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The Saker: “The Deep State vs the Deep Country”

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Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

I need to begin with the obvious: in spite of all the deep state, propaganda and “deep empire” (transnational) resources being used to declare that “Biden” (i.e. Harris) has won, as of right now nobody knows who got most votes and where.

I would even suggest that we will never really find out who won, because who won depends on a large number of local laws and regulations and because it will probably never be possible to separate the fake votes from the legal ones.

Finally, neither side will ever gracefully admit to having lost the contest. So now the country will enter a profound crisis.

That is the bad news.

But there is also very good news.

First, it has now become clear to the entire planet that the US “democracy” is anything but: the US is an oligarchic plutocracy, plagued with a myriad of antiquated laws and corrupt to the bone. The special “trick” of this US oligarchic plutocracy is that is masquerades as an ochlocracy: there is pretend mob rule which serves as the microscopically small fig leaf hiding the real nature of the regime.

The Saker: "The Deep State vs the Deep Country"

Second, while the Dems did their best to hide this, and they still are, it is now becoming evident that the sheer magnitude of the fraud made it impossible to conceal it. Now if we think of how the AngloZionist Empire has handled equally non-believable nonsense (9/11, Syrian gas attacks, Skripal, Navalnii, etc.) we know what they are going to do next: double down, which will reassure the brainwashed zombies, but will even further infuriate those still capable of critical thought.

Third, the behavior of the US media in this entire operation is so obviously disgraceful that nobody will ever take them seriously again (at least amongst the thinking people, the zombies glued to the Idiot Tube are beyond any rational arguments anyway). This is particularly important in regards to FoxNews who has shown that it was a pseudo-conservative propaganda outlet which, in reality, is completely committed to the political agenda of Rupert Murdoch and his family.

At this point in time, it is impossible to predict what will happen next, but the murder of JFK or the 9/11 false flag strongly suggest that the US deep state will win. There seems to only be one way for Trump to stay in power and it will probably look similar to this:

Giuliani, who I was told won over 4,000 lawsuits in his career, is a very tough guy (look at what he did to the mob in NY!) and he must realize that the lawsuits he will file this week will be the most important ones in his career. They will even probably define his legacy. The notion that he would go to the courts with no solid evidence in his files is simply ridiculous. I don’t see any mechanism which can stop Giuliani now, so the ball will now go to the state and federal courts next and, after that, to the Supreme Court. There the situation is hard to predict.

In theory, Trump probably has enough conservative Justices, especially with Ruth Bader Ginsburg gone and Amy Coney Barrett replacing her. That’s only in theory. In reality, things are much more complex. On one hand, the pressure of the deep state on the Justices will be immense, but on the other hand, once you are a SC Justice you cannot be attacked, at least not legally. Amy Coney Barrett will also face immense pressure to “prove” her “independence” (meaning, if she sides with Giuliani’s side she will be called a Trump shill and even much worse than that!). One thing is certain, any Justice siding with Giuliani will face immense pressures followed by a vicious denigration campaign. Who knows how many Justices would have the courage to face this?

However, there is also the possibility that any Justice siding with Giuliani’s conclusions will go down in history as yet another “profile in courage”, so I would not completely discard that possibility either.

SIDEBAR: During my student years in the US I had the chance to meet, and study with, such US officials as Paul Nitze or Admiral Zumwalt and I was always amazed at how candid former US officials were, but only once they retired. USSC Justices are not retired, of course, but, like retired officials, they are beyond the reach of any legal reprisals, and that might strengthen their willingness to honestly follow their conscience and speak their minds.

Giuliani will certainly fight hard, but looking at the political correlation of forces I can’t see an outcome where Trump would successfully defeat a much stronger opponent. Think about it, the only possible ally for the Trump campaign would be the Supreme Court: the GOP, Congress, the Deep State, the legacy ziomedia, and even members of the Trump Administration (think Bolton or Esper here) all hate him with a passion. And now that Trump appears to be losing, they are not shy about it.

Still, as the proverb says, we need to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

That is, obviously, a Harris Administration in control of the Executive.

So what can we expect from these folks?

First and foremost, a sustained campaign to completely negate the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution. Considering how truly sacred these two cornerstones of the US Constitution are for millions of US Americans, we can expect a lot of resistance from the “deplorables”, both legal and violent.

Second, the control of both the Executive and all the major IT giants will mean that free speech will be driven even further underground. This new reality will require a lot of thinking in the development of a strategy to protect the voices which the regime in DC will now openly try to silence.

