path remains available but not under the present Kremlin regime.

John Tosh

The world is becoming free. The future does not have the hegemony you live under now. Every bad idea has its end… nothing you or I can do to change that.

The future does not contain the G7 or NATO countries….. a multipolar world without one voice.

Ashok Varma

What century? the stupid redneck racist bastards became beggars in 75 years, thanks to Jew control and delusional quest for global hegemony. US banana republic is headed for a civil war. JAI RUS!

Scott S

I get the point about the USA turning into a dictatorship. Many Americans are very concerned about this as well. But Russia is a great nation. Does Orthodox Russia really want to be on the same list as nasty regimes like Venezuela, Iran and North Korea? It seems to me that Russia has to aspire to something better than that. Those regimes aren’t wonderful just because the US doesn’t like them.


they are wonderful because they are sovereign and have an actual live culture—unlike the immoral uncivilized amerikans

Ashok Varma

Most western police states are facing domestic unrest, but the dumb bastards keep on printing money and fanning wars.

John Wallace

Venezuela is demonised by the US because the government won’t give the US the right to rape their resources as they are expected to do. That is why the US wants to change the government to one that will allow them unfetted access to Venezuela’s resources which are close to being the worlds biggest oil reserves , worlds second largest gold reserves not even starting on their other resources. Because their government is socialist like most of Europe and dozens of other countries around the world who are acceptable they are portrayed as an evil regime which you yourself have been completely sucked into believing as true. So illegal sanctions are imposed which prohibit the country from purchasing medicines from abroad which then gets accused of doing nothing to help the health of their people. Do you understand that. They are not allowed to import medicines and they are then accused of being evil for not providing medicine to the people. When was the last time Iran invaded a country. Lets see how ignorant your really are and name the last time Iran went and invaded a country. Apart from rhetoric when did Iran attack Israel. Iran never wanted nuclear weapons despite the horsesh it being told otherwise and illegal sanctions were imposed after they were abiding by the international agreement on their enrichment for electricity at 3%. Seems you know SFA.


Its bit more complicated. Printing press has given outsizing corruption potential to some really bad guys (banking aristocracy and their army of masons), nobody is out of their reach.


amerikans are morons that love their oppression—obese well fed rats that love their cage


Eric how does it feel to work for an outfit that can’t tolerate a contrary opinion?

Eric 2

Only you would know.


Seriously Eric, if this place was a forum it would not scrub opinions contrary to the Kremlin Psyops. But is not a forum. It’s a propaganda organ of the Kremlin, and you are one of its instruments.

peter mcloughlin

Just as every empire has its day. That’s because wars are fought for power: but power is an illusion. https://patternofhistory.wordpress.com/

Chinky madoo

It’s true, America has reduced itself to third world country and into the dung heap of history

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Import the turd world become the turd world!, just like here in the UK & the EU.


It could be said that the murder of JFK marked the change in the USA power structure where America became the tool for the global utopia of the super-rich. The real problem is in the psychological and sociopathic disorders and the lack of a reasonable application of the demented policies of the few coupled with an an economic deadline of their own creation. To simplify the globalist poor planing and foolish ideas.


“Democracy” is NOT “synonymous” with “Republic.”

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