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MARCH 2025

The Beginning Of The End Of Israel

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The Beginning Of The End Of Israel

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Written by Steven Sahiounie, Editor of MidEastDiscourse.com

Israel’s far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich gave a hate speech in Paris that may have begun the destruction of Israel. “There are no Palestinians because there isn’t a Palestinian people,” he said on March 19. He also displayed a map of “Greater Israel” which included Syria and Jordan.

Smotrich was born in 1980 in the Golan Heights in Syria but holds Israeli citizenship.  His grandfather Yaakov Smotrich immigrated from Ukraine to Palestine before WW2, and Yaakov’s wife Bruria came to Palestine from Europe. Smotrich is a European Jew. The country he lives in today is called Israel since 1948, but it was never called Israel before, except during the 100 years of a Jewish kingdom that began with King David more than 2,000 years ago.

Golda Meir was the first Israeli leader to make a similar statement. In an interview in 1969 with Frank Giles, Meir said, “There was no such thing as Palestinians.”

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan condemned Smotrich’s statement as racist, and Amman summoned the Israeli ambassador for a rebuke.

Jordan is populated by a majority of people who are Palestinians, and that includes Queen Rania, the wife of King Abdullah.  Before, and since the 1948 establishment of Jordan, many Palestinians had been forcefully deported to the desert in Jordan by the Israeli forces, and others left for Jordan because of having lost their homes, businesses, and farms and arrived in Jordan as refugees.

The Israel–Jordan peace treaty was signed in 1994, which followed the earlier Israel-Egypt peace accord signed at Camp David, in the US. Both of these historic and long-lasting treaties were brokered by American presidents. However, the treaty with Jordan is now seeing a fraying around the edges, as the Israeli official has directly stated most of the people of Jordan don’t exist, and the map Smotrich displays calls for the annexation of Jordan.

Ariel Sharon, Israeli Prime minister from 2001-2006, said he did not fear the destruction of Israel at the hands of the Arabs, but he feared a time when the US would turn against Israel, and that would mark its downfall.  For decades, the US foreign policy in the Middle East has been written in Tel Aviv, and many have complained that Israel dictates policy to the US.

Now, with the first ultra-extremist government in Israel, the US public and governmental opinion may turn against the genocidal and Apartheid regime in Israel. That was the fear Sharon: that Israel will destroy itself through its actions, by cutting off the support of the Americans, which reaches farther than the $4 billion in yearly aid, and props up the Israeli regime’s existence.

Farhan Haq, a deputy spokesman for United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said Smotrich’s remarks were “completely unhelpful”, stressing the Palestinian people “obviously” exist.  “We continue to support their rights and to push for a two-state solution,” Haq said.

FamilySearch.Org is a free website that has international records of birth, marriages, deaths, and residence.

In the US census dated 1900, there is Joseph Yabour who was born in March 1874 in Palestine. He stated he immigrated to the US in 1886, and both his parents were also born in Palestine.  He was serving in the US Army in 1900.  From his name I can confirm he was a Palestinian Christian.

In the US census dated 1920, there is Mohamed Mustafa who was born in 1894 in Palestine. He stated he immigrated to the US in 1913 and was then living in Michigan. Both his parents were born in Palestine and from his name, he is a Muslim. In the 1930 census, he is shown living in Nebraska along with five other men all born in Palestine.

In a New York Times article dated July 18, 1922. Section S, and page 20, an article appears concerning a man who owns hotels in Palestine, coming to Columbia University to visit his son, and his immigration “visitor visa” states “admit hotel man from Palestine”. From the name of the hotel owner, he is Jewish.

Combing historical records, we can see that the United States of America recognized there was a place called Palestine, and the people were Palestinians, who were Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

Smotrich is trying to rewrite history to fit his genocidal mindset. He does not support the UN resolution to create a two-state solution for both Jews and Palestinians. He also does not support a one-state solution that would see all people regardless of ethnicity or religion living together in freedom and with human rights, similar to America.

Smotrich wants it all. He wants all of Palestine, Israel and Jordan, and parts of Syria just for the exclusive home of the Jews.  He favors increased settlements so that the Palestinians will eventually be homeless and landless.  His vision of Israel is based on a religious ideology cloaked in politics: Zionism.

ISIS followed Radical Islam, which is the other side of the Zionism coin.  Both started with religion and perverted it into a political ideology of hate, death, and destruction.

In March 2022, Michael Lynk, the UN Special Rapporteur for the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, stated that Israel is an apartheid state. Israel, he said, conforms to the definition as a “political regime which so intentionally and prioritizes fundamental political, legal and social rights to one group over another, within the same geographic unit based on one’s racial-national-ethnic identity”.

The American public and the Israeli public both need to decide if officials like Smotrich deserve support.  With Israel labeled as an apartheid state, and promoting the annexation of Jordan, the American public and elected officials must decide when to stop funding Israel, and let them face the consequences of their actions and policies.


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I hope one day Israel learns on its own mistakes, that nazism is not good for anyone. What I don’t understand is why Israel is tolerated by world and all people. It is selfish to think like as long it is not in my country or me I don’t care. What Russia wants in Ukraine to denazify and demilitarize it, same should be done in Israel.

Player Unknown

I hope they will go to hell

Chris Gr

Palestine is a Syrian province. Since ancient times, that region was called either Israel or Judea. Smotrich may be far-right but the truth is the truth. Israel gave the Sinai for peace and many Israelis even want to give Golan Heights to Syria also. “Palestinians” have full rights in Israel, however, some radicals want to annihilate the Jews from their own land. The same thing is happening in the Balkans. Those Vardaskans think that they are Macedonians and the are corrupting history.


