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The Battle Of Donbass Reached Its High Point But It Is Still Far From The End

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The Battle Of Donbass Reached Its High Point But It Is Still Far From The End

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The Battle Of Donbass Reached Its High Point But It Is Still Far From The End
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The Battle Of Donbass Reached Its High Point But It Is Still Far From The End

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A strike with Russian Kalibr cruise missiles destroyed a command center belonging to Kiev forces, killing over 50 Ukrainian officers, generals and members of the high command, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on June 19.

The pinpoint strike took place near the village of Shirokaya Dacha in the region ofDnepropetrovsk. Russia said that the missiles hit the command center where commanders of several units of Kiev’s forces had gathered for a meeting.

The Russian military added that Kalibr cruise missiles were also used to destroy ten M777 howitzers and at least 20 armored vehicles, which were delivered recently from the West. The heavy weapons were stored inside a factory building in a transformer plant in Mykolaiv city.

The Russian campaign of missile strikes remains focused on military infrastructure targets belonging to Ukraine. In its own turn, Kyiv’s forces, in the best traditions of democracy, responded by increasing the shelling of residential areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and villages in the Russian border regions like Bryansk. The only option to put an end to these terrorist actions is the full elimination of military capabilities of Kyiv’s units deployed in these sectors as well as the elimination of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in their modern terrorist group-like format. However, the slowing down of the Russian advance in the region of Donbass in recent weeks indicates that the achievement of this goal is not likely in the near future.

As of June 20, Russian forces have been finishing the elimination of Kyiv’s garrison in the industrial zone of Severodonetsk and the liberation of Zolotoe. The grouping of Kyiv’s troops that remain in the Azot plant in Severodonetsk is de-facto cut off from its allied forces and is balancing on the verge of collapse. The situation for them became even worse with the liberation of Metelkino by the Russians. Around Zolotoe, the Russian formations are now clashing with pro-Kyiv units in Kamishevaha. In a separate development, Russian forces have been working to expand their foothold north of Slavyansk.

The Russian military has not been able to fully encircle and neutralize the grouping of Kyiv’s forces in the Donbass so far. At the same time, the Russians managed to liberate a number of important territories and towns as well as deliver a powerful blow to the most capable and well-armed military formations belonging to Kyiv. At the same time, Kyiv and its NATO backers managed to keep positions in the areas of Donetsk and Gorlovka and slow down the defeat of the main forces of its Donetsk group. Thus, they gained additional time to mobilize more cannon fodder that will be thrown to the east to stop the Russian military machine.

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Well done Russia, onward to victory!


Ukr is losing fathers , brothers sons… like cannon fodder. Zelenski will pay for these senseless deaths, like Cheauchescu and Mussolini, his own people will take care of him – no need for Russia to arrest or kill him.

Pop Tart

His own people are as close to morally bankrupt and brain dead as one can get while still looking in the mirror and not breaking it.

jens holm

“We” means me and some guy who’s having his dick in my mouth now.


Cheauchescu didn’t send his military to a war. He was murdered as Gaddafi, i.e. it was pro-western coup. Romania didn’t participate in Afghanistan campaign (1979-89), same as Poland, Hungary and other members of the Warsaw Treaty Organization. But all of them sent troops in Afghanistan in 2001. Then sent troops to Iraq in 2003, Kiev and Tbilisi regimes did the same.


still was worth watching the maggot shot with his troll on christmas morning


@Jay Yes, the things you say go for Zelensky and Putin as well, also for all the financial ruling class in USA and Russia and Ukraine and of course Europe. Someone at goyimtv.tv pointed it out like this:

Learn your history GOY! Ashkenazy EuroJew rats are the fucking Devils that were kicked out by Hitler to US & Palestine & are all from Poland, Russia & Ukraine which makes up 90% of Israeli citizens. These are the same fucking rats that control US government & Pedophile Hollywood! All your fuckin Politicians are a bunch of Pedophiles bending over for these fuckin Jews who control your Gvmt, Congress, Senate, Financial Centers, Educational System, Bible & your fucking churches! Only Poor Defenseless Palestinian are in the front lines taking the brunt of these child raping Satans! Netanyahu’s real name is Benjamin Mileikowsky butcher from Poland! The same rats were behind WWI, WWII, French & Russian Revolution, 9/11, JFK & Lincoln. WAKE THE FUCK UP GOY! Support #BDS! Don’t hate Muslims! STOP the $20 Billion a year American Taxpayer’s aid to Israel! STOP the Domestic Israeli Terrorist; AIPAC, ADL, JDL, ZOA, PedoWood & all Jewish Agencies!