The Saker: "The Deep State vs the Deep Country"

SIDEBAR: Possibly the dumbest mistake made by Trump was not to create his own TV channel. He had the money, he could have found allies, but he simply lacked the intelligence to see the danger. Instead, this narcissistic fool thought that Twitter was the way to bypass the legacy media. Is there a possibility that if he is thrown out of the White House we might finally understand that what the US now so urgently needs is, at the very least, a free TV channel and at least one free social media option? Maybe, but I am not holding my breath, Trump always had this ability to disappoint…

Third, on the international front, we can expect even more hysterical Russia bashing (the Dems all hate Russia with a passion, especially since they have brainwashed themselves for four years that “Putin” had “attacked” the US elections). But there is really nothing the US can do to Russia, it is way too late for that. So I would expect even more hot air than from the Trump Administration, and probably not much more action, although that is by no means certain, since a braindead nominal President like Biden would not have Trump’s intelligence to understand that a war against Russia, China or Iran would end in a disaster: Dems always start wars to try to convince the public that they are “tough” (Dukakis in his M-1 tank). Now that they not only appears as weak, but also illegitimate and even senile (did you see Biden trying to run to the podium?), they will have to prove their “virility” and send some cruise missiles flying somewhere (that kind of attack is what these cowards always use first).

As I mentioned in the past, the outcome of this election will not have much of an impact on US foreign policy: first, the US elites more or less all agree on continuing a policy of violent imperialism; but even more crucial is the fact that the Empire is as dead as the Titanic was when it hit the iceberg: not all passengers realized what was taking place, but that did not affect the outcome in the least.

Furthermore, as those familiar with Hegelian dialectics know, each action eventually results in a reaction and the notion that 70,000,000+ voters will simply accept what is self-evidently a coup against not only Trump, but also the US Constitution itself, is ridiculous. If anything, these people will now come to realize that while the US is facing no real foreign threats at all (except those it created itself), there is most definitely an internal threat, in the sense of the United States Uniformed Services Oath of Office, and that this reality gives them the right, and even duty, to “resist tyranny”.

You have probably heard Joe Biden declaring that he wants to heal the wounds, restore unity, rule for all US Americans and the like. I don’t think that this is only empty political rhetoric, though that is part of it too. Mostly, I believe that the Dems are terrified because they know for a fact that they stole the election and this is why after four years of the most divisive and irresponsible rhetoric against Trump, “the racist system” and all the rest of the crap, they are now making a 180 (they are experts at that!) and pleading for calm, peace and unity.

That ain’t going to happen.

Finally, a word to those who like to say that there is no difference between the Dems and the GOP, that this is all a fake conflict: friends, you are both right and massively wrong. You are right when you say that the DNC and the RNC are like indistinguishable twins. But what you are missing are two crucial things:

  1. Factions inside one party can actually go after each other much harder than against their common enemies. I think of the SS vs the SA in Nazi Germany or the Trotskysts vs the Stalinists in the Soviet Union and during the Spanish Civil war.
  2. But, even more crucially, this is not a contest between the Democrats and the Republicans, it is a contest between a “rejected outsider” and both the DNC and RNC!

Conclusion: not the RNC vs the DNC but the Deep State vs the Deep Country

A quick look at a map tells the story: this struggle is most one of the deep state vs the deep (real) country. Yeah, I know, Trump is hardly a miner from West Virginia or a farmer in Alabama. But that doesn’t matter one bit. What does matter is that the deplorables from the “overfly country” felt that Trump speaks for them and that he is all that stands between them and the (pseudo-) Liberals of CNN, the Antifa/BLM thugs and the destruction of the United States as we all knew them. And yes, this is a simplistic view, but it is fundamentally correct one nonetheless.


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catalin zt

Not an PAEDOPHILE exactly but an REGULAR anglo-saxon !


Why are you whinging about pedos when the Romanian economy is based on Romanians selling their kids to pedos if you Romanians don’t like pedos stop selling your kids to them.


shut up dog



Drivel … ya f/kn tool


What makes you think Biden is a pedo? Biden has never been accused of raping a thirteen year old girl like trump has.





johnny rotten

There is no deep state, it is just an excuse for the blind and ignorant, what is commonly and coveniently called deep state is none other than what was once called the bourgeoisie, the masters of central banks and their companies and funds, created by them and controlled in order to obtain their world government. They have replaced the noble aristocracies, they have absorbed them, they have created capitalism by grafting it onto colonialist imperialism and from the top of their mountains of paper that they call money they are ruining human life, but not only, on the entire globe. Only by chance do they belong to an ethnic group, which is also fictitious. The deep state is the red flag waved in front of the angry bull’s face, the masses of exploited, but their names and those of their henchmen are known, they are in plain sight no depth is able to hide them anymore.

Harry Smith

I think nobody replaced noble aristocracy. The old families still are controlling this world. They just invented Marxism to get rid of middle class, which dared to demand some extra rights since 18th century.


Zuckerberg / Bezos / Gates / Allen are not aristocrats … hello?

They are at the TOP of the 1% who own MORE THAN 70% of the wealth in the USA … hello?