If Palestine is Syria’s province, why Israel took it ? Do you know that Covid-19 means police state ? Palestinians were telling us about police state, warning world, but nobody listened until started in other countries.

Chris Gr

Because Jews are from that place, at least the Sephardics and the Mizrahis.


Ok, sephardics, mizrahis and palestinians are from Syria. Why breaking up Syria with war ? Who wants war ? Neither palestinians nor syrians started it.

Chris Gr

West Bank Palestinians are Jebusites Amorites Syrians. Gazan Palestinians are Caphtorim Cretan Egyptians. Palestinians and Syrians were entangled in wars way before. Lebanese the same. Jordanians were mostly peaceful.


Who entangled them into wars ? And when all started ? Where Israel fits in this since they have police state ?

Destroy all Muslims

Just the sort of bullshit article you would expect to be published on SouthFront; The purveyors of bullshit.

Last edited 1 year ago by Destroy all Muslims

So why you reading it ? I am 100% sure content from article did hurt your feelings a lot.


Great, but Israel is governed by pro war expansionists who are supported by a fading global power UK & US. Writing history they have convinced people what the truth is with most govts pandering to the storyline, so as to control the narrative and further tax support for conflict and profit.


And those people that supports it blindly secretly and otherwise.


Too emotional that article.

I thought someting serious was going on


Israel calls Ukraine the “Heavenly Jerusalem,” as they plan to MOVE ON IN once enough Ukrainians are killed off by Israeli president Zeloinksky. http://www.silview.media


Igor Berkut. The question is if it is going in that direction, would Russia accept it. In some parts of Ukraine freed by russians, lands are already for sale, buying it you get russian citizenship.

Erwin Vercauteren

witnessing the israeli desperation and their attacks on Syria only result in the fact that everytime they attack the Palestinians are getting hi tech weapons mortars rockets kornets etcetera for every object shot at Syria Russia gives a lot of presents to the Palestinians brothers & sisters to shoot at the Zionist rats ura URA URA long live the real people of PALESTINE and death to Zionists and Nazi scum of Ukraine & Israel


Isaiah 11:11-12 Then it will happen on that day that the Lord Will again recover the second time with His hand The remnant of His people, who will remain, From Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, And from the islands of the sea. And He will lift up a standard for the nations And assemble the banished ones of Israel, And will gather the dispersed of Judah From the four corners of the earth.


Isaiah 43:5-7 “Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east, And gather you from the west. “I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ And to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’ Bring My sons from afar And My daughters from the ends of the earth, Everyone who is called by My name, And whom I have created for My glory, Whom I have formed, even whom I have made.”


To JHK : Israel has nuclear bombs. What can Arabs countries do ? A direct attack is the stupidest move they can make.


Well seeing that they are in control all the elements of the USA establishment not much chance of that happening. But when the US house of cards collapses it maybe all change, but the Zionists may in vindictive hatred and spitefulness decide to use their supposed Samson option, and psychotics like Smotrich would happily do it.

Hakkol Havel

Israel would just pivot to Russia.


Pivoting to a country is different from being in charge of one.

John Deer

The state=corporation of Israel was never a democracy, having been started-up by the UK, with a socialist-communist-feminist political party. Since 1984 its Unelected judiciary, which is rather Selected by the elders-of the court, has assumed for itself dictatorial powers to wipe out both Jews & Christians in the land of Israel, to force-Islamize (Somali & Arab) by obliterating their sovereignty, ownership and freedom, murdering+raping+torturing the civilized people.


What do You want to tell us? Every state in the region is an artificial state resulted by Sykes-Picot. If the Zionists would have not been so stupid to support the Brits, they would have received Israel already in 1922 from the Kaiser. And if we would accept a kind of Palestinian people, so they had to be punished. 2 times during the last century they collaborated with the Brits, the albion perfide, instead to throw them into the meditterrean. Palestinian stupidity is no excuse. The existance of Israel is a result of their own behaviour. They never supported the Germans or Tibetians to get their territories back. Bigottery is not worthy to support it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Laurenz

Yeah, Eretzh ISISrael, Il be dammed, huh, who knew, right. Intrestingly how silent it is in the western JudenPress, just some squible about Nothingbutyahoho, an Polish donkey felatore whom by an divine miracle is turned into an Arabian Semit, an fullblown Hebbe, and I dont have any kind of sympathy, sorry, Jews, as the saying goes, in criminal circles in particulare, never, ever shit down your own nest, but then again, we are dealing with the parasitic Tribe whom cant stop their delution and now is destorying their fake nation from within.

Aunt Polly

Everything is fake – from the name , to the Temple Mount – built by the Romans as Fort Antonia. The Temple is located in the city of David, probably right under a building owned by Rothschild.


Insane radicals like this must be stopped at any cost.


It is unfortunate that the US designed UN is kabuki theatre. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres takes his orders from the White House, which in turn takes its orders from Tel Aviv on Middle East matters. What Haq should have said, is the Israel has now openly declared that it has no intention of meeting the conditions under which it was granted UN membership. Therefore, Israel’s membership in the UN needs to be examined with a view to removing its membership in the UN.

Uncle Ho

The leaders there must successfully distract the israeli people from the genocide being implemented against them by their own politicians. The fact that they are not going to be able to reproduce must not be allowed to be fully known. Anything to distract is necessary for the criminals to not be discovered,

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