Last edited 2 years ago by ludmilla
Bulgarian Jew

Antisemetic much you orc bitch


You Jews hate being exposed for your crimes against humanity.You lash out with anger and vulgar words when hit with the truth.You are liars like your father Satan,Jesus our Lord said this.He fought the Jews,called the Pharisees,and they murdered our Lord for exposing them.Jews love murder and all the big wars have been instigated by them so that millions of White Christians kill each other for nothing.Jews are Christ-killers,Jews are literal demons on Earth.


It’s not a high point yet, but getting better. At the moment Russia is killing around 500 Ukrainian Nazi piss a day. Russia needs to get to a thousand a day to really make an impact, so that 30,000 Ukrainians Nazis get ground up every month. Those sort of losses will have a debilitating effect on the Z-elensky PR cannon fodder. If Russia can increase to even more that would be better. If Russia is failing in one area, it’s kill rate and it has done well to increase it, but you just can’t kill enough of the Ukrainian Nazi piss a day to liberate the world again from Nazis.

Sgt. Based

Russia is being more careful after their initial screw up.

If they accelerate things they risk bringing their casualties up.

The current careful inexorable strategy will work just fine


Russia is now facing a mobilisation on the Ukrainian side. Yes Ukrainian guys are running over the Rostov border as if running in the olympics to avoid the mobilisation, but there is nothing like massive culling of Ukrainian Nazi piss to accelerate that process. Russia will move to defensive in Donbass soon. That will swing the equation the other way. Ukraine has about 700,000 cannon fodder and the way the maths of war work, Russia will be able to grind down most of that using defensive positions. However, it is far better to kill more Ukrainian Nazis now in order to debilitate their psychology. That does not mean you need change the way of fighting the war. It means as with the 50 Generals Ukrainian Nazi wipe out, you need take more opportunities, hitting training centres, hitting mass troop transports, hitting any events that Ukrainian Nazis are assembled at. Russia has the technology and the intelligence capabilities to do that. It also makes the conflict more Ukraine wide, which tires the population more!


There are 140 Ukrop recruitment centers. This was mentioned by a Russian general that suggested those be taken out in one day worth of strikes. We’ll see if they do it.

Pop Tart

Seems to me the Russians know when a pin drops in Ukraine and where it drops a minute later.

Pop Tart

I doubt if they can even muster 70,000 that won’t frag their officers and abandon their positions within a week.


No. For Ukraine is impossible to go offensive with the absolute disadvantage in shelling power. They only manage to resist hiding in cities, there is no even one open land place where they resist, and this is due to this. The possibilities of Ukraine going offensive are 0. They just can do what they do, resist using civils as shield and bomb Doneskt


since initial invasion nearly no Russian casualties—ukie casualties 1000 per day per Ukie govt

Thomas Turk

Pse explain their screw up, as you’re party to the Russian Intel..


May be screw up = more losses in advancing columns.


You can’t seriously be cheering the deaths of thousands of young men. There is a path to peace. It must be found. The killing must stop. Too many weeping mothers in both Russia and Ukraine. Don’t cheer for more death. Pray for less. This war was a colossal waste. Diplomacy could have avoided it. Diplomacy can end it.


8 years of lies and wasting time. 14000 deaths in Donbas by ukro army. Now its Playback time. No peace or seasfire till all ukro Nazis are killed or pow, till whole Donbas an Odessa are not liberated and Linked with transnistria. This shoul be possible in the next 6 months.

jens holm

I’m working for the CIA. So if you say Ukraine is winning, I’ll say Russia is.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens holm


Elvis left the building, ha-ha-ha.

Pop Tart

The path to peace is in Washington’s, now Biden’s hands, always has been. Too bad he’s as clumsy with his hands as he is with his feet.


Here lies the problem. The path to peace is controlled by people who have no connection whatsoever to the losses. They really don’t care if every Ukranian dies.


moron! you cannot negotiate peace with immoral nazi amerikant vermin—-they must be eradicated …when these cockroaches scurry back to their amerikan trailer parks then peace is possible

The Crunge

How could Putin and Russia have solved the problem diplomatically? They had an agreement called the Minsk accords where the Ukes we’re supposed to stop shelling civilians in the breakaway regions. They Ukes wouldn’t follow it. What diplomatic things would you want Russia to do to avoid war?

