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The Azovstal Fortress Is Falling

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The Azovstal Fortress Is Falling

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The Azovstal Fortress Is Falling

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On May 16, the main “fortress of the Ukrainian Resistance” fell. Ukrainian militants blockaded at the Azovstal plant in the city of Mariupol raised the white flag and asked for evacuation of the wounded. As a result of the Russian shelling, the members of the Ukrainian nationalist Azov regiment were recently cut off from a water source on the territory of the facility.

The commander of the Vostok Brigade of the DPR Alexander Khodakovsky revealed that first nine Ukrainian servicemen raised a white flag and left the territory of Azovstal. The brigade commander explained that they represented a larger group of militants who asked for surrender. The Russian side agreed to the negotiations.

 As a result of negotiations with representatives of Ukrainian servicemen, an agreement was reached on the evacuation of the gravely wounded Ukrainian militants.

Another ceasefire regime has been declared by the Russian military in the area. A humanitarian corridor has been secured for the evacuation of wounded Ukrainian servicemen to a medical facility in the city of Novoazovsk in the Donetsk People’s Republic in order to provide them with the necessary medical assistance.

At the same time, judging by the claims of the Ukrainian officials not only gravely wounded militants have been evacuated.

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anna Malyar reported that 53 seriously wounded from Azovstal were taken to the hospital in Novoazovsk, another 221 people were sent to Olenivka. They are expected to be exchanged.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed that part of the Ukrainian military surrendered. At the same time, he assured that the work on rescuing the remaining military from Azovstal and their return to the territory controlled by Kiev continues.

On May 17, Russian state media reported that the interrogation of Ukrainian prisoners of war from Azovstal has begun in the village of Elenovka. Among the Ukrainian military who surrendered, 144 people are fighters of the National Guard.

So far, the Russian Ministry of Defence has not confirmed the exchange of the surrendered militants.

According to some unconfirmed reports, the surrender is part of a big prisoner exchange deal.

Kiev reportedly demands that all Ukrainian fighters from Azovstal should be exchanged for Russian prisoners of war.

In turn, the Kremlin reportedly refuses to exchange nazi members of the Azov regiment as they committed numerous war crimes. The exchange of other servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine however can be negotiated.

In this regard, Kiev PR managers have launched new information campaign, in order to shift the emphasis from the Azov regiment to the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, border guards, and police officers blockaded in the Azovstal plant.

Taking into account the Russian reports that the majority of the surrendered militants are not members of the nationalist battalion, this scenario is likely possible.

At the same time, suspicions rise. Some needed Ukrainian nazi fighters can be exchanged under the guise of the ordinary Ukrainian servicemen.

The evacuation showcased the weakness of the neo-Nazi Azov battalion and its lack of resilience, which damaged the prestige of the MSM-promoted formation. However, in practice the Kiev regime is set to wage another propaganda campaign. It is likely to claim that it has managed to convince the “cruel Russians” to evacuate the “brave defenders of the Motherland”. This would play into the hand of war propaganda of Kiev, MSM and NATO against Russia and help the Ukrainian leadership boost the morale of its remaining forces.

Russia’s concessions to the nazi fighters, together with earlier inconsistent actions of Moscow in diplomatic talks with Kiev, undermine the moral and psychological state of members of Russian-led forces involved in the military operation in Ukraine.

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They surrendered


Azovstal under bombardment! https://youtu.be/tMJpIHHqsSE


It looks surreal. Death comes from the sky with fireworks like flying objects non-stop. It is hard to believe that they could kill anybody.


Karl Popper: “If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”

Voltaire: “It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”

Take DNA swabs and use tape to recover trace evidence from their bodies. Confiscate their uniforms and boots. Label everything with photos and confiscated ID. Film them talking and walking so that civilian witnesses can ID them. Hold ALL POWs without exception until it can be shown there aren’t any war crimes charged to their unit, commander, or personally.

William Faulkner: “Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed”

Even then, participation in this battle using civilians as human shields is a war crime. Occupying civic structures as defensive positions thus inviting Russian defensive fire is also a crime against humanity. Holding civilians and children hostage for months underground in the Azovstal plant when credible offers of peaceful transportation to any other jurisdiction were made, is also a war crime, and a crime against humanity.