Capitalism created these wealthy people …


Harry Smith

Yep, you are slowly approaching to understanding of neo-Marxism. In 20th century the most wealthy people joined the ruling elite. But still not these people but very old aristocratic families are controlling this world hiding in shadows of transnational corporations.


Old wealth / aristocratic wealth is/was based on LAND

The Bezos crowd buy land wherever they want … hello?

The aristocrats will be selling land to the capitalists …. full stop

Aristocracy is European concept …

Harry Smith

In 19th century, some guys from Teutonic order sold some assets like land and castles and organized a small chemicals production. They named the firm “Bayer”.


A Jewish newby freshman at Harvard created FaceBook …. he’s worth more

2 college dropouts created MICROSOFT, the Jew, Paul Allen and Bill Gates

Harry Smith

Yep, as I said before. In 20th century some of nouveau riche became a part of ruling elite. Parents of Zuckerberg are highly paid doctors, while parents Gates comes from a very famous family of lawyers. All these guys were rich before they got super wealthy.


While YOU remain super envious … eh?


Harry Smith

I am not envious. Just trying to explain you my point of view. BTW did you noticed that guys like Gates and Co handle their money like it is not in their possession. No gathering wealth for next generations but spending it on “socially valued projects” like spreading democracy or vaccination?


Yes … Gates / Buffet / Soros are using their wealth to support CAUSES of their choosing …

Your point?


What about the secret societies the illuminati etc? And what about the Jews that worship other gods. They have immense power and control over things.


Paranoia strikes deep into your mind it will creep It starts when you’re always afraid Step out of line The men come and take you away

JOOS … Jooz … JEws on the brain


Those Jews that run israel do not follow the old testament they follow the Babylonian books the Talmudic stuff they are the anti Christ and they are systematically destroying humanity.


Old Testament / Talmud ? lol

YOU’RE really f/k up with the b s you’ve been reading … lol



Ok you tell me what scriptures the people that run Israel follow?


You laugh at the Talmudic books at your own peril. Too many people have ignored what the most powerful people in the world follow.

Pave Way IV

Killing all ‘identified’ psychopaths won’t fix a damn thing. An unchallenged usurped state ensures and enables an endless new supply of them. Bourgeoisie is meaningless to me.

Psychopath-proof the state and you basically cut the nuts off the bourgeoisie. They can hole up in their gated communities and mansions and spend all day doing coke and impressing each other with their wealth. That’s no threat to me. The second they come sniffing around my government to exploit either it or it’s people, then they go straight into the woodchipper… slowly… feed-first.


Fargo? Is that YOU? lol

Pave Way IV

Yep. Psychopath Party today only! Free coke and hookers inside. Use secret entrance ‘fun chute’ marked by yellow arrow below. WheeeeEEeeee!



So … a keyboard basement dweller … hmm

Jealous of those who have something … eh?



So … you hate your dead-end job … eh?

Take online courses and get a credential … you won’t be any smarter but you could get a better paying job … you don’t sound entrepreneurial … eh?


Pave Way IV

Anyone looking at this from the outside needs to understand that U.S. elections are run by the individual states, not the federal government. In states controlled by the Democrat Party’ mafia, there is every incentive to cover up election fraud. Citizens have about as much chance of fixing their state governments by voting as they have a chance of fixing the federal government by voting – it’s a broken tool and it will never work. Nobody ever gets to ‘vote’ corruption away except in the movies.

The state vs. federal control/oversight of elections doesn’t have clear boundaries. Lawyers make their living arguing who is responsible for what. Nothing will change – the arguments will just get louder for a while. The U.S. Supreme Court has to consider state’s election rights/responsibilities (not just federal) because that’s part of our Constitution, too. Even if the Trump administration was willing to, they can’t just send the fed DHS jackboots into Michigan or Pennsylvania to ‘enforce’ a fair audit and/or recount. If a state Democrat Party machine is orchestrating or enabling fraudulent voting and that state’s citizens are unwilling to string up the corrupt officials, then there’s not much the federal government can do. Both parties have been milking the states’ rights argument to perpetuate corruption since the Constitution was signed.

Harry Smith

Lawyers make their living arguing who is responsible for what.

Just reminded me this https://youtu.be/gK9la2-vEyY

Magic Puro

With what you wrote in mind, do you think Trump has a chance for another term? Another question.. is he really against the psychopaths or just smoke mirror?

Pave Way IV

Trump vs.Deep State? Too close to call. So far, nothing burgers on election fraud. 10,000 ‘little people’ affidavits are meaningless to Democrat Party-controlled state courts. Fait accompli by time the Supreme Court does anything. The CIA’s backload election fraud server from Frankfurt would be golden, but it’s not clear if their minions grabbed it or Trump sent U.S. Mil and got it first. Backloading wipes audit trail on election databases (Dominion, Scytl, etc.) making audits of U.S. servers useless. Frankfurt ‘secret’ server would be lethal.