Last edited 2 years ago by The Crunge

In hind sight both sides should have explored every possible issue that could have been negotiated: security, territory, trade, etc. But that’s hind sight, and cheap shot stuff.

What matters is how to end it now. Russian trolls say conquer all of Ukraine. Western trolls say defeat Russia and expel it. This set of disparate perspectives guarantees river of blood.

The US can feed this monster forever. Each new tranch of weapons will be more sophisticated. This war can go on and on. Russian deaths (and Ukrainian deaths) will rise.

As any successful poker player knows, the art is stopping when your ahead. If Putin got the Donbas and Crimea he would be a winner.

To get it he has to publicly declare that if Russia gained that territory it would leave the rest, all other presently occupied land, and make a permanent peace.

Germany, France, Italy and the western EU would leap at the chance to settle on these terms. Ukraine would mightily resist. Poland and the Balkins, and the other former Warsaw Pact nations would resist. UK and USA would resist.

Only if Putin declares these terms publicly is there a chance to force this outcome.

I have made this point for several months now. The losses suffered in the interim are wasted.

Cut to the chase. Otherwise you will be outspent, out teched, and outgunned, in the long run. When the entire Black Sea fleet simultaneously goes to the bottom, and long range missile artillery rains down on the luggage, in the rear, the few kilometers you’ve gained since April will prove far to dear a prize to have died for.

Rick Jefferson

If the US sinks any Russian ships. Russia should respond by vaporizing the Pentagon and white house. If they want a total war, give to them, hard.


US won’t strike Russian ships. Ukraine will. They have been given the weapons to do so.

Fellows this killing can go on and on. The Ukrainian soldier is not a Nazi. The Russian soldier is not a Nazi.

Peace and prosperity were possible before this war, possible for both Russia and Ukraine. Western Europe inevitably would have grown more and more entwined with Russia through trade and commerce. That peaceful path to prosperity was sacrificed to a vision of Greater Russia. The Nazi boogeyman was created to motivate the Russian people from their deep sense of abhorrence of the WWII invaders. So the wheels of slaughter are inexorably grinding away and the world is dancing on the precipice of nuclear war.


Putin needs to declare an immediate ceasefire, and promise a permanent peace in exchange for Donbas and Crimea.

This offer will be irresistible to the Western Europeans and the pressure on Ukraine will be huge.

But Putin has to do this and by doing do become the instrument of peace and the guarantor of future prosperity.

If this horrible train of war is not derailed now and continues to gain momentum the resulting inevitable wreck will devastate the developed world.

Perhaps this is God’s punishment for man’s rebellion but we are humans, with free will and intelligence. We can make peace and find prosperity together.

It takes courage and humility. Does Putin possess these qualities?

Last edited 2 years ago by Jon
Rick Jefferson

The US-NATO does not want diplomacy or a negotiated peace. They want more deaths because they believe that more deaths will weaken Russia which is and has been their goal for decades. They want to destroy Russia because Russia will not submit to be ruled by the western psychopaths who want to rule the world.


Wish I have to be a pacifist, but reality says the opposite: Kiev regime must be destroyed to stop terrorist attacks of nazis, to stop ethnocide of russian people in the Ukraine (86% of russian speakers), to prevent Kiev regime from owning long-range weapons, “dirty bomb” or even nuclear weapon. This is existential threat which left no chances to peaceful solution long time ago. That’s why the chief of EU’s diplomacy says about war till the end. A diplomat say about military solution only, because lost of Kiev regime is strong hit to EU, US and western collapsing hegemony.


The reality of war is that first you need win, even if winning is simply forcing the Ukrainian Nazis to peace. You may not like it, but to win wars you need make it unsustainable for the other side to fight them. The type of warfare being played out is manpower intensive. You need therefore remove those actors, and as humans have a group behaviour and group effects, you need not just remove them, but also you need create a feeling of despair and hopelessness in the next wave that would Join. Killing relentlessly the Ukrainian Nazis, giving them battlefield life expectancy of days, is the fastest and most effective way to do that. Its much worse if you just kill a little, as that breeds heroes and martyrs, it creates a feeling that the adversary can be overcome, it provides focus for unity. So Russia to save life in the long run and to deescalate, must actually escalate in terms of the killing fields.


Russia strategy is bomb a little but for long time,they aren’t in hurry.


