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The Cuban Vaccine

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The Cuban Vaccine


Submitted by Resumen English

The Cuban Public Registry of Clinical Trials reported on August 18 that Cuba will begin the first stage of clinical trials for a COVID-19 vaccine in four days.  Recruitment for the trial will take place between August 24 and October 31. This phase will culminate on January 11, 2021, and the results will be available on February 1 and for publication on February 15. Sovereign 01 is the name of the drug, of which two doses will be applied to a sample of 676 people between the ages of 19 and 80 without clinically significant alterations and who are giving their written informed consent to participate in the trial.

The project, led by the Finlay Vaccine Institute, was registered on August 13, when the Center for State Control of Medicines, Medical Equipment and Devices approved the vaccine to be a candidate for phase I and II clinical trials. On several occasions, President Miguel Díaz-Canel has met with the team of scientists developing it to verify the progress and has insisted on the need to have a Cuban vaccine against COVID-19 as a matter of sovereignty, despite the fact that other countries are also working towards the same goal.

In the first phase of the trial, it is expected that the vaccine will be safe to administer and that no more than 5 percent of individuals will have adverse side effects, while in the second phase, the proportion of subjects with an immune response is expected to be at least 50 percent higher than in the control group. The registration date of the vaccine has a great symbolic meaning because it is also the 94th birthday of Fidel Castro, the undisputed strategist and driving force, almost immediately after the triumph of the Revolution, in 1959, of Cuba’s emblematic health and biomedical research system.

In the same way, the constant and very intense dedication to obtain the vaccine against COVID-19 by a group of Cuban scientists reminds us of those to whom Fidel entrusted in 1981in the development and obtaining of the first interferon in the island; a mission that they fulfilled in little more than three months. Cuba also has three other vaccine candidates in development. In fact, of the new coronavirus patients treated on the island since April 14 with Heberón (the commercial name of the interferon-alpha 2b developed with Cuban technology), only 5.5 percent reached the stage of seriousness, and the lethality among them was 0.9 percent.

Cuba has a long tradition of administering, producing and developing prophylactic drugs, since the remarkable physician and hygienist Tomás Romay applied the anti-pox peptide to his children in 1796 to prove its effectiveness. The island p11 prophylactic vaccines and in recent decades has created the anti-hepatitis B, anti-meningococcal BC, Haemophilus Influenzae B vaccines and the promising therapeutic vaccines against lung (Cimavax) and pancreatic cancer. An average of 4.8 million doses of vaccine, single or combined, are administered annually in Cuba protecting people against 13 diseases produced in the country.  Begun in 1962, Cuba’s immunization program has led to the elimination of six diseases, two serious clinical forms, and two serious complications that existed previously, with the remaining diseases maintaining incidence and mortality rates that are not a health problem.

Havana has confronted COVID-19 and diseases such as dengue hemorrhagic fever and hemorrhagic conjunctivitis basically through the application of drugs produced today by the Biocubafarma business complex, the heir and continuator of the complex of research centers created at the initiative of Fidel.  Biocubafarma is working on 16 projects of new treatments and medical technologies to prevent and fight Covid-19. Of these, 11 are already in the phase of clinical studies or intervention trials on patients and groups at risk.

Biocubafarma has evaluated five products for preventive purposes in order to stimulate both innate and adaptive immunity in different people, including healthcare personnel. Among them, Biomodulin T has shown great effectiveness; applied to a group of elderly people, none had been infected with the coronavirus since the last time I asked.

The best proof of the effectiveness of bioscience products and the competent work of Cuban health personnel in confronting COVID-19 is in the data on the behavior of the disease on the island. Of the 3842 confirmed cases, 2863 have been recovered, 88 have died and 761 have been admitted, of which only seven are reported as serious and four as critical. All of this has taken place despite the harmful impact of the U.S. blockade, cruelly tightened by Donald Trump.

Source: La Pupila Insomne, translation Resumen Latinoamericano, North America bureau

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johnny rotten

For the Yankees Cuba is an incurable headache that has plagued them since time immemorial.


Indeed, I can’t even remember last time I enjoyed a Havana cigar

James Adams

The democracies in the world should just overthrow the Cuban regime already. Democracy must prevail


Nothing you say can change anything,you on a losing streak,no going back,cia/losers!

Jens Holm

Cuba seemes to use the normal procedure for testing. Very good.

cechas vodobenikov

backward peoples Danes/amerikans cannot produce reliable vaccines; civilized peoples–Russia and Cuba do LOL


The US needs to be dejudified so that it’s Jew free. Jews are up to their eyeballs in the scamdemic. And the production of “vaccine” that looks more like a biowepon than medicine.

Harry Smith

You will get nothing in case of dejudification, at my point. The hole is much deeper. It’s cult of Satanism what we are facing now. And I speak not about brainless younglings sacrificing frogs and dogs. It’s about really serious people. Look with attention what they are doing. All is directed to pull people from the normality to freaky. LGBTQ is the most brightest example. But everything you will research will bring you to the conclusion that it’s step away from the normality. “The Cuties” is the most recent example.