Chris Hedges: “We do not fight fascism because we expect we will win, we will fight them because they are fascists”

I don’t care if they were just following orders. They were willing to kill for Ukraine, but they weren’t wiling to defend human rights or follow widely and long held laws of war. So, at the least, they are all liable for charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, even if they didn’t pull the trigger once.

Lin Yutang: “When small men begin to cast long shadows, it means the sun is about to set.”


How long before all Azovstal is taken? Sice this morning thare haven’t been any news…


There ain’t enough buses for all of them. They will have to wait in line.


I am not suppressed Russia military low moral, when run by incompetent’s and weak leadership


Your mental capabilities do seem to be suppressed. Maybe you should stop falling for the war propaganda.


No one cares about your opinion,you are delusional and emotionally absolutely fuked in the head!

azov bunch of emo rejects

Very cool name there!

Irish Soviet Republic

Do they still have salt mines in Siberia?


You’re right Joe. Russian morale is quite low, because Ukraine is WINNING!

Our Nazi troops didn’t surrender. They EVACUATED, and will soon lead a triumphant parade as we conquer Moscow!

Hail Bandera! Hail victory!


And however are winning 😁


So they changed uniforms/insignia and now they expect to be exchanged? They are not Azov they are firefighters and postal workers 😀😀😀


If Putin accepts this charade and let them go as a “gesture of goodwill” or whatever bs then screw him


I am sure they are smart enough. Smarter than you and me.


Well they have been sent to Donbas,the scene of their crimes,i would put many on chain gangs rebuilding some of the damage thy did for 8 years.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cromwell

They identify as women collegiate swimmers. Lia Thomas is going to have some competition.


they can’t remove their tattoos sadly :)


it is good that they can’t remove those tattoos, that way the ones with swastikas, wolfsangels, SS, totenköpfe, etc. can be identified and dealt with.


Not sure what the end of the video was about. Nazis will not be exchanged but regular military and National Guard can be exchanged for Russian pow’s. The mercenaries and the NATO commanders/officers will not likely be exchanged and will instead be sent to Moscow for political currency. Roubles for NATO bandits, anyone? 😂

I don’t expect the mercenaries to see freedom anytime soon, and if Russia has a death penalty, Azov fighters will meet their fate in this manner.

azov bunch of emo rejects

No way is Russia going to simply let go war criminals officers from the UK & US while the USA & UK impose heavy sanctions and are open conflict with Russia.


Perhaps they’re hoping that now they are all disarmed, the army regulars will turn on any Azov members within their ranks and rat them out to their captors

Irish Soviet Republic

Angola 1976: three brit mercenaries and a yank were tried and executed by firing squad, 10 other mercenaries were sentenced to between 16 and 30 years imprisonment by the MPLA

WT Baker

Nazis should not be “exchanged” for anyone, neither will “foreign fighters” including British, European, Middle East, and Americans.


If Russia has captured nazi soldiers from western nations, we don’t want them back, thank you. You can keep them to help dig new oilducts in Siberia, since they seem better at burrowing than dung beetles. Or whatever you please to do with them, just make sure they don’t flee. This is our gift to the Federation.


Russia is no longer a member of who,looks like cia/soros/ nwo moral is now lower than ever before!


Azovstal Secrets

I’m betting Avozstal holds lots of secrets. Dirty stinking secrets and I’m not talking about dead NAZIS, but them too.

Nobody in the West wants Putin and the Russians to get their hands on these NAZIS. They know it all. Especially if there are command staff still on sight. Loose lips sink ships.


I take it they’re surrendering through lack of food / water

Can’t believe that with a fortress that size and being so easily defended no one thought to put in massive water tanks and large stocks of long lasting food.


The shelling cut the water off


No NATO Officers , No Bio Weapons, And NO COURT MARTIAL of Mercenaries by Russia .

Then this was a WASTE OF TIME !!!


The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.

First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !

God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !




Don’t believe the Russian lies!

Our Nazi soldiers didn’t really surrender. They EVACUATED, and will soon triumphantly return to a victory parade on the Maidan in Kyiv!!!!

Ukraine is WINNING!

Hail Bandera! Hail Victory!


Shut up fag

Orcrainians are white ISIS

Russia destroyed brown ISIS in Syria and they are destroying white ISIS in Orcraine.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

Very true and correct analogy


Why the negative conclusion at the end of the article? This is a great success for Russian forces, and it saved many Ukrainian lives too.