200-400 killed a day and three or four time more wounded. At least 800 people is out of order every day. That’s why Kiev regime has started to say about losses, getting numbers bigger from time to time. They are preparing their brainwashed public for gradual perception to not shock with awful numbers, because sheeple still think they are winning. And “if to say truth, everything will collapse” as Lucy Arestovich said. 1 word of truth ruins 1000 words of lies.

Mike Gibson

Always good to read alternative news sources


Yes the BBC, CNN, CBS, FOX , NBC, ABC, NY times, Wapo. LA Times are all just capitalist war USA propaganda, pro animal torture and and murder, wage slavery outlets.


Time to increase the pressure in Donetsk. Significantly.

Pop Tart

I agree. High time to take those civilian murdering nazi ukrop scum out once and for all.


“However, the slowing down of the Russian advance in the region of Donbass in recent weeks indicates that the achievement of this goal [the elimination of the UAF] is not likely in the near future.”QNot really. The number of daily UAF losses is increasing and is more important than the rate of new towns liberated. And, of course, the number of new towns liberated every week, is in itself meaningless if one doesn’t count their size. The allied forces are now fighting for two (or three, if one counts Lisichansk separately) large cities. Of course the rate of advance has slowed down.

At some point, the UAF will collapse. This may come when Azot and Lisichansk are fully liberated. It may come when Slaviansk and Krematorsk are liberated. No one really knows. Whatever the case, counting towns liberated or linear kilometers advanced is a very crude, almost meaningless, metric.

For my part, I would prefer a few more days with 50 top UAF officers permanently denazified and demilitarised in each, even if there are no advances on the ground in these days.


Today in Colombia former leftist rebel Gustavo Petro won the Presidential election marking the end of U.S. domination of South America and Colombia. Nicaragua invited Russian troops to the country for joint military exercises. This truly is the dawn of a new era and the Russian Federation has dealt the final blow to U.S. hegemony and has officially surpassed the U.S. as the new superpower alongside China. Chechens are dancing, Kalibur missiles are flying over Ukraine….Glory to Russia.


Japan comfirmed ban on same sex marriage,so much for the facebook gay brigades now screaming))

Micron lost his power in majorities,which means france must answer for all future bills,nowsqealing))

Israel to re elect a new leadership which means kepoot for the nazi/soros/biden regime,big panick)))

Columbia ousted reicht winged for a (real deal pro china commy/peoples leader)absolute gobsmack!

Looks like nazi/nuland cookies are crumbling,now more than ever before,time for see change earth!


If so, I wish good luck to Gustavo Petro.


Cut the head off the snake, and kill it.


How about bust doris nose,there you go hospitalised,down and out,patek is a vile mongrel evil skank! FREE ASSANGE!


the ukies defeated–the amerikants again humiliated—-too stupid to comprehend their defeat amerikant cretin-puritans cannot feel “busy busy numb-amerikans cannot feel themselves alive unless they feel themselves busy. amerika is a vast goo of meaningless stimulation”. Thomas de Zengodita

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri

Where are ALL THOSE NATO AND UKRAINE NAZIS GLOATING ABOUT the dozen or so Russian high commanders they killed NOW THEY SEEM TO BE VERY QUITE AFTER THEIR GLOATING they have gone VERY QUIET NOW THAT 50 of their Ukraine NAZI HIGH COMMANDERS were BOMBED TO OBLIVION, Russia DID WARN YOU NAZIS that it would target command centers if you continued shelling civilians, looks to me the NAZIS believed their own propaganda to their DETRIMENT. = Z =

Dag Hammerskjold

Keep up the civilian targeting Zelensky! Adoph would be so Proud! Auch Kleine! Why it’s just like the targeting of London all over again! So strategic and effective. Yes why Hermann is so Proud of you such a Proper killer of civilians! Auch!


Cant wait to read the daily briefing of the Russian MoD. I hope that some more hundreds of nazis left our great planet again to meet their god, Odin, in the Valhalla..

WT Baker

neo Nazi Aidar Battalion in Metilkino surrenders

Last edited 2 years ago by WT Baker

hahahaha just watched some great video of azot being smashed to bits from the air by 2 SU. going to be a long day for hedgenazis hiding in holes. dig deeper little earth rats, dig to hell.

Thomas Turk

Jens don’t believe it, he wanna talk to the pilots, but says them Russkie pilots are all liars anyway




Fight Moral of the Ukro troops get from bad to worst everyday https://tass.com/world/1469169


high point will be when ukropistan no longer exists

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