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The Democrats Plan For Ukraine Is: They Don’t Have A Plan

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The Democrats Plan For Ukraine Is: They Don’t Have A Plan

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Written by Uriel Araujo, PhD, anthropology researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts

Amid the Democratic National Convention (DNC), Kamala Harris has pledged to “stand strong with Ukraine and our NATO allies.” With the upcoming US presidential elections, all eyes are on the Democratic nominee Kamala Harris and on the Republican one Donald Trump. If one is to believe the (overwhelmingly pro-Ukrainian) Western press, the Republic candidate will just “abandon” Ukraine altogether thus ensuring its defeat, while the Democrats in turn will do everything they can to “save” the Eastern European country. Things are quite more complex than that, of course.

Firstly, and it is always important to highlight that, the US-led West bears, at the very least, a large part of responsibility for the ongoing crisis in Ukraine since 2014 – arguably most of it.

Secondly, Trump is no “pro-Russia agent” at all – and no “peacemaker” either.

And now to the Democrats. Starting with Kamala Harris, she famously described the conflict in Ukraine as “Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that’s wrong.” Beyond this fourth-grade vocabulary utterance, Harris does not have much to offer on the issue, and on any other issue, for that matter. If the incumbent President Joe Biden no longer has had a clear picture of anything due to a senile dementia related condition (which the White House administration conspired to cover up), Harris in turn seems to similarly have no clear picture about most topics – for whatever reason.

Of course, Harris’ much mocked remarks on Ukraine, made in 2022, shortly after the current Russian military campaign began, were her way of responding (a little too literally) to a radio show host guest request to break it down “in layman’s terms”. Be it in layman’s terms or not, she has had not much to say on the matter beyond the usual clichés. With a plethora of her inscrutable aphorisms going viral, much has been made of the Democrat’s nominee logorrhoea (which could indeed be a sign of psychological and neurological disorders, according to experts), but the deeper issue is that the Democrat party itself does not seem to have a plan.

Emma Ashford (senior fellow with the Reimagining U.S. Grand Strategy program at the Stimson Center), and Matthew Kroenig (senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security) have both recently questioned whether Harris has a foreign policy at all. To be honest, the Democratic Party 2024 policy platform does seem to pivot back to Europe (and partially away from the Pacific trend started by Hillary Clinton), but does not offer much more concrete clues beyond that.

As I wrote before, Washington’s foreign policy often reminds one of the swing of a pendulum. More often than not, it oscillates between the notion of “countering” either Russia or China – sometimes attempting to accomplish both things at the same time, as we have seen with  Joe Biden’s dangerous “dual containment” approach.

One thing we can infer from the Democrats platform is that they want to exert much pressure on Russia without engaging in talks and without worrying that much about their own transatlantic allies (we’ve all seen how post-Nord Stream is going, energy-wise). This is no recipe for any kind of peace.

Stephen M. Walt (a Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University) says that focusing excessively on official presidential platforms is a misplaced endeavor, arguing instead that, on foreign policy, when it comes to key decisions, the real power lies with “a small inner circle of aides and appointees.” Walt remarks on how the Republican platform is “vague to the point of uselessness”, while the Democratic one, albeit “long, earnest, wonkish, and kind of boring”, “doesn’t tell you all that much about what Harris will do if she’s elected.”

I’ve written before on the topic of the “secret government”, as the  Boston Globe called it in 2014. Michael J. Glennon, international law  scholar, calls it a “double government”, with an almost self-governing national security and defense apparatus operating without much accountability. John Kerry famously stated that much of it just runs “on auto-pilot”. In any case, one should not take the notion too literally. A strong President, for good or bad, can obviously leave his or her imprint on the course of foreign policy – up to a certain extent, at least.

However, the declining American empire has been short of such strong leaders, to the point of it even being unclear who currently governs or has governed the country for the last couple of years. And the global environment today is quite challenging. American Foreign policy on the auto-pilot (if that has been the case) gave us an unbalanced US-funded state of Israel committing genocide and setting the Middle East ablaze, a crisis in the Red Sea (which is a spill-off of the latter), unprecedented rising frictions with China over the issue of Taiwan and, of course, a disastrous unwinnable war in Eastern Europe. Simply put, a declining overstretched superpower is scary enough – but an overburdened superpower with no plan is nightmarish.


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Conan M

and russia’s “plan”?… “putin avoids ‘kursk trap’ as his troops poised to take pokrovsk”… coupled with “business as usual selling to vandals, thieves, torturers and murderers “europe still buying russian gas, despite sanctions”???…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

first one) i completely understand as a good strategy given where russia has allowed itself to be after 10 years. second one)?… why would you (allow yourself to sell) to the terrorist killing your people and destroying your property and your resources under any exchange and for any reason???? and “please” for anyone on here… tell me how that un seat and veto power is working out for them?????