The Jews were demon worshipers in the Old Testament. Modern Satanism is substantially based in the Kabbalah. They rape 1,000 children a week publicly in blood sucking rituals. What do you think that they do in private?

Entry level Masons think that it’s a civics club. Go up the ranks and it gets a lot darker. Not all Jews are Satanists and not all Satanists are Jews. The nexus between Judaism and Satanism is well known and long established.

Dejudification isn’t a kill shot. It will correct a big part of the problem that needs to be corrected.

James Adams

What crack do you smoke you NAZI? Ohhh I have an idea. YOU SHOULD FUCKING KILL YOURSELF !!!


You’re a shill for blood sucking Jew pedophile mass rape cultists.

Harry Smith

The population is brainwashed almost 100 years. Don’t think the dejudification will be a kill shot. Just a light wound.


You can debate whether Judaism or Satanism are the bigger part of the problem. My perspective is that there are a lot fewer Satanist trouble makers than Jew trouble makers. And that Judaism is the bigger part of the problem.

Harry Smith

Yep. Everybody has the right for his own opinion.

cechas vodobenikov

despicable racist—Solvioyov, the Russian orthodox philosopher, Gorky and Wittgenstein, none Jews, admired Jewish philosophy…the problem with amerikans is not the eidish—it is amerikans that r the problem…I refuse to demonize any religious groups

James Adams

You do know the Christian lobby is the largest pro-Jewish lobby in America? Ohh wait your to busy being a NAZI to realise that. You should kill herself in front of your family you pathetic excise of a human.


Christian Zionist Evangelicals are a non traditional branch of Protestantism. They account for about 20% of the US electorate and are part of the problem.

These are the baby raping blood sucking Jew cannibal prostitutes that you shill for:


Jens Holm

Our world is not like that. We just order things on the world market and already has agreed with


Its a matter of choise. Denmark produce and sell a lot of medicine develloped here. Fx we have the world biggest producer of INSULIN named Novo Nordisk. Last Year It made 2 bilion dollar in profit.


I dont know USA by that.

cechas vodobenikov

it is a matter of competence and will—choice is a slogan—as if the choice between Carlsen and tuborg matter

James Adams

Yes because an Authoritarian dictatorship makes you civilized. The Russian “vaccine” is a lie it hasn’t been peer reviewed.


Get off the sex change tablets,seriously you will end your life+ die from fear, like it or not trump will win and brexit completes and any satanic liar go to hell!


Danish servants are good at serving their US warmongering masters in all the illegal conflicts from Afghanistan to Syria though.

Jens Holm

I have been against that kind of activiity even before it happend and I was born and worked and works active against it.

Danes should not waste a single kroner into primitve backstabbers, which even insist in staying in their own selfcreated dark.

I can have friends there and if they insist in staying there and never comes here, they even can be good friends.

We see that lack of culture well, when strangers come in and new cars and used ones has more rights then girls, women and warwidows. Half of the refugees in the world are muslims even muslims only are 1/7 of the population. People cant even read the Holy Choran. They are told a lot is written, but i certainly is in old mens mind or worse.

So I many times has asked for a wall, so You can live in Your own kind of terrible peace.


Without a blockade Cuba and with its level of organization Cuba could lead in biomedical science. EU filth only invests in hotels while the other Ziocorporate globalist terrorists in US are still trying to install a Batista in Havana. They should put a price in gold for the vaccine to foreign buyers.


Cuba has better quality of life than the US, including free health care for all its citizens. That accounts for its success in fighting off the pandemic.


And Mexic.

James Adams

What about a democracy or do those things not matter? Your a scumbag, go and live in a dictatorship and see how you like it.


What democracy eu-epp/new-nazi? Actually they own their homes too! No dictatorship is where constituates are not respected,not legit leaders, why do you think britain is out of the eu-epp? As if hellary + biden are ok,pfft!


So far democracy has got me drinking Fluoride in my water,,, wearing a filthy face diaper and soon will be forcing a vaccination on me.


But since US is a bankrupt banana republic, Russian and Chinese friends can break the blockade any time they want

James Adams

Dictators supporting dictators/ Great isn’t it. You should blow your fucking head of


In too much of a rush to understand sarcasm? Estupido :)


Thanks, please hate me, it turns me on.


Nope,cia/fascist/nazi spawn soros trolls,are the first inline to suicide (period) Nothing nor the lgbtq can do to ever save anyone,ket alone phoney liberism: The world needs strong leaders not weak self pity satanic owned assfloggeds:

Lone Ranger


Jens Holm

EU can only invest as they are being told by the Cuban Goverment. Here tourisme is a very vital income with a lot of currency.

So many billions are invested in the lowpaid countries for the medical sector. India and China are now very big players, so its also a competion where many has those qualifications.