Karl Pomeroy

I had the same reaction. See my comment about a half hour after yours.


I’m guessing it was intended to be a cliffhanger, inserted for dramatic effect. But it sounded really weird.


Odessa is next… no sea port for the nazis


I’m hoping it’s Galicia. ‘DeNazify’ Galician villages where Nazis were raised. SouthFront doesn’t mind calling for the destruction of Odessa. It doesn’t mind posting the stupidities of JHK among other rabid killers. But ending the war with pinpoint attacks on sources of supply? Oh No


The Russians have not announced that Azovstal has fallen. I think Zelensky tried to get ahead of the news to spin it to sound like it was his idea. It might be a few more days before the last of them come out. The worst murderers are going to be the ones who wait the longest to surrender.


Radio Vatican 24/7 and tear gas rainfall. In no time they will be crawling out.

Karl Pomeroy

I’m not sure I believe the last paragraph, that Russia’s “concessions” have undermined the moral and psychological state of members of the Russian-led forces. Russia’s subtle and successful strategy for ending the the Azovstal crisis is actually quite remarkable. I imagine Russian-led troops are experiencing a boost in morale over the fact that Mariupol is just about 100% free. Now they can focus on Slavyansk and Kharkov, while the DPR rebuilds Mariupol as a resort city.


Not a single of goddamn criminals should be let out without an investigation and trial. They’re all guilty of war crime of using civilian population as human shields.

Lesco Brandon

It’s not a surrender. It’s an “evacuation” to a Siberian Gulag! ;-)


I suspect so.


I haven’t heard the Russians say anything about exchanging anyone from Azovostal, Ukrainian propaganda shouting from the rooftops about evacuations and exchanges of what the Russians are calling an unconditional surrender.


Russia should build a gallows fit for 25 men at a time, and hang all these Azov faggots in one day. Put it on Pay per View and donate the money raised to the families of the Russian soldiers killed in action.

Putin’s Bane

After twelve weeks it looks like the battle for Mariupol is over. The last defenders seem to have surrendered. Now I like to see the Ukrainians waving flags and flowers for the liberators.


Just to clarify none of the Azov battalion fighters will be exchanged for Russian prisoners. Only regular Ukrainian soldiers will be exchanged. This has been clearly stated multiple times. The Azov fighters will be charged and sentences will be handed out but their release is non negotiable. The fact that they surrendered shows that Ukraine is close to complete capitulation. The sooner the better to avoid anymore unnecessary loss of life.


Now what a ‘regular Ukrainian soldier’ is remains left to be defined.


Chris Hedges: “We do not fight fascism because we expect we will win, we will fight them because they are fascists”

I don’t care if they were just following orders. They were willing to kill for Ukraine, but they weren’t wiling to defend human rights or follow widely and long held laws of war. So at least, they are all liable for charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, even if they didn’t pull the trigger once.

Take DNA swabs and use tape to recover trace evidence from their bodies. Confiscate their uniforms and boots. Label everything with photos and confiscated ID. Film them talking and walking so that civilian witnesses can ID them. Hold ALL POWs without exception until it can be shown there aren’t any war crimes charged to their unit, commander, or personally.

Karl Popper: “If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”

Voltaire: “It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Ricardo2000

Russia is winning and winning big. Ukraine will have to surrender soon as they only has about 8 days of gasoline reserves left, there are huge lines at the gas pumps, this will cause chaos and anger on the streets of Ukraine. The EU has completely capitulated and they are all going to pay for gas in Rubles. It also looks like Russia will very soon force the EU and unfriendly states to start to pay for oil in Rubles as well. The Ruble will continue to strengthen. Russia is expected to have the BEST and largest wheat harvest in its history! This equates to billions of dollars in profits and good news for the world’s food supply. India is purchasing a record amount of oil from Russia at discounted prices. Russia keeps winning and the EU is going broke committing economic suicide by direct orders of the US of A.


“only has about 8 days of gasoline reserves left”

And your source?

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

Russia has the full blessing of God


No religious stuff please.

Russia has the full blessing of its armed forces , its industry and its anvanced industry especially the military one. The leaders , civilian and military, seems to be performing just fine.


Even the annoying trolls that frequent this site have been quiet the last couple of days.


In fact it’s not sure that all Ukies in Azovstal has surrendered. The city itself of course have been taken by RF/DPR.

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