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

the un was a creation of the royal ibstute of international affairs the pope is the rule of law over it and only catholicism is given a seat there. russias orthodox.

Conan M

regardless of the “hip boots and spade” in your statement (more affiliated to the rothschild(s)) and the j**i$h mafia. time for russia to take over the financial system and realign it again with something that has been absent ever since the un came into existence, that is “price discovery” in open markets….

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

if they can build world class state of the art space ships and military hardware they have the ability to build world class financial markets restoring integrity to them that has been absent in a fiat world ever since wwii!… or does the russian federation like the current western model too much to give it up?!!!

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

crime is the second most profitable business in the world. peace and truth aren’t terribly conducive to stimulation of flows.


putins said years ago sweet cheeks that he wants a world ruled by multipolarity all from the un and he wants digital currencies and block chain its old news like his family tree which were firmer tsars of russia.


former.probably firmer then too

Conan M

“putins said years ago sweet cheeks that he wants a world ruled by multipolarity all from the un and he wants digital currencies and block chain its old news ” you just finished it -right there! lets hope that a nuclear escalation doesn’t ruin that “multipolarity party” with digital currencies and block chains?…. we already know who controls the pm… and it ain’t in fort knox!

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

and for what it’s worth… putin never said that…


your hilarious who pays you?

Conan M

no one. now tell me who made a retired kgb officer a $multi-billionaire 30 years after he retired?… and why is he and most of his “official government” still fascinated in being part of that western economic doctrine?….

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

here’s a clue geneva, switzerland: “where satan dwelleth” (revelation 2:13) you tube. switzerland established by the knights template catholics who invented banking the swiss where schwab s born and raised and the vatican’s sister city.

Conan M

so you’re saying the the russian federation’s government is still controlled by the western cabal and will do almost anything to remain in it even at the expense of it’s own peoples?

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

sanctions caused millions upon millions of greeks abd protestants to be starved to death in ww2. they aren’t the word of god. satan is the great deceiver. “god does nothing in secret” the bible join the dots ss

Conan M

i smell a $hyl0ck in that statement!… so you’re a fan of the imf and world bank that took those poor sods hanging on for dear life after the hand that destroyed them “built then back up”” in their own image through the continued rape, theft and murder of their sovereignty through the issuance of “loan guarantees” that have kept all of them in indentured western banking servitude ever since?!!!

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

you’ve no idea at all.

Conan M

you’ll have to do better than that.


derping nonsense is all he’s got.. fortunately were not here to speed date or we’d really have to lower our standards the same way mossad has in hiring shills for shekles…fake derps for fake shekles…


the plan is more dead gentiles. that’s what jews do when they rule over you. they’ll gladly arrange the deaths of gentiles.

Last edited 6 months ago by Paul

wakey wakey the plan is to have the pope as the global rule of law nb ww1 and ww2 virtually no involvement from the catholic nations. who died? the lutherans and church of e gland and the orthodox and the jews and if millions upon millions of them hadn’t then the vatican’s alleged billion catholics would be totally dwarfed into ibsignifance.


down votes from the alter brigade bots still on their knees typical


not really, we down vote you cause it’s easier than slapping you in the back of the head for all the dumbass sh!t you keep masterbating through your keyboard…


this bed wench harris tether would be beaten to death by the white supremacists of the following organizations: ss aidar, ss kraken, wolfsangel (aka azov), waffen ss nachtigal (who are now in kursk killings civilians), leibstandarte ss adolf hitler, right sektor – all of them hate mongrels mestis like her, and all of them are leading the ukrainian government and military. all of them funded by the us and eu tax payers


war is the most profitable business on earth you need to grow up without wars and the rumours of wars then this whole planet would be insufferably overcrowded by now. it would be a nightmare. reality is not a fairy story.


the u.s. plan is blood, deaths and debt and arms selling. for both, republicans and democrats. it doesn’t matter who is in charge after the elections as the deep state – swamp rules. russia plan is clear. drink vodka, make shit, fuck girls. russia is the 2nd most corrupted country right after ukraine. ukraine plan is clear as well. shoot their own legs, then scream russia did it, we need help. i say, fck them all.


wow you need to get more information for a staet black rock runs the military industrialists portfolios not the government the senators do have their fanilies heavily invested in warfare because rome was built by senators compliance too. the biggest weapons factories are english roots raytheon boeing lockheed and the secret dark horse in the race is england’s british aerospace enterprises, something like that bae .


democrats or republicans. the neocon half-wittedness is bi-partisan. both parties have decimated and cannibalized the economy to their own detriment. they are truly foolish.

Professore Saviano

how many more billions can be sent to ukraine and israel? especially as the petrodollar is under attack. how will they continue to prop up israel in the future? as you mentioned the corruption and taxpayer grift has cannibalized the us economy. and this is not due to one party. both parties are equally culpable despite republicans being the party of supposed “fiscal responsibility.”