Trump isn’t really against psychopaths. He’s just for Trump. There’s just a lot of psychopaths conveniently positioned in front of his woodchipper now. Works for me if he sticks around, but that’s really not how the country should be run. I’ll take what I can get.

Magic Puro

Appreciate your feedback, thanks!

Fog of War

This whole election drama is just soap opera to keep both sides in suspense and immobile. The Dem side thinks it has won while the Trump supporters will just wait till the situation is ” resolved “, That could take months. Meanwhile the PTB will continue rolling out their plans. We’re all being played.


So … months?

What happens on January 21st in Washington?

No Biden inauguration?

PTB are rolling out what plans? lol

Damien C

This is just fucking embarrassing,

Georgi was a Republican state with a Republican Govenor with a Republican in charge of the electoral count. It was applauded for it transparancey with equal observers from both the Dem Party and Rep Party. Many of the counts had 24/7 cctv which was viewable at anytime online with the ability to zoom in.

Stop being fucking snowflakes … You had a briliant turn out for your guy 71 million but it wasn’t enough because the majority of Americans think he’s a moronic asshole and 75 million turned in ballot papers against him.

You lost fair and square now deal with it! If there was even a semblance of anything untowards it would be all over Fox news and the rest of the world media. There is no proof … nothing … Nada … Ziltch ignore the ramblings of hearsy horseshit from looney-tune sites

FACT .. In the history of the USA there have only been 6 cases proven of organised electoral fraud … in all 6 cases it was Republicans caught with their hands in the cookie jar


Damien, you are the embarrassment to both your parents and the country. The great men and woman that created this country wrote a constitution that has checks and balances and you want to decide the election as opposed to allowing the process to play out. Oh little damien wants what he wants when he wants it and otherwise he is embarASSed. For pump lead into your brain.


Trump LOST … snowflake

catalin zt

Nothing to expect from this capitst fascist anglo-saxonzionist SCUM ! The ONLY way the Nations of the World to achieve future, prosperity, cooperation,love between people of the Nations,etc is to NUKE and LEVEL all anglo-saxons “nations” plus israHell and finish this World GARBAGE forever!!!! Amen!



Ivan Freely

overfly country

It’s called the Heartland, not flyover.

Nuno Cardoso da Silva

Partition is the answer. The “red” states with Texas as their leader secede and form the United American Republic. The “blue” states of the East Coast form a Federation, and the “blue” states on the West Coast form another independent federation. In that way everybody will be happy, starting with all of us who are not American…


The US is a federation … hello?


When the Dems are attacking Russia they are speaking in code they are really attacking Israel but don’t have the guts to do it properly. Israel is behind the smears on the democrats because they want trump in power he is their man their chosen one. And you seem to praise Guiliani when don’t you remember he played a key role in covering up 911 for the forces of evil. Ànd he crushed the Italian mob on behalf of the Russian mob which is really the Jewish Israeli mob those Russian mobsters are all Jews so israeI now controls organised crime in america thanks Rudy.


Wow … it’s so easy understanding the World … eh?

It’s the yids / Jews / Israeli Mob = Russian Mob

Oh yes and 9/11 … the coverup?

Who did 9/11 roland?


You are the one pretending to know everything fuckwit so you tell me who did 911?


Saudi Jihadis/Islamists … backed by OBL


Wow what fucking world do you live in? Those dopey Muslims would not have a hope in hell of pulling something like that off. Let me let you in on something dickhead the media which is where you got your information from, is there for one reason and one reason only it’s foisted upon us through televisions and computers to get people to think in the wrong way. And it’s worked very well in your case.



This is the 3rd time … you’ve failed to give an answer?



It was the secret societies illuminati freemason and they stem from aspects of judaism. It goes back to Babylon. freemason im led to believe follow the Talmudic scriptures so do a lot of Jews. Order through caos.


And it’s those secret societies that run the intelligence agencies. That is the deep state.

cechas vodobenikov

obviously a monarchy is more free and just than amerika


Good article. The “deep state vs deep country” observation is spot on. There will be no reconciliation between the Dems and the deep country. Its obscene, beyond ironic, to hear the Dems ask that the Trump supporters get behind Biden, after four years of “he’s not my President”, impeachment and endless resistance. Those 72 million Trump supporters are motivated and armed. They can be manipulated and marginalized by the corporate giants who control communications but they can’t and won’t be enslaved. The courts will sort this out. If Trump emerges on top the anarchist left will go berserk in all the large Dem controlled cities on the east and west coast. The deep country will not notice anything, except on tv.


Ya say ya want a revolution Well, you know We all want to change the World

But when you talk about destruction Don’t you know that you can count me out John Lennon

Trump lost … by both the popular vote and by the electoral college

Saker is full of sh Xt

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