But now Cuba might get more money for any kind of investment. You should be happy instead of even blaming EU for that as well a naming them and us as filth. People named like that for good or bad reasons often do the opposite.

I also will add that EU has a big industrial sector for all kinds of healthcare and the whole hospital sector. It can make more sense having fokus there.

James Adams

How about some democracy you authoritarian scumbag? Go and kill yourself !!!


Your allready dead soros/zombie,yet shan’t save democracy because you got sht!


Check out Ryke Hamer’s work,Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman. Not just this virus, but all viruses are a huge cientific BS or hoax and that includes HIV, hantavirus, flu virus et all! Huge bullshit we all suffer from


Tiny embargoed Cuba ranks far higher than US on HDI and universal medical coverage of its population despite facing spiteful sanctions for over 60 years now.

Jens Holm

They have same living age


James Adams

They also haven’t had a democracy in 60 years now. Time for the Cuban government to be overthrown. Democracy must rain supreme !!! If you don’t like democracy then kill yourself scum !!!


Put it mildly there is fo future in fascism not lgbtq democracys,since abonimnation laws: No,don’t like now,I raised a family ok,but now not into ripping off taxpayers for p00fs!

Ashok Varma

As US deaths mount, WHO blames US racism as coronavirus takes outsized toll on minorities

People of colour account for about 52 percent of all the ‘excess deaths’ in the United States so far this year.

Jens Holm

Thats crap. Unfortunatly its like that all over the world. The poor also lives shorter and are more ill.

And F… that color my here and there. Great parts of them raise themselves as victims and by that keep themselves in miserable conditions. Thats makes it very difficult to help the rest, which has need for social security.

When blacks there get mopre and more, it bacause they make too many children early and by that never finish school and even school. Because there is no childcare, they are home.

I would say something about the lazybum men in that color. To many only use those women and pay no childsupport and hardly look for a job. School and education is same thing.

Slavery is not a USA thing. Turks fx stopped Osman slavery in 1923. Most slaves or having slave ancisters certainly dont live in USA as well.

I dont excuse what happens or has happend, but it was a normal thing in most parts of the world. Gulag was slavery too.


Gulag served justice in order,unlike fake democracy where criminals rely life in debts: The corona toll as true indicator for democracy,seems too obvious also the far worse, fk eu/fk usa then,kweer societys care only onself cakehole,not the others nor familys!

Jens Holm

You have no idea about so many things.

I have told You several times that debt here is like as a loan for buying a taxi. By that You have a job. If the job payd off and pay the loan back as well as You get, what You need the debt is not debt byt a very good investment.

Bad debt is if You spend more money, then You own and cant pay back. As a minimum You have to see there are 2 kinds of debts. …………………………………………….

And where I live its partly like USA. We have seen the old family structures has its limitations. By that we carefull has replaced the bad parts of the family structures with something better and often much better.

Its about financing education which fit for the world of today making more advanced production, where we use income tax and tax fortunes and those money are reinvested. Here all also get a descent pension, so the children and grandchildren are not hostages or the old ones are afrais for not having their dayli meal, clothe, medical care and a roof.

Here You of course ignore USA as well as we by that has much highr incomes as well as we live longer.

You fx deny abour 160 million americans has more income then the Rusians. You ignore the socalled poor often has an income semilar or better then the average russians as well.

You only fokus on the poorest parts as well as the richest.

Gulag didnt serve justice and order at all. It was those slaves, that kept USSR alive.


Its called Cohiba


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af50f31d8f5aa7b682a8cfdf422f6629151bcbf9c0025e8afed1f949b3e64316.jpg yeah

James Adams

yeah.. your a fuckhead

Tommy Jensen

lol……..how dare you.

Jens Holm

Funny, but next they dont slaughter the ones at the grass – I hope:)

The Farney Fontenoy

“no more than 5 percent of individuals will have adverse side effects,” For a supposèd infection that only 0.006% of individuals will have adverse side effects from. In other words, the vaccine is 1,000 times more dangerous than the infection, and pharma worshippers can’t understand why people think vaccines are bad. Sad to see SF supporting the NWO vaccine bandwagon.

James Adams

Cuba is an Authoritarian state and should be overthrown. Democracy must prevail !!!

Tommy Jensen

There is more democracy in the third world than in any Western country.


Democracy can only prevail where constituates are truly respected,no ifs no buts (Period)

Tommy Jensen

So if you dont get Corona after you have got a Corona vaccine in your sound healthy non-Corona body, the vaccine is a big success??

If you already have started the road of dumbness there is no way back to sanity. The dumbness rolls on and on and on.


Communist nations when not interfered by cia/nazis generally live lifes essentials in freedom+family, sadly the (fake) democracys are tied up in too much rotted debt to be considered effective nowadays, that is,noy unless they are hellbent trying to fkover other nations,to make it seem as they succeeded?

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