Last edited 6 months ago by Professore Saviano

as many as rothschilds can print


they’re employees of the vatican they work for the pope


the bank of england runs the global banking psyop


wake up they’ve plundered and profited pelosis been the most “successful” trader on the planet per dollar . you don’t understand the basics they serve the pope all catholics serve the pope or else theyre excommunicated, thrown to the wolves just like vigano has been as americas cardinal.

The Court Jester

that must be what putin likes about cameltoes, other than her infectious laugh of course.


he’s playing the game he’s a lawyer all lawyers admitted to the bar have sworn an oath of loyalty to the sovereign which is the pope really that’s how globalisation works

2 Party Democracy

the democrat party is just a mafia implementing globalist ambitions while making a lot of money for themselves. they are followers and front men and women with little or no capacity for leadership. ukraine is nothing but a means of of attempting economic defeat on russia whom they consider a globalist rival. while americans are just more victims they can exploit.


yes because the mafia is just another word for catholics

Skip 59

“’the enemy’s goal was to make us nervous and worry and to transfer troops from one sector to another and stop our offensive in key areas, primarily in the donbas’, mr. putin said at the conference. ‘did it work or no? no’. […] ‘the enemy weakened itself in key areas, and our troops accelerated offensive operations’. […] ‘most importantly, no actions are taking place to contain our offensive’, he added.”

Funeral Flowers

trump was once again introduced by miriam adelson, who declared he will “save the jewish people.” a video highlighted trump’s record as “the most pro-israel president in us history,” who will “crack down on anti-semitism.” trump then praised miriam as an “incredible person” 🤮🤮🤮


trumpo is the world’s biggest shabbos goy. no one can match him when it comes to grovelling to jews. he’s just like a whore, only more expensive.


oh i don’t know i see plenty of grovellors on social media all trying ever eo hard hard to be approved .


hes a baptist i think he’s not jewish but his daughter is married to a jew so he has strong family values and he will protect his family

Edgar Zetar

all roads are misguided all paths leads to war, they have been prepared this nonsense since the u.s.s.r collapse. they think they are so exceptionals, so enlighten and they will push the centuries agenda of agentur. it’s a shame they are so close to achieve their machiavellic plans. trumps is a blind american, the civil domain of the us empire, and the us empire is made of sword and soldiers not of citizens.

Skip 59

the other scenario that concerns me is that putin is the only person holding back world war iii. with this insane invasion of russia by ukraine at the direction of nato, the intended consequence, or pretend unintended consequence, is the overthrow of putin by the hardline russian neocons. this year, 2024, is a directional change for russia. even if electing trump with rfk, we could still have a war if they overthrow putin.


no hes not gish you lot just don’t pay attention he’s going to war on china that’s the trade off either way catholics for russias riches or trump for china’s otherwise they would have just bumped him off properly


american marinete

Edgar Zetar

us neocons and the civil domain red and blue teams are nonsense. no matter what team win, the strategic approach will be the same. the neocons of us empire just wanted to remove from earth as many russians as they can using proxies and puppets. then enslave russian land and resources, remove the russian father and then put the “head of the snake” in their place. so little russian childrens will be abused for eternity in the name of the exceptionals.

Edgar Zetar

develop new approaches to deal with the neocons of us empire and their lackeys… or you will be history and will become just like us, a simple colony ruled by the king of the lesser domains “the head of the snake” and their priests


the romaoffs wers 70 % danish. genetically join the dots nationalism is a huge blinder to reality.

Edgar Zetar

so, your comment was about genetics and nationalism. are you a two fingers forehead? who cares the genetics of the romanoffs? your reality is a two neurons world, i guess you watched too many propaganda, burgers and psyop have destroyed your brain for sure.


the dem-o-rats plan is to do whatever their big jew donors tell them to do. and to get down on their hands and knees and queue up to lick nutteryahoo’s boots. trumpo and the republicans are totally different – their plan is to get down on their hands and knees and kiss nutteryahoo’s arse. bootlicking donkeys and buttkissing elephants.


black rock funds the catholics democratic party playennersabd black stone funds the republican party teamsters


hahaha haha hahahaha that’s the funniest story telling i’ve ever seen reported in any outlet since the month before pearl – harbour the readers digest reported on why the japanese will never attack it.


the dummasscraps plan is keep snorting cocaine, fiddling children and trafficking money and organs in ukraine


as is well known cackle can’t form a plan if her life depends on it. but otherwise knows what to do when on her knees!


after the s’election’ the bankers will tell them what the plan is… they don’t need a plan.


“the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” robert burns


post ww2 the british empire started to contract, the american empire i predict will start to do the same, and the us military is in dire trouble with recruitment or retaining the people it